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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Mar 1934, p. 3

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. Dry Goods Store 5), Waterloo _ . Ontario Much valuable Infumumiun was given the studenm including the an of bundaghlg, that aid, contagious diseases, temperature, readings, pulse readings. respiration, prvnnml euro and the can: of a patient In a sick room. The feature of the rinsing day of the two weeks' home Kunming “whom held at the library. Nosed on Friday, “us a banquet. whiclt Wars' much vu- joyed by the tlass of 27 members. Miss Edith McAlpine. 't..N, who ved overseas as a nurse gave in, gating demonstrations and talks, he local Dram-h ot the Womert's In. mum; of the federated mstitutvs of Ontario, spundo'rml tlie clatuies. Pupils 'ottrteiit,ful in tho I'm-rut music examinations hold in Kil('hl'll- pr by the Toronto ('Imewrmmry of Music were Edward Furlt-r, pupil of Miss Marguerite Geiker in imrmluw- tory piano, Jean Hill'hiv or Hath-n. ten-yeur-old pupil of Miea; Itoxie Haw. mun,hr-r Inlroduvlnry plmm and Mrs. James Wz-ldolhuld in Menu-Mary vio, lin try. _ Sm. Hamburg lost the second value .f their home and home series “Hi: undon on Wednesday night in the Forest City by a score of 4 to 2. Having won the first game by 6 to 2, London takes the round by 10 to 4. London meets Wood- stock in the next round. Referee Jack Hemphill a: Water- loo handled the bell to the entire satisfaction of both teams. Mr. Allan Knurr of I'vtvrslrurr,r vieit, ed for Home limo with friends and relatives hero. Sunday guests at the hmnv of Mr. and Mris. Mom") Ilruhm-hor wvl'v Mr, and Mrs. Ephraim Sm-lmnlz. Mr and Mm. Menno L. Wells-r “ml Mr, and Mm. Elam Martin and chihlrvlL all ot St. Javohs, Mr. and MW 0.er Svhwurlz. the Mlmes Ruth. KullIyrn uml Muriv Schwartz mu] Viola Hurri, Mr Help hart Otterhein and [minimum and Itoy Schwartz of East lh-hlvlhv-I'g worn Sunday visitor." will, Mr ond Mrs. Arthur Sunk-r Hamburg Loses To London Six The play was fairly even but Bennett ie the net for London was too much for the Burgersa New Hamburg-Goal, E. Hamel; defence, Bingeman and Roth; cen- tre, Hap. Hamel; wings, o. Bow- man and L. Bowman; subs, Harris, Hubert, Faber and Scherer. At the banquet Mix-4 MrAlpino pretseuted with an :IIIdl‘m-‘n' N‘ilt Mrs. A. R. G. Smith and it suit gm nom tlie class by Mrs. ”or Willinnm. Successful Pupils. " Miss K. Kuhn has returned to her home in Toronto after attending the funeral of her nephew, the late Mr. Clayton Morley. .. Mr. and Mrs. William Srhunr-r. Helen and Harold mu! Mr and Mrs Warren Smith of St, Juctm.s Wt'rf' Sunday Walton; with llw fornwr'r' mother, Mrs. Kate Sr-Imnur. Mr. and Mm. Jacob Good and rum liy or SL JIII'OIW “are potwttt visitor” m the honu- of Row. and Mrs. Moan»; Brubachpr. __ The Missvs Itcsiua and Viola Hm spent Monday In tlie Twiu ('ily. 'siiiriii,Vtk Schmidt of Wall-r100 In vlnlllng this wook with hu-r trsit4ttsv, Mrn. Herman nochtltold - loo. Now Hamburg Notes Miss Eva Wettlaufer of Kitch éner visited friends in town. With-and -idrs". Appel of Wa'terloo were visitors at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. George Swing; . . . 7 'Mr. and MN John Wolrv and {am My tspent Sumlny with rI-lulivvu In Wuterlrur. _ Mr. Album Hawnmn of St spent Sunday with his ttir Wilbert Bruhnchor. ""%y."iirirsiriri'.'otu, and Miss Florence Otto of St. Marys were visitors in town on Wednpggyy. _ -hryiFesGriWrohi/ of Woodstock was a recent visitor with his mother, Mrs. B. Ji. Jfro2p.. . RevendVlIR Monti“ llruhnohor were Sunday gumls with Its-v. and Mrs. Oncnr nurkhomor at llrmlnu, minis: oitmnn of Hawkmvlllv In Hailing tor some time M the hump or Mpg, Kate Svhnnnr. Tho funeral "ervirws, for tho lulu Henry Schmidt, who [mt-mm] nwny at his home m Illnnmlngcluln on Fri- day evening, won- held hvrv nt Bt. Peter}: Lutheran Churum on Monday ntternon, A large mnmumu of rela. lives and triends, gmhnrmx In pay their last trlhulm or rtwpm't to the -iiiL/ Idella Fin‘ler has returned home after spending a few weeks in Kitchener. _ _ ' departed. Rev. R. J. will!“ or (tamari- lom (la-shied by Rev. lmmnok had gimme of the serum-a. Interment took ()1;an at the Erhavilln cpmolery. 0n Hllnlln: March the 18th an Enli- Mh lmIm-n service will ho hold at In. l'alvr‘u Lutheran Church at whh-h lhn choir will slng ttte 'Hyvett wmdu of the cross. For [Adler and Children's Drama, in many designs -Illd eo1ori-- _ " u. "ur---...-" - New SHEETINGS ". PILLOW COTTONS " TlCKlNG T MADAPOLAN NEW PRINTS ILA. Germann Referee-Jack Hemphill, Water is W708 DISPLAY 1N Mem STORE NEW HAMBURG 19c, 25e to 33c All at price: that will monk with your approval. HEIDELBERG n of St. Jm-nhs his {Flt-m]. Mr. road by suitalrle Norman " War,' {Farmers Hear , Talk on New Considerable interesk was muni- tested by farmers at this district at the meeting held at Johnston's hall on Friday atternoon at which special speakers discussed pasture manage- ment and new federal-provincial po- licies in regard to hogs. The meet. in: was sponsored by the local chum- her of commerce and directed by E, lnlcmti-g Aldus... on Pan-u. Mun-[uncut and Othor Farm Tories " Able Agri- cult-Irish. There Ls nothing better tor fer. tilizer, declared the speaker than barnyard manure. By the use of com, Inertial rertilizerrs with the former, the richness of nitrogen and potash in the feed is consldetxsbly increased. Pasture Management . An interesting talk on “Pasture Management", was given by Mr. Thomas “A good detiultion ot pan- ture," said the speaker, "is land ot high fertility, well drained and also retentive of moisture, this with pro- per pasture management will assure the fill'lnel'ui the best possible pastur- age." Pttsiture management comsiest- ed of controlled glazing and fertiliz- ing. Hy controlled grazing the dairy farmer could divide his tield into three or tour parts and using one part at u time tor pasture at the rate or ten cowts tor every two acres would wither ovnrgraze nor under- graze. ' New Swine Policies Another reirrosentative of the Agri- tatlturul department, Mr. McMullin, t‘xplainpd the new federal-provincial policies, which is approved by the packing plant-s; particularly "the -0\\' exchange pulley", Any farmer in Ontario who desires to exchange Ill old sow for a young one is privi- leged to ask the packing company tor an exchange and the buyers will help td mom a trade. if the HOW the .artnvi' wishes to trade is worth more than the one he is getting, he can sell it and buy the other and pocket t.‘w dittereuce hut if the new one " worth mm‘o- he gem an evon trade with the packing houn'e taking the loss. The brood Miw policy which hem Menu in (effect [or three or four ymrs and is still [um-Honing, Wat,' explained. Farmers were interested in Mt'. Mthillins talk on the bacon hug ('lnh policy and hour liming; pol. Death removed an aged native of Wunlwieh township in the person of John Hrox, who {named away Thum- day. Mareh last at the home of his sun. William, in Elmira aged 3:: v'l‘ill‘S. The late Mr. llrnx wan a ear-neuter My trade. He tarttrluvtrul a farm near l-‘lm'adale for 4u year»; and in 19:10 waved to Elmira. He was a member of the Woolwich emineil for "lx year-4, lie was married in 1374 to Elizabeth Cinder. who predeeeza-ed him in 1313. He ie ',urvivv" by one daughter. Mrs Sylvmler Newman. Elmira. and two sum, William, Elmira and Jamil; of Sprun- Grave. Alta., also two "islel'x‘. Mre Javolt Faersler, Fl mira. Mm. Samuel Rein-t, Wetun‘ke- Mn. Alla, lliree brittlterv. Daniel. Spruee Grove. Alta, Jacob, Waterloo and Louie. f'ortcritogrr. llr. J. It. Shamans- vixiled his mu~ liner in Frankfurt. who is quite ill. Laid at Rant. The funeral of the late Franz Ruduw was held an Saturday after- noon from his late residence to St. Jumvs' Lutheran Church. The lneal Odd Fellows [Lodge members, of which the deceased was a member, attended in a body. Rev. L. H. Kalhfleisch ameiated, The hearers were six grandsons of the deceased, ramely, Milton Flare, Elmer and Weldon Ituduw, and Arthur and Murray Sanford. Interment was made at the Elmira cemetery. Miss Emma Sehmidt of Stratford IN spending several days in Elmira. l. McLoaghry. county agricultural re. presentative tor the Ontario delrartt ment. An informative and interesting ud- Jrtrui on tanning mills was given lly K. I. Mvisrughry, New Hydro Service At Schools. The Elmira l’uhliv Utilities report for Fi-hruury Mtowed water pumped during the month totalled 3,054,375 gallons, Thes hydro superintendent N‘DUI'U‘il u now survive insmlled at llu- Hirih School and Public School “hivh necessitated lowering hydro 1,010.; in tow and ('liurizu in smmx of llw Nuiipmenl. Death of John Brox. 'i'irs's'V."Itdutvr visifvd in Wutvr Inn over the week-0nd. Franz Rudow Panel Away. Thr. rutirttl mm hvltl nu Saturday It’lm'nolm to SI Mum-n” Lutheran ('hun-n tor sorvh-v Burial wxm made In Hm Elmira runwtnry. “Mk I. H KulMlolHr'h rvfflrlntml, Elmira Notes. oltwlml nwmlwr of the HnnOr Srwloty or lhn (‘nllozr- [In ttuRlltlml ln'm‘n- demic. muHh-nL tlrnnth- mu] Hlt'rnry nonvhlm of tho coll)" Miss Amanda Wrath“, who was eonfined to the K.-W. Hospital for the past few weekn, has returned home. .Vlmuu'u. W. Ottman, H l, \anth-l, W, Jm-kunn and W. Clark nttnmled the Good Ronda Armm-Intlnn Imnqm‘l at Toronto. Minn Viola Bruhnchor. who "went- " returned trom Edmonton, I“ via“- Ina hnr mothor. Mrm J. Bruhncher In KIN-hen” spent Friday renewing ur- qunlnmnt-m In town. Carl "IIDDOI. tiOtt of Mr and Mrs, (Muir "uppel. 4Ih yl-nr slum-n! ot “Maul-m 1tnivorelly, London. WM S Swine Policies ELMIRA NEWS Drum Eml I. cum“. An oratorlcnl content Wu a fea- ture of the United Church Young People), meeting recently. There were three sped era with the titles of their addresses as follows: Gor- don Nelson of Elmira spoke on "What the individual can do to meet the present world conditions." Miss Vera Fewings of West Montrose gave an address on "How to build u Christian social order". Mr. Boyd of Wellesley discussed the topic, "The effect of good companionship". The judges were Miss L. M. Bell, Mr. E. H. Graham and Mr. D. S. Erb. Miss Fewin s was first, Mr. Boyd second-emf Gordon Nelson third. A miscellaneous program was en- joyed. Brief talks were given by Mr. Fred Ferguson " West Mon- trose, Mr. Boyd of Wellesley, and Rev. Stewart. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, W. Kllm-kmulx were Mr, and Mrm M. Sippel or Tuv atom-k Riv. old Mies. G. Mulholland and Mr. and Mrs. t', Mulhollund spent the week-end at Branchton. 1lve;sirs; Jul”) Hahn and Vallvnlinu Hui'uh-llvr 1-.tllrul ml Mr. Ipuvid Er]; mu» (My lust “Wok in Victtrriuuurg. Mr David F,rl, ot' Virttrrittlrut'r, made a huh-111mm trip I!) [huh-n land Tuvriiluy. NW. (i. “mull Haw; mummy-r of H10 Dominion “mm is sprniliuv, his .‘mli- uluys in Tof'irtrto Hs. i,; lu-im: H» I uvwl by Mr H. F' Cox of Kilrlu-m-r 'l'lrs. full or will on Sulllll'tln)‘ and Sunday wzm quilu- “oh-mm- as sit'V- urn] pmmlv Wf'ru' out or ruin wulm'. urn] pl-uplv \w-ru out or r Thu “mm- i,; tlinnmwuril and if ths. mild “nullwr llu- math in llu- ruunlrx ' bud ctruilititm for II’HITZK Mr. and Mrs. G. Weiss 1rere re- cent visitors at Toronto. Misses Ethel Schmidt and Helen Gilles ot Ht. Jacobs pasused with honors, their elementary examina- tions in music and Misses Jean Shoe, maker and Bernice Thur passed with bottom their intmducttory examiner tion,,. at the Kitchener Conservatory or musie They are pupils of Miss Ruby Brit-km". Miss Myrtle Wildfong was suc- cessful in passing Grade V counter- point and receiving honors in Grade V forms at the recent theoretical examinations in music. Mr. Philip Martin has again taken up his employment with his brother, Abraham, at Erbsville, after spend- ing the winter with his parents. “Mr. and Mrs. Sylvcs-ter Martin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Buehlcr of Floradule. Miss Veronica Sauder and Mr, Tilman Sunder visited with Mrs, Menno Heist at Hamilton. The funeral of the lute John Brox was largely attended on Sun- day afternoon. Following a service at the home of his mm, William, service was held at Zinn- Evangelical Church, Rev. C. H. Cornwall Mfici- ating. The palhvarers were six nephews, numely, Harold Iyreisinger, Hm. K. J), 'm'tillmeyor w in Toronto on Saturday to Nil“) ot' her sin‘tmx who umh oiutitiou. Mr. K. C lmsxwll ot' 8mm p lrtuiinvss Vluilln' in town on Friday night. All“, Flam-m Coustrrrdinit of To. mum .14 Vihnillg ul tlie Mom‘- of Mm lh-m'y Strum MI: and Mrs. Dun Sh-inmun “011 Min} hulvlu-ring ut tin» hum:- "I' Mr llalvirl EH] ut Vii-Inl'iuhurg his! Wm! trr,uluy. Mr. [Andie Srhumln-r and children, who have spvnl a week with Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Svhumbvr, have Iv“ again for than" homo in Mitvholl. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bowman and Messrs. Emerson _ Martin, Abraham 13rubacher, Cavtnus Martin and Noah Martin attended the funeral on Sunday of the late Mr. Noah Lichty at Floradule. Miss Alice Forbes of Winter- bourne was a visitor in town on Sa!yduy, - _ Miss Olive Devin spent the week end with relative/s in Kitchener. Funeral of John Brox. W. Foerstor, William Shoemaker, Wesley Shoemaker, Noah Brox and Otto Stumpf. Burial was made in the Elmira u-mcu-ry. Miss ”('It'll Brrdux, who "peut n wvek's vacation with hw-r purvnts here, has loft “gain fur hvr hnnn- in Kitchvntsr. Miss Sultmut Sn-hmidl spun! the wvekwnd at her home in 'Ovistot-k. Mr. and Mrs. Henry “(wring and fumily WI'i'V the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nvlson 1ltrvi0 Inst SmWny. Mr. and Mrs, Iivlmuth mun-r und clnughlor Erin of Kitchener spout lust Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. anry Wagner and with Mr. and Mrs. llvrmun Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Luu spout " few (lays this work ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thu», Furlcr at lhrtrv, ing's Corrwr. 'Miss Dummy Hordux of Kitrhvnvr si"'Alt hm _s1rr1dys' at hthome hero: Irr'x . Mr. ('m'l Grub-0r Wm: the gut‘st of MI: Klnuw Hm-rh- at Win Rom! Ind Sunday, PHILIPSBURG "oswr'll Ur Svut'm'lh was milm' in town on Friday BADEN >1Imwuriuu rapidly sosittltirt' u-Imlinuvn' mumlrx will In- In ‘lmoyf‘r wan; valied lll'ilily to the hwl- who undvl'wv-nt an The young people of St. James," Lutheran Church pleaspntly (sur- prised Mr. and MN. Ivan Saruras at ‘lhe home of the formem‘ parents. Mr. and Mrs. lrrln Swarm,- on Tuesday Im‘enlng of last week. M'uus Hilda Kuvelman read an appropriate ad- dress and Mr. Orville Elnwachler presented Mr. and Mrs. Sarnras with a lovely Clock Gama; and cuntestu were enjoyed (luring the evening and the aerving ot' dainty refreshment») brought the delightful arena-inn to a conclusion. Excellent Topic. ling the business session Russ To, man gan’n a recitation, “Canadian iimrn", hy Pauline Johnson. Miss i'Ilizuholh Wood rendered " piano [5010, "Fifth Nor-turtle", by Leylrach yum-r which Gionnis Musseiman rend i“\Vintor Lakers". hy Wilfred Camp. inn-iii The third form .pupiis than pre- ii""""" a short play in the French Iunguuma entitled, 'thaperon [{0qu [will] the- cast of vharuvtem un- 1'01. Mung 11w m-Jmol mum, following (s, llirh Thelma lioshurt gun- It talk to” "The Windmill." A gullur and :violln (luv! was played by Murjorio 'ond Roy Hull mm the scltool vapor. t“’l'ln- 311103. Exchmxgo” mm altio ll'rul by IPltrtusuce St'hnmll. iReport of the Rosebank Public l School for January and February. ' Sr. IV Murir-l Exordvo 837,. Alice ‘llullmun 31, Hilda Han-n 81. 1 Jr. IV Earl Kurt h'.'t, Doll'rml Hiwl" 17M 78, Allied Kurt 71L Clinton liw-lr i',vl Tl, Snngslur Govttlinr,r (H. l Hy. Ill lh-rnim- I'Im-rllm- 87, Nor- 'nmn lit-nu 81, Mary Rush-r 81, Juan -!|lelmzm x0. .lt-nn lllvl‘nnhm'lu-r Til, J‘HWH'I‘ lhwkor " ; Jr. Ill- Earl F'vick 75, lronv Kurt ri'ryi, Marjurio Wittttey 61, Eldon Hoclr llvl iii). Russo] ()lH-rvr SR, Itolrrwt Hall, ',mun 3:3, Mr; Ariint,ori, spam " tow dart, or this week with Mr. and Mm. Dnvn thwnlpr at Kltcttottpr. A large number or people were in attendance at the concert which was; held in Kavelmau's Hall lat-st Wednes- day evening under the auspices ot the New undee Public Library Botsrd. Mr. t R. Hallie, president at or the board, occupied the chair dur. ing the evening and the [olilowing program was given: A group of nongs, "Ir I Only Knew", by Lehman and "Hedge Roses" by Shubert, Miriam Hilborn; a reading “Tit For Tat" by Mic-d Mary Francis; a de- bate, "Resolved that periods ot Eco- nomic Depression have done more tor the Moral, Mental and Physical Advancement ot Mankind than Prud- Jverlty,” between students 9! the ltr cal Continuation School and students or lat-st years' rhort course. The airir- Ilnative side, which was awarded the 1(Iecision. was composed ot Andrew iietttt, Ruth Dean and Irene Kauter. ‘wllile the negative side was upheld iby Elizabeth Reist, Weaton Bararari and Howard Snider. The judges were Mr. Ruthig, Mr. Herbert Bergey at New Hamburg and Mr. F. K. Page. Two ot Drummond'., poems, "Le theval Pinter" and f‘The Wreck of Julie Pltutte" were then given by Mr. J. w. Arnmtrong, The conclud- ing feature of the evening was the presentation ot lantern slides of famous European (scenes by Mr. Ru. thig, principal of the New Hamburg Public School. Presented With Clock. _ Mr and Mrs Roy tllldnpr vlnllnd “llh Mr. nnd Mm, William Srhrumm In Haysvllls- on Sunday. Debate, Depreséion .Students Excel Versus Prosperity] at Local School Affirmative Awarded Dubio- u Melly Given Honor Sanding at Eaten-lumen! Given by Library February E- - Utor-ry Bo.rd.-Encotunt Concert. Society Prowl. Fine -_r_.P- l Progrem. tho prd-sldr-nl. MIN. llnh Hallman than tank rhnrgn of tho business. Mr F. F, Pago prom-Nod tho tank- ot tho nvvnimz. "(‘hrlm ths, Sun .0! God nml tho Hon of mun", nnd "Tho Snrmon on tho Mount", wnu I'd-ml M thv m-rlpturu 109mm] by MIN, Svllnn Hpnvtzvl A VIIHII duct "Tom-h Me To l'rny". “'an rnmIan-d by Mrs I,it, wlllm' nml ertnm llilhorn nttrwy whit-h th" qumtlonn on lhu tome worn mmwnrml by t4evvt'tt1 or the momlmm MIRA I‘lllznhnth wood nlnn gnvn a rnndlng onlltlml, "Low l)lvlm\." Per-onus. Mr. Ed. Petck presided at the re- gular meeting of the Blenheim Men. nonilo Young Pebple'u Society which has held at the church on Sunday orruink. Th? scripture lemon ll Timothy 3:14-17 wins read by 1titu,' Eunlve Snidm‘. Miss Durham Crews; mun Wave an many on the topic “Opportunities ot' the Sunday School" and Mr. Walter' Shanty. "puke on the Humv- suloust. Literary Society Meets. The monthly meeting of tho NJ). (25, [Ali-raw Sm-iety Wftei huh] last Friday ufturnonn. Thu prmident, Zona Hallman, presided and "Oh Can. udu" was sully, In opening, Follow- Sr. II Elma hinfvnlmchvl‘ X6, Dul- lun I'Luv-I'llvv 7.3. Murmur! Wittuvr 73, LI-nnu Hm-kvr 71. Rtuirs livvkor 57. Jr ll Wvrstort KuHh-r 80, WilUs llzlvr Tl, Donald Full-k 68. I’I‘ilnvr Sit-wart KnHlm' 94, Nyl" itiirt1uilruclHu' $0.1. Amlrvy Egvrdvv 89, Kathryn Hullmun XL Lloyd “(whirl 7:7. .\|<'\lv Miller' 43. Interesting Debate, The monthly mowing of tho St, .lmnvu Luthvr Langm- Witt! hold all Hm Run-sonnmx hm! Thursday vva- in: kim the prnshlonl, VII-m Illusollu Surnrxm occupying the chair. Psalm .31 “as: riuul I'mpmmlvnly urn-r which llu- ntl'illllll'l' Imam] l'anm 142 was l’l'ull by Mr. (Margo Mueller' A rund- im: (-lllllIl-(I "Private anhlp", wan uiw-n My Alisa Florunvn Hummus. A Ill'hllh', “llmmlvml that the Autumn- l=llo him tlotto more good than harm" \rnu thou hultl with ll"I "trirmntfve siitls, lwlng lllkl'll hy the VIM-wax lvn Zinn and Irtirldtl Bowman and the 'ios,rtttivv Mlle uphold hy MIRA Lydln (hwllllllu aud Mr Orvlllp Elnwnvh- trw. The mvmlwm ru-upnmlml to lhn mll pull with "A Fuvorllt‘ lllhln Slum", rulluwlng which " running "God's ”mum" was alvon by Mr. ltusr svl Zlnn Thn mw-llllg Moved wllh u hymn, HH- lxml'u l’rnyvr and tho lmxolngy. A Splendid Topic. Th" rnvtttlrurs of tho H H. Cltrirstiun l,'ndvavor 'clovioty hold their rozulnr nun-Hug ut [hr )mnn- or Mr. and Mrs hnvv Htwlllm‘ ttt KIN-honor Inn! Tliurwlny owning The hymn “Just An I Am" was mung in nw-nlng and lhn prvsldrsnt. MIHH Halt Hallman than tank rhnrgn of tho business. Mr F'. F, Page prom-nun] tho toplc lcwe': Clyaperon Ilouge tLittle Rod Riding Hood). Alta Stoltz; the mo- lhvr. Flow-mo Schmidt; the grand» molhI-r. Kona gunman; the forwtvr, Hun-n Slollz; he wolf, Jim Ces. mun. Allhvn Btu-k and Muriel Poth N. H. Hill, 'l'mtchtsr, NEW DUNDEE tied Camp. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfrml Wannor visit. Js UN?“ pre- “I with Mr. and Mrs. levillu Voilvh the French "t [Mu-vino on Sunday Th» Yl-"S. me! nt Lllv homo of Mr. and Mrs. Tho" nlrmlnxhnm Wodnesdny nvonlng, Fob. fuith. wlth nn attendance or 20 nml two visitor“. Br. “liberally Toma" 91, Fred- erick Erb 82. Florence Netenbacher 78, Charles Waterman Tlt, Mildred uautemscliltsKer 67, Arlen" Lumen- schlugcr 58. . Allvu (Nahum M M Sllunlz “Ht-vulva! lhv l'um'rnl of lhv Into Jan-uh llullmnn up.” NM" lHIlllll‘l' (In Sulmvluy Jr. Ill Gordon Snider 86, Elgin Mustselmatrll2, New Wanner 74, El- mer Buer 70, Icy Wanner 64, Curtis liner " Nyle Koehler 56. R. lk, Builie, Priuviiral.. Junior Room Second Clase-Russel Snider 7S, Miriam Coleman 77, Itudeue Tumuu T4, Luella Know 73. Betty Tuch. Minsky 71, Helen Poll 67, George BPChlPl 63, Beryl David 57. Ronald Bowman 55, Greta haulen-schlager 49. Hurt llvwnr, who lug lit-0n I'm ployvd al Allml (:lnlalvr'x fur thr. mm! yvnr, hm: gum- to Frunk Hanley, wt“! ol Linwood fur the running your and Curl Hm-khurl hm; hv-nn phylum! Irv Allvu (Nahum Mrs A. Itlgnrn Fipr'tit Sunday at Wellswloy Sow-ml or our I‘m-key [mm took in thv two hm-kt-y gumv-H in wow-w luv In.” 'l‘humrlav :Illll Friday Interesting Debate, Jr. 2r,tTft,"/cl,' Snider 87, lihu'l. mom Poth T, Clara Younmunu 75, Willard Bowman 74, Susie Wanner 66, Grace Toman 58, Morgan Baer M, Rayburn Mudler 50. Senior Room Sr. leblllen Page 88.2%, Velma Bauer 88.9. Erma Dieteubacher 83, Kenneth Boishtut 64. First Clavii Thelma Lung 88 El- mer Poll 76. Douglun Poole 74, Myrtle Howling 68, Ray DlPt’enbuch- or 67, Cameron Tomun 66, Mary tia- vis 64, 1potis Musselman 62, liurkle Ttrman 60, Walter Waterman 52. G, Gibb. Teacher, Rev. H, Fl Svllulle of Lakewood. Ohio. will ot'tmpy the pulpit oi, the Baptist (‘lmru’x next Sunday morn- ing, March llth, Infant Daughlér Panic: Away. Mina (Im‘tio Muruitrlmutt (If Wulor- loo spout u few day” of last. wtwk with her k't"andpaiumtss, Mt'. and Mrs. Henry Wan-rum". Row and Mrs. Slnarl Hunhmvr and um I’m-(l of Waterloo wvl'v guostm -.:l thu 110mm ot" Mr. August Iwauivu. .~-vh|nLu-r and Il r. and Mr”. John "uvk ml Sunday, . Among (Imm- “mu " dintuum- who nth-“mu! tho t'nnvrul or the Lute Mr. J. C. Hallman last Saturday wvrv' Min; mlm "Ullman of lhilluvillm Ruv. ulltl Minx Dunk-l Sr'llllllz, Mr and MIN. Hm'vt'y Svlmllx and "uup,Ir Inn's of Pontiac, Mil-IL, and Dr. W. Krupp or Woodriiorli. Thu Mina.“ Ila-(m and Edith Miat' m-r or f'oltl)am HIM-Ill Ihv wm-k will with friends horn. ltr,,, llt'm'y Gllrluiu', Mr. and Mrs “my (:ilthn-r and Mir-h Prim-inn Gil" 1.5»1' nmlorvd In Humilltm lust Friday Observes 74th Birthday. Hvrvntly I‘rlt-mII: viuill-d thr, hnmv of Mrs. t'uthuriur. Illm‘nnimm: in (‘rusulllll HIHI tnuirIrNriiul hn-I' on In“ otiiu,ion or hvr Nth birthday Au ”Humming Mrllulzly sumwr was Mo M's, Wm Ralph IInhn of Thursday vviminp, "tru Hm'vny Mrl'hruvion. who hug huvn employ-d "t Hu- lmnn- of Alvx St-lllnulvr "our Linwnml for tlw mm! four yi'lirhi hun- hvnn q-nunuml with (ivorgw Glult4tsw for tho rmnlng W'ut' mill (-oml'mnm-d I'll'ivs Illis wm-k. 1.0m:- anniq- zu-mmpnnh-d lay It K Ftwlt‘r and Shun” Itochswt of Mn wood “ml Hvrlwrl um] LN) Mayor of HI. (‘lvnwntu nmturml to Ttrruruto Haiurdor urn-rum!” um! took in Ilw anh- llt-uf ma Hm! Wiupr,4 horkry gum:- Valeria Juan, the youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mr. Wm. Guthrie, died at Galt Hospital on Tuesday night after tt brief illness, aged 10 m" nths and 26 days. Surviving are he parents, 1 sister, Miriam, her gr ndparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Th mpson of Drumbo and Mr. and Mr. Geo. Guthrie of Ayr. The funiral will be held on Friday after- noon at two o'ciock from the family residence to Ayr cemetery. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of their many friends in the loss sustained. B.Y.P.A. Meeting. Mr and Mrs. F [my uIIY Min; Fl , loo visi rd with l Swarm on Sunday ”Humming Mrllulzly sumwr was .mrvwl. Luv luhh- M'ilug rvutrtul with " ttrrlicirrus birthday (ilkl‘ um] unis» lw-Jlly tlrttrrulrd. All joined ill sxralr. iris; Mm. Him-unlnnm many mun happy lyirllnluys. Ills ICU: Hullm‘d "I' thr. lllh lint» NAN-1| O\'!'l' Sunday ttt lln- hmno (If Slr:,'. It WNW “In! rvmlt-rvd u hmulv tirul um) ul ('hlll'l'll M'I'Yiu', "Haw Thine own Wily, Lord? Mr, and Mn; llvnry Srhmidl. Mrs IDlizulrvt.lt Hoffman and Inn-nt- [(I-nnl. "Humid-1| lln- runvrul of {Mn In!» Mrs Km-hh-I' In Hoith-llu-rg nu Friday The weekly HYJ‘. A. mot-ling was held at tho (-huroh on Sunday night. Mr, K. A. Pot/l presided mu! run! ah; Ute scriplurp 105mm Luku 1.0: 25-37. Pruytis wnl'e trtruivd by Mi,us Sylvia Mock. Mrs. L, H. (.‘ussvl and Mm, M. hot-luv]. ul'tvr “hivh u rovlmtiun. "Tho l'uulm of bin" mm Aivvn by John l.. Hnmnmml hm! " supply (If In» tor (114- rzummvl' put In frrtm 1hr Wtsllmolrsyr pond Inst Thursday, Thu WN S. wlll hold lhv-Ir \Innll Thu WN S. will hold lhv-Ir Mao-h Erwin}: "H’V‘lhlg ul [ho .’lUnH- of Mm ll. Form-r Wedrmroluy, Mnrrh ll ul 2 10 p m CROSSHILL Mrl'hruvion. who mm at Hu- lmnn- uf "our Linwnml for (In a hun- hvnn {-nquml l4), Yunkv and .lulmhml ot' w Mr and Mrs. ( I'I'II svrviiu', "llavi' Lord," ItitrlIurilriou IIHI Mun-Hm quail lust nl (h'UI‘go' Rivhm'xlr null son (‘lm'vm-v Wm. (:rvmln'w In 0 hvvn A 11-); mm! with yv-ur NIH mm lvllno Mi', will Mrs. John ll. 0le1 and mu, f'iuylirtr. visited with l'riundu in N'ultuhtsr 14ml Wiurk, Mr. Hurry suit-tr' spun! a trrusk “ill. I'rit-ndx in Kitrhvrirw. Ill'. und Mrs, John lClll-I‘I rvlurnml )mmv anr .qwmling " row wtwl,u,r in Wan-r100. Ali-m th-n Flaunt-r)- spout Thurs, Nu) (-vv'llille “ill: Mr and Mrs. John li Wup,ntw. Mr mul Mus. John [)(H‘M‘hl and Mini], hun- mow Llwir hmIsv-Jmlwl ofrrtis In Wuh'rlun and Mr. and Mrs: Wru. hilm-I' will (In-uh) the hon-~- I.unl|_\ Yawn-(l by llu-m. Mr. Humld Din-Irivh ham ht-r'n MIL pioyuul hy \II'. Allan (linuv-rix-h firl' 111v .mmnn-r month. while .\lr. tlrrr- [Inn Divlrirh “ill work for Mr. Hur- lu-I'I Lunlz. Slims Eva Ballard and Keith McKay. Miss Mury Hell presided over the meeting. Thoma“- Wilford presided during the debate and pveseuted the (lrbulorha Miss Ruby Ward read the .u-ripture reading Act 5:17-42, ml. lowed by prayer by Rev. A. A. Laing. Mina Eva Hullurd very ably mung, "The tom-h of His band on Mine". uitutnpanied by Mise,es Ruby Ward and Jmsiv Hammond with via. lius and Thos. Wilford and Firmun Ward with banjo and guitar. An in- tern-sting; lvttvr from “or. and Mrs. (‘lmmn-li or Island Lulw, Mun, Wllri tvatl, My. und MVS. Ralph Knight of Slx'ull'm'd viv,itvd with the formvr'r' l'uthvr, Wm, Knight on Sunday. Tlt" "min I'vutun- of Hm program “as n tlNrutu, "Itusolvtul [hut Fylu- (-ntimm] Mission”- "rt' ttt' gl'vnlor vit- hu- than Medial] Missions on llw “ism-inn Fit-1:1." The propunontn on this sum-(”Jul side WFH'ts Miss Jean Hammond and Firm-An Ward and tlIrs lll‘gillin' aid.- was mum-1d by Miss Mary Hull and Janna: Hummnml. The jnllgm wvl'v Rev. A. A. Lining, Mrs. AIM-l1 Mundnll and Mists Evn Hal- lutul. 'l‘lwro was keen mmpvlition on but]: hillt'n' making it mlhvr difficult I'm" jndqu to make tlwiy decision. llvv, A. Lain}: sitittrs0 the uffiI‘nmlivv vim- had more urgnmvnl but the no- gulivv mndv Illvir poiuts mm'v ' lmrulu by illustrations. Min-o Joan Hammond and Albert Frime ot' Miss Lox-Mu .~'n|'|'_\ to lrurtt that eltis h tit. l'm'r'r. lull wish lm' hv I! t'ro'i'l"y, Ali-m th-n F'luuuvry HI Min-s Joan Hammond and AIM-r Muiulstll then took clutrp,es. A run 1m! mm niw-Ix "TIHs Hihh- Alphalust' ultl a wimp pluywl :nl'lm' whit-h r1- M'omhlm-nlv: \\':-r.- survml. The illustration of the glass, here, tells the story. An Aspirin Tublet slnrta to dilinteqratt almost inslnnl- ly you swallow it. And thus is ready to It)o work alums! inglanllll. _ to tt m work almost inslanllll. hen you buy. Ihoug I, be on guard against substitutes, To be sure you get ASPIHIN'S quirk relief, br sure the name Bayer in the form M n cross is on every tablet of Aspirin, Now comes amazingly quirk rvlu-f from headaches, rheumutism. neuri, tis, neuralgim. . . thefastest su/e relief, it Ct said, yet fisroneref, Those results are due to n sciert- tifie discovery by which an Aspirin 'l'ublct begins to dissolve, or din- integrate, m the amazing armor of two seconds after touching moisture. And hence lo start "taking hold" of [will n kw mi!yrtes efler hiking: M Brodgy Ilr'iri,ipiri1Fur' " .-.~ [mm-[lo liivnumu-l is spout unu- lilm- “Uh [Th-Ink near Wa JOSEPHSBURG For Quick Relief Say ASPIRIN~When You Buy Choose next Winter's Fur Coat now at their lowest point . . . . . Next must ‘be ju)'; higher . . . . . IT’S BUSINESS TO BUY NOW! . , KITCHENER 106 King W. . C. H. GERMANN, Mgr Ease Pain, Headache in Few Minutes Lay - Away Sale MARCH 8 Months To Pay No Interest _ _ No Storage ()o'srh are as rhvunmw r u Hmmly 7ltr,Wir'a, Mrs, J. (‘ussvl was a visitor at Ill.- lmuw of Mr. und Mm A. Tuylor on Tliurrsday. “I'm b'. Hold“; is up and around irp,uin ullm- .lm' rw‘onl illness. Mrs. i'. Thomas and dunghtvr Hut-y. of Ayn spun! u few days ul luv hnlnu ol' Mr. und Hm. H. Gill. Deon Notes. Au vujuyuhlv uloiglliug party was lwld by the momlwn; ot the Young I'rurlrlr"y lwugur of the United ('hurrh on Tuoulay r-vvnlug and alum! M) yum”; nonplo allondml, A mwiul hour WUs' spun! luh-r at this lmnn- or Mrs. W 'i'rwt. Lunch Wm; wol'vod. Tit" Young l‘vnplv'u' Sowing CipNe Ill-Ed llu-ir \u-vkly mot-ting at tlw horns. ol' Mrs W. Tow-t on Wodumr dny ('\'¢*Illllp, or this, ka. Lunch Wlhi yirwvrul ul lllv- tlrse. Thu 51-\\illg (‘irllv hold lhuir moot- ing sil lllv lmnw of Mis, Elhol Hatl on WruluieiOy "rvuinsr, During thu l w-nixm lt "uriri'it,ris show-r was len- dvrc-d 1liss' \‘inlvt F'virk. hl'ldo4-lm't (,1 this month. A mock wvdding occu- MUIll‘ll nun-h Invrrinwnl. Alias Keick wus [mm-muted “ill: lovely an! of ten rum. Iminu rnl‘nmlunvnlx worn “urn-d. Tlw Young l'vnplu's lmuuut- of tho l'nilvd (‘hurch hold llwil" wvokly Int-Ming on Sunday vvolllnm Miudlv, tun ll‘lshnr rt-ud the (Univ, Mm. Ada Hutnphi"uis of Galt spent tin» pm! Irttlf at tho homo of Mr, and MN. Wm. Twit. Mrs. It .lmH-s und Stanley Janos worl- vinilurn‘ in Preston on Smur- day. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Castey of Kit-, (-her were visitors at the home of Min inml Mrs. Fred HUM)“~ on Sutur- day. John Pas-w] was a visitor at the hum. ot' Mr, and Mrs. Amos Geluuan or Divkiv St-llh-mvnl (In Wtulnesduy. (Lu-m Sully or Waturloo spent a I'v-w duys ut ”101101110 of Mr! and Mrs. H. "ltllitsir,ut, Mm. Ada Hutnirhi"uis of Galt spent Mr. and Mrs, Hurry [Curio worn hun'imw: vh,-itor,; in Galt on Friday. Mios Mary Kerr spent the week. and at the humwgf her parent“, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr or Hespelev. Lvsliv Hokk of I’rwton was a visi. tor “ill: frivmls in tite village on "l hursduy. My. K. ll, Noyes of Galt was tt humi- nuu visitor in (1w village on Thum- IIC-' Jay of (My Yuma Goddard spent the week-end at my ltortte of Mr. and Mm. A. Tay- 101' in Blair. Mr and Mm, W. I Slum“) um! lithium I’M-mm worn visitors of Mt'. um! Mrs. i', lb Mrri. ie. Holrlrs is up and around 11min :nlm- .hm' “we"! illnms. Mrs. i'. Thomas and (luughtn-r Buy Does Not Harm the Heart t now . . . . prices are Next Winter's prices . IT'S JUST GOOD With Confidertce SN WHY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST BOON What rt does In Ihn glass " doen I" you: stomach Hence In In.“ salon. [Hap an up”... hllilvl m " “law of waler Note tlot Itl. HlNI ll lumlu'x Iml mm H In“ \mva to nlmnh‘urnlr w, NVar and so” Phone 3020 n Hlissppat'd of rs at the nonu- ledm' on Sun-

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