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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Mar 1934, p. 4

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I(‘ontinued from Pages 1) 1 suddenly thaw, break through the' walls and (loud their properties. ', At Freeport the water had risen' some I) nr " feet, but residents at the district reported that very little ice had pussed under the bridge. No flood in the inimediate future was feared, unless the ice broke up and; dammed up the water. i Flood prevention steps were taken( :zt Wuterlm. over the week-end, Last week the dam was emptied oc, its “HUT when the flood gates were opened, leaving only the extra heavy thickness of the ice to melt and fill. the dam. The creek below the dam) was flowinur freely, but was not. mulled (0 any great extent. l Motorists, thrruurhout the county especially in the towns, have {ouml bud driving; conditions, caused by the curly thuw. Blocked sewers: hnve turned the water back into; shallow places, with the result thatl drivers splashing through it have! had the wiring systems of their carsl soaked, after which their cars stalled! and had to lie serviced by garagepJ Pedestrinns, tou, had their tumbles. Water forming in the ruts on streets was splashed on them by ignoring, rushing motorists, after which many suits, dresses and coats nedetl.cleayjnir: ' _ __. _ At New Hariburg the river Nith' was fiowinw peacefully on Monday] but mu- of the worst floods in the) High Temperature Here are wide assortments of gond two-binomer suits. We in. vite your inspection of this satisfying «tuck Sizes 6 to 14 ymu'g. TRUSSES Suitable for any kind of rupture. Pr’evanl your-o” from torture and [at n Inu- to fit you. We have, tho kntrwuelir. Ind experiunco to El you right. MEN‘S SHOES AND 0Xrt0It0s 20% Off Boys' 2 Bloomer Suits $5.95 EXA MINATION FREE A. Gohenoious Little boys' fancy tweed Oven-outs. warmly lined. Sizes 3 to K, at $4.65 Warm double breasted. coats nvule from good serviceable wom'oe. 12 Eo_l§lears. 46 KING ST. E. EM8T't S1'lilil,li's GLASSES SATISFY ALL TRUSSES BOYS OVERCOATS A Complete Stock of KITCHENER, ONT. l2 Mansion St. 5“ Your Savings LI ., Are A Sure Thing? M SUITS " K1" Bt. Woo Inch-u $7.95 OUR LOW 1933 PRICES are reduced even lower. According to our own valace- linen! costs you save and Overcoats Ssso $15.50 $19.50 40% to Bog I The return hockey mulch between ';Bluir and Wellesley resulted in a Ivictory for the Visitors last Thurs. idny. The score was 4-3 in favor nf I Blair, Mrs. It. Hummer is Muttering from a sprained ankle and is visiting with friends in New Hamburg. Bl-ir Win: 4-3. A hialm‘y of the village is feared .~hnul<l hvuvy ruins melt the ice on the river. The ice on Monday had broken for only n short distance near the dam where it had piled up, not causing any serious worry to nearby residents. The dam was uppned and druinetl, leaving only tho ice to melt. The water had not rim-n to an alarming level late Mon- day night, but it was expected that it would overflow the river's banks if the thaw pontinped Tueyiay. New Hamburg has not had any anions thood damage for the past tow years. During the last few years the water has been drained out of the dam and the ice melted within the dam. At Kitchener the Street Railway Commission took advantage of the floods at Bridgeport to carry' signs on their vars advertising high water nt Bridgeport and thus added greav ly to their passenger revenue. Injures Add; The hockey match on Friday be. tween St. Clements and Elmira for the Euler Cup was fast and oxen» ing. At the end of the third period the score was a tie, 3-3, and in overtime Elmira scored nnd won by u score of 4-3. Mrs. of the an:qu . Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Berg of New Hamburg visited friends in the nehhbotiltoet lyrt Wegngsday. .. Mrs. W. Forler of Galt spirit the week with her sisters, Mrs. W. Ding- ssall and Mrs. E. Stable. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ottmann and Mr. Khan of Kitchener were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ottmlnn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Omand attended the funeral of their aunt on Monday “Mame." arHtmprrted. _ . q Pain 31.00 You’ll be wise if you buy in quantity because this is a spec- taculur unrepentable value offer of fine wool mixed sox and light weights, at 29e. Mrs. Hy. Strobe] auffered a stroke last Tuesday. Her condition is serious. list, Mr. and Mra. Wtllltrm Lambert spent last Thumday with Mr. and Mm. Alfred Tanner ot Newton. Mr. J. 1tt'il and his three dung» tors of She 'rsspmire were Ban y visitors at the home of Mr. Jonlthnn Lichty. Ladies’ SHOES $1.98 and $2.95 Mra Thou. tyGhuiy ot Trains about a few days last week at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Fred Dietrich. Mr, M. Mun" spent but ttatai.. day In Linwood. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calder and Mine Doreen Lambert spent Mat Wednaor day with Mr and Mrs, Sam Henry want of Barking Mr. 2109 Maersvuh wax a bun!- uma vlsltor In Emmi on Saturday. Mr. and Mm. Harold Crook: of West Mommas spent In! Wednet day at the homo of Mr and Mm Roy Calder Mr Fred thetrVh'spertt mu m d'ayritt Hamil}. -- ., h - _ Mr Albert Dietrich of Elmira lllgh School spam tho weak " his homo hero, Mr, Hunter M. Cooto was a bun!- nm Honor ln Elmlrn last Thursday Mr Runes!) VAllingbnm spam 1m Monday In Llnerd. Better quality wool trous- org in wanted rolors and patterns, $2.95, Extra Trousers Mr. Albert Zettol is on the nick A Great 9eittr Buy " Wool Mixed Sex When the Good was Chi-um Discontinued Styles P. Faulhnfer spent part week with friends in Shake- WELLESLEY B. hug-99 SALE.' DORKINC $2.95 KITCHENER 29d Suits is}? 1 Aid. Pope quoted various wager; liming paid in the town and express- (ed himself at length as being entire. liv opposed to them. Mayor Frickey busted that the men. could either iizikc those low wages or no unem- 1ynl: The motion to secure data in the matter was defeated with on]; Aid. Hear nnd Aid. Pope being in uvor of it. Restore Liability Insurance I Tim flnancr, mmmiiloo on Friday ‘rnslm'mi tho Public liability mour- qu-o dropped in 1933 and three other policies were rouewmi, The tender of the mom, indemnity Company at " premium of $489 was accepted on Imnvndmwni of Aid. Toletzkl mid Aid. Mvltriyro over the motion OLAld ‘Hvendprson and Mayor Frickey that the louder of the Merchant“ Casualty (insurance Company at $476 be taken Six [numbers supported the amend~ mom. Tate insurance is placed iimmgh the llrm or A. K. Grumman. It was shown that the scene of the "ccident had been invostiged the morning after the mishap bv the Board of Works and a hole had) been fuund in Yhe pavement caused by curs driving aver it. No action was taken on the case of A. B. Tracey, who suffered u similar accident on Jan. 22. The council decided it was not liable for n person falling on slippery walks orulj.njurityr himself. The letter re- uurding this case was filed. would lava-ti ate WNres Puid. Considerable d'iscusslon took place over the matter of the council in- vestigating low wages in the town. Aid. Mckersie expressed himself as believing it unfair to manufacturers to muddle with their affairs. Ald. Hilliard stated that the council was appointed to look after the town's "truirs and not to meddle with those of the taxpayers. Several of the members of the council believed the council had no right to ask manu- Gcturers to mine wages and then lose business, and then go to the manufacturers and ask donations to ('UH'I' Waterloo relief. The council felt that men were applying for jobs stating that they would take the low wages rather than go un- employed. Ald. Rata: stated that he wttrjyrujnst the move Demand Damon. The one of A. Allen, who caught his foot and injured it in a hole in the sidewalk on Alexandra Ave. on Feb. 20 was laid over until the next meeting of the council on advice of the solicitor for more information. The Board of Works reported en. gaging extra labor to open up drains uring the thaw. The Board also reported that there would be a large umoum of patching to be’done to t,','.i1,ek'lt'.",,ti' this summer. Mayor '"rickvy advised the Board to include this patching and other items on their estimates. It was bad business, he said, to make estimates and then exceed them. T The insurance tor mambem ot the Ilre depzmmonl was awarded to the Merchnnm Casualty Insurance Com- pany through Mr. Grumman. This mllry lnuurm ouch or tho li) mem- knm, “In! Ibo premium k, 8156. The umnunl In.“ your was $171, Fin- hall insurance Wile placed with the Watoploo Mutol Flro insult nnm Company. Tho amount is tor $7,800 nnd Ibo promlum is $Mhii0 for three ynans. Tho policy on tyne sewer farm buildings for $3.000 was placed with tho North Waterloo Farmem' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Tho premium is $20.75, a decrease ot about 34.60 trom last year's flguro. A bill ot 82.30745 tor indigent pn- zimna at St. Mary'n Hospital and Freepori Hoeplmi during 19.13 was mwwd The report of the Fire and Light Committee recommended the paint- ing of the Fire Hall at the rate of " cents an hour for labor. Aid. Pope stated that the rate should be 40 cents an hour. The matter of wages was left in the hands of the Fire and Light Committee. Two false alarms for the month were rm ported and one fire with $150 dam- age. " An account of $40 was also passed. roprmenllng cost of the bond tor the now tax collector, War Uttelman. The mlloclor ls bonded tor $10,000. Rollo! Cont: $3,496 The bills passed tar the relief ot Waterloo showed a decrease from February. 1933. from $4,414.86 to 33.49636. Expenditures during the month just concluded wtrro--tood, $1,892.61; fuel. £894.50: clothing, $185.99; medi- cal. $71.85; shelter. $344.90; Public Utilities Cumminsion, $92.91; tram smnm, $1L8C--tota1. $3.945. Coat to 1htorloo Welfare Board, $1,166.12. New Alderman Crltlclxod Domain of business being conduct, ed in other than proper ways and of corruption wore vigorously made by tho members of tho Waterloo town council on Fridu, when Aid. Pope, Haber man, recently elected in a try. tgy"' took his seat tor the ttmt time. The report of the garbage com- mittee showed that no petitions had been presented for garbage collec- tion in outlying districts. The re- port also advised the calling of ten- der: for garbagg cplleggion for 1934. bang opposed to emrloying relief men on the ‘1me a nee tpe town would be tiab 9 for them should they sustain injury. whereas contractor's men would not be able to claim “gases from the pawn. 7 Re “ding a are: van or the paiutfng of LIS',': Ati'. Lt Hut suited chm he believed that under: should be called for “tinting both the Fire Hail mid the arket Build- ing. Ald. Reef expressed t,simmslr..at than“ be tahish out to cover Water. loo relief employed men while work- intr for the town, that the Ontario Workmen'. Compensation Act cov- ered 11 labeling». _ W“! Call infra-din. Aid. Hilliard led In vohemnnt unto- mmta that the alleged facts of Mr. Popos' ndvartlnemem in a local pa- Mr were (like. All members or the councll strong- ly mounted “aim Ald. Pope's tn. tsltttttttion that member: ot the mun. Ml wore dishonest. . Pipe Hopi!” Concerning grow lrrognlnrmen, "we Ill know about Lhau‘m not In- volving this council whatsoever." AM. Pope denied be m sanding m. wife to work. "The rouon I'm not w}; Conrad s, Ina-mo}. Mayor Prick-y blamed Aid. Pope__wher_n angling”; guard that Po . when the Utter decknd that Y 11iql'lrl' EMSRMW mas-m believe Anything” "id at tho dunno. muting nah-y concern- od In. Pope. Ho deetakd that ttt had nlmod his Intent-uh at Pop. gingham pr. Billiard may. mud (not. duly aid )6 -iiiaisirCFG You“ an. an I) Md. 'utrtr1bd, tut he an got 7 Mr. Clarence Logol was a buolnoas visitor near Wm! Monlroae kw! Fri- any. Mr. and Mm. Cnmon Mewhlney qwnl Monday with nor parents. Mr. nnd Mrs, Rich; Johnson or tho 13th. Tht' liloumiugdule hockey clul:I iiimlly got under way by entering! their team in a league at Elmira com. poxed ot Elmira Juniors, Five Pointer, I St. Jactrths dud Bloomingdale. So far Himmxingdalo has played two games halving lest the rim to St. Jacobs by a won- of ll to .2 and winnning the will“! gnnu- I to 1 from Five Points and in “ink-h Bloomingdale team has all litmus ot' “inning the trophy, do. nun-d My Kai-w ('ul‘v, Elmira, as all (he warm in the league are very vvenly matched. Bloomingdale is 30mm and uill give every team a will battle providing the weatherman pives us colder weather.~ All games are- played all the Elmira rink so watch for the dates of gamma: 1 Ily. Wni Rlvhnrdson was a bus! “(we virntor in Elmira on Friday. (‘rmm arrived on Saturday In a rumor mum-M manner and on Mom day one of the largest flecks of snow him” of the bust season wna seen. In an poras+lllty wlnter is not over vol. Mr. uml Mm WUllam Zuher and 1lauv,httw Bally upon! Sunday with the farmer's sister. Mm Mary Eric) at horn, Moeum. Arthur Kmmp and Hots Iwrt Kruoger spent Thursday In Kit, chener. Mrs. Fwd “an: of Kltnhmmr spent Thumday with Mrs. Peter Barn. Mr. and Mrs Ivan Breus' and daughter Joyce have moved to Wa, forloo. March 8 u! 9‘00, Bloomingdale at Five Points. _ Mun-h 13 at 7.30, Bloomingdale at l-Zimiru Jns. March 15 an 7.30, Bloomingdale at St. Jul-aha Two itisit (cums play for the bro. phy in the play othi, In also of un- l'm'ornhle- weather half ot schedule “ill bu. played and two high teams “wet in u sudden death game to he mum! for tho Karma Trophy Miss Lila Munsnr of Elmira visit- r-d Sunday at the harm: of her mo- Ilwr. Mm. Dan Humor, Mrs. Wm Holt or Gleuallan spent a any ttt' Lust week at the home of im- Anthony Newton. MP, and Mm. Richard Ogmm ot tho 1311., visited last Friday with ‘.lr, and Mrs. Robert Newton. Mr. John Byron, BA, of Hespeler V,irs " work Mm visitor at hls home Me sl'-, |'t-:'('3 Adam and Ronald Jltrrl'lrer-ott attended the hockey mun-31 in Wollosloy Friday evening. Mt'. Arthur Bryden or Gait. Raw, high Hall'smllll for Peel and Mary hum, spent esoveritl days last week at lev- humu or Mr and Mrs Duncan Mama Austin and Clayton bagel \wrn )xusina‘ss x-Iénnrs ttt Plomdnle 11H Friday, Miem Reta Wagner spent Thurw day with her parents, Mr, nnd Mrs. (‘lmrios Wagner, We uro shrry to report that Miss lam-n Holt has been on the. sick "at. 1irr1vluilt her 11 speedy recovery: _ _ :n lev- humu of Mr and Mrs Duncan \lucl'hcrson. .\lr.<. ”wry Martin was it Satur- "ay visitor in Elmlru. Quito " ttttmlrru' from this Hue at- u-mlI-d thi. ugrlrulluml meeting In lilmlm on Friday. . Mr. Homer “argon were (thing of [he and Mrs. Gus. MM Thea. Adam knd eon Ralph \n-ru Saturday visitors In Elmira. Some or our ladies attended the \V.M.S. convention in Waterloo, First United Church this week and were delighted and impressed with the V;(~<simm. We hope to have a good report of these meetings for those Pho did not have the opportunity to attend Mr. George was business recently. Mm. 21mph Hay and children Mar, gnrnl and Rudy were week-end vial- tom with friends In Kitchen“ Last Sunday morning Rev. R. R. Elliot commenced a series or pro- Easter sludlee ‘wlth the theme, "When will Christ return." "t B hoped that these services will be well attended and will be a help and lmplration to all. Attend W.M.s. Conventlon. Mrs. William Zuber and daughter Georgina span! Monday with friends in Klinhaner. This Friday evening the league taeetrs at the home ot Mr. K. Mew!» tor. All membens are asked to be present, and “shit in the discussion of the topic. "Friendship" under ttut loudemhlp ot Mrs. K. McAlllltBt Pre Enter Sonia“. ‘we Mr. and Mm. Fred Reamer and family hnvo moved on to the Ivan Brotta' farm, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hartlalh and daughter Margaret, Mr. and Mn, Homm- Leach, Mr. \vllllnm Beochoy and tho Mines Eva Hartlelb d',',',', Edith llergolt. all or Kltchenon m. Vera Horgou and son Jerry or here were Sunday vmtom at Mr and Mm. Gus Home" The league met last Friday night at the parsonage, and In spite of the inclement weather there wan 3 good attendance. A short devotion-1 1» Mod was led by Mr. Raymond tht der, after which pictures at Quebec were shown by Rev, R. R. Elliott. These pictures were most. lineman“ and gave many a side light of rur~ al and urban Qusrbev. Raymond and Catherine Wilhelm or Kitchener Brp, unending some time with thoir pnrnnuu. Mr. and Mn. “out! Weller uorklng ls because I stood by tho working rattrr-thatar' why I was 10! out." Ho declined hls wife bad [one In to work whllolm wna Ibsen! from town. Concerning the uutomonu. "if you with to an action, do so. You're Just trying to mutant“ md," (ms Hargou and Rudy Reunion were hunlnoaa vlsllors in Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mn. Adolph Burk". ot Kitchener were the guest. ot Mr, and Mm. Thou. Bodtord on Sunday. Intel-nun. Lantern Plot-u” they». Mr. and uni. whim???» chener spent sunny with the for- gor's parent. w. and Mil. W not}. a}. an iiiiiGe iff. iii-ii” 1er ttttt “AMI-w it. and In In!” and“! moved their household? - to Dunn- on load“, who" Mr. H.- bef-mehl bu mgggd ogplomg in; SHANTZ STATION R. , WALLENSTEIN Leach and Mm. Vera nponsom at the christ. innant daughter of Mr. V Hergou, Carol Joan. -Rolnhnrt or Kitchener Manor m our locality I "Verification notices ot arrears as shown by the mu ot 1933 were pre lpared and mailed by us on the 6th day ot February this year due to evanta leading up to the appointment at a new tax conecmr. Such events are outlined as follows: lln the bunk page book canto to our ,ulurve shortage and your ‘notlce. The entry was a charge buck ml thc advice of your , to the town account or a cheque for aided to lay a charge of t' iiiiiihi, drawn on the C. & H. Trans- the collector and his: title wort Cotoptuty, returned NSF. and 1'Circularization of a iredeemed three days latep. The on linquents according to it itry was made in the pass hook in the l proceeded with and th month of April, 1933, and there was 41011329 wats thereby est Ho corresponding entry in the tree. :ititiitlnn we have to date sttror's boogie. The then collector as 1lPW Cam; totalling $240.1 you are a are was a partner of the i Miller with the regular forenmncd comlvany. and the inter doll urn; the total default once was that either tax monoyS‘lrrg mum: on the balance which he had received had been used by him and the cheque was given to All Should tthey rover sumo, or that he had cashed "wi- would at this pa a company cheque with town tunda. i )iilll' body or a pwuslbilit In either case and! a procedure Tr1i'l1'r':s.f, ill the already stituted a gross irregularity butlumcutt1t which cannot be nevertheless did not of itself permit 1 by in: unload all people w the making ot it direct accusation of triple and have not "38130 P shot-tinge at the time, although it vevitication notices do at unquauionably aroused suspicionmiirm bear date 6th For All stated before. the only aystem- , will”? to reply at this da mic way of ascertaining the correct- i it“ atltu'lrtttml to lack of t new: ot the roll would have been to title either to neglected D (allow the procedure outlined above, IN” the part of those ltoldl which required the completion of the l it' tlli)’, However, the ii roll to a given date. The second in. tlces (showing arreal'd will rudiment had been collected by the‘ it luring response. bank but entries to the roll or auchi The default seems to collections as well as recorded cash mowed in April. 1933, book entries were not compltrted',tiu' vvrification "Others uniii early in the month of Dot-(amt dvlinrlursnte, were sent on her. The fact that the duties of wo tho sorcnty-ilvc ell-sea a‘ ht'rlNiIlK on the part of your collec- I'Nit'u paid ill April and tor muy partly have boon a reason “lib tll" l-xcelltiou of o for being behind in his recording of with or which is dated tax milecllom had in some measure In this particular case. to do with tho delay although he had tlHlmu not to have recoil] boon urged both by “a and by mem- of arrcnrtt from no tor P, born or your body who were desirous former collector is with of obtaining n complete "at of tlr, that he did not take it rear-t in order to assist in action to I,rior in April. 1933, We l be taken tor the collection or taxes ”mitt-1; been unnhic to ill remaining unpaid Owing their to rltul cannot trace the nu: the proximity ot the close of tho, thr "t'uuetttly haw included cal your and the tact that an investi. shortage The tact that Ration into the tax situation might :lrm- for the HM 1931 r: lntorfore with collection and un- Podium to the roll takin quartionably retard work roquiretl mull-ration penaltiw and by statute in December it was and over the nhort urinal dram“! advisable to deter the nutt. small urrom in billing by tor until the close at the year. for the war 1032. the col circullrlze Delinquent. under by $117.71 :md $14 “Previous to tho ttmt ”mines” milking u not differenct meeting or your body, at which 1113- “NW JPor.s of $38.62 wot pointments tor the current yenr nro that tho dciulmtimi can made, ihn foromontionod frrogula- 13333 only Alno we h my was brought to your attention: lht'mllzh t"rrcutlttrizutiot, man that we intended to clrcuiarlzv (‘t'iHOr thun thi. Onu month all tax dellnquania us soon no can inn-mums pontod to the vouicuiiy frangible. No doubt. on the mil in 1933 mini '"e utmngth of this irregularity coupled lictliici irnnnit-ut imdom' with the apparent inefficiency or the l ill'i‘lltn uppiimi i _ :uollecior, your body deemed " tulvisr" able to call tor applications, for tho ieltiort ot collector. The appoint- Add 5', in)” tux at $6.00 mont or a new collector followed and NIH] _ _ i V lonr at“! was set to work to balance the roll along the procedure outlined Tomi which should havo above, with a view to euthbllrth syn- been collected vFv _ temniimliy he soon as posaillln tho 'i‘utul actually deposited “In the first place, from the stand- point or proper accounting tot. tax collection, the same can be done satisfactorily only after the close of the year, especially in the case or the Town at Waterloo where (Alice help has been at a minimum and the responsibility for the proper carrying out of the collection under trying times, him been, so to any, a one man Joh. The misuse or funde is not so readily accomplished among several although more difficult to tie tect if collusion takes place. How. trvBr', due to a desire to facilitate mat- tery at the end of the year, some do tail work was done by ms On the 1933 roll in the month of October last. it was at that time that a certain entry N. The - thus qsatattttntted are therefore correct only it all ply- meutl made have been properly recorded. in order to *verity that such he; been the one we hue but one method or determining some. and that in by direct communication with delinquents. A copy or the form ot ntttiiuatittn need is submitted herewith and we mixht note here that such notice. were prep-red by your collector tor the your! 1981 end 1932, checked by us and mailed from ‘our one“, in the following month of April. The object ot mailing some in April was ot I. duel nature. as a perusal OFqtttth form indicates: HI. Dual Purpose _ "i. it paint. Out to the taxpayer that an Addition] 5 per cent penalty will be added unless paid hetero the end ot the month, tUtd such being the case it was thought to be a gentle reminder that an endeavor should be made to avoid a further penalty and thus stimulate the collection 1 "2. It establishes the correctness on otherwise ot the amount in ar- rears it instructions to communicate are followed out. "The reirpomse to varit1catitm notices for 1931 and 1932 did not re- veal any discrepanles. At least, we received no replies which would in, dicate "regularities or dirscrepantshxs for those years. hum _ ”hi (5; iUiiiE iiiiita"uk"fiiiF"ai' lithe no!) -ta.ttlutte. tht “run " ‘ahoyn on In. ion. t%Wii,i% "T'Wm' iiCFiiii'i Eng; tutor-an mun, dboounu and 0mm alum ”hing than“ emu Mn unm- _ In a" - HIV'E W" - -. ttlee,,",',' se f,1'Pg,'St 1:2.%1:E The 1-1. IL. Wilhelm Hardwa .Phone 408 WATERLOO 39 King St Art'toertce----- That they have been appointed exclusive agents for Waterloo and vicinity for Lowe Brothers-- NEPTO- tht QUICK DRYING ENAMEL 'II, ttu yww.» pr, M In. TM. now portal-In finish pionoon Inn! And moi-turn rennin. featurel in Quick DUI“! Enamoll. " cull In land .5 nutcoufully on your cooking "t_-woodwork --fioors--w.lu, an on porch ltoor. -- automobiles, etc. H. K.Wilhelm Hardware Nepto-Lac Q, D. Enamel drlu in 4 Lo 6 hours; in ttttBb' to apply; rovers well in one can; in heat and moisture resisting and is very economical to use. Comes in 20 modern decorative mlnrs and costs no more than ordinary enamels. I Withstands Heat Test! Look n the illustration! It, show: a kettle painted with Nepto-Lac and partially tllud with water, being boiled over In open "nts, without harm to the nnhh. All Should Check "\Vo would at this point remind 3uul' Imdy or a possibility ot an in- Cr'Prugct in the already established ullllllllii which cannot be determined by m uuiesa all people who hold my i'L‘lpls and have not responded to our vevitication noticee do so The no- ties boar date Glh February, and failure to reply at (big date can only lm attributed to lack of cooperation illle either to neglected or obstinacy nu the part of those holding receipts. if any, However, the 1934 tax tlo. (ices (showing arrears: will umiouhted~ ls luring response. rmm; paid in April and May, 1933. “in: thv l‘XCPPHOH of one, the re mint or whim; is dated June, 1932. In this particular case, the party mum” not to have received a notice or at't'ettt'vs from 1m tor 1932 and the former Poiiectm‘ is quite emphatic that he did not take any moneys prim in April. 1933. We have never- limim-‘u' been unable to find the stub and aumnt trace the payment, con- The default seems to have CODV mowed in April. 1933, apparently .n'tt-r vvrification ttotlceys of the 1938 dvlinrlursnte, were sent out. Eight ot tho sm-cmy-nvn (ill-sea are 1932 an wt-uunntly haw Included it m tho shortage. The tact thtu the collec- :lrm- fur tho year 1031 vxceedod the‘ puqings to the roll taking into con-l .,xdvralioh penaltlw and discounts, and over tho nhort arming throuxhl small nrrom in billing by $93.82, and‘ for _the your 1082, the milectlon was under by $117.71 and $14.73 in Igsg,1, making u not difference over the‘ Inn-o Arms of $38.62 would indicate“ that Hm "ttttFlor, commenced 1n 11:33 only Alno we have found] [hrmuzh t"rrcutlarirnitiot, no other, (am-<01: Hum the one tntmtionod AHOY" I1tyturutls [mind to the l arrears as shown on the roll. Dur. ing the course or this work and be, fore the notices ot arrears were rea. Cy to be mailed your new collector Ieceived replies on two distinct duel-la; rvgarding arrears that taxes haul been paid, Following up these cases' wn upon interview found that “menus had been given by the col- lvctor and credit had not been given lo tln- parties concerned, Upon queer Iionlnp, the exioiiector regarding tlimo tun-us. ha admitted that he had nhtulnml the moneys but had not turned name lulu the town treasury and admitted further shortages, at iili‘ same time promising a list of name“ with nmountu which he had withheld. The chairman ot your ("lice committee wag immediately in- formth by its of an admitted short .mr and wtus advlssd to take steps to notify the bonding company, This was carried out forthwith On the following day the former collector produced to his tax stubs numbering 75, which he admitted he had with- held and which represonted a total at $3,234.93 comm-ted nut not turned in in the corporation A meeting of your otticu committee followed at which lilr former collector admitted the WIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I', --New Spring colors, with printed patterns tor Iloev ii“ bows, and vestees under bolero jacket ftonta. Or 'e,ir7it,'l1; throughout, some with ruffled shoulders, sttsamrrkei'itet"i, “If. new looking em_broideine in a zipper stitch. “gum, -No not. tug-”duo I" to: tho Int won-in. than tNo important.", - 31M ”ply-(bl. In all for Us. " thu. but. Chiral-g now silk crop. Idols road, " ".e and “.95. T naught-manure! "' C"CjCsRsi/'r'sCjr,' "_"'?.)':)), Examinatim 9.15anda} Kitchonor'u Oldest Department Store GOUDIES $3.95 $4.95 Suo. 1 to " Cotfiriudtiots t270,670.Tr, 5271.010 " $270,5x5467 440,00 15.22 Jr. IV-ivan- Jutal 79. 'irvire Hallman 75, Harold Relnhart TO, Wal- n-r RNnhart " um (mu-c Saunders of KitchenerI 'spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mm, Ed. Dubrick. Mi, " Eth'el Kinzie and Means. itatt Kinzlo. Gordon and Charles Woeltle and Ray Schneller attended Hu- medal gathering at the home of Rev. and Mrs. G. D. Fleming at New Dumhxo on Monday evening. Mr Wm. Reint. Ellmbeth, [mum and George Relst visited at the home or Mix" Lido Orr at Gan. on Sunday. School Report For February. _ Sr Hi-Evelyn Hewitt 77, Irene mehnolfer 74, Alice HetusoeiNr 78, (iornldino Dubrluk 71. Mildred Eby 7tt. Imrmm Prey 40 _ r. Sr. [\LLan-l Kumko sfs, mans Walton 78. Jr ll --Matllda Honhooftm‘ M, Rea- hon Muetsolman 76. Em Batti6r To, Kenneth ansku 69. Hvvrmd--Stanlo.v Eby 76, Redey Immu- 70, Laverne Snider 62. Sr 1-Ahwttl Hallman 72. nertrum Hugvdorn 70, \ Jr, 1~~(‘um.s Julzl 70, Flurenm He“!!! 67, Clifford Battier 66. Primer __ Rodger Keller 82. Audrey El); 80. Dorothy Hagedorn 79. I-‘rmldie Walton 78. Lyle Snider 75. Hum-1 ”MUM 73, Howard Petzold 70. "5. Deposit daily or as omen as tonvenlently postsihie all montetr re- ceived. The potty mall fund now pro~ ruled for, to be used for small cash vxporuiittureas only. t “S C0nciidepation of addition.) of. iico help, having In mind an under- study, "The h[augment of revenue and-m‘N )wmlilurt- Mum's that your body rave..- u deficit commencing the cub E " yam of $8,551.05. MVS. Wm, Rel-st left on Sunday for Indianapolis, Ind., where she Intends to spend thrs month with her niece, Mrs. James Anthony and Mr, fN thony. I" "7 8lleets properly ruled tor the purptmv showing urrenm at" the do» m the roll and the amount with pen- ally to he carried forward into the next roll. - _ "a, “This discrepancy had "tet ' charged agalnst tax revenue 10L”. year because it would 3pm!” M: it urban:- through sundry errant _"' General Remark. _ "At an interview with your bod! in January last. we expressed the, oplulon that certain itrtpmmmV (should be made in the otrice. We we: commend the (allowing: ' "b. Installation of an Exry or like muvhille for the laslxance ot Neely“ in ts1plicate. One copy “YMMV: Ono copy tor emy purposes. One copy to remain in the machine tor mum purposes. "2. Purchase ot additional ftl,tntr equipment, particularly tor tax stubs for at least two years. "il. Purchase ot a tax collector's mush book properly ruled for the pur- cuMy r069 "(Installation of a cage for 001- lectJOQ purposes. ve Ditscrepa ncy "us. Collection -or dog taxes and “census lo be mken Cure of by the police dPparrment. Phone 2777w. so Onlnrlo St. S. KITCHENER In the bank WILLIAMSBURG 0RDON'S ooo LASSES Satisfy Sin: " to " HIIIIIHIIHII 39 King St. South Talc-plum 950‘ H11 $270,905.!

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