kIProï¬t By Reading Elmira .luninm paid a visit on the local [All Juliim‘x and taking home " viviory of $5 The Kama was far (heron-Hing with narrow margins on both skins with wide open new but successful to inlly at the end of the Mt potion the "cor" being 3-0 in favor or Elmira Tho locals tied same in tho 2nd pvrimi making the score 3-3. Tho 3rd pariod being ihoiuiut and- ing in (L6 in favor of Elmira. "Flash" Mayor of the Senior team [1-11le the name with an iron hand handing Mania. four for the lo- A “any nnmhvr of logs were hauled lulu Iho- H E. Rate sawmill during thr Irnrtl week and thr, mill is now in run-ration Junior. Had Exciting Gums. Candlemmm Day was celebrated at the St (‘lnmt-nl.‘ it, C. Church with hlmaing or unullm and also Bt, mate with lht' hlmainz ot the 'hmnls The lam dawn of the season "wiil be held on Monday night. February 12th m the m Clvtnenta Parish hall. Mr III-my Herywtt had his house hold furulturv. whivh 1m had In Dy. lron. Silt-IL. Hettt (war In " transport Huck lad! wt-ek. Mr. t'isrl and Mime Marlo Allemang motored to Stratford on Saturday. A [It-llghlful gaunt-ring my; held tit the homo or Mr and Mrs. Frank (Hus on Saturday awning The evening was pleasantly spent In dancing, (-ard-plnylnx. Me A dainty lunch was uervod Pris-mica of Miss Clara Heckler am plenum! to [vain that tshe In improv. Ing. The stark paid a vial! to the homo of Mr, um] Mm Ollie Beaupre and pronoun-d them wlth a eleven and tht-quarter pouttd baby girl. Miss Alfrieda Volsou ot Waterloo spent the weekend with her parents. Mime Laura Beaupre ot Waterloo “pom the weekend with her parents, Mid.“ Marian Bunch ot Kitchener upmit tho wwkmnd with her parents. Mr. Jack Cross at Kurheuér vial! ed with friends hero on Sunday. St. Clements Notes. Turn. of Chunk-Cash on day of sale. The property will be offered sub- ject ’to reserved bid and certain conditions of sale, which will be made known on the day of sale. This in I good little farm Ind . nice pllce to live, so do not min “I Real Estate ---At the same time and place there will also be offered for sale, the 8 acre farm with brick house, kitchen and wood-tshed attached; bank barn; hen house; drilled well; fruit trees and mixed fruits. There is also spring creek “our the barn. Household 'Eftect.--1 cook stove; 2 parlor stoves and pipes; 2 cup- boards; extension table; , chairs; phonograph and records; 4 small tables; sink; bed with springs and mattress; coal oil stove with oven; cellar table; churn; butter bowl; 2 wash boilers; 2 tubs; one 5-gallon oil can; one 45-gallon oil drum; washing machine; brooder stove complete; step ladder; 5 milk cans; milk pails; a number of quilts; pillows; mats; fruit jars; baskets; some kitchen utensils, and numerous other useful articles not listed. Implement. -. One-horse wagon with box; one-horse sleigh; hay rake; democrat; sulky; corn cutter; seuff1er; hay rack; gravel planks; stone boat; wheelbarrow; forks; shovels garden tools; some wood; set heavy single harness; collars, and numerous other articles. At I sun. ohm. Stock-t bay horse 12 years old (a good one); Jersey cow due March 6th; Jersey and Durham cow due March 19; Ayrshire cow due June 10; 1 brood sow with 9 pigs five weeks old at time of sale (if not previously sold) ; 40 White Leg- horn hens; 1 White Leghorn and 1 White Rock rooster; 8 Indian Runner ducks; 2 dukes. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in' a cer- tain Chanel Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered by public auction the farm stock, implements and house- hold effects belonging to Urine S. Weber, also the real estate, situated in the village of Hawkesville, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. gt, I.“ VALUABLE 8 ACRE FARM, Farm Stock. Implements and Household Effects. Phone Waterloo 592w. AARON HOFFMAN. Clerk. TILMAN M. WEBER, Marty-gee, Brld'oport. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE ST. CLEMENTS -of. Some farmers from here attended the scale held at Downey's school- house on Tucsdn . Mr. N. H. Seigied spent Sunday qs6 Ee'eesnbere. l Quite u number from this, district Intended the sale held by Gear 9 Strybeck, ncnr Eloru, and formcr‘fy of this place, Good priees were realized. Miss Rosana Zinger cstlled on Mike Zinger on Sytnday. Manna: . Bruder Nuplinln. The h't. Hunifucu Church at, New Gonnnny was the scene of an in.. tort-sting wedding on Wednesday morning when Miss Minnie Hruucr Lemme the bride of Mr. Andrew Magnus. The best of Rand wishes k" out to the young couple from their many friends in the district, House _ Rainhnrt Wedding. Term. of Red Estate.. 10% of purchase price, cash; bnlance arranged. Term. of Ch.tterU-Cagh on day of sah. Parcel No. 4 - Consists of 60 acres. more or less; Con. 9, Peel Tp.; 35 acres bush, balance pasture lends. Parcel No. 3 - Consists of 60 acres, more or less; Con. 9; about 87 acres of bush; balance nearly all pasture land. Parcel No. 8---100 acres, more or less, Con. 9, with log house, good bank barn, artesian well; nearly all seeded to guns. Plrcol No. l-Part of Lot No, 11, Con. 8, containing 100 acres, more or less, with new house, good bank barn, supplied with never falling spring running through house and burn; farm fairly well under. drained. At the name time and place there will also be offered the following Reel Estate..--. Household EKecta--Eaton cream separator; Daisy churn, No. 3; milk pails: 200 sap pails and spiles; twd 30 x 102 inch Hep pans, etc., etc. _ Implement-~16 x 18 Hamburg steam engine; 10 x 20 Titan tractor; 6 h.p. sawing oatltt; McCormick 7 ft. binder; During 15 ft. Tower; John Deere hay loader; M.-H. 18- disc fertilizer drill; 10 ft. dump rake; spring-tooth barrow; 4 sec. iron barrow; Culty-packer; 2 Fieury single plows; Cockshutt 2- furrow plow; 2 wagons; wagon box; horse carriage; I buggy; hay rack; stock rack; gravel planks; fanning mill; spike tooth seumer; 2-row corn cultivator; plate chopper; harness, oil pan; scale, 1800 lbs. can; 3 and 4 horse eveners; neckyokes; chains;, 'nnd other articles. Grain-About 300 bus. oats; " bus. spelts. _ Pus-l sow bred; 3 sows with litter at side; 5 small pigs. H----, set of breeching har- ness; 1 back band harness; single harness; collars; etc. Cattto---Holstein cow due time of sale; blue cow due time of sale; black cow freshened sin December; Holstein cow freshened in January; Jersey cow freshened in November; Holstein cow freshened in October; Holstein cow fresh in Sept.; Hol- stein cow bred Oct. 10; Holstein heifer bred Jan. 12th; Holstein heifer bred Feb. 22; Durham bull; 9 yearling cattle; 6 calves. Hor-Chestnut mare 8 years old; black mare 16 year: old, both in foal; Percheron colt rising three years old; Percheron colt rising two years old; driving mare 13 years old. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 'ut. 1934 Commencing at l pan. The following:--- Dayton, R. R. 2. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctionur. WM. HOWLETT, Clerk. Flo-Io Non: Sale commences 1 pun. sharp. ISMAEL BOWMAN, Proprhlor. On Lot 11, Con. 8, Peel Tp., situated about. 6 miles southeast of Drayton and 7 miles northwest of Floradale, on . of - VALUABLE FARM LANDS, Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, Household Effects, etc. AUCTION SALE ARISE f P'"',"', M my. look a " ri'gtMerette"'.rr,1e"t8tqJTi,vm,1 Mr. Goo. Waltz wan a bulb!†Manor m Latowol last suntan]. Mr. Juk Kaym ot Halon who ttea rm‘ently returned from the van. wu Remus ttequaltst- tut. week Mr and um Richard Johnson spent last Saturday In Elmira Mr Elmer Dietrich of Elmira High School spam the weekend at Hm home or his panama, Mr and hire. Fred Dietrich. Mr and Mm Clare Help of 13th lino, Wallesloy. spout Sunday with Mrs Robert Mewhlnnoy. _ Mr nml Mrs Wray Bangs spam Sunday with Mr and Mrs Jamea “eggs, Linwood, Mr. M. Brennur wen a bunan \iultor In Linwood last Thursday. Mr. Elwyn Leggo of Waterlo'o Col- lage spent n few days of last week at Ma homo here. Sevoml of thp farmers ot this sec- Hun attended the sale ot Mr. John S.n1dormn,3rd Unix Ptynl, The prices “'er tsatisfactory, Mr GM G Class “nu auvtloneer Mr .10.: MacTavigh was a huslnmn Manor In Elmlrn last Friday. Mr and Mm WIIllnm Lambert or thrs boundary spent last Frldny m the hume ot Mr Stownrl Lavery. Mr William Newton 'Prnt lam Friday In Kilrhnner on blmlnm, Mr. Doreen Lambert spent a few duym ot the past week at the homo of Mr. and Mm Harold Calder, 13th “no. Wellesley. Messrs M. Stemmlm' and Martin Linn-omen ot Linwood spent a day luul week with Mr. and Mm Prod Hintrir‘h. Mm. Edward Coleman and family spout lthst Saturday at tho home of Mm. Itlvhard Wright, 3rd line of Peel, apply to: Moors McBride & McGibbon, Waterloo, Ontario, Solicitor. for the Executorl. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Waterloo, Ontario. o. S, KOLB, Clerk. 6-2 DATED at Waterloo, this 6th day of February, A.D., 1934. Term-lox on day of sale and the balance within 30 days or as may be arranged. is good and the buildings are all in excellent condition. This Sde affords an opportunity to acquire a fine property just out- side of the City Limits. The land Alla: Single harness; l-horse ear- riuge; extension ladder, 28 feet; two 2-section barrows; step ladder; grindstone; grain and bran bags; stable blanket; saw horse; garden tools; forks; picks; spades; tools and many other ueful articles; also some short cut cedur wood; hay and straw. Terms: Cash on day of sale. Real Estate: The following real eetate will at the same time also be offered for sale subject to a re- served bid and certain conditions of [5&181 Premises situate in the Town. ship of Waterloo, and being com- ipused of the easterly two-thirds of, Lot 16, according to registered plan) number 42 and said to contain by udmeasurement approximately three-quarters of an here. On such lands is erected " two storey brick house with modern conveniences, containing 6 rooms, with good brick kitchen attached, with hot water heating. The dwelling is subplied with water from well and windmill. On such lands is also erected a two storey large brick barn in tine con- dition. These premises were form- erly known as the Eli Shuntz property. Houoshoid Ema“ Book case and writing desk combined; rocker; arm chair; 3 kitchen chairs; com- mode chair; 2 single beds, complete; 1 gold case watch; 1 silvsr case watch; lawn mower; alarm clock; oil cloth; large leather chair; large framed picture of the Brubacher Family Reunion; sheep skin coat; car cover; compass; trunk; suit cases; crooks; jugs; tub; lard can; a lot of tropd bedding; woulléh blan- kets; also a lot of clothing; vests; suits; ovet'couts; underwear; mitts; shoes; socks, etc.; 2 large family Bibles; carpet rug balls; carpets, and numerous other household articles not listed. There will be uttered for sale by W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, on SATURDAY, the ttth DAY OF FEBRUARY, IBM At 1.30, on tho promise. on Frederick St., Just outside the City Limits in the City of Kitchener, the following real estate, goods, chattels and effects, the property of the Casper Schmitt Estate: FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS EXECUmRS’ SALE CLOSE ESTATE AUCTION SALE MANNHEIM DORKING '. Sunny Suldor 1nd ,1 the home of the tor. r. and Mrs. Ephraim n mm on Sunday on Bunny “turnout n and chlldrcn 1nd mind with Miss In called on Mr. badly uternoon. In spout Sunday P. and Mn. Dd. smart “hon nickel-t, tttr Ron Rlclort shame of Mr. aod PAWI OF THIS PAUh IS MISSING I Mr. Elkar Kennel was all smiles ,whnn a ittttr little traveller was " tits" to the family told lnu mi, Mr. and Mm. Wm. Smith OM Mm. Sargent of Klwhonor upon: I and". time here on Quad†tau-noon. The farm stock and Implement. of Mr, D. B. Schmidt m dbpoud of In!" Wodnooday, Mr which littoral prices were mid. but tho fun m not gold, Anothor ten Inch tall of snow dur, Ing Saturday night was welcomed horn The Inowplow came through town on Sunday to char the high. wtly of snow, A mrnmx will be hold in the rink nut Wodneadny when numer- om: valuable prizes will be Minded, "orn---To Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanor Gingrich on Saturday. Feb. 3, a daunhmr. Tho Y.i'.S. met in tho ixisomonl of tho church on Thursday evening The meeting opuned with a game utter which Ma, Marjorie Lemon look the tthair, The scripture reari- ling: was read by Harry â€album Tho main part ot tho program was an oratorleal conlmt. The speakers were 'Miss Vom Pom-inns on “The building or a Christian Social Order", Mr. Vin. cout Whitehead on "The Why of Mimlnnnâ€. Mr Arthur inroel on "My. 4qtand on tho Liquor Question." The content wan won by Miss Vera Fow- into. The Judxos were Mrs. B. C Woods, Mr W. Hewlett and Mr. P, Vermilion. (Minor Home on the pro gram worn: n solo by Mr Stanley Potter, accompanied by himself on the guitar, a duet by Mr. and um. Cull Mansfield, current sun“ by Miss Gertrude Lenten And A um! km Atory by Mia Var. rowing- wilh Mm. J P. Snider at tin can. Mr. and Mm. J. P. Snider mo- tored to Nor. Toronto where they went ttt week-end visiting. W. J, Lemon 'spent Saturday In Guelph on htttsitteets, my Vera Fowlnga spent the week um] at her home In Millhnuk. Intereulng Ornorlcal Como-t. Miss Graco Marriott has 3mm to work at Mm Holr.worth'ts, KR. No. l. Elmira. Term: of Farm will be made known on day of sale or can be ascertained by applying to the undersigned. Terms of Chattels-thush on day of sale. EMMANUEL M. BAUMAN. HENRY W. BAUMAN, Hone-hold EEOC“ - 2 bedroom suites; 1 bed stead with springs; kitchen range; wash sink; kitchen table; couch; dining room chairs; small tables; kitchen chairs; benches; churn; wash tubs; leather seated rocker; iron kettle; some empty Jars; fruit shelf; cider barrel; hand sleigh; clock; apinnlng wheel, and numerous other articles. 'Pi-i-l sow with litter at side; 4 sows bred, dates will be given on day of sale; 55 pigs of various ages; 1 boar. Fowt--26 Rock hens. 1 ImPumirnts---2 M.-H. binders; McCormick mower; seed drill; cul- tivator; l roller; 2 iron barrows; gang plow; single plow; tscuMer; root pulper; 1 wagon, complete; 1 carriage; 1 rubber tire buggy; bob sleigh; long sleigh; cutter; hay rack; gravel planks; hay fork; 1 set of team harness; 1 single harness; wheelbarrow; fence posts; some lumber; quantity of hay; chains; doubletrees and other numerous articles. ' . 7.“... _ ly"." um". FN' Juana um 'i'd"l?.t ',r,'"'i'rtihftrv.',1,hoi,t, t) in foal to Besigue; Percheron horse, '.sy?""" Cattle-J '., fretshsi Woolwich and said to comprise t;1lw:etstt.,u,cu'/ys'sr:i (Ext! 2: 15,1," ' . . . , . I 'tTi',",:":',":,'":.',';',:,?,';":,,',',"',')'; l Holstein cow bred Sept. 17; Holstein _ . ' . . icowu in full tiow of milk and bred; s',":,)',"',,",,':,",!':",,';,),,',,',',","",",' 'dt' “in?!“ Jersey cow in full flow of milk and built ood 5:; ewhiteo SEC; 'O', i. bred; Holstein heifer rising 1 year 1'C,'1 gwith kitchen and wood shzdlddl Holstein pure-bred bull rising 1 year. attached, all in good state of repair] . -- . . . C, and Hydro installed. There is B’lb pus li..'),'"",',)', 1esit1n/ut"1,t27urt' fair size orchard and a splendid ll' if“ ' {I s oats weig mg amut garden with large and small fruit. PIotheac; 20 ure bred Barred There are 9 acres of fall wheat, lo’Rock by“ la d' . 2 ur bred acres of meadow, the rest is allI . ' y g; . p e . plowed ready .for spring crop. An Buried Rock eockerels; 40 Leghorn exceptionally good feature .about pull?“ lay;1g.k P mer . _ d this property is the excellent loca- l sol a 'll', Ff, : Ema," do? tion on main road from Floradale d in; can“ ‘7 ll',',' . "e .1115. to Elmira and if interested in a IT t: hen} 'htvT'd'.1Tl"it.0.. farm of this size, come and see this r, cu ' eenng " ra e, ., one. side delivery rake; John Deere man- H --1 b team, a nd 8 ure spreader; 4 wheel trailer, new; 3,831.37; ny ' tl rCockshutt 13 hoe dise drill; Massey- Cattle;l Holstein COW" fresh: /Harris spring-tooth cultivator; Mas- Holstein cows, freshencd in /di,.lsey-ye,.rris, spring-tooth harrow; bred again; 4 calves. lnew 12 plate disc; I-section iron 'Pi-i-l sow with litter at side; harruw; scuMer; hay fork; Fleury 4 sows bred, dates will be given on pl.o.w, No. 1.3' new; farm wagon day of sale; 55 pigs of various with box;pair of bob sleighs;rubber ages.' 1 boar. ltire top buggy; Jumper cutterg‘ FaLa, Rock hens. gravel planks; hay rack; wheel. ImPumiints--- 2 M. -H. binders; barrow; cow chains; 2000 lb, scale; McCormick mower; seed drill; cul- some lumber; M cedar posts; some tivator; l roller; 2 iron harrows; rails; double harness, brass mount- gang plow; single plow; tscuMer; ed, new; single harness; odd har- root pulper; 1 wagon, complete; 1 Hess parts and collars; colony house carriage; 1 rubber tire buggy; bob il x ..",',j, Profile: stove;h‘ Chums; sleigh; long sleigh; cutter; hay rack; for?“ 5 me 5' an erns, c mes a gravel planks; hay fork: 1 set of sleigh bells; horse blankets; hoes,- team harness; 1 single harness: and many other articles too numer- r.i.,.,tt-......s.... ',f.C. ..-~4... tCI' ous to mention. The undersigned received instruc- tions from the executors of Henry L. Ziegler Estate to offer for sale by public auction upon' the premises, the valuable farm property of the deceased, which is more particularly described Situated % mile east of Flora- dale, 3 miles north of Elmira, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th At I Pan. 3‘ GEO. G. CLASS, At"tionoor, HENRY KLlNCK, Clerk. EXECUTORS’ SALE AUCTION SALE ; AUCTION SALE - of . I . of . i . of - VALUABLE 59 ACRE FARM,ahrm Stock, Implements and Farm Stock, Implements, Hay. Farm Stock, Implements, l Household Effects. I Grain, Hang-hold Elects, in: wwraaboo ‘cunomcnn WEST MONTROSE WELLESLEY Hay and Household Elects. Exocnlon. 8-1 "But, mothor," protested the you†woman. "I don't so. how yOu can give no my advice on tgtIrrhd “to when you wore mrriod only one. and I have “randy and three ttttw Hooter O.K. "no my. Thu hlll's not too are." "Can't now down-tho brakes are not working." "You don't main to mir--" "Oh, dott't got panicky. the hooter- nll right." '"rl pus--" pigs weighing about 175 /yibs. each; 6 shouts weighing shunt Pi 80 lbs. each. 'hi Poultrr--20 pure bred Barred Gi.P" hens, laying; 2 pure bred d., Barred Rock cockerels; 40 Leghorn Min â€we†om 1nd MI- Von Hannlnon of KILohonor were Mon- day mllora with Mrs J. A. Stolen. M'iu Gertrude Oitorboin of Kiwi:- oner â€out tho week-and with har moihor. Mrs. Valentino Otterhoin Br, 'Mm, Jeremiah Martin was a Mon. day visitor with minivan in Pool. Mr William Vega] and aol, Arthur ot Erblvlllo spent Sunday at the home of Mn. Kate Seminar. Mr. And Mu. Solomon Rock ot in. Jacobs were Sunday visitors Wm: Rev. and Mm Mona; Brubncher, The mun Helen and Louhc Ot- torboin ot Kitchen†:9†8M! ,"r,'tork {with their wants, Mr. And Mrs Valentine Otterbeln. Jr. 1 Musa Cia'ra Vollmar is spending this weak with friends in Wuorloo. Mrs Henry Knupea returned to her home after spending a tow week: with relatives and Manda In North Eamhope. - Mr. K. M. Willlnms wan I butl- nnsn vlnllor in the Twin City on an- urdny, Mr. and Mrs. William Richmond of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mrl, Prickay. Mm. Fred Bites of Kitchener "Pont Homo limo at the home of her brother. Mr. George Wtylts. Mr. John 809351 ot St. Clement: called on local "lends here on Sat, urday afternoon. Our cum-us are all busy putting In n supply or wood for fuel pur- poses. A euro slgn ot a cold winter. Mr. Jacob Manet has sold his tarm to Mr. John Frey. who Is living on tho Hoidelhorg highway. Mr. Frey will Rel posusulon in the near fu- lure. The Heldolborg solo club had a meollng on Thursday evening last Tho flrtrt prize was captured by 1i"i', Emil Brown and the mumbling went to Mr. Herman Bechthcdd Lunch was served at the close. Heldetberrgr Noun. stock Ind implpmenln. No reserve as the farm is sold. Term. of suo---All sums of $20 and under, cash; over that amount six months' credit on approved Joint notes bearing 6 per cent. interest per annum. Hay, grain, pigs and poultry-Cash. . JOHN H. EVERATT, Proprietor. ADDISON S. SNIDER, Phone 384w, Kitchener. Auctioneer. Household Ethel. - K it c h e n range; kitchen table; 2 iron kettles; Viking cream separator, No. 12; new churn; milk pails; cradle wash.. ing machine; wringer, etc. Don't min this III. for good Hay and Gr.hv--100 bus, oats; 100 bus. mixed grain; 50 bus. speltz; 10 bus. peas; a quantity of hay. Cote-Jersey' cow fresh six weeks; Jersey cow bred Aug. 17; Holstein cow bred Sept. 17; Holstein cowU in full tiow of milk and bred; Jersey cow in full flow of milk and bred; Holstein heifer rising 1 year old; Holstein pure-bred bull rising 1 year. ADDISON S. SNIDER, Auction. eer, has received instructions to sell by Public Auction on the premises of the undersigned, situated 5 miles northwest of St. Clements, 2 miles west of Hawkesville, and 3 miles east of Linwood, on the 13th line of Wellesley' Township, Section 14, the following, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Mr, 1934 At 1.00 pan. aha-p. Hor-l bay horse 13 years old, weighs 1500 lbs.; 1 gray horse, aged; 1 sorrel mare 14 years old in foal to Besigue; Percheron horse. Cote-Jersey' cow fresh six AARON HOFFMAN. Clerk. 8-2 HEIDELBERG The county mow plow bu been hung in this community and ttit m: I an oral to motor truth at time of writ M. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Richard-on of North Morning": hnve been en- gaged by Mr. m. Knight for the "E- - - Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Albrecht and dun hter Eileen motored to Toronto on guendny where Ml" Eileen will lune the can removed from her out. his. Adam Bigam and son Clar- once visited at the home of Wm. Gremm in Wellesley on Sunday. The Y.P.S. will hold their Febru- ary meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thom Blrmin ham, Monday evening, Fehrunry lath. Mrs. Ernst Schmidt of near Brunner in spending I few weeks with her dnuzhter. Mrs. Alfred Hahn. Misses Edna Albrecht and Matilda Bast of Waterloo spent the week- onrhtvith_their [urging here, _ Min Florence Hahn, EN. dt Waterloo. returned to her home on Sunday after spending the put two weeks at Alfred Hahn’s. I Rul lint-(o (lf not previously 'told)--ie splendid farm consisting of 12 acres, nll worknhlo. Frame house of 6 rooms. barn, hen Mable; llruildings equipped with electric Ihtrhu; good well with lots of good water; 4 ucros planted in various .kinds of fruit; 16 ncre in unaw- iberries, 14 acre in raspberries. balance of land ready for spring planting. If you want a good mar- ket gardening farm, here is your; lchnnce. i Term. of Raul Estate will be made known on day of sale or can be had from the undersigned. MOSES EBY, Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ, Aucllonur. Implements, "c-Deering mower 4% ft cut; cutting box; 1 rubber tired top buggy; 1 rubber tire open buggy; cutter; light bob sleigh; hay rake; 2 inaction iron barrow; one 2- horse plow; one l-hurse plow; scuffler; extension ladder; 70 ft. inch hay rope; hay fork; 1 good cream separator; set team harness; Bel. single harness; grindstone; l barrel sprayer; large sausage stuff. er; forks; shovels; hoes; chain, and; numerous other useful articles. l Tum: - Cash. l E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by public auction the real estate and chattels belonging to Moses Eby, situated at Lexington, about one mile west of Bridgeport, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14th, t934 Commencing at t o'clock pan. Stoek--i aged horse, good "work. er; 2 red and white cows supposed to be in calf; 2 nice heifers eight months and 4 months old; 1 pure- bred Jersey bull rising 2 years old. . of . . REAL ESTATE Farm Stock and Implements. Houuhyld Eftecu--0ewe1 kitchen range; flour chest; corner cupboard; clock; sewing machine; 2 beds; heating stove; 6 kitchen chairs; rocking chair; set of tea dishes; a lot of other dishes; 3 mirrors; pic- tures; table; couch, large sideboard with mirror; fruit jars and jugs; lanterns; carpets; pillow cases; bed- ding, and other articles. No Renown - Farm is Sold. Tor-m: Cash on day of sale. JOSEPH H. FARRELL. Prop. emu-1 cow, fresh; 1 cow due March 2nd; 1 cow due June 10, milking well; Holstein c/ow fresh 8 months, bred again; 1 yearling calf. Pigs~v5 chunks; l yearling hog. Fowr---About 60 hens. Implements -- M.-H. binder in good order; M.-H. mower; dump rake; seed drill cultivator with seed box; mcuffUr; 8 single plows; iron barrow; steel land roller; fanning mill; wheelbarrow; grindstone; wagon and box; bob sleigh; cutter; buggy; slush scraper; hay rack; stock rack; binder tongue; carriage pole; Cyclone grass seeder; 28 ft. extension ladder; set of team her-1 Hess; single harness; DeLaval cream‘ separator; iron kettle; churn, cross-i cut saw; chains; forks; doubletrees neckyokes, and numerous othes articles. _ Hay & Grain-About 10 tons of hay; about 140 bus. oats; 10 bus. of timothy seed. On Lot 11, Con. 18, Wellesley Tp., about 2 miles north' of Lin, wood, on THURSDAY, FEB. 15th. 1034 At 1 p-Ill., the following: Hor-s-t bay team 12 and " years old; 1 black horse 8 years old. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. JOE McCORMlCK, Clerk. 5-2 AUCTION SALE Kitchener, Phone 222. 6-2 CROSSHILL if? " I. H. 'NMAN, Auctioneer, - PM“. 80w. New Dunk. 2 Feb. " (Wodnondny) _ Entire “I. of tarm "oek 1"'gt,',','t't'1t pro- , dues and iGiiiai . acts. at “It ' end of boon on the math road t mm? from boon to Blair, for the "tate o tho-ha John SI". E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. Plot. "I. Kink... February " 'tiv2l,TltW-me,u "tate of I " acre farm, if not Lr,',',',':,',','.'?, sold, and farm stock and mplemenu for Moses Eby shunted at Wee,'." About 3 mliu north of Water no. Much 20 (TuetsOr)---At l p.m., {arm stock and implement. of Prank Brenner, 5 miles northwest of St. Clements, 2% mile. south» up! of Linwood, Con. B. Lot IO, I ADDISON B. SNIDER J Auction“: “on. “40-. Kudos» February 20 (Ttumtay)---At 1.00 .m., live "oek, implement: and Eounehold 'streets for John H. Everntt, situated 6 miles northwest of St. Clements, 2 mil» west of Rawkettvllle, ft miles “at of Lin- wood, on the 18th line of Wellesley Township. _BetLt)on 14. March 3 (Saturday) -- Auction sale of real estate and household efrvcta In the village of Plattavllle, of late Mrs. Peter Stnuffer Entatv. Feb. 27 (Tuesda )-Auction srale of farm stock. iCll/,Tfd and feed at Lot 1, Con. 1, South Easthope, 1% miles southwest of New Ham- burg, for Jacob D. Roth. Feb. 24 (Suturdu r)--Auction salt, n' real estate and household effects m the village of Tavistock, for thr, lulg Annie Stein Estate. 100 acre farm, stock. im lementa and feed at Lot 84 the 16$: line of East Zone, 8 miien southeast of Thtitroek, f1rlohn E. Lichti. PM), 18 (Friday) -- Auction sale of {nrm stock, implements and feed ttt Lot 8, Con. 11 Blandford, 3 milvs we.“ of Erwin, 5 miles um I Hivkaon. for Donald Gunn. M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer, Phone Mtw, Tnvinloclx. Ont. Feb. 9 (Friday)--Auction sale of 100, acre farm, stock, implements Feb. 21 (Wednesday) u Fa rm Mock, implements, hay, grain, house- hold effects, of Ishmeal Bowman, Con. 8, Peel Tp., about il miles northwest of Florndnle. Feb. 16 (ThuraOy)---Fssrm stock. implements, hay, grain, household effects, etc., of Joseph H. Farrell, Lot ll, Con. 13, Wellesley Tp., Eastern Section, about 2 miles north of Linwood. Feb. 13 (TuesOy)-Beautiful 59 acre farm and farm stock, implo- ments, hay, household effects, etc., belonging to the estate of the late Henry L. Ziegler, % mile east of FltTyialls, Cmilea, north of Elmira. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer, Plum. so r 4. Elmirn. Feb. 12 (Manda ) -. Elmira Fair Day. at the Steddlick House, Com- munity Bale of livestock, imple- ments, furniture or anything you wish to sell, send it out. Orders en at the Steddick House or Signet Cilia; will be, advertised in due time. March 81 (Saturday)--" 8 mm. household effects and carpenter's tools at my auction stand, opposite Kitchen?†magket, for Joe Borowick. April 10 (Tuesday)--12 o'clock, nnnunl Type and Production Sale, 55 head accredited, blond-tested Holstein rattle. at Winter Fair Buildings. Guelph. March 15 (Thurtrdey)-At 2 p.m., on the premises, 1 acre of good land with new barn, also about 6000 ft. of all kinds of good lumber, for the late Casper Schmitt estate, situated at Sunnyside, King St. E., Kitch, cner. Watch for ad. - March 12 (Monday morning) M At Elmira Fair, at the Farmers' Shed, medium sized Grimm's evapor- ator complete, in good condition; also 100 tin sup pails and spiles, like new. March 12 (Monduy)--At l pmr sharp, valuable farm stock, imple- menu and household effects belong, ing to Jacob Munsz. adjoining the Village .of Heiielberg. _ March 8 (Thursday) - Farm stock, implements, feed, household effects, etc., of Clayton Miller, about 2% miles east of Elmira. March 1 (Thursday)-At 2 p.m., on the farm, the valuable 70 acre farm with good buildin belonging to the estate of the Site Casper Schmitt, situated about 2 miles north of Preston, on the Preston and Brgslaur road. Watch for ad. Feb. 27 (Tuesday) --At 1 p.m. harp, valuable farm stock, sheep, )oultry, feed, implements and 'wusehold effects for G. E. Shultz, situated about 2 miles south of St. Clements, near Paradise Lake. This is {big sale. Watch for ad. Feb. 21 (Wednesdtiy)--At 1 p.m.. valuable 8 acre farm with good buildings, farm stock, implements and household effects belonging to Urias S. Weber, situated in the villyre of Hawkesville. Feb. 27 (Tuesday)--Farm stock, Implements, hay, grain, household ctrects, etc., of Edward Geisel, situ- ated 'i mile north of West Mon- trose station, better known as the C). D. Bowman farm. Feb. 17 (8aturOy)--At 1.80 p. m., valuable 6 roamed brick house and kitchen attached, with con- veniences, brick barn, % acre of land, belongin to the estate of the late Casper gchmitt. situated on Frederick St., just outside of the eouo.ratiyref the city of Kitchener. ii/tif List oi "tlei/il, LE'GdGQRBEIi c1353: Feb. 6. What have you to Feb. 12 (Monday morning, Elmira Fair Day) -ln front of Farmers' Shed, bay horse, 200 bus. dean Early Alaska out: tlt fur seed, 600 tys.te h" mpg, and my articles. M "hr. WOW Feb. " (loud-y morning) - At Elmira Fair Dar, in front of the Farmeu' Shed, 5 com, Hal-toms and Dprhama, fresh from 2 to 4 wegkg. fer Eg_._Kogbel. lt, Clements. Feb. 12 (Monday, Elwin Fair Day) -At the farmers' shed, bay mare 6 yem old, black mare 18 years old, 4 new double harness, 4 new “a single harness, and what ble_yqq tp_sell, Auction Sale Lists w. Ir, mmnv. Aleutian!