"tustt'r- C‘hlckena. over 4 lbs, '_"."............ Do., 3% to 411m. '.__m...tm'rmr...t.t.t.. Do.. 3 to " tbs. m"m..ttrrr.rr...t.. Spring 1rroiur- Over 4% lbs. each '.rer.r.rmrrm..r.... Over " to 4% lbs, each ..r. "tted hens, over 6 lbs .ench Over 4 to 6 the. each .t_F_wrtmrr. Over " to 4 lbs. etch FF_.WFW... - Ch-Mr-No. 1 Inge, colored, par-', atttatod and government graded. ( IOKC. I solids, as“; No. an“. Churnlng drum-'Spééhl, 20c; No. l 19c; No. 2, 16e, t.o.b. shipping Dallas. 1rtgrr-Prioert to humans and coun~ try shippers: Ungraded. cam re- turned. trash extras, 83e; fresh ttmta, 18c; second, 12c. Graded, cues tree, Sse, ms, 18e. Butter-No. 1 Ontario creamer? TORONTO HOG MARKET Hog prices remained Brm at the Union Live Stbck Yards yesterday. Btoons were quoted at 84.76 r.o.b., $5 ott trucks and $525 weighed on cars. Receipts totalled 960 head. Kitchener Packing Home: quote $4.76 per owl. and $1.00 ptpmlum tor selects this week as compared to $4.30 last week. PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (Davina) Toronto dealers ure buying pro- duce at tim- following pricey Do., common ._r.rt...w.. 160 Blocker and feeder clean, good F'w.F.rpwr 4.00 Do., common F......F_r._ 2.60 Milken and springer... 2000 Canon, good And choice veal ..t.m..p.r..m.r.e....r..t. 7.00 Do., common and podium .rr..t.___et..rr.. 4.00 Do., gamers .t".rr_t'.r' 2.5 Hogs, Mean, fob. .-'r.. 4.66 00.. do., " truck. WFrt 4.90 Do., do., " com .PtFW. 516 Good ewe and wother lambs 'mr.etrrr.rt..tetrtrt. 5.60 Do., medium ._"'_....tr.. 6.00 Buck. 'r."'..'.'..-.-.-.-.......... ..v.... Cull. _'..""'.....-...'.............. 4.00 Good, light sheep ...t.e.. 2.00 Do., heavlac .W.e.m..t.tr.rr. 1.50 Do., culls '.r.t_t..r_rrrrtt.r. 1.00 Hof? FENCES UP AT KITCHENER Conte, Do., cbmmon .re.qr_rwe..9. Steam. over 1,060 in. good and choice 'FtF Do., medium ._e.'_.r.... Do., common qF.reF_w.rrrwe “one“. good end choice ..$PVwwr_9__r't.e.._e. Do., medium t.__.re.._.. Do., common PV.P.F_.+F.... Fed entree, good sud choice m._m__m...t_t.smr.rrr. Ths., medium '__rr'br_r__-. Do., indium $w.._r,rrr Cullen tnd cutters aood no choice val can: won Inn " 81 to $7.50. with , tow (on $t.8& Common: "to lower at " an. you about 8 out. “do: tor good or. and women. which cold It I.“ to “.15. with tho Inl- hmy u the has! price. can. ad [was brought $4 to “.50. Sheep In" an to move a I! to '2.“ per an. “wording to quality. N Orotattions:-- moon, up to 1.050 In, good (In! choice " 6.00 8 650 m About I†an» would! also»... » A-fetr..getMqtxtetat.tubyyygbt '6._thbr.etetsimtnaVts M I km. M an. m Manama“ an... mummdhuuamunouot “In“. Butcher no" but! new tmdtnqat "" to u no: in. but. mama-Au '."e,He'do,','ieg,e “album so“. new up gum! qt 'tat" ioii 'na 'd?'lri%L'JTNulP" 7m -- "g0ttomt_qttraTttt- fl'J'f2,'l It! than 0...! Gal Ptrt.or%qarog-taetne'ritr. m... mun, " (MOI... Pthttlir?i7'ai 8,triitdh'a'ihdk' 'dtu'fgta'"_ get,','. - a in! I "a. nnoiTr-T" " SiStrit' 't'ir'itij't1tttu'.tt. TIE WEESNIDEI “HUNG a; FRESH. HOME MILLED FEEDS, THOROUGHLY MIXED, GIVE THE BEST RESULTS AND cost LESS. SNIDER’S PIG GROWS]! @ ..... 81.75per100lbs. " DAIRYFEED@..... 1.60"100" " CALFMEAL@...... .70" 26" New Prices - Why Pay More? SNIDER'S CHICK STARTER © .. 32.50 per 100le " GROWING MASH © .. 2.30 " 100 " " CHICK SCRATCH @ .. 1.90 " 100" " Medium SCRATCH (ti) .. 1.75 " 100 " " LAYING MASH © .... 1.90 " 100 " " (3mm) LAYING MASH tit 2.10 " 100 " 'eP..'gohr-_tra.q- BECAUSE-- Snider’s Feeds Good Feeds CUSTOMMIXING ..q.T.q. 1NPeritt0fU. They m Freshly Milled, Property Balanced Ration. whieh Produce Results that are Sstltr- factory and. PtotRattU. physio creamery - 7“": WAMLOO, om.’ 2.75 2.25 o." 3.60 7.75 Alive , " 13 " 8.O 46.00 14 " " " 09 2.50 5.76 6.75 6.50 3.60 4.75 5.00 1.75 450 a re Miss 81.1mm; Schmidt spent hat Saturday at her home In Tavluock. Mr. and Mrs. William Luckhardt ot Topping nailed at the home ot Maura. Andrew and Theodore Lana on Sunday, Mr. and Mm. Chas. Wegtord and sons Stanley and Clarence Titrtted friends and relative In Stratfard on Sunday. cold '." book." Mrs: Edwin Heine! and son Bulls spent a tew days last week with re- latives In Kitchener. Mr. John Len Is at present clay- inx at the home ot Mr. Andrew 1...an "Did you take my advice and sleep wlghithe window open to cure your Mr. and Mrs. Edmiu Kraebllng and sons Harold, Roy and Earl of New Prussia were the guests ot Miss Emelh and Stanley Booting on Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Allen Watcher and song Nile and Donald and daughter Evelyn ot Whterloo were the guests or Mr. and Mtg. Samuel Axt Sunday afternoon. Pridd, In the meat stalls were (he same as those ot the past two weeks. Mr. John Quehl ot Kenmore, New York, villted friends and acquaint- "e' In this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mm Harry Schmitt ot Jhutatead, Mr. and Mrs. John Brett. laufar and Mr. and Mm. Reuben Wetttauter and daughter Helen ot Buneide vlslted with Mr. and Mrs. Christ Schanther lagt Sundpy. for 0 (Ill, beans at 16e per 6 qla.. and um bunt- al 88e a pint, corn at we 1. dozen. cabbage and aun- tlower at 5 and 10c A tread, carrots 6c B bunch or Lie tor 6 an, been and onion. 5c tl bum-)1 and 'rpittactt at 10e a bushel. Prices in the fruit market were as follows: cantaloupe " to 60e, basket, eldorberrlea at 20c a clock, peaches 40 to 75e a basket sword- Ing to variety and quantity. plum- Me per 6 um, pears 20e per 6 am, and apples at 15c 1 basket. A noticeable rue in prim m in evidence In the trading a the K19 than" market on Saturday when price. In the produce section row over that. at hot week. Butter and at (mm " to 26e a pound Ind up at from 20 to Mc a dozen. Chicken: brought Mre 0 Rr., tor yearling and 25c I Ib., tor spring chickens, Ducks cold at we I pound. In the vegetable “all: prices quoted Included potatoes TO to Me a trag tor new ones, old ones gelling at I to 80e per 'buket. unname- 2Se per ll-qt. laurel. cucumber: at 20c PRICESRBE n'1'liihl00i1'lllt Abundance of Produce, Big Crowd, giggling Buying. ‘f1i; i071. 307% “la; iii." ariiriaT m a. duo; No. a Att.. an hum. my ' MaatMt. “PM G 01... “a; than. Mt. 8, awn “It; M.. 1 Incl. “I; 'tttttsr-Mat m I“ med “9‘. '" at " to m a 1"lSttatri2't, son, "r, 2te,t'drl,'d'h't No. 1 to“ tnam, 'u." W ton. . _ but. um.- an. m. .h a. rm: o-rio min. "mu who: 'trtitti. - mun E!“ "Utiy ptiet-1Whrt. ff to " at. his.- â€a: we} oord, is Jaiéf'ry'uTii'io’io-EE manna. a w '" No. ' “may. no: can. £10.00; What may. not ton, “.00. "Did you lose your cold?" "yo. I lost my watch nad pocket» Ideal Weather. PHILIPSBURG CfmiIMiil n 100 n n 100 " n 100 n " 100 " n 100 " 'Inh at I _ Minn? Writ}; in mm. b'l"ll"l'rL,'TGl'fl'lll'i'fllJlit' 2Wl'phutl=ttttf, for Third Book um; Helen fiat am for Fourth was»? lawn, 4th for Fourth loo 1rrtttttetthtert am... m for mu. 1 Other: of our school whose numea appear on the prize nu In: Rar mtond Good, be): for "moth Martin, uh for we» con: In. Haehborn, 8nd for turnip; R 8mm, 6th for turnip: Bani Hahn, and for Sinai“, In for col e_ahe, 3rd for mph CN.st', 1 liner. In for map]. "can; l Hoest on: for qmter all)"; _ mu tGridiiir, 5th for Ptrst Book 1trttinr, [mo] Schmidt. It). for iii) Bookgrrmnn Adeline lard». 4th Ttti-ri-r,-,,.-,--. BmtteethviFrtu_feris for liaroinpim piituii, tspeninr-Lov. inn_ 1 seem-3g Quin] place: in. “I? Beeured third place. ttpe Inc - lelind- Sander and Etinbeth Martin were among the thet highept. _ - A A large number from here AL tended the school fair at Eula-m Grove last Friday. Conemttthttiorm to the following pupil: for honors they byot1eht touting“ ehel: tueiutiGn---- Hollihger se- cured Brtrt standing. Cami OI Prison. l The E.LC.E. held their weekly l meeting on Wednendny evening. The grogrnm included I topic given b . . Hum. I reading by Mr. Apri and instrumentals l ohn Silt er, a pnyer by Ron nhl end the scripture reading by Miss Sully. The tYet,' accept an invitation from the awe of Zion Church, Elmin,‘ to furnish pert of the program ail a meeting to be held there on the} evening of the 26th inst. The Luther League held its monthly meeting on Tuesday eve- ning, Sept. 8th. The topic "Our Attitude Towards Work" was given tt>be_rttetypitt. - A Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lichty and daughter Hazel spent Sunday after noon at Fisher's Mills. Inge-HE. Topiq. - _ Mr. ttnd Mrs. Geo. Kelterborne took a motor trip to Galt, Paris, Brantford and other points on Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kerchner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Huebert and family spent Sunday afternoon at the Elora Rocks. Mr. August Sander has a Golden Hubbard squash the size of a two- gallon jug, hanging on a wire fence about tour feet from the ground, where it grew on a vine some twgpty feet (tom when it is rooted. Rev. Jesse Martin will conduct the services at the King St. Men- nonite Church on Sunday evenings, Sept. 18tt) 9nd graph. - Mr. and nan-3.2L s. Gabel of Wat- erloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gies. Mr. Justus Schefer and family visited at the home of Mr. Geo. Steiner qn Surydyw, _ Mr. and Mrs. J. Rudy and Misc Mildred Rudy of Waterloo were visiting at the home of Mr. and gin-s. Geo. B. Oberholtzer on Sun- ay. f _ Mr. John Angst of Mekeliar, Mr. Ezra Reuber and daughter Pearl of Minto, Mr. and Mrs. John Klein and Mrs. Casper Philips of Clifford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew wty lastAtidar, - - Miss Vera Schweitzer of Waterloo will conduct service in the Evan- gelical Chm-9h 1tt..sunda.y gvenjng. on of Mr. and 'siALiiiii,s"iiiit Th_u_rsday._ __, A - - Mr. Martin TeoitiiGGi" Jaggixtgr Vianna and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Woult of, Elktop,_Mieh., were visit- Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hahn and daughters Bernice and Alice, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hahn and son Roy and daughter, Miss Irene, and Messrs. Davis and Mitchell, enjoyed a motor trip to Brantford on Sun- day afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Yager are spending a few wetks' holidays with their son, Dr. Clarence. Yager, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Becker of Preston and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wagner of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schnner on Supday._ A H Mr. and 1765fo Martin and family of Linwood were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Martin on Sun- dar, - __ her. and Mn. Jack Young and family of Stanford visited with Mr. an? Mrs. Waller Aims pn §un_dly. A Mr. and Mm. Hénry Scherer and family visited with the farmer's parents on Sunday. Mr. Jack Heal of Kitchener visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W._.Amis tn _S_aturd_a_y. -- Mr.'anit In. Ham’s Goidbeek and family and Mr. In In. Her, man Grog: and son of Waterloo were visitors of Mrs. Eleanon Fries on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Phares G. Pram: of Rhinehold, Penn., were week-end visitors with Mr. and In. C. G. Scheifele. . Mr. and Mrs. Holden Apr! wen: Sunday mm?! {Helms in baggy-d9 lollon: you uqumOMSelor ll Ita.. pin- De In ' nts, .331- " to86e'or0.tu,gmra.udit'iiFr I nu. mum’- he lot TC an. a“ .mnnm. “a u mum met. Print In an "cm “It“ tn- cludod but.†at 10c tor ' an. to†was t6 to Me tor O at... pout-00s "e for ' am, launc- Be A M, cucum- born 40e per I (I... can t6e a Mon. celery. We be u and. and en- the be u Gia. _ my than! In sou huumum-uuueub. W='2"2',,u,ett'ptPdi, -tsade_at80tqg6e â€an“. " no Immm'mu mwmu M Ind Wm‘muumaq known-hotel's“. on nu can Mm'm â€human-yuan. PM and other “on. u all by Nun!“ " wanna " J AGO " DISTRICT NEWS I ;Noah il of Pf.5yi,'dte, Jr. at rmâ€; i “I: I»: m _ In for can Tlt'] an: I In min; and eohn: - (Io-u am of Own iGGU worth!!!“ over the holiday with Mr. a In. Joe Holt-mm In. Mice IcAllimr b spending 2-"! this. #99 her dorghur, ll- ‘ It. and In Witt Rule and fott. it? of Kitchener Wd Sunday with r. and In. Joe than“. , In. Kenneth IcAllhur and “when it?!“ are trading I few Mina iiiriAiife"iarta of Wilma Centre 3 nt the week-end with ttarr sispgr, In _Ptorypee, Lou. Mr. nnd In. fgg SM!» ist Bred-n MM Mr. In In. Duvld trefer o_n trredar, A -___e_ I. The marriage took place " three o'clock on Sand-y nfcernoon of Mr. (Roy Snyder and "is Leila Shanta. [dunner of Mr. and In. loofah Slant: of Mannheim. Rev. Mun- ‘asuh Hdlmnn eggnted. After the ‘ceremon n we " mapper wu prepared,“ the bride'l home. The young couple will raid. on the groom’s farm nut Bloomingdale. Pomona“. ( Mr, Joe lulntmh of Vinclnnd culled " Flaunt Vi"! on Smithy. was ttowned in white f,",', back satin. After the ceremony r. And Mrs. Bunchert left for Hummer: and other points. On their return they will reside l their new home on Sitteon Bt., whener._ _ _ Mr. Clare Busehert, son of Mr. and hits. It. anchert of Kitchener. was married to "in Ida Snyder. daughter of Mr. and Mm. Welling- ton Snyder, on Saturday afternoon at two o'eloek It the home of Bishop C. P. Dentin, {not of Pint Hon- nonibe Churghl mpg". The lyride {TWO POPULAR Principal. tn Clare Bunch-rt and Min Ida Snylor, uni Rory Snyd-r and "in Gita Sin-h. L The funeral took place on Wed.. (n.esday afternoon with a short ser- vice " the house and thence to anrtin’s Meeting House for service and the adjoining burying ound for interment. Rev. Uriaa gartin and Bishop Moses Brabaeher were the oftieiafintt ministers. The poll- bearers were four nephews, viz. Messrs. Simon Kinsie, Ephraim Kinzie. Ira Kinsie and Afabus Kinda The funeral was large y at- tended. f Esther Kinaie, widow of the late jEdward Spneth, died on Monday {morning at her home here. The late iMrs. Spaeth was born in Blenheim Tp., near Ayr, on Nov. 25th, IMI. In 1880 she was married to her late 'husband. In 1916 they moved to St. Jacobs. Three years ago Mr. Spaeth died. She leaves to mourn their loss one daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mn. KIND)! Rieck, and six grandchildren. and many friends. She wu the but trur- viving member of a family " twelve. ( Miss Boyd spent Sunday gt her home at Linwood. Mrs. Henry Stroh attended the dog show in Hamilton on Saturday and secured five firtrts for her canines. Died on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilles and Mr. and Mrs. All. Gilles and dingh- ter Helen and Miss Lily Ernst visited in Wallace, near Palmerston, on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Me, Nelson Weber. _ "S " tiff,] V "M'""""'"""'- - "n Ite-p., Do Me and Alfred Goth Mr. and Mrs. Hem Sitaer 'W. Sunday afternoon wit; Mr. and PB. Oliver Brandt at their summer hope, Prteert. -- Mr Armin. P. E. Welter and family visited in Lirtowel on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Gregory and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mrsysnd Mr}: anqb Sittler. Mr. Eiiii Martin and friend, Min Lavina Hintz, visited in Preston on Quad-y. Bann- were proclnimed on Sun- day for Mr. Samuel Martin, non of Daniel B. Martin, Wullenmin. and Min Rebeca Sander, daughter of Mr. and In. Jun-ob Sander, Hnykewille. teessnr."PistTr"Gli Joe Shark of Blueball, Pa., are visiting friends in thtyieiytr, -- In, D. M. Gabe] of Kitchener called on friends here ttt, Thundly. Mr. and In. Thou. iller and Mr. and In. David Gran of Markham were' visitors of Mr. and In. J. B. Snider itttst.pluesar, - __ 'rufiiiGriiUriiiin of Waterloo renewed old friendships here .on S'Etmiuz- __ Iele 2 aty.rat. In}, [uglier on the ami. in iiiiaiiroriiCitdiit if. tak.ty hi_n__pl§ce_lure. tt.otod - Milo. " to Me .AtrItty-ttiu,oaot".Aatm. atS6to80o-t,totr-Ke not 11Ntt. “at, when at to: 'trrtqta.,lteotr.tuoreetqts., "Ctttnah-tVat.ererm" at 10e I down. - at - noqrer at ' and toe O I“. taretttq " . bunch or 16e tor C at... M 1nd onion- so a bunch IM â€but It â€cannot. - (has. 8-1: a. i It. 2trd..u%tthtNtu'tt In It“... " I. “mum‘s-cc. mubmomm Mbvuutymmr.†a','Mtu.t'iti2tLti" “gum“ about Thu-DOWN... " “I “a W =fi.SNarf.l'."'Pf, P_e_tq-qe+.t.t6o anatomic-Won Vt...) --. “In 'AT "hM1BNNt BLOOMINQDALE COUPLES WEDDED droning: 7 The (Hand: of In. J-cob Snyder will be sorry to ttear the In sutrertng from us “not of typhoid font. Rev. and Mm. How-rd Shvunu pm! children Hymn, Pull and Gmee returned home on Friday from I two weeh' motor trip to teprin J P... when they “M It If. farmer's home, and “to bald ur- vlcu more nnd " Mom phat on theArtrfe. _ ‘__ - __ _ Mr. and In. Wm. Gatrel of Brain: and Mr. and In. David Glmble of Baden were visitors at the home of Mr. and In Tom Bollard. in and Mrs. Carl McAllister of Guelrh Sundayed with Kr. 1nd In. Char ie Redford. In. Heller, Mrs. Shoemaker and children Ind Mir, Eileen Keller of St. Incoba visited at the home of It and Mrs. Rom. Knit on Sun- ar. Miss Florence Lot; Irnt the weekend and holiday at er home " Wilmot Centre. Mr. Kuhn; “thew of Kinpwn culled " Plenum. iew on Sunday "st-inn- -- -- __ - _ Mr. and In. E. C. Shana of Bridger". were cunts at Pleasant Viggg t e__other Sued-y. _ Mr. And Mrs. Mone- Shnnt: and son Harold of Waterloo spent the holiday with Mr. end Mrs. John Bechtel. Mrs. Moses Cresrman of Hesp'eler was a guest of Mrs. Jncob Creumnn over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hallman and family from near Williamsburg were visitors " the home of Mr. "tttAra. Elihu Shim; on__Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lichty and family of Nine Pines called on Mr. an§_Mrn_._Irvin §hantx on tyy-tor, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. net of Chicago, Ill., called on the farmer's cousins. the Mayan, at Plenum View on Sunday. Mr. nod Mrs. Harry Heuer of Toronto were 'iun'i','tt of the latter's aunt. Miss Ade ine Bachmnn. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Ressler of Scottdale, Pa., were nests at the home of Mrs. Jacob 8'r'l'l'l',',d and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Snyder during the mission services held here over the week-end. the Mennonite Church on Saturday evening und all day Sunday. The speakers were Rev. J. A. Resaler of Scottsdale, Pa., and Rev. D. A. Yoder of Elkhart, Ind. Mrs. J. A. Reader gave a very interesting talk to the children on Saturday evening and Sunday “tampon. Rev. D. A. Yoder of Elkhart, lnd., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Snyder on Sunday. WW; steel tire open buggy; Port- land cutter; let bob sleighs; 2 dat rqrka; tanning mill; gravel planks; hay fork; wheelbarrow; doubletreea; neckyokes; forks; shovels; chains; hoes, and many oher articles not lined. Har, Grain and H.r-.-9bout 20 tons good timothy hay; 400 bus. mixed grain; 300 bus. oats; 3 sets team harness; single lymess; 7 collars; and other harness parts. Plan to nttond thi. M. uh on Sort. 28th. No R--- Evorylhing gm! T.rm.--cash on day of sale. tmoto-ts-Massey-Harris 6 ft. cut binder in good order; Frost & Wood 6 ft. cut binder; 2 Frost & Wood 6 ft. cut mowers in good dupe; good Frost a Wood 15 disc seed drill with gnu under; Frost & Wood spring tooth cultivator; Mc- Cormick hay loader; McCormick to ft. hay rake; Faction iron harrows; MAI. disc; 3 Wilkinson No. , walk- ing plows; Peter Hamilton cutting box; steel wheel truck wagon; farm " You“ Cotti-2 roln steers; 1 rout Mi!" 2 you: old; 4 Durham not"; 5 Durham heifers rising 2 years old; 2 yearling roan calves; 7 roan spring ctsives Thea. are ail well bred Durham cattle and in good 'sndition. Pte-tli chunks about " pounds each. " M d Cad. O "tr. Good Dd†C-our- hm cow due October 6; Durham cow due Dee. 2; Durham cow due Nov. 12; Durban heifer due time of sale; Durham cow bred June 26; Durham cow bred July 15; Durham cow bred Jul} 26; Hereford cow bred July l7; Janey cow due Jan. tT. a the sqdbeated, gét-grd a“: " db- â€I. cl thood, on to 'thN'r._l.eeqr-.o. VIDIIIDAY. sm. 3, I." _ than '6---thu in". a it o’clock-on. ". tailoring: " Wham]; - 0111:0110. In. 4 yang! bud; Clyde It." " mm ,M Ctrde Inn " yun old, bred; Clyde gelding " you: old; Clydo nan 8 yum old; 2 Clyde mm " out " your: old; Aged In"; 1 light can 1 yen old. _ {lh’dlcmnh‘tu- 'atiretM.nmseiNakgaiqr.. “In-1m _ Proprieton. W. W. FRICKEY. Auctionecr, Phone Waterloo 592V. Jos. KARLEY, Clerk. mm Odor Mil P. i A. EiSENMENGER BROS.. chmnolygodoyo-r B. A. STA)“. u. an: 37-2 Sunday ind neon! out: of Mr. and In In, Weber were: Mr. at! In. John ann“. of walla-mu. Mr. Hard Kan of no" Bruin. Illu- Jill. Bream. no". Donner ttt (Humor. lb - mlny " “no-to. _ 1-4.0: "What I“. you Inna My, Chg-bod " I. '- in “In Sunday much at Mr. Ind In. “If Mancunian were: Mr. and Min Irvin Mo. cnd can Gerald ot Cot-trunk. Mr. And In, Milton Rohr and - of Kitchener. Mr. In! In. " 01ml of have". Damn: "Be mm -. - Mtrudll'l II. Mr. no In. " when in Mr, and In. Clayton sum M an an! " WW and Mann ~11 Mr. cud In Albert Emanuel and - spent Sunday with Mr. And Mm. Henry Cttrhtttettqttgg at Manhunt». Recent and Smithy guests of Mr. and an. David Bearing" were: Mm, Israel Wager. Minus the sum-h. Lucinda and Anne Bear- ing", Mr. Ind Mrs. Nun Bondage! and “may. Mr, and In. Inn Mar tty, and - qll ot Elmira. Mr. And Mm. Join JBom, - 819m!" In mutton. Mr, And Mris, Ion Suds} ind then, tir of Preston In“: and†with Mr, Ind Hm. mm†Snyder. Sunday visitor: of Mr. and Mm. Harvey Schmidt were: Mr. And Mm. I. Shams. In, Henry Weber of M monton, Mm. Sunder at 'Kitettetser, Mr. and Mn. Chroma Schmidt and family ot neu- mum. Mrs. Mll- drod Bonn ot Main. Sunday was" ot Mr. nnd Mn. Willi-m Klein were Mr. and MM. JTert Grahnm and runny. In. Set- bach Mr. Herman Miller funny. Mr. Bill Bier family, Mr. Joe Gillan Bll ot Knchener cud Mr. And Mn. Dan Cook ot West Brunch. Inch. Grum--.i000 bushels of mixed} grain; " bushels of barley; 15 tons mixed hay; 115 acres of turnips. Term.-Cash. HENRY HOLLE. Boilil’. GEO. G. CLASS. Audit-noon "eu-s-ist-y-Harris bind- er, good as new; Massey-Harris ll- hoe drill; Massey-Harris cultivator; Frost & Wood disc; roller; acumen (new; 2 sets of 3 and 4 section har- .rows; 2 walking plows; hay rake; Massey-Harris side rake; Massey- Harris hay loader; 2 wagons (l with' box); hay rack; Pitt rack; buggy; cutter; double sleigh Mat rack); 2 sets double harness; single harness; 1% h.p. international gu engine; cutting box; Massey-Harris cream separator; 500 feet elm and bass- Rood lumber, a lot of small Articles too numerous to mention. . C-IIIFS cows, 1 cow (fresh 4 weeks); two calves. THURSDAY. SEPT. 22, 1932 Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp. the following: A Good Line oi Hone- q Hor-t team 5 and 6 yeah old; 1 team 10 years old. By virtue of a distress warrant to me directed against the goods and chattels of FRANK McGOEY, Con. cession No. IP., Lot 18, Township of Wellesley. there will be sold by PUBLIC AUCTION on the premises, about " miles northeast of Linwood, on A splendid (nature of this farm in the excellent location, only a short distance from Wallenstein station. Terms and conditions will be made known on day of sale or an be ascertained by applying to the undersigned. At 2 p... On the farm in a comfortable brick dwelling with kitchen and woodmed attached; large bank barn with "raw shed attached and alablin. underneath; also cement stabling under mein barn; good large driving shed and other build- inga, all in good state of repair. There are M acres in meadm. 6 acres of hardwood bush; ' urea of pasture; balance is under cultiva- tion. There is a apleudid orchard with the different varieties of fruit. Farm in well fenced, aim abundance of water; land in high state of cul- tlvation. Situated on East halt of Lot 16, Con. I, Peel Tp., about t mile won qf Walemeein, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER â€It NOTICE OF SALE BY BAILIFF PU.--? runners of about 75 ttrs.; ELI B. FREY. Prop. GEO. G. CLASS. Audio-00:. Mah SALE VALUABLE " ACRE FARM 2t a. St. BOHLENDER'S Wand-o Andyougotul’udlmhum dim-tour. -anls mmm.ualuquh--~g f -n.eaotthtb.tse. H“ --‘- minim-m wt.u-a*“ amd-aah-h-ua-ga.. Wm... h-tbablhoa'dI-llhl ....._........ a.“ kmmwlqufn- ...... STAghaodtqme. Wong-'3 GERMAN MILLS 35-3 37-3 one inch. Gumt~Wher~l um I got a piece ot shingle In my mouth." Watch Thou town-n New Wlfb'Thla In I eottagt Dugdmg." will not be liable for the said nuts or my part thereof, to any person or persons of whose chimp notice shall not have been received by them style tine orsueh distriubtion. Dated this tittl a}; Jr" ifeiGGier, 1932. that all creditors and others Urrine claims ageinst the estate of the said Mary Grischow who died on the six- teenth day of July. 1931, en re- quired on or before the tirst day of October. 1932, to send in to the undersigned solicitors for Ivan Grischow and Joseph Miller, the executors of the estate of the aid deceased, full particulars of their claims, verified by mum After such Inst mentioned date the slid executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard onl o the chime of whie they shell then have notice. end they MLGIilrillihlt IN THE ESTATE OF MARY GRISCHOW, I.“ of tho Tm- thip of Watcrloo. in the County of Waterloo, Widow, Doe“. Sept. 22 (Thumtuy)-Bisiie sale of farm stock and implements of Frank McGoey, 2% miles northeast of Linwood. _ Sept. 28 (Wedntsda.vy ---At " o'clock noon. valuable (“In stock. including 30 cattle and 10 bones. implements, hay and grain, for P. l A. Eisenmenger Bros, 2% miles south of Linwood, 9th Con.. Wel- lesIgy. N9 reserve. ifroa hue withing to all, and it to the market ale any Shunt-y morning. V Photo " r G. El-irn. Sept. 20 f'raesdnrt--6rtn dul- ated 1 mile west of Wtt1iengtein to- logging to an B. Frey. - Sept. 17 Watureur)--At 2 Pan., real estate for the estate of tho late Mrs. B. Riekerman, 182 David St., Kitchener. Sept. " jiconawy--At 2 yam. real estate for the estate of Hichul Benninger, 102 Peter Street, Kitch- ener. Sept. 17 (htrda)att, 8 mm. furniture and house old elect " my auction stand at the Kitchener market, tor q. H. White. Women wanted to new for " n home. Sewing machine Becca-r1. No selling. Ontario Nechuu- Coats. pany, Dept. 174, Toronto tr. 84-8 I luv. tiAUGUiiia for “In or ouch-n... Conerete pipes Iuiubh for “or. drum, "wen, culvam amd wok. Aim from eight inches to " than in diameter. Can be T,re to it delivered Anywhere in turbo Countg. John Sehuiu, M but Ave., hone 474, Kitchener. 88-10 and Watertod iii-JAE" Pix; Tir, New Hunbura. Reward. "' Irttify,2!iir" McCormick 703:1; Trar, gutting box-all M. - E box, pirtatoUi r. " EA Eff, Waterloo. a. 37.1 I: ttufftl,Liil du- Nt 5 p. on ' po grim. -- Pobbin Tto2ntttlr.'. 6E0.__G. CLASS, 15mm; By their solicitors BITZER & SIYTII, 23 Queen St. South, -3 Kitchener, Ont. Ivan (hi-chow and J“ Maur, -- Stanton. Allowed on Auto-oh“. Panic-u for do Auction Sale List- w. w, menu. Auction-r Human Life is in your Hands Are YOU a safe NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE TO CREDITORS driver? 10%, 15% “a 2075 Truck cover Kilian Emissary POI SALE _ - -- ferh SEMI-“.9?! may! xone 8060. Classified Adm FEMALE HELP “mm-23 P509. "hr. WIN-400. 81.40 " '"' 'i'ip,