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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Apr 1933, p. 3

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A quiet chnrch wedding took place at Zion Evangelical church. Kitch ener, April 12. when Miss Gwendolyn Noble. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Plummer. Weber street east, beâ€" came the bride of Mr. Arthur Koehâ€" ler. son Of Mrs. Martha Koehler, Waliter «treet. and the late John S. Koehler of Kitchener. Rev. G F. Barthel officiated. After the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride‘s porents. The rooms were beautiâ€" fully decorated with green and yelâ€" low streamers and daffodile. Buffet refreshments w.re served with Mrs J. Grosz, Mre. H. Hertzberger and Miss Ivah Schneider as aseistante. The bride wore a yellow crepe gown with hat to match and carried a bonqnot of white aweet peas and yellow orchids. The bridesmaid, Misa Ella Wakefield. was gowned in pale green silk point desprit net dress with picture hat and shoes to match and carried a bouquet of orâ€" chid aweet peas. Mt. Alvin Plnmmer the brother of the bride, was the best man. LENTEN SERVICES IN WATERLOO CHURCHES Nine churches in Waterloe on Fri day held apecial aervices and a numâ€" ber of the churches continned holy week services for the week. At St. Loni«‘ R. C. Church a preâ€" sanctified mass was eung on Friday with a eermon by the pastor At the First United Church a Lenâ€" ten Cantata was presented Thursday evening. Good Friday service was held in the motning and in the evenâ€" ing a communion service was held in Knox Presbyterian Church when sacrament was administered Passion week services commenced at the Evangelical church Thureday evening with a German «ervice Priâ€" day morning when Rev. W. Berâ€" berich preached. At the St. John‘s Lutheran Church cervice was held Wednesday even; ing and Thuraday night a communâ€" on service was conducted hy Rev. C S. Roberts, the pastor. Friday morning the service wa« in German and in the evening a communion was administered A Litany service was held at the St._ Saviour@ church. Wedneeday night and communion eervice on Thursday evening. The service on Friday commenced at 12 and conâ€" tinmed nntil 3 o‘clock Prof. Enns of Goshen, Ind.. adâ€" dres@ed the congregation at the Erb St. Mennonite Church on Friday evening. A service of rong was held in the afternoon. St. Paul‘s Mennonite Church aleo held apecial «ervice« Friday mornâ€" Ing "Farm and Home Week" this year will be held at the O.A.C.,, Guelph, June 19 to 23 inclusive, and a large number from this district plan to attend. A varied program is being prepared. Accommodation is being nnrd for those who desire to :&' ‘or the complete program. Spring Suits _ Spring Topcoats 2 â€"Trouser Suits and 1 â€"Trouser Suits . . They were made by a leading specialist â€"recognized as probably the country‘s leading makers of $25 Suits and Topcoats. To keep his organization going we made a tremendous cash purchase disregarding proâ€" duction cost to give you this phenomenal offering of upâ€"toâ€"theâ€"minute Suits and Topâ€" coats. Seeing is the only way of believing. The selection is stuâ€" pendousâ€"worsted and tweed suits in every new style, model and color. Topcoats in every new model, fabric and styleâ€"for men and young men and high school fellows. They are worth twice $10 and more. Never, never before such values! FARM AND HOME WEEK 46 KING ST. E. CLOTHES > Yotu‘ll Need Now At Prices You Can Afford EARNST 8 sz 2: 1 and 2 Trouser Suits and Topcoats $ 1 5.00 Weddings Koehlerâ€"Noble $10 11 Phenomenal Savings Super Twentyâ€"tioâ€"Fifty New Spring Suits with two pair of golf bloomers. New fresh, just unâ€" packed. We‘ll vouch that your boy will get more satisfaction than he ever got in a clothing buy. _ For confirmation, graduation and dress. New blue and fancy striped worsteds. Singleâ€"breasted with two long trousers." Sizes to 36. At the St. John‘s Church, Waterâ€" lo0, Rev. C. S. Roberts addreased the claes Of 44 confirmants. Appropriate music by the choir added to the imâ€" pressiveness of the service. The choir numbers included: "The Lord Carl _ Manski, _ Linceln â€" Boldue, Douglas _ Hilker, _ Walden _ Ewald, fiarry Pfanner, Edwin Such, Heinz Henchel, Wilfred Renel, Woodrow Dotzert, Anthony Warnholz, Albert Lautenechlager. Harry Wendell, Milton Schneider, Harold Walz, Wilâ€" bert Gildner, Bruce Easton. Robert Ernst. Clifford Roberts, Kar]l Preiss. Arthut Schlote. Frederick Molson Marjore Enler, Reta Ermel, Reta Hebebrandt, (ieorgina Binkle, Beaâ€" trice Knarr, Katherine Shantz, Irene Dietz. Beatrice Witzel, Viola Moser, Ruth Preiss, Annie Koehle. Helen Laing. Reta Wahl. Ruby Geiger, Lillian Yanke, Beatrice Seip, Tea Aksim, Ethel Stahle, Norma Schmidt. Wihelmine Mueller. Marâ€" garet Heller, Catherine Laing and Mrs. W. Denton. CONFIRMATION SERVICES PROVE IMPRESSIVE Confirmation eetrvices in the vyariâ€" ous Kitchener and Waterloo Lutherâ€" an Churches were most impressive ard attended by large congregations. The altars of the churches were beanâ€" tifully decorated with lovely «pring Nowers. In all 160 yogng people were confirmed at Kitchener and 44 at Waterloo soloists, â€" while Carlâ€" Bull of St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church, Kitchener, satng "Open the Gates." Carl Bofâ€" finger. qrganist. played organ numâ€" bers "Temple Prelude". "The Palms", and Church march on Onâ€" ward Chriatian Soldiets Names of Confirmants Carl _ Manski, _ Lincoln _ Boldue. PAGEANT "THESE THREE" WELL PRESENTED is my Shepherd" with Wm. Miller, Ed. Liphardt and Mrs. Gne. Schmidt A biblical pageant entitled "These Three", prepared by Jane Bechtel VanEvery, was given in the First United â€" Church, Waterloo. _ Ruth Bechtel Whiting ditected the play. Those who took part were J. G. Brown, Wm. J. Cowls, Mrs. Hugh MacLean; messengers, Bobby Parâ€" sons, Bruce Mathesitt and Russel Hansberger; Job‘s comforters were Ed. McAvoy, Enosh Hunsberger, Hugh MacLean and Wilbur Jones. (thers who took part were: the minister, Rev. F. Mat‘:pson; missionâ€" ary, Dr. Mathews; teacher, Miss Nancy Devitt; social service worker, Miss. Ethel Cookman; nurse, Miss Audrey Scheifele; father, J. Little; mother, Miss Elizabeth Clayfield, and children, Miss Mary Hepburn and Tommy VanEvery. Â¥he art of the voice of our Lorcfwu ugen by J. G. Brown. Harry Hill was organâ€" ist, while Miss W. R. Bechtel was in charge of costumes with Mrs. Ruth B. Whiting, director. | The government grant to the K. & W. Collegiate will be $8,088 which is a cut of 20 per cent. from the previous year. 2â€"Trouser High School $10.80 . . $22.50 NEW SPRING BOYS‘ $7.95 ~$10 GRANT CUT 20% at KITCHENER For Spring, at Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. leaiah Wismer were; Mr. George | Baetz â€" of _ Williameburg, Bishop and Mrs. Mose Brubacher of St. Jacobs, Mr. Jacob Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Shantz, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Martin and Mrs A. S. Cressman. Mr. Jacob Snider of German Mills spent Eaeter at the home of his Gaughter, Mrs. Isainh Creseman and Mr. Cressman. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snider and «ons Donald and Murray of Weteroo, Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Snider and sons Harold and Norman of German Mills an Mr. adn Mrs. Clifford Snider and sou of St. Agatha epent Easter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Snider. Meeare. Ezra Beachy, Orie Miller and Levi Hartzler of Goshen, Ind., «pent Wednesday evening at the home of Rev. and Mre. Simon Martin. Mr. and Mre. Neil Wanner spent Eacter at the home of their daughâ€" ter, Mrs. Telford Broadhecker and Mr. Broadhecker of Williamsburg. _ Waterloo Lawn Bowling greens are beirg put into condition for the loponlng of the 1933 seraon next month. A membership drive will [mx. place ahortly when it ie hoped to increase the membership from 98 to over one hundred. A Twin City league this year will compriee Waterloo Lawn Bowling club, Muâ€" tual Life, Beaver club and Kitchener club. _ Miss Marie Schuett of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with her parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schuett. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wismer and uaughter, Retty spent Easter Sunâ€" day with relatives at New Hamburg. Masters Harold and Norman Sni der of German Mills spent the week end at the home of their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mré. Nathaniel Snider Mr. and Mre. Clarence Wismer and daughter Vera Mrs. Herb Wismer and daughter Betty and Mrs. Isaiah Wismer visited at the home of Mrs. Naney Shiry at Preston on Good Friday Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Gammie of Middlebrook visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hardy, Miss Ruby Snider of German Mills spent Sunday with her cousine, Misses Reta and Marjorie Cressman. Messrs, Otto Binkle and Samuel Swartz of Goshen. Indiana spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Uriae Snider. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Schoch and «on Robert, Mre. Cyrus Schoch and Mre. Walter Roedding. all of R@ahâ€" ener called at the home of Mr. and Mre. Isaiah Creesman on Sunday. Five of the atudents of the Menâ€" nonite School at the Goshen, Ind.. held a special service at the Mennoâ€" nite Church on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Snider apent Sunday at the home of the latter‘s sisiter. Mrs. Sim Creseman and Mr. Cre«sman of Waterloo. Miss Margaret Langdon of Waterâ€" loo is spending some time with her purents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Langdon. School was cMged on Thursday for a week of er vacatton with the teacher, MisA Betty Easton apending the vacation at the home Qute a number from this commuâ€" nity attended the eervices at the Kitchefier _ Eaat End _ Mennonite Church in charge of the Goshen etuâ€" dents. The many friends of Mr. Jas. Causland are pleased to hear that he is recovering from his serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McTaggart aund little son John of West Monâ€" trose spent Monday with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Causland. oi her parents, Mr..and Mrs. Tom Easton of Ayr. LAWN BOWLING CLUB PREPARES GREENS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kurtz spéi\( Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buchholtz, at Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Causland spent Sunday with the latter‘s parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fleet, at Glenallan. Mr. Lloyd MacKay of Willowdale is spending the holoidays with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burnett. Mr. Fraser MacDonald and Miss Ruby Kiein, teachers of the Winterâ€" bourne School, are spending the holidays at their homes at Moles worth and Stratford, Miss Angeline Snyder, teacher at Victoria School, is spending the holiâ€" days at her home near West Monâ€" trose. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burnett spent Sunday evening with relatives at Hespeler. _ 0 â€" Mr. and Mrs. John Mahood of Elâ€" mira spent Thursday evening witht Mrs. Jean Milliard. Miss Marjorie Trull of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burnett. Messrs. Henry Burnett and Lloyd MacKay spent Sunday with friends at Glen l(%erris. ' The funeral of the late Mrs. Wm, Bmith, who died last T\Mb.‘ at her home in Hespeler, was at the _ Winterbourne _ Presbyterian cemetery on Sunday afternoon. She was in her 85th rnu Rev. A. M. Hamilton of Guelph conducted the services. Much syl::nthy is exâ€" tended to the bereaved family in this their hour of sore bereavement. Mrs. Norman Wright and daughâ€" ter Margaret of Detroit are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell. Mrs. Pender returned to her home in Guelph on Friday evening after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sexton Hamilton. Mrs. Thos. Clemens of near Stratâ€" ford spent the weekâ€"end with her Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bowman and family moved last Wednesday to their new farm near Shants S_t.nio_n. which they recently purâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Reeburn Hamilton and family of Brantford spent the weekâ€"end with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sherriffs _ arents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Milâ€" iard. C Personals and other items as told by Waterios Chromible STRASSBURG DISTRICT NEWS Renewed drowsy droots in the swamplands last week were tenderâ€" ly reminiscent of happier Eastertides agone. SAVE COST OF VOTERS‘ LIsTS The action of the Ontario governâ€" ment in nuuming the cost of the rovincial votera‘ lists in future gutun means that the City of Kitchâ€" ener will save about $400, Waterloo $180 and Preston about $190. Once more the sap season hes come and gone and this week will probably all the sapbuckets cartâ€" ed out of the augar bushes and stored away for further use next year. _ Again, as predicted, the Eaeter ful moon witnessed the most prolific «accharine run of the season. In a West Wallenstein woodland where 725 maples are annually twpped only 135 gallone of syrup were made this years as compared with 270 galions produced last year. The shrill rattling ery of the belted kingfisher is now sounding up and down the ewollen murky, river. Mr. Amos C. Martin motored to Windsor on Tuesday and returned with a fine new tractor for a proâ€" gressive farmer in Peel. Rev. fsrael Weber of St. Jacobs and Rev. Henry S. Bauman of Hawkesvilie were the preachers at the special services held at the Peel Mennonite Church of West Wallenâ€" stein on Good Friday morning. Several pereons from this locality were present at the wellâ€"attended evening services held in the audiâ€" tortum of the home of Mr. Nathan E. Martin of Hawkesville at eight o‘clock on Waster "Sunday evening. During the interesting | meeting, which was in charge of Mr. Goetz of Hawkesville. two or three auitâ€" able hymna were impressively aung by a Wallenateinâ€"Kitchener octette and aeveral persons present particiâ€" pated in prayer and teétimony. The evening topic. "If we suffer with Him we shall also reign with Him", was ably handled by Mr. Istmel M. Martin of The Golden .Rule Book Store. Kitchener A large number of muskrats have been captured by one of our most experienced _ local â€" trapper _ this spring. Mr. W. E. Easun of Kitchener was a :\londay visitor in this vicinity. Vicinity teachere are enjoying their Easter vacations at the followâ€" ing home centres: Mr. Victor Macâ€" Lennan at Macton and Millbank, Mr. Lanvent Reichert at Elmira, Mrs. J. Rae Hamilton, at Listbwel and Miss Evelyn Clark at Goderich. Easter Monday‘s «ombrous weaâ€" ther finished up with such a heavy iainfall in the evening that all the vroadside rills were set merrily runâ€" ning again. Howson and Howson of Wingham werg deliverng a truckload of their popular brands of flour at local tradâ€" ing centres on Monday. Next Lord‘s Day afternoon, April 23. Mennonite Church services will be held at Martin‘s Meeting House and at West Woolwich near Elmira. Mr. Henry Bauman, son of Rev. Henry S. Bauman, has just comâ€" pleted his Freahmaf year at the O.A.C., Guelph, with first clase honâ€" ore, and ranking at the head of his The Wallensteinâ€"Yatton highway is much improved «ince the road: grader ironed it out last Thursday. Mr. and Mre. Isaai B. Frey have vamed their baby «on "Arthur‘. Good Friday Mennonite Church services were held at Martin‘s Meetâ€" ing House and also at West Wallenâ€" stein and Elmira. Mr. Henry Hedrich of Elmira and Mr. Benjamin S. Brubacher of Northâ€" east Elmira each shipped a carload of fat cattle from Wallenstein to West Toronto om Saturday afternoon. Anywhere from a dozen to a score 0f cars were pnlle}oul of miry porâ€" tion« of the highway just east and aleo north of Wallenstein last week. Orion and his luminary associates will soon take their summer leave of the evening skies. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar K. Adkin and son Howard spent Easter Sunday at London, Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gooding were Mr. and Mre. Charles Plantz and Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Ratz of Detroit, Mt. and Mrs. Wiiliam Hahn and daughâ€" ter Marjorie of Bridgeport and Mr. and Mre. Clarence Ratz and family Newton and Hattie, of Waterloo. Wallenstein News Notes. The river woodlands were vocal vith the son0rous notes Of a returnâ€" ing mourning dove on Good Friday afternoon. Plowing was in progress on a cou ple of riverside farms here on Satur day. Crocusses, pink and purple and white. are daintily abloom in South Wallenstein gardens. Mr. Amos C. Martin was a Thurs day vsitor at Guelph. Mr. Uriae Martin spent Good Fri day at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mré. Emmanuel Marâ€" tin of Elmira. Rev. Jeese Bowman and Mrs. Bowâ€" man were recently North Elmira vieitors with Mrs. Wendel Martin and family. Sunday visitore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elias W. Martin of Peel were Mrs. Martha Krueger and the Misses Carrie Montoux and Ide}â€" la Waterman of Kitchener. Mr. Davig M. Sherk of Lexington was an Raster visitor with friends in this locality, Mr. Henry 8. Bauman of the O.A. C., Gueiph, is holidaying here for the summer. and son Donald of I.hc#u: were ::1,“" guesis of NOrth Wallenstein latives. Mr. and Mre. Isaish F. Martin and son Henry spent Good Friday as visi tors with Mr. and Mre. Eli M. Marâ€" tin in their newly acquired home in Floradale. Mr, and Mré. Angus Bauman of the Fourth of Peel and Miés Maâ€" tilda Martin wxe Sunday guests of Mr. and. Mre. Ivan Cressman. were in Kitchener last Wednesday Mr. and llu...glnm E. Tallms L WALLENBSTEIN M Mr 1 | .. 1 he siiver medding anniversary of Mrs. A. W. Ruler has returned home after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Stevens, in Stratford. Easter visitors at the home of Mrs. Annie Jackson were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Merklinger and family of Owen Sound, Miss Luella Jackson of Kitchener, and Mr. Stanley Overâ€" and of Arthur. Mr. Sid spent Ea: 13th Line Mr. Henry Becker, who has been employed with Mr. Charley Bulmer of Wallenstein for several months, returned to his home last week. Rev. A. A. Laing of Linwood visited at the home of Mrs. M. Fenâ€" ton on Monday. ___ _ _ Quite _ a number attended the fl;rimz Horse Show at Drayton on onday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jackson and i:on Morley spent Sunday in Waterâ€" 00. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Scheifele and Mrs. J. Burdell Johnson of Waterloo were Good Friday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jackâ€" son. Mrs. Elwyn Cherry and Miss Mary Mathews were Thursday visitors with Mrs. Gordon Metzger. _ _ _ Sincere sympathy of this comâ€" munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McTavish in the loss of their son, Gordon, who was accidently killed on Sunday morning. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Urias Bowman and family moved to their home on the 11th line to the farm formerly owned by Mr. John L. Huber. Mr. Henry Schlueter of Elmira spent Monday in town with relaâ€" tives. Mr. Earl Stevens of Stratford spent the Easter holidays with his finlndpnrents. Mr. and {lrs. A. W. uler. Mr. Norman Mathews and Mr. Elâ€" wyn Cherry were Thursday business visitors to Guelph and Kitchener.. Miss Annabelle Mathews and Mr. Art Sheard of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mathews and daughter of Woodstock were Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmerâ€" son Mathews. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Mathews accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brydon were Elmira visitors on Saturday. Miss Theilma Hammond of Elmira spent the weekâ€"end at the home of her father, Mr. Fred Hammond. Mr. John Martinson of Wallenâ€" stein called on Mrs. Maria Fenton on Monday. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson of Toronto were weekâ€"end visitors at the home of the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jackson. We are glad to report that Mrs. Ira Jackson is able to be up after being confined to her bed for several months. The f.may of the late Noah Marâ€" tin spent Monday at the home of their â€" sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. _ Albert Martin. Mr. and Mra. Hilbert Weichel and family of Elmira were visitors with =‘n. Weichel‘s parents, Mr. and rs. 8. L. Schedwite. Miss Elvina Becker of Kitchener is spending her Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker. Miss Evelyn Clark, our teacher, is spending the Easter holidays at her home in Goderick. Mr. Louis Weber and Mr. Earl Ottman were visitors to Elmira on Thursday. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tyack and daughter Donna spent the Easter weekâ€"end with the former‘s mother, Mrs. William Tyack. We are sorry to report the illâ€" ness of Mrs. Tom Markham at the h of Mrs. Maria Fenton. We h*her illness is not serfous. Mrs. Henry Schlueter, her daughter, of Elmira, is attending her. _ Mr. and Mrs. William Goetz and family spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wideman of Wallenâ€" stein. Mr. Irvine Becker of Elmira spent Sunday at his home here. Saturday visitors to Kitchener were: Mr. Noah Martin, Mrs. J. Haight, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lackner, Mr. Elam Martin, Mr. Nathan Marâ€" tin, Mrs. Alvyin Ottman and daughâ€" ter Eva and Messrs. Earl Ottman, Calvin Tyack and Earl Tyack. Mr. Nelson Snyder of Kitchener was a Saturday visitor with his father. Miss _ Nettie Schlueter spent Easter Sunday at her home near Linwood. Mr. Howard Schiebel of Kitchâ€" ener spent Friday with friends here. Mr. William Baehler has purâ€" chased a Chevrolet touring car. Miss B. Tanner of Millbank visited the Easter holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Charley Bulmer. _ Mrs. Fred Plain of St. Marys is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Maria Fenton. PEOPLE GATHER The Mennonite young people‘s rally held at the Kitchener Bethany Menmonite church Good Friday was largely attended with a good repreâ€" sentation of yourg people from Stratford, Brantford, Markham, Lisâ€" towel, Stouffville, Vineland and Toâ€" ronto. Crucifixion was the subject for the morning and: ihe-'lle;:x;;"ec< tion in the afternoon. A number of our folks attended the play "Mother Mine" held in Crosshillfi hall on Friday night. OB ZIAILE T tat .\ ds n s s ons PM mt by Mr. E. W. Smith and lfii responded to by Mr. hinfi; humerous readinfi by Mr. Smith folâ€" lowed. Guests nJuded Mr. and Mrs. Laing of Gueiph, Mrs. Straâ€" ford of Gravenhurst, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Grierson of Midland. celebrated with a family dinner Pelerine. " on oudss " thrang oame: steiled " ts ane s t dining room was artistically decorâ€" .vm‘uk:.gn.‘h::j u:dhl:v:lls lily of the valley. The dnvhadm- was also beauâ€" tifully decorated with spring flowers sent by friends. A toast to the bride and groom was ably proposed MENNONITE YOUNG Upwards of 175 Friends. Gather to Sidney Everatt of Waterloo Easter at his home on the HAW KESVIL LE J. M. Laing. YATTON ADVERTIBING In The CHRONICL® BRINGA ARBOULTS Mr. and Mrs. A. Stuart and famâ€" ily of Torgnto, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Seigner and family of Stratâ€" ford were Easter visitors at Mr. Jacob Seigner‘s. _ Prof. Enns and Prof. Harold Benâ€" der, both of Goshen College, Goshâ€" en, Indiana, had charge of the serâ€" vice at the C. M. Church on Good Friday. _ __ â€" Miss Marie Burkholder ';'fi'e'fiiwlhe weekâ€"end with Miss Gladys Shantz at Preston. Mrs. Melinda Shantz, Waterloo, visited her daughter, fin. George ‘l’!einhan and Mr. Reinhart on Friâ€" ay. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hammond family of Comber are visiting week _ with the former‘s father, Jas. B. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacNorris and family and Mrs. J. Rankin of Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Chalmer and family of Hampstead and Mrs. J. Irwin of Toronto were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Seigner. â€" Mr. and Mrs. J. Gascho and daughter of Poole and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wagler and son of Millbank spent Monday at Mr. George Alâ€" brecht‘s. > Miss Lavina Leis is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever and we wish for her a speedy recovery.. Mr. Ezra Gascho and family moved to a farm near St. Clements recently. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Lichti and family of Poole have moved into the }louse on Mr. Geo. Albrecht‘s south arm. Rev. Oscar Burkholder and Mrs. Burkholder and family motored to Markham and visited relatives on Friday and Saturday. _ _ _ Dr. Biek}, Whitby, spent a week at the local school giving lectures to the boys and girls on hygiene.. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brubacher, on April 17th, a daughâ€" ter. Congratulations. The April meeting of the Maple Grove Farmers‘ Club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller last Wednesday evening.. Chief of Police Clarke reports that boys have been breaking winâ€" dows by shooting stones from cataâ€" pults. An electric light globe and several motor car windows have been broken in the same manner. The boys will be sternly dealt with when apprehended. Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Roes at Topping. _ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bender and family of Baden and Mrs. D. Steinâ€" man of Vineland visited on Saturâ€" day with Mrs. J. Yutzi. Mrs. William Hm:!ma;i;spending several days with her daughters at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Uren and Miss Buelah Hartman of Toronto, Mr. Ciifford Hartman, teller in the Bank of Commerce at Peterboro, and Mr. Alvin Hartman of North Bay spent the Easter holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hartman. Mrs. M. Yost, Mr. Aaron and Misses Ada and Katherine Yost atâ€" tended the funeral of the late Mr. M. Weaver at Humberstone on Friday. Mr. Atno Neeb and Miss Gladys Cressman spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz. Mr. and Mrris.flHem;'m'V;)EeVlwuf Waterloo spent Good ¥‘riday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel. Mrs. Reinhardt â€" Preiss spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strome. Service was held at St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church on Good Friday in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hunstein and family moved into the house formerâ€" ly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Strome. Several of the vicinity attended services at St. Agatha on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. William Helm and family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bieth and family of Preston spent Sunday with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schnarr. Mr. Alvin Hartman, who is atâ€" tending Normal School at North Bay, is spending the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilâ€" liam Hartman. Mr. John Dorscht moved his famâ€" ily and household effects onto the farm formerly occupied by Mr. A. Schott. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Bierman and daughter Gladys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Doerbecker spent Easter with the latter‘s parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ludwig, rear Petersburg. BOYS BREAK WINDOWS ~Bunworthy qualities resist the fading action of (| . â€" _‘ mmucmmmmmummâ€"_ § therefore last longer and give much bigger value for â€" the money than cheaper papers that are not Sunworthy quality. » â€"A Special Group OF \ 2 * Sunworthy Patterns At An 6 Unusually Low Price This 50 % * Week â€" Because Of A * Special Purchase â€" 25¢ Week â€" Because Of A Uv S pecial Purchase â€" 25¢ ‘ Single Roll. s PATTERNS FOR BOTH UPSTAIRS AND DOWNSTAIRS ROOMS â€" ATTRACTIVE VARIETY Kitchener‘s Oldest Department Store 1909 â€" 1933 Sunworth WALLPAP GOU DIES KINGWOOD ERBSVILLE BRESLAU and this Mr. Four days after death had called his wife, George Valentine Hermann, aged Tavietock farmer, followed, paseing away at his home on April The funeral took place on Sunâ€" day afternoon with a short service at the residence followed by a service at the Presbyterian Church conducted by Rev. F. Meyer, Evanâ€" gelical minister of Waterloo. The pallbearers were David, Andrew and Moses Wilhelm, brothers of the deâ€" ceased, and John Dahmer and J. D. Schmidt, brothersâ€"inâ€"law, and John Anderson, a neighbor. Five children survive, Hebry, at home. Mrs. A. Schmidt, North Eastâ€" hope, Mrs. Lorne Sinclair, Stratford, Viola. at home, Mrs. William Wilker, East Zorra. Two brothere, John of Downie and Andrew of South Eastâ€" hope, also survive with five aisters, Mrs. Gerge Neeb, South Easthope, Mrs. John Lindler and Mrs. Conrad Berg, of North Easthope, Mre. Miâ€" chael Stoskopf and Mrs. William Stoskopf, both of Fullarton and geven grandchildren. Rev. Mr. Logan of Trinity United Church .conducted the funeral serâ€" vice held on Friday. Interment was made in Renfrew. She is survived besides her husâ€" band by four sons and five daughâ€" ters, Henry Herlich, Saginaw, Mich., William, Huron road; Edward at home; Emmerson, Kitchener; Mrs. S. Capling, Shakespeare; Mrs. J. Pfaff, Little Lakes; Mre. Henrf Marshall, Lisbon; Mrs. A. H. Foell, Waterloo; and Mrs. A. Easson, Kitchener. Also five brothers and three sisters, David, Joseph, Charles, Moses and Andrew Wilhelm, all of North Easthope, Mrs. Leah Bast, Wellesley, Mrs. John Dahmer, New Hamburg, and Mrs. J. D. Schmidt, Tavistock. Death removed Mrs. Laure Deâ€" venny, widow of James A. Devenny of Renfrew, who died at her home, 256 Park St., Kitchener, on Thursâ€" day, in her 56th year. Surviving are two sons, Percy, of the Mutual Life staff, and Wallace of Kitchener. Also a father, John Taylor, six brothers and four sisters. An aged resident, Mrs. Daniel Weaver, 74, passed away at her home at St. Jacobs on Wednesday. She had been ill one week, suffering from the flu. Her husband predeâ€" ceased her 17 years. Surviving are two sons, Aaron and Leander, at home; also two sig ters and one brother, one halfâ€" aister and one halfâ€"brother. The funeral will be held on Friâ€" day afternoon with private services at the residence at 1.30 o‘clock and public services at Martin Mennonite Church. Burial will be made in the adjoining cemetery. Gordon McTavish The funeral of the late Gordon McTavish, whose death cecurred on Sunday, was held from the biwort & Hunter Funeral Parlors on Wedâ€" nesday morning with a private serâ€" vice at 10 a‘clock. Rev. Mr. Laing 8-tor of â€" the â€" Linwood â€" United urch, had charge of the service. Interment was made in the Hampâ€" Herlich, aged 75 years. The deâ€" ceased was born in Wilmot townâ€" ship, Waterloo county, on December 18, 1858, and prior to removing to Shakespeare seven years ago she reâ€" sided on a farm on the Huron road. She was a daughter of the late Peter and Barbara Wilhelm, pionâ€" eers of Wilmot township. She was married 52 years ago to Adam Herâ€" lich and two years ago the couple celebrated their golden wedding. The death occurred at Shakeâ€" speare on April 13, of Mrs. Adam Tth The pall bearers were Dr. F. G. Hughes, Clayton Snyder, J. Sill Jones, John Kennedy, W. G. Clarke and Dr. C. W. Wells. The funeral (private) took place on Thursday from the home with a public service at the Anglican Church. Interment was made in Mount Hope cemetery. Rev. R. J. Setonâ€"Adamson conducted the serâ€" vices. â€" One of Waterloo‘s esteemed citizens, Mrs. Edith M. Reade, widow of the late Judge William !l. Reade, passed away at her home 65 George St., on Tuesday, Aprii 1l1th, in her 79th year. glle was born in Sheffield, England, Jan. 31, 1855. During her residence in Waterioo she was a faithful memâ€" ber of the Holy Saviour Anglican Church. Surviving are three sons, Bolton E. Reade of London, Landor and Elwell at Toronto, and one sister, Mrs. Constance Ashe of Toronto. Her husband, Judge Reade, died 14 years ago. WIDOW OF LATE JUDGE WM. READE DIES AT WATERLOO Mra. Laura Devenny Mrs. Daniel Weaver Mrs. Adam Herlich Geo. V. Hermann Obituary

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