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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Sep 1934, p. 1

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The election of Mr. Church means the return to the Commons after four years‘ absence Of one of its alltime most colorful persomdities. Reâ€"entry into the Green Chamber of Toronto‘s wartime Muyor occeasions more than ordinary . Patliaqmentary interost, he cauce of the fact that Mr. Church, vever a very ardent "party man", is just as likely to denounce the Govâ€" ermment of his Leader as. Liberal Monday‘s results bring the total voting strength of the Liberal Party in the House 0f Commons to 92. ‘The Conservative Party, underâ€" Premier Hichard B. Bennett, retaining ‘Toâ€" ronto Kaet, the seat formerly held by Hon. K. B. Ryckman, late Minister cf National Revenue, will have a Commons voting strength of 135 There are 18 Independents, Progresâ€" sives and Laborites to make up the total membership of 245. While Liberals. prior to voting. koped for and openly prophesied the clection of _ H. P._ Suelgrove over Thomas L. Church in Toronto East, Vr. Chnreh‘s persona) popularity apâ€" pivently proved a deciding factor in a hardâ€"fought contest and the closest election â€" results that oriding . hins known for many a long day, The Elgin West riding byâ€"election was occasioned Jby the rewignation from the Dominion House of Premier Mitchell F. Hepburn of Ontario; the by election _ in Kenoraâ€"Rainy River was necessitated by the resignation ol Hon. Peter Heenan to become Minister of Lands and Forests in the Itepburn Government. servative returned in the quintet of contests which Right Hon. Mr. King had warned were to detéermineâ€"whe ther he would blockade in the (\)m- mons against . further aupplyâ€" votes tor the Bennett vern ment A Two Liberal.Gains 2 The net gain/on the day was two seats to the l/ihel'ul Party, the rid ings of Toronto Rast, York North and Frontenacâ€"Addington having been previously held by the. Conserâ€" vative Party, while the constituen: cies 0Of Elgin West and Kenoraâ€"Rainy River had been held by the Liberal Party. ‘The Coneervatives slill reâ€" tain a clear majority of 26 in the House of Commons. Monday‘s results bring the total The biggest surprise in the day‘s voting was the turnâ€"over to the Lib eral column of the historic Conservaâ€" tive riding of Frontenacâ€"Addington. Never before has the constituency elected â€" a _ Liberal. _ Dr. _ William Spankie, who died recently, as a Conâ€" cervative member held the riding since 1929, The total vote wae much heavier than in 1930 Four followers of Liberal Leader Hight _ Hon. Mackenzie King, as mgainst one Conservative, were choâ€" sen t0 it in the House of Commons in Monday‘s "miniditure general elec tion" involving five Ontario Rederal electoral ridings. CONsSERVATIVES STILL HAVE Thomas L. Church, K.C., Toronto‘s wartime Mayor, was the lone Conâ€" ermment of I Party policies Threshing hs well advanced in the southern and Central areas of the three Prairie Provinces but intermit« tent â€" showers have delayed operaâ€" tions in the North where the crop s more â€" baekward â€" and â€" where . the wrades will be fower owing to dam age by frost. . Pastures have benefitâ€" ed by rains but further moisture is requited in Southern and Central »reas to aid fall plowing. In Quebec erops in general are up to average throughout the Province. In Ontario Iteavy rainfall has benefited corn and root _ crops â€" whichâ€" now give. good promisec . In New Bronawick gruing promise an average yield and potaâ€" toes are a fine crop. In Nova Scotia crops are hbelow average due to dry weather.â€" In British Columbia they generally are good. Lone Tory Victor is Thomas L. Church at Toronto. â€" Liberal Victories are in Elgin West, Frontenacâ€"Addington, Kenoraâ€" Rainy River and York North, a Gain of Two Seats. age by. fros ed by rain requited | in preas to nit erops in gt throughout lreavy raint root crope Liberals Pile Up Big Majorities; GCapture 4 Seats In Election Harry Ellioft, a farmer living on Concession 10, Huron Township, reâ€" porte the hirth of a calf with many fregkish characteristics. The animal uied shortly after hirth It dad two heads. four eyes and oa _ pair. of mouths, hut. strangely enough, only one pair of ears. . ‘The remainder of the hody wa« normal â€" Mr. Bliott hirs the head on dieplay Cornell Pleads Not Guilty to Criminal Negligence Charge Freak Calf With T‘wo Heads, Dies In Kitchener police court on Fri day, evidence was heard in the case of the crown veâ€" Cornell for crimâ€" inal negligence | The eree arose out ofâ€" the Accident at the. corner« of Queen and Erhe Sts., Waterloo, some time ago. . Cornell had attempted to eross Erh «treet before the avrival of Dietrich‘s car, but failed to do so and crached into the other‘s car. A paeeenger in the other car, Milton Hauck, of Bridgeport Road, auffered a fractured skull and wa« confined to the Kâ€"W. Hospital for ten days, after which he went to Gnuelph for treatment Cornell pleaded not guilty He aleo faces n second charge of reckless driving. _A «lmilar charge against Dietrich wae quached. W. J. MeGib bon appeared for the defendant orn and Rootl Crops Promising _ i x q! Excellent Yield Vol. 48, No. 39 Surprise in East and Root 26 CLEAR MAJORITY IN HOUSE THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE _ 51st MENNONITE CONFERENCE AT NEW DUNDEE Over 100 Delegates Attend.â€" Three Ordained Into Ministry. enlce tinte Tnc«day, Sept Rev. H. Ro Rro s‘ded and Rev.. wood acted is day inspiration subjects â€" were cwseed by the ance, representing 22 helds and 6 city. missions. . Rev. William Shantz the Chureh‘s first| missionary,. who left for Chinga 38 years ago wias prosâ€" ent and gave a splendid talk on his work in that country. Rev. J. Huffâ€" man of Marion, Ind. and Revo Meâ€" Clintock of Pontiac, Mich., also adâ€" dressed the Conference at different times. An impressive feature of the Sunday motning service. was the or dination of three young men: J. H Good. H.S. Hal‘man and A. D. Lehâ€" With four of the five federal byâ€" elections on Monday going Liberal, the Bennett government was left with a majority of 26 over all in the House of Commons. It is the smallest majority the wovernment has had since it came into office in 1930 but is more than umple for control of the chamber. The Sist smm o Minic terial Conventic turio . Conference of Brethre in Christ ceo vow _ Dundee â€" M.B.( Tac=day, Sept. 18th the Iminh . The stationing committee‘s report which was one of the most importint items of husiness duetrine the Confer ence reads as follows Kitchener, Rey. W. Yuates; New Dundee and Bright, Rev. h. oRoPi pher; Vineland, Rev A. T Gooding: Markharm and. Dixon Hill, IRev. W. Brown: Gormley and Bethesdi, Rew H._ Shantz; . Stouffville and Altona Rey S. Creesmian: Stayner, Revy C B. _ Move Goudice; Sch watm Rev K. d The new standing in is as follows: COBSETYAUVES cancce. LiD@rRIS .2 United Farmers ... BSBOF ... ce Independent _........... PHO@TesSIÂ¥E ...czccee. VHORME (caciavvev presidima Sherk of Ministens, ce mmb Bennett Majority Now Stands at 26 Goudie; Breslan, Rev NX H Sch watm; _ Marybord and Wallace Rev Eo Honsperger; Elmwood, Rev 10 Brnbaker; Port Elain, Mevo oG Johnson ; . Bruce: Beninsila, Rev. H R. Brown: Hespeler, Rev. R. J. Pike: Slrigley. Rev. A. D. Lehman; Sunni dale, Rev. J. H. Sherk; Aylmer, Rev W. Shantz; Manitoulin Island, Rew Eo Lueas: Scott, Rev. H.8 Hallman: & Lneas: Sceott, 1 Owenâ€" Sound, Re Colling wood, Rev Presiding Eid Rev. C N. Good; M. Bricker City _ Missions: _ St Catharines Miss B. Plant and (Mies M Alexianâ€" der; St. Thomas, Mies V. Schwase and Miss H Bond; Petrolia, Miss M Nedll and | Micsâ€" Dedels, â€" Wingham, Ves T. HostettHer and Miss Sargent ; Lictowel. Miss E_ Raymer and Miss W Barfoot; Stratford, Mie« J. Peard and Miss E. Rastmin Evangeliete : Revo 80 So Shantz, FIRST UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. BIDS FAREWELL O MISSIONARY At the. meeting of the: Women‘s Vissionary Seciety of the Waterloo Pirstâ€" Unitedâ€" Church on Thursday, Mn o E. Val. Tilten, wile of the new pastor, . was . welcomed â€" Regret: was cxpressed over the fact that the orâ€" ganization had lost one of ite beet workers in Mrs _ (Rev i Matheson their preaident Mise Bee«ie Van Isvery presided. Mre 8 Bricker led the devotional period. The annonnceâ€" ment wiaw also made that Mies De Lh Hilliard miseionaryâ€"onâ€"fur lough from Indiia, will aail to take up \i GALT BOY DROWNS IN GRAND RIVER their preaident Mise Bee«ie Van Isvery presided. Mre. 8. Bricker led he devotional period. The annonnceâ€" ment wiaw also made that Mies De Li h1 Hilliard miseionaryâ€"onâ€"fur Jough from India, will aail to trke up her dutfea on Septâ€" 28th â€" The mem henre fortied in wiedviteg. hrerin plegieaitit voviie While fishing in the Grand River near Galt on Wednesday of last week; Bobby â€" Burker, 12â€"yenrâ€"old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barker of Galt, lost his balinee wrid toppled into the water and drowned. The youngs«ter was unable to swim. K. Chapman, who was in a boat n quarter of a mile away, was the only withess to the accident. On 8. Creesmin; 8 Homuth; Toronto Moyer; â€" PToronto wdie; Breslan, wattm; _ Marybord ooE Honsperger; s K. Snider, Mi Chatrean 11 Bricker ty M Ro Rrown of Marybore pre . 1. Good of Colling: ecvetary. During the l papers on timely presented . and ie variouns miniaters of i1 session ol the ntion of the: Onâ€" of theâ€" Mennonite convened at the B.C. _ Church on h. The president, e oms . ceePetuty am| visitors to were in attend: 22â€" fields and 6 William Shantz missionary.. who H W Wewt Seet District District, Iev i. Lehman Good the House Re It« Shantz. and h 185 §2 10 W Qualify in Junior Stock Judging Ccompetition and Free Trip to Ottawa. ind othe Latsch o tineer. The no ent ploi baurild in« ccho the s by I deck Sumt the 1 of I Ar 14 Kitehen clt\ the (By Bloomingdale Correspondent) Whuat might have been a serious wecident occurred on Friday night in front of the store when two cars travelling toward each other sideâ€" swiped. One car was swung around and ram up on & lawn while the other one continued down the road and ran into the ditch. Both cars were badly dumaged but fortinulely the occipants eseaped unhurt Centreville Settles School Controversy By Vote of Ratepayers, 59 to 46 the Sunnyside Site Was Rejected. the eXqh ts Two of unticipate throurh the Satimdiay class jur tition. the â€"trip Junion F. These number i a bus fo Excitement Occasioned in Village When One Car Is Ditched and ©Badly Damaged. Motorists Luckily Esvape When Cars Crash J. AND L. DESSLER TO REPRESENT FARMERS At Othawac the party will visit industrial plants and points of in verest, ineluding: the Dominion Ex perimental Farm ST. AG Cluoerman Edwird Jimsen instrict d the seeretary, Mr.J. H. Sherk, to cad the Act to the assembled voters \Thes their crereement, . which | was comewhat reluctiunt, owing to the net that thevoters were of the pimion that Ure aet wis seniewhad Hetatoric â€"if â€" the. voters id not periment seemis To l the opport encuimbran whether it or not. Agricthiac are to enquire purchasing seection of Every letter elaims to have "just what you are looking for", but the young men in question are arriving nt the conclusion that they will get just what they pay for. The prices vary from a "few hundreds" to vary from a "few hundreds" to figures with five numerals. At the present â€"time, the St. Agritha district is not preparing to make a general exodus. pure cated sixty bache erloo the ( duy, Wate some stock Demand for Pure Bred Holsteins:; Shipment of 60 Head to U.S. Un M . Waterloo Enters Strong Protestre Sewaee Nuisanee it the rutej "hurman t1 the dia U the on nyside An oard officials, who ie Public School the board must th ind tUheno sidimit . eoratepayers ; st« il! th »ma veritable flood of letters was ced during the past six months wious young. men in the St. in area who wrote to the Soo quire into the possibilitics of asing a farm in the northern n of Ontario. Every: farmer coto have taken upon Wmself pportunity to gret rid of any nbrance cof / land ono matter rer ut ds surtidde for: Farniinge deplore D) N new sife will be npon the pres. i ef the township hall. which w owPl hbe torn dowin Th proâ€" uljoining the plot will be por as aplaysround. tre trnebees czed â€" pelution petition. . The ts in the river d to eurry o min dth Department coeverwhemling vote of 59 46 epayens of the: Centreville Hetrict. on Monday approved chosen for Gre mew building School Board. The previous GATHA FARMERS A1RE NOT GOING TO NEW ONTARIO »ul N V D. as being n d irmer leader in t two. young men if others, expect e othe trip. which ballot h herar partim io nvi ti i1 iy ens d wiurd enone h plant a polution eport sihmit th th UL Wt or Cre mew building oard. The previous t a new school at declared â€" ilegal by s, who upon perusal I h s were of th cowies <eanewlhi voters did. no woth wars opere corded. â€" Geore indinst . falt Fa judging ols Act, found tinst choose the il th h he Witchenen the corce of is not o named names of the dictricts are ho weiaht with at Toronto in the ks Vonday. the Wits presenlt med pefitions eated iarninst Grand | River cond mbear m h outyr men to Ottirwa the Junior t prize on Fair open n compeâ€" entitled to recognizt 4D. 1t ith in from Lim on Over into the Euy with he county . with ; to charte will cove nt U th Wartercoo, OnTaRO, THurspay, Sepremser 27, 1934 decicion qit ‘ut The: Nerth Waterloo Inspectorite of Te Teschers‘ Institute, with a im â€" membership of 160 will hold thei ver â€" ccomd anrmal convention at the HH the zabeth Ziexler School on October 5th io the morning . The afternoon wil reâ€" hbeaspent l the KoW. Colegiate, The ind wil! EU f| ytl cecture on "The Mental Health . ie Teacher". ut the morning: see on atel on "The Mental Health of ho Child". daring the afternoon. The prowram will include rematks from the Inspectors, Messrs. Wialeh and Roberts During theâ€" morning session there will be community singâ€" ins umder. the enpervision *of Harry Hill. ‘The devetional exerclses will mtdor Jb direction of Rev. C. 8 MroJ Fraser Mac Montrose, the presid« torate will preside "Jafsie‘ Condon, â€" welfare worker who _ threw the $50,000 _ ransom money over a cemetery wall in New York, believing that the child would be returned. One of the clinching arguments in the case against the suspect is the estublishing of the ransome notes with his handwriting. The tclephone number and address of "Jafsie" was found in a sceret panel of the house, while Hauptâ€" mann‘s footprints also tally with those found below the window at the Lindbergh home at the time of the kidnapping. School Teachers‘ Institute to Meet The arrest was made by the police when Hauptmann attempted to pass several bills purported to be those paid by Col. Lindbergh in the $50,000 ransom. Both the state of New York and the state of New Jersey are rushing to bring Hauptâ€" mann to trial, When arrested, Hauptmann was unable to account for the sum of $13,750 which was found in his garage | in â€" goldâ€" cortificates and bills. Me attempted to prove that it had been a legacy of a former German compatriot, later trying to tell a story of thrift and still later soying that after successful specuâ€" lation on Wall St. he had turned the money into gold. certificates, prior to President Roosevelt‘s emâ€" bargo on the metal. As a carpenter, Hauptmann was working near the Lindbergh home ut the time of the kidnapping and had access to a lumber yard. Further, state the police, the ladder on which the child was taken from the home was built hastily by a skilled carpenter from the lumber in a nearby yard, To â€"date, Hauptmann has been partially â€" identified by Dr. J. F. Relentless attention and a close followâ€"up of a twoâ€"yearâ€"old kidnap und murder case, brought about the wrrest of Bruno Richard Hauptâ€" mann on Monday for the murder of the Lindbergh child in March, FOOTPRINTS AND Heespeter BABY SLAYING CHARGED TO HAUPTMANN Secure Strong _ Evidence in Lindbergh Murder Case.â€" $13,750 of Ransom Money Found. Memser or "Crass A" Werxures Well, we stration of riht here in womin had a she no longe womin with kitten gave kitten to a f \~ MicBackhern, princip oo c Alevindras Schios The provrim will ulso na Iy the choir from I ic school ander the \tr= Bicich, folk danei Biumnet and Elerence dromatization of "A C Cities" by the fifth fo behold, several days laterâ€" Mother Pussy came sneaking â€"yes, that is the word â€" through n neighboring garden and investigated the chances at the harn and around the house of imining entrance to her former home, Ah, the way was found! As stenlthily ns she had come, she left, gradually gaining momentum, all this time beading for her new home. Arriving there and relating to her smallish kitten what she had found, us a bedâ€"time story. Next morning the furmer‘s wife at her new home saw her carrying her_ baby (the so away from behold, sever; siw . her carryiug fher. baby (The kitten) acrose the fields in the old motherly way, by the nape of the neck. Over hills and through valâ€" leys, through fields of grain and pasture, che valiantly struggled on, carrying her load, neross the railway track, through shrubbery, through the said nceighbor‘s garden and into the barn. The cat and kitten are "THE CAT CAME BACK! WHAT NEXT! United States. The buyers, H. Heil man and Son, were in the county lust week to complete arrangements for shipment to Pennsylvanin. The prices paid were equal if not better _ than paid _ for Holateing shipped _ during â€" the past year, Farmers, realizing the importance of improving their pure bred herds, ure now renping the benefit in imâ€" proved prices and a constantly in creasing demand, lm me. Aw, cats _A \a c M h U cquiam will ulso present «ingâ€" he choir from Hespeler Pub ool under the direction of cich, folk dancing by Audrey id Plerence Seroggie and wation of "A Tale of Two by the fitth form pupils of 1/ luhlie School, alirected hy ithorpe uid mal convention at the lc Ter School on October 5th ning . The affernoon will the KoW. Collegiate. The peaker for the occasion t. Myers or Toronto, who on "The Mental Health cher‘. ut the morning: see i‘s wife at her new home carrying her_ baby (the rose the fields in the old way, by the nape of the ir hills and through valâ€" hn th th dicols Convespondent) hove had oa _ demonâ€" this honuing â€" instinet St. dacobs, _A certain cat with a kitten which rowanted. So the said the said cat and the awny the cat and the irmer friend a mile or n her abode. Lo! and al days later Mother sneakingâ€" â€"yes, that is WRITING TALLY Hit John‘s Lutheran s will be extendâ€" im berwer of the Ih nt d nald of Wost 0j the inspec the meetitige hy Mr. Neil al of the Wa Buvyer IM Saving of $2400 by Waterloo Commission About â€"twenty members formed the team of theâ€" Oxford Group Movement from Toronto which took part at various meetings and church services in the Twinâ€"City over the weekâ€"end, Numbers of Tocal resiâ€" dents who sougbt the new quality of lite surrendered their lives to God. A public meeting was held at the City Hall, Kitchener, on Saturday following a luncheon at the Y. M. C A,. On Sunday the group took communion ut the 8t John‘s Angliâ€" can Church in Kitchener, They later took part in the services in the majority of the, churches in the Twinâ€"City. Jack Cameron of ‘Toronâ€" Twinâ€"City. Jack C to led the groun, Mr. Dotzert will is position recently vacu K. Rutk who was a inspector by the He meent. The Win. Hogyg Co; reported as having unique method of on newly installed stoks of which sre supposed RELIEF PLAN NOT APPROVED BY COUNCIL ment ED. DOTZERT Is NEW GARETAKER OF WATERLOO SCHOOL In â€" closed session on â€" Monday night, theâ€" Waterloo Public School Board accepted the tender of Ed. Dotzert for the position of careâ€" taker of Waterloo Central School at $800, The other applications, which numbered 85, ranged from $600 all the way to £1,200, In another communication received recently, the Waterloo Public Utiliâ€" ties were informed that they would not be comnpelled to pay an addiâ€"! tiona) dollar per H. P.e. g. $28. but that the old cost price of $27 would be charged by the Hydro Commisâ€" ion. The local commission will save hetween $2,300 and $2.400 this year.| At the ‘riiBeting of the commission | theâ€" managzer‘s monthly Qreport wians / read and adopted. The water pump ed in the month of August totalled | 17,070,00 gallons. â€" Power consumed | amounted to 39,800 K. W. dours. The / cost for the power increased over the month of July by $271.%5 I Oxford Group Movement Is a Great Revival Impressive Meetings Conducted by Twenty Members at Twihâ€" City Churches. In tario coun mo t Charge of $27.00 H.P. for Hydro Power to Stand.â€"Reports Satisfactory. terloo moTOoR CAR MTCHED oN PETERSBURG ROAD a barn When the pucsemter, d Peterahints on Muric Seity suffered aoel The wecident was hrous‘t anto with «1 thein E) 1,316 PERSONS IAULLED, OovER 1.000 INJURED IN JAPAN TYPHOON A roavingr Pacific _ typ across | Jap section on least 1,346 in its wake, Damaige in its wake Diamage to estimate millions of FINE FAWN DEER SIGHTED ON FARM Mike â€" Zinger, _ Jr., Reports Enjoying Feed in Pasture With Cows. Vr. Mike Zinger Jr. while in the fietd plowing recently sighted a fine young . fawn brousing percefully. in the pasture feld with the cowe She however, quieckly. dieappeared Falling into a well seventeen feet 17|('(-|1, ‘Rnlwr' Mu!!hq-\\q, aged 4, of Port Rowan, had a narrow escape from â€" drowning. His grandfather, Albert Matthews, was neur by at the time, and lowered himself by means of a chain into the well, catching hold of the lad as the latter went down the second time. The boy. was unconscious and suffered n severe hump on his head, hut was later revived dundin it y On imy self Pricc RESCUES CHILD FROM WELL (By our Ari ener TODAY‘sS SMILE in ing, 120â€"mifeâ€"anâ€"hour North typhoon _ lashed its â€" way Iupan‘s â€" richest â€" industrial on Friday Jast, leaving at it "Il'fun wae as Intoxlent im Judge, you couldn‘t hit elight cnut npon the head at ecemmred when the car it to a stand still until in whuring hesudlishts should koed on oa softâ€" houlder lid down a â€" teep ditch 1 can im which took the it rogae on ‘Thim of Water 8t light ent npon N0 to property . amounted dollans d ever got as infoxiented t Td ko ont ind ehool Publi ind In Hi er applications, >, ranged from £1,200, suceeed to the uted by Norman appointed hotel epburn governâ€" Reports â€" Deer t« \\ the i9. ol cepte 20 alay. . Mis Kitclhenet sh h impossible e tens oof M to the Norman l hotel governâ€" s0° Wiks 1 the t the wirges for it. pue th Mise W Toi uid Dear Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald: We your friends and neighbours have gathered here this evening to express our best wishes to both of you on this occasion. We are glad that you, Mr. MacDonald, are res imaining in our midst, and to you, \rs. MucDonald, we extend a corâ€" dial welcome,. We ask you to neccept this small token not for its value but «s a kind remembrince ofâ€" your friends. _ Again we. wish to conâ€" wnatulate you and wish you a long and prosperous married life, Sirned on behalf of your friends and neighbours. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacDonald "I wish that the Easterners could see my garden vegetables," she said. "Such growths, T‘ warrant, were never seen in the south." The crop outlook appears fairly good in the northern section despite the adverse weather conditions. The Dominion Government Exâ€" perimental Farm, which is situated near there, has on display wonderâ€" ful growth exhibits of various kinds. Milton _ Weber â€" entertained _ the people of this community at their home in honour ef Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacDonald, who were oreâ€" cently narried. The evening was spent in dancing and card playing. A delicieus lunch was served after which _ Mr. _ and Mrs, MacDonald were â€" presented _ with a _ dinner wagon, â€" The address was read by Mr. Clarence Schuett and the preâ€" Mrs. Sclena Smith, formerly of New Hamburg district, and now of the Peace River district in Alberta, who was a recent guest in the Twinâ€" Cities, writes interestingly of the conditions in the West and their crop prospects in general. Mrs. Smith, whose home is at Luke Saskatoon, says that upon her return about three weeks ago the riuspberry crop was just ripening. As the fall grain crops also were ripe at the time, the cutting was starting almost simultaneously, The unemployment situation is entivrely absent in her district, she reports, there being a lack of harâ€" vesters in the northern areas. Unâ€" Lortunately, when the stooking was only half over, they suffered a snow and sleet storm. Consequently they will not commence threshing until almost October. ° Runnersâ€"up Newlyweds Are Entertained IHAYSVILLE LOSES IN sSOFTBALL FINALS TOP _ PRICE FOR COW $145.00 TO ONTARIO BUYER Former Waterloo County Resident Writes Interestingly of Crop Conditions. sertation made by . The address is us Dear Mr. and Mrs. We your friends have gauthered here The â€" Haysville â€" softhall team,. nunners up in the . Angdican Y oung People‘s County Lengue for three consecutive years, â€" went. down . to defeat on Saturday in a final game with Prestor by the seore of 12â€"11. The finals were played at Kitchener and â€" took the: form of n double header, â€" Haysville: finding it neces sary to win the first gnme to stay in the running. Snow Storm Stops Threshing in Peace River District Local Girls Pile Up 16 to 6 Score While the Boys‘ Team Loses 8 to 6 in Exciting Game. 60 Pureâ€"bred Cattle Sell At Good Prices Pennsylvania Breeder Buys Fourteen Head, Averaging $90.â€" Bidding Quite Brisk. WILLIAMSBURG sSPLITS DoUBLEHEADER WITH ST. CLEMENTS TEAMS Walli 816 N. Boys went down to of St. Clements improved form Wilhamsburg St. Clements Batteries: Y and Will; St Loventz, Umpirc Bricker. Strmck down hy a . Edna t Halhs of New Sidin day . four vear old of KWitchener suffered im â€" The child de tep im in pront of the car moved . 1 Preatment meetings Rishop be aselched )n H§ mon . NeotWale Goespel Herald. Durime this week it the first Men ponite. Church in Kitchener, there will be condnefed a serfes of «pecial meetings Rishop C F Denstine will be aselcted nc Bishop Daniel Kanf mon . NeotHale:â€" Pa editor of the (Cty on Wihamsbiung: Correspendent ) The â€" Willsemsburg girls piled up 16 to 6 score agminst St. Clements one of the season‘s best victories amily, B illiamsbin . Clement Batteries herer; OF MENNONITE EVANGELISTIC MEETING L. Bender mpires: B t Friday evening Mr. and 1 Weber _ entertained + of this community at in honour ef Mr. and y MacDonald, who â€" were SUFFERS BROKEN ARM Loat rsâ€"up for Three Years in Succession, Downed by Preston. presented _ with a . d The address was rei wenee Schuett and the in made by Mr. Walter Given a Reception Seon bury th Beaupre the Walh i defeat ts. Roth 400 001 100 101 200 04x Wilhamsburg â€" Bea Clements: Gerth ANeman the Is Irish iso1 s by in ting Mr. and Mrs. entertained _ the nmunity at their e( Mr. o and Mrs. ctt and the pre Mr. Walter Piric follows: 01A Battlei reported to car She wa \V _ Hoepital tearm imsburg hoys at the hiands ar driven hy Presented with Suitable Gift at Hirmbure on Farewell Party. â€"Farm Sold Wirion Zapke w frirctured to Anthony May: arted to drrve C use en Culhert Waterloo County‘s Leading Weekly Newspaper 0000 pondent ) Hill ind showed ndent) rentz ind ind 16 1 as high as $125.. Included among them were some fine show animals wnd every one was tested Purchasers _ were | present â€" from Niagara Falls, _ Norval, _ Thorold, Campbellville, Schomberg, Lindsay, Milton, (Guelph, Waterlo0, Kitchener, Galt, Ayr, Georgetown, St. Cathâ€" arines, Bre«lan, Singhampton, Drayâ€" ton, Caledonia, Preston. Weston, Linâ€" wood and Acton. Much credit for the success of the cale is due to Auctioneers L. E. Rrumklin. Toronto and E. J. Shantz LOCAL MEN IN MOTOR CRASH As i result of an accident on the Guelph â€" highway â€" justs« north _ of Breslau, Sunday morning, Charles Christopher of â€" Degroit faces a chirge of reckless driving. Two of the men involved in the accident suffered â€" injuries but. none. were seriously hurt. According to the police records, Cristopher had passed several cars but had not noticed that of W. Sutherland _ of _ Kitchener coming towards him. As a result, the two cars struck headâ€"on and the auto belonging _ to â€" Christopher _ rolled over, Sutherland‘s car took to the ditch. The sale was in charge Of A. B. Brubacher, sales agent for the Waterâ€" looâ€"Wellington Holstein Association, who brought the cattle to Guelph, und who is in charge of shipments. Another sale will be held November [ith Mr. Brubacher said today, in expressing his pleasure at the sucâ€" cess of the event. Forty cows averaged $90 eachâ€" a price which is as good as any reâ€" ceived in previous sales. For the entire sale, including young bulls under one year and young heifere under two yeans, the average was $78, a particularly good figure. Bought Fourteen Head One buyer, F. L. Heilman and Son, uf Cleona. Pa.. purchased fourteen head at an average of just under $90, while â€" another, _ William _ Munphy, hought five head. All of the others were individua] «sales, but ‘bidding was very brisk, particularly on the females, und the emtire sixty head were sold within five hours, a record for fast time. The top price animal was a cow. which was sold to H. W. Stewart of St. Catharines. for $145. Males sold up to $110, and other cows brought us high as $125. Included among Detroit Man Blamed for Sevâ€" eral Cars Figuring in Acciâ€" dent on Breslau Highway. Two wreckers were called, one from Kitchener for Sutherland and one â€" fromâ€" Guelph _ forâ€" Cristopher. When the Guelph wrecker was in position, a car driven by Frank Hilliard of Waterloo struck it and turned it over, Hilliard claimed that he had failed to notice the signals warning. traffic of the accident. Later when E. S, Smith of Guelph wias walking neross the highway to view the nccident, he was struck down by n car driven by John Livingston, of Guelph, and suffered NO PERsSON Sixty head of pureâ€"bred Holstein cattle were sold in record time Wedâ€" nesday, Sept. 19th at a sale held in the Winter: Fair Building, Guelph, when buyers from all parts of Onâ€" tario purchased animals consigned from various sections of the Proâ€" vince Snow Blankets West: Crops Suffer CONGREGATION PRESENTS sSILVER COMPORT thi it Kitchener Mrs. Alvin Ottman Makes Presen tation Following Address by Miss Eva Ballard. MRS. PETER BERG IS HONORED BY FRIENDS ewin aving Pllse: Riding winds. from the north west, ow citme sweeping out of the north blinket majority of parts of West n Canada Sunday night. tving up re hine . amd endangering â€" unbar sted â€" wheat and coarse grains ow avins heaviest in Alberta and elurtchewan, . while in â€" Manitoba im iimd «leet predominated «l0 presen mport bef favewell party c oof \Mrs: Pete evening w ds and nelgh * BADLY INJURED GP

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