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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Apr 1933, p. 6

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Mr. and Mrs. Allan McLaughlin and ‘;:lm and Miss Ruth W'l;a-ud of lee epent Sunday wit r. and Mre. Wm. Carnochan. Measre. William Hackett of Benâ€" gough, Sask., Gordon of Gaineâ€" borough, Sask., and Charles of Dumâ€" diane, Saak., left for their homes on Monday after visiting their father Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Berlett of Kitchâ€" emer spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Sam Sparr. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pommer and family apent Sunday with friends in Waterloo. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Bugene Hayes at Grace Hoepital, Detroit, Mich., on April 10, a daughter, (Kathieen Anne). Miss Sarah Hammond ofToron to is viaiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Rennie. Mr. Vincent Reidel of St. Clemâ€" ente epent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mre. Leander Koebel. Funeral «ervices will be held at the home at 2.30 on Thursday afterâ€" noon. Rev. A. A. Laing will conduct the services. Burial will take place in the United Church cemetery. Rev. and Mra. Wm. Schultz and son épent Puesday in Kitchener. Three grandchildren aleo survive Mre. Howard Mayberry, Poole, Mies Beatrice Wray, R.N. of St. Thomas, ond Miss Lavra Wray of Millbank. of the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, Marjorie at home, and one son Harvey, at home. Her husband and one brother Charles Coqgte predeceased her five years ago. There passed away at her home here on Sunday evening, Mre. W. J. Beggs (nee Martha Coote) in her 79th year. The deceased had been ill with bright‘s disease for the past eight weeke. She was born in Oakâ€" ville. She was united in marriage to Mr. W. J. Beggs in 1880 by Rev. Armetrong of Dreseden. At that time she resided in Wellesley township near Linwood, spending the last twelve yeare in the village. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and later the United Church, She is survived by three daughters Mre. Wm. Wray of Millbank, Jean Mr. am\\(rs. Jos. Karley and chilâ€" dren spent Sunday with relatives in Waterloo. Misaes fimaret Wilker and Eva Deckert of Kitchener spent Sunday at their homes here. Misses Nora and Dela Kittel and Mr. Roy MacLean of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kitâ€" tel Misees Mary and Margaret Logel Of Kitchener spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Logel. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hill spent Mon day with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mre. Fred Diebold and Miss Magdalene Koebel of Kitchenâ€" er and Mr. and Mrs. Relph Kunkel of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mres. A. R. Koebel. Mr. Ed. Reid and Misses Edna and Eva Reid of Waterloo spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mre. George Ruler. Miss Loretta Hahn and friend of Kitchener «pent Sunday with Mr. and Mré. Matt. Hahn. English Easter services were held in St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church Sunâ€" day morning with Holy Communion for the ten young confirmants and other members. Two â€" beautiful bouquets of tulips decorated the altar in loving memory of Mre. Harry Schneider. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Helm and family of Waterloo «pent Sunday at the home of Mr. Michael Stemmiler. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Peebles and sons apent Friday with relatives in Listowel. Mr. and Mré. Wm. Schleuter and family have moved into the house of Mr. David Beggs in the east of the village. Miss Hazel Burnett of Toronto spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burnett. Mr. and Mre. W. W. Martineon and daughter Mary of Elmira, Miss Ella Martinson of Dashwood, and Miss Ruby Goetz of Toronto spent the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Schnurr. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hervey and famâ€" ily of Guelph spent Friday with Mr. and Mré. Anth. Koebel, Str. Miss Billy Collins, student at Mcâ€" Master University, Hamilton, spent the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mre. A. R. Koebel epent Friday in Waterloo attending the funeral of the late Waiter Kunkel. Messrs. John and Bruce Laing of Toronto and Miss Marian Laing of Guelph are visiting their parents, Rev. and Mré. A. A. Laing. Miss Mary McCardle, B.A. , of Mimico is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mre. Frank McCardle. Mr. and Mrs. David Harron and family of Fernbank epent Friday with Mr. and Mre. George Ruler. Mr. Kenneth Williams of Heide}â€" berg is spending the holidays at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schults and son Hugh spent the holiday with reâ€" latives in Hespeler. A number from here attended the play "Mother of Mine", at Crosshill on Thursday evening. Our local teachers, Misses Madeâ€" line Birns, Nellie Scharbach and Mr. Arthur Hauke are spending the holiâ€" daye at their respective homes, Arâ€" thur, Cargill and Newton. Mre. Jos. Hayes epent a few days with Mr. and Mre. John Riordan at Arthur. Confirmation services were held in St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church on Palm Sunday afternoon ‘when four boys and six girls renewed their baptismal yows and were received into communicant memberBhip of the church. It was an impressive ceremony. The children entered the church led by their pastor, Rev. W. Schmalz singing the bhymn "Jesus Still Leads On". ‘The altar was banked with white carnations and ferns. The choir of the church renâ€" dered two appropriate anthems. Mrée. J. W. Burnett returned home after spending the past week with her gister, Mrs. Omer Hastings at Listowel. impreagive Services. 0 Miss Betty Zimmerman, nurseâ€"inâ€" training at St. Joseph‘s Hospital, Gueiph epent Sunday st her home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Barlett of Dundas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. A. Moliday Visitore, Pessonals and other itomes as toid by Watvrice Chrouicle DISTRICT*NEWS _ D. 0.#clnto}: K.C., was counsel for Munhing. fln latter claimed he did not see the three civic workâ€" men when he was driving along King St. until too late. Mr. Mcinâ€" tosh decided to withhold plea on behaif of his client until the court trial, Many witnesses were heard by the Crown. 1 a coroner‘s jury of being gouly negligent in connection wi the death of Wm. Read, a civic street cleaner, who died as a result of injuries received when hit b‘ the truck on the night of April 5th., _ TRUCK DRIVER Is BLAMED FOR THE DEATH OF MAN Koy Munning, truck driver, of Goderich, on Friday was blamed by Mr. Jacob Reist and Mrs. B. W. Lichty _ and Miss Iva Lichty spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Korell near Floradale. Messrs. Gordon and Allan Eby of Mannheim spent Sunday with Mr. Clayton Weber.. Miss Helen Ernst spent Sunday with â€" Miss â€" Edith Cressman â€" at Natchez. Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Weber spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder at Bloomingdale. . Recent and Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Weber were Messrs. Samuel Swartz, Orie Miller, Ezra Beachy and Otto Binkle of Goshen, Ind., Miss Olive Cressman of Natchez and Mr. and Mrs. Christian Brubacher of near Petersburg. _ _ _ _ Miss Ruby Snider spent Sunday with Miss Reta Cressman at Strasâ€" burg. We oo e ce nB + Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seibert were Mr. and _Mrs. Llioyd Snyder and family of Williamsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seibert. Mr. Jacob Snyder :rent Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Isaiah Cressman and Mr. Cressman at Strasburg. y at otrasburg. / Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Snider spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrg. Charlie. Koch at Conestogo. _ Mrs. Vansickle and Mr. Jake Kabel of St. Catherines, Mrs. Seeâ€" bach, Miss Maggie Fisher and and Frank and Francis Graham of Kitchener spent Easter at the hame of Mr. and Mrs. William Klein. Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Bearinger were Misses Lucinda and Annie Bearâ€" Bearinger and Salema Martin of Elmira, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shantz and son Glen of Waterloo. w o o e e e mt oys Weekâ€"end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fyfe and son Billy of Rockton and Mr. Manasseh Schmidt of Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Einwechter and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kenâ€" yon at Washington. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder were Mr. and Mrs. A. Shantz of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Eelores Shantz of Perth. Mr. and Mrs. Josizsh Weber of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lee‘l,lder VSn_yd.elonn Sunday. on Sunday evening. The Sterling Ave. band from Kitchener will be present and Mr. G. D. Fleming of New Dundee will give a misaionary address. A Missionary program is being held at the Mannbeim U. B. Church Mrs. Allan Shantz and Mise Florâ€" ence Shantz of Nine Pines, Mre. Eph. Devitt of Mannheim, Mre. Henry Becker, Mrs. Dave Schmitt, Miss Effie Schmitt and Miss Beatrice Becker «pent Monday and Mre. Adam Becker, Miss Marjorle Becker «nd Mrs. Wm. Reist and Miss Elizaâ€" beth Reist spent Tuesday afternoon quilting at the home of Mre. Ezra Becker. en mt‘ Misses Elizabeth and Laura Reist and Mr. George Reist spent Monday evening with Miss Marjorle Weber at Winterbourne. Mr. and Mrs. Petzold spent Easter Sunday with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. lsuc‘B_r?u:top at Freeport. Mise Effie Schmitt and Beatrice Becker and Mr. Russell Becker spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Battler. Mr. and Mre. Ed. Noelareod of Guelph, who are spending some time with Mr. and Mré. Austin Hewitt epent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mré. Chas. Kufske. Mr. Bill Mitchell of Waterloo spent Easter at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mré. Wim. Reist. Mr. and Mrs. Petzold ansnt Rasiar Mr. Wm. Mitchell and son George Oof Bloomingdale called on Mr. and Mr. Wm. Regl last Wednesday. Mra. John Steckle called on Mr and Mre. Henry Newberry on Satâ€" urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Staniey Koch and daughter Mary of near New Dundee spent Easter with the latter‘s parâ€" @nts, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kufeke. Roy Munnin lsaiah Eby and family apent Easter Aileen Hallman and Mr. and Mre. with Mr. as < Mrs. Levi Haliman at Mannheim. Mre. John Steckle and daughter Jean and Master Robert Kovarick and also Mrs. Wm. Petzold called on Mre. Ezra Becker and Miss Mae Becker on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mre. Isaac Brighton at Freeâ€" Mr. Johu Steckie cailed on M Johg _Grant at Strasburg recently Master Howard Petsold and little Miss Dorothy Petsold spent the weekâ€"end ’It_h tho_u-_g_nuuunu. Mr. John luut‘mu the Raster [Mfl‘ with brother, â€" Mr. Henry Steckle at Kesex. Mre. Henary Becker and Misaes Florence and Beatrice Becker and Mre. Moriey Battler spent Good Fri day with Mrs. Roy Becker near Roseâ€" Mr. Lioyd Becker is spending the Easter holidays with friends at Hanover. Mr. and Mre. Ed. Hallman, Miss GERMAN MILLS WiLLIAMBgUAG Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Martin and son Sheldon and daug hter Ethel spent Saturday afterncoon at the home of MJ Mrs. J. Schwartsâ€" entruber, burg. Mrs. Henry Ernst and son Stanâ€" ley of Waterloo and Mr. Elton Ernst of Goderich were weekâ€"end visitors of the families of Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Mr. and Mrar. John Scherer. _ Master Claude and Miss Gertrude ‘Brubnl:er of Sunnyside, Kitchener, spent a few days vialtivx their ‘hrlndpnrentl, Mrs. A. Brubaker and r. and Mra. M. L. Weber. Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Ya‘rr and Mr. M. L. Weber left on uesday afternoon for Crediton to attend the annual Conference of the Evangeliâ€" cal Church. ‘ The E.L.C.E. met on Monday eveâ€" ning in charge of the Recreation Dept. Miss I-,Fileen Heller acted as chairman. _ Carl Wahl read the Scripture lesson. John Welker and Ed. Amis each gave a reading. Miss Ruby Pautler gave the topic and Mr. Garner sang a solo. 11 6n nlnnet Sn d *Wd 1t id en On Sunday morning Rev. W. J. Yager administered the rite of bapâ€" tism to four candidates and also reâ€" ceived four others into church fellowship. S oo ooo en ot o n n mm ds Mrs. Armbrust and Mrs. Slumâ€" kopfski_ of Kitchener sang . two duets. Mrs. C. J. Trapp presided at the organ owing to the illness of the reeg‘xln;‘orgnnist, Mrg. H. Appel. _ Many friends from near and far attended the funeral of the late Miss Lola Snider last Thursday. Rev. W. J. Yager had charge and preached a sermon on a text selected by the bereaved family, John 14: 27. Rev. S. R. Knechtel, a former :nstor. read the 14th chapter of John. L. Weber; missionary president, H Appel; missionary treas., S. M. lfib ; ushers, J. Morlock, A. Wahl, fi Appel, G. Henrich. Laid at Rest. The election of ofilcer: resufted as follows Secretary, H. Appel; treas., F. E. Welker; trustee, C. C. Doer. becker; cemetery trustee, A. Wah!1; ('iin;fto‘r of Religious Education, M. The treasurers of the several funds presented their reports. All obligations had been met except for missions and benevolences, which funm(! sh'owe.d a slight shortage. IDANIEE un Oe 9 00 ce enc ichi 20 Stroh motored to Mitchell on Sunâ€" day and visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Filsinger and Mrs. Stevens, Toronto, were Sundar visitors of Mr. and8 Mrs. H. Appel. Officers Elected. The 7a;vr1i1-:svl_â€"c"onxregationnl meetâ€" ing of Calvary Church was held on the evening of the 11th inst. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross and family and Austin Kelterborne of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Newmaster, Kitchener, Mrs. L. Hollâ€" linger and Miss Salema Hollin er, of Waterloo, and Miss Frieda gol- linger, Toronto, ware week visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelterborne. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conrad of Elmi{a and Mr. and Mrs. Henry L 9 __STPC JCLT (And m C Miss Aleda Brubaker, R.N., St. Catherines, is spending a week at the home of her mother, Mrs. Anson Brubaker. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morris, Elâ€" mira, visited with Mrs. A. Brubaker on Friday. M O en s C oc e ennint o CAREY M. and Mrs. Cln{bon Lein of Detroit and Mrs. Alex. Bowman, Waterlo0, visited Mrs. Fred Moyer on Saturday. Mr. Abraham Brubacher spent Saturday night boiling sap for Mr. Elias Martin, Three Bridges, and enâ€" joyed â€" some good oldâ€"fashioned maple sugar taffy. Mr. and Mrs. Phares Eby and family, Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eby on Sunday. Mr. Isaac Hurst spent Saturday in Kitchener. wiage sez lc oob o P i+ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hahn and son Harold, Detroit, visited with Mr. :nd Mrs. John H. Thoms last Thursâ€" ay. Mr. and Mrs. S_l-l‘l'l.e:n.'ll.l‘;t;n visitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Martin, Wa:fner’s (Zorner, on Sunday. d a d se dn i2 20. © Miss Clara Thoms visited her aul:‘ts in Kitflxener on Good Friday. CSEA Grce! 90 C _E€ + Mrs. Levi Lichty ang Mrs. Amos Martin and grandson, Clayton Snyâ€" der, were weekâ€"end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Marton, Peel. Mrs. Levi Lichty and Miss Leah Lichty accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Noah L. Martin on a visit to Elmira on Friday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Elias Martin of the Three Bridges, and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bowman, Elmira, were Good Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. i?li Brubacher. The junior choir of St. James Church assisted in the Easter serâ€" vice at the Lutheran Church, Conestogo. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ernst of Elâ€" mira were sugper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brubacher, on Sunday.. ener, visited with her sister, Mrs O. Good on Sunday. _ In the afternoon Mrs. O. Good accompanied by Miss Heckendorn visited in Elmira. Miss Mabel Voll visited in New Hamburg on Sunday. mOak ").1 NP MFTS. oofomon Lby. Mr. Carl Wah! spent Good Friday in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Oberholtzer spent a few days in Kitchener. it ; POBRC UE !\ Wlb c ~TBadivinibi insd d Mr. Harold Eby of Powassan and Mrs. Noah Ernst of Burlington spent the weekâ€"end with their parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Eby. Mowship. The E.'l,‘.C‘E. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Feil and famâ€" UJ were Easter Sunday visitors of r. and Mrs. A. Gies. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wahl and son gnrl visited in Heidelberg on Sunâ€" ay. &r. and Mrs. Geo. Riepert and Mrs. Art Shantz visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wah! last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schaner and family spent Sunday in Heidelberg. Mr. A. Gies was a business visitor in Kitchener on Saturday. _ _ Garner of Waterloo were visitors of . !r. and Mrs. Harry Garner on family, Miss Irene Miss Tina lc:’vu. Mrs. Arthur and son Lorme attended the r service in St. Matthews Church, Conestogo, on Sunday evening. _ Miss Mary Heckendorn, Kitchâ€" Mr. Maynard Miller and Mr. E. service in Zion Church, in the service George Mulholland was reâ€"elected Services In Elmira Churches. treasurer of the General Fund; Wm. The Elmira churches were beautiâ€" Brox, a« «ecretary; Wm. Bolender, fully decorated for Kaster, with veâ€" «ecretaryâ€"treasurer for misaions; rious flowers and ferns. Special serâ€" Menno Snider, Trustee for a threeâ€" vices were held in all of them. both year term; Wm. J. Schweitzer, parâ€" during the morning and evening. sonage trustee; Mrs. D. D. Ratz, orâ€", The choire had prepared epecial muâ€" ganiet; H. V. Howlett, choir leader : sic for the occasion Prices For 8mail Hogs Up. Personals. The pricea of amail hogs have beâ€"| Mr. and Mre. Sol. Eby of St &gun to go up as was indicated at Thomas visited with friends and reâ€" the Elmira Monthly fair. Suckers latives in town. were selling at $2.00 and $2.50 while! Mr. and Mre. C. J. Moebus of Kitâ€" the larger kind were selling from $3 chener visited at the home of the and up, according to size and quaâ€" latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob lity. The demand was large and the Eix farmere, having any amail pigs,! _ Mias Lioyd Hoffer and Mr. Stewart quickly diaposed of them |Reifchard were visitore to Buffalo, Mre. George Ratz Buried. | N.Y., on Good Friday. The remaine of the late Mrs. _ Miss Margaret Ruppel and Ms. George Ratz of Toronto and formerâ€" Rupert Ruppel of Toronto are spendâ€" ly of Eimira were brought to El ing the Raster holidaya with their mira via motor on Saturday after parenta Mr. and Mre. C. P. Ruppel. _ noon for interment in the Eimira _ Mrs. P. F. Stumpt and «on Walter cemetery. ‘The late Mre. Ratz born 65 years ago, was the daughter of tha late Mr. and Mre. Henry Dunke of El mira. Followjng the death ot her The congregation of Zion Evanâ€" gelical Church held their annua] conâ€" gregational meeting last Wednesday, Rev. C. H. Cornwell. presided. The pastor reported a membership of 204. The treasurer‘s report showed total recelpta for all purposes to be $3,017.33, including $725 for mieâ€" aions. The Sunday School raised $565.00 and had a weekly average attendance of 150. Zion Church HMas Good Year Dill Pickles § Large Pickles â€" NO. 10 TIN, CONTAINING 1% PICKLES, TIN ........ Cabbage » &« P&Ghundry Soap 103 30e Extra Weekâ€"End Special! | SHORTENING Swift‘s Jewel Brand â€" . rrem: 9° BANANAS Pork «Beans > 25â€" PEAS â€" BACON _ SHOULDERS ‘Sme â€"» 19 sw‘ 12. Free Offer‘ This week we offer FREEâ€"a loaf of our famous Ann Page Bread with a pound purchase of any of our Nectar Blend A & P Teas. NEW SPRING LARGE â€" EL,LOW RIPE CRISPâ€"LARGE HEADS NEW GREEN AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY THE WORLD‘S LARGEST SELLING SOAP 4YLMER BRAND SPINACH FANCY SUGARâ€"CURED sLIGED J. Yanchus, Correspondent and Agent Phone 266 or 285, Steddick House. ELMIRA NEWS Make this your headquarters for "Daily Eg¢" Mash 3 Ibs. 3 ibs _ Mre. P. F. Stump(f and eon Walter viaited frienda in Chesiey on Thure day. ir, Oscar Bleek left to visit with hie parents at Cecil, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Panter of Mr. and Mre. C. J. Moebus of Kitâ€" chener visited at the home of the latter‘a parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eix The Elmira churches were beautiâ€" fully decorated for Kaster, with veaâ€" rious flowers and ferns. Special serâ€" vices were held in all of them. both during the morning and evening. The choire had prepared apecial muâ€" sic for the occasion Personals. She is survived by four sons, El-‘ mer of Hamiton, Dr. R. G. and Roseâ€" well of Kitchener and Herbert of Toronto and one daughter Ruth, of Toronto. Two aisters, Mrs. A. Wll Feick of Kitchener and Mrs. C Middleton of Zion City, IIl.. also surâ€" vive her. 1 Services in Elmira Churches. husband some 15 years ago, Mra. Ratz and her family removed to To: ronto, where she resided nntli her death . 21 21« ... e . 4 Stieve 2 No. 2 Tins 2 l e SAU_E{_\GE â€" 36e zse SHOULDER or CHUCK Rump Roast io. 14e Prime Rib Roast io. 17c BY_THE PIECE LEGS * w = @ Ib. l 4c CUTLETS @ @ ‘b. z l e CHOPS :o .m . o. l 8, in 1928, A & P opened its first store in this territory. m\' these t‘nm m.confidcnc: M.;aum ereonten we ahe Te S Auirosey se o ie nlm\:l:m in yeers! OUR OWN MAKEâ€"COUNTRY STYLE PEAMEALED Cottage Rolls NNIVERSARY " Mr. George Frank viaited with his family at Woodstock over the Raster holidays. _ Mieses Mary Ertel of Kitchener and Catherine Ertel of Toronto visitâ€" ed their parents, Mr. and Mra. John Ertel over the Waster holidays. Mr. Wilfred Hammer of Brampton apent Easter holiday with his parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hammer Mia« Wilma Brohman of Guelph apent the weekâ€"end with her siater. Mre. 8. J. Steddick. Mr. and Mre. Earl O‘Neil of Windâ€" sor visited friends and relatives in Elmira over the Raster holidays. Mr. Harold Ruppel of Fergus is apending the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mre. Oscar Ruppel. Mr. and Mre. Douglae Ward and child of Lietowe] vieited friends in Elmira Mr. and Mre. E. M. Arnold and children apent Saturday afternoon at Kitchener Mrs, Frank J. Yanchue of Waterâ€" loo apent Monday evenn@ at the Steddick House. Mre. John Soehner and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sochner vieited the home of the former‘s daughter, Mrs. Elmer Schutz at New York, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Widmeyer of Toâ€" ronto epent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Auman. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Yanchus and children and Miss Mae Coin of Deâ€" troit, Mich.. «pent the Baster holiâ€" days at the Steddick Honae. Miss L M. Bell of the Elmira High School staff is «pending her Eaeter holidays at her home in St. Catherines. Stratford visited the latter‘s parents Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Steddick. Misa â€" Ella Martinson of Dashâ€" wood is «pending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Martineon. Mr. K. P. Hutton, relieving Mr. J VEAL BEEF ib. 12¢ A & P QUALITY SELECTED FANCY MILKâ€"FED Fresh BAKING POW DER ‘ Chase & Sanborn Coffee s i. 43¢ 16â€"0z. Tin MADE FROM RED RIPE TOMATOES CHEF BRAND Sea Herring OUR OWN ENCORE BRAND CATSUP ADVERTIBING in The CHRONIOL® Master Donald Gallagher is apendâ€" ing the Raster holidays with Master Jim McComb in Toronto Misa M. Burne of the Elmira High School ataff ia apending the Raster holidaya at her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrsa. C. Siliphant visited frienda in Toronto over the aater holidays Master Jim McComb is «pending the Raster holidayvs at his home in Toronto. Mias Swindel of the Elmira High School staff, is apending the Baater holdaye at her home in London. Messra. George Reuter, Jack Stedâ€" dick, Ed. Daum, P. F. Stumpf and George G. Clasa attended the Elora horse show on Thureday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. Fischer and grandâ€" daughter Jean Bowman are visiting with her daughter. Mra. C. W. Heimâ€" becker in Toronto Miss Huldegarde Battenberg of Kitchener visited at her home here over the Easter holidays. Miaa C. McDonagh of the Eimira High School ataff is apending the Easter holidays at her home in Niâ€" agara Falle. Miea Ida Martin of \ir. Jos. Mattin of St lege, Kitchener. are parents, Mr. and Mra tin. Mr. George Schwerer of Toronto i« viafting friends in Elmira. Mr. Ed. Campbell was a businesa visitor in Kitchener. ~ Mr. Sam Carter and Mr. James Hillis of Guelph and Dr. R. R. Hillis attended the New _ Yorkâ€"Toronto hockey game in Toronto on Thursâ€" day. McKean, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia, «pent the Easter holiâ€" days with frienda in Toronto. Roast Ib. 10c Bottles A9¢ 12â€"01. â€" 1§« Hamilton and Jerome‘a Colâ€" visiting . their Medard Marâ€"

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