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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Mar 1934, p. 8

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gf'l 's. SHE-LOST WEIGHT 1‘ EACH WEEK "WIFE {have ridiculous, -thouaand" of people did that." _ _ . The very dimdenL suitor approach 0d his, Iady-love's rather. "Ext-use me, Mr, Brown," he said; "but I have been courtinr, your daughter for ten years." 'tyeis, jrlot'.vou see my brother it, n rombsmmx cutter" The action of Kruscien sun, taken retruUrly every mommy, In to effect a natural clearance of “av digested food substance. and watery waste matter. It " that waste matter which is stored up In the form of ugly (at. if it is not regularly expelled. _ "Why have you dismissed your pI‘HLy lypisl." "The wife was jealous of her." "Well. your new oue’s plain “nough” "Well," said the parent, "what do mu Mom?" "I want to marry her." "Oh, ls that all? I thought Pet" haps you wanted " pension!" “ll(-n\_ boy," eaid the wealthy ttttV mrist. "I want some gas. and please get u mnm out You'll never get Lnywhen- in the world unlese you push. Push is waeullal. When I was Mung I pushed and that got me where I am." Awo-rit-totalthowsh" reducing exce- bb-and her my mum to be the ideal Why. N am " your: old, 6 ft. 6% in. in mint, Ind W» 190 tba. whoa I sta taking I level t-onNI of Knot-hen Salts eve morning. t went :10wa down in 'ihi'i',?'ilifi, weeks 2 lbl., others Just Ib., until I fut down to 164 lbs. I have new: fet better In my lil- than I do now, and I Net so much lighter ggdjeel years yuuntter."--i m.) "My brother was fired Just tor one Mule tubstake glvlng the your 1933 instead ot IMC' 7 7 Jwki.; réplied the boy, “we ttin't got a drop of new In the place, an you'll haw io push agnln‘" At tho conclusion ot' the scriptures (“mm the teacher asked: "Now, all [how Iroys who want. to go to Hoa- ven, put up their handa.” The upwind rusmnxn mm» from all hut one. ‘0 "Well. Tommy," said tho teacher in surprise, “don't you want to go tn Heaven?" "Please, toachor," said Tommy. blushing vividly. "Mummy said I ML; to MI home early, 60's we mum all go to the movies .. “Nat so loud, mun. That's my wife." " you hm.- m-u-r U'Ird ,',i,'"gt,1r'/t'ae? II no! um um cwcnnr. We have ulsulbu I we“ “may 1mm .. Lil a y,' '. puckuu which make it any or 31m to pm e ulll' cullul lut {aural Auk you: Annals! [or thr- new .. HUN F '. 75., ttegg "Ida cumin: of our n-uulm 75w. haul: Wm: with t separate Illnl l-ultle~<sul1\clcnl tor Ibo"! nlu' Wonk. Open lln- mm homo that, put II m tit" lust, and men, If nu! uuMwl) mm'lnn-d Hm! Kruache" doc-n evorfvnllug we claim It to do, the "in!“ Ingllr In at tl as good as Mew. 'rake n hark. Your drugghst In authoriml to n-lurn your 7.30, Immodintcli'l and without ”nation. S'ou in“: trivd Kruse en tree at our I'xll'lnu', mm could be mmr Dinnuluvlun-d by bl. 0mm. Pet',': LIA, Knuckle-tar, Fine. (hub. 175m "marten: Mcolllh'ny Din-xx. Ltd., forum». FREE TRIAL OFFER 'heMaatWasrtottedtae. Smiles il51llllll tT,riisist '%b"w131.'comm’ , . ter 0v tt FOR A LITTLE com fs; d':,' 31/ LAG" mam __ 'si' ' V , "s. _.-----" t It' cl AiRii _ "i'"UTaFra' 7 MiB& '© (ii',3iii V , l “00‘ ' , F.1- MIE! 3. will” I q .'I c L? tihti' l w my: 3": _ [i " I y r " :1) Ima, I RB, Nia2l8 FV V I "1.; x1: "t. gun” t 8httidA's DIXIE DUGAN Mun NIHDOR. l TMEUGHT You wu1. comm 0v tt FOR A LITTLE 6km; ts, LAST NIGHT --" To numb there was something wruol about this vivid air and pierc- ing light. and the heat tired her, as If her blood worn bring whipped into t'tsvet" temperature as u chastiaomont, Slu- lnokod fovward, wwn‘ily, to ths, trivial (-YnliIl-l of tln- afternoon utui cvvutug uud wondered how she could uvor have .:trrn;:th and endur- Ltum- enough to go through with mom. and worse than all her dislike of lwr cousin frightened her by its inn-mitt. She unalt- ttuuelnatod side "lutHuss Ali her now Lind then. By her wry antipathy to it, Mm. Thomp- lwux Immnnulity seemed to attract and hlild hvr. How wily she mount- "d towurd success. Everything camp her way Now she would probably marry Huron von 'o'toll-then, sud. tivuly. Muruh had a revealing glimpse into hot' own heart. He thought it was rather manic. twine way, to see old Von awn so when in by a common and antral, worthy woman, but it was not " pluce to mien-tore. It he thought Mrs, Thompson’s vulgarity was an American manuerhm ontr--wttr, he must light out his own destiny. It was no part ot a secretary's dutie- to preserve his employer trom ro- mantic ottttrrtetemeats, however disastrous. He gave hls shoulders an nlmoat imperceptable shrug and “em and sat down nut to Manna. She wore mauve that morning, a singularly unbecomlng colour in which her cousin delighted to array hula Her hat was one which Mm. Thompson had bought tor herself. but wich she had (leaded was bad .51er after studying the head-gear of Mm. Hurlhui and some other wo- men at the hotel. It was a dead white straw trimmed with ribbon of the Home whiteuasa and n bunch of ulutrtuster-llkt. grapesi in “a entirety " looked like something to he laid itt tho main or a young child. Ma- Full loathed this but, but was “Miami ot' mume, to wear It. Hamburg chum Mann‘s on. as she was watching her cousin. but hastily averted Mo on. In! atto should see on his face some toll-tale expression. "Do mum." waisted Hellsburs. "You can rest until five." As often, he alum-cred her unspoken thought. and cute ttttally wanted to his pro- position, though without much en. Ilumlasm. Con-In Otra woro a " of no- dost Mum and “HIM her hou- quot of yellow Moe. u tt it were a won dt-Ted but bonny ”New“ trophy. Under her um chllbn "il 'tttry was, that. morning, very my and blooming; 2xer uny (on tn M whlte nude shoes thawed bout-Ill the “In or bar who. wilt. linen are“; her neatly dressed holl- was as yellow la the moe-tto m forty-three, but one looked a happy wedded thirty. "I mum um think ot' her," she said. lo [nurswlti "it is like poison. It is changing me I am growing bitter and hard." and she made a resolve to reconquor homo”. and find again [nor old outlook toward the world. That afternoon she concealed the! "Well, what should you think!" __ nmnmury hat nu well as possible un- :n-Iulmod Mrs. Thompson Ironically _ " ctrlttoa van, and went with “l'w lmd him looked up."aho added, MIU, Baton to meet lIeIlsburg at the being In an expansive mood. "I n-tmhop, " was rather late when wrote to that lawyer in Paris, almost they arrived. The two. small, low. Zia anon Bu “.1- met him, and that tire mums, “hh'h klngu' and queens had 'Mrmtt Eaton woman knows all about MIMI frequented, warn crowded with him too, He is in the Aimamch do pooplo, and the air was thick with Goths and he has some money-mot flower essences, the aroma of tea, much, to be sure, bat enough so that and thr, homely smell of was! and he Isn't bound to he a tortuttettunter, okes, Elegant chatter In four He Is f1tty-tdgttt years old, rather old Mummy-u- greeted their (mm as they [or mo, of course, but still not by want In, and sevorul tauporc0iousw any manna an old man." Iittio toy (Inga Imrkod at them nor- Marah mad" no comment and aim "ously I'rmn tht-lr mintrmms' [until trent rm Tht'y found their way to a table. “Think what they will my in Now that had Just been vtuuued at the Yorknali those old cats that think and of tho second room, In from ot tlu-nw-lvm no woruiBrtul--anld Ola tho one window the place lumesaedl “won't Mm he made with rturot" "Von Stall is going to take your ttrusin motoring this afternoon," lloiiniml‘g said. with not particular Aura-m, "mm the Hurlbutg urn going to Bayonne. Will you take tea with me at Mltsrnout's? 1 will ask Mm. l-Iuion. too." Marsh hesitated a minute. She “as Very tired and had planned to lie dmxn for u long Peet unul dinner limv horn White Lies l Tort) You ity BE o8rit Ar, IT l ihiiii" find“ l.. 0n the attt Hunt Mod I molt- pmmld or and mu. nonm- at tho reddish blown Insect powder which covered thou. Hench-u: ordorod to. and mullin- aud white a” my“ tor than to be brought they look“! Around than. At the nut all. an manual! ‘gmougsnyu My, dun-pd In mum asked Marni. abruptly, and with unnwlhing of bravado in her tone. They were in the former's bedroom rst the hotel, and she was lying in a chaise longue turning over the leaves ot a fashion paper. Her drew» ing~iz0wn was a figured cotton ki. mmm and not outirely fresh, mr she Lolieved in comfort and economy sire may were porusushs. “He is crazy about me.“ said Mm. 1‘thpaon. compiacently. “I wish _mu could have heard him last night at the Casino! .\iarah."~9he am up twtraiprht and looked at her young re. lallm. 1rtunaticapy.--c"r believe 1 ('un am that man.'" day'." murmured m. iiitG.HrtGrV, In nothing more loathsome." "Please come with us." bogged Marah, uneasy at the thought of what her cousin might say tr she emw her driving alone with a young man, Wins. Thompson had now the fanatic devotion to convention which 13 usual with those who have not ttl- “1135' been acquainted with it.) 'No/G/rid/rc' mm Mrs. katou.l Shn had decided absolutely now "irtly. divining Maralt's 'slight ttp- that sho would not stay on with her prehenslon. "You don't need a musin. no matter what the altermv maperon." tive might be. Surely she could en- Marni) flushed and anid‘no more, (lure the situation for a little while tooling that perhaps Mrs. Eaton had longer, until they all went back to found such pretentious ridiculous New Yopk. irsl1e were only stronger in a young woman of her age and :hlngs would be so much, more sim- ubncurlty. t, ple.' orlu tUte had been trained in so. she and Hellshurg drove slow- "“m‘e kltirl of woyk wlttm; would have ly hark to the 11otol together, made her Independent! On her way through the late afternoon, and to the halr-drestier's she turned over tulked or New York and her lite in her mind all kinds of projects tor thnre. She told him about Phebe, [no t'uturn, hill tho hunt and the pain ton. and afterwards wondered why i.n hot' hond 'aud the fatigue or walk. who had done tgo. She had “m.” be- mg so 'llricottriured her that she felt t'ore felt likn talking to anrotus about death was the only lmible solution Phone _ m ill-r problems. Going back to the CHAPTER XXII _ J ‘mu-l mo: met Heliuhurg “Hurt: you noticed Von Stoll'u mali- "Why du you tttke walks at high nm- to "h. "ttNy?" Mrs. Thompson noon." ho naked, smiling at hor plans- asked Marsh. abruptly. and with .qntly. nonwthing of bravado in her tone. "Why do you?" They were in the formers bedroom l "FOB"? ot “WED”; I ““w you from “no you want him?" Mara): asked, unmlllf‘l'lug a feeling or distaste "Well, what should you thinkt" __ :n-lulmod Mrs. Thompson Ironically “I'Vu lmd Mm looked up," she added, being In an expansive mood. "I wrote to that lawyer in Paris, almost as soon as we met him, and that tire 'MprTItt Emlyn woman knows all about him too, He Is in the Almamch do Home and he has some money-mot much, to be sure. bat enough so that he Isn't bound to he a tortutttyttt1nter, He Is fltty-tdgttt years old, rather old for mo, of course, but still not by any running an old man." “a. up.“ my, “Iv-III In mun» In, her no. covered with germ- der, Ila eating an emu» an drink- in; chooollte. Her -tittoettt, cow» “he, brown on; were “nob-em! 1nd devoid of thought. She ttttttod herself "ruseaatnglr with her unw envied hand and (mm time to time heaved a sigh of oppression. Mush drank the hot tea, when it came, with nudity. she felt an In- Leuse craving tor stimulant ot some kind; without it she thought tthe, might taint. Once. whlle they talked. ‘ehe caught Hamburg watching her with an expression or concern on his face. and ttite made an Immense alert. to be natural. The reallutlon that ho noticed her fatigue and depreeslon and sympathised with it upheld her, it surprised her. nevertheless. to ttnd that a man could be so gently klnd; she wondered it, perhaps, it Wttggtt't rather a womanleh quality, and to be deprecated In one of the arranger sex Leonard had loved her and would have protected her, she knew, from every possible ill, but he had not (men noticed when she was tired. l’robmbly that was the diner- ence between u lover and a friend. They lingered over their tea until the rooms were partly empty, and when they rose to so Hamburg d4> cmred he was golng to take them home In a cab, as Mum Dannie" looked pale and Ill. "Nonsense.'" said Mrs. Eaton. uirily, divining Marah's slight an) prehension. "You don't need a chaperon.” so. she and Hellshurg drove slow- ly hark to the 11otol together, through tho late afternoon, and tulked or New York and her lite thnre. She" told him about Phebe, tdo. and afterwards wondered why who had dorm tgo. She had never be- t'ore felt Ilka talking to anyone about Phebe _ Marah flushed and said no more, fooling that perhaps Mrs. Eaton had found such pretentious ridiculous in a young woman of her an. and ubm'urlly. " "How I hate u m. pomplrlng old woman, all drugs}! tn crepe on a hot "\ws4do take her," and Mm. Eaton. "but I want the walk along the count. I shall go on foot." "He 45061119 wry: devoted," replied Numb. FOR THE SCALP $3152 than!!! but veil. to vtffl'J. all arm to Ian. Thompson - mm. tt mountain!“ Oh. would loo» In: no... and have to loot outtor WI. Ibo-lube bundled Mun). haunt, M a» know mrwomnch,nndum'm not ooncllhtod mum at. MIMI“. of an. knowledge Ind and. A at mu tor money or something ot that kind. F Mirah did not know whether she had thunkml her cousin or not. She mu burning with u hence a humilia- tion, hut she. coulrollod herself with n gallant .411”:qu for courage, "After all Cousin C'm'tt cuunm. harm me-- wunot touch my reui Rolf," she thought, nud repented in her mind nun of thoso .eettttxtre4se which are mlutod in rm! Itsttepss on calendars. and from which inuoly and unhappy women strive to extract comfort. "You look dreadfully this morning. How do you feel?" naked Mm. Thompson, thinking It has! to change the subject. ' "oreoumo, nothing 13 sound." In said. in I more guarded tone. “Thor. Ire a (root may things to he an» adored to any can. I would nut to consult Hush. He bu ouch good sauna for a boy ot his no. And at tunlly it ,wouldn'l. made Iny a!» once with you, Miran. You would stay on with me his! the name. You mustn't let that. worry yon. and. and in her manner was a canoe ot' plunmlmhle power. "You can awn tlt that big shop on tho corner and get yourself a pair or white canvas Cttreti. »Don‘t pay more then five, hams." sht- ndded as the glrl went out "Why do you?" “Force of example. I saw you from my window and I followed you. Sup- pusu unw we make for that little ()3an ot' park I we ahead of us and pit down under a tree." "My cousin mlght want me." Mu- rah domurred. "So do I"; hrs looknd at her with _soinethiru,r of naruostnoss In his f'5U'rs though In- woke playfully. . “0b,.no, I shouldn't think at wor- rying about that," said March. an. had long ago given up ever trying to Mug-Mate her real Ideas to bar cou- sin. "it you really are all right then, I wish yon would go to the hair. dressers and get my curls." said Mrs. Thompson, briakiy. “He is do. ing them over tor me and promised to have them this morning." "Shall I go now?" asked Marat "You, go now; it's hot, but you can walk slowly." When Marsh was at the dom- her cousin called her back. “I suppose that [.9 some very 866811~ tin.) part at hm~ construction In the small box you ure carrying, but ne~ var mind; whatever It Is she won't "I noticed yesterday that shoes looked rather shabby, “HM I've been on {In errahd for 'u-r and shes miuht .. Mapah fuller. ml. [and it null! she appears at lunch, and that Is an hour and a half on!" Mural: In home.” be persuaded and Ina-y went and tttlt down on n bench m thr e4intilt pnrk. Thu-m wag no one ”mm but u workman. and three» chil- dren who went playing tt little dies. l:.nrv nwuy 'itiiiriit no“) tuaid tff, 'lUdftdi John ' McGruw, groatmt aha mos} colorful of all hum-hall managers. dlud at Now York nu PM). Mth. The poppery little vlce-presldortt of the New York Giants, whose astute now xouermhlp and sweeping eou. quanta during nearly 30 years an munngnr of tho Giants, won him tho tsohritiutrttt "Little Napoleon", was aged 60 ymm. FAMOUS BASEBALL "No ivome, I'm always about the (To he Continued) MANAGER DIES your The fumes- came from a furnace, burning 'peaalze coal, which exploded during the night, hunting the pipe which leads trom the furnace to the chimney. When the explosion occur. red, one of the students went to the basement found the furnace doro had been blown open. He closed Iturnd went upstalra. In the darkness he had [iiiii noticed the broken pipe. The Kitchens-r Board or Trade in decidedly of the opinion that local authorities should organize early in pn ottort to eliminate the darling petrt which has made Its presence felt even more acutely m recent years. It is pointed out that the Starling do. strays 100 times more than It ems Webb ie wanted by Guelph policr on a similar charge. FRACTURES HIP IN FALL Mr. Alex Bain of Kitchener is re- Moving at Central Public School at Waterloo. tor a few weeks in the ab, m-nce ot Mites Mary Jnmleson of the Jr. IV grade, who had the misfortune to tail on the icy pavement last week, and Butter a rmetured hip. Mises Jamieson is in the K.-\V. Hospital. Three boys trom 12 to 16 years of age committed the various tlwfm m the ltustitratlon or Webb Moth organs and akatm and sheen were _lukeu from L. c, (manor, King “tree! west; shirts mm “on from Bowlers; a clock and several books from Jalmeta; picture»; and leather goods trom Gentiles; socks and a flashlight trom the Canadian Depart- ment Store, and a quantity or small merchandise from Woolworths. CAMPAIGN TO KILL STARLINGS Found guilty on tour churgm of melt and receiving 'stolen goods in police court. on Friday, Albert Webb, King 'M., Kitchener, aged 19, was remanded a weeklor sentence. FARMER SUICIDES IN BARN William Everett Rush took his own life by hanglng late Sunday at his home near atleville. With his son he went to the barn to com- mence the chores the son going to one barn and the father to the other. Later he was found by the son hugging from the hay sling cable. e leaves a wife and three sons. NINE STUDENTS DIE FROM POISON GAS Nine students wow found dad in a Dartmouth College fraternity house. victims ot carbon monoxide poisoning, Precideut Ernest Martin Hailing} reyoaiod. YOUTHS FOUND Charged with having carnal know- ledge of a girl under 16 years of age and over 14, Charles Smith oil Breslau was remanded to jail until' Friday by Magistrate Weir ro givel St an opportunity to secure coun; Be . I is; deadly fumes trapped the an» dents In they dept on tho second and third [loom ot ttMrtheta cm House. where M youths lived. More might have died but tor the fact that several occupants were away tor the week-end. All who remain“ In the house were killed. FACES SERIOUS CHARGE [HINDI TB"? 'iiedkiao ve" Amt" oi GUILTY OF THEFT EDWARD Br J. P. McEVOY and J. H. STRIEBEL {my tjut or a gaping hole in the top at hie mangled and twisted coupe which had been Jémmed between two street can; on Bloor street west near Symlngton Avenue, Toronto, recent- ly. two police Dulcens lifted tho mlver. Ernest Perry, " Tho police, expecting to find a vorpee. were surprised to tiud that Perry was untouched. He remarked later that he felt as though the gates m Paradise had opened wide for him und than slammed in his face. RURAL CARRIER WALK. , MiLlI WITH MAIL In outlying district. at 0:10:11 county farmers have been unable to leave their homes tor ally. mm: on foot. in spots the wow In high on chose made, and it b laid heavy snowhgowe have been unlble to break a lane through. Bury Eagles, rural null carrier, stated out on his trip 1.“th driving his car. He had only left 0 min Md a short distance when he had to hire a home and cutter from a Pr mer. He went a bit further when he found his way completely blocked and he was forced to walk seven miles or his route. All rural mall men have abandoned their cam. Ru- ral schools remain open but in new urul the attendance has been cut down to a tew pupils who live close by. I Last year the council in an 08011 to .curtain expenditures out the gram. to $2,000 and the Society nished the year with a dMeit. The Kitchener Musical Meiety, which sponsors the Kitchener Men's Band, has again appealed to the Kitchener city c0uncil for a grant of $3,000 to enable them to carry on their activities as in former years. The appeal was in the form of a letter from the secretary of the society to the council. It was re- ferred by the council to the esti- mates committee. . In the northern section it Is re ported that farmers find it hard to ScCllrt' water. creeks being frown wind l DVERTISINO In The CHRONICLE BRINGS RESULTS. Ialv u I I'm-ml I 'Ti'Iri"q GREATEST VALUE?, Eyelid"! from Luncheon - Dinner _ ATTRACTIVE i; ROOMS WITH BATH ' $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 i WITH RUNNING WATER $1.50 . $1.75 $2.00 WAVERLEY HOTEL IN TORONTO MIRACULOUS ESCAPE WANT 33.000 GRANT EXCELLENT FOOD Lanna. mom-Ii“; TORONTO Write to, Folder [Ili] A , mm: a emu; _ ' ' “Wm Ba.,. 'tht. Boas-ii; - tbr ther g" gt. tr, “about. “one whole My . LIMITED " - - 35c . Mk and Mk - 60c, Mr, $1.00 D._hroqrk.B.r, n.4,.jum, DR. J. w. “an, Ema-K:I Room 110 Weber Chamben, n; at. w., Kitchener. Phone 1756. DR. W. J. 8CHMIDT, 5.3%; Kin St. E., next to Post co. 'rtl'll,id2ir,' Ont. was; 16; 6371th VEGEB. M. o. BINGBMAN. B. V. Ser. Veterinarian Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College and Toronto University.' Spud-lining in Can]. Din-on, Blood Testing, etc. Phone Kitchoner 146 r " E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR 05c. " Willi-m St., Wulorloo Pllon- 768w H.165 sane" "MFWéc-‘S 1.75.; comm. micro A . 'lJllllle,'8thtt"l Max‘s: E.usiuGd no; ASSETS OVER $1,500,000 Government Doped! - $100,000. _ __ A _pIR£cTons ,_ -. -__.W-- -_ W. G. Wolds] - Jon b Saul" - 3- r. squad - It." may . Ford a. Rump! . W. R. Brick-r Wm. Hand-nan F. H. Maser _ OFFICERS W. G. Welchel . . - PreIMI-t J. Hanan! Petri',', " Via-Prod“! E. ' Meer - - In! Suntan " King St. N. 4 Waterloo DR. J. E. Hm sell Kit; gt. E., walrus; meldi- ' on Thu, . plunging“ all m. Shoe Repairing A Specialty. Expert Workmanship. Prompt service and prices reasonable. h. "swam 5.13533; Tuchlr nt Pinno, Singing. Ind Theory. Prints and Clan Irtstraetion. Sulfa-x " Roy St., AKiQdOIOP. The“ ll7lM. 8:11., piidnTiti- iiiGiiGU", Retrittdlntt Boob. Bibles, Hymn and Pnyorbnoh I Oped-Ry. Add more boo" to your home “bury tr hgving_y_our fntort" J. C. Lehmann IOOKBINDEI " 0-..- St. N. _ Phony I... KIRK-luv muarti" bean?! “in book; __ rtututtntt Club Bun, Bum-nu. ate. Prion nuonnblo. Shoo Store and Kayak Show Kin. St. S. . Plon- ttot WATERLOO. ONT. Good. all“! for 1nd duh-tad. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Gowpany c. A. 305ml INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED Diniricl AIIIII. . Phone: 700 and TOt W-lorloo, Ontario C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED Dinricc Again WILHELM’S __ ”n” ..._~_. - m..." ' 'ltttt; . . Au'! Secret-r7 E EEG-1' BUSINESS CARDS CHIROPRACTIC Min All. R. B- SHOEMAKING VETERINARY ED. HOUSE’S MEDICINAE’ MUSIC DENTAL The ~6>GI lawn». wateair, Kinetic-u PPM!" iifdiGiG Watcrloo gd

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