Toronto prodnce prices were chianged Monday. Butter trading c tinued exceptionally quiet and N Ontario solide held at 19% cce with No 2 grade of 185; cents the retail trade, No 10 creame prinfs were 2254 cente, with No wrade at 22 cent« Toronte wae the only majer Cana dian live stock market to report : price decline in hcon hous Treaday Montrea) was mmchinged. while Win nipeg closed generally steady [fog â€" prices closed 25 cenfte . pet ewt. Jower, Toronto.. Bacons «old @ »7 fLob. $2.32 off track and $7.7 weighed off ciars Sows closed it $5.75 per ewt Butchers, lishts and teeders sold at a diecount of $1. witl heaviee ind cnlle $1.50 per head. Se lecte brought the usnal $1 premium Packers‘ bids in early Oruding wer TORONTO BACON HOGS DECLINED 25 CENTS OUTSIDE POINTS OFF Toronte wae the only majer Cana dian live stock market to report a price decline in hcon hous Treaday Montrea) was mmchinged. while Winâ€" nipeg closed wenerally steady [fog | prices closed 25 cente pert ewt. Jower, Toronto. Bacons sold at »7 Lo.b $7.35 off truck and $7.75 weighed off ciars Sows closed at $5.75 per ewt Butchers, lishts and teeders sold at a diecount of $1. with per k Barri vious eenle mich Shee Do HOG veils Common to m« Grassers Hoge, hacon, 1 0 bo.. off truck: Do., off cars Good ewes ind CowWs, Do . Do . Canner Bulls, Do. stocke lt Veul calves were ste light trading. Choice q sold at $7. with a fev $7.50 per ewt. The bulk wold between $5 and $7 Good ewes and wethe firm at $5.75 per cwt ridiged from $4.75 so $5 unchanged at $2.50 to lightewes. Culls closed per cwl. Do Milker wlves Quotations : Fteers. up to 1,050 lhe good and choice Do.. _ medinm Do., common Steers, over 1,050 The good and choice" Do.. medium Do... commion U PToronto, Sept. 26. ~Btocker cattle met active buying at steady prices on the Torontolive stock market Tuesdiay Other grades of cattle, however, were draggy and approximâ€" utely 900 head were unsold al the close. Prices were firm with the preâ€" vious day‘s finish Veal calves, sheep and â€" lambs â€" were unchanged Reâ€" ceipts â€" included â€"1.060 cattle, 560 calves and 1,680 sheap and lambs Butcher cattle sold pteadily at $2.25 to $4.25° according to â€" weight and quality,. A few commonâ€"toâ€"mediam weighiiiy steers brought $3. to $4. Hutcher cows ranged from $1.75 to $2.50.. Canners brought $1 per cWl. Heifers moved at $3 to $4.25. Good bulls sold â€"at $2.25 to $2.75, with boâ€" lognas $1.75 to $2 per cwt. Fed calves ranged from $5 to $7. Good stocker cattle brought $2.65 to $%, with common quality: downward to PAGE EIGHT Trading Was (.‘gnera_]l;_/ .Slow LATEST MARKET STOCKER CATTLE FIRM AT UNION STOCK YARD rekere cent L0 dte Bacon how follo ws Do Do Do Do eifers. choice Do.. d Do a xt cal Do 0 THE WY SNIDER MILLING Coâ€" Phone 239 On Most Grades of Live Stock.â€"Hogs $7.00 F.O.B. is DOWN 50¢ close; _ Kitchene lower over a wee off truck, unchang unchanged, and I inged um bws . medium . Imeks . ells . breavies . good light culls Produce Results COST LESS and are FRESH MILLED SNIDER‘S Laying Mash * (Special) " ** " Growing ** . .. mediumn . common calves. @0 hoice . SNIDER‘S Quality ul calves were steady in fairly trading. Choice quality vealers at $7. with a few tops up to per ewt. ‘The bulk of the supply bet ween $5 and $7 xd ewes and wether lambs were at $5.75 per ewt. Other grades PRODUCE MARKET good common . ro and fee ers, good commeoi ©o and spring good ind chs meditm good : medium common s and cutters SPECIAL PRICE OFF CAR bids in early below Mondity ipts totalled ! Ire wood is cold at ourtside poitte London. $7.10, 10 cente low the previoue close; 25 cents below the pre i0 Kitchener, $7.10, 50 over a week azo;) Hull good ind Now Unloading Car Salt Scratch Grain . . "_ 200 Chick Sceratch . . . . " 2.25 Pairy Feed . . . " 1.85 Pig Grower . . . " 1.95 Calf Meal . at 75¢ per 25 lbs. AT KITCHENER | l'l‘lr{xl $E’| to $7. Good brought $2.65. to $3, quality downward to 1 wether dn EE D S ud 8 P E. C J A L s wore n trading conâ€" t and No. 1 19% â€" cents i conts. To 1â€" creamery )ther g1 Sheep $3 for it $1 to 1 40 0000 «.00 cloxing |« heid L. 00 200 .50 DO m )n D «o;. Hull. stratford rhore. €7 00 10 0 10 i0 Limited $1 were ades were good uU 00 un i0 (1 )0 it thesit it( duee. trom . Ure: Ririme. â€" MueAto imade their appearance for the time since. the: drought. . Prices mained practically. unchanged qnotations werte as follows: Kegs: were 28 to 30c per do butter was mp to 25e per Tb ; be 20c a basket, cabbage Seoa head. dercry ronnd In to Eie Pork _1 loinâ€" chop hreiud ces ritoes 15 and 25c a basket, onious 20e a@ hasket. beans 20c a chasket emall eneumbere 50e a basket, toma toes 15e a basket, hubbard squash Ihe each. pmmpkina 2 to Te each, marrow, 10c each, apples 15 to 20¢ a basket. canfiflower 10e each, sreen peppers 206 n basket, celery, two bunches 15¢,‘ green . tomatoos Te a basket, plums 40e a hasket, corn 10e w dozen, pears 0c a basket, apple butter 25e a pint, 10c in quart, melotic three for 1e Meate â€" Boiling beef. 4 to Se, shoul Veal Stewing o veal 100 to 2e, choulder couste 120 to l be, rolled roasts 16e, rump rowste 146. steak roausts 23¢ Smoked meats Mams 24¢, cottage rolle 24¢, picnic hams 20¢, breakfact hacon. sticed, 38¢, piece, 28¢, etmmer Veal choulde roikeles vousis dner nad Patrons at Ure Prex sauturday . Curbred out bere to purchase the dnee~ rom â€"Oreâ€" Yarme Produce (By Parrish & Following are quotationg on 1 wcetions for car CLt. bay ports: Manitoba who corl w hrear to 279 n \l Nortern No Wheat: No Northern, 82 iiHigc: No. 4 63010 feed. to $19 $17: . Hens, over 5 lbe 4 to 5 lbs. 3 to 4 lbe 3 to 344 s Old roosters Spring chickens: Over 6 lbe. 5 to 6 lbs. . 41!, to 5 Ibe. 1 to 454 lbs 3%% to 454 lbs ue £2 Selling Prices Unitedâ€" Farmens Coâ€"Operative C« Tuesdayâ€" were offering. producta 1 ‘etail dealers at the following prices Eegeâ€" Grade "A", large cartom He; grade "A", large, loose, #1e} "A medium. $0¢: "R", J6c; "CO. 2e Butter No 1 creamery, print Buying Prices United Farmers Coâ€"Operative Co Tuesday werye paying the following prices for produce Egge Grade "Al". d through associations, 38¢; case returned, "A" large medium, 24¢; "B", 196; " Butterâ€"Ontario No. 1 19%¢; No. 2 19)%¢ Prices to fanmers for the "A" large > LE exge, cases returned, were 26 cents Butter and Egg Prices Hold Firm at und the medium were quoted at 25¢ 28 Cents and 22 Cents (By United Farmers _ â€" d Respectively. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS .| GRADED EGG PRICES Doronto deilers Tuesday were piy nz the following prices for wriuded wigs. cases. free: Grade "AU Lurke, 7 to 28e; grade "A" mediim. 25 to Ke: gtade "C". 18¢ Mamnitoba _ barley No 3 c, No 4 CW., filtye. Argentine corn. $1.01 Ontuario wrain, approximate teh shipping point â€" Wheat, njoodls, 35 to 38e; barley Hi d it 80 to Sbe: ryic 35 to aie reat 35 to 38ez miatdhing hard \ No Poultry eate â€" Boiling beef, 4 to 5e, shoul pousts S to He, round steak 1he, nl steak roumts Tc, sirloin efeik porterhouse «teik l6e, front euts, mitoba LW l feed mitoba Hay and Straw o. 2 timothy hay, baled, ton, $18 19; No. 3 timothy hay. ton, $15 to " straw, wheat, baled, ton, $10; straw, $8 to $8, WINNIPEG CASH PRICES WATERLOO, ONT. No Pjehic (Quulu(lnnn it cetite ) neats Mams 24¢, cottage cnic hams 20¢, breakfact . 38¢, piece, 28¢, anmmer a pound ville 1658 oitts per 100 lbs. _ at $2.20 20 t 0 2.35 heat N Northern T: / No 1 hnd 84 Mc: No 2 Northern, 76 62%e;â€" No hams 17¢, loing 23¢, fresh eauiedge 22 c. fresho uen romsts REPOQRTS ®ruit Prices Lower Heimbecker d + Tuesday‘s c Foronto wrain lots, prices on al Â¥1 1Â¥ each, grood isket, celery, d wo n tomatoocs Te i a hbasket, corn 10¢ c oaâ€" basket, apple Oe i quart, melony t« PIGOs Coâ€"Operative Co No ton mutthet of in fanke uen fresh Tall pro .0 Muehroome sCPecI N t tS Live Dressed N« Ni No reslon 14 11 10 17 "C . Hhr: 1. ereamery perâ€" dozen, [b , hbecte i head. po in â€" curtois y and with o $6e. "A" Wl 193 sed, i; No Northern u: No 1 durinm Ae: No t Northern Northern p ind d losina Thike bae is C230 tirst Th p W t« ti1 Simd M Numd Mrâ€"Sim defheribasy Mre: Davie H Mi id Moessre Widem td Ho Coppsty Mi Lamily W W Attend Funeral Mc ind Ns Emmencon â€" Mud Personals \1 Jo \ slhow Mro Loiis d with Mi ently Mir ind W M Spendin M deiae Kitchener Market Is Thronged With Eager Buyers.â€"Butter, Exz and Meat Prices Firm. PRODUCE IN _ DEMAND ON SATURDAY vents; â€" blood s summer | siusapd ham, 18 cents; cents; beef, from pork. 15 to 20 + Veretubles cabbage, 5 radishes, 5 to 5 cents a bu cents a head; a bunch ; care rhubarh, oc Seoa dish, mm The following were the quotaâ€" tions furmished by the Chronicle reporter. Eggs, 24 to 25¢ per doz.; butter, 23e a Th.; head cheese, 1%¢ per lb. M Sum U SNIDER‘S CORNERS \ \T \I uts a Dasket Potatoecs so umphins, 5 jckling cucu aulifiowers, Wt ntrnu porlis t Meut poun puiunt Fruit er aind 1} Hiubsetrer ie Admed Lt MÂ¥ t.o w Cild Th it with MWary e ced Mre BC c avith friend At Local Market Sh n f1 Miirtin M\ Mi \lh Ih hly i Rriudin ntâ€" Sund Snider a antz Ma M Ind \I ucumber s 10 b Fresh p smoked J Hrox YATTON Plum loups h wrot \i mthod Riondin Wary ne Snide to 10 cents cue bunch; lettuce Respectively ( ield the ined at Howing l by th l \I Id \ Grove anad Mroaind ind family of near Sety, 15 to 20 cent , five cents a buneh bunch, â€" Saverkraut apple butter at 1i phâ€"Sni brivad M \ to 30 cents. . pork sausage, 18c d pork sausage, 20 usuge, 20 cents; y 23 rints: fresh smoked ham. 20 lay with Mr ind Mi ind Purnips, . i 10â€" cents; cents each o u0 d 10 1‘ Snmyder epent ADVBRTISE YOUR SALR IN THB c Peel CHRONICL®:; IT PAYB 13 W ln\ the Snvd I it \) \Mi ind an n U d the: Misso ITinw keeesvill . Hoss Sulls Admedic Nt ldved Miirbin \Ulmeda â€" Mar 6O L \ snider, \Mr Mre â€" David vith friends h Mi Mirbin ‘erlts cent 11 lire h U h awhl 10 me of Mr weres MÂ¥ adtod M 14 Conmtried with . Mi {X rh di acfin a their s Maitin Mre Kl Koy Brn mana hn iâ€" Snide home of MA ! on \ 10 th THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE mb he «pent Ai t each ; winter vmions, to 10 5 cents vied( and \rs to Hei W wit! h \i ( p u'h; and lrex in ul lh IM i1 tE Nitchener Martin of nings was irressive hostess sa tbout fwe A Te \n enjoyable evening was held list Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tobins Bowman of Kitchener in honour of Mrs. Elam Martin of Bergland, Ont, The eveâ€" nings was spent in playing proâ€" ressive crokinole and bunco. The M Mart in M+s. 2 Ay1 Sunday o\ Mr.and M Mr. ind M Floradiate, â€" Personals. Mro ind Mi d the hone enee Wismer Su i U Gluady â€" Phisna Mr. h hardt Miss Mirs. Ida Wismer U vodaughter, Mrs. Herh Wismer and tv. Wismer, Miss Mary Brubacher of Elmdale pent Sunday with her friend, Miss uce Cressman, Misses Violet and Elsic Martin nd Masters Clare, James and Paul pent Sunday at the home of Mr. nd _ Mrs. Neil Wanner, Mrs. Herb, Wismer and daughter efyt spent an week with relative«s Mr. and Mrs. Jack Seip and daughâ€" ter Mum@rvt of ‘Toronto spent the weekend with Miss Kate Seip. Rev. A. A. Laing took Mr. Springâ€" er‘s services in Alma. Mrâ€" and. Mrs. Joe Huwhn of Kitchâ€" ener spent Sunday with Mr. and ‘Mrs. Matt. Hahn a Mr. and Mrs. Terecotz of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr and Mre. Matt Hahn Mrâ€" and Mrs. Ed Koebel of Toronto spenl | Sunday with Mr.ognd Mrs Herb Kitte \i Mac Missâ€"Maxdalen Koebel of Waterâ€" loo sbent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. lt Koebel Mrs. J. Stemmler‘ is spending a week with friends in Waterloo, Miss G Redmond is spending the weekcend at her home in Auburn Miss Miller and her pupils of the pubile school of 8.8. No. 4, enjoyed i comn roast on the school grownds Thureday evening. After which they all enjoyed the lovely moonlight evening l)lil_\’lllg a mes. Mo.J. Warren returned to Toronto altor relieving Mr. Glen MeVaugh, who returned from his two weeks‘ altor relieving who returned ( holidays. Miss M. Moir at hor home in Mro and Mrs Anniversary Services. Annui Mi ent earl w A Lary ended turdiay mald n ent. SNut rmer‘s ithanied Mi \I un Ai M uind Mire Mo nl Mi \Mi \I Mrc. d Mi \ \1 Kitchener Mic« Viola: B i in Kitchener Miss Norma ent The . week s C Sehineten U Mi Mr mdin i nd roand Mrs. Lloyd Snider called i home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarâ€" Wismer on Sunday afternoon. nday virators at the home of ind Mrs, Neif Wanner were Mr. Mis. Addison Buuman and sons mard â€" and â€" Melvin and â€" Miss t~â€" Baunman of â€" Btmira, Miss w ind Mrs. Wagner of Roseâ€" and Mrs. Knechtel and daughâ€" Murgaret ofâ€" Kitchener. spent y at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wianner. Mi Mi 1 h ce th U hn i1 U s epent ind Mirs .. Haly hecsebmon ind Mie : MWall d sunday in town atid Mrs. Schul Mn l lny visitors at the home of d Mrs, Simon Martin were: id Mis. _ Ansonâ€" Martin _ of ile, Mr. _ and Mrs. Simeon of Heidelberg and Mr. and aron Kolb of Kitchener. ind Mrs. Roy Snider and song and â€" Murray of Waterloo Nunday atthe home of the s parents, â€" Mr.â€" and Mrs tel Snider, Lohn Richl of New Hamburg cfew days at the home of nds Hom H1 d 6h id orn cnd Beatrice: Gascha of Kitchâ€" ent the weekâ€"end with her Reta: Cressman. Alfred Forwell of Kitchener s George Reide! of Heidelâ€" entâ€" Sunday afternoon with Batuman of St. Jacobs and ward â€"Bauman ofRummel< Hamburg. Betty _ Easton spent . the l at the home of her par \ and Mrs. Tom Easton, nt September sescion of the fifth court was Aeld in Sehitutts â€" Monday, Sept, 24th,. Judke ‘of Stratford presided ‘ter‘s Lutheran congregation, L. ohbserved its anmmilt Harâ€" ome â€" Festival on â€" Sunday o with un larke: attendance,. mc wiaes decorated â€"with all erent . fruits and. vegetables as all kinds of Howers pt 26 and 27th the Hanover e will hold its fall sewsion cher‘s Lutheran Church, Rev. iltz. pastor. An English ser 11 heâ€" held on â€" Wednesday, thoat Sopams at which time & spent in playthg proâ€" crokinole and hbunco. The erved on dninty lunch to enly five invited guests, e onumber from the vicinity the â€" Galtâ€" Fall Fair on anfternoun. STRASBURG (Cihboms V doMrs:â€"Ed. Burlett of Kiteh: nt Sundav at the home of yable evening anjorie . wnd . Jean . Besse nday in Atwood Aiment and friend of New cpent sSundiay with Mins K H Mis. Rert George .R pont Sunmdiry \i LINWOOD \ \irs. Jolhin Doerbecker of alted at the home of Mica week ow heter Gibboue Vrs. J. W. Burnett and aâ€"day last week with s Stewart of Belwood. MeLcon ofâ€" Kitchener days last week with Mr rh Kittel Burnel Kitte ofâ€" Kitchener end at ler home Einmanuel Lackner re Sunday visitore in Schultz spent TÂ¥ in Kitchener . Bertâ€" Mundell, orge â€" Richardson Simiday ad J W spent the weekâ€"end Peeswater. J. Wo Burnett and Schilueter of Doon with cher_ mother, of New Hamburg ut the home of Herb Wismer and ofâ€" ‘Toronto is is with â€" Miss «t which time Detroit will de epent last Rri W Bur Genily Dhurs held Mr ol Mr caled Friday Mro ind Mrec Chris. Jantzl of Wil mot Centre and . Afrâ€" and Mrs:fohn Kipfer of Poole: vieited on Sundiy with ‘Mre C Kennel Voouend Miwâ€"â€" Arch: Seignerc and tamily of Moorefeld spent Sunday Cochshult stngle. plow ; Sâ€"section iron harrow; 2 dise harrows; land rolfer; â€" seutffer; â€" root â€" pulper; 6 horsepower gas engine; Elmira cutâ€" (ting hox; roller chopper; fanning ‘null with bagger; Champion threshâ€" y‘in;,'; machine with straw and chaff !hlu\\'\-l'; seale 1000 Tbs. cap.; scale Uf tons eap.: 2 hav rucks: 2 sets Onâ€" Saturday. Sept. 15th, MroAr thie Joim Schneider, «on of Mroand \rs.â€" Peter| Sehneider of mear Mil verton, . was mifed in marriage to Verna Lucinda, sesond daughter of Mr. and (Mrec Wo J Cook of Kingâ€" Woog _ The young couple have the beet wishes of the community for a long and happy wedded life Successful Operation. Friends of Mr. Tom Freeborn will be pleased to hear that he wae able to return home from the Kâ€"W. hos pital last: Wedneeday, where he wae operated on for goitre Work wae comment biokdge on the siderond wood last. week Personals. Schneider.Cook Nuptials. Onâ€" Saturday. Sept. 15th. Mi t Joim Schneider, «on of Mr \rs.â€" Peter| Sehneider of near mower; clolhes horse; . Dencnes, â€" lard cans; 2 butcher siws and steel, und other articles, Hay and Grain About 25 tons timethy hay ; 500 busbels mixed grain; 800 bushels oats; about ‘2 nere mangels; 1 nere potatoes; ‘s nere corn; 7 cords of wood, Terms on Farm 10% of pur chase price on day of sale; balance in 20 days when the sale shall he Terms on Farm 107. ol pUP chase price on day of sale; balance in 20 days when the sile: shall he completed and possession given, Terms of Chattelsâ€" Cush on diy of sale. Note.â€"â€"This is a large ofering, so please come early. . Sale starts Vehicles 1 farm wagon; 1 spring wagon; light spring wagon; Sâ€"scated rubber tire carriage; 2 rubber tire buggies; stoop steigh with rack; light sleigh; 3 cutters. Harness i) sets of teaum harness; 1 set of double driving harness; 3 sets of single harness; odd collars ond harness parts; 2 sets of chimes; horse blankets, etce. Household Effects Jewel cooking range ; |\¢-;nl|/1|;">ln\w-; box stove; 2 kette stoves; â€" washing â€" machine; simk ; extension â€" table; 30â€" cider barrels; darge â€" meat vat; lawn other ladders; sugar jack; â€" some osk and â€" basswood â€" fumber;â€" steel stone boat; 2 gas tanks; suusuge grinder; rope machine; work bench with iron vise; 6 loggring chains; log tongs; cant hook; ice tongs; erossâ€" cut saw; iron wedges; 2 and 3 horse eveners; neckyokes; colony house ind brooder; portable engine house; forks; ehains, hoes, and numerous other articles. i 4 tons eap.; 2 hay d gravel planks; hay or leys; extension ladder other ladders; â€" sugar onk â€"and â€" basswood mtone bout; 3 gas ia The following At the same time and place there will also be sold the chattels beâ€" longing to Elizabeth Martin. Real Estate â€"â€" The surviving Exgcutor of the Estate of Ivan Maurtin, deceased, will offer for sale by public auction upon the premises, the valuable farm property which is more particularly described as beâ€" ing composed of Lot 110, G.C.T., in the Township of Woolwich, and comprises 110 acres, more or less. On the farm is a large bank barn with straw shed attached and »tubling underneath; driving shed und implement house; brick dwelling with kitchen and woodâ€"shed attuchâ€" cd._ Artisan well water pumped by air motor, all in good state of reâ€" pair. There are 15 acres of good hardwood bush, 45 acres in meadow, 50 acres are plowed ready for spring crop; land in hi%h state of cultiâ€" vation and well underâ€"drained. There is a goodâ€"sized orchard with the different varieties of large and small fruit, A good feature of this farm is the location, being only 2 4 miles southwest of Elmira. Horses 1 Percheron" team of mares (well matched) 7 and 8 years Cattle =â€" 1. Durham ogr fresh with calf at foot; 1 < in July; 2 cows bred in dersey cows bred in March Situated 24 miles southwest of Elmira, on AMSEY MARTIN, Executor. GEORGE G. CLASS, Auctioneer HENRY KLINCK, Clerk. 38â€"3 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3rd, 1934 At 12 o‘clock sharp. LC if‘e AUCTION SALE velinge ase come early o‘clock. bired l KINGWOOD in â€" Mareh; 4 alves of variou attle. About 25 hens: o Anron Yost of Ar n Wedneeday of Inet 1. Yout‘s Dowd â€" of â€" Liatowel Jas B Hammond on hay rope and pul woodâ€"shed attuchâ€" water pumped by good state of reâ€" 15 acres of good ed on the new north of King tongs} crossâ€" 2 and 3 horse colony house engine house; ind numerous PS grade 1 cow d in July f1 1 Ayr long Cow fresh uCC 700 00A BODAOOOAOEDEOORRORAOODOONRONRONORRONONE A. wonemeeeen en ons with the former‘s parents, Mr. and \Irs. Jacoh Seigner, Mics Gladys Yutzi of near Waterâ€" oo and Mr=â€" Anson Yutzl of St. Agathi spent Sunday with their moâ€" ther. Mre. J Yutz Mis« Eliza Forrest of Musselburgh visited on Sunday with Missee Miar: varet and_Dell Hammond Mics: Clara Yutzi of Gadshill lus been home the past two weeks sulâ€" fering with tonaflitis and rheuma tism. Her many friends wish her a complete reenyie‘y Mr anud Mrs. Nowh Wagler and son ot Wiltbank and Mr. and Mrs. J Ga ccho and diuithter of Poole were vial tors on Sunday with Mr and Mre George: Altirecht A. S. SNIDER, Auctioneer Phone 384w, Kitchener October 13 (Saturday)â€"Auction sile of houschold effects and furniâ€" ture at the old auction stand, rear of â€" Pequegnat Block, alongside of market building. longing to Leonard Merkley, situâ€" ated at 16 Charles St. N., Waterloo, Ort, 13 (Saturday)â€"â€"At 1 pm., household effects, real estate, ete., of the Tfate Alexander Fraser, situâ€" ated in New Hamburg. Nov, 14 (Wednesday) â€"At 12 o‘clock noon, 50 head of choice fully nccvedited _ bloodâ€"tested _ pureâ€"bred Holstein cattle, at Guelph Winter Fuair Buildings, Guelph. This is a choice offering. Try and attend this sale, _ A. B. Brubacher, manager, Breslav, E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. Phone 222, Kitchener Sept. 29 (Saturday) â€"â€" At 1.30 p.m., _ household â€" effects, poultry, gntage and many other articles beâ€" longing to Leonard Merkley, situâ€" ated at 16 Charles St. N., Waterloo. Oct. 13 (Saturday)â€"â€"At 1 p.m.. Oct. 6 (Saturday) Valuable residential property consisting of a 7 room frame house with hard and soft water, olectric lights, ete., also good barn, for David Ziegler, 31 Factory St., Elmira. Oct. 8th (Elmira Fair Day)â€"At the market, Community Sale of live stock, _ implements, â€" furniture, _ or anything you wish to sell, Send it out emly. No estrac charge for advertising, Oct. 90 (Tuesday) â€"â€" Household Phone 28w, New Dundee October 16 (Tuesday)â€"At 2 p. m., unreserved auction sale of 50 aere furm, 1 mile south of Washingâ€" ton, for Levi Gehl, Please inspect this proposition before you buy. 1 have for sale farms of 25 aceres and up to 200 acres, Please see me before you buy. L Phone 50 r 4. Elmira. Oct. 3 (Wednesday) â€"â€" Valuable 115 gere furm with good improveâ€" ments, good soil, splendid location, and farm stock, implements, hay, grain, houschold effects, etc., beâ€" longing to the estate of the late Ivan Martin, situated about 2 mlies west of Elmira. At 8.00 a.n. every Saturday morning at my auction stand, oppoâ€" site the Kitchener market, furniâ€" ture and household effects for anyâ€" one that has something to sell. Send it out. Sept. 29 (Saturday) â€" At 1.30 p.m. sharp, 1 bay team of horses, 7 und 9 years old, double harness, ut the Waterloo market. No reserve. This is a good team. Oct. 8 (Monday morning, Elmira Fair Day) â€" Community Monthly Sale at my auction stand, in front of the Farmers‘ Shed. List of urticles to be advertised closes Oct. 2. Orders can be left with Aaron Hoffman or the Auctioneer, Stock, implements, furniture, or anything you want to sell will be taken Oct. 20 (Saturday)â€"â€"At 8 a.m., furniture and household effects and car at my auction stand opposite theâ€"Kitchener market, for A. C. Morton. Sept. 20 (Saturday)â€"At 8 a.m., ut my auction stand on Duke St., opposite Kitchener market, furniâ€" ture, household effectsy and tools for Alfred Conner. Sept. 20 (Saturday)â€"â€"At 2 p.m., motor car for the B. & R. Motors, 236 King St. E., Kitchener. Nov. 3 (Saturday)â€"â€"At 8 mm., furniture and household effects at my auction stand at the Kitchener market, for R. H. Schmidt. NEW HAMBURCG Phone 190 We have ready for immediate delivery the finest of pullets in the following breeds White Leghorns Barred Rocks White Rocks Buff Orpingtons White Minorcas Special attention to breeding has enabled us to produce a large pullet thit lays n large oxy. Waterloo County Auction Sale Lists W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer, I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, 1 have for sale a barn 24 x 18 ft Men‘s Work Shoes, oil tanned upper, leather sole, Panco half sole, steel plate on ï¬eel; sizes 6 to 10 ........ $3.00 Women‘s Farm Shoes, solid leather, rubber heels, 3 to 8 .. $2.50 Boys‘, School Shoes .................................. From $1.175 to $2.25 Girls" Shoes and Slippers .......................... $1.25 to $2.00 wWHY PAY MORE? â€" BUY AT 21 tro si. BOMLENDER‘S Wwaterioo YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS Pullets Phone 592w, Waterioo. Matchery If You Buy Your Shoes at BOHLENDER‘S. 7 ONT , |[|_ FEMALE HELP WANTED te| Women wanted to sew for us at ().lhnnun Sewing machine necessary. No selling. Ontario Neckwear Comâ€" , _ puny, Dept. 174, Toronto 8. 86â€"4 3 7â€"4 An ()ppm'lunity | To Investors NOTHCE I8S HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section i1 of Chapter 120 of theâ€" Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1927, that all creditors und others having claams against or entitled to share in the estate of Frederick G. Krueger, late of the Town of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo, Manufacturer, deceased, who died on or about the twentyâ€" ninth day of July, 1934, are reâ€" quired to deliver, by post prepaid or otherwise, on or before the sixth day of October, 1934, tn,,(Mrs. Minnic Krueger, 194 King .Street South, _ Waterloo, _ Ontario, _ the Executrix of the Will of the said deéceased, their names in full, with their addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their claims or inâ€" terests, and â€" statements of _ the security, if any, held by them; and that after the said sixth day of October, 1934, the said Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having reâ€" gard only to claims or interests of which she shall then have received notice, and will not be liable for the sauid assets to any person of whose claim or interest she shall not then have received natice, Canada‘s Largest Financial Statistical Organization 214 St. James Street â€" MONTREAL EXECUTOR‘s NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of FREDERICK G Important â€" events are causing wide fluctuations in the price of securities. You need expert scienâ€" tific advice and information to preâ€" vent logses und make profits. Such information may be secured through _ FINANCIAL SERVICE DAILY _ INVESTORS _ SERVICE which carries with it consultation privileges on investment or specuâ€" lative problems. A short trial will convince you of the quality of the Service and the udvantages obtainable in directing your investments, at the nominal price of A white yearling heifer, part Ayrshire, on or about August 24th. Finder kindly notify Thomas Baesâ€" ler, Linwood, Ont. 39â€"1 A.K.CRESSMAN DATED fith September, 1924. James C. Haight, Waterloo, Ontario, ~4 Solicitor for the Executrix only cation, sacrificed to wind up estate. Selfing price THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE KRUEGER, Deceased land â€" with Jarge brick house, barn, excellent loâ€" KITCHENER CIDER MILL Now_ prepared to do your pressing every day except Saturday. Cooking Thursdays only, beginning Aug. 30th. "Little Want Ads Bring Big $5.00 per FINANCIAL 327 Breithaupt St. Tel. 3483 â€" _ Kitchener Payable in advance. By mail in Canada, Great Britain and countries in British Postal Union: One year . itc 39000 Six months . mmmemiccon 0 Three months ........ .50 To the United States, per year....$2.50 2 cents per word; discount 44 cent per word for cash in advance. Minimum charge â€" 30 cents per inâ€" sertion. Each initial, sign, or group of figures count as one word. STRAYED FROM HOME Four Acres At Conestogo, splendid Weterloo E. A. STAHL WANT ADS SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1800 CIAL SERVICE LIMITED Results" month