TIli. Imp..- prop of hay produced in Wen-[9m Ontario is being consumed ml " mph! min, “(wording to tho Petr n.;lr} lu'port of tho Dominion Seed “rum-J] straw is becoming scarce in mun) lm-ulllim and larmom are using tlo, plum-r nuulltitss, of hay for hmldinu purpmm. The tseasonal nun-mum†of my to Toronto and thr Imuv ('l'llll'l'H In being com l'nuul dl"-[Illl' llu- bud (“million ot maul.- in mun}- lm-nlltlt-H. A consider :Ihh- xlmmliu- of hay has been sizlmmd from 'm'0ti1ts polnla to Eastern ()nmrin. which hay t'0trt $9 to $10 lwr ton at the ltmang points, There i, virlnnlh no :‘xDOl'l outlet for hav Iwr ton ut tho hunting polnis, Thire i, virtuully no upon outlet for hay m Hn- pl'me-Ill limo, but prices are firm in "uticiputiou of u Rrpater drs mum] IAN-l F'urlitvr (IN-HUN“ were added to 1lonrlay's losses in hog prices thruuzhout the Dominion Tuesday. HOG PRICES WEAKEN AS ROADS CLEAR UP In», mm. and n G'yariser,; 'q_qV-VF_ Hogs. Imam. [0,]! Tro.. oft tvucks _"__ IJo, " cart,' .V ___. 'rv.. Good ewes. and wether lambs _ V T _ u Ihr, medium _ Ho.. bucks ____ Do.. vttlls ___._____ Slump. good light Do, henvlm V Du. culls TTV l)o., medium "'F"Fr__r_ 6,00 Cows. good FV_qq__ PrF____._ 3.50 00.. medium "_er_VFF_rqt__ 3.00 Do., (-ummon _VFPF __.__ L50 Canners and (-uttera ,. L25 Bulls. {mud V .r. .P_.____ 3.25 Slack-M's and feeder blows. good _ ,. . ., 4.00 Do, vommon ___________. 3.25 Alum-rs and swingers 25.00 Valves. good and choice voislv; Cer ... ., FFrr.e_ 7,50 mm Ma 3mm _ , IN swcclsu mum: Quotations: Stem-s, up to_1,050 lbtr, good and choice “as 4,75 Du. medium __.__....._ 4.25 Du. mmmon '.rr.rr.wtw. 3.26 Sloom, over 1,050 lbs., Hand and choice .t_. 5.76 Do.. medium ......rre_re 5.25 Do., (‘ommon '_____..__.. 4,50 Heifere, good and choice "'VFrT.FFr_._F.______ 4.75 Do†medium ____r.r...._ 4.26 im.. mmmon ______...___ 325 Fwd mlvm. good and rhnlw _ ,. . ________ ., 6.60 Cows --4, 1,220lbes.,$4; 7, 1,230 lbs $3.80; 3, 1,070 ms., $3.75: 3, 1.4001b6 336:1 The small supply ot lambs was thun at $8.25 for good ewes and “ethers. Sheep remalned unchanged at $4.50 to $5 tor good light ewes. Plainer quality sold down to $1.50 according to weight and quality. Ittrptierttative sales: Weighty steeNr--S, 1,200 lbs.. $5.76; 4. 1.1130 lbs., $6.50; 19, 1,200 ttrs., 5:125; 11, 106011)e.. Hi. Heiretw---'2, 910 INS., $5.50; t 910 lbs.. $5.25; 2, 735 lbs., $6: If, 7201113., $415. Butcher cattltr--3, 940 lbs., $6.50; ll, M)! Ibes., 5.25; 13, 930 lbs., " ('urrr'm Irrirurs bring paid gmwom Choice veal calves were steady at $7.50 to 88. A few koshers sold up to $8.50 per cwt. Common light oalves sold down to $3.50. Toronto, March 7.--1Agttter tattlo offering; enabled prices to hold att dy with Monday’s lower levels on the Toronto market Tuesday. Trading moved at a sluggish pace. The hold- over at the close was mstirnatmt at 200 head. Veal calves. sheep and mum; remained Managed. Receipt; Included 780 cattle, 460 calves and 250 sheep and Lambs. Butcher cows were the only type ot cattle to ttnd movement in early lradlng Medium to good wolghty steers sold at $5 to $6.75 per ewt. A tew new sold down to $4.50. Butcher muler ranged from 83.25 to $5.25, with a few tops up to tli.60. Good butcher cows sold at 83.50 to " while plain quality cold 'down to $125 per cwt. Good butcher bulls dosed at $3.50 to " Bologna. sold down to $2.75. Fed calves sold slow- ly at $5 to $6.60 tor the mljorlty. One head sold up to " per cwt. HAY SUPPLY THINNING OUT; PRICE $10.00 PER TON Around 200 Head un $Ker.-..4httve. Firm at $7.00. Show $5.00, and [who 88.26.--Hog New Down lo 88.75, a _ 40 Cent Drop From a Week Ago. _ . THE WPL SNIDER MllllNGCQ Phone 239 LAYING MASH - DAIRY FEED . PIG GROWER CALF MEAL For Chickens, Pigs Ind Cattle. Ill? t!jii,lllhil?, S MAN. OATS _ HARLEY RFhCLEANED SCREENINGS - VIM OAT FEED Get Our Prices Report Hay Supply Thinning Out Bran, Shorts. Can. Cod Uvor ou, Salt. Moat Scraps. Tank-'0. non. Mal. Sud Corn. Cottoo 800d Mod. mm. and mml of All Kinds Distillers Dried Grains SNIDER’S For Improved Milk Production. on ca. Meal, 4.50 3.00 L50 7.50 7.00 9.50 7,50 4.00 3.00 8.76 910 6.60 6.00 3.50 3.00 L50 L25 3.25 Limited s Mil I 4.50 3.75 46.00 8.00 7.60 7.00 5.00 4.25 2.,50 7.00 4.00 7.00 6.25 4.00 3.25 3.00 2.25 3.75 B.60 5.50 5.00 4.60 4.00 4.75 The nwullahlo supply in Eastern Ontario In being sold mpldly. with a vomidnrnbl» movement of hay be- tween mrmem locally. The hay alt- uutlon In gonornl has not chungedl oHrprecialrly in the last month and an mummy shortage exlam in the st I Lawrunco ooumlos and the Ottawai Valley. Prleos are connldarod too high by the average farmsr, so there I14 n tendency to 'stteruicts live stock rather than buy buy I Prime hoing’paldr fnrnwm by deal. ers range from $13 to $16 per ton for timothy and clover mixed hay, ac- mrdiné to quality at country points are: Np. 2 timothy. $7 to $9; No. 3, $6 to $8; mixed hay. te to $8; alfalfa, second cut, 810 to tie; tirtst cut. $8 to $8.60; oat straw, $550 to $6.50: wheat straw, $650 to $7.50 5c; country calf, cured ll to M; sheep skins, 60 to 86e each; homer (ountry kip. cured, 7 to Sc; country hides. Nos. 1 and 2 at with dam. aged and ponies at $1; fleece WOOL In grease, 12 to 13c. Followmg prices are being quoted In Toronto for hides, akin and wool: City hides, green, 6e; brands and bulls, Pie, city callekins, gc; city km, Sc; city sheep skins, Me each; country hides. cured 6c; hides. green. Wholesale prices on curlot Ontario potatoes, in Toronto Tuesday were $1.15 per bag. accordingw quality, and $1.30 to $1.36 to the trade. Deal- ers were quoting in canola, New Brunswick potatoes at $1Aty and at 31.6040 the trade, and Prince Ed- ward Gland at 8155 and $1.60 to the trade. Clover Seed Prices _ Prices In dirt to tarmens: Red clo. ver $6.00 to $7.00 per, bushel; taltrilre, $5 to $5.50: alfalfa, $6 to $8. _ Butttt--No. 1 creamery prints, No. l, 31c; No. 2, 30%c. Hay and Straw No. 2 timothy, baled, ton, tre to $12.50; straw, wheat, baled. ton, $10 to $10.50; straw. out, baled, ton, $9 to $10. Egg-Presse extras, cartons, Me; fresh extras. loose, Me; tirtrta, 33c; pulls! extras, Me; seconds, Mc. Solllng Prices United Putnam Cooperative Co., Tuesday was clearing prOduoo to re- tail dealers at the following prices: Butter-Ontario, creamery 'solids, No. l, 29 to 2956c; No. 2, 28% to 2856c. Poultry: _ "A" Grade Alive Dressed Spring etticliengr--, Select M.F. Over 5 to 6 Ibe. en. lo 15 17 Over 4 to 5 Iba. on. 09 " 15 Over 2 to 4 1116.911, 08 12 14 Patted ttenir-- Over 5 lbs. "ttrm......... 11 " TVq_ White duckling; over 5 lbs. .e.P_v.___6. 12 14 H Do., 4 to 5 lbs. _... 11 13 ___. Young turkeys, over 8 lbs. _..F_..w._..__.._. __.. l7 VrVV rEgtrs---Priees to farmens on un- graded shl-pments, cases returned, fresh extras. 23c (reel: nuns. 21c; pulletes 19c, and seconds We. Buying Prlcu United Farmers Cooperative Co. yesterday was paying the following prices tor produce: Alter remaining umttled tor the greater pun. or trading, Toronto settled and closed 25 cents per cwt. below Monday's close. That brought the week's lose to to cents. Bacon- aold at 88.75 t.o.‘b., $9.10 of truck and $9.50 weighed on cum. Bows brought $8.76 per ch At Kitchemng Kitchener Packing trrmts yester- day quoted $8.76 'ewt. wtiieis is 25 cents lean than Tueedly and forty cents down from a week ago, All malor markets moved lower. while country potato were un- chlnxed or outer. No qrdvautoeq wore recorded. The cdveru Brill-h Neon report tad oorttinuat heavy altering, due to boubl' trucking condition. are ruponslblo tor the under trend. PRODUCE PRICES (Buy United Funny. - CARLOT POTATOES QUOTED In'r"r"S'ird 'rdf, _ A. WATERLoo, ONT. Hid“. skln and Wool Co.Oporat|ve Go.) Select M.F. 15 17 " 15 12 14 Fsmt-gotian, “lumen, new. (ar""""'. Fern Bonn-nor. Mom . k. ' Miss Betty Easlnu spent the wrselr '0nd at tho home ot her pttmrntm Mr ‘nnd Mrs Tom Easter: at Mr. I yum, Reta Pressman called on her Irinnd. Miss Betty Eamon. Jr. W -Clttre Martin, Earl "our, hauler. Sr. â€-117me Nickle. Haroldj'oll, Dork Folck. Paul hurtln, trr. Iv-Mart-ry Emma, Marjorie Gunman, Grace Schlodel. Lorraine Schiedel, lirltslo Martin. Jr, lll~0ledyo swims: Reuben Evens, 11mm Martin, Ro rt Evens. Nelson Emma. Dorothy schlodel. Ruth Fair-k. Mtat, Mary Brubaehor or Elmdale was a gum-1t at tho home of Mrs A. S. Cmman Sunburn School Report. Tho mime, Mo (Ivan In order of merit: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schledel at. tended the soldon wodding anniver- sary ot tho Inner aunt and undo. Mr and Mrs Henry Kenyon of nmr Platttwlllrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pelvic nnd son Morris upon! Sunday with friends In Kitchvnor. Mr and Mrs, Henry KeMk and Min; Mary Pvick of Dean were Sunday gtINBtm at Lhn homo or Mr. and Mm Ed Otlorth. Missm Reta and Marjorie Crests mnn “pom Sunday with friends at Radon. I Argentine cotm--82, delivered Ontario points. l Ontario grain, approximate prices .lravk shipping poittt-Whottt, " to 870 Mr Alvin (Sancho spent Sunday with his friend. Mr Rouhort, Ginierich or Baden. Mrs Inninh Wismnr and nor grand- duuxhlm; Von] Whimnr, were Sun- day Ritteitlm at tho homo of her. Alston Mm Anson WOOIner and Mr. Wool, nor at KltNtotter. Mr (‘lnn-nco Wismet' anon! Sun- (lily “It.“ Mm. Wlsmor at the home of Mr and Ylrtt. Jorry Gamer at Bros- Inn Mr. and Mm. Dan Srhdet or Ba- dun spent Saturday afternoon " the Lame or Mr. 11nd Mm Isaiah Crem- mun Manitoba IraNey-No, 3 CAV., 543ic; No 1 {and acroenlngu, 321,50 nor tou Mr, and Mm. Lloyd Humor and Miss Arabella Snider were Sunday gumls at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. David nmrlngor at German Mills. No, No, llc Following are Tuesday‘s closing quotations on Tomnto grain tramr actions for car lots, prices, on has!» c.i.r. Bay ports: Following delivered basis Mom treal Heights: Manitoba 0313 -No, 2 C,W., in“; No, l cw., 12%0; No. 1 feed 41%0: No. 2 (and. 40%c; mixed feed one, Mattttoha'wheat--No. t Northern 71%9. Meats-pork prices were up to the $9 mark. Pork, Icing 25 to Mc, chops 22c, pork roasts " to 20c and side moat 18c per pound. beef roasts 10 to 20e a pound, steak 26c, pork saus- age 220 and ribs 18 and 20e. apples 30 and Mic a basket, cabbage ii and Eggs: pullol extras, Mic, firtst Mc, and oxlrm 400 per dozen, Butter was 28 and 30c per poynd, Prices continutrd unchanged at the Preston Saturday market. More my mm"; attended although the demand “as only tair and prices were quoted as follows: _ Apples-Spyts 60 to $1.25 a buahel, Hott Davis 75e, Golden 11mm $1.25, Swaars 75c, Pewaukees 75c, Tolman Sweets 60c, Greenlngs 60c, Baldwins 600. and Snows $1. EGGS 40 CENTS AT PRESTON MARKET Vestreurblets--ittuce 10c a bunch, nudism“ two bunches for 15c, tur- nips 5e apiece, cabbage three heads for 10c, carrots irc 3 box and Irtus smlpes, threee for 50., potatoes 20 and 400 a basket. . TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Meatsr--Nrelt pork sausage Me 13 pound, smoked 23c, ribs 22 and 24c, ham 18 and 200, bacon Me, backbone l4 and 16c, tenderloin 35c, slrloln 300, headcheeae 140 ,jellled meat 180, n-ummer sausage 22c and lard Wc, beer carcass 9c, hlnds 8e, Mats 8%c, veal carcass, 12e, hinds 13%e and fronts 9c, lamb 16% and 17c. Prodttee-Butttyr 30c a pound, eggs 27 to 46c a dozen, chickens 20 and 25c, ducks Me and turkeys 88c tt pound, Deanna the sudden thaw and con- "rsquertt wet weather, the Kitchener market was well attended. Prices were quoted as follows: my Parrish & Heimbtycker, Ltd.) Meats were unchanged from mt week: fresh pork sumac Me :1 ltr., smoked pork sausage 86e, blood saus- age. 19c, summer sausage 26c, ‘head cheese 16c, pork liver 8c, beet liver 15c. fresh ham Mc, smoked ham 290, beet, carcass, 8 to llc, boot 'ettts, 8 to 20c, beef. hind quarter, 9 to 1Se, beet from quarter, 7 to IN:, pork car- vase 16m, pork, mm quarter 16c, pork, hind quarter, 18e, veal cute, , to Me, dressed rabbits, 26 to 40c each. lard Me a pound. 3111:0160 Conn, Eu. 2Te to Blu, Potatoes. $1.50 I Bu. In the vocal-ails stalk pontoo- aold at 31.60 per big, 85c & large htt- ket and 20c tor emu éontaimrr, um trips So each. cnbbnge 6 to 16c each. winter radiance So: each, onions We a bunch 25¢ per basket. lemme, three head“ tor me, celery, " to â€a ‘ bunch, carrots, 10c I bunch and toe a basket. C Produce Prices Firm at Market in Kitchener Prlceo at the Wuorloo lurid. on Saturday hold thon- high love! do pit. rumor. of drum: um; ott. Eu- aold it " to an I noun. but P" at " to toe . pound, emu at 18tt a pint. young chickens dt " Ind old at Me, cheese at 10 to Me u ootmd and honey It M, " Ind We per the poundl. mooning to grade. ' In the was“: 19 stalk 1mm“ l ", . E' T.," . ,m;--- L' ~,- w ___., -. C 1'L"rr"-i'r'i'""7,'r."T.7 â€m" m. Ml'a%, . '8?ii')l?er.t.-....t' mm Anal-n smug- " _ .. we 'x' 1 sTii'iir, . but an. or Mg. u an an AUtti'i" " tii) JWpter, W. IV. went, A“ h amd it' "J," a?†"irth1ttg,t Out lurch a (Third. my"): J l new». . J,sre . we of fun luck. Wm. and Price. It tho wnérloo lulu on “Wion houmrhold sslttetrtor -- ie NI!"- STRABBURG The capacii. of the new brick kiln being hull); u the Wallenuein clay war . will be "t per cent. more than that of t a recently demolished old kiln. The new utmo- turo will be completed about the middle of April. Mr. Daniel M. Weber recently sold a fine nix-yenr-old mum to tt Peel farmer for ninety dollar; The nume, Louise, has been given to the baby dnughur of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Merino B. Martin have named their baby dttuehurr--- Esther. T Feed for farm stock In becoming will“? lg some Elfin): in.tlsis locality. Mr. Joseph' McclrAniek," was, for the Township of Jr,,"":,,'",'?; WA: in this locality off1t0lly on riday. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Steekley have selected the name, Edna, for their baby daughter. Early this week tt West Wallen- stein farm began the Lapping of 900 sugar maple trees. A flock of wild ducks flew up the river on Sunday, and a couple of herring gulla were hovering over in! nwollen waters on Monday. February slipped tuGy with a ring around the moon, and March stole in with tt ring around the Bun. of the late Mr." Ai/rlrv"siihmilfi9" Bloomingdale. Wnitensteln New. Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Elias W. Martin were Monday afternoon visitors at Heidelberg and Erbsville. in con- nection with the service and burial Mr. Earl Matthews spent the week-end with friends in Kitchener. Mrs. Elias R. MAE-tin weiot part of last week with her mother, Mrs. Dayy'd Prey, 91: "tark/twills Mrs. Leo Dicfenbacher and son Allen attended the Monday after- noon sale held at the West St. Jacobs farm home of Mr. and Mrs. John Horst. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E, Tall- man and son Donald were week-end guests from Kitchener with North Wallenstein relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan G. Brubncher were lately Sunday visitors from Winterbourne with Mr. and Mrs. I. E. ngtin 9f_v:he local postomce, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Wideman and daughter Alice spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron F. Diefen. btacher.. Mr. and Mrs. Ainos W. Fiiy of West Medan recently called on Mr. anngrs. Elias R. Martin. Messrs. Oscar E. Adkin and Esley C. Matthews were Saturday after- nog_n visibpniin the Twin-CY. - Mr. and Mrs. William Hahn and daughter Marjorie were Sunday guests from Bridgeport with Mr. and Mrs. Jenniepsodiy., _ Penmdn. Messm. Lorne Roth, Clarence Diamond and Ellworth Bean attend ed [hex "College Royal" at the Gueplh Azrlvuiiuml College on Tuesday. March 6th. hid; Is an exhibition of live stock which haa been fitted by Oat c. students. exclusively, M r. John Brodrochtis' sale of sur- phm farm stack on February 28th, was well attended despite the roads being impassable Mr cam. Sixteen Holstein cows brought fair prices. while the hogs sold at particularly good figures, It might be remarked that the snow fem-m erected by the municipality on cox-lain loading roads last. tall haw rendered valuable assistance in preventing snow htockadea. Mr. Zena; Snyder has secured the services of Mr. Ted Snyder, who $Nyrn. moncod hls duties last week. Other Notes of Inter-eat The county mow-plow went over me New IIamburg-Haytsvi11e highs way last week, making it exception- ally good for motor name Misses Lillian Richardson and Bars ham Baer have commenced their duties at Mr. Abner Brulracher'ts and Mr. Zones Newman's respectively. where they have been engaged for the coming summer. Mr. Alfred chrutnar, asséasor tor Block A. Wilmot, In making his rounds. Mr. Herbert Bergoy attended the Junior Institute vs. High, School do. bate at New Dundee, Wednesday night, Feb. Mth, where he acted in the capacity ot Judge. Personals. Mr. George A. Smith has been on th1siclf_litst, tor the past week. Rwidents of this community heard with deep regret ot the death ot the father of Mrs. A. R. Dean, in the per- son of Mr. Jacob C. Mailman, who passed away February Mth, after a few months illuems. Among those from this district. who attended the funeral which was held mom his late residence near New Dundee on Sat- urday, March 3rd, were Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Fhtcey, Methane. William Maru wick, Carman Facey and Erica Crew mam Mr. Hallman, who was a keen participant in insurance, municipal and church activities, was well known in this vicinity. Judged Deb-to. After tour week of extremely cold weaker which annulled. If not ex- ceeded all previou. records, the mer- cury began to olowly move upward until it reached a point well above freezing where it has remained tor a numbers! dun. The snow in slow- ly but eurely diuppeerlng and ditches and runways are becoming iilled with water. A few crows, van- (i,ij/,i,'tj or the myriad mm lite that will soon be with us again, are (lit. ting southerly over the countryside. Farmers are speculating as to what eitect February's abnormal weather will have upon next year's crops. Has it injured grult trees or {all when? or, happily, has it killed numerous parasitic form or me that prey on fruit trees and cereal grains. The !l"rt unwelcome aftermath of last niouih's arctic conditions 1. that mores ot farmers have been greatly aiconveuiertteed by having their pits ing syetema tor water dietribution‘ put out ot commission by the (root's deep penetration into the ground. It has, in same cases, gone down to a; depth ot 4 or 5 feet. Nor will Stty condition be remedied quickly. Manyi days ot warm, sunny weather must elapse before the deep-lying front will release lie clutch upon the buried piping and allow it to resume in; normal function. Local rte-Idem Bereaved. Millik- Aa To What Dun... ll.- Io-n D... to Crop. by In. Wanker. WALLENSTEIN ADVERTISING." The CHRONICLE BRINGS mum. April 7 (ae"g,hla,Ag'ithst sale of real estate And ounehold effeeU in the village of Tun-tack. for the late Mrs. George Poor-tor can“. Much 29 tThursday)---' In- nual S rig Horse Sale at the Com- menialJ owl yards, Tnviatock. Please enter your hams with the auctioneer b "Mareh " to have them well ngwrdud. Phone 80w, Tavistock. March 81 f?,',hTht), - Auction sale in the village of ow Hamburg, of binders, mowers, luy-londorl. need drills. culttvatorrr, plows, har, rowa. monure mundane. ell-kn. ttll In good condition and mlny other articles. for A. karma. March 20 (Tuesday) - Auction snle of 102 acre farm with buildings nt Lot 12, Coed, Mornington, 2 miles east of Brunner, formerly vccupied by Henry Fleischuuer. March 21 (Wednesday) ---At 1 I).m., clearing ale of farm stock. mplements and feed. at Lot 10, Con. 2, Enstern Section of Welle ley Tp., 2 miles wuthuat of wer,, Inlay. for New! anler. _ March 22 (T urudar)--At 12.80l pm.., clearing sale of farm stock Ind implements at Lot 6, the 9th line of Wellealey. 8 miles southwest of Linwood, 4 miles manhunt of mm. bank, for Jncob B. Jnntai. March 19 (Monday) - Auction Rule of 60 acre farm, Mock. imple. menu and feed at Lot 30, the 9th line of East Zorro, 1 mile east of Maplewood, for the estate of the law Wm. Burnett. March 17 (saturdtsy)---At 1 .m., auction sale in the village of Kc Hamburg, of 30 new double sets of harness and a number of single sets, collars, sweat pads, curry combs, brushes, and many other articles. This In all new stock, for Genre Holt. H March 16 (Friday)---Auction sale of 30 Ontario horses at Cole’n Livery Barn, Erie St., Stratford, of Clydes and Percheron, name well. matched tenmg. forrJ. C. Dill. March H (Wednesday) - Clear. ing sale of farm stock; implements and feed at Lot 10, Con. 8, Block B, Wilmot township, 3 miles east of Wellealgy, for_Chris. B. Roth, M. R. ROTH, Auetimteer, Phone 30". T-villock. Ont. March 18 (Tuesday)-At l p.m.. clearing sale of farm stock, irttples ments and feed at Lot 86 the 19th line of East Zorra, 8 au; south, west of New Hamburg, for David L. Brenneman. April 9 (Monday)---At the Farm- ers' Shed, Elmira, a load of horses, Percherons and Clyden, from G to 8 years old, weighing about 1200 to 14010 pounds each, for H. J. Black- wel . Mar. 22 iThursday)--Household effects. garden tools, etc., of James Gallagher will be sold at Mrs. All- gier’s place, 1 mile east of West Montrose. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer, Phone so r q, Elmira. Mar. 12 (Monday)--Elmira Fair Day, " the market, Community Sale of livestock, implements, furniture, or whatever you wish to sell, send it out. Orders left at the Steddick House or Signet office will be ad- vertised in due time. March 22 (Thursday) - Home, implements, grain, household effects, etc., of Mrs. John Allgier. 1 mile only: of West Montrose." March 29 (Thttrrrdayy--At l p.m., valuable farm stock including 2 good heavy teams. 12 extra good dairy lcows, implements, 3 dump-wagons, International 1% yard dump truck, hay, oats and some household effects belonging to Henry Bauer, situated at the end of .. Glasgow Ro_a_d. Kitghenpr. ,l have for sale a choice dairy farm of 145 acres, good buildings, running water at house and barn, some pasture [and with spring water, Ih mile off paved road, tr miles from Kitchener, convenient to school and church. This is an ideal dairy farm. If interested, can Auc- tioneer Frickey. April 9 (Monday) --At Elmira Fair, in front of Farmers’ Shed, gas engine, 1000 lb. beam scale and other articles. List of articles to be advertised left with Auctioneer Frickey, Aaron Hoffman or Signet flee closes April 2. What have you: March 31 (Saturday)---" 8 a.m., household effects and carpenter's tools " my auction stand opposite Kit.ehe.rysr, tntTyet, foy Joe horgwigk. March 24 (saturday)--At 2 pm, on the premises, mortgage sale of property, No. 64 Mount Hope St., city, of_Kitchgner. March " (Baturday)-At 1 p.m,, valuable real ante and household MNeta belonging to the estate of the late Louis Dorseht. 140 Weaver Stv_.Waysr_loo., 7 March " (Friday) .-.At 1 p.m., farm of 60 acres with good build- lnll. farm stock, Int',!',',,',",""; and feed belonging to my Wells, situated abou 1 mile west of Josephsburg, known as the Hertz farm. March " (Thursday)-At 2 p.m.. on the premises. 1 Bere of good land with new barn, also about 6000 ft. of all kinda of good lumber, for the late Casper Schmitt estate situated at Suwside. Kin: St. ii.,' Kitch- englj. - Itch for a V loo, mortgage sale of 100 Acres with brick house, bank barn, on the 9th con. Wells-la; town-hip, About. 2% miles west " 8t. Clements, known u_t_he Robert Yoisin farm. Bit ted 1% miles loath " 't."u'lW, on the Hon-on Road, neu- Pnndiu Ilka. March " (f.t,"egh-i,e, Elmir- Wir Jone, cow (res ' Janey heifer M, It" vino. Inch " (Monday) Elmira Pair Par-ew double and single har. nul collars. “Ankh. out. Much " (Monday morning) - At Elmira Pair, " the Men' Shed. medium dud Grimm? and)“. not complete, in good condl on; also 100 tin up pull: anti miles, like new. lurch " fN1t,,v'ia,Aet. 1 pan. sharp, vulva!) farm melt, imple- menu and household‘ elects balm?- in to Jncob Mann. adjoining t e viii.“ of Heidelberg. March " '1Tuaoddrr---At 11 um on the premium mortgage ante u property known " the Bolitzki property, comer of Franck and Ch_n_rlen_8§!., Kitchenâ€. l Ilnrch 18 ITumuin ) - At 2.80 an, " pile tow? “j Atfpa, Wam- Be numbered among the large number of Chronicle satisfied read, era in this district, A special offer to new subscribers in fifteen months for the price of $2.00. The Chron. icle gives all the worthwhile new." of your home district as well as county and important Canadian and world events. You also get the full list of auction sales, market reporta and fascinating serial story. Your local Chronicle agent. Mr, Emmanuel Wagner. will be pleased to take care of your subscription, either new or renewal. Rvder.dsriinlrnst 1lver the pages pf the Chronicle will note that two farm snlo are scheduled this month in this district. Yer Home, Paper. Some local roads that were worst hit with high snowdrifts in February "re giving our rmulmasters plenty to worry about during the present mild spell.. Many men were engaged in trying to improve driving con- ditions, but it is yet too early to open all roads for car traffle. Farm Sale. Here. Me'mber of slid/df Yuan] families have suffered from mumps the past few winters. Opfnln¢_Roqdu for Tr"ic. Mr. Otto Srhnellor uf Waterloo rented the 45 acre farm from Mr. Geo. Bust, Sr., of Wellesley, some time ago. and took possession. His mother, wife nnd family will remain in Waterloo for the winter. Mlunpu Prevalent Here. - - ._,_. __..~_- ...,...,. Quite a number from this burg visited Mr. Daniel Z. Wagner, at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, where Mr. Wagner is cutdined as a re- sult of " broken hip and head injury received in a road accident early in February. The injuries are of such a nature that he may be confined for tavern] months. His many friends hope for his early recovery. Rey! But Farm. Thanks to the weatherman, the shortest month, February, turned out to be the longest cold one. Many had predicted that the cold snap would not change until the next "full moun". It did not, because February had no "full moon", but maybe u "moon full". Regoverin. (run! Serious lrgjury. The late Mrs. Sippel, after her marriage to the late William Ham- mer, resided in this community until the spring of 1924 when her huts, band predeceased her. She then dis, posed off her farm and stock and moved in Wellesley. About two years ago she was married to John Sippel of Shakespeare. A Sold February. A large number of relatives and friends from this district attended the funeral last Wednesday, Feb. 28, in Wellesley, of the late Mrs. Katie Sippel of Shakespeare. Inter. ment was made in the St. Paul's Lutheran Church cemetery. De. cet.ted was in_her ij.7th yea?. The Late Mrs. {clan sippgl. C. M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer R. R. No. 6, Guelph'. March 13 (Tuesday)-Extensive clearing auction sale of farm stock and implements, hay, grain and household furniture for Frank Houser, 3 miles north of New Ger- many and 1 mile west of Ariss station, on Elmira road. Included in this offering will be 10 choice York- shire soWS due to furrow in April. This is a rare chance to get a good strain of Yorkshires. L B. TOMAN, Auctioneer. I Phone 28w. New Dundee March 14 (Wednesday) - Entire sale of valuable real estate and household effects in the village of Mannheim,dor tht estate of the late Joseph B. Hallman. Please don't forget to attend this good sale. See ad. later. I PHONE 746 r " Warblou cause I Ion of Approximately 85.000.000 ouch your to tho farm." of Ontario. Why not start III orad1eatioe, policy this yo-r? The Ire-Imam h cimple and Ie-tsl-e. E. J. SHANTZ, Auetionetev. Plum. 222, Kitchener April 10 (Tuesday)--12 o'elock, annual Type and Production Sale, 55 head accredited, bloudutesteds Holstein cattle, at Winter Fair Buildings, Guelph. April 7 (Saturday) -re Chattels, including cow, chickens, household effects, implements, wagon maker's tools, for the late John Mihm. March 28 (Wedneadayr--At l p.’ m., farm stock and implements tor, David Such, 1/": mile west of the Town of Waterloo, in the town limits, on Waterloo and St. Agatha road. April 7 (Saturday) -_-- Three valuable pro erties belonging to the l late John 'flfitf,', at Centreville, on. Kitchener-Preston highway. Proper, ties include Parcel 1, rough cal house, wood house, barn and poul-l try house: Parcel 2, one red pressed ' brick 6-roomed house with we? % acre lund; Parcel 3, 7 acres la d. [ Ft A. S. SNIDER, Auctioneer Phooo 354w, Kitchonot March 20 (Tueadas0--6t 1 p.m., farm stock and implements of Frank Brenner, 6 miles northwent '0! St. Clements, 2% miles south- eatt.. of Iiyyyyl, _Con._8, Lot 10. Auction Sale Lists BERLET’S CORNER War on Warbles In“ Rubber M ""..".."...-o..-.............b..... “a now 3.»..- Boots 'o"-'.".-...........-. on.“ and " - Ribbon. "I sou., “an " and " a... w Won-n5 Ribbon. Nib. null.- ..d In hol- .......... .0 Mkm’ Rubbcu. the: " to I .""-..-r.....-.....-......... .1 “half Ribbon. than 4 to T, ml ..'......r..r....'.s.r.trrrr..m. “o 2| Erb St M. O. Bingeman, B.V.Sc. ItttWftTtMirrMtgimttitttrtotItttottt WMMmtttttltltttrttt30tttttmtoitttm trWMt'YMlutMtt,Vmt'tatattgbgt- (The Wnrble Fly in commonly called Heel Fly) mm» maM" _ "ti': LITTLE WANT ADS. it. BOHLENDER’S Waterloo Voter) curl-n Bring BIG Results Mr. Addison S. Snider left on Monday for Cleaver, Penn. U.S.A.. where he will auction " u curloud of cows for Mr. A. B. Brubncher. Mr. Snider will be absent one week. For hnving grandmothers, grand- fathers, great grandmothers and great grandfathers who are still living, little Miss Leona, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gleason Martin, of the Linwood vicinity, probably takes tho grand prize for this district. Mr. and Mrs. Martin's baby Leona was born on October 12. She has living at the present time, two grand- fathers, two grout grandfathers, one step-grandfather, two grandmothers mid one great grandmother. LOCAL AUCTIONEER SELLING HOLSTEIN HERD Mr. Harry Steinfelt of Elmira spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Beggs. Miss Edith Koebcl spent the week- end with Mr. und Mrs. Clark Wright at. Tralee. The six-day-old baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schlueter. who died Thursday morning, was buried Friday afternoon in the Lutheran LT meters. Buggy Doc. Not Lack Relative; Mrs.' L. Boll "iiiirsFiiiry Boll are visiting with friends at Preston and Kitchener. or. Termn arr-aged ’(JSJIIKSI’; party. A chance you [at only once in I “(Mirna Do not do. tar but Ian Jr. K. CRESSMAN Mr. and Mis. Jake Moser spent Friday at Elmira. Mr. and ini. emi's-itantz attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. J. Sippel at Shakesp'eurg UI Wytilesdey. - H-ve jun listed for “I. on. of the but. if not the but, firm in Waterloo County. I68 urn, near Pro-ton and Kildnnor, equipped for d-lry Inuinou. The choice“ land, in good at“. of cultivation; never falling water nupply. Building. fully aqulpped; electric power in both house nulls-m. Rod brick home with hot water heating. hud- wood trim throughout; all building. in good remit. Elk: good orchard, Stock of "irr cow. and lmplomonh an bo purclulod wlth farm. " new of bush, princlpnlly hardwood. Thin farm mun be "on to In Appreciated. No morn-[o up}! A number from here attended the Elmira _ St. Clements final hockey game for the Euler Trophy, played at Wellesley on Friday evening. The score was 5-4 for Elmira in ten minutes overtime. Dr. Bodendikcj “of Wellesley apegt M_tTday.atternoon in town. "'I""'_ "'""""".T "AbVaeWVké" m wan. Mrs. Wm. Nurse spent " tew days wig!) friends in Elmira. Mr. Peter Schummer and Mr. Matt. Schummer and daughter Jean cf St. Clements spent Sunday With Mr, und Mrs. Prank Schummer. Mr. Harvey éi'hlu-eler of Welles- ley spent the week-end with his m0ther,_Mrs. Chris. Schlueter. Miss Mary McCardle of Mimico spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Frank McCardle. Mr. Jack bGilji9 Moffat visited fviypdtuhere last week. FEMALE HELP WANTED Women wanted to sew for us at home. Sewing machine necemry. No selling. Ontario Neckwear Com- pany, Dept. 174, Toronto 8. Pe "onau, FOR RENT Farm, 80 acres, partly in Kitch- ener, good house and barn. Ttit, mediate possession. Louis Bren- hau t Estate. 16 Queen St. N., 'llll%n'ij.'. _ 9-2 FOR SALE OR RENT, 7-roomed solid red brick house with modern conveniences and double garage. Good locality. Apply W. Charon St, Kitchener, after 6.00 pan SUBSCRIPTION RATES Plynhln In adv-m. By In“ In Canada, Great Britain qrtd countrlel in British Pond Uni-l: Ono yalr ..r.rr__._ .. "P"'""""""-""-.---.-..,.... CI... Sin months 'P""""""".'-.".'.......,.-..... ..... tae Three Months 'm'"""'""'"'-...---.-.... I " [In Unit“ Shun. p.. you .Fr_t_.m a.“ Plane addrnu Ian-n III THE CHRONICLE. Wand... “I. 2 un- par word: ducal! V. all you word tor tub I. “V“. M|nlmun chug-30 an. pot but“... Each lulu-l, II... .1 mu. cl mu count as on word. THE CHRONICLE DAIRY FARM cuumFuzD WANT AD. um BOX 152, KITCHENER Opportunity Waterloo LINWOOD m