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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Sep 1934, p. 6

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'r, iiiiiiEiiiE W List orlutetiion $aliter In a 'hrmlng mixml bowling tour- nament on tho Now Hamburg rmks, Dr. H. vKn'zenmmer took on with the amt prize with Iwo wing and R plus ot H. No rink won an of their "use ten4rnd games, TIN] for second place ward bho rinks of L. Debug and Rev. Walker was {Med hy the members on the, occasion of his 7m. birthday. It was the right}: succee- sive your that he has held the presidency. Closely Contested Game. H. R. Roth. Ant-r tluv-rut-Tara-, took third. At the first meeting since vaca- tion of the Ministerial Association, held at the home of Rev. Walker on Monday night, Rev. Waiknr was re-clevtvtl provident of the Associa- tion. Rev. J. B. Dengis of New Hamburg was elected secretary- trousurer to fill the vacancy left by the removal of Rev. Fletch to Crediton. ‘ Local Team Loses to Hick-on. Hickxun Red Styx halted .750 in the ()xfonLWuu-rltm Ludios' Soft- ball loop in tho years- 1931 to 1934 when they vurrivd " the champion- ship in thru- of the four years. Champions again for 1934 by virtue of their 25-20 win over the New Hamburg Irish Collerms this week, the Hickson Ins-mos nre indeed de, serving of much praise. The game on Monday night went tii Hickson through their timely hitting. _ Miniuerial Association Mash. _ , It“ I! By the "ttore, of 290 to 1517 the St. Pun-1‘s horsoslme thrnwm‘s defeated tho Elmira (‘I'vumery mama's on Fri- day. Ht. .Innms took the Hrmnnn to lhe hum of 300 to 155 in llwir three scheduled munm. Elmira Notes. Mrs Alvx Nvlmm hug purummml tho rosidvm-o of Amnndus Herz. According to information just received by N. Asmusscn, M.L.A. for North Waterloo, Mr. Walter Murtinsun of Elmira has just been prnlllll'll a Justice of the Pence by the prburn Government. The appointment is (mo of the first to be made since the wholesale "firing" of the former J.P.'s. won Horseshoe Match. Mr. Fred kirschel spent sunw time in.('hicugo rom-ntly. Ellpirn hlan Gets Appointment. " At, the regular meeting of the Elmira town council on Monday permission was granted the firemen to stage a street dance near Gore Park in the near future. The de.. cision was made after council had been assured by the firemen that the residents of the district werc agree- able. Council Auenh After Delegate. Point Out Residents Agreeable. May Lower lnaurauce Costs. PERMISSION GRANTED FIREMEN TO HOLD STREET DANCE Terms of Channels - Cash on day of sale. WALTER DUENCH, Executor. -E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. Terms of Rest Estate--. 10%,0f purchase price un day of sale, bul- zmce in thirty days. Rent Estate-At thew,ame time the pmpcrty will be offered Con- sisting of a guod H-ruomed frame house with 3oiecds bath, electric lights, gas, soft and hard water; situated on a good-sized lot, a good comfortable home. Don't miss this sale for good clean goods. Commencing at 1.30 o'cloek. Good Berlin piano; oak China cabinet; upholstered settee; lounge; mahogany rocker; 4 oak rockers; 3 parlor tables; fernery; leatherette upholstered rocker; good Wilton rug 9 x 9; antique book case; oak extension table; 6 dining chairs; oak sideboard; kitchen table; 4 kitchen chairs; leaf table; electric floor lamp; table lamp; real good white enamelled 4-burner gas range with coal annex; kitchen cupboard; hall rack; clock; German family Bible; parlor lamp; bedroom suite; 2 iron beds with springs and mattresses; a lot of good clean bedding; fancy and, plain dishes; kitchen utensils; kiurh-; en sink; 2 oak dressers; home-made mats; phonograph; 2 wash stands;) pictures ;. veranduh mat; trunk;l empty sealers; garden tools; cham- ber set; cellar tables, and numerous. other useful articles. 1 E. J. b'HANTZ, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the Executor of the late Jacob Schurluch to sell by public auction the chattels of the estate on the premises situated at 111 Lancaster St. E., near the Five Points, Kitchener, on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER " HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND REAL ESTATE NEW HAMBURG of ELMIRA NEWS Charles of Hamilton, and r,di.Vii/ii, Besides her husband she leaves three daughters, Beatrice of Lon- don, Wilma, n graduate nurse, nnd Abbie at home. One brother, l Mrs. Minnie Seip, a former resfr, dent of New llnmhurk, died M iSenforth on Monday. She had been in failing health for some time and had suffered in stroke about. " week ago from which she never rallied. Before her marriage to George Seip gr, years ago she was Miss Minnie Knlzenmeir, n daughter of the late Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kntzenmeir, Jr., who for many years was clerk of New Hnmhurn. Her husband, George Snip, was employed as n harness maker nnd moved to Sun- for.tch about 30 yenrs nun. l Death of W. K. Rennie. Thv funeral of one of New llam- hurg district's well-known and pioneer farmers in the person of the late William Keuchie Rannio was held on Monday afternoon. The Itttt, Mr. Ronniv Was wry well known ‘(hrnughuut that community, having ‘hoon burn an Springhurn farm and had lived there all his life. His father was the late John Biakv Ronnit- who came to Canada from Aberdeen, Scotland, 100 years ago lust March. He was unmarried, liv- ing with his sisters who before the church union were staunch adhvr-‘ eats of the Presbyterian faith andi lalvr of the United Churoh. I Mn. George Snip Pane: Away. . One hundred and forty-{hm slud- onla \wru pl'mvlll in Ihv local high svhuul on ”pnllillg 'luy and “haul '30 mun- joined HIP following (lay Mr. “mm is ”lo prlm‘hpul. Mr, and Mm Harold Iriviriiuvw upon: the tvtitul a! Hamilton and Huanglnu, I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd [min of To- ‘roum were mum! Visilol‘h' itt 11w home Hf My. P, Loin. Mustang I'. SI-huuh. H, Swlmuh. Hus .wll [mum-I and Ulnylun Allow-hr am- spending a 'week in (ink-mm, ' Mr and Mrs Howard s'riuulvwitr. or Windmw spent Sunday in lawn. M; mul Mm. Albert Sollhlg_ Mm oliver Amy, Mm Alex Ale-Mm, Mix” Lila Smiling. Mm J. Sulling and iloi' Hun Swim”; Altamira tlu, rmwru: of llH-ir aunt "um Norm Fhit4tltolre on Suhu'tlmy. l A lumulu whinh In)“ the 60,1!va at two and a half pounds was grown in tho garden of Mrs, Emma Hollinger, Mr, E, W. Otto of (‘hivngn is vis, Hing at his home in town. Week-end vlsimm with Mr. and Mm. A, Manuz were Mr. and Mm. J, It. [)ixnn trt' Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. David Rirhzu'dmmn and son or Vancouver urn mn-nding sump time with Iii', um! Mm. Potet' "Pixel. Mr. and Mrs. c. Lake and (lunch rpm l'hyllia and Ethel and Billy Luke of laakefleld visited nvor the wock end at tho home ur the former}; sis, ter. Mus. C. Stumm'. and Mr, Summit i We lmvv one” lmrborud the 'llwuglll that it would he very nice to have money grow on 112% but try as we might we ruuld nwur lean-n In! it'or anything like it actually Imp 'pryr'uur That is not until recently when M r. Walter Dale of the Hnmn Road west, round a dollar bill in a starlings nest while plowing on the 'Broadfonl farm near Seaforth. MP. Inale had his attention drawn to a nest in a, tree near the barn and on ti.Y,rtiya.tinx found a dollar hill of 1923 vintage, very rugged, but with priming still legible. Tlie Marlin}: would appear lo he " gum] him to 'cultivate, _ 4 School Board. The total attending the school now ummmm lo 1350 Hum: being 46 beginners At the present tlttte tle class rooms are (-11;de and in sump roomn' {New at'e as many tttq fifty pupils. Elmira Notes. An incl‘ww or 25 bver [and yuitr's registration was reported at a numb ing of the Bimini and Woolwich No Schoo! Attendance Up, ADVERTISE YOUR SALE IN THE __ CHRONICLE; IT PAYS. Terma--10, of the purchase price cash. Balance within 30 days thereafter unless unrwiSo ur- ranged. . Sula to ultra at 2 p.m. nh-rp. 100 acres, more or lass, good sandy loam, well fenced, with approximately 7 acres of young growing bush. Fair frame house, good bank barn with good stubling. Never failing water supply. This farm should appeal to any one wanting to buy a farm, and will be sold positively without reserve. The high bidder is the buyer. I. H. Tainan, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from the under- signed to sell by public auction on the premises one mile west of New Dundee, the farm known as the Alex. Thomson farm, formerly occu- pied by J. Brunk, on FRIDAY, ~SEPTEMBER let, 1934 l. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, Now Dundee, Phone 28w. J. ROY COWAN, MABEL COWAN, AUCTION SALE - of - VALUABLE 100 ACRE FARM MONEY Proprietors 2% SST Mr and Ilrt, Joriph it Lois urn lnkim: in tlm World's Fair at Chi mum mu] touring through tho 3mm: of ohiu. lmlinnu, Nnbrnskn, visiting frivmis and will hr- "harm! for an- other' ihl’m- wrtekt, Thu Wt'lyh'slny Full Exhithon was III-M on Tuesday um! Worlnrmrlay, Sup! I!!!) and 12M: Mr and Mrs Slruhl and family of Kilrhvm-r lnzuln " I'rtw culls- while hvru an Sunday. Mr Hurry lx'umpl' ttrrd Mr. Milton (Hr-In» of Toronto urn HI prmmll virUt- inrt Irivmlu llt‘l'v and vivinity, Uur Sn-lmol look var! in tho Sulmnl Pair whirh mm hold )4th Tltuixulay itt SI. (‘lr-Im-nlu. Thvy wnrn awarded Hu- shivM, Mies Numb-nu Gruhm It N, ot Niorrtiul is, visiting hul‘ Iruruufs. Mr and Itrt, Philip 1lpulttti for a row tlays TIH, ttuurliirrs or our l’uhIiu- Sulmul urn- "ll nu tln. jnh and lmvo rosumctl Ihuil' tlulivh "ssiguod In Illnm. Local School Wins Shield. Thieves Strip Crap. Vines. On Sunday night while Mr. and Mrs, (‘nrl Schnl'idl'l' were nwny for " slum-t lime. ull their grapes were Mule" " the vines and their flowers badly ivy-mullet! thmn. This is the serum! time Mr. Sehneiuler Inns hud thing» taken " his property. I Mr. EH0 N. Sh-iss of Toronto >|ll'll[ " h-w "ass ul his home. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of ’l'm'mllu spvnt the wtwk-utul with lhvir ”mm, Mrs. Frivkoy. Mr. mu! Mis. bl. Quayle and tam, ily spturt Smut” will: Mr. and Mrs, A. Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Krhlv, Misses Rum: Zit'glt'l' and Hilda Huchnen Kurd of Irvtiurit spot ilu. wwkwmi wtih relatives here. Thieves Strip Crap. Vines. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wuhl and J. William Wuhl and the Misses Bony, (‘uHu-rim- and Florence, of Tulmfu, Ohio, rm Sunday visited at the honw of R. Wahl. Mr. and Mrs. Churn-s Ziegler and family of Ih‘iduvpurt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ziegler. Mr. John Grub!) of Curlsvuhe and Mr. Louis Grub!) and son Alfred of ’l'wmmtor and Mr. Alvin Dorsch.t, of Watvrlun were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Grubb. Mrs. Caroline Fries and sun Gorge and Mr. Norman Duench smut il day \\:i1h friends irlollluce, Miss Edith Klinck and Mrs. Shoe, mukrr of Elmira spent a day with Ilw Missvs Vullmmx Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schneider and family spent a day in Toronto, Miss Betty Poppler of Waterloo spent It vacation with her cousin, Miss Flurvnuo Hahn. Mr. Geo. Wviss attended the re- uniun picniv in Victoria Park, Kitch, L'IH'I‘, on Monduy, of the pupils of a former teut'hvr here, Rev. S. H. Swarm, . Miss Elizabeth House of Itoches, ter, N.Y., wont some time with the Misws Monger of Thvee Bridges. A mind rvprvsvutativn of children and parents and fyiemiss turned out at the annual svhoul fair of Wool- with Township this year held in New Jerusalem on Friday, Sept. 7th. The pupils of the Heidelberg school were again successful as other years in bringing credit to their school. A ‘totnl of 3:4 pvixus were won, with muncy value amounting to $13.75. Allwrt Hurtunp: won the most points ond money value over 4.00, with Flux-mice Hahn as second prize win/ nor getting money value over $3.00/ The list of the przies won by Heidt0ercr, S. S. No. ll, appear under the list of winners in another column. Personals. Albert Harlung Hench Local List at New Jerusalem Schpol Fair Exhibit. ' HEIDELBERG . 33 Prizes Won By Local Pupils implements - Wagon; buggy; democrat; sleigh; gang plow; single plow; 4-section iron harrow; culti- vator; M.-H. mower; hay rake; ,vuffier; 2 'sets team' harness; cream stsput'ttttrr; wheelbarrow; double- trom; forks; chains; cook stove, and mmmmus other articles. No Reserve. Term-z Cash. FRIDAY, SEPT. M, 1934 At 2 pm. Hone- ---- 1 grey Percheron mare 4 yeah old; I buy mare r, years old, (u gum] (cum). Cattle ,7, 7 good duiry cows, ull fresh front 3 Lu 3 months and bred "gain; 7 head of yuung cattle. There will be sold by public auction ml the farm a! John Peter- son, situated on the highway mid- way between Waterloo and Bridge- port, on PAUL HAKEN. w. W. FRICKEY. Auctionsgr. Phone Waterloo 592w. 3 AUCTION SALE WELLESLEY - of .. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS ttrrd Mr. Milton HI prmmll virUt- vivinily lph H Lois urn T , , -V a. T"'C"T, ' VWKV w "ree ~_"*3;gpg12"” ' _ [ , . ( C , _ 1 = ‘_ c, J' ' In! 'beRLQO 0.3081014. 37-1 Mr. and MN. W. N, AumehamlralrriiFiiii'u%'nir"iC'ai spent a day thu, wreak In Kitcjmner, Henry Llphardt of Waterloo Mr, nnd Mrs, Roy (‘nldnr upon! Sunday with Mr. um] Mum, Harold (‘nhlmg 13th ”no, Mr. “limo! Alllngham WM " busi- tuwr, vlullor In Elmh'n on Saturday. Mr. Milton Mllnghnm ot Klmhonor awn! tho week-0nd at Ma home horn. We»: Dorlwn hmn‘lwrl ‘hns tdu/if/n homn MIN rt"rrvntnrur mm» Ham- at Kmrnrdine. Mr [maria Wright left Monday morning tor London whero ho In- fr'min exhibiting his harm. which worn vary sum-mini at the Toronto Kxhihition. Mr and Mm Wm Lambert. 3.3mm Sundny at the homo of Mrs. Thomas, Mnylwry at Paola. Mr. Robert. Amngham and Mina Mary Alllnzham of Fnrnmnk awn: Sunday with Mr, and Iftt J. W, Al. linghnm. Mr. um] Mm N. C. Allinthn and family at New York City are holiday- hm with Mm former}: parf‘nm. Mr. mm Mm. J. W, Alumphmm, Mr and Mrs. Harry Craig or he» mm mwnl the past week-9nd with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Lamhert I Rom-n! visitors at the home or Min and Mm, Hum, Schllvllt-l‘ were: Mm. 'llzuh-r and mm "lily aud Mr and Mrs, Lloyd Rum-r mld {sunny of Hum mun, Mr and Mm. Alfnx Kldt ot' TUN- (il:)',-'..), Mr. and Mm, Gideon Munro of Rulzhurg. Mr. Jacob Suhneller. Mr. :.Iuhn Schmm and tVttl Alfred of (mu. l Quin- a numbm' from here attend- ml Hits c, N K. at Toronto lam week. Wm Wle from Princeton. {a the now tmrt-htsp at our 'local school, Mr. Fwd Thsckor was u Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mm. John Svhiodtxl at Mlnn. Mnr George Allan tll' "och-tor elk-m Friday ut Mm home at Mr. um] Mir, Irwin.“ Why Tho unnunl tihimrvtcr, [My Sorvlvv will bu hold at tho Maunhehm U " (‘hurrh on Sunday (welling. I Rev and iMts. Emu Sim-r of Mumm- lwim viailwl al thu home of Mr. and Itrw Chas, Srhnollvr on Tlu‘mluy, _ Mu: Herb Schulz vlsilml with his ll'uhher at Toronto, who is (mile seri- ‘nusly ill, I Mr. Matthias Blanch.- or Tuvlnnwk (v, u Sunday vitutm. at the hottie of Mr mid IMm. Ezra Becker. I Muwlm' Wuyn" "ullman ham r» ,lurm-(l In his hmm- In Kitchenw- nl’n-r having spout the summer moll- 'tluys ut the homv of his grandpar- ents. Mr. and Mm Henry Burke-n l Mime Mary Clotuse, who Wltt4 swim- Hump: llmlrlu'lrvus m Glen [lurnard 't'arup for tho xum-mur nmnthx, has vau Mu- gum! of her "iectetl Mm. John smut». _ Mr. um! Mrs. Morley lluluvr and mrnily when! last Sunday al Bull's Niko at the summm‘ home ot tho for. nu-r's Irvother, Mr. Woston Hauler. Mr. and Mm, llonry Svhroihor and sun Glenn were the guests of Mrs Atlu Hun-luck ttl l’etm‘dhurg on Sun- (lay. Mrs. Nettie Each and little t50tl Kenneth of Elmira spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Ezra Becker and visited at the homes' or Mr. and Mm Dave Sohzmiu, Mr, and Mrs. Isaiah why and Mm A. Woelfle. MIX and Mm. Gordon Duln‘ivk “pull Sunday with tpiends at Waterford. Electric toaster, new; Findlay electric range, new; annex heater; leaf table; several kitchen chairs; Brantford Locomotive washing ma~ chine in dandy); electric iron; coal oil lump; kitchen clock, 100 years old; puts, kettles and pans, and all kitchen utensils; galvanized tubs; eight-day clock; bake trough; shot gun; oak extension dining room table; 6 oak diners; jurdiniere stands; fern stand; centre table; silver knives and forks and spoons; M-piece dinner set; a lot of fancy dishes; leather cushion arm chair; rug 6% x 9; parlor rug 10 x 12; rug 7 x 9; rug 9 x 12; crochet covers; duvenport; a lot of fancy; cushions; 2 small oak tables; " num-: ber of mats; Chesterfield suite; Brunswick phonograph; ftower vase; solid oak hall stand with plate glass mirror; Chenile curtains; stair cur- pet; hull runners; 2 accordions; trunk; cedar chest; 2 what-nots; vacuum cleaner; curtain stretchers; 4 goose feather pillows; chamber set; 1 brass bed complete; dressing imble, new; chifhmier; dresser, new; we ton furnace coal; work bench; ‘some storm windows with glass; a number of screens; coal shovel; coal scuttle; empty sealers; a quantity of canned fruit; flower, stands; clothes drier; 2 cellar tables; large stone cracks; wine barrel; fruit stand; step ladder; other ladders; lawn mower; fiower baskets; rubber hose; trellis; a number of fruit baskets; window brush; shovels;', hoes; pick; rake; und many other articles too numerous to mention. i For Mu. Mary Rarsk, tIM Cuolino St., Waterloo, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER um. At I.00 pan. share The following NORMAN BOLDUC. Clerk. 2'7-l AUCTION SALE Of Valuable HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS WILLIAMSBURG DORKING Sunday guests m. the home of Mr. um! Mrs. Solomonn Wahl were Mr. um! Mrs. Emanuel Poell and family of (Hennllcn. Mr. and Mrs. Geimyl of near Ereslau and Mr. and Mrs. Misses Evelyn and Jean Roberta, Mr. Elwood Wanamaker of Kitch- I'm-r and Mr. Carl Bvrlett of Shake, ape-me called on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Strong on Wednesday Mr. T, I. Croft, accompanied by Mr. R. Gnu-h and sons Murray nnd Morris won- guests of the farmer's sun. Mr. nnd Mrs. Erie Croft, of llarriston. on Sunday. The frivnds of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Shunt, will be sorry to learn of their illness and hope for n sweetly rernvory. Mrs. S. Wilkie and son! Abe and Carl spent n week with friends in ('hngloy. Port Elgin and Owen Sound, Recent callers ut the home of Misses Mary and Abbie Bemis were Mr. J, A .l)urranl, Matthew and Bertram Durmnt of near Guelph, Mr. E. Brown and Mr. Berni» Dur- rant. of Kitchener. and Mr. C. M. Hurranl of Guelph. The Srhool Fair was held Inst Mondny Mternoon at New Germany with a splendid attendance. The ex- hibits of the local pupils compared wry favorably with those of other schoola. Gordon Bingeman won the diploma for the highest number of points given to the school, and Rus- sel Brutzki won the lnr est amount' of prize money. The 'ilti'(u'Cg21, group who won the relay race were Amhroso Dnhmer, Harold Brutzki, Byron Binm-man, kenneth Shafer, Herb. Holtze, Lloyd Jenny and Lin- roln Yuntr.. I Winn Hi'hen Number of Points IQ: New Germany School "ir.--- Local- Win Rally Rice. Honors Co To Gordon Hallman I Real Ertate--At the same time there will also be offered for sale, I(uuhjoct to a reserved bid), a 'frunu- house with asphalt shingle kit-sign siding and containing 6 rooms and bath, with large size kitchen attached and Bummer kitchen. Allpronvenienees, steam heating throughout. Soft water in kitchen. Garage. On in large double lot with It variety of fruits. If you intend to get a home for yourself, buy now before prim-5‘ utlvatrce. buy, This is a good gulp, so plan to urtv/id, Terms on Propertr--l0'g wish on day of sale, balance within 30 days. Household Effects ___- Cash as you cellar cupboard and tables; electric iron and folding board; 3 wringers; copper btrilvtilsuskcts; sealers; 6 and 12 gal. cracks; water power washing machine; 3 tool chests; a lot of good carpenter tools; garden _ -ee "um -B-r_.._E& "mu", 6 oak diners with leather seats; oak jardiniere stands; mantel clock; 4 oak rockers; upholstered arm chair; brass table with marble top; red parlor rug, 13 x 13 ft.; 3 foot- stools; dining room rug; oil cloth and linoleum; oak hull rack; smoker stands; parlor tables; mahogany dresser and stand; 2 oak dressers and stand; wooden bed and springs; single wOoden bed; mahogany dresser and stand; double bed with springs; 4 burner Hotpoint; lelectric stove with high side oven: in good order; kitchen table and chairs; 2 leaf tables; folding table; Singer cabinet sewing machine; old- fashioned sideboard; Morris chair; verandah arm chair and rockers; baby carriage; electric violet my; chamber set; ehild's bed; piano stool; coal oil lamp; heater; pic- tures; electric (cater; oil lamps; ROBERT ELLERBRUN and CLAUDE ELLERBRUN, W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Phone Waterloo 692w. 3 l W. W. Frickey, Auctioneer, will lee" for the Eat-l. of the In. Stephen Ellorbrun, " Mt Park St., learner Union Blvd., Kitchener, on SATURDAY, SEPT. ttt, 1934 Sale turn at 1.80 pun. ohlrp. Princess Royal piano and bench; DeForest Crosley 6 tube radio; 5- piece plush parlor suite; mahogany corner chair; walnut settee; round and square mahogany parlor tables; Royal vacuum cleaner; hand carved mahogany rocker and filing .cabi- nets; square extension table with 5 leafs; said oak hand-carved aide: board1with large bevelled mirror; VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AUCTION SALE BLOOMINGDALE Executor: 37 Rev. R. J. Miller}! Pi POt1, Mich, “as the guest of Mr, anerl A. It, Snyder on Sunday; _ Mr. J. Hudson m-cupiod the pulpit Chyrt'h In} Sgtldny. A series of Revival Mot-tings are in progress at Snyder's, Mennonite Church in charge of S. J. Miller of Pigeon, Mich. An "ll-dny mission mootin wns held last Sunday with n ('J'Jllllfu'Jd' house and and interest. Over one hundred 2E2 was col, levied for the support. of Elvin Snyder, missionary in the Argon, tine, South America. _ The Misses Snidor and Mrs. Clif- ford Snider of fe',t',',,"'tt', called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles odfnrd lust. Thursday. Mrs. A. McAllister and Mr. Charles Bedford spent, lust Tuvmiay and Wednesday with the formor's daughter, Miss Marjorie McAllister, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ynntz and family were guests of the farmer's aunt, Mrs. Hertel, of Preston, on Sunday. Mr. l)ul7.l'll of Gull. Misses Betniion Fynday Mr. and Mrs. Curl McAllister of Guelph sre.nt last week with the 1nttvr's sister, Mrs. Redford nml Mr. Chas. Redford. Mr. and Mrs. Jarry Kefrvr of Kos- wth spent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Schm- do]. Mr. Knnoth McAllister returned to his home utter spending n week in Atipley, __ Mr. land Mrs. Eden Bechtel and family of Shunt: Station won- guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Sauder on Sunday. _ iithe the hearing of appeals and com- plaints against the proposed special , ttpswsistttents for the costs of pave- ments, sidewalks and sewers, eon- [ structed as Local Improvements in the your 1933, will be held in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall, Waterloo, on Wednesday, the third I(lay of october, 1934, at 8 o'clock i'itl the afternoon, at which time and ',place, complaints against property 'trs,sessimvnts' or accuracy of frontage measurements, or any other com- plaints which persons interested may wit-sire to make, or by law eogliizahle lily the Court, will be heard. 3 Dated at Waterloo. this 13th day :of September, 1904. _ i Mrs. Bruluwhvr and (laughter Olive of Kitchener called on the Misses Mnry and Ahhiv Bemis on Friday, Mr. Asaph Bemis returned to his home in Detroit lust Thursday after mending the summer with his sits- ters, Misses Mary and Abbie Bemis. Mr. Joseph Whse,. of Wnutvl'looris spvndinz n wot-k with friends in the vicj!tity. _, Eaat Block, Parliament Bldg... Toronto, Ontario, Solicitor to the Mona-gee. Dated at Toronto this 8th day of August, 1934. For further particulars and um ditions of sale, apply to HARRY w. PAGE, Eu... Term: of Sale on Land--Ten per cent. of the purchase nmnoy to be paid dawn at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days. Terms of Sale of Chattels-Cash. The farm will first be offered for sale and in the event of the reserve bid not being reached, the chattels ivill be offered for sale. Town of Waterloo 1 bay horse, 1000 lbs., 12 years old; 1 black mare, 1400 lbs., 12 years old; 1 Ayrshire cow; 3 black cows; 1 Holstein cow, black and white; 'd red cows; one to months uld bull; 4 calves, 3 mouths old; 1 wagon; 1 sleigh; 1 root pulper; a cream separator, Primrose; hay fork and pulleys; 1 fanning mill; 1 hay ruck; l plow; 2 sets iron burrows; l cutter; l buggy; l mower; l Massey-Harris drill; l l. H. C. binder, (l ft. put; I set double harness. I On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. " LOCAL' IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS At the same time and place, underth authority of u Chuttel Mortgage, there will be offered for sale the following chattels: ALL AND SINGUI.AR those cor-l SUN 22 (Suiui'f‘w -_-- At 1.30 I . . . p.m., valuable furniture and house- ‘tum parcels or tracts of land "/"iji0iii etrects, for Edwin R. Mover WP. premises, situate, lying and being Brubaker St., Kitchener. _ , in the Township of Waterloo and] Sept. 22 (Saturday)--' my'auc- containing by admensurement One tin" stand, Duke St., opposite the Hundred and Twenty-five and ttrv-Se.'.'""""' market, fot. It. It., f/om- quarters acres, more or less, being, Sept. 29 (suturduy)--At 8 u.m., composed of a part of Lot number at my auction stand on Duke St., Fourteen in Biehn's Tract, more'opposito Kitchener market, furui- particularly described in the oove;tAu//rel"rtstlle. effects and took for mentioned mortgage. I (m a [Mnn'aw r-.,.'.,... mud.” 1934, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the farm of Edward Nowak, R. R. No. l, Blnir, Ontario, the following property, namely: UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by W. A. BOLDUC, Auctioneer, at MORTGAGE SALE A COURT OF REVISION for TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER " Fihiiiiii kibiioN NORMAN i. '/u'K, m Gnu. culled on of Kitsrhenvdioai; I; of the United In rnl Clerk "In WILSON FLY PAD cd. iLc,iiid, -"----"--"-h-"-'-=C2aMcai'"_rL"_', BEXLLY RTLL One pad “My: me,, all dun and new)! day for 2 or 3 urn-In. 3 [Huh In mark patio-I. No apt-lulu]. nu Airline-n. nu lull odor. Auk your Drugglnl. Grocery or General Slow. W."-§_0N'S _ Work all Iiitrrhvutw's, munlt'ipul 'golt t'0lll2H' mm ("illl‘llll'lll‘i'll Monuur whon (in "Ion HIIII'H‘I' uuilsw lhu di I‘w'liun of " T ('rirul, 'ri'olt'rirlruttl or the \\'u+lmunnl ('luh It is llulwl Hull Un- major portion or llw “wk on thim- of ths, viulytm-n huh»: "ill lw finLsUteU " thr (inu- this mm "isis in. b'airwuy gl‘l-vllu Hc-lein}: “I” bt' vomplnlvd this mouth. NEW KITCHENER GOLF COURSE 10 CENTS m [’me I!!! my MORE? W. A. BOLDUC. Auctioneer Pronon Sva. 18 lTuvstny) At 2 IL)” Ian‘Uzzlgv snlv of tuml mining furl stock and implvml’nN a! Hm fur, of Edwnrll vank, R-R. l, lilml‘. I. H. TOMAN. Auctionur, Plan. Bttw, Now Din-d... 'clvpt. 111 (Friday) At 2 “ML, 100 acre farm on the prvuiisv, um- milv west of New Hundt'v. farm known as the Alvs Thomson farm, formerly occupied by.J. Brunk. October 16 (Tuesday) wt! 2 p. ttL, unreserved auctinn mule nf In) at't't' fun”. I mile south u! Wmhiny; Ion, for Levi (ivhl. l‘h-Im- inspn-rl this proposition hrfun- you buy. I quw- for sulv farm, "f 2.3 uric- and up tu 200 arm‘s. I’lt'uxo >l‘l' ttty hefure you hug; gumH rm! estate und hunsrhnld (Wm-ts for (he t‘s'zltu ut' tlw lute Javol, Schurhu-h. Ill [.znn'uah-l Fl, Kitchenvr, near Fivv Points. Sept, ID (Weduvsduy, --1.'uur,iwn- nwnt sale of Ir, hvud of madman! bltuul-testvd Holstvin “Mlle ul the, Winter Fair Buildings, Gulls, ut 12 "'clock noon. A. H. "rulrachvv, Sales Manager, lirrsluu. Sept. 22 (Suturdayt-Housihoht efforts and chattels and wvll outfit for Mr. Christian Ruhr. lit (hr village of Mannheim. E'v'ory sirdtal.iriiirtuiv,. at I.) :\.m at war of Ihuiuertnut Bhu'k. alum: ride tlu, Kitchvnor man'krt. A. S. SNIDER. Auctioneer Phone 384w, Kitchener - Sept. 15 (Saturday) *7 Vuluu huusehnld viteets for Mrs. Hy. Ru 154 Cum-line St, Waterloo. Mock, implvnu-mm furniture, ur anything yuu wish to so“. Send it out early. No (wtm rhnrgo for "dvcrtisinur. I have several rhuiu- furnu fur sale at very attractive privesu Percheron horses for sale. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer, 1 Phone 50 r 4. Elmira. Sept. 10 (Elmira Fair Day)--At the market, Community Sale of livestock, implements, household (facts, or anything you wish to sell, send it out unify. Oct. 3 (Wednesday) --Vuluuble 115 acre farm with gum! improve- numts, good soil, ~xplomlid lumtion. and farm stock, ittiplvn1vnts, has, 11min. household alerts, Mu. Irts longing to the estate of the lute Ivan Martin, situutcd ulmut 2 mlim west of Elmira. Oct. " (Saturday) - Vuluuhlv residential property consisting of tt 7 room frame huusv with hard and soft water, (-lectrir lights, tlc., also good burn, for Duvid Ziegler, ill Factory St., Elrthu. (ML-8th mm; Fair ”MAM the .muvltet,,Ci)mmunit.v Suh- nf live At 8.00 a.m. every Saturday morning at my auction “and, oppo- site the Kitchener market, furni- ture and household effects for any- one that has sumething to sell. Send it out. Oct. 20 (Sutur0.v)--At 8 mm. furniture and household effects and car at, my auction stand uppmitr the Kitchener market, for A. C. Morton. Oct. 8 (Monday morning, Elmira Fair Day) - Community Monthly Sale at my auction stand, in from of the Favtners' Shed. List of articles to he "dvertised closes Oct. 2. Orders can be left with Aaron Hoffman m the. Auctioneer. Stuck, implements, furniture, or anything- you want to sell will be taken E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer. Sup! Sept. 15 (Saturday) --- At 1.30 p.111. sharp, valuable real estate and entire furniture and household effects belonging to the estate of the late Stephen Ellerbrun, 56] Park St., cur. Union Blvd., Kitch- ener. Sept. 15 (SatiNitsy)-At tl u.m., at my aucu'on stand opposite the Kitchener market, furniture and tuols for C. Blinee. M 5081. Waterloo. Sept. 14 (F'riday)---At 1.30 p.m., farm stock and implements for Paul Haken, on the Waterloo-Bridgeport highway. w. w: FRICKIY. Auctionur Auction Sale Lists Phone 222, Kitchener Ji52 (Suturduy) estate und (hr l's'nlu [531‘ “lulu, ttt Hm I. l, Itl -r-t At [gm household ut' tlw lute tllt'ut,itw Fl, Valuable um. farm farm unk

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