In Kilrhenm‘ police vunrl on Fri- day, Peter Cusack, of New York, was found guilty of reckles,. driving, The Mmrxzo arm‘s out of an acvident “our Road the will pay you Hmpoler on August 26th. in which the var occupied by two New Yorkers struck a car occupied by Beaverdnlv rmidents. whn were sm‘inusly iu, jurml. I'us'attk was I‘vmnndvd to in†punditâ€: settlement. MONTREAL .... $7.13 OTTAWA _ . . . . . $6.20 1lt'h'ttF'A' CITY. $l0.70 STE. ANNE DIG BF',AUPRFl, .. $1M!" Full infnrmminn from any Agtmt or T tt II S SE S "ri)',:' GOING: Svpu-mhor 21 _ 22 RETURNING: Leave up in Sept. 2,'l A. GOHENGIOUS AMERICAN MOTORIST JAILED City PAIIengcr Agent. 120 King St. W. - Phone MS Pion- MTTw. Mt Ontario St. 3 KITCHENER, ONT. Canadian Pacific FROM KITCHENER Soplmnlu'r 21 - 22 (any. sou-u: 18, 1m Men's extra strong, in dark colors, good selection. Sizes 31 to 44. These suits, priced so reason- ably, are stylish in appearance. Made from good serviceable fabric that will give satisfactory wear. The season's favored culurs. Two pairs of golf knickers. Sizes 7 to 14 years. Friday- Saturday Bargains in Shoes WOMEN'S SHOES MENS OXFORnS $1.95 I $2.95 It'. . (reuc opportunity for you to buy Ernst's quality mar. chum-line at almost next to nothing prices. A positive clenrnnce of Summer apparel and accessories and odds and ends. CENT A MILE BARGAINS Best in style and comfort and look right for they are made right. Late Fall styles, choice new weaves, colors and splendid selection. Men of all sizes can be fitted. ' 1 trso Ernst’s Clothes are made of choice fabrics by skilled workmen. You pay what they're worth and that's the way intelligent people buy. J..- In our selection among the smartest for Fall are 2 Trouser Suits OUTFIT YOUR BOY AT THIS STORE TWO KNICKHR SUITS 2 LONG TROUSER $5.95 $7.95 $9.73 I $9.75 to $15 â€9’3 and Boys’Suits EM8T't HORN’S BROS. TRUSSES A Complete Stock of SUITABLE FOR ANY 'KIND OF RUPTURE. Provo!“ yourself from torture And gel a Tran to St you. 125 WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE TO FIT YOU RIGHT EXAMINATION FREE WORK TROUSERS $1.50 0RDON'S " Mun-Ion St. KITCHENER. ONT. School Time Is Here! Satisfy Real Values IVE -AWAY SALE 46 KING ST. E. V. M. WOOD KITCHENER MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S MODELS Ilds in this issue Ts I Men'gund Young Men's Suits in fancy tweeds, wotsteds and flannels. Sizes 34 to 40, in light and medium shades. Spueiul, to $1130 new" Return Return Return and It MI- um] Mm. William] 7.4-hr and daughter Laure-m- .Illll titytl Nah-mu qn-nl Sunday with Mr' and Mm. Jm-l Hlt'l'v of Zorn: Viv mud Mrs (' I6. ."vw,uMzoutrulrur and family upon! Sunday with Mr. um} Mrt,' Imm- Slum-n ot 1mm Hum-n. “ism Marion lh-wmnn Nt’hlull lum‘hvl‘. Hunt-(l a of Ilt' mill Mrs f' E ylstutr an Haunt†awning, M I' and MN. C. U. Jauizi and 3mm Mitt'viit and I'lnn-ry and Mr and Mm, Metttw Nul'zigvr and rlmmlller Shir Ivy and mum Vernon and Wat'rwrt of IAHNVIHO, NY. spoil! Tulwluy (won in): wlth Mr um] Mm, tl E Swarmvn- (ruin-r Miter; Luann Jutzi run-IN a “wok nl the humu of MI' and Mrs Joe K. S\\':II~('/,vnlrulwr tfr. and 1ltti Shulfluwm'lll of Kit- xlwnm‘ mum! Wvdmwhn tsvtmiuy,r wilh Mr "ttilNre. (' IO Swnrlzvn- II'nIu-r “I J ll F'muke4ofliitcltentwwu" " Inn-nuns visitor lu-rv trust Tmuduy. Mr Jam-uh Kimwrllvr Sr. of Wu. It-I'Ion srpvut u wwk with frinndu and rulnlivw. hon- “inn Annu e'tottttttor nanle tho IkH-k-Booxr-l wwhlmz m Kitxzhvnnr on 'Anturrhsy Visa- Mario Numb: of .lmwphuhunz vlalnul on Sunday a! Ihu home ot lmr grnml-mrvnm. Mr um] Mrs. Jo eeIrh Rimâ€: Waugh-r or mull-n. Urs Juiiuy lhwrhnvkul' trl I‘Irln' villr- it. wlwmling u soils ttl ttw houn- ol" lwr pun-ms 811 and Mm Jm-nh I‘thg, Ur lxmlé Winklnr of Waterloo r6 m-wml old nrqunlnmm-m hore on Sundav Mise Laura Kioswrnvr of Kitch- mu-r nnd Miem 'fauck of Watormn visitml with tho fotmtpr's parents lqu- on Sunday. PIN§_HILL CORN BUMPER CROP IN THIS DISTRICT Silos Well Filled-Last Yellâ€; Crop Small-Other News Notes. Furmt-n~ in [his \‘it'illily urn busy halving llu-ir siloes tilled m4 mm ham lll‘l'll " Irunu"w (Top this year. ur- vordini,r In in»! ymu'. (he silos \H-n- (ml) Jtalf lillwl. hm this year urnx full um! running nw-I'. Itt' and Mrs Wain-r Hrkulvin and Iznmily :Iml Miers \luriuu Ihmmun \pvlll Sunduy with Mr. um) Mm. mm. RH‘I' of Mannheim Nisi; Atlvlitrv KvnIu-l tiprsirf u frrw duh; “in: I'rivmlr: in SI. C'ailsaritus. " and lirr, J. Zolu' HlH'lll Sunday Mr and \II'< Allan Juulzi aud rum- mlh M, und Mm (nu-m Zo-hr of limb-H unJ‘Mr and Mm. Milton Wat lol’ "I Hath-I1 Ilt' and Mm I' It, Juuizi run-Ill SIIIHIII) with Mr, and Mm Aux-nu Waugh-r or mull-n. Mr Alvin Srhpflnor of Freeron [mud spcnt Sunday at Ma hump hero. Wr I' â€urn-ta or Klvvhoner wan n 1â€)“lean visitor harp on .9utrrrlsy. We aw shuwing new Fall Suits at prices very seldom ex- perienved for such qualities. Excellent fabrics fashioned into the sumv styles popular with men. with vest and two pair long tt'trttsvys. Sizes 3‘: to 37. MEN'S CAPS MEN'S SOCKS SMART FALL HATS (Ru-rout colors and shapes $2.93 up. When the Good Clothes Come â€on: $22.50 KITCHENER BAMBERG $8.95 6 pr. $1.00 tiuuOter Shir Mr. and Mrs, Juana]: (brawl visit. and Wurl'vn of ml with Mr. and Mrs Allan Hallman l Tumsday (wow ul Kllvlwm-r on Tumdny of Int-Lt tl F'. Swurlzvn- Mr and Mm. Mosh; llnvk wm‘o rum-n! gum“; or Mr and Mm Lloyd ti “my: a wwk lCrh at Nulrllnz. and Mrs Joe K. Mc and Mrs. (lwll'm- Huh ol' Kin-ll- iuiu' spent the holiday with Mr. and llnwm'lll of Kit- Mrs Albert Flotlvrlvin. uwdm vVl‘lIlllK Tlu. Mismm Murmlrnl and fuulwl (' IO Swnrlzvn- (‘I‘twmull ot Vlnnlund when! a few days ot last wank with with their nmn. our local mother. Mm. lmndm’ Pressman. ml at llm lmnm Mr and MPH, Alfred Morroll or F'wartzsutirulrrw Haunlllnn vimitrul at the homo, of MR and Mrs Joseph Hmllz and Mr Ilium 'lu-hr and mud Mm. Ed Stony. rnrvnlJy. ml titytt Nahum Mrs, Paul Mmller and Mm. ll. Ma. Mr and Mm. «HM and dunghlnr of Ayr culled nl lhn homes of Mr Angus! Imutert- '.4w,uwtzoutrulrur willugnr und Mr. nnd Mrs, John IIHluy with Mr. Huck (In Tutitlity of last week I or "PM Hum-r» Mr' Le-vl Monk of (‘hullmm nanny- __ .7 7- palm-d by In“ llnugrhu‘r. Mm. "mt "RG hum ":13â€!ng ot nlalnhnlm Hum-d " with l'nlmivm in the vlllmzo and f Kiicltener w".1'i',i,is,':,'i'ii'i,t', In!" week. SUITS 95c The September meeting or the United Brethren Women's Mission- nry Association wan held at the home, ot' MM Enhmim Hallman Inst Wed- nesday afternoon. The vicepresi- (lvnl, Mm. K. B. Hallman, who pre- dhked during the meeting, offered the opening prayer and the scripture lwnnn was“ read by Mrs. K. Hallman, Itev. and Mrs. G. u. Fleming render- tul at vocal duet after which readings Wtwe gin»: by Mrs, Weston Sururas and Mind Irene Chapman, Pollmv- ing a vocal solo try Mrs. A. Hilhorn, Rev. Fleming gave u talk on the mine“. "Where Should Mlrwionury Work Benin and End". Tho hastens SMITH} dainty rpfroslnlwmn. New Dundee Notes. “on W. H. Yates, puustor of ther Uelhany Mennonite Chum-h, Kim‘h- emu: deuL-ted a ba4rtiwtual service at New Dundee on Sunday afternoon, an, which time Neven people were baptized. llev. G Ir. Fleming delivered a mimimun'y adtirttus at the Alme St, U. ll. Chuivlt. l\"il(:lwm-r, on Sunday 0\'0Illll+{l Dediculury servirm‘ will be held ill the Haptist Church on Sunday. mam. 16th tbt 2.30.1un, A number of former mama; an: expel-led to be present and Rev. J, F'. Fol'sylhe of Sull’onl will proarh the Dediculnry 'H‘l'nlllll. The public is vortlially in- vited to ho pix-50m all, all 'the sur- Mr and Mm, Alex Mern-k nr- (nmmmwl by me {armors brother. Mr Norman. MdKN-umck of (Wants. worth were annals ot Mm Rohert Myke43tsovk at Howmanvllrh: rocently. “in; Knlhlm-n Schmidt sIreul u lx'w days of 1:le work ( Mouttiul Qua lbw. c. W. Hm-kum attetidvit fulwrul or his hrollwr (hp late Thomas “nouns m Htrnfrordvllhs Thursday Mrt; Arthur Shnnrrl or Kthonnr hns moved m Itot' fnrmnr home in the Vilma“. .wrmnn. The public is vortlially in- vited to ho pix-sent at, all 'the sur- vices of the day. A special program will be given at Lhe "tsptlst Chum-h on Monday mulling; Sew. 17th at tl o'clock. by the memherts of the ILY.P.A. Hirsltop Jonas Snider of Waterloo was in charge of the communion ser- vice at the Blenheim Mennonite (‘hnrrh on Sunday morning. In mo owning an ilte mgnlur nun-ting of Hm Young PeoI0e'e, Society, the pastor. Rev. M H. Slmnlz. rundnrlml u MINI} on th" hunk of Romans. Several people from here nuandvd tho [unm'nl of tho late Mr Abraham Svhmidt at Hadpn on Tumdny of mm WFHAR. Miss Marjorie Hull and Mr. Roy Hull "utevtctlued sm’m‘nl {Honda at " wvim-r mnsl at their home last F'ri, any evveritrrg. With the awning of the Full SrthH term Miss Gladys Brnnmn or Tum and Mr. Andrew Mckague of as (In- nmv arusivititrit ll-zu'lwrs. at the 'I‘vmn'nlw' pnmnwnl-ml their tlutivs loturl l’nhliv and Continuation yiliools. Mr. and MN. Ell-mu liner and dalmlnpn Hornlcn. ac'errnpanied by Mr and Mm. 61ooryro "nanny and humin of Rmvllle VIRHM M the hump or Mr. and Mm Roy Mam-hall 1mm llurllngnon reopmly. Mrs, G. R. Schultz occupied the choir at the mouthiy meeting ot the liatlim‘ Aid or the St, James' Luther- an Cltureh, which was held at the home of Mrs. Ttonald 'i‘omun last \\'mlnestluy evening. Mas. Oliver Zinn gave a reading entitled. "Tiny Japer" anti Mia's Dorothy Toman played a piano soio, Dainty retire-air} ments were served by the hostess. [ Missions Subject Of Talk. _ Mp,;. Henry \\'ulm'nmn hm] tho ttties, fot'tttite m' hl‘lelllu hm' left urn] last WHIIuNduy pvt-Hing. liuy many ll'in-mls wish her " spowa r'tu'trvrH'y. Interesting Talks. Mm [wander (‘rmnmnnl Mm Wil. lmm "all and Mr Ilordon Knnfmnn motored to Vlnolnnd Inst Wedrtmr day. A numhnr ttf peoNo mmndM tho lunaml ot the Into Mm Poior Bhupo at Kin-hmmr mat Wt-dnmulny Mm. M Strome upon! the wank mu! with trlortmr at Kltnhom-r and Wnt Minn. A missionary program was pro scented at the United Brethren t'hurwt, on Sunday evening under the auspices of the W3CA. Mrs. A. Hil- born presided and the opening pray- em were altered by Mrs. J. Cam) and MN. W. Spturtael, following which Mm. G. D. Flaming read the scripture lesson. Miss Evelyn Uricktyr or Ruseville rendered a my Mrs. lf E. Page and Mm. Weston 5"“ cal solo and readings were given by rurae The main feature ot the even-i ing was a very interesting address on "ituseia", which was given by Mras. Miles Swan: ot Kilohener. Mm. Alex MvKessock and Mr, F. E. Page mung two vocal duets and the DI‘O' Krill“ was 4-10sz with prayer by Mm. Fl B. Hulimutr. V Lutheran Ladies Am Meet, Miniowy Prat-n Pmntod U. B. ch-h.--Loeol Won- Sula†Brah- Arm. Russia Subject oi Interesting Talk NEW DUNDEE th" Mr I'll WATIILOO CIIONIGLI Mia's Fylith HaPrttesp or Ayr Mail!“ with Mr and Mrs Mvin Luulmlm-hln. pm on Tutmlny of last wot-k. Nr iilril Sits .lomqvh lllllmrn ot Ptuston and Mr Karl Kinfhnlu-r and will Harry of Blair pallwl ill tltr, lmnw of Mr and Mrs A llillmrn )1le F'ri. (My Mrs. Leah itutu' is the gum! or Mr'. and Mrs lmniul Rhy ttt l'vtors- burr; this wivk Mr Duvid (zuohl of Hanover was " I‘m-uni visiior with his wislm', Mrs. Ephraim Knurr and \Ir. Knarr. Mr' irud Mrs. Aurnn Iruerielt and yiOH. Arnold visilml wilh Mr, and MIR Flay-tun llit‘kvl‘l ul llrvrajuu on Sunday, \II' and Iftts W,ilirrl" Myt'rs of Tulsvy, ()klulwnm. mum on [Tin-lulu in NI.- villzuzn nu y'sunduy Mr M liniiit'. Miss FINN- lmlliv and .\lr Harlow iiuiliv or Kagnwnnz, Manitoulin inland nml Mrs " Soy» lvr of immig- \"i'l'v' gunsia of Mr. and “N H H ikliliu- (H'l-i‘ lhn wrurkgtttd. Mr, and “in. Pun-y Simiiuu um! ll‘llllghh'l‘ or Avuu nml Mr. nnd Mm (‘imiou Juvksnu llllll emu latowtittvtr of y',trutttrr'dvulrs viNilwl wfth Nov um] Mrs C' W Marin“; on Sunday, lllr ()livvi' Hill ot Jarvis ollvd at tho iumu- or his fullmr, Mr Sumuvl Hill (ill Sunday - Mr unil'MI‘s. Thomas l,enutrx, Mrs Nn-liin iwnnox. Mrs (woman Wil- hnim and Mirna Haihm' Wilhelm at Sirnirm‘vl visiimi with Mr and MN Elnwr Poll: of Sunday, "Tlse Christian and his Daily Work" road In Mr. Garfield Weber and "is. cuwsed " Mr. Milton Zinn; and "The (“hristiun Employer". read by Miss Tlwlma “Wham and 1litwtueseu by 511m Rum limiter. The Mime“ Edna and Lydia Goutllittr,r wandered a v0- ml duel t'ullmving wh‘ivh Hev. Srhulu gave an iutt'resuitrs,r talk. The res-punm- to the roll (all was, "A Mum! charm-luv sketch of one of the ADO-41,106.†Personals. Mr-swra. Milton Shouldin- and WiL lium Page ul' Cltutyrwovth spent the holiday with Mi'. and Mm. Alex Me, Kowm-k. lit', and Mt's, Hither! Herrrey visit- ml with Mr. and Mm. anry F"eick and Mm. Main]! Wisv'rtust' “I Slum- lmrg Ls! 'l'lrurolay, Ili. and “vs. 0. C Swarm. and dKHIu' Clair and [kn-014] viewed with Mr. and Mrs ll. G. Luum "t Humil- ton In»! Stturdur. ml Qultn u numlwr of pwxplu are at. hauling the ru-vlvnl nu-Nlngs whioh urn huh“: hold nt th" lmtrwhnr Men, Iman "turch "I Martuholm wlth Flee H A Yum-r or 10rkltarh [1111,1114 Evunxnligl Mr, and Mrs. Julm Inn-k. Minn Lily Lnnlonnrhlnzm' and Mr Ed [mun-n- m-hlngor warp mum“: at tho home or Mr. G A, (:rmnznr‘r ttt Humidor on Sunday, Mr mu] Mrs â€onion Hulhmnn um! lhn M‘W‘S "Non and Alim- Hullmun mutorml to Hamilton In!" Saturday Mr and Mm Hamuul Tnmun or KHan-nm' vL‘lllml wlth Mrr Auron Toman on Sunday Mum-1| My William Main, Mime. N'vllle Main and Mtvuits. Edward and Harold Main or Kilrlu-Imr Wt'l'ts I'v- u'm Nahum n1 qu Ammo of Mm. w, Smelzvl. with Mr and Mr dun on Sunday Mrs. [mull ity Mr, and Mrs ll: Mr. mm! Ills Sinus): thm‘. Mrs G Tutrltlituwlii and dullulllul‘. Hull) ~1u‘lll m.» \n-n-la-mnl “in: Mr and ylrti Ilvlll') HH'IIHIUltl HI MAIN» hurl; flrw nml Mm (l " F‘lnmlng lofi an Mummy on a M'uwm-ku motor trip to T'sxntuwylvrrrtut and virginltt, During their stnv Rov Flaming will gave mdmlmmry mldrmm‘u at rpvpritl The Sunlq-mlwr meeting or the St, James Luther [league was held at we home of Rev. and Mug. G, R. Schultz lust Thursday evening with the pretsident, Miss Itotiella Sararas occupying [he vhuir. Miss Huldwh Bowman read the acripture lesson. The (epic whirl: was divided into two parts was prvuvnled as follows: Mr. and Mrs. (‘.n'l Gilbert of [.21- I‘umin-, Wyoming and Ilu' Misses Dorm!†Srhlirn-r and Hilda (‘lurk of Ayr culled on Mr. and Mm. Elm" Rois! I‘N'quly. IClle Mi' Villv “we Mr and Mrs. William t'oisley ot' I'lraItsivi0 visitiul with Mr um] Mrs John (‘npln-y lxl<l Fl'idny Nlt' and Iftts W,ilirry Mytws of Tulsvy, ()kluhmnu. mum on [Tin-lulu in NI.- villzuzn nu Sunni“) tMis Ronald Tomy" Is HI.- gm“! of Hm li " Snydm' ut l'm‘l Elm“ tttie Hon. president, Rev. w. Brown; presidem. Mr, Eidun Shel-k; that wictrprmslueut, Mina Marjorie Bock; second vice-president, Mm. A. W. Exerdee; secretary-ti‘euaurer, Miss Grout Storm, Asst Sec'y.-trena.. Miss Irene Shaun; pianist, Mina Reta Harbor; MI Ttianiest, Mia; ‘Mirium Cressmau; aboriuer, Mrs. A. ‘W Kgeruiee; m"! monster, Mos. E. 'T Coleman; auditors, Mr. Clearance Hoienbereer and Mr: Edgar Otter-, twin; when-i, Mr. Nyle Shunt: and Mr. L'ortlurt Ullerbein; the program tummiuee consuls of: Mr. KHon Sherk. Misss Marjorie Hock, Miss Greta Sioux, Miss inane Shallâ€. Mrs. E. T. (ion-mun and Mise Miriam (‘remmmn and the lookout commit. lee HHlsin‘l or. Miss Jean Tommi, Mir-m itvlu IleNrey and Mr, Nyle Shimâ€. l The Christian And His Work. ' . Tho muuul womanlmiou ot the M80. Young People's Shanty VII held at the church he! Fruity evan- ing. Mr. Lorne Rosenbenger prmrid- ad and the vfollow-lug olficom were elected: Hid Eldon Shark "and. "PF. Suing. M r and um] M rs NI r, Fhvd Hn I'nhl t'y. Ell, Huh " Pull) Ilivlwl and sol viMlet 1 at Jor tMrll "l Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beip and fam- ily, Mrs-Parry Seip and Mrs. J. Frey spent Sunday with Mr, and Mm. Dave Fwy, Neustadt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sen) and daughter gum and Mr. A. Reid! and Mr. Hum-nu Murrum- spent Sunday with Il 1', and “rs Junk Reidt. Mr. and Mm. Wm. \Velll-uul‘rl' and sun Austin spent Sunday with Mr. aud Mm, Wm. Hieth dr. Mr. and Mrs Nelson Sen) and baby Moriene spent Sunday with Rev. antt Mm. Hieseuthal. Miss Velera Weber of Ayton is employed at Mr. C. Schaus, Jr. Mr. and Mm. harry Kreader and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gregory of But- tulo, Nt, were guests or Ms, and Mrs, Simon Weber for a few days of this week. Mr. Ezra Dunnerllng and Miss Etta hum-Ming are spending two weeks in Muniluhu. "I" and Mrs. Albert Deuman and family and Mrs, J. Bettina" wpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack K l‘vl'l er. The Miessee Emit: (Hoff, Luella and Mary Shun†and Muesli}. Gordon sham†and Josiah Baer walled at the home at ‘Mr. and Mm. Ed. Feick at. Pine Hm on Sunday Mr. and LMrs. Stanley Hilborn and family of Roeevil‘be called on Rev. 2mg Mm. C. W. Backus on Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Solomon Bowman and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman at Pine Hill on Sun- day. K Mr. and Mrs. Titus Hingoman at- tended the funeral of the Iatter'rs 3w tee. the late Mrs. Mom-s Orwellian at â€rt-sum," on Wednesday afternoon Miss Helen Halllmun Lu, returned to Bollvvillo when» she will continue Int-r alum“; at the o. S. D. . Mr. and Mrs. George Dlukey of Galt, Mr. and Mtts. W. 0. Mitchell, Mleaxs Olive Mllehell and Mr..qurr|sou Ehlmge of Klumeuer cabled on MISS K, Shoemaker on Sunday. A number from here amended the Drum!» Ytr. Cullwvllle softball gums at Dmmbo on Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman and do“ Claude ot New Hamburg called on Mr, and MM. Ivan Forborn on Bun, day. Miss El'lmbeth Wood of Preston was a guest at the home or Mrs, W. Spuetzel over the week-end. Mr. and Mm. T. H. Keny of Lon- don wero sum at Dr. and Mm W. B. Mote on Sunday Mra. Isabel Bonney, the MM Edith and Vehma Bunney, Mm. H. w. Hill and you (marlin and Megan M, Lane and IM.marmry ot Toronto vioited with Mr. and Mme. o, C. Swat-£2 on Sunday. Dido» Jon“ Butler, tho lb.- Cm and Hum Snider and In Water Snider cud children of w.. terloo Ttttttatt' with Mr. and hill Omar Studs! on Sunday. 01 the Unlted 31'th WU there. Mr. George Morton to spending I (yew; days at In: homo near Gammon- W; jiytiqitf, v and you’ll never he tgatthaedl with any other low-priced car Ready for lmmodlah Delivery Mll.l' SI! from Shula"! SI: from I)-lworn!_ lullv 'quipped, .1 Mrtorv, Ouhnwn Om Faith: and Gosrerrtrvrrrtt hump "H," "In. New law t'rrrte-rsrire on th. GMAC pun 'tN X) if CLIFFORD TPi if: A. LOCKHAMT tt co. LTO. E r R, '710 f/ii,;,,:, and MW Mrs, Jack Robertson and children of Gait vieited at the home of her uncle. Mr. Jas, B, Hammond. Miss Evelyn (‘ook of North East- hope visited with her auiit, Mrs, John I‘lydt. Mrs. Gordon Humnmml of Harrow and Miss Georgina Ellingtun of Cape ('mker, spent a couple of days at Hm home of Mr, and Mrs. Boyd Ham. mond, Mr. and Mrs. it, Dewar. Mr. A. E3111 of Wellesley was a I'm-en! gum! at thu home or Mr. and Mits. John hlydt. Miss Lillian bamln'uwitz of Mathew" has returned to resume her duties its teacher of ss, No. 7. Miss Ada Yum of Kitchener spent " few days at her ltorno. My. and Mrs. John Eydt were' re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mm. 1mm. Quehl at Bamberg. Misses Mildred and Grace and Masters Jimmie and Alex Hammond have returned to their home at Har! raw after spending the vumulon with llwir pt1x1ndpat'ettts, Mr, and Mm. Ale-x Hammond and other relatives. Mr. and Mm. S. La Plant, Mimiy Mildred Belong and MESBI‘S‘ Albert! and ()rvul Runner or Whitehouse, O.,' were guests at the home of their; 2mm. MPS. M, Yost. ' Mr. and Mrs. A, Robertson and family of Lisbon spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. it, Dewar. AO) KITCHEN FIR, ONT. Kitchener's Oldest Department Store GOUDIES Easy To Afford V These Wallpapers J" ii DTKO): {@1312 i) ill) l' Gft "DEE" 0253;1- A MANyFAc.TURERy, CLEARANCE making pgssibje orutts.oo ton} conning upon QUANTITY KINGWOOD A Gan-n! Mom" Value. "rodorrd in (â€In-d. good savings at 25c roll-qualities up to 400. In this spEvial group, patterns for every room in the house. One open-spaced tapestry pattern has. a blended ground in warm, sunny tan tones with metallic colorings in the tlower and leaf design. Plenty " in- 2Sc wresting choices. of attractive 16 cent papers-border matching walk, and a suitable ceiling provided, for a room 12 ‘x 12 feet. Semi-trimmed papers, and also sun-tested qualities in the choosing. Dainty chlntz and floral effects for bedrooms. Semi-plain and conventional patterns 15c for downstairs rooms. ON THE NEW SECOND FLOOR AT for economic-n! tramsportatiott FACES SERIOUS CHARGE The (use ot' John Eherlmrt, King St.. Kitvhener, charged with a seri- 'ous offence against his daughter was again remanded until Sept. with Rgy. mietit for the remand was made by vounsel for the Accused. Mr. and Mm. John c. Shula of Kingwood visited with Mr. and Mm. Jam!) Z. l,ivhti on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McKee and baby Jimmie and Mr. and Mm. Al- bert Mundcn made a short call on Mr, and “PS, Jacob Pa. Lichti on Sun- day. Mr, and Mus. Amos betas and sons Gordon, Leroy and Omar, called on Mr, and liter Daniel H. Sminanann and Mr. and Mrs. Christ (Macho or Baden on Sunday. Miss Idella Bust spent Sunday wlth Miss Elizabeth Roth. Mr and Mrs. George Albright and rum ly and My. and Mrs. (must Al- ltriglt and daughter Delorhes Elaine spex Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V vub Just Mr. and Mrs. C, Lebolil spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bach ot Newton. Megan's. Anson Jutzi and Ememou Bus! visited with John Lebold. Mr. and Mm. C. O. Erb visited with Mr, and Mm. Dan. o. Erb. BRD LINE WELLESLEY Mises Leona Er!) spent Sunday with Miss Clara Lelss of Kingwood. I? Telephone 950 ll