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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Apr 1933, p. 4

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Miss Roxy Kerry, only child of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerry of Eden Grove, near Cargill, had her jawâ€" bone broken when a horse she was putting in her father‘s barn kicked her. ’this is the second accident of this kind that Miss Ke has had. Some years ag:; a col{Yicked her in the face, threatening the sight of an e*e. Miss Kerry was rusked to the Walkerton Hospital. ( Mrs. Lizzie Teufs and family of Lisbon epent Sunday with her parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Boldt. Mre. Hubert Hauck has returned home after staying with her mother, Mre. Henry Stoesser of Josepheburg for a few days. o Mrs. Harry Lederman spent the weekâ€"end with her daughter, Mrs. Behling in Kitchener. â€" Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Stahle, a daughter. Congratulations! Mr. and Mre. John Roth and fam:â€" ily epent Monday with the formetr‘s parents, Mr. and Mre. Ben. Roth at New Hamburg. Mr. Alex Kieswetter has moved his householdâ€" effects to Bridgeport where he will again take up farming. Mre. Hubert Hauck has returned home again, after staying with her mother, Mrs. Henry Stoesser at Joâ€" sepheburg for a fow days. Mrs. Charles Knopfel and son Roâ€" bert and Mr. Erwin Knipfel spent their Easter holidays in Toronto. Mr. Ed. Rettinger of Baden was a business visitor here on Monday. . The Doon Softball Cub held a meeting April 10th. The election of officers resuited as follows: Hon. president, Nelson Wilfong; presiâ€" dent, Harold Snyder; viceâ€"president, Leslie Hogg; manager, Fred Sapeâ€" worth; captain, Ed. Smith; secre taryâ€"treasurer, Fred Sapeworth. Mr. John Bryce and Leslie Jack son spent a week in Arthur. Mise Hilda Thome of Toronto is epending the Easter vacation at the home of her father and sister, Mr. W. Thome and Miss A. Thome. The side roads of the village have been graded making great improveâ€" ment. Reâ€"Organize Softbail Club. The Young People‘s sewing circle held their meeting at the home of Mre. Carl Ott on Wednesday evenâ€" ing. Mes Lousie Goddard of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end at the home of her mother, Mre. W. Goddard. Mr. Leslie Hogg is apending the Easter vacation at his home in Stratâ€" ford. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hobbs and daughâ€" ter Eldred spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mre. W. Caster of Kitchâ€" Mr. and Mrs. &d. Lucas of Preston spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. Mr. and Mre. E. Kinsey and two children spent Saturday with relaâ€" tives at Limnerick. ener Miss Doris Wilfong of Hamtiton and Reg. and James Wilfong of the University of Western Ontario, Lonâ€" don, are spending the Easter vacaâ€" tion at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mre. N. Wilfong. Mr. and Mre. W. Near and son Stanley of Preston were Sunday visiâ€" tors at the home of Mr. and Mre. C. Reader. James Wise of Caledonia spent the Easter holiday at the bome Of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hatt. GIRL KICKED BY HORSE CURTAIN RODS ar 18e & 20e OILED WINDOW SHADES, . 34 x 12, #t :~saselons H. A. Germann CHINTZ @ ....... Waterioo ECRU PANELS . A most extraordina: sign. Heavy quality. { 2%4 yds. long. Special And can give you estimates on Inlaid {h-bu- No. FRILLED CURTAINS l ONTARIO STOP?t® A pogular line, in Green, remntroow Gold.” m;u?:ney Subject of Interesting Dobate by 2% yds. long. c A| ~ Literary Soeciety Mambers. | . 96 King 3t Weset PETERSBURG We also have SATISFY you‘ll need a lot of is for your home. Ont. Mr. Benjamin Snider of Waterloo| in Kitchener Rl‘lcowom. Joseph visited with Mr. and Mre. Omar Sniâ€"| Wohanski, Ki East, was .md der last Saturday. not . goilty “o? indecent t u':' i:r‘.s.-o at fl-"m:n. | ant cn&'.u it was .?.'.".5"‘3 ‘m Manton llng. and Wil and wife trying to blackâ€" bert Bechtal attended Anto Part m Rev. and Mrs. Sydney Shants and family of Owen Sound visited with relatives in the village and commuâ€" nity over the weekâ€"end. The Misses Mary Francis, Elizsa Tir‘af ihe Soonk Sohaote 21e z...“‘“' ers at are ing the Raster vacation at their reâ€" «pective homes at Bright, Preston and Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Snyder were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Becker at Kitchener on Sunday. A number from here attended the apecial Christian Endeayor Raster service at the Rosevilie U. B. Church service at the Roser on_suz“yA ovening. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bergey and Mr. David Bergey visited with Mt. and Mre. Merino Nahrgang at New Hamburg on the holiday. _ Mr. and Mre. Orley Uffelman and family of Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mre. Josiah Cassel on Sunday. Mr. Simon Weber, Mre. Tuchlinski and daughter Betty were guests of Mr. and Mre. Charles Weber at Bufâ€" falo, N.Y., over the weekâ€"ond. Miaa Mae Brownsberger and Mr. George Haworth of ‘Toronto spent a few days of last woek with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Toman. } Mrs. Maurice Shupe spent a few days of last week with Mr. and Mre. (lideon Reist near Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Spaetzel and family of Kitchener visited at the home of Mre. W. Spaetzel on Sunâ€" day. â€" Mr. and Mre. Eli Good and Mr. Jonas Good of New Hamburg visited with Mr and Mrs. Ezra Baer on Good Friday. Mre. August Kavelman and Mr. and Mre. Alex Brighton called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kaâ€" velman at Kitchener on Seturday. Mr. and Mre. Bellett and daughâ€" ter of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Oberer. Miss Clara Reekie of Grand Valley was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. E. 8. Brown over the weekâ€"end. _ Mr. and Mre. E. B. Hallman called on Mrs. Elies Hallman at Washingâ€" ton on Sunday. __Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Duench and eon Arnold visited with Mr. and Mre. Stephen Duench at Wallenstein on Sunday. _ day Mies Vinetta Baer epent Sunday at Tevistock. Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Kellsey of Waterloo, Mr. and Mre. John Grody, Miss Ferne Stoits and Mr. Howard Kellsey of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mre. James Kellsey on Sunâ€" Miss Priscilia ildner was the guest of Miss Cora Yates at Kitch ener over the weekâ€"end. Mre. Fred Lautenschlager of Kitâ€" chener spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mre. Victor Dinger. Mr. and Mre. Delton Snider and daughter Delores of Waterloo visit ed with Mr. and Mre. Omar Snider last Thursday. Mesere. Ralph and Eben Howtng spent the weekâ€"end at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Cranson Hallman and children Muriel and Glen visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Becker at Rosevillie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKessock spent the weekâ€"end with relatives near Chatsworth. Special services were held in the various churches on Good Friday and on Easter Sunday. Communion was also held at the St. James Luâ€" theran Church at both the morning and evening services on Sunday. Personals. Mre. W. J. Newton and Miss Doris Newton of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mre. Norman Kaster over the Easter weekâ€"end. Mrs. Andrew Koehler of St. Agatha vieited with relatives and friends in the village and community last week. _ _The April meeting of the Baptist Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Lautenschlager last Wednesday afternoon. The presiâ€" dent, Mrs. C. F. Krauth, presided and the members responded to the roll call with an Easter response. The secripture lesson was read by Mre. LautenscHlager. During the program several Easter readings were given as follows: "Looking Unto Jesus", by Mrs. Fred Lang; "Sammy and His Easter Lily", by Mre. Victor Dinger; "Easter Mesâ€" sage", by Mrs. Lincoln Cassel; an Easter poem, "Just One Day Apart", by Miss Julla Lautenschlager. is being abused it should be Itm»od”. The affirmative side was _ The members of the Baptist Sunâ€" day School presented a splendid [Eutor cantataâ€"pageant, _ entitled "‘Raster Sunrise", at the church on 'Mond-y evening. Amidet a profuâ€" sion of Raster lilies, ferne and other Spring flowers the Kaster message was given in song and story. Angels, Mary Magdalene, the other Mary, Salome, Peter, John and the happy children were depicted in costume. In spite of the bad road conditions and the rainy night a fairly large crowd was in attendance. interesting Readinge. The first picnic of the season was held by the first form girls of the N.D.C.8. during the noon hour last Thursday. Cantata Well Presented. mola Madter and Eiton Battler. The negative side which was awarded the decision was taken by Andrew Bean, Walter Atkinson and Raiph Toman; a dialogue, "The Potter‘s Resolution Troubles"; School song, "Bmile, Smile, Smile"; reading by Iva Zinn; School paper by Walter Atkineon; School song, "The Maple Leaf"; reading by Miss Francis; "God Save The King". was as follows: School song, "Oh, Canada"; a debate "Resoived that Since the Reliof System of Ontario ‘The monthly meeting of the N.D. C.8. Literary Society was held last Persenals and other itoms as toid by Waterice Chronicie DISTRICT NEWS "“tl; Rev. Mr. Marshall conductâ€" ing service. Interment was made in Winterbourne cemetery. Elizabeth Smith died at Hespéler, April 13th, in her 85th year, Mrs. Annie Winters of Guelph is a sister and Stuart D. Smith of Kitchener, ACQUITTED OF Failing to rall followlrn an acciâ€" dent inâ€"which IKC suffe a fracâ€" tured hip two weeks ago, Mrs. Mre. James Hope received the aad news on Monday of the death of her uncle, Rev. John Reibe!l of Detroit, formerly of this place. Mr. Reibel lived on the farm now known as the "Weatherby aFrm". M Special numbers in song were: eolo by Mrs. M. B. Snyder of New Dundee, "It Was For Me"; duet by Rev. and Mre. G. D. Fiemming, "Lead Me To Calvary"; duet by Misses Margaret Shelby and Evelyn Bricker, "Ashamed of Jesue". Three numbers were rendered by the choir. Rev. G. D. Flemming brought the Kaster message to a full house. The Christian Endeavor of the U.B. Church had charge of the Sunâ€" day evening service. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mre. Levi Holm were Mt. and Mre. Goby, Mr. and Mre. E. ‘Holm and Joan all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Holm and daughter Mildred of Pletteville, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geheman and daughter Stella of English Settiement. Mr. and Mre. Cranson Halliman of New Dundee were visitors at the latter‘s home on Sunday. Miss Margaret Schreiber of Gelt, Miss Hilda Woelfle of Kitchener and Mr. and Mre. E. Schreiber of Greenâ€" field were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mre. Henry Schrelber. Visitora during the past week at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Henrich were: Mr. and Mrs. Hiller of Sarnie, Mr. Carl Henrich of Kitchener, Mr. and Mre. Reipert, Mr. and Mrs. Walâ€" ter Henrich and family all of Toâ€" ronto. Mr. John Heubach of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Kaiser on Sunday. Mre. John Follard and daughter, Miss Jessie Cress of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cress and sons Norward and Roswell of Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marshall. Rev. Mr. and Mre. H. Shants and daughter Evelyn of Port Elgin were weekâ€"end visitors at the latter‘s home. Miss Myrtle Poll of Kitchener visited at her home on Sunday. â€" Mr. and Mre. J. Hope visited with Misses Orpha and Alma Detwoller Of Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rahn and famâ€" ily of Preston were guests of the Misses Sara and Angeline Hallman on Friday. Master Winston Becker and sister Betty of Alma St., Kitchener, were weekâ€"end guests of their grandparâ€" entts, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Becker. Mr. Neal Kavelman of Kitchener is epending the hollday with his brother Henry. Mr. and Mre. John Faikner and son Billy of Toronto were weekâ€"ond guests at "Weatherby Farm". Guests at the home of Mrs. J. Bricker on Good Friday were: Mr. and Mre. H. S. Hallman and family of Dickie Settlement and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shelby and son Billy of Parie. Mr. and Mre. Harry Brodhaecker and daughter of Dickie Sottlement were Sunday visitore at the home of Mre. Allan Feick. Miss Vera Hallman of Kitchener epent the weekâ€"end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hallman. Mrs. Clayton Weber of Waterloo sepent the weekâ€"end with Mre. Simon Weber. Mr. and Mre. Edgar Latech and daughter Doris visited with the forâ€" mer‘s parents, Mr. and Mre. O. Latsch of the Plaing on Sunday. The Misses Ruth and Doris Kinzle of Kitchener are epending the Easter vacation with their grandâ€" parents, Mr. and Mre. James Kelleey. Mr. Joseph Snider of Waterloo, Mr. Moses Bowman and Mr. Bowman of St. Jacobs visited with Mr. Christian Shantz on Monday. Mr. Wellington Bock of Welland was a weekâ€"end visitor with his moâ€" ther, Mre. A. R. Bock. Miss Clara Sider of Waterloo was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Snider over the weekâ€"end. The Misses Angeline and Sara Hallman spent a few days of last week in Ayr. _ Mr. and Mre. Ed. Coxson and Mr. Dougias Coxeon of Plattsyilie visited ‘ :.tu relatives in the village on Sun y. __ _A large number of the M.BC. %::;A.t Rally held at u‘.h Bethany ‘s y a Mennonite Church, Kitchener on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mervinâ€"Bowman snd Miss Nellie Bowman of Pine Hill and Miss Eva Bowman of Kitchener visited with Rev. and Mre. C. W. Backus on Sunday. Mrs. A. Hilborn attended the dis trict Women‘s Institute Directors‘ meeting at Galt on Saturday afterâ€" noon. _ _Mesers. Donald and Rimer Jacob visited with Mr. and Mre. Jacob Dietz at St. Agatha on Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Kaveiman of Platteville visited wth Mr. and Nre. George Kinwachter on Sunday. Mr. Wesley Steckley of Stouffville was the guest of Mr. and Mre. Maurice Shupe over the weekâ€"ond. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schmidt of Petersburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Seyler on Sunday. Tepburs bpant a fow dare of this DIED AT HESPELER ROSEVILLE ASSAULT CHARGE Dorothy Melitzer, George Melitzer and Jean Sho@maker are visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. lon Martin of Yatton. tors on Sunday at the home of Mr. hi 2. . von Messre. Rdgar and Archie Lasby of Rockwood were business visitors in the village last Thursday. The W.M.S. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mré. J. P. Snider on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Vera Fewings is spendings the holidays with her parents . in Millbank. Mias Murie! Snider of Toronto is spending the holidays with her parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mre. J. P. Snider. Mr. F. Ferguson is spending the holidays at his home in Plattevilie. Mr. and Mre. lan Martin of Yatton spent Sunday with the latter‘s parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Melitzer. day on Mr. and Mrs. Hame! of Kitâ€" hustatthnab Py iiicectsrenss £Bi s 24. 00 .M .. 4 Mr. and Mre. Arthur Smith, a daughâ€" tor. . M e h t t m o w m ho we h ie h ho ae ho e m m on m h an on ie e me 90 h ie h o e h i on on Ao me m in m ho ie oo o ie on m ie io n an oo is oo 5n s ie on me as in ie ms in ns is on e is e im e me m se Address of your local Hydro System Write your name here WF‘rite your address here HYDROâ€"ELECTRIC SYSTEM of Fill out and mail this coupon today for survey of premises to secure. Free Electric Flat Rate Water Heaters Home Owners must make application If you desire any additional information on any point, your local Hydro officials or municipality will gladly furnish it. This absence of elaborate detail and unnecessary red tape in applying for free installation of water heaters is one of three direct advantages conferred on the people of Ontario by the Ontario Hydro Free Instalâ€" lation Plan. The other advantages are : 7 1. The installation of flat rate electric water heaters will be absolutely free of cost to the houseâ€"owner, landlord, or tenant. Cost of heater element, tank insulation, thermostat and necessary wiring will be borne by the Commission. All the consumer will do is to pay a new low rate for the service he receives. N ORDER to secure early installation of free electric flat rate water heaters it is necessary for houseâ€"owners, landlords and tenants to send in their application mow, by means of the coupon shown below. The method is simple and direct. Simply write your name and address in the space provided, and mail it to your own local Hydro or apply at your local Hydro offices or municipality and a preliminary survey will be made of your home to determine conditions of wiring, the existing system of hot water heating and your hot water requirements. From that the type and capacity of the flat rate water heater is decided and, also, whether a "Booster" heater is required in addition. Then installation proceeds. In any home where the new low flat rate electric water heater is installed a higher standard of comfort, convenience and economy will immediately be created. The fact that electric water heating is the best and most economical means known ; that the new equipâ€" ment will be troubleâ€"free, automatic in action and requiring no attention from the householder, and that Ontario power rates are among the lowest in the world, indicates how much this free heater plan means to the citizens of Ontario. * 106 King West "XSan New Jackets | ver Fox Scarfs Let us take proper care of your Furs and be assured that they will be in proper condition next Fall Should you wish any Repair or Reâ€" modelling or Relining on your Coat, we can save you money as our summer prices are very reasonable. Estimates given. Storage and Repairing Brodey Draimin Fur Co. C. H. Germana, Mgr. KITCHENER > 106 1 Storage only 2% of your own â€" 25.00 30.00 * 35.00 HON. J. R. COOKE, M.L.A., Chairman. C. ALFRED MAGUIRE, Commussioner. RT. HON. ARTHUR MEIGHEN, PC., K.C., C W. W. POPE, Seretary. We have just passed‘into stock a new assortment of Ladies‘ Juckets in Rose, Beige, Light Beige, Grey, Brown and Black, made in that good Summer Fur LAPAN, and they give service. Sizes 14, 16, 18. Priceâ€" Write the name of your municipality here 106 King St. W. Phone 3020

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