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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Mar 1934, p. 6

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on Monday :xl‘lv-nmnn. Tltr, rum-ml um .hq-ld from lhn Rally. [Em-hm] I'un- tttl hmm- in Kih'hi-lll'l' to Hu- lui (It-“WM," Lulhvrun (‘hun‘h for lhrs nit-1‘» "Ir-n and (hi-urn to tlie Hrhxlev N‘m- New hr Ilu. hurml lbw. S. J. Wining or'. Si. Muichvwr,r church hull (‘hzlrgn or 1lty svrvix n. Mr. Innis “HIV and Mr. and Mm (hr. )h'uhnrlwr and family “Ht-mlv-d tlte human or Hrs, forum-1""- lu'nlhvr. Hm lilln .thn IH'U\ in Bimini on Sun any ul'II-I'Iumn / The llvnry Srhl-t-I'o-r 31ml the Dim- I‘Ivh Spin-mm!" familim “(Mum-d (ho rum-ml nl' lhvir lrr"trtlwtuiuluw, the ):m- Hum)- Srhmidl of Jt!ootuiugilttle on Monday :xl‘lv-nmnn. Tltr, rum-ml Mrs I. Rank of Kilrhr-nvr hon lu-ml visiting with I'I'ime; “PIP (WM the Iattrr purl or In“! tvvrli. ”imam Lucinda this! or nvur SI .lnculw and Sulvma lhuhmvhn-r of Watttloo “Hw- p,tu'sts or [HI-ml»: in th" village ml Sunday Mr and Mm. [AI-Ml hnhmvr and Family of Kilt-Ju-nvr .zmvut Sunday with I'olulivns horn. A Hormnn Lvnlvn .u-rvim- will bv hvld in llw l.ull\vrnn Church llnr Thursday m-vnimL mmmvnvhm ul 7.45. Hurulny's .wrviu- in St. Matthew'" (‘hurrh “ill lw in Elm lit4h. rmnmt-nr-inu :1! 2 "10 in tlie "(for noon. '30 '29- . '30 ' '33-' '27 I '28 _ l '27 ( '26-l '25-l '27-t 13l '27 TE R RAPLAN E t _ Lust wtuykiuls rain and mild weutlwr made lllllt'll of the SHth disappear. (“aiming high water' and the breakup of the ive nn the Grand and Conestmto i‘h-om, The ire mm- tttenved breaking up on Sunday. wlten ritt1utll ice jams formed. the rut- rent. however. “in: nut strong enough to form- tlw livav"y in- over the low "pots in the 'spots in the Grand, wltepe ut thv time of writing the water wus Mill within its hunk-- and unlvss further hvuvy ruilm mm“ it'is nut uutivipated that 1110 sprint: P,tyods will awn-unto anvil tiei'iour,' pm- portions as to t'illlriH grout alarm Mr, and .\llu'. Walls-r Kionzlv have talum up t‘vsitlvnt-v in the home in» viuitly vuvatud by thv Arthur Saddlvr family. DOBBIN’S CONESTOGO SPRING FLOODS Burning, amortin. gyel; those who find reading, sow- ing, eta, difficult. Those who cannot see in the distance II they should, should decide for themselves that these condition. Ire not natural. Here is a fact that nurpriles manr--"Becaoe you nee WELL is no proof that you do no; need our service." -HoryGF, Sodnn THOSE WITH ACHING Dedicated To _ Better Vision . . . ' THE JANSEH Evasmm SERVICE (Continued next Thursday) iiiiEilli]ll0iii7?iil Orange Palace Blend HUDSON FOR!) 1mm..- Sudan ol.IysMf)Blr.r',i GRAHAMH'AIGF', Sr PONTIAC with Rumhln DODGE S01! (H.lts, Crmch WHH'Y'ET SWIM" OLDS. Conch BUICK Conch I‘UNTIAF Crrut h OLDS. Coupe KITCHENER KITCHENER. ONT. , AND OTHERS IO Frederick " NOT SERIOUS 1nd Mr. and Mm 1 family nth-MIMI forum-1""- lu'nlhm‘. in Bimini on Sun " n Um Sun-wing un- .l4u-v-pi| of "I, “I Smuhuk}. I: ."..~le' St Stun Palm-n Park. ill of Ridgvmu'n, (‘url'io- or I, Jul (MHZ, ',Il tr'), [,1-hmzm kw ', Nirre b'l ”11113:! Mrs. Mary Vogel An "usul rI-sith-nl in tlu. pen Mary Yuan], “inluw ot this lul, \‘021‘1, [wnwml :muy ill Wtvit rm " Smut.” in MM 75th 1"'nl' Um-mluwl “as Iml‘n in Wrrr Irmnr‘hip and hm! hw-n H. hr l" health until four “(on ago yil: l mvmht-r M Ht lxnyllfm'u (' Nrnv (h-l'nmny. and v- lhu (in ”0111er Snrivl)‘ " fivr. ww-k.\' Ill “1.41.“, (Ime' , of “HIM kind" Hm; my.“ Iwrhiwr tr" ' h't Ir-url,,. Roy Hoffman Rwy. inl'um .‘Lmonlhs-uld sou of All: and Mrs. Sylvester Hoffman. Maurivo m, Iiitrltiuutt', push-pd away at tho SI. Mary's [[011]inle ul Kilrhvm-r on Sunday ul'lm' an aititck of spinal "Human“ ll I'rmr In hu-r manhunt Mr,. Krn- Wm. ”orlirk. you "fiN Mrys Lydm SlllHll'l'. n ernnn Brunk daughivr of the Into Mr. and Mrs. Arihgr Stvpko, POM-r Sillllh'l‘ " this district. Mr. Schrhgz, kitch, Kvnynn was u nullw uf Brnntfnrd. snry rolvhrntim the <0" of Mr. and Mrs. anjnmin a supper party " Kenyon of that plat-v. On their‘l'rnu of Plattss wedding day thr'y won' driven to Mr. Kvnynn Kitvht-m-r in n horse-drawn slvigh 08 yams of "up Thr‘rn purriw» Ir,idvs this pnre‘ms two hrothrrrc, Jami-z; and Sylvvslm‘ imvll ut 1mm" ' IA "FINN cthn friend thvm. J. J. Molitor 1 'w ““th sumumnwl u ttutive or Grey': County at his homo in Kin-honor MM Saturday in tlw m-rsml of Jacob John 1ilitor, in hm TEN: yt'ltt'. 1yruuuu,uulvr, (tttttfr to Kin-huuvr {rum Nvuatsulp in ‘JOI‘J. “in wit'is )il‘mIvrvu-wrl him niurl i331! 'rmh iPt (Mum: "vmily hunw lhrtroluy. Tr Sm Observe Sixty-Eighth CAN'T SLEEPZ L (IS and rum“ " m'llnll hinglun Couple Olrserve Gold”: Wedding, Anniversary “Illl' [ MI nu! Mr ng Itrt' bur husband, five Obituary m- [!mrls, frtl John and {-1 _ ”Hg Edward li .1an Mrddudlh-rs, “in-link Ill SLJnsvplL ill, Mi, 'I'hnlmm (‘nym- tl, M, ', Emma! and ‘MI, rm.- hmlhnn Joriuph 'rrrr tistrw, Mrs, (‘nrris- ', “I Ixonilmu'lh. 0an :: Mr I: also rurriw’. Mr, Hrcry meun (If HM” u-lvhruh-tl Imir m Almnvrwn'y nl thr v nt Wmhmgtnn. on Thr “with” Muir and rmrn'ul ll|ll)1!'ln\l< gifts IIIIIIHIHLY “\I'IH‘HWNI u llnyllfuu- (hymn lllll 4v lhn f'.'uriv,liun n H: [um IH M, in Hu- [rm-mm of an” Sh- " fnnnl) of IV.) gm ,"r'ilt' Th Wsrirlisic' Ni hn .Il Wedding Anniversary (m l Sunll Minx any. Mr. Allwl‘l Ruinhyl'l tWoul Friday In (Eunlph on lmsinv a M, Alll'll Hun-M .qu-nt F"viOy in Iluvlph. “r. N', H Svifliml "irvrlt Sunday uith “mar-4V Alf Hummel and Mlkn K Xingu-r \lr Milo. Zinw‘l' Sr. took " lumi- It, -.4 trip to l'rrston rm-anly, Mr. (‘ilurlio- “mum and sun Wil. frml cHrt'rit Snlul‘tluy with Mr. and Mr,;, Jam]; Zingvr All: (' J. Ziqu-I' HIN'IH " day with tivot'ps liurtz NAN-nth" Mr. Fwd Shil’tiwl .qwnl u day at Wr'isvrrlnt,r l0(1‘lll[)‘ Mr Edward Svifriml (-ullml on nit-Ink at Wt"uo'n'trruT,r 1.1.41 Sunday Mr'. ('hnl‘lil- Martin spout km! 'I'hmmlny “ill: Min-hum Zitigor. Six Mirhaol Zincrer Sr, and Charlie Martin paid a visit In Frank ”Hum-r reitmtl.v. Mr, Etlwliv .Iinm-r spvut Sunday vim Niko Zingvr. Hr A frw trio-ml“- :Inll 1u'irr,hlrtrns (“Illl‘tl all Mr and “Hi Allwrl m-inhnrl Sunday :Iftm'nulm to cotutratulttte Minx Arllvn Itvinhut't on hv~r Irlrth- My tlu, hrnio's sister, Mrs. Lutsch ml! Mr. (ic-nrm' Imisch, and wcrt' muvvivd by Rev. Jm'oh Bowman at bis n-suh-m'v. After the row-mun)- thl'y [1-H on u hnnvymmm trip In lmmlnlk. Mr. and Mrs. Kvnynn Wore hlossrd with If: "hildrvu, of whom ll) surv \'l\'1’. They urv: Mr. Gardiner Kenyon of va York, Mr. hurls Ku-nyun of kitvhynrt Mrs. Allu'rl Hinm-rhlvr of Wmshins,rton, Mrs. Aaron Wilhelm of Tavistock, Mrs. Wm. llorlivk. Shakespeare; Mrs. ernnn Brunk. Kitchvncr, Mrs. [\rllny‘ Stvpko, [)vlrnit, Mrs. Lloyd Schr'ngsz, Kitchener. The nnnivvr- snry rolvbrntion took the form of a supper party at which Rev. [)onnld Pratt of Plattsvillr, rrsidod. Mr. Ku-nynn is 751mm) his wife at home: {our brothers, John and Henry Kruuhling of St. Agatha, Armand of Saskatchewan and Ed- win of Wellesley, and five sisters, Mrs. George Dcnstcdt, Miss Elmina Krachling, and Mrs. John Voll of Gudshill, Mrs. Alex Schm-fvr of Kitchener and Mrs. Theodore I)oer, ing, Philipslurm children, Mrs. Clarence Roth, Kitch- t'llt'r, Mrs. John Heimpol, Kitchener, urd Sylvester, Norman ayd_ Lloyd, ll. Hilliard and Mru, Hilliard of Wa. curloo, Ur. J. A. Hilliard, Mrs. Ilil. lizml and Mrs. Kirby of Kitchener. Cr. and Mrs. Charles Hilliard. Cones. 1mm, Mr. Frank Hilliard, Mrs. Lil- Iiuu Flynn and Mrs. Wm. Greene all of Wmm'lno and Miss Delight Hil. Lard, mrcviionarrotrt'urlouo from “MEL u is [mu-worthy that Mix Hil. liard is aged 92 Hull's and Mrs, llil- lsurll K7 yours, Mernlreps ot' the family men-out with Mr. and Mrs, Hilliard for this happy gathering were their (laugh- ter, Mm. Shut'i’ner, Mr. Iru Shaitner, their daughter, Miss Jane Shattner and Mr. h'hatrtter's father, Mr. Shaft'. ner, Sr.. arid Mm. Murray and Mr. Walter Murray. all at Detroit. Dr. w. .\ir. Hilliard continua,- to enjoy ex- cellent health and last month unend- led and delivered an address at the 45th annual Jneetiruas of the Domin- ion Lite Ausurance Company and 'Wuterioo Trust and Saviugn Com- pany. or which he is the founder. l For over hair n century he has been uctively connected with church '“ork and tor 27 years a prominent member of the Home Mission of the Methodist Church and or the best known church laymen in Canaan. Mr. Hilliard Wais born in irelmnl and when six yearn of age uccomtranied tt.'s nnrenta to Canada. Prior to en- gaging in the lite liimlrance business he taught Nahum in Elmira, Glen» alien and Waterloo. The Chronicle joins with a wide circle of frielubc in the Twin 1'ity and district in lteartiest congratulu~ tiotus to hath Mr. and Mm. Hilliard and trust they may be spared to celebrate morn happy unulverorie.s. The 68th wedding anniversary of Mr. and MN. Thomad Hilliard, Wll. liam St., Waterloo, was celebrated on Friday with a alarmingly ar- ranged family dinner. The bride and ”bridegroom or 68 years were the re- cipients or beautiful gifts and nu- meI'Ous bouquets together with let- teps pr telicitation and congrumiw tory telegtustttti. Fresh from the Gardens Daisy Ray ARISS '" Mrs. Martin Schmiht and Mtn Alfred ant-min! the {unvml survive ut Hoidvlhi-rg nu Monday of the lute Henry Schmidt of Itltrtrmingdule. Miss Judith Martin has accepted n position for the summer with Mrs. PM” It. Hruhm’hvr " Three Bridges. - Mr. Mike Bowman bought the Dan Gnhel renidonro on Isabella St. from Mr. Dan (tressman and will take possession on April In. uidn won by ()m- point. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Garner are hull: laid up with the flu. The an“ of John Horst was woll mlvndml comsidoring the weather nnd the .qtate of tho roads Good rricss were realized under the ham- llll'l‘ wielded by Mr, Addison Snklor. Guvste of Mr. George llam‘npflug on Sunday Were Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Totzko of KiIvlu-unr and Mrs. Wrw " Shrwumkm‘ of Elmu Gursh; or Mr. and Mrs. o. J. fruit?! \tt-ru Miss Elm-l llrnbnclu-r o Kit. ('hI-m-l', Mrs Kathlm-n Snidm', it..N, m Stmll'nrd, Mm. Harold Rr-ynuldn and son Arl.hur and Edward and dituwhtiw Murgurvt or Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs Noah Ernst of “ur- 111mm” wm'n Sunday visitors or Mr. nnd Mis. Summon Elly, Mim- Elhvl Mtelke of Kin-honor IApvnl Sunday with hM' parents, Mr. and NIH, Ed. Slit-1km Mv, nnd Mm. John Sltwklish of Prom-n spoilt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. m-nrgv Stocktirih, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hahn and daughters Bernice and Alice visited at H:nnln-r;: on Sunday. They mo- torvd to St. (Th-menu; and from thvrt- enjoyed a sleigh-ride the rest of the “my. Mr. mu! Mrs. John G. Hahn at- (rndwl the funeral of the late Mrs. Kmrhlm' at Heidelberg on Friday. ' Mr. um! Mrs. Clayton Brubacher visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. BE Snydx-r, Snydu-r’s Corners, Sunday. list Mr. and Mrs. Angus Ilowmun of Flm-udnlo Wt-ro Sunday visitors of Mr. und Mrs. Ezra N Martin. Mr. Martin Itowrrih, of Florudnle rut u roiling on the Cusrrrrd rvpnir shop last wvek. Mr. Wultor Schultz, roturnml mis, sionury from Africu. nnd Mr. Hos- H-Hlor of New Hnmhuru warp Sun- day visitors of Mr. nml Mrs. Isaac Hurst. Messrs. Isaac nnd llc-nry Hurst visited thvir mother at Hawkesvillo on Mondny, having received wror'd of her serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. .1an Wplkpr visited with Mr. nml Me. Philip Itrvtr. on Sunday, Miss lh-lon C,rvus, a pupil of Miss P.. Christmas of Elmira, passed hpr primary vxaminntion in music. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zioglor und Mr. and Mrs, Emil me‘howsky and um .lurnh of Hamillun wvrv Sunday viirs of Mrs. knisrhvwsky, Sr. A cnmforiubfy filled church grom- ml Mr. Walter Schultz in the Mow rronitr Church [In Sunday evening, when ho gnvv an illustrated Ion-hire on Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Eruin Duhmor of Conestoga visitvd with Mry and Mrs. Job!) Thur“; on Sunduyl _ -- Mr. Dun Cressmnn, Mr. nhd Mrs. William Wtrstfall, Mrs. Levi Lichty "ml Miss Agnes Hm'rr visitpd Miss Katie Westfnll an thv Fruvnnrt Sam. on Sunday, Mr. und Mrs, Henry Cross imd Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Cross of Ft mlrn vallvd at tho harm» of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crvss on Sunday. Miss, ktin Hartman of Kitchener visited at thes homo of Mr. und Mrs. John Thoms and Mr. Norman Imbukki on Sunday. .mreen by the chairman. The side that numwi (up ('(H'l’t‘l't title first was gin-n vtuulit. “03513", Yager and Hurst “wratho vaptuilm. Mr. Hurst's The Evangelical league meeting on Monday owning was in charge of tit" worship committee, Mr, Gordon Hunrich the mnvoner Doing ili the rhuir. Mary sittler rend the scrip~ iuro [mu-sum. Rev. W. J. Yager gave my topic "Great Religiuus Leatit‘m or To-day." Thou two sides were rimson for a contest in giving tlttt Liam- of hihlv pictures thrown on a St. James' Ladies' Aid met on' Tuerrrltsy afternoon, The president, Mrs. Russel Hahn. was chairman“ Rev. S. L. Wimg read a pheusaxe of scripture MN. R. Hahn offered pray-f pr and the topir "Missionary Hymns" 1 “am given hy Mr. Willig. A vocal (Nu-t win rendered by Mt-sdames, ll “Wand (Wes-4. The committee an- i pointed to prepare the program for ttext meeting are MN. H. Good and .\Im. A. C. Thorns. I Interesting Context. _ I What might have proved a serious blaze was discovered in time and put out by the caretaker, Mr. Henry Sandor. in the furnace room of Mr. Christ. Schoifelo's house where u pile of waste wu_s placed too near to the furnace. Ladies Aid Meets. Three of our young girls of the village passed with honors their examination in elementary music of the Toronto Conservatory, namely Helen Gilles, Ethel Schmidt and Gladys Hollinger. The first two are pupils of Miss Ruby Bricker, Elmira, and the latter of Miss Ada Snider of the village. V Serious Fire Averted. Mr. Robert Carson is on tho sick Miss Florence Oberholtzer, one of our popular girls and bride-elect, is receiving the congratulations and good wishes at'comfanied by many tokens and gifts tom her young friends and ousueiatetr. Lust Tues- day the Queens of Service class of Zion Church, Kitchener, of which she was a member some time ago, met at the home of Mrs. Stanley Walter, Samuel St., Kitchener, and presented her with a valuable gift. On Friday evening her young fellow employees of the Mutual Lite, in whose employ she has been for ten years, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seibert at Bridgeport in her honor, "rurlreaped on her a shower of useful things. On Satur. day afternoon Miss Mildred Rudy, u bosom friend of Miss Oberholtzer, took a group of her friends to a tea room in Kitchener in her honor‘ where they had a pleasant time to-) gether for an hour or two. The Chronicle joins these various groupsl in congratulations and best wishes for Miss Oberholtzer. I Honor ssedintr in Made. Pat . Mgth', Mr. 1% om tL, to thank " many customers for their ”tron. age in the put and nine-ts them to come in and examine u fltuvnew ‘ock of Newton yum, meeting. blankets. wool bath that will not creep through, worsted fine yarns, all sizes hand-made mitts. He also carries a stock of home-made sour, caustic soda and coal oil at his 0 d stand on South King St. Bruo.Eioet Hononl. third Irswiod pron-1! voritly, They Wt'r'tr hauling .'t-1 but wilh {our play- t‘l'x iwlu'hvd fur infrnvtinns of ruim lilv- neun, rump hon) huhind “wring thrtu, Khuln- to lukv tlie "xtii, The Lvars liod the wow, Milli-r (in the mummy: team (*nnw Iravk with in non! goal living tit" 'it'trrf'. To Miller v‘vnt the honor of Sl‘Ul'ng the win. Hing mm] in lhv (In-Himo period Tho Muplv 1,0411}; Null) has} the hm- Irsi' of lilo piuy. having ILHIH‘ tilloie In] goal “Uh l? to 11 tor Uwir oppon- vnls In the first inn-rim]. 1x4 in tin- m-n-ond null 11-10 in the third mu] 4 ii in overtime. Tho play Wile run! and clasp in (hr initial fin-um» with nu HHH'l'. In thts wi-und irvi'iotl yivoity Lorenz thMl Alleutuns,r'c,- Irma for llll' first goal. Thu ”I‘lll'h lnzlilv- it orwttll two min, I'll‘N hilt-r (‘uuxim-un doing tho trick. lmrtutir. for (IHI {mars rhino right Inn-k 16 hung in his rebound putting his (mm) in load. Gatinv made it 'rl by driving Miknls' 1mm pawl (:(xllin Soohm-r. Elmira mad" it 32 ou u long tehol by Millvr, In the in» [min-u i-xr'ilvnn'lii tlm 1.02111: 'Itugltvd it in hit and 1tel'rrtw HHlnum primi- izwl l'nur plum: Taking full mi vunlugp Run Hm] Milli-r scum-d tor Elmira Allrmtang I'm' ihn [mars by mm Alrrwdn vmm'n of Waterloo spent the wed-end at hor hnnw hem A Innu- numhnr nr rang nmtnrvd to Wollonly on Frldny (waning ttttond, lng the Elmira St (‘lmvwnm hnr'kr'y Ram". ADVERTISING In The CHRONICLE BRINGS RESULTS. Mutant. Loo Wins!” and Herb Mnyvr mamn-d to Toronto to numld tho IM-lmil-anln Laura, Toronto, znmo hvltl on Saturday night. Snvlnwr in gun] and Il (‘mmlm-nu .4llll'rw) for the i'rrr SI ('II-mvnlu "Plan-AI Allomnnu and I,or"trlr, \u-rv "utstauditu,r Mimim Gool. Smu’mnr; Hort-urn, Zivglvr and S<hulz; ('I'IHI'G- Murphy; “hugs Millrw and Rau: sulre, (my ~im-uu, Kumm. t'lturtrlrvrs, Jarvis. SI (‘lvmn-nt-a Goal, llmumrv; do arm-r2 H “mm- ;zml H Lnrvntz‘ rm) 'I'c: F' Mcyvr, uinu», “1011mm: and J [AH-uh, sum, l‘nhhiluzvr I'cit ache-1w and Mikol vavl'w- T Hillmnn, Km lwnvr Per-Iona“. “if-H4 Al'mu-Hn \lmvr 1'44anle to Toronto nrlvr qwnding u wvvk',, VH valid” at hrw hump horn. MIR-1m “ark- uml flortrurh, Alle mung and Mmurn (2an Mir-mung. Eddlp [mthKI‘r and [.Nmnrd Hanu- pro attoruled tho Strntfnrd St, Mllor'e, mm)» Avld m Toronto on SMurdny. ', "vuutiful will! t-le'I tidv tiw M'nrv and in Hm uvnrtimn HPuSil)" .\llllvr tinvllml lln- unnu' hy M'nlim: (Emilio llvnuprn Misu, Marian Husr'h rvturnod M KHrhonvr nflor spumllng tltrrs" wookx‘ wmntinn at nor homo horrs, In om- of tltts must exciting chum- I imnahip hookoy gumn finals in yvul's ct Wellmlpy. Friday. Mun-h l.'nd. the Elmira [loam won in overtime by a won- of 5-4 m'm‘ tlie M. (‘lnmenls' Imit Muplu lu-ul' ev-xh-tlv in the t1rurtlt mum-01' [ho fitrolsi. It was a mule royal hr-Hw-un tin-x0 two Arum; [mum Tlu. vir'tory gin's FII, miru the vii-.mlgtimh-Jlip trf the huh» wudvm Rural lhwkoy Imupzup um! llu- Hon. W. I). Euler trophy, Peualtivs to [mar pluyvm in the third [wt-rind pron-1! voritly, They m'n- hauling 3-1 but wilh {our play- m'x hunvhvd fur infruvtimls of rulm tin- “our" rump {mm luMnd won't”! (hm-4- ;;uuln- to lulu» the Ivml. The [mars Hod the wow, Milh-r on the Mr, Immune! “Munro or lemflml cpvnt flu- “I‘I-k NH] ;tt “IS hom" hcrtt Leaf. Leading 3.1 in Second Period, Suffer Penalties and Lose In Overtime 5-4. ST. CLEMENTS Elmira Rural Hockey Champions PEAS Royal C ity chy vellum. "7 SPINACH "tc' 16c [GEM VALLEY on 10 King St.' S. WATERLOO Phone 894 unh- Chip 0...... Avian: 8weeeao.d Sum lamb-rd Marmalade 'tr 36cl Applesaucc It,' 10c I Plum: 3 ltd ~25: Lilli: Chip Orange Aylm-r Fancy LBW. 'e-aa. APRICOTS 1t.'th, ilt'1ti',1t It.' 19: ISTAWILLIAMS on STUARTS -- ';izii" y/ra", r 'I ' I I L" ""_'-'r DUAL/Zr 'vefr_) V l ECONOMYALWAYS' '_, T . I ." T lMITlD ------.--l- my" BROTHERS Tins ext" tight-tun of 'iroveirr, Tomatoes of tho final sort. Which we: brand you receive We slur-Men you'll be "tisfied. Special It . . . They've got that delicate trests-trom-tho. garden tuvor, (animus . . . ind dunn- ing unlct glow. We are tun you’ll tihe them. And such abut-in! . . . P IEEE grinfiuedwlseaches At tHtisht.Mthiynep.mror, wy.'ttoburit-tuwhu.tGgtr" with“ you would buy it . . . and m. price make-it any. . . ShawbeW "yraa...liGa'iriii,iiird _ qrgieklrw.tkhmtthematt... l Thu unwind bail-Illa I."t,P.u-ustwrhotrr-d 'rankfordi Tomatoes 'encler Git Beets l, llmumrv; H banana T Minimum Inuhhilmvr Milltsr and AylmerKentI-cky ward Cu FranhferedSmetwtsit. isc'BEANS 'ta' 17c1CORN 3'tiNtse _ Mow-r, lhv mos! w I n "or“ Cream Slyln Ayhur Flu, DEL MAIZ 'tem, I Asparagus. 'tc' 35e Cream Siyl. 1gbhr'.R-_ -___ ”was” Mrs. John Kurtz unvrminml n numln-r of ln-r l'rivmls at a quilting hm- on Tlruvsrluy m’lvrnnml of mm wertli. Min; Vl-ru (it-im-r of Kthr‘Imr \isllml hvreisttt Mrs. Clarvucrt Wisi. mvr nu Thursday of last, week. Mm Witirttvy and lilllo 'laughter urn spvnding .unnl- limu wilh Mr. and Mrs J. Comma The maximum! Hilde (llasu,uu,. of the HELP. chun'h Ilnld thvir mem- ins: at 1111- [mum of Mr. and Mrs. M. 3urlvr on Weulrirr4ilay evening, A v,ood pI‘UL'l'um mu: glvun including " tlsslr'ater and musical numhm's. aim:- ing by ll quuru-tto also (-urronl (would. At tIts, ('1054- of 111v program lam-h W'rtr4 svrvvd. 'l‘hv ynuug people hud rhul'gv of tlie suwvirrs at the M INK (‘hurl'h on Sunday M'vning. A good program tylls; I‘vndvn'd. In! Zu-llvr, pl's-sidl‘m. " " Hits llvvmimml pnl‘iml, Personals. Min, Nora va' vulvrlul'lwd n num- Mr trt' hur girl friends at a hlrthduy party in humor of )wr olevvnth hirlh~ dm- on Saturday afternoon Games um'v mljoyod al'tvr which " delirium v~llmlvr “as “-0!"me Mr. and Mm. F't'tui Mitchell and 4m Alrurld of Slrulfurd visill-d with) Vrni. Mitchell; parents. Mr and Mrs M. .uadvr on Sunday I Book Widely Read. l "orv---31ttrrlt 5th to Mr. and Mm. The local school has i'tuu'ived 11,“.Alvin Martin, fourth or Peel, a son. book “(fry Havoc" by Beverly Nichole i, Uotu,wutulutionts! -'Pnl out by the Ontario DPnurUnK‘nt} Mr. and Mrs. Hunry w. naumxm, or mlurulinn. The hook is being Orton. Clara and Lester and Miss rum with inform-i by thu- .wnim‘ lul-lAnnie Gingrich spent Sundav with No Danger of Flood. The Grand rivvr along 15115414111 has not ovm'flmvml its banks to any grout oxlonl. Thu ice is practically an vivarwl from the surface. Debate And Music Enjoyed. ils Mrs. Ptstvi' Marlin ('ullm! on Mn: Uealerg m Lolemnn Lam a and Stoves. WATER}OO - Phone 515 - ELMIRA THE COLEMAN LAMP dk STOVE CO., LTD. 32-“an in 3 dt,?,,,. " M. Waichel & Son Limited BRESLAU SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER No. stfi tins The Big Ha rdware Store praltrrin Coleman Lamps and Stoves t)', thas 2 5 C FEARS m: in " TORONTO, ONTAMO or write '" " Ming 1mm! Martin of "Car' Conn; top,o and Miss Arlell Snider were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. (si/lun/y, Martin I Mum: Elma Shuntz, Kitchener, was 'u wouk~vnd visitor at hm‘homo here. I Mr. um] Mrs, Jonathan P, Martin 'riecittitt witlt Mr. and Mrs. I). M. How mun Sunday. l Mr, and Mrd. David M. Frey. Mr (:1le Mrs Levi Gingrlvh, Mm. [saw ruingrivh and Mr. and Mm. Met-, M. Hunmun vitcitvd with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hauman on Sunday. Mimic Gingrich spent Sunday with Uh: and Mrs. Peter B. Bowman. ! Mir}; Lydian Martin, daughter of Mr, uml Mm. Aaron B. Martin under, 1ttmt an opnrulion for appendicitis e: illw K AV. Hospital on Monday morn limp Frivmih wish her a speedy ru- 'irovery, _ l' 1Vjsrtrrw on Thumda‘y afternoon. Mir-4 Ark-no Sitlor or. Kitchener sun-m tlm wrukvrttt at tlie name of Mr. um! Mrs. Wm. Svarlh. Mrs. Pmmix- Thnlor of Btrilatt tcItt'Ut Sulurtlny with her sister, Mrs. Rohvrt l-r:u-l. Pandora Ave, Kin-h- Miss Ahhiu Dvlwoller of this vil- Law is spending u few days with lwr sister. Mrs. T. Shaun. at Sunnysirlp, Kilt-ht'm-I'. cnet', Mr. Urn Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. s,vlvrriw livglvr. Mr. and Mrs. About": Huunutu. Mr. and Mm. Levi ll. Bunmun, Mr. and Mrs. Walter “Human and Miss Flm-om-o Ziegler \w-ro among Hume who attended the l'mwrnl of the lun- Mr, John llrox at Elmira on Sunday ul’tornonn. 2 Me rs. bail Warm; CHIPSO u. KIRK'S flee 'oar' WAY" t.ib.ta 43c H-vu'Leman g". POLISH bg. 23c FREE": 29 [Wm 22...: (yor"rtt'"'" ib. 33: an... _ (_Z_l-I§E_S_E " 14s tON) 2 a... FLORADALE T "98.259 2 .... Ml" 0ATS tuaae “51.5% Mayonnaise Clams -A Lam DEL BGLLEID Val-Hoar T-Ib SOUP‘ I I o.tUndwkh Sprout! tfr-Mr 4 cakes u. Ph- 19c rh- Mt' (LAM!) §unday with 19c 13c as”

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