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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Apr 1933, p. 5

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5 That is |â€" __~ piet®iIcrNEws _ | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grof and eons of Waterloo were visitore at the Bend Farm during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Oecar Huehn and sone were Easter viaitore _ with Brussels relatives. Mre. Mabel Shantz is spending a short time with her slster, Mra. Addison Shoemaker and Mr. Shoeâ€" maker in Chesley. Mr. Adam Doerr on Thursday reâ€" ceived the congratulations of his friends on his $0th birthday. Mr. and Mré. Walter Campbell of Guelph, were Easter vieitors at the Weppler home. Mr. Geo. Hemmerich bf Toronto called On relatives here on Wednesâ€" day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Mertin were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Martin near Erbsville, last Thursday. Mr. and Mre. Harold Mcintosh of Kitchener ~were Easter weekâ€"end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mre. Henry Ebel. Mrs. Lenora Beckman and daughâ€" ters Jean and Lenora of Toronto were over Easter vieitors in the vilâ€" lage. Mr. Michael Hemmerich of Kitchâ€" ener called on relatives here on Sunâ€" day. Present Easter Pageant. St. Matthew‘s Lutheran Sunday School presented very capably the Eester pageant. "Darknese, Dawn and Day", at a «pecial Easter service on Sunday evening. Mts. Herb Huehn was the planist for the proâ€" gram. Mrs. S. J. Wittig sang a pleasâ€" ing solo, while Mre. Roy Evans of Kitchener, was at the organ. The Junior choir of the aister church in St. Jacobs was present and asaisted wth the evening‘s program by giving several numbers in a highly pleasâ€" ing manner. Mre. O. J. Steiss of Barker, N.Y is vieiting friends in the village. A German â€" communion | «ervice will be held in the Lutheran Church next Sunday forenoon at 10.30. The Preparatory service comâ€" mences at 10 o‘clock. Mr. Cameron Wilson has returned to his home here last week after re cuperating at the homes of friends in Toronto, from his illnese early in the winter. Mr. Edwin Reist and Mies Lucinâ€" da Reist of New Hamburg apent Easter at the home of her parents. Mrs. Henry Hachborn and children were Easter visitors with Twin City relatives. Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wegfahrt were, Mra. D. Donaldeon and family of Cleveâ€" land and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wileon of Detroit. Mr. and Mre. Wesley Merkley and Miss Margaret Doyle of Kitchener called at the home of Mr. and Mra Geo. Berdux Sunday afternoon., Miss Dorothy Berdux of Kitchener apent Sunday at her home here, Miss Helen Berdux, who has spent a week‘s vacation at her home here has left again for Kitchener Mre. Henry Hoerle Jr.. of Wilbe was the guest of Mre. J. K. Schmidt. Mr. Jacob Schamber and sister Barbara of Kitchener and Mre. Peter Stueck Of Kelley‘s Avon Head visitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mrs. Chriat Schamâ€" ber Master Wifred Bast has returned to his home again after visiting with his grandparenta at Shakespeare for the past week. Mr. and Mre. Edwin Kraehling and son Roy of New Prusaia were the guasts of Mr. and Mre. Alex. Berg. Mr. and Mre. Harry Schmidt of Hamaetead were the gueats of Mr. and Mre. Christ Schamber. Mr. and Mre. Helmuth Wagner visited at the home of Mr. and Mre. Henry Wagner. Mr. and Mre. Henry Boshart of Erb‘s Road and Mr. and Mre. Bergâ€" man of Waterloo and Mr. and Mre. John Rhens of Alles were viaitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Heldman on Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Geo. Falk of Oetzel‘s spent a day last week with their daughter, Mre. Elmer Heldman. WATER IN PLACE OF MEAL HELPS STOMACH Stomach trouble is often helped by lkipplvz one meal. Drink lots of water, Add a spoonful of Adlerika each morning to clean out poisons Uncomfortable _ s e e i n g comes from faulty EYES. Faulty eyes cannot be alâ€" tered in themselves, only proper corrective glasses will do that. Humanity is forâ€" tunate to be able to take advantage of an optometrical service such as we render. IMPERFECT . . . . â€"ooâ€" o . . IFFICULT Dedicated To Better Vision . . . EYESIGHT SERVICE 10 Frederick St. KITCHENER, ONT PHILIPSBURG CcONESTOGO "Fresh from the Gardens" T CEA ‘ Messts. Austin Lichty of Welland and Ralph Reiner of Toronto, John Grahm _ and Walter Reiner of iGuelph. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Koehler and Miss Hazel Dingwall of Kitchâ€" | ener spent the weekâ€"end and Sunday ; here among friends and at their| ‘respective homes, _ _ _ _ _ ; ‘ Sale The marriage bans of Gus Herâ€" , gott of here and Adelle Hartlieb of | Kitchener were announced on Sunâ€" _day the wedding will take place the _latter part of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Schnarr and waughter Bernice of Erbeville spent Easter at the home of Mr. and Mré. Jonas Scheffner. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Kieswetter and Mr. Joseph Kieswetter, Sr.. of Waterloo were Sunday visitora with friends here All local teachers at the public school are spending their Easter holidays at their respective homes. Mr. Gustave Woiwade is on the sick list and is under the doctor‘s care for heart trouble. Mr. Arthur Stahle and Mr. L. Wagner of Detroit spent a few days of last week at their respective homes. Mr. and Mre. George Dorscht spent Good Friday with friends in Waterloo. A number from here attended the auction gale on the Zehra farm near Wellesley on Monday afternoon. Mr. Geo. Strebel, Mrs, H. W, UMOHinger of St.Jacobs with Mr. John Kaufman, Mrs. A. Wiebe and Mrs. /!°z!¢r W. Ottman were business visitors in Mr. and Mrs. M. Bose of Chesley Kitchener on Thursday. , were Good Friday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Nelson of Detroit and Mrs. ind Mrs. J. A. Steiss. Donaldson of Cleveland spent the _ itv. Henry Schmidt is engaged for weekâ€"end and Easter with their the summer months at the farm Of 'fm'}lll”' Mr. Gustave Woiwade, who Eugene Koebel at St. Clements, Mr. is ill. Carl Wagner is taking Mr. Schmidt‘s __Mr. Arthur Stahle and Mr. L. place on the bread wagon. Miss Elsie Miller of Galt spent Sunday at the home of her parents. Mics Florence Kieswetter of Kitâ€" chener visited on Easter at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Dietrich of Waterloo and Mr. Joseph Dentinger of Crosshill spent Easter at the home of George Dorecht. Mr. and Mreé. Wm. Schneider and tamily and Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Bach visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobi Mr. Wilfred Scheffner of Hesson Road spent Sunday evening at his home here. Master Kenneth Schnarr returned to hs home in Erbsville after spendâ€" ing a month at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mré. Jonas Scheffner. Mrs. Irvin Fleischauer spent week with friends in London. Mr. and Mre. Linus Kieswetter of Galt visted friends here on Sunday. Sale a Success. A big crowd was present at the sale on Monday at Aaron Zeht‘s and prices were fairly good. M. R. Roth was the auctioneer. Mr. Zchr intends to move to town in the near future. Mre. Alvin Hallman has returned to her home in St. Mary‘s after «pending the past two months with her daughter, Mr. Herbert Krieger and Mr. Krieger. Miss Helen Straus of Waterioo spent Easter at the home of her parâ€" euts, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Straus. Mr. Simon Kieswetter of Josephsâ€" burg visited on Sunday at his home here. Mr. Jerome Henhoeffer of Water loo visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. Lloyd Dietrich is spending the Eacter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mre. William Dietrich, Waâ€" terloo. Misa Dorothy Kramp of Elmira is «pending her Easter vacation with the Kramp family of here. Mr. Peter Dietrich of Kitchener visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stocki recently. A number ot farmers have been buey plowing this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Haryey Woelfle, Mr. and Mre. Victor Cook of Kitchener were holiday vialtors with Mr. and VMre. Henry Boldt. Mr. and Mrs. David Wiebe and family of Kitchener are spending a few daye with the former‘s mother, \ire. David Wiebe. Mr. Oecar Schierholtz was a busi nees visitor in Guelph on Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Herb Krieger and family spent Friday with relatives in St. Mary‘s. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mré. Ignatz Weiler were Mr. Albert Weilâ€" er of Waterlo0 and Mis« Dorothy Hergott of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilhelm and «on Rodger of Williamsburg spent Sunday with relativea in this loâ€" cality Easter visitors in thie burg were: ' Mr. and Mre. A. Doherty and family of Elmira with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Doâ€" herty; Miss Rose Foerater of Kitch~ ener with Mr. and Mrs. A. Foerster; Miea Dorothy Kocher of Guelph with her mother, Mrs. Annie Kochâ€" er; Mr. and Mre. Charles Logel and family of the 4th of Peel, with Mr. and Mra. Anthony Foerster; Mrs. A. \Hqioly of London with Mr. and Mrs Joweph Mittleholtz; Mr. John Linee man of St. Clements with his son Joeeph, Mr. and Mrs. Len Harrison and 5:: Donald of Guelph with Mr. and Me#s. Dinis Hanley; Mr. and Mré. M. Ryn of Macton with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hanley, Mr. Pat Girdot of near Kitchener with his mother, Mre. Mary Girdot. Vieitors at Joseph Kocher‘a were: Mr. Norman Kocher of Haysville, Vr. and Mre. Lonla Dietrich and Mies Mary Kocker of Kitchener, Miss Georgena Kocher. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mre. Wilfred Hanley, a danghter. SHANTZ STATION WELLESLEY BAMBERG HES8ON Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers and sof Clayton of Walton are spending the Easter vacation with Mrs. Selâ€" ers‘ mother, Mrs. Mathilda Hoerle. _ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wettiaufer and gon Donald of Kitchoner spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs..William Hass. _ Mr. Josish Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Deiton Schmidt from near Waâ€" terloo were Sunday visitora with Mr. and Mre. Simon Brubacher. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hackbart and Mr. and Mre. Harvey Heckbart and daughter Verna from near Bamâ€" berg were Sunday visitors with Mr end Mrs. Lorne Schmidt. Easter viaitors from outside places vwere Messrs. Earl and Donald Steiss of Toronto with the former‘s parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Steise, Mre. Charles Heipel of Baden and Miss Cora HMeipel of the McMaster Uniâ€" versity in Hamilton with Mrs. Mary Sattler, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fries of Kitchener and Miss Emma Fries of the Jerusalem section at the home of Albert Fries, Mre. G. Truesler of Waterloo, Mr. and Mre. Andrew Wabh! and son Car] of St. Jacobs, Mr. L. J. C. Wahl and son Michael of Toronto and Mr. George Reipert of Kitchener at the home of B. Wahl, Miss Gertrude ‘Lauer and Messrs. Peter Enke and Alex Ditenhofer of Kitchener with Miss Frances Wilâ€" dau, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brubacher of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Lincoin Hollinger of St. Jacobs with Mr. John Ziegler. Mr. and Mrs. William Schaner and cone Arthur and Hamrold and daughâ€" ter, Miss Violet of St. Jacobs and the Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mro. Oscar Schwarts were: Mr. and Mre. Carl Pschelush, Sr., Mr. and Mre. Henry Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pechelush, Jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pschelush and Mr. A. Campbell, all of Kitchener and MWr. and Mrs. Arthur Sattler. Seyeral of our local people attendâ€" eu the funeral of the late Miss Lola Snyder at St. Jacobs on Thursday. Our teachers, Miss Fischer and Mr. K. M. Williams are spending the Easter vacation at their homes. Lucknow and Linwood. Mr. and Mrs.. Alex"Gies and chilâ€" dren of Waterloo were Good Friday visitors with Mr. and Mre. John Gies. Mr. Alex Tischart left on Thureâ€" day for Toronto where he took the boat to Chicago. He obtained a posiâ€" tion on one of the large boats there. Mr. Gerhardt Dick has purchased the property of Mr. Jacob J. Wiens on the corner of Huron and Bleams streets and will take possession «hortly Misses Pearl Hase of Toronto and Ella Koehler of Kitchener were Sunâ€" day visitors with the former‘s moâ€" ther, Mrs. Kate Schaner. Mr. Alian Knarr of Petersburg spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mre. He;man Bechthold. Mr Addison Weber of Kitchener spent Saturday with Mr. and Mré. Albert Steiss. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haus and daughter Jean of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kuch. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Moser and «aughters Ruth and Adelle and son Louis are spending the Easter holiâ€" cays with their «ons in Detroit. Messrs. Henry Schmidt and Wagner apent the weekâ€"end friends at Newmarket. Mr. E. A. Wegenast, former repreâ€" wentative of the Metropolitan Life Miss Mathilda Foerster is visiting with friends in Kitchener. Mre. Ed. Seim wae in Detroit over the <weekâ€"end where she attended the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. Wm. Cummings which was held Saturday. Llee« than a week after the death of his wife George Herman, a proâ€" minent farmer in South Easthope, died on Friday, following a lengthy illnees at the age of 71. Born in North Easthope he moved with his family to South Easthope, when he was young. His first wife, Mary Ann Stoekopf( died in 1895 and two years later he married Margaret Kaufman, who predeceased him onme week ago. Â¥r. Herman was a member of Tri nity Lutheran Church, Sebastopol. He is survived by one eon Henry at home, â€" four â€" daughters, Mrs. A. Schmidt, North Easthope, Mre. L. Sinclair, Stratford, Mrs. W. Wiker, Eaet Zorra and Mes Volet at home. Two brothers, five sisters and eeven grandchildren also survive. Heads Tennis Ciub. Insurance Company for the New Hamburg district resumed his old position on Monday. Mr. Wegenast was under treatment at Saratoga Springs, New York state for a conâ€" siderable time. George Herman Passes. ‘The annual businesa meeting and elaction of officers of the New Hamâ€" burg Tennia Club was held on Monâ€" day night. The officers elected folâ€" low: past president, Harry Roth; president, James Griffith; viceâ€"presiâ€" dent, Rev. H. H. Erdman; aecretary, Misa Ruth Moser; treasurer, Clayton Rumig. â€" The school will reopen on Monday, April 24th. Miea Jennie Hoteon spent a few daya at the home in Avonbank. .. Misa R. Feick, R.N., of Toronto is the gueet of her alster, Mre. Roas Hurst, Waterloo atreet. Misa Rebecca Hostetier was the guest of Mra. Levi Hostetier. _ _ Miaa Madge Douglas of Kitchener was the guest of Misa Lon Boottger. Mias _ Helen â€" Roselie of Poterâ€" borough isthe guest of her uncle, Mr. and Mre. Fred Cookson. The echool closed on Thureday for the Raster holidays and the teachers have left for their respective homes. Misa Bunt of Goderich, Miss Helen Jonea, Hnma.. Misa M. Daliner, Sebringville, Misa P. Makins, Stratâ€" ford. Misa J.Hotson, Avonbank and Mia F. Hellebrand to Windsor. _Mr. Walter and Leelie Bowman epent Friday in Gueiph with their brother, Mr. and Mre. L. Bowman. ay NEW HAMBURG Carl with Miss Ruth Devitt of Toronto spent the holiday and weekâ€"end at her home here. Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bowman were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Musselman, Audrey and Gerald, of Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowman of Buffalo, N.Y., and Miss Sylvia Bowman and Mrs. Eldon Musselman and son Glen of Detroit, Mich. Miss Marjorie Rellinger spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. Woelfle, Williamsburg. Miss 1. Ruppel, Kitchener, is spending a week with her cousin, iMrs. Edward Mcliroy and Mr. Mcâ€" Iroy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elleric and son Bobby of Detroit, Mich., are spendâ€" ing several days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Milne. A special service will be held at the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening, April 23d. Rev. G. Fleming will give an address on ‘Healing the Sore Spots in the Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hallman of Kitchener and Mr. Fred Reier and Miss Lula Reier visited with Mrs. S. Rellinger at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Rellinger on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor MacLennan entertained a number of their friends to a social evening last week. Miss Winnie Marks is spending the Easter vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sand Marks of Lebanon. Mrs. James Cherry of near Glenâ€" allen spent Saturday â€" afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Leslie Beggs and Mr. Beggs. _ Mr. Albert Loge‘l’-lias been hired for a year with Mr. Alfred Tanner of near Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Starr of Glenâ€" allen spent Good Friday with Mrs. John la?l. Mrs. Peter Gruber spent ilast Thursday in Elmirs. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rennie, Mrs. Reid and Mr. and Mrs. John Bryden of the 3rd line spent Sunday afterâ€" Eoon wi}wh Mr. and Mrs. Aul;x ooper. e are pleased to note Mr. Rennie is able to be out again after his accident last Fall. Mr. Earl Tabbert is attending the Ontariq Educational Association Convention in Toronto this week. Mr. Ralph Adam has returned home after lpcndi? several days in Welleulex with his sister, Mrs. Ed. Erb and Mr. Erb. Easter visitors at the home of Mrs. John Logel were Mr. Michael Loge! of Assumption College, Sandâ€" wich, Miss Luella Logel, Mrs. James Mitchell and daughter Angela of Kitchener. Mrs, Johnson has returned to her kome on the 13th after -pendi? several weeks with her grandâ€" daughter, Mrs. Carson Mewhiney and Mr. Mewhiney. _ The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. Melvin Meâ€" whineé in the death of her brother, Mr. ordon McTavish, who was struck and killed by a special freight train on Sunday noon. Mabel and Evelyn of the 13th of Wellesley spent & day recently with their sister, Mrs. Carson l-‘i-uy Mr. S. D. Peacock is apending a few days in Kitchener with his daughter, Mrs. H. Small to vislt his son. Mr. Orval Hostetler of (Grimeby «pent Thureday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hostetler. The many friends of Mr. Fred Schaefer, who was serionsly 111 are pleased to see him out and around again at his advanced age of 84 years. Mrs. John Katzenmeler, Mr. and Mre. R. C. Lnckbardt, Rex Luckâ€" bardt and Earl Katzenmeler apent Sunday in Seaforth with Mr. George Seip The Easter program given by the Women‘s Missionary Society and Ladiea Aid at Oetzel‘a Church was well attended and a great success. Mr. Kenneth Marty of Port Colâ€" bourne spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Marty, Burns St. Mr. and Mre. George Hathaway and 1wo «ons of Stratford were vielâ€" tors on Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hathaway. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schultz and Mr. John Koerber were Mr. and Mré, Henry Koerber, Tavietock, Mr. and Mre. Lonia Koerber, Elmira, Misses Laura and Clara Koerber, Mrs. Reinâ€" hold Miller and Mr. Theodore Koerâ€" ber, Kitchener, Mr. Paul Hoffman and Mr. Walter Koerber, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carson of Stratford spent Good Friday with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mre. Fred Cookeon A. J. Brenner and family left on Sunday on a moter trip to Chicago where they will be the guesta of the former‘s brother for a week. Mr. and MPe. Hartman Krug and three children of Toronto spent the Easter holidaye with Mra. Krug‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kruspe, Wilmot atreet. Mr. and Mre. Robert Patton and danghter of ’l"ormz!o «pent the holiâ€" days with Mre. Pafton‘s mother, Mrs. W. H. Boullee. Mr. and Mre. W. Blick of Toronto and Mr. and Mre. Hilton Schuler of Kitchener were weekâ€"end vieitors with Mrs. Clayton Ingold and Clara Schuler, their aiaters. Mr. and Mra. G. Dippel and daughâ€" ter of (}ow:mtown visited at the home of Mrs. Dippel‘a mother, Mrs. William Mansz. Attractive Easter Window Dlz:y. One of the most attractive ter window displays along New Hamâ€" burg‘s _ business _ section _ during Easter week was» that of the Waterloo Coung Hatchery. The children with #ir parents were particularly interested in a flock of some 100 two weeks old chicks in varied colors in keeping with Easter. completed the ‘riy. Numerous _ Visitors at the home of Mr. an favorable comments were heard. _ Mrs. laaish Martin this waekâ€"ond WALLENSTEIN R. R. 1 MA NN H E1M l Sunday vieitore at the home of Mr. Fred Schneider wore: Mr. and IMrs John Schneider of Stratford, Mr. and Mre. Henry Schnelder. of Baden and Mr. and Mrs. William ‘Schneider of Wilmot Centre. World." Music will be furnished by the male chorus from Kitchener. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Bachert were Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Eby and son Eldred of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. es Eby and son Clayton of Kitche Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Shantz and daughters, Misses Cecilia and Corella Shantz. Misses Wilma Cressman â€" and Alta Stoltz spent Thursday of last week with Miss Mirianr Cressman at our local school. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kurt, Elmira, s{:ent Good Friday at the home of the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kurt. _ _ Mrs. Milton Weber spent Easter Monday _ with her sister, Mrs. Charles Koch, at Conestogo. Quite a”t';'wâ€"i'r(;rfi"iiâ€"i;"[;iace atâ€" tended the Easter program at Roseâ€" ville on Sunday evening. _ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hallman and daughter, Miss Aileen Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eby, Audrye and Nyal of Williamsburg, were Sunda’{ visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hallman. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shantz and daughter Wilâ€" ma, near Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Woolner and son Lyle and Miss Leona Shantz. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rickert and family of Kitchener spent the weekâ€" end with Mr. and Mrs. Addison Rickert. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Diefenbacher §pent the weekâ€"end at the home of theâ€"former‘s parents, Mr. and Mre. Elias Bingeman of Kitchener. Mr. and Mre. Simeon Schwartzenâ€" truber and sone were Sunday viaiâ€" tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe K Schwartzentruber on Sunday. We are sorry to report that Mr. Simeon Gascho is confined to his bed for the past week, being seriously i1 and his many friend« wish him a apeedy recovery. Mre. S. Devitt and Mrs. Geraldine Baker of Kitchener spent the weekâ€" end with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devitt. Mrs. E. Devitt spent 7'Mio‘n'dâ€";\§ afternoon with Mrs. Ezra Becker. Miss Vera Geiger of Kitchener is ;rending a short time with Mr. and rs. Clarence Klie. Mrs. M. Poll, Kitchener, is spendâ€" ing several days with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaster. Mtr. Lyle Bingeman of Kitchener was a tourist through this part of the country over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mre. Wiliam Zehr of Baâ€" den were visitors at the bome of Mr. and Mre. Allen W. Jantsi on Good Friday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mre. Eldon Cressman were Mr. and Mrs. Sim Cressman of New Dundee and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Diefenbacher. Mr. William Dubrick spent the weekâ€"end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dubrick of Kitchener. Mr. and Mre. Allen W. Jantal and family and Mre. J. Zehr apent Sunâ€" day evéning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Zehr of Baden. Mr. and Mra. C. B. Jantz visited with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron W. Jantsi of Welealey over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mre. Daniel Lichty of New Hamburg visited with friends in Victoriaburg and Pine HIill over the Raster holidays. A Mr. and Mre. C, E. Schwartsenâ€" tPuber and family apent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mre. Allan E. Schwartsentruber of Victoriaburg. Mr. Danie! Schwartsentruber and grandson Kenneth made a business mg to Kitchener on Saturday. l@itors at the home of Mr. and Para Sani 190â€"f00ur0!1 $.0.S. PADS 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 LJAM BARGAIN PEARS 2 :« 19¢ PU&DJEGS 2 »» 19c COR |Ҥ 5“9 1â€"1b. tin 22(; Oxydol s« > 19° Green Valley Tomatoes 2 ":.:" 19c Frankford Sweet Corn 3 "s* 25c Del Maiz Fancy Corn ‘#4 15c Royal City Peas "sâ€"«s»~ &# 15¢ falea-sor 2 a»» 1J° Ammionia 2~â€"11° For Faster Working Suds Orchard brand Apple and Raspberry . . and App'. and Strawberry. Made only with sound fruit . rtazed saly wih sF s * aa fi'." granulated "fi 4".. e bebua) se vee TEN a er h n:cid 0,".', tither k--: * To Polish Aluminum g. 14c and 23¢ PINE HILL 100% Pure Penmyhafu’. Motor Oil ennâ€"Rad :~« *1.149 Quite a few from this neighborâ€" hood attended the sale on Mr.~Aaron Zehr‘s farm near Wellesley on Monâ€" day. were Mr. and Mrs. David Holtz and family of Petersburg, Mr. and Mre. Eli Holtz and family of New Hamâ€" burgâ€" and Mr. and Mrs. Herman \'Ops and daughter Lillian. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Dorscht of North Easthope visited at the home Of Mr. and Mra. Elam Hase on Sunâ€" day. We all wish Mrs. J. Claydon a «peedy recovery, who has been conâ€" fined to her bed for the past few days. Farmers in this vicinity plan to etart seeding within a day or two if weather continues fine. _ Mr. Frank Buddin of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mre. C. E. Srhwartzentruber over the Easter holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Doerbecker spent the weekâ€"end with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mré. Jacob Ludwig. Mr. Wilfrid Hamacher and Miss Vera Hamacher spent the weekâ€"end in Preston. Mr. and Mra. Louis Moser and family of Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mra, John K. Forwell. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hinschberger of Mishawaka, Ind., are spending a few Cays with his mother, Mre. Daniel Hinachberger. Mr. Albert Querin, Mr. Edward Lobeinger, _ Misses â€" Loretta _ and Irene Lobsinger returned home after spending the past few days in Detroit and other border cities. Misa Margarete Chamberlain of Kitchener spent the holidays with her mother, Misses Marian and Barâ€" bara Busch of Kitchener spent the EKaster holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mres. Frank Runstetler and family of Kitchener spent Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hinaperger. Mr. and Mre. Fred Goodwin and famMly motored to London on Sunâ€" day. Mias Marie Dietrich of Waterloo spent Sunday with her parents. The annual meeting of the St. Clements Maple _ Leaf _ Amateur Athletic Association will be held on Friday, April 21st at 8 p.m. Mise Esther Koebel of the Notre Dame Academy of Waterdown spent the Easter holidays with her parâ€" enta. Mie«e Marie Allemang of the Stratâ€" tord Normal School is spending the Easter holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mre. J. Willis and family of Chippawa â€" avre «pending the Easter holidaya with her mother, Mra. J. Voison On account of the heavy raine in . the past week the prevailing road ‘ Mr. and Mre. J. Voison and famâ€" ily of Kitchener spent a few days with Mre. Joseph F. Voison. Seamless Axminster Rugs VANNIER‘S â€" Home Furnishing Sho Phone 3380 KITCHENER 13 Queen 3t. N. WE EMPLOY EXPERT WORKMEN TO FIT LINOLEUM IN YOUR ROOMS. ESTIMATES FREE ON ALL WORK. 93c 8T. CLEMENTS The p:smlnr room size rug in patterns suitable for Living and Dining rooms. Taupe and sand grounds, Patterns which go r’fiht through to the burlap backing. Ideal to brighten up the Kitchen or Bathroom. Price per square yard ... 31_25 Price, each ... 318.75 Inlaid Linoleums JUICE BEANS Ivory Soap CHEESE 2 * ms. 23c Orangeâ€"Cream Marshmailow ® §.|.§.CU|T§.... 9 1. 29c SODAS 2 lb. carton 28c Libby‘s Fancy Tomato It Floatsâ€"99414/100% Pure Seoap 5 .»â€" Floor W ax‘* Brooms â€"â€" I19° Peart White Naphtha Size 6â€"9 x 9 Mr. Donald Meyer of Elmira is spending the Easter holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Anâ€" ton Meyer. _ Mr. Pat Dietrich has returned home after spending a few days‘ vaâ€" cation with friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. A. Schickler and family of Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mre. Henry Dietrich on Sunday. Mise Louisa Beaupre of Kitchener epent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and lire. Eugene Reidel. Miss Vera Lynette of the 9th line epent the Easter holidays with her parents at Belmore. conditions leading to Crosshill and Bamberg are practically impassable. Miss Laura Beaupre of Waterloo spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mre. Alf. Herzog of Kitâ€" chener visited with his parents on Sunday. Mr. Peter Baechelor of Kitchener visited with his mother, Mrs. L. Baechelor on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Baechelor ol St. Jacobs called on his mother on Saturday, Mrs. Henty Helmbecker and famâ€" ily visited with Mr. and Mre. Meyer on Sunday. Mr. Jack Gross of Kitchener visitâ€" ed with friends here on Sunday. The H. E. Ratz Cooperage Comâ€" pany is at present operating at full capacity, manufacturing all sizes of Mr. and Mrs. John Gies of Heidelâ€" berg visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Fahrenkopf on Monday evening. Miss _ Marian _ Meyer returned home after spending sometime with friends and relatives in Toronto. Mre. N. Baver and daughter Arâ€" lene of Kitchener visited with her parents, Mr. and Mre. John K. Brenâ€" ner over the weekâ€"end. A delightful gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koebel on Monday evenng, it being the occasion of Miss Esther Koebel‘s birthday. The evening was pleasantâ€" ly «pent in all sorte of amusements. m flainty lunch wase served. anniversary George C. H. Lang, one of Kitchâ€" ener‘s prominent citizens, on Agril 13th observed his R#2nd birthday OBSERVES 82nd BIRTHDAY THE UPHOLSTERER Waterloo â€"~ Phone 440 WlLL REMODEL and new for only ... . $39.00 Also _ couches _ remodelied into Chesterfields with reâ€" versible cushions, for only $22.00 _‘ reâ€"uphoister your old Chesterfield Suite like No. 2% tin t ns go 14â€"01. 2 med. cakes 13c 6 guest size 24c Dick 25c 11c 15¢°

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