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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Sep 1934, p. 1

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_,i'""' THE MrulkTERlLOO CHRONICLE Evidence was given by pr. Leu- vine 10 show that Traffic Offieey Lemon had died at once from a broken neck and a fractured skull. Jury Say: No Bill. The Grand Jury reported "No Bill" on the manslaughter charge but u True Bill on a criminal negli- gence charge. The jury comprised Oscar Holtzworth, -Woolwich Tp., H, Kraatz, Kitchener, Elmer A. Poth, Wilmot Tp.; William Conrad, Woolwich Tp.; Nicholas S. Roth, Wilmot Tp.; James Kennedy, Wel- leslcy Tp.; Ford Sudden, N. Dum- frius Tp.; Marshall Hamdorf, Kitch- ener; Moffatt St. Clair, (lalt; Wm. Judge Dismisses Case. James Gettas, restaurant keeper, of Kitchener, was freed of the charge of criminal negligence placed against him by the Grand Jury, when His Worship Judge Makins of the Ontario Supreme Court aeeeded to the statement of Defence Crrunsel Hell of Hamilton that there was no evidence shown to warrant the ease going mm the hands of the jury. His Worship stated that there was nn evidence shown which pointed to gross negligenee or wanton mis, cotuluut on the part of the net-used which was necessary to hand the Cast' to the jury. He thermmnn dis, easy to the jury. Ho thvrvupnn dis, missed the mgr. In his tuldtvss, to the defendant, His Worship said: "Thy circum- stances involved in this Cutie are not such as to reflect credit upun you. Evidence has shown that you par- tivipated in a mixed drinking party previous to the futul accident in which Traffic. Officer Lemon lost his life. You would do well to stay Waterloo County fall ussizes opened at the County Court House at Kitchener on Monday with Mr. Justice Mukins presiding. The list of cases to be heard is shorter than that of last year, with only six cases. Of these, two are criminal cases, one being a charge of man- slaughter, Rex vs. Gettus, in which Gettas, Kitchener restaurant keeper, is being tried for manslaughter as u result of an accident on the Preston-Kitchener highway last spring in which Provincial Highway Traffic Officer Lemon received fatal injuries when struck by a car allegedly driven by Gettus. . . Russell Halstead gave evidence that Lemon had stopped him fur having no tail light on his car, and was talking to deceased a moment before the accident. away from alcoholic beverages whilel you are driving. A driver should be above reproach. lf yuu must drink,‘ drink when you are not going to drive your cur. i Criminal Offence Case. The case of Rex. vs. Lucksteiu, in) which Arnold Luekslein of Kiteh-l ener is involved in " crimimlll offence involving an animal, and) which (weurretl at the South Queen’ Street, Kilehener, stables of the' Twin-City Dairy und C. N. Express“ Compuny on August If), opened/ shortly liefui'e noun yesterdny, und' witnesses were being heard. The results of the ruse were nut avail- able at press time. L. ttissham, Gull; Ernesrt V. grown, Gait. Of the four civil rum-s one is for divorce, (mo to hun- u will tfpset, and two un- suits arising out of nmhir cur twcidettts, mnm-ly K. r'. Sougrum. Waterloo, vs. Albert Wag- m-s, RR. 1, Waterloo, in which the former asks $2,500 damages as " result of an accident between curs driven by thv defondnnt and the plaintiff in the corm-r of Union and King streets, in Wnterloo, in April, 1933. The laitrr was svtthul out of rmn'l. The second also is that " Josiah Shun”. of “rosin“ vs, Wm. J. Mitchell and ll. J. Mitchell, both of Toronto, in which Shuntr. asks $10,000 dummy-s arising out of an “Evident on the provincial highway at Broslau in whieh he was struck by the defcntiunts' var while repair- ing the road for (hr I)vprtrtrtwnt uf Highways. Genus Freed of Manslaughter. --,$tb,000 Damages Claimed by Josiah Shantz, Breshus. DIVORCE DECREE IS GRANTED LOCAL MAN Divorce Canned. In the nppning svssion of the, full ussizvg nn Monday aftvrnoon, decrees of divorce were grunted in the muses of Robert Dnlgloisch, Kitchener, vs. Hvlvn halgloisoh uf Toronto und nn unnamed m- respondent who hud passed away r0- cvntly; also in the rnsv of Nora lednly. w. Arthur Curl Ruddntz uml Minnie L, humor, all of kitch. vnor. which (use Wtife benrd sumo months my) in a Woodstock court. CRIMINAL . CASES HEARD 162 DEAD; 390 RESOUED IN SHIP FIRE DISASTER THIEVES AT FRANK‘S JEWELRY STORE A wntvh and " ring worn stolen from thr, window of W. P. Frank, Watt-rim; jewvllvr, in tho only hours of Tuesday morning, when some thief hurh-d n brirk through our of the show windows and rc- moved the nrtioios. It is thought he wns disturbed since nothing more was min-n. Thu thoft was mum-d by Night Constuhlv Mort'nu (in his rounds about 5 n.m. PRESTON WOMAN WINS CASE The suit of Alvin fl. Alles, Pros- ton merchant, vs. Miss E. Heist Preston n-exidvnt, in which the former claimed $200 as the pritw turn-ed upon by tho two parties us the purchase price of n new TP- frliterator, was lose! by the plaintiff in a hearing before Judge Killnrnn of Strntford in Preston division court this week. VOL. 48, NO. 37 KILLED IN MOTOR CRASH Earl Beck of Kitchener Dies at Hospital Following Aeei.. dent at Wate'rloo. Earl Berk. 3:3, Bismarck Avenue, Kitchener, (lied on admittance to the K.N', Hospital following a ermh frvtwtwn ears driven by Beck ond by William llrutzki. Waterloo, at the eorner of Mary and Union Streets. Waterloo, shortly after IO n.m. on Tuesday night. Acvtrrdiur,r to police recotuis, the lirutzki ear. " Chevrolet sedan be, longing to the driver's sister. Miss Lillie Brutzki. of Waterloo, proceed- ing east on Union Street, collided heavily with the Beck ear, a star couch, procuvtlinsr north on Mary ~treet. at the intersection of Union mid Mary streets. Both ears were turned over by the impact, but only Meek tvccisvd major injuries. He (no removed to the K.-W. Hospital by Dr. Spohn where he died on ad- niittuin-e from n hemhorrnue at the Low of the broth eziurletl by it I‘i’nt-turwl skull. The p2i>>ei1gers in the Ihntnki ear. two men and two women, were uninjured, with the exeeption of one girl who received u slight skin ulrrasion. The sole passenger in the Beek enr suifvtvd euts to one hand. No charges have been laid but [yoliee nre investigating. ZION CHURCH lil'YS NEW PARSONAHE "The price mine was made new» (. wry due to the mliortage ot feed on Tan-ms (If the district and the high pl'ico of milk feeds which the farmer it, fun-ml m purrhum- to keep up his production or milk," Fl. l. Mlougltry. um‘ivullurul rmn'osvululiw for [he munly ux,plailwd. Tlu, tuuiv,ruw,ution or Zion Evan- uwliml l‘hurrh. Kiln‘lu-nvr. tutlirtiiul L'n- sulls ul’ llu-ir old pui"urrrur'," and llu- [ulll‘rlLL-h- at n m-\\ nun-,ul " “In-- rin] moMing nun-ml} 'I‘hu- UM tvsi. «Iona» ul' ths. pun-Im- on “WM-r tit, “7).; s,tll lo ltr, I' I' “My-u um! " I‘I‘nitlmu'v “mu iruvt'hiir'ol ml Ilos Ht, ('orrr,itltu:alrlt, opposition was HH'I with in tht. w'npmml 1irsul. tlttt Youu" Puwh- of tho “hurt-h tltwsirirrp, Hu- n-lnining or Hu- old prom-Hy for lln-lr sur-ions; stvtiritiiu; in Hu- mum How, I'M-I, lln- suprrrltws of tho plun shllr mi (hut in tim !‘\'!'III ol' (hp Inc-mu oily of SUI-h uxpulminll awn-“ring HII'Y mum! “no Ihr “'IIIIih courts to lln- “ml of lhv church for the silv of " luv“ building,- Thts vnh- “hid: I'I‘MIHNI in tire turning of llw plan WUt4 warriml UNIV Iry " sueall mu joNly PASSENGERS 1N CAR SLIGHTLY INJURED The farmers who formerly received only $1.40 for u th. or milk now get $?.. Residents ot the Twin Cities ,will henceforth pay It (semis per quart instead (if the original nine (-911le The, new prices have been ap- proved try the Ontario Milk Control Board, whn agree with the increme xnml or which goes to the farmer who is- al the present time struggling lo (“I'll his lieptls on scanty mixture“ A joint meeting of the Milk Pro- ducer-4’ Atwusciatiou of Kluihener and Wallerkm um! the Twin City Distri- buwrs (mum: ou,iucreativU privm for milk ettective Sept. 8th. RECOVERING FROM A Mt1'T.lttritiu.,e Hilliard, now In his 91th yum n-Im'un [numlur of thv Ihr miniun llilu .>\.~-'nlum'¢- 1'o. who INN Inn-n ~o-rmnsly Ill irt In“ hmyw lhv 1mm lix'v wtuslirs, in sun-Mil) "tH'tyvVi'. int: Iris "sum urn-nun) and ham“)! This will hp plvusiur', m-vm In a wide My?!“ ot' friends in lhr- Twin Citlos and tlistiV1. Short-go of Feed for Dairy Herd: Necoui‘utea 60 Cents Increase In Twin-City. The HJHu-muks-I' Cup far thv Inul strhirof rwhildtiu't,- vxhihil in Kilt-Ir mwr was won " Hw St Juhn’x Sup urn!“ thm-I Thu mum! wax mmln nflvr HIP (-lmu- of the (‘hilwlrv-n's Flown-r Show whirl, Mosul on Fri- duy VFW! Hulju won Uh- uwm'd from 'h" ()nlnrin Soul i'it. for having the hiuhmd numlwr of points. Farmers Now Paid $2.00 Cwt. for Milk Once upnn a Litm- (Monthly, EI- mira Fair Day), om- Noah Horst of Elmirn, R. R. 4, wvnt, to market with n hunvh of pigs, iooking for 9mm- nnv who wantod pigs mare than mmwy as hv had new] of mum-y mnrr than pigs. Hv found our Alvin Wt-hm‘ of Wntt'rlno, R. R. 3, who wns ready to give money for pigs. Sn the will Horst proauwdvd to hand out his m’untr-rs, one by one. 'rrnspiucr with by its him! logy n.“ ho hnmtvtt it over to the said Wvhvr who nlsu, rnught ouch hy its hind 1rTrs and dropped it into a box During this vxvharute of pigs for tummy. one little gruntvr notioul Hunt thrs said WI'ht-r was not, am kind " mun us tho said Horst. und phmIH-tt to wrap», Thu Maid Wl-hvr junrm'ywt honlvwurd und ml the wny f'tzurtul that in flvt, mnnthw Ht “0.00 n rwtt those Numb pigs wnuld Ivivtd enough rush to pay his mum Arriving at home he drove up to BEST EXHIBIT FOR SCHOOLS Ten Little Piggies Went to Market; But One Little Piggie Strayed Home SEVERE ILLNESS Tlwee threatening mitisivers have in (in .wnl to 4.uiratt will?“ his l'vlvnu‘v. :U‘t'lll'd‘ilhg In Mt', anhuck's un- munomnvnls. He had no douhi of their p,euuiueuevss, The last one npauks of raiture to llellver the money ms agreed upon ill u meal‘tinn- [um-usmiun. and littes in it something in thn ethic! that it "toruarelt full of lead will Ire his portion it' the monuy is nvl fortlwomiup,, Tho unlhorilim ialmwvd fur [n'wu pliotogtitpliirig the original kidnap loltur lull in llululll'u illlllnmhih- at Lundon, Ont. Offer $5,000 Reward ' Lining; part or tlus lid ott lln- kid, napping of John S. Laban. Attorney. (lmwrnl A, W Inn-hulk m at" ottiviul dEnvn-asinn Willi lln- [mam ttrr the mm- uiiuouuruul n I'tvwiti'd (if $5.0m! [or in. formation landing, in urn-s! of mum- le‘s or Ilm kiduhppiirp, gang. Tlie ”Award is offered by the Ontario (luv- i-I'nInPllt. mid circulars are living sent thruuphout Amet'icu immediately giv- ing, dctwr'rlriioue; of thyee of 1le gang. NEW GERMANY PIONEER RELA'I‘ES EXPERIENCES In 1urtupliuiuu. with Hm How unv- .rn|nvnl n-ullluliulm lln- ruginlrulmn hi all n-Huf rariuit'ntu of Waterloo n 1.10”le l'orxulnl at thes Witttwloo Toau Hull This nvw [drills lll'tt I'u- mm; coming in and Hwy are l'XpOrl- ml In lw fiui,chvrl h\' thr owl of ttuxt wot-k To dutc- thorn urn 107 fulnilim nu rulivl' During thrs summvl‘ tnoulhs tlivrit \H'I'v ltr,' low m4 " fulnllinw oh Al'lhuugnh [he balm” tumihy de. tmitely has paid no ransom money to the kidnappers or John S. Lubbam, the wealthy London, Ont, brewer, “no spent three (lays in a cottage- m-En'on on the shores of Lake Mus» koku, the latter has received three deatlrtirtvateuit) miss'rvhs of failure Io my $25,000 an agreed upon, ac- coi'diup, to the missives, in u [mum time vouretusutioo with his tuwlrtois, h I'NHMPI.()YEI) NOW Itr',GISTF'gftlNi,' FOR WINTER MONTHS Threaten to Fill Labatt's Premier [Emmott was thl'vuu-nvd by kidnappers, lu-lirvml to he the mute men, prim to his leaving: fur the (ltsrwvu Pom-(- Coni1wcucvs lust wuvli. nn who!" ll llwn- m-n» minim: Hid KIDNAPPERS WARN PREMIER Father Meyer, puslor of St. Mury's It. C. Church, kitvhvnvr, loft that city this wm-k fur New York uhvtuw he will sail on Saturday fur South Amorim whore he will nttvml the Kuchuristic Congress 1reiuw held ut Ituvnus Aires, Thus Kitchom-r R. I', vhurrhvs,, und Ihnsv of this district will lus rvprt-antt-(l. Folluwr nu: thy Congress, Futher Mt-yvr plans " trip arrow the greater part of South Ann-rim, vvturniug to Kitchener ulmut "titrNovvmbvr. KIDNAI‘I'ERS ARE KNOWN REV. FATHER MEYER TO ATTEND IUC, (‘ONHRESS his pig pen and "Ruin catching ouch piggio by its hind 1023. he dropped thvm into their future home, when, In and hrhnld, um» wns missing. A smurch party was urgnnizvd mud thc rumk and hithuys “-er scoured fur thr, rt'm-gndv fur which hr, had [will hurtlwurm-Il "lirn"y, without mu-rvsx Going to the burn to lwgin his "ftvrnorrn', work, what should hum! him in the yurrl but, the n-m-mulv Muster Pimriv who ”Ml-(1N1 in thanking mush-rs, How did it "1-1 thvrv? You “gun- it out. H wns caught by the hind legs ngnin and shaved into n hug 'and is nuw in its new homo, happy With its brothers and sisters. The suid Nuuh Horst also jour nvyed homo, “mm in In his dimmr. vountvd his mum'y, fuuml it an {In-nu nlv his nu-nl. (hon (munlml his mum-y uguin nnd placed it nun-1y beyond tho lunrh of "my but his own fingvrs. Stomach With Lead If $25,000 Not Paid. WATBRM0, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER -i3,Tiir4 MIN-IR OF "CLASS A" WIIKLIII OF CANADA mu"): 111 _ (:m' " ot' ln-r “adding I shw mun (“only rum thut tum for lillwi with lhu (In “my [11”an by the nlhvl' Minn) Hur MT Ihr, hulml' (mum! whit Inqwx'lnl‘ ll. (“Junk “mm mmulm lu-h "lll'uk‘ and I (n rmm' Ihu The blaze “an; first noticed by Ilr.s, Wyszyuski about six o'clock in HM- mm-ning. The burn wan- atlrame u! the [tum The Waterloo Fire bri- gaulu was summoned but could do little in [he din-seller of any water supply. Tkrey succeeded in aiding the owner in waving hiss lh'vsmck and out' wan-.011. All "ther inwlemems win- his] in Hh- Mama The crow In the harm war. nix 1mm; of hay. and Ill" grain from ihe “acre farm, 'l‘m- t't',lll'tus or 1hr fire wus nut knnwn hnl Chief Kurvt,iss With' of the upininn that it was the I'mnll ot' mm- lm-Iiun in this Jirfl tsi' Tlte (io-root slrnrlnz'v. Tln, lmzunl 10 the house was z-wlnwd owing to the tact that the wind mm blowing “way from the ltouee to Um mun in NW livii-l fl‘\[i\ltl(‘h. All depart monk ut' [ht fuir WPI'i' overcrowded “ilh wxhilhtr. th" ”hum (um-rod be- ing mum Iv» than Wil,' nou-ssm‘y to gin» full display tn th,, articles. r1cptu-iully in the worl'curviup: ,tttion,, fur 11035 and in the needle- work and hiking “whom for the p'il‘l- “II: 1usrrtputitiou Yu't'.V kuuu, 'Ihr l)1>)\' \\rn- mum u juvk knife JIHI‘ it [’iIHr of “mud tun-h 'on the Iuu.ss mtimulml at bemoan $2,500 and $3110". “1m Hum-rm as the result 1n 1m early Friday unyrnlng tite on ilre [mm tri' Ttrm WysziuMri on the [cl-Immu- mud. The wine bank burn which contained the year's mm) and implements was razed to the ground Inmlrznwe of $5,000 is ('nrr'iwl an (M house. burn and mom tents. irtul it [HIHr of “mud w.wh "rn the hummus of thu Crit. and gin-x1 n rur- tuin 1vnr,rth of limo In ('nrw- u paper lxlnt'l- tIll thr, design of a model Itluvuul ln-fun- (bu-m. The winner, “my Dunn-H, Ws'l.s' fulluwt-d closely Ly the nlhm' (’IL'VPH competitors. Alum Hark-H ”1'35. 2l carried Ml" Ihx- huhol'.\ [ll the public spvnking (mum! “hath “in conductetl by viui-trul Jump)». Health lhv pill nu nth \H'Iinn ",V.s hvuh’lu- Hivll'ivh of SS. 71. Mun) mnlmtunh in this group mum Ilu‘mwluw um] wh-vlml us nmuy as thin-v drsr,vrt, for mu- "wal. School Choir Contest. Mm-II huh-run! um shown in Hu- r,vluurl nln-n' ”mint. four choirs unmwlmm Thm “(To plan-d for lhl- IIH‘I'H hf thuir pcrfovmance in (he following Huh-r: tst prize, St. WO0LWICH TP. _ SCHOOL FAIR Record Number of Entries and Quality of Pupils' Exhibits Pleases All. Woolwich Township srhouls hold Llu-ir mnsl mewsdul Srhunl Fair Lust m-vk. when the large {out M the Nuu' Jevu.sulvm school “as tilled to orurthrwirte' with Anxium uxhihiLm-.~ and t-irit1putitors and iutctv,trul [run-Hts, friends and who”! nllinmlm A new rerun] was mmlv at the fair in that thu largest numlu-r ol' rumpl-titnrs over to com~ p110 :II il Wturiwicit fair wok part in NW lt'Ii-l fl‘\[i\ltl(‘h. All depart Mm-II huh-run! um shown in Hu- wluml nln-n' ”mint. four choirs unmwlmm Thm “(To plan-d for thl- IIH‘I'H hf Hwir m-rfnrmuncc in tlu, fullmvmg Huh-r: tst prize, St. Juorlrs I'huir. din-Mm! by Miss Marie Allvnmng; L’ml. ('um'slngu thuir, (Iirvrlwl hy MI: V. I‘Iiwnlmt'h; 3rd, Wvst hillllll‘llsl' choir: volnllll'lt-ll by Mr. rTrcrmson, and Ith, Flurndulo cluriv, hal Iry Mic, Mulu-l DudswvlL TIM» judqu “(-11- Mi.“ Mildfmur, Mllu-H'wu' of Inlhit‘ in 1hr Elmiru puMir uhtml. and Miss Kathlvvn Snider. l'nI'Im-rly suprrvism' of music in the pulll schools of PM?” borough, 0111.. Imw uf Wuh'rlrm. Thv judm-s r‘ur “(hm- 1ilvisions of thts t'nir irwludud: Mr, and Mrs. Jamm- R. anL uf I'rrsion, and Mr. um! Mrs. J, ll. l‘rmlhnm. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. ll, IQ. ('nwnn. Mrs, M. SI'UH and Mi, F. ‘Sllll'. all of (MIL 'l‘hr liq n] prizre ssiurrote, will up luau Ill HI'\I \urvk‘u )nhlll' 83000 Fire Loss Suffered by Farmer Spontaneous Cory-bullion Given A. Clan: of Blaze Which Riled Tom quzynlki Burn. [hp {Mir Junuw R. um! M r.» M Ix. Ad vnjnx lll'llllllL' will, Uh- plowing and oilrrw wirrk Mum! thr furl" As;fisul In In [hp (-mulilitum of th" 'lrhllss' in m.-.||<|rir1_ Mr Hahn mm- ml lhul Inn, Whl‘ill and palmtop... won- hum than half n rm)» um! with tho urinal out pmdurm, duo to the 0x- ’ll'nH'l) “mm “mlle and lack of will llw ful'lllt‘l' Ia trow nhllle In ll's'tr MrHrlr' wintry rpm! fur his Hvv, s,utri-k (NIH-r "l'lt1ll and root ('I‘UDN (womb-w (t [Mir tieltl 0|va inuhnl‘l. um» tti' I'm-ll wmuv or lllv ful‘nH-m urn twnlurcitisr le‘h lirvwfnrk hcr0t, Pun A \u-lrunn- vit,Airtrt" thirt'hixruitele, um“: rttl Thuivel'rry “1m ( (‘mn‘nd liuhn ot' Twvietoik wvll-kuown and hinhh var-Minn! rnrirt-d ftrrmer of HM! lllxll'iv! Allhmluh in his: R7111 um. \lr Hahn ‘nnlimma Imlv mid hourly lln- liriw “ilh his sort-in-law tttl lln- hum aitil Me ham lam-n hie plzutim- in Irrwt 1F'ltl runthnu‘u to Furnwrs "Alucing, Howls Owing to Food Shortage 11w: wnm- “Inlvr n saIiri-k (NIH-r ul'ulll trvtrrtiiwwrt Mir , ivM um» ot' I'm-ll wnnn of ""dlll'HH' le‘h lin- r-mnw " would 1w frwd Ilium “ill: the the prawn! low luv: on Erbsvlne Road runn- ulsrt T, at Inn Ian-d 1w nnprunlnhh- to the pl'hw» or fund n! Ia-vnl ll it (Or- al paper model winner, (“Wild T, “no. College Scholar- whip in History, Matltemativts and Ht'ivllw', vuhw to amnion! $150 Alvin Sl-lnn-ilzm', (‘ullugo Gem-ml I'I'oiirivnt‘y tRcholatrrhip, value In slu- (lq‘lll $21M). Tho t'esulls ot Use scholamhip Imam or Waterloo College made at llu-ir ruwnt meeting are announced by “(will Frontal The following are lh.- liq 01' awards: llmulll Gturt'ge, University Scholar- --l|ip Nnmlwr IL'.. value to wtudeut. Julius mun-r, (‘ullvgo Suhulumhip nu tuullurtuutio,'. Srim-nvo. Latin and \lmh-rn-a vu!ue in student $200. Elk-n Kellerman, College Svlmlur- >hip und Handing in Middle and “II- Fi'l' Sm‘ool, values to student $200 Dwight Kellerman. College Schul- -.n-.~hip on CHM-“rill Standing on Mid. lllv and Upper School. value lo stu- m-m Mun. Finn-live soul, (‘ollvgo Svholur- >l|ip on English. History and Math. i'nlll'il". vuluu to student $200. Wilton I). ErnsL Senior Matrivw 1min" Divinity s'oltislatuliip. valueto v~lmivnl $200, \lnrlin Blackmail, Junior Mulrii-u» 1min” Divinity Scholarship. vitlue m \lllilt'lll $123. Human-i rum-ml, Wommi‘x Auxil- iury Srholnmhip. value to almlunl, $17.7 Mn Following an accident in the kitchen at her home at Kitchener on l‘riduy in which her dress caught lire from the flames from the cooking stove and from which she received terrible burns about the entire body', Mrs. Rachael Schweit- zer, wife of Ezra Schweitzer, passed away at the St. Mary's Hospital on Saturday, to which institution she was removed following the accident. Mrs. Schweitzer had suffered a severe stroke some time ago and had not completely recovered, with the result that her weakened con- dition could not fight " the effects of the bud burns. She was burn in Russia about GO years ago. coming to Canada in 1906. Scholarships Are AWarded by Board at Waterloo College Mary y'tvltwortlit'eprer, College HHrtrlarwhip in Classics. Wino m rilitt (in!!! $204). Kitchener Woman Dies of Burns Lurm- (-rm-vds promise to he in nth-"dance ul the nnnunl Exhibitiun of thy Wilnml Asrricultututl Society whivh is to he held in Fountain Purk, New Hamburg, on Fridny and Suturduy, Supt. Mth and th. The officiuls, which include Mr. Val. Zuvllvr. the I‘rvsidvnt, and Mr. A. R. G. Smith, tiru'retary-treasurvr, have urrarrcwd n splendid proRram. As " spuriul attructinn. the school rhildl‘vn " Wilnmt, North Eusthmw .utul NI'W Hamburg will n-rcivv mm- plimonlury livkcls for admission, Tt-uchvrs of outside schools who also tlvsiry this privilege may avail thomsolvos of sumo hy application In the secretary. Aunu'tinns, many and varied, will vie with the humorous exhibits from thv surrounding district for thv nth-Minn of the visitor. Purses of $l50 will he offered for the pacing mom which will he held. Prizes "mounting (u about, $15. will be givvn for winning tho Old Time ididdfvrs' conivM. In addition there is: going to he staged a Cow Milking Contest, Bacon Hog Competitions, nnd " Judging Competition. On Snturday there will he, for intvrvst " tho wnmon folk, n Grand Huhy Show. To lhv musir of u fine m‘rhl'xrrn. thvre will be dancing in the Artviculturul Hull (in Saturday owning: for the entertainment of the yuung people. Fall Fair al New Hamburg on Friday, Saturday lull I hmw not Tllru'v truy in "(Minx up dollar l n Whrrt'e tho n uulrk hei it nl One visiting farmer at the Tuvistock Fall Exhibition on Saturday joked about his deep pockets, on hearing that two fellow farmers had had $25 and S20 respectively lifted from their trousers by pickpockets. Apparently pickpocket business at the Fair was "picking up". To show his' informant what deep pockets he had, he dipped his hand into his right pocket to pull out his roll of bills, amounting to about $7.00. Then: his grin disappeared. His money was gone! FARMER DISLIKES "PICKINC UP" BUSINESS AT TAVISTOCK FAIR . Broke New. Too Suddenly ls thir, thr, pl‘oprlnlm‘? Yum, tsit' Your mun did n Jul: of plumbing my )mmu- lnul wrmk A ml I. Rachael Schweitzer Victim of Acéidant When Dress Tnkeu Fire.-ie. at Hospital. "Ire not, "fr Ir:- truy n mlnlukn of mm "olhtr 'Hnu up tho "gunk Hore's; thr, I ulwnyu (loud honvona! 's tho mun”! Roy, 1'omt' lit-rc- hei hunted. TO-I)AY‘S SMILE Hit-n mm " mimnkn h) o, VIN [mm Is now rovoh'mg 31600 in “Humm- uml $500 " “my for Hm nmhm-nnm-n or "ur-l: of hm' chlldrpn ' nuke!) Mr JIrytltu' Making through hnr tsoutvrN. W H, "(wring- Inn to “WW-“M nor numnny to $4, 50“ n ynnr and to " the allownnvn for her q-lllldren at $1,500 a yaur fur Imphnp and £11700 tor lhhlro, Commenting on the frosts in re- con! weeks, one farmer stated that com crops would be greatly affected since the heavy frost suffered about two weeks “an had frozen out and killed much of the corn crops. The heavy rains in the past few days, the writer's informant said, will Irvnefit greatly the root crops, par- titularly the mtrngels, and turnips. All in all, Waterloo County crops will be about, the average mark. Si) BUSHELS AVERAGE M MIXED GRAINS Crop yields in Waterloo County this year have been almost on the average mark with previous years, farmers claim, though wheat crops have not been quite as good as mixed grain. In conversation with several well-known farmers of thsi district at the Waterloo market on Saturday, the Chronicle representa- tive learned that yields to date, though many farmers have not yet thresiwd, average between 40 and 50 bushels to the acre for mixed urain. and slightly less for straight grain 45 bushels to the acre is a good yield, the farmer stated. One farmer had obtained 50 bushels to the acre from mixed grain while others had slightly less. WELLESLEY FAIR BIGGER THAN 1933 After a visit to Toronto to inter- view Che Highwoyss department with regard to the completion ot tttut-tin. ished works in North Waterloo, Nid1. Aamussen. M.UA., tor this tyonsstitu- ent-y mated that he was unable to se- cure any other assurance than that the work would be mmpleted in the near future. "Home or the work wilt be flnrshetl some time, but Just when that wtll he, I am not prepared to say, The department is occupied with drafting u new road program and in checking over the work that mm done before the election, and be. tween the two, they are kept busy." Corn Crops in County Damaged by Frosts. While Roots Helped by Rains. The North Waterloo Automobile Association its understood to be for warding a resolution to the depart- ment at Tromo requesting that the (‘urve on the Elmira hitrhway north of Waterloo be llnlshed At present the mull is lacking only the small uriai'e in um centre to complete it. FARMERS IN DISTRICT APPEAR SATISFIED Road Work Will Be Resumed States NEW HAND PLAYS WELL Opt-Hing on Tutwluy vvoning, the Wt'lleslvy Full Puir was well under why on Wtulnvtiday morning. Offi- Huh; rupnrlml tho llllnllN‘l' of tmtrive io Ire fur llvhlhld of that ot' hint your. with tho hmviost competition in thv hum-u: and t-mtlv cluse, sliowing the value plum-d by "xhilritors on prizes won at thv towutships' alumna.) elbow. Unusual intl‘rost was also shown in tht, grain and rmul rhmsm _ ihttries Far In Excess of Num- In-r Last Yeav.--Neeessary To Extend Time Limit. “N V F, I,airsr,ist Montwunl. wire or .lnrunu- Linux ot Kitchmmr wan tlrsuivd hm mil for additional allow- HIH‘v for home-Ir um] two chudrml which mm- :Imnunm to $4.600 nor your Big Ship In Flames, Off New Jersey Coast DEMAND FOR $7,000 ALIMONY REFUSED Ir Local Member COUNTY’S LEADING WEEKLY WK?“ V that 'soc, round it 2 oilork The exact source of the tire is un- known, although it is thought to have started in or near the library, about 3.30 am. Saturday morning. (nptajn Robert R. Willmott, commanding officer ot' the ship. did not live to see the disaster. having died suddenly from it heart attack several houm het'ore the vessel took tire. Captain w. F'. Warms, chief otticer who as- sumed command after Wilimott's death. true to sea tradition remained with his burning ship, along with 10 “ulcers and crew membens. and went ashore on Sunday after the burning vessel had been grounded on the Jersey coast. Among those known dead and iden. tified at the Jersey City morgue was Miss Eva Hottman of bondon, On- tario, a graduate nurse of a London hospital. who was to commence dw ties in a Now York hospital on Sam day, Miss Hoffman had taken the cruise as a quick vacation befort‘ 'urturtteuru'ug her new duties. Wireless Flashes Alarm At 3.23 ant E.S,T.. Saturday. came the first word of horror: “S 0 S S O R, Morrn Castle . . . Alice 20 miles south of Scotland room ' T ." Then there was no more. Forward and an the flames seared their way, Pamagewuys on the up per decks were quirkly transformed into Him-nos. F Thu flames mum at their womt on tlie part sidv. Only two lifehauw vould he lmrurod. On the starboard side. the mew put Ms boats more overboard. Wireless stations. their operators alert. waited with lensenesg for fur- ther word. In u few seconds. the Alarm t'astle's wireleee, crackled hhl'mmh the tstoyttl. repealing the S o S with this 19mm ominous mesa- age: Some members of the crew said it all had been orderly on board, the passPllgm‘s would have been saved without 105.4 of life Hut, the lifeboat hands said, many persons balked at auampling to brave the flames to nun!) the boat (In-k. Dozens jumped nn-rhrmrd. some vouched sharp or wva rescued drier swimming six and seven hnum. The danger of sharks, soverul of thorn wan in the "uuuiuv, was about the ship. was not hefmlml lry thaw who jumped. One hundred and tsixty-two per- sona were reported dead or maxing on Monday morning toblowlng the burning of the $5,500,000 luxury liner, Morro Castle. eight miles name New Jersey 00am in the early hours before dawn on Saturday. The glam liner. bound for New York on a return euise from Havana, was car- rying 552 pamen-gel's and members of the crew. To l'om'h the lil'olmal deck pani- sengers had to fikht through the flames, to grow: thrnugh the blind- ing smoke. All the boats known to have been lowered were uomunlvd tor, Somo had Only a handful nr persons aboard TA VISTOCK FAIR Ammu: fruit nxhlhimm and win. 1H'ly,' It't't'tt Wm Hh-kvl) M my Zurru, Wm I, Swhnuh-r of Sun”) hyisthopu, Mrs \lnrunrol PM“; of (mi Zurru. Filmy 'l‘l’m-her of Smith F'st_tithotu' zlul A M McGilIttwrw or (‘rzulsllllL Tin» wititivt's in [Mr (‘nnnml mum ond virklm mnry wm'n W H Dia- mond m’ Nv‘w Hamburg, Mm. Rau- hun Mrlmml of H'nnmv "ml Rthon “mm: of Now Humhurg Alice 20 Lightship Two nwmhm-s ot' the crew were (-nnvinrvd the fire “as the work of Couttttuuitsts as hm mlwr tships hull boon “-th on fire in recent wooks lllllll‘l' similar virvutttstaticos. An inquiry into 1th (“Hush-r in; How prm-muling )‘lviulvnrv by HPV- oral wmsonfzurs sltowod [hum wan little (lim'imino 1m part of crew win) mum to give proper alarm and gel boats lowered. Survivors Battle Way to Share in Terror-Passengers in ' State Rooms Find Escape Cut Off. _ CAPTAIN FALLS DEAD BEFORE DISASTER M Pire' just outside radio A mc, SUCCESS

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