PAGE FOUR Mrs, Jos. Scherrer and sons, Mr. Wilbur Scherver and Mr. and Mrs. Fernic Scherrer of Pilkington spent Sunday with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sexton fInmilton. Mrs, John Boldt and little son of Waterloo visited with Mr. cmd Mis. Peter Boldt on Sunday. Mr. _ Fruser MacDonald, semor teacher at the Winterbourne school, was observing at the Waterloo and Centreville schools on Friday. Harvest â€" Homeâ€" services will be held in the Presbyterian Church here on Supday afternoon, Oct. 7th. Miss _ Marjorie â€" Weber, _ junior teacher at the Winterbourne school, was observing at the St. Jucobs and Bloomingdale schools on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. August Klinck of Elmira visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacDonald, Mr. Petteplace of Riversdale is visiting his daughtre, Mr. and Mrs Irvin Martin. TRU $ S ES Mr. and Mrs. _ Herb, Lundy and Mr. and Mrs. Allin Lundy and litte duughter Jean visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Hugh Pritchard near Elora. Uamilton on Sunday, Mr. Clarence Schuett friends in Hespeler on . Miss â€" Ruby â€" Klem of epent a few days with M Henry Burnett Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Langâ€" don and little son and Miss Marâ€" garet Langdone, all of Kitchener, visited on Sunday with their parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Langdon. Mr. Harry MacNally of Guelph spent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Mills. Mr. Russell Sherriffs of Alton is spending a few days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sherriffs. Miss Alice Forbes of Kitchener spent the woeekâ€"end with her parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. Wmm Forrest of Mr. and Mrs. Wmn Hespeler visited with Hamilton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pred King and Miss Jean Coppin of Stratford spent the weekâ€"end with their daughter, Mrs. Fraser â€" MacDonaldâ€" and Mr. Macâ€" Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cummings of Jordan are spending a few days with the latter‘s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pivie. Miss Panabaker of Hespeler visit ed her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Vietch, on Thursday, Personals. Dr. and Mrs. Foster Spencer and Mrs. Jones of Redondo Beach, Calif., visited the former‘s uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett, Sr., on Friday. Kitchener‘s leading meat market, Buehler Bros. Limited, 54 King St. West, are offering real attractive bargains in choice meats for this week. The busy housewives who are known for their thrift will make worthwhile savings by buying at Buehler‘s. This store is one of the most modernly equipped and saniâ€" tary in Western Ontario. ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS FOR THRIFTY WOMEN AT BUEHLER‘S A. COH ENC IOU s .hW Now is the Time TO BUY And Goes On Sale Sat., Sept. 29th At Prices You Will + Appreciate. The lot includes Dark and Light stripes, plains and checks. For Dresses and Flannelette From 2 to 5 yds.â€" H. A. Germann Also a Lot BUSHMAN‘S HORN‘S BROS. TRUSSES SUITABLE FOR ANY KIND OF RUPTURE. Prevent _ yourself _ from torture and get a Truss to fit you. WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE TO _ FIT YOU RIGHT EX AMINATION " EREE Waterloo‘s New Dry Goods Store A Complete Stock of We Just Received a Big Shipment WINTERBOURNE 12 Mansion St. KITCHENER, ONT #6 KING W. KEPCOHENHI FLANNELETTE MILL ENDS STEELE‘S At 20c * 33¢ A Big Lot of PHONE 271 15c * 20c with Mr. ind Mrs Shirts, of Fine FLANNEL Proper Glastes * at Moderate Prices visited with Sunday. ~ Stratford Mi Albert yd yd Mr. ind Mrs, Addison Bauniin whd family and Miss Gludys Bauman were _ Sunday â€" visitors owith the former‘s sister, Miss Ermina Bau man, at Strasburg. Mr. and Mrs. George forst and daughter Anna, of Conestogo, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Horst and {amily were visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst, on Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bender were recent visitors with Philipshurg and Tavistock friends. Mr. and Mre. Noah E. Miller and son Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer visited Miss Esther Miller ut Violet Hill on Tuesday, The Men‘s Bible Class of Zion Evangeticat Church, Kitchener, and their tencher, Mr. Bean, visited the North Woolwich Sunday School on Sunday afternoon and contributed several musical numbers. ull of Theo. Elmir Mr. ind Mis. Charles Warner, Mr. Harry Miller and Mr. Lorne K:aser of â€" Kitchener were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bender on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo King and Mr. and Mrs. Will King attended the funcral of their cousin, Mr. Clarke Sobyc, at Marden on Tuesday, Mr. Fred A. Williard of Edmon fon, Adtac, Mr. Charles J.) Hillined ind â€" gocmdson, _ Roy â€" Milliard, _of Conestogo, were midâ€"week visitors with Mr. ind Mrs. Walter Maurer, Mi and _ Mrs, _ Orvilie Shantz, Messrs. George and Norman Leinâ€" weber of Kitchener and Miss Vera Allgcier of â€" Elmira wer visitors with Mr. and Mrs Bendcr hrope Vir t Hamitcher called on the Micsce dan Mr. uind Moes, Jotn Burgetz cand family of Centreville were the guests of (Miss Maggie ind Mr. Ben Mover on Sunday. Mrâ€" and Mis. Hoy ) Melitzer and Mre. Henry| Melitzer of West Montâ€" rose called on Mr. ind Mre: Migry rose called on Mro ind (Mre: Higry Holtze on Monday Macter: Robert Campbell is speid: ing i few weeks with his riandpie ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl of Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Meyere:of Breeln spent Sunday. with Mro and Mrsâ€"Albert Yantz Vies: Kay : Schwalm ot Kitchemer was in weekcend guest of Mro ind \Utrs. K. McAllister. Mr.and Mrs. Charles Bedtord spent Finday in Listowel On sSunday afternoon three deer two Tully wrown and one yvouns one were seen making their way quite lelsurely through the fields near the honse on the farm of J J strong They travelled the: length of the Gurm ind then disappeared into the Miv ann} Mins: Kraft and Mro Noah Koart speitt deust: Phurmsday in Pliths ville Miss Vera Schweitser, who entered several exhibits at the Galt Fair last week is to be congratulated on her success. Despite strong competition she carried off seven prizes winning 1st for cottage aheese, four seconds tor cakes and fancy work and two thirds for sponge cake and potatoes The Sunday morning service at the Mennonite Church was taken by Rev. Nelson Litwiller, missionary. onâ€"furlough from South America Won Seven Rrizes At Gait. Anniversary . and Harvest Home services will be held at the United Church at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m_ The services â€"will be in charge of Rev Geo. Thomas and Rev. J. W. Newâ€" berry The Women‘s Missionary Socielty and ‘Ladies‘ Aid monthly meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Mcâ€" Allister on Tuesday afternoon with w record attendance. An interesting program was given. Mrs. J. W. New: bery was guest of honor and gave a very â€" interesting . talk. _ Missâ€" RKhea Snyder and Mrs. Campbell sang a duet.‘At the close of the meeting a deticious lunch was served by the hostesses was i weelcend wuest of Mlise Veln Todd. Miss Blla Gelsel spent Sundity with velatives in Elmiri. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. strong, Massstit Irvine and â€" Maurice Strong ind Mi aund Mrs. Leslie Strong and fwmily attended the silver wedding of Mr ind | Mrs. John: Berlett neiwr Shake speire on Suturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bechtel were the guests of the latter‘s sister, Mi‘s Koerber and Mr.P. Koerber of Lex ington on Sunday, Mr. ind Mrs. Sydney sShants and tiemily . ofâ€" Kitchermer aspent| Sundiy with (Mrc and Mea. Marehall Bing min. ‘Mr. and Mis. Ezrac Becker of Wil liamsburg and Mrs. Israel of Kilch ener were guests of Mr. and Mis. A Schweitzer on Sunday We welcome Mr. and Mrs: Gilbert Bechtel to our village Miss â€" Ruth and Master: Nemneti Kehl of Kitchener spent the: week en with their annt. ‘Mrs. Holtze and Mr. H. Holtze. Sunday visitors at the home ol Mr. ind Mis. ‘Theos. Bedford were Mr, and Mis. Oscar Kaminski and Mro aind Mis. Gerald Bedtord of Ki Mi Mr.oi Mi.. 9 Mi. a chiene Mic Miss Netta Martin has left for Vicâ€" oria | Hospital, London, whete she will take a post graduate course in PublicHealth Sunday visitors at the NORTH WOOLWICH BLOOMINGDALE Joln Campbell t Hamicher of treme Woods ol Lexington weekcend gnest ol Mise Vera Mis. Ezra Becker of W and Mrs. Israe] of Kit guests of Mr. and Mis â€" the home of Bedtord were Kaminski and Bedtord of Ki Hus on 0t Witchemer of â€"VMr ind spent the Galt, and that city alter, Mr. of Mr Sunday and Mr ded the Sunday olomon Dunde Thibhe Parce mmdrer diey ite Garelphicete bireitme Untimely Death of C. S Phecommunmits | wirs leeane cof Urecesed aced ovind orâ€" Clark Sohie who ow widely known Mro ind and family have e sy "mrge citcle of: friends i 0. sore hereavement MWike Zinger Sr. ie bue mmal seorh eutting route Mr o Albert Reinhiaat e in (@nefph on hn inese Win Many Prices. The Bnral Schoo}l Fai Iy in Fergus for Nicel an were latgely attended J are of SSo No 6 MiceA ber echolare tarklne (a W W t d clie vall H M \ 11 Lh U y with his A few frier ended the f orman Mar vimpathy. of Mroand M N Ni o M A \l Rev. Bvan Sider of Mannubheim was in charge of the Bunday evening service ut ‘the United â€" Brethren Church. Rev. H. R. Brown of Maryboro 0câ€" cupied the pulpit of the. Baptist Church on Sunday evening Ves Verna Bambridge of Dutton was the #uest of Mr. and Mis. A Hilhorn over the weekâ€"end Mro and Mis Lloyd Goettling and sons George‘and Edward visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geonge Heipel at Waâ€" {erloo on Sunday. Mi._ Leonard â€" Arnold spent the weekâ€"end at Mildmay Mro and Mrs. Jacob Cressman and comily ot: Brewleu visited with Mr ind Mis. Omar Snider on Sunday Micâ€" Bdgar Scegmiller and daugh ter Jean Of Kitchener called at the tende which thera Sund Personals Mro and Mrs. Jacob Cressman and comily ot: Brewleu visited with Mr ind Mis. Omar Snider on Sunday Micâ€" Bdgar Scegmiller and daugh ter Jean Of Kitchener called at the home of Mr. and Mis. Gordon Hallâ€" min last Thurediay Mr. and Mrs Thomas Hogs of Ayi vleited with Mr.and Mrso Alex Mac Donald on Sunday. Mr o. ind Mrs: Lo Henderson and duushiter Doris, were gueste of _.\lr. ind Mis: Marris : Milier ut Sheffield over the week end Mrs _ Walter: Sheiard, Mrs. TPitus Shourd ind Miso Chulys Lind of Kit chemer visited it Ure homes of Mrs \. Shewrd ind Mro ind Mris: Ranald Toman on Monday A number of people from here ut tended the 100th annivereary aervices which were held at the Prinity Luâ€" therin Clwrch at New Hamburg on Mi \h1 K tie Iu Hallm Hallm M ford \I U K Mi hi hem \ \h Vik \ h lin th mal Mi luddvrea ie on ali Mi Wiln \i W t \ Mi muls wh e hromee or Mro ind Mrs, George iiman conl | Miro ind â€" Mire â€" Rdwin illimion on Sundity Mc Victor Shouldice of Uie Strat ul Normal School spent tre weeks dowith diiesister, Mrso Alex Me issdck ind Mr. MceKessock Mr. uid Mre. Norman Weber and > Gantield Weber visited with Mis Wasner at Witchener on Sunday, \ durse munber of people from the Lize atul commumity attended the [t Bair Jast Rriday ind Siaturday io A. ffdborn guted id« um of the Sumdity Mr. ut Aty: is Clain and id Mis ob Mi th Visit Ma H M h \ h th d Mi on Mi IP] Sum d h U \ NEW DUNDEE nd . Mi‘s M am} Mrs. Clayion Falk and Dorothy. Clarence and Lu Plullipsburg, and Miss HMuby of Plattsville ido Mc Rtobert Wadkree, Mis Mr. Leslte Hilbocn ot Bly th i Mr ind Mre. hyien Hilborn Mie ul7 \I \ Sim t \D \I W K Mi \I M+ E7 D 11 t i woothe oehifer I1 \i ARISS W fopriz« i Erider apent Sm end Roy Kurtz from around here af wal of the lite Mrs \r~ Martin hae the itge citele of friends Woirirren epent Satin Withedm m Mecon Ceon W \I t44 H l1 corge Fishleigh uh ind | Alice Bd ward â€" Armed with Mic. K. J th Ves toled its efte ot the cound emmned Pruil lonie Creasman of ‘w ind Mroand Mrs Ker ind sonâ€" Ward ted with Mr. and ner on Sunday. home of Mr. and ho on Sunday were: rwe Snider and Mr Reinhardt of Tavisâ€" Kdith and Alma obe ind Che. Misceis ce Dettiner of Kit < howe of Mr. and r on Sunday. were August â€" Mildbrandt o Claylon Falk and y Clyrence anmb Lar ic ind Mies Huby is buey on hi« an tee bhioises C. Sobie. wirs shor Ain th SHritfo rold vthie mntimel noo . shantz and Stuintz ind M roAyrovisited af und Mrs. George ul VMie â€" Kdiwan h hiellors td Mis_ Sohie syinpathy of a c in their hout eyler ind sons deley atid Mrs omald of Kitch d Mis RoR man, . mursean ) General How i THE WATERLOO CHRONiCLE \M parld 1 Miâ€" Arder ted with Mr on Seandiy MWoalhelm. the doPilkGington y the schol feGrath ind en prieding ly no Reffy od relatives in l« Swartz and visited with at Waterfoo Mrs. ‘TPitus Lind of RKit nee ofâ€" Mis Vns Ranald Pine Hill Ruth Bean h ol td con ad Mrc nelas of it \Mi Mi Goeh Colly h Beim ud eon Mirs. P Hhying ntly foronto Schiude ridiay lmat aomi | anad ted | Sum | Wil to ath ind Ki the ind the ich ol Di 10c }; \WHY _« PAÂ¥ 5 MORE :: â€"_ Mi M OG Logel has returned to \searmption College sSand wich, where che will resume his studies rter cpending . the summer months \of his home here Mi â€"John tichardson from near (rosshill is spending a few days it ce home of his brother, Mro Jas Richindson VUr Jae Begwe of Linwood was a rownlme vdeitor on Tueediy. mornâ€" Ek Vrâ€"Clarence Logel was a businese visitor in Ploradale on Tuesday ener o were . Sudtd: home of Mro ind ) Vb uind Miis ol â€" Paicley were with VC uonl MrsS Inepector Roh Suudany Mi W m horo Lom \Mi heniil y Personals. Mrâ€" ind Mre: Ezra Stickney and diichter Alma of near Elora: were Sumday visitors with Mr. and (Mrs Rebert Newton Simdiny vieitfors with Mr.and Mrs. Thos Adanm were Mr und Mrs, M Domild of Preston and Mroand (Mrs Ed Einh of Welestes feld Mr. _ Johnâ€" Schweitzer and Mr. Stanley Schweitzer of Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schweitzer on Surduy, M+r. Eo. Hallnuin toft on Tuscs: he will sister, ] on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Becker, Miss Ethel and Mr. Fre® Becker called un Mrs. Nettic Esch and family at Elmira on Sunday afternoon. Mr, _ Jueob Becker of Mildmay spent the weekâ€"end at the home of his brother, Mr. Henry Becker, Mr. and Mrs, Wies Oswald and Mr. and Mrs. Wex Oswald and daughter Alice of Munnheim and Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eby and chilâ€" dren Audrew and Nyle were Sunâ€" duy visitors at the home of Mr. Reubehn Eby. Rev. and Mrs. Evan Sider of Mannheim called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker on Tuesday. The members of the: Mannheim U.B. Church spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petzold, who are leaving this comâ€" munity. . Miss Marie Kraemer of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mre. Vera Her gOLL the Galt Mr. ind Mrs.â€" Henry Schreiber und son Glenu were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Schreiber at Roseville, Mr, dvan Kinzie visited "at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eby Mrs. Herb Krieger was a business visitor in Kitchener on Thursday. Muster Donald Krieger spent Sunâ€" day with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Fischer and lumily of Breslau, Mrs. Ted Howald of Mannheim, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Haâ€" macher of Petersburg called on Mr. «ud Mrs. Gus Hergott Personals, The local girls‘ softbull team and friends held a weiner roust at the trome of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Eera Becker were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Amsey Schweitzer at _ Bloomingdale on Sunday, Mi~ Elizubeth Reist is spending Personals Mr. Alex Berg and Mrs. ‘Reynold [teldman of Phillipsburg, Mrs. Fred k rg of Kitohener visited Mrs. Peter Berg on Friday. Miss Ida Wettlaufer spent Sunday with Melen Kramp. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schweitzer Waterloo called at the home of and Mrs. Dave Schmitt last Ti day. ener mildi. »Mr. and Mis. George Wilthelm and cluldren of Williamsburg spent Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Harnack MÂ¥ ind Mrs. Chris. Harnack of Vreslin were Sunday visitors with \ir ind Mrs. Mike Karges Viicâ€" Gludys Harnuck was a weeks cmd visitor at the home of Mr. and Mn Mike Karges. and Mrs. Gus Hergott. Mro and Mrs. Henry Hipel, Mr and Mis Kenneth Schiedel and Miss Bella Schroeder were recent visitons with the Kramp family Mis Elizabeth Kramp is spending a few duays with relatives in Kitchâ€" \r. and Mro. A. Mergott of New Germany, Mr. and Mrs. RHergott of Klora called on the Hergott family on Siunday Mro and Mrs, Arthur Kramp and son Howitrd apent: Sunday with Mr and Mre. John Schenck of New Gerâ€" many. Mr. and Mirs. Mike Karges spent Priday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Harnack M\ ind Mrs. Peter Voll and chilâ€" dren of Waterloo were Sunday viel tors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Biuâ€" R. R. 1 WALLENSTEIN d hrie nesoidan hool on Mondiay NPnd Alra. Al Mre. Ed Cressman iter with friends at Mr. Clarence Densté vo avith hi« parents, m Denstedt of the \1 â€" Begun \Dre SHANTZ STATION s> Elizabeth Reist week with Miss I Thos â€" ) enderson of Inwood nding some time at the home doonditer, Mre : Reobert Newâ€" und . Mirs WILLIAMSBURG Ed. Hallman left on Tuesâ€" ir the Canadian West where 1 spend some time with his Mrs. Win. Stauffer, at Crossâ€" \berta. and Misâ€" Ioy: Stickney and or the 6th of Peel were Sunâ€" dhome with APY snd Mss fhew: Mre_Alex Cooper and fam. tmiends at Fisher Mill« on Cressman was a Sunday ho friends at Lebanon enee Denstedt epent Sun: i‘s parente, Mro and Mrs tedt of the 3rd of Mary Mrs. Ezra Becker were of Mr. and Mrs, Amsey ut â€" Bloomingdale _ on THE WILSON FLY PAD ADVERTISING In The CHRONICLE evening with \Mi CO, HAMILTON, ONT. BRINGS RESULTS Bo w man Best of all fly killers. Clean, qguick, sure, cheap. Ask your Drugâ€" gist, Grocer or General Store. Lackner of Kiteh n vieltors at the ‘Mis : Walter Adam Gordon °F _ Hopper weekend . visitors â€" Karl Tabhert erte ol â€" Kitchener visitâ€"to the Tocal is spending ada Orr at f Mr Tues of Personals. Vr. 1. Brown «pent the weekcend at hia home in Mitchell. Mies Dorothy Powell left for Lie towel on Monday where «he has e cured work Sunday vieitors at the home of Mr and Mrsc C 8_ Roth were. Mroand Mrs.â€" Dan Wilker and danughter Ma rion of Poole and Mrâ€"and Mre ‘Menâ€" no Ropp and «on of Brunner and Mre Clarence Roth Mr. ind call at Mi on Sinnday MUr. E. Powell motored to Toronto with a trucelclord of cattle and eheep on Monday. Mroâ€"Robert: English is with _ \r _ Robert Stewart time C (Mrec Cecelia Schnelder of Detroit viaited with her mother, Mra. Dan Hinsperger for a few days last week Mr. aind Mrs_John Walther of Tilj conburk «pent the . weekend with is Johin Dietrich. Mr. Claire Strome of Elmira apent Sunday with Mro and Mrs. A~ Alle: mang: \fr. and Mre: Wm Rritz and family of Erbeville and Mr. and Mre Charles Busch and family visited with Mr and Mre. Herh Schnarr on Sunday Children and grandchildren of Mr and Mrs. Louls Lobeinger surprised them at their home on Monday even ing on the occasion of their 38th wed ding anniversary Anâ€"arddress | wias read and They were presenfed with a beantiful gift Rey. J called at Mr. and Mre. John Greverbiel and VMrs:Peter Greyerbicl of St. Agatha visited with Mrs: Margarete Greyer. hiel on Sunday VMisses : Doris: Booege!l and dlewnor Thompson â€" from Kitchener visited with Friends Jrere on Siumday ‘Vre. Cecelia Schnelder of Detroit viaited with her mother, Mra. Dan Hinsperger for a few days last week A mumber from here attended the Berges funeral held in Waterloo on Tuesday morning The â€" christening of â€" tre . infant diughter of Mr. and Mrs_Alex Hart mimnn took place on Sunday. . Mr Adam Harbman ind Miss Marie We her of â€" Nitchetier were . sponieors (Betty Jane). Mr and Mis August Abeming and family motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kitchener visited wi on Sunday Beaupre.Schnurr Nuptials. St.. Clements R. C Church was the seene of a pretty. wedding. on Monday morning, when Miss Loulsa Beaupre | was united in theholy bonds 0t matrimony to Mr. Henry Selinurr of (Mildmay. _ Rev. Father Becker â€" performed the ceremony. They were assisted by (Mr. and Mrs Eugeme | Reidet Th hride. looked charming in a frock of brown crepe with hat and ehoes to match. After the ceremony the happy couple re turned to the home of Mr. and Mre Eugene â€" Reidel â€" where a _ wedding breakfast was served, In the even ing a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beaupre at Waâ€" terloo. The bride was presented with many beautiful gifts. ‘The couple will take up residence dbetween Mildmay and RFormosa. Double Header Softball Games. Aâ€"retliurt ganme betweet. Williame: Iburg boys and girls was played over the â€" weekâ€"end Wil iamsbure aniths took the first game 166 while the Mauple Leats won the second 8â€"6 Personals. Rev Dean Hallam of Guelph and Diemert of New Germany t the rectory on Monday ST. CLEMENTS 10 King St S._ WATERLOO _ Phone 894 FERNBANK LLMITED To Noture‘s bounty we edd a cluster of rich bargeins for the pleasure and satisfection of our many customersâ€" "Quelity Firstâ€"Economy Always" Clover Leat So a 3 ’ Cenolt‘s Own Fancy Pink 'DU:LI AZ .FI’PS T-‘ Rich.Old 1S|‘b"“67" ts i8 _Eco;voRfYELWAYs' c"‘;" t i lb. 1 c c B * Ts 12 l x elndiT & & CA RROLL®‘S Vreâ€"Câ€"Sâ€" ftoth made a and Mrs _ Agron Bender evening ERY‘S BORDEN‘S NESTLE‘S or CARNATION 3 Ig. tins 25‘ McLaren‘s JELLY Powaors prg. 5C CLOcCoaA S . 19 wit h Heimbuch of friends here employ ed for some daughtere Grace, Doris and Rva nnd' end Mim J. Zohr apent Sunday with Mr and Mrs_ Chriat â€" Licht| of ‘Musselâ€" ; Lie burg and Mroand Mrs: Rudy Ljcht]| «eâ€" of Poole ‘ â€"0 j _ Mroaimd Mrs : Henry Bo Bowman md“â€â€œl daughter â€" Dovie «pent Sunday uy with / the. former‘s . mother, Mrso P °_ Bowman of near Waterloo } Mesers. Eldon and Renben Swar 'lzvlll'l'llhi'l spent the weelcend with |friends in Barrie | _ Mro and Mrs. Allan Jantzi and daughtere Grace, Doris and Rva and nd Mim J Zshr owbent Sundue with Mr \Mr and Mre. Enow Nafzinger and \r and Mrs. Milton Steekley of MIl verton «pent Thureday evening with Vroand Mrc C E. Swartzentruber Mr and Mrs: Walter Eekatein and family called on Mr and Mrs. Henry Bowman on Saturday evening Misa â€" Marion Bowman visited at the home of Mroand Mrs. Ephraim Ehne« recently Mr Dan Jantzi «pent Sunday with friende in Victoriadure Mro and Mre C OB Swartzentruber cpent . Wedneaday eveniig. with Mis M Emery of Guetph M+râ€" and Mrs_ Sofâ€" Bowman and tirmily of New Dundee spent Sunday Mrâ€" Christ Brenneman of Water loo and Mr. and Mreâ€" Menno Gascho of Baden and Mro and Mrs: Simon Gaecho and son John of Wilmot Centre spent Sunday with Mro and NYrs: C t janiyl Mroand Mre J KoSwartzentruber epent Sunday o with Mro and Mrs Simon â€" Swartzentruber of| Vietoria: bure Personals Mr o Chi loo ind . M ofâ€" Baden Mr. and Mrs, Areli Shantz. A number from Platteville and viâ€" cinity attended the M.B.C _ Conferâ€" eftee held at New Dundee Mrs. King and Miss Gertie King ate viaifing aft the home of Mro and \irs Adam Knox of Bright Visit Wilmot Fair. A large number attended the Wil mot School fair which proved very eneceasful on â€" Wednesday last at NN0 No 10. Wilmot Centre Mr. and Mre. A. Eekel and Mrs. Cicero Gofton visited with Mr. and Virs. William Press of Penetanguiâ€" shene over the weekend. Mr. and (Mrs. William Cann and Mr.and Mre. William Dannicl« called on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Daniels ef Kitchener on Sunday. ~_Min Dr. MeKenzio and snurl son have returned from the WoodetO h Hospitul APF CCault (Altoiw hi dament cho ‘Mr. _ MacCallum, â€" manager of the Bank of Commerce of this village lrrs returned after 4hree weeks‘ hollâ€" days. Fiiends Give Surprise Party. The friends of Mr. Douglas Meâ€" Lenman held a surprise party in his honor in the town hall on Septem: ber 21st. During the evening music ind dancing wgs enjoyed by the young people alter which Miss Dor othy â€" Lachmin on hehalf of those present . presented _ Mr. _ MeLkennan with an wrlhst watch. Mr. (Mchennan is leaving. for: Kingston, . where dre will attend Queen‘s University Personals. CRISCO is im 23c CERTO some 29c SALT 2 cartons 13¢ I All Varieties Except Chicken FRANKFORD SIEVE 4 BRUNSWICK SANDWICH SARDINES _ ~% N _ 5 mms FANCY SWEET SHELLED WALNUTS %A&â€"lb. Tender Golden Waxs Bechive Pure Corn 2 ns 21c J o. i um @B Ceeil Ailan has hought the cobbler‘s â€" )naipess â€" formeri PEAS BE A N $ 5â€"lb. pail PLATTSVILLE S Y RU P No. 2 PINE HILL or Crown Brand i 35° Mre Henry Ayimer Matural Flavor S OU P S 3 i: 93° | 28 2T 27 27 25 "‘;2 WILLYS 6 Sedun, 52() ESSEX Coach, ’29 OLDSMOBILE Sedan, q29 MARMON Coupe. LTERRA PLA NE Thursday, DOBBIN‘S Phone 52 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fyfe and son Billy of Rockton and Mr. Leander Schmidt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs. William Rudy of Waterloo spent a day recently with Mr. ind Mrs. Josiah Shiantz and with Mr. ind Mrs. David Bearinger, Mr. and Mrs. Phares Eby and son Karl and Mr. and Mrs. Sagen of Kitchener were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karcher and Family attended the Galt Fair on Suturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Snider spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snider, Williamsburg, Mr. and Mrs, Leander Lindsay of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seibert were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Leander Lindsay of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seibert were Sunday visitors with Mr. ind Mrs. Bd. Seibert, Mr. _ aind Mrs. Jake Kunkel of P‘reston spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Snider, HU DS O N Mr. and Mrs. Urbin Snyder and daughters _ of _ Bloomingdale â€" and Misses Valina and Lena Martin of hitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Weber. Mrs, C. Weber spent Sunday at Roseville. Mr. and Mrs. David Bearinger and Almeda and Doris were Sunday visitors â€" with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Gingerich and with Mr. and Mrs. Seranus Martin, Floradale, Phone 2777w. 50 Ontario St S KITCHENER Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karcher attendâ€" ed the closing session of the annual conference of the M.B.C,. church at New Dundee, Sunday guests at the home of Mr. _ and Mrs. Milton Erost were Misses Vietta and Mabel Martin and Mr. Delton Martin of Yatton, and Mr. Roy Koch of Conestogo. Mr. and Mrs. William Rudy of Waterloo spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Lichty. SMALL PKG 9 Mn 8e GOLD 109 #=~ 33¢ VINEGAR XXX QuALITY Ga1. 38c CHIPSO & CALAY ORDON‘S LASSES Satisly CHRYSLER Sedan GERMAN MILLS DODGF Sedan CHEV. Sedun PONTIAC Conch EW ETT PONTIAC Sedan SOAP Kitchener SPECIAL PRICES P & G JARS 4 Cokes end 1.13 onch 23c 15¢ 19c 3680 ts