, _ wane-nu... . “(i-Mb“ DRUNK FINED George Reinhardt. Detroit, was t1ned $10 and costs In police court at Kitchener on Monday on a drunk charge. . Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weber were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dengler and son Harold of Tel- ford, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewellyn of Philadelghia, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. urkhardt and Inmily of Bresiau. Misses Edna and Gladys Weber are!“ Sundn{J at the home of their tuber, Mrs. rbin Snyder and Mr. Snyder. Mr. Carl Schmidt spent Sunday It Kineardine. Mr. and MA. Eiii' Snyder spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Shanta, Kitchener. 7 Miss Violet Fdide spént" mag " her home in Doon. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Leander Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder were Mrs. Merner of.) Zurich, Mrs. Allan Snyder, Mr, and MryxRoy_ktsrehtr, I an and Donald. , Mr. and Mrs. P. Sievenfciper and It. I. Denmtedt of itehener visited with Mr. ‘nnd Mrs. Albert Brader on Sunday. __ Master George Fletch of Kitch- ener spent his holidays at the home otMr. and Mrs. Ed. Seibert. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seibert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seibert motored to Grand Bend and Dashwood where they visited with Mr. Ed. Seibert's sister, Mrs. John Witzel. Messrs. Urias and Vernon and Miss Vera Bearinger spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Snyder, Strasburg. __ A - Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Renard Snyder were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snider and Donald Murray of Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sny_der am) grace pf Preston. apjiir1t1fifiiiiffii'fitiiiat Ihh8,1' . we: Mr. Alvin Weber and daughters Lavina and Matilda of near Heidel- berg spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. {and Mry ltearinirer. - Mr. and Mrs. D. Bearinger. Al- medn and Doris, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Christian Martin of Coyytttoxo. ---- A Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Weber were Mr. and Mrs. John Shackle of Williamsburg, Miss Lydia Steckle of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Kalb and Mrs. Mumaw of Kitchener. Mr. N. Fleischnuer. secretary ot the Wellesley Fall Fair is making preliminary amusements tor the ex- hibition this (all Many entries are expected tor the various classes and the exhibition promises to be a splendid success. Mr. and Mm. Theo. lety as spending an indeiin1ttr time a! a summer cottage at Wanna Beach near Collingwood. Minion†services will be held in the M. S. Lutheran Church next Sunday In the Iorenoon and even- lng when new. o. Baltonherg of Lon- don, England, will be the ehief speaker at both Gonna and English services, He Is a former Wells-lay boy. Rev. c. A. and Mrs. Kramer and family moaned to “unbeaten Monday and will spend part ot this week among menthol and friends. In. Frank Bring. RN, ot We)- hnd attended her nick ulster. In. Wlebe for, â€we!!! an", returning home on Honky; - -- j Mr. amt Mm: Um}: Becker and funny ot Preston wen visiting friends here qn Sammy. Mr. Wm. Habemohl 1nd dingh- tor killer, visited at the home ttt Mr. and Mm. Vuenune tn To- ronto tor a week. Ming nt. Mule! ot out ll lou- dlyiu at home with not parents. Walton Won Batt Gama. The return qottball much he- uvm w. Clement. and Waugh: tn pinyed hon In! My owning, the visitors winning by a score ot 1 to 5. was as mutant. - sun - h the My oo- eulod by Bot-en, lug. In“; no tory. A It. and In. 'P. P. â€In" and bum. ot Bt. Chum a“. . hr non nib In“. ban on 111m. “. Unlo- cluch any W M “I and - " no 8m lord Park - “um. All also!“ a prom at â€on. m Meaie,itrateh. lulu. Theo. Llchty. Geo. 1dehty, C. D. Koch!" and Wu. are“ won m Toronto last Wednesday on but our but man on human . WY“... Witt-unis. ’ P-"-"-.---.-'. It A Wiv- ty WE?! Mr. C. D. mum III In Utah GERMAN MILLS on Mgumnmmuu sr, lulu Tram. N. mu. to 1uru'=tJru'ar1r. Egan-mu! In The new unparilltendom It the t [.31 Hospital at Kitchen" in hm . Helm of human who and. m. In. an»: I. hon-- hum. 8h. bu Ind mun, - Mane. In haul-I wort. ' Mrs. R. E. Austin left on Monday |moming to spend two weeks with her daughter, Joyce, at the cottage at Ihyttrat Beach. In. Thou. Nebula“ and d: h- as" of tatt an whiting 'llll'Et Page“ Ki or. In. Lena Kari-on Ind non Donald of Guelph spent. Thnndny default. 1nd Me.. I?fmtis.rurthtr. _ “(ammonia r4'Tlgftdrrtht'l'a'",l'Jt 1 - MWVVJIGHEIE;:V-‘nd friend- Ipem Sunday in Etntirtt. Mr. E. G. TGitGiiiiGa I busi- 3eu visitor to kitehener on How 'l: _. - -- _ Mrs. Prank . Hnmhorne and daughter 'he,t; returned after tredine a ho any gm) friends More. Mrs, Aaron (Bingemnn) Rogem bemr. ill for some time with can- cer, died on August ll at her home near Guernsey, Sunk. The funeral Wu held on August, 14th. Mrs. Ida Snyder from Drumbo, Mr. John Face-y and William Mun" wick of Tavutoek, Mrs. Hanna Smith, Rev. Mr. R. Facey of Moore. f1eld, and Mr. Bert Smart of Brant- ford were cunts of His: Amelia Smart over the week-end. "e" Gnu-styl‘Suk. V - APPOINTED SUPIIINTINDENT Bend, Ind., ilGpGrdiiiiGoGtfiiiG with Mr. Anya-t Sciatic]. Miss Ida Hoffman is visiting friends in Woodstock. Little Hetetriirieker of Tavistock is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Marian Smith. Dr. Klopp and daughter Roma of Willard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Austin and went to Kin- ment on Kgnday morning. Mrs. A. BGG; iGiCiTronto is visiting at the home of her cousin, Miss Ida Hoffman. Miss Matrei "Finn is spending a few days or week in Port Burwell at yy, ln_ke_with some of her friends. Mrs. Wm. M lchrest and children of Niagara Fails, N.Y., are spends ing two weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. Egnn Itnd_friends of Plattnville. Miss Eve1rkieiuG Taaiiu a few days with her friend, Miss Dan- aquof sf, _M§ry_'s. - _ Mr. Iva'n Ricken and Miss Garner of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. John Poor. Miss Bessie Schlichter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sehliehter, called on Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shunt: on_§unday. -- _ - Miss Mabel Gooding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gooding, near Plattsville. was united in marriage to Mr. Gordon Bullock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earn Bullock of near Plattsville on Saturday. The marri- age ceremony took place in the United Church manse at Plattsville with Rev. F. Sawyer officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Bullock left on a honey- moon trip to Niagara Falls and other points, visiting their uncle. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gooding of Markham. Upon their return they will reside on a farm near Plates-) ville. ; Forum-ll. l Bullock - Coding Walling. Mr: and Mrs. Oscar Schierholu and family spent Sunday with friends In Elmira. Lou! residents or this district take great picture in extending congratulations to Walter Schilling. .wn of Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Schill- ing or this place. who was success- ml in winning the tree airplane ride as a. prize tor the beat made plane at the airplane exhibit Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Krleger and children Ida and Archie, Miss A. Hellman and Master Alvin Rose we!!! Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Jon. Huey of 20111. Miss Helen Wlehe left tor Kitch- ener, when she has secured a post- lion. Awarded First Prue. Mr. and Mrctsrrmts Weller spent Mtstdar with (Month In Linwood. Mr." may Vledenhlemer Ana trlend ot Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Viedewhlemer. Mr. and Mn. Victor Cook ot Kit- cursor, Mr. David Wlebe or Vino- land spent Sunday with Mm. David Wiebe ot this place. later Donald Krtogar ha: return- ed homo “to: would!“ part or tut, ucnlon with In. grandparents in Kitchen". , w. Alli-ed Schilling saw two he deer gnu I'm: one In a clover tietd ot the Clam. knzen rum on Sunday afternoon. Mr. at In. HANK Mar ef - all“ on trund- In our db ma on Sula: utter-non. In. Imam. Home" nu Ion Gun. Bad tho lulu Sony Horton and Adel Baruch of “who“! spent Sunny " an Martrr% Shrine itt than "t9fuuiiihiuuiiifimGd link-mum"- .elqagdrettere.tHrbtaitaum. In.) with": with It. “I In. 3ttct%ronrertMr.andtem.Hue by. III bully. Mr. “A In. V an: Km and much“. ot this mm Mr. than my. ad. Mr. and In. Joseph Hun.“ " torulnod‘n lunar of friends and relatives at tholr Mme recently. The evening I. about in cards and “new; A dtrinty lunch Wet, served by the hottest. Mt WORK - IAN “MOI". Mr. all In. Nabo- mu in and". Bobby A»! Dark ot Kitch- our - may with It. nu In. Abe may cyan pm. MissHohnrtna Schiebel of South PLATTSVILLE HIUOON Ln " lithium. W “3:32;: Wold" hum-uh.“ $Btnttpsel0.et* Mm P, and" uni am. lunar Brad" left "on My to mu friends and reuttFaq in Wullomm lam. Nth â€Inna, Bot-n Junior “a noun Ma nun to “than! from I only!“ try to - “all. Mr, “a in. In Mal all can Charl- not can! an on I not" an, to Huron "I km land "trtet. 25t, Perf-te of no In.) Mu. Munro: [Amu- ot Turi. qtoeh In boll-yin. with her mum, mu cumin. Swim. um: .v - uuyyv- It - I -.\,an_ .... Mr. “a Mm. acorn 'w"f"r"iia' and daughter num- ot Toronto and Mr, and Mrs. rBalm- "ttborn And to: Wulkor we" Ind" no": win Rev. um um. Walker. Bounce “not. Mr. Clarence tn: of out in hon 1111:! 1rltltu “rents, Mr. 3nd A pie-slut “Inc m" open! on Tuesday evening u the home of Mr. and Mm. Jame- WMOrhold. when a tow mend- ma rohtlvu gathered to cdcbnto In. Winder hold‘g father's 77th birthday, Mr, Henry Anew-n, who " vhiunt there. _ Play In Stratford. The Now Humburg “but. club played their return match with Suntan] on Tuna-y 0min]. In rowing then - tho m won the (noun of the Etnucrd tonal- club to a upâ€! at the 1J1»; .... Mr. and Mm. Ed. Humphrey ot Kitchener with their daughter Dori spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mn. A, Eldt. Mr. and Mm. Normnn Alum-n And daughter Alice ot Brampton no the guests ot the farmer‘s sister, Mm. Jan. Wisdorhold. Mrs. Harold Appel and two ehil. dren left on Tuesday to spend a few weeks with new parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell. Merlin. Mr. and Mrs. Milton butt and ram- llr accompanied by Mn. Luff: par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wood of Stat- ford cre on 0 visit to â€have: 3nd friends at Marquette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Milton but: spent . tew days on a motor trip to Mar quette, Mich. Mr. Earl Bingeman ot Gall h spending his vacation with his par- entg, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Binge- ' Mr. and Mm. Geo. Selp and (hush- zeu ot Sealants spent Wednesday at tht_horne of Mn. J. thaonmoler. Miss Helen Huehii in spending not mention with Miss Winnie Berry It Kitchener. Vlsltors at the home ot Mr. Ed- ward Pines were: Mrs. James Pal- terson and daughter Christin. of Windsor. Mrs. Linton Hyde 1nd Kathleen Lot: ot Bhneopeare, Mr. and Mm. A. Rattler ot Plattevmo and Mr. and Mm. Art,M¢Kone of Montreal. n Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schedewits and children spent Sunday with" friends in Elmin. Misc Nellie Rutherford ot Drnmho spent several days with her friend. Mrt Rtyttert Rating. Mm. M. la Stahl and non visited at the Hume of Mrs. Zulhm. Mueller at Waterloo on My Ind Wed- nesday. Mr. Harold Pratt who spent the past week here owing to the “meal. and death ot his mother. returned to Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. and Mm. Louis Elchler ot Buffalo spent the week-end at the home of the farmer's mother, arm. Lacy Eichler. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fewkea Ind Mr. and Mm. Roy Huge] visited the farmer's son. who Is a patent in the Sick Children':, Hospital, To ronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Duke! pm eon Edmund or Pitmburg. Pa., are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Tobin Wank- in and friends here. Dr. Clausen, president of ther Wat- erioo College preached in Trinity Lutheran Church here on Sunny afternoon. Rev. Meals, the pastor. preached in Cubist township tor the 70th Jubilee otst. John's Luther- an Church. About one hundreds relatives and triends out ot town attended ttMy (Im- eral of the late Mrs. Yachts on Tues. dtty. Mm. I. Koerber and daughter Mar. garet spent a law any; wllh In. Koanber's mother, MN. Frank Phelps. Mr, and Mm H. Dickman and daughter Mildred ot Detroit are visiting friends in town. In company with Mrs. Slmpson :Memr spent Tuesday with Mr. 1nd Mrs. Charles Richardson at St. Mary'a. _ Mr. and um. George Minibar and Mr. and Mrs. Jam!) 00th upon! Sunday In 'lliora. Mn, mule Beitytor recolvod word on Thur-day that her sister, In. Robert Kincade Ind â€and aw†at her home in Newton. Mrs. M. Patter of Bahia In tho guest at Mm. Clayton [mold and Miss Clan Behuler. . Mr. and Mn. Bert Hula um um- Hy Inn returned ntter twain; I low weeks with ranmo- in 0mm. Mr. Entry Krogm of Detroit and niece, Rhino House are unn- in; tue (Gamer. rather, Mr. August Krottmam an the claim nut-a1 - of an tor-loft mun. r. and In. Duh! My. Mr. Pour Inâ€. “I "rtahtar um Mr. and In, We. In... of Fulhnon open! Sunday aâ€. Mr. and In, Andruv Kn». and one: relative: in “Jun. Mr. and In. Libya Bettade ad baby. In. Win. Saba. and Mr. Harry Sch-do ot Dunkirk In“! an urdny at the tone ot an. and In. Geo. Horn-r. Mrs. Wm. Sch-do will rough: |_ low dam. m. mum); Bumlumn no Mia Beatrice Steuben u" um m}; roughly; at Bah. MUM“. tt day no.“ of In. and MM. but Turi. Koren". qtstrt, Outlay whiter. with the Pttt. rel-don- wort: witâ€. not a. "'0' Mom Km and non lulu and mu Pu! ad . an In Goth-u rtom Emma-d 9mg" 9-2-99 as Mr. IM this Du“ Bald“ and chtidrqtt of Wont-loo m In“! Halon with Mr. and Min. Show “Ania. Mm. Role-H ot Kitchener upon! the weekend with Mr. and In. Roy Inna. Mm. J. m.. an alumni- uni-mt Rachm- Ipnt u an, In Duper. m. wad. MI. Maud ‘Enultor Ind Inc-ta, In A. C. Shaun and claim mm. and Betty went I for an†In Chesloy with Mr. lid Mn. Goo. smell-IL Friend- wm b. gm! to new that Mr. Bruno Zlmnn I. may in- mvlu .1300 In q=trtq homo tron the hemtrita' After his new! when omntlon. Mann. Home nil DID wu Ind Mn. Elena Rita tad children Dicky and Ernst ot Now Mr; Ind Mins Sophh Bonner ot Kitchener, Mr. and um. Albert Gent: no son Malta of Elmira were Bunny - with Mr. and Mm. Ed. “noâ€, Little Mics iseamaAt-iiGitutm ot Hunmon In apeudln: I tow week. tr191hor gmdnlrenta, Mr. and Mn. Mr. and Mm. Clan. Seller- and son Clayton and like Mildred Hoerle motored to Nigger. It". on Monday this week and hon there to friends in New Ontario where they intend to stay . few weeks. Mr. and Mn. Hum†Kuhn and who Carl and Robert - the week-end u Eva-Uh Bach. Mrs. Sophia Ottmn spam I week in "ork-iile. A Mend]! gem of home-hoe I. played heaven come ot the BL Clements pllyel'l ind some ot our 10ml men at the court. here. Mr. and Mm. pr. mu Ind non Newton ot bottom recently t=11qd on trUttdg here. Mr. and Mm. Albert a.“ otthttn- llton open! a day at tho homo ot Mrs. Catherine Banner. The residence on the west side ot the village or Mr. ttor Mamm In nearing completion and Mr. and Mrs. Mans: and funny Inland taking possession um month. Threshlng Is the order of the day in this district. Mr. Warner Lips, the parachute Jumper, made another leap ttt the softball game on Monday evening and landed safely on the hill gem-s the that and was “mound " quite I large number of people who took in the softball gamel Mrs. Jacob Thirst, who went the past three meet: with her niece. Mm. M. Gardner, left on Sunny to apelld some time with her son, Mr. Milton Thiel. Oxford-Waurloo Luau. Hay-OR:- The game played in Fountain Park on Monday evening between Hickson Girls and Iruh'. Coupon. was won by Hum-on by n more ot ll to 6 in ‘chkson's tum- uld the the chimplonahlp of the Girl" Bott. ball Laggue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry mu ot Wat- erloo And Mm. Douvu and daughter of Evasion, Ill, spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mn. Dan Wil. liams. C Mr. and Mm. o. Man and (an!!! of Toronto spent Sunday with the formers liner. Mn. Wm. Mun]. Mr. Ind Mm Harry Small and tamily of Kitchener won sand†visitors with the lane!â€- lather. Mr. S. Peacock. The eombined churche-~ ot the Wilmot “(new parish held their mum Sunday school picnic In Fountain Put here on hand†afternoon. Thor. wen nearly 160 pmenl to tsntoy tho out»; sud pro- gram of spark. The moruom: "I about In men and contacts while the older one: joined In morryV mg. The “marlin; sat down to . well laden mole provided by the Indian u “war “no. Following this manly I." present took In the lrilh'a GHimstt'gFPtnttaettle, oohhnll match. played than In! - of the - with the Human]. m on Thu.- "r "outâ€. The Colleen. unner- ed two of the vtaitine phenol. In " runs while "vine only six run. tallied lulu: them. Karly too “runes-ed the - New Annual Picnic. In. W. J. Run“, ll- lilo Ran-ell an In. out at Akron. Ohio, an. A, haul! at GEM. m., sud In. H. let-rm: “A Ian M- mond ot button. who WON vim†here. lot! [or their no“ on My. Quinn's Finish In Flu _ at Mum» at we.» no lung: two not. with In. W. I!“ gar. Elm stud. ll, [halal M. In†ot Ann. II... who] mun. "an". 'pete. (not a “It at '0‘ " mm». Mr. mm M II. a8taq' od tho mm. or old â€tool-gm [rill Collar- took no We. at being ttttid out of that phe- in HEIDELBERG ,ra they "u. "t. Ion; “M" if; 9:." a. “but. “at n- 1b'Ul'Wtu. _ Mr. and Mn. Petr-I of Human um - at the hon. of Mr. and In. c. Met. Th Moran udue Ala no“ a. “In: at “no Ion. of m- P. Wuhan n Wain-a! gnu-loom A no“ hour '0le the but“. Ine. 0' 7mm. 1: an" - m “no ttt he on a! in m dert- - - "at“! q. Mum. "tt In. Don. Jones ’oi Mn " - a tow "r. "can†at up)“. of Mr. and In. R. Jon... Me. and In. A. 4hgtqiirs not! and†with routin- In Radiance In. and In. a. bunt Included . picnic In lad-ll. Put, Hamilton, on Wong-cu. In. our“. Hon-o spent the 'etHet!1te' hon. 193,13 _ Mr. and mm. W. 0mm. and mm childron ot Th?routo are worms; a few _ vncntlon " Willow Mr. uni In. A. Taylor and three children of Toronto no man. I ymtlon with rel-un- In the rib It. 3nd In. A. G. Volt. and than chiral-on spout Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mn. R. thttt.eheeth oLKltchonor. " Mr. And In. A. thnittt um con Robert ot Kitchener we“ vmwm u the home of Mr. and In. R, Jones on Friday. in. W. Gamble ot Toronto attetttt go wool-and at tho home of Mr, W. at h z .n u, i _ ; f, A ' In th. 'i',., .» . . . --_ CT Meat Man-yer, R. WALLACE. lent llama, JEROME FISCHER. "lllt,?,!i,?a,ys 0 o o 3": 3 5%:19f CoRNllllnLAlKtiiait 3 m... " i"k"ii"iiiiiii'a, 5 was. PAROWAX zwuzac QICES "I'"'" a... MN, ORANGE .l.l?lliililitftlt rm .... " SALMON'hE‘Ib. In _'.; a: “was†MB! '9" "SERVING Mrmttg " LOP-OWN nun more: emu" JEROME PecrrErt. J. K. uosmz. exnu dial-3.; 236 MNth‘ygy EECHENER 69 KrNGAy, Ji,, KITCHENER " KING ST. N., WATERLOQ, PHONE 997 BACON -lPllluiSllillRNnltlttG alaJlulil,.- In “If m6†PAID To PRODUCE! you EGGS. ASK 00!! 810.! MANAGER 7:3; ar/Psa, I PHONE' 3181 'tet1uey_rtrtte1tttiGe.mir,-r--, -, ' li, out T '“: _ 'tir,,'."),' .','f,1'hi',y,iib,ti'ii', 1'itfilf)"i '.. 'r'1'rl/tiritit!?ti,il _ , Both-Mic" . .. y x Grocery Hunger. Meat Manager, - ---- N. ADAMS. B. P. FISCHER. a a; ---_ Tia -iaiGGiii m audi, '7. %iia'GnVaiii. -- pr, fad Jr- In M an 1 In. MM. Humor. Kuhn". In but and!“ I tow dams with "eu. - Glam-lei. Mr. In In. W. 1. Pony. Toronto. In" rut-mod Ion. um â€ending I to... with "a." daughter, In. Hun (ll-conch In. M. lat-don, la - (but. In - In - with 'ttyer, In Mr 'W'L- _ In boo- nm for I†"In by Mr. nu In Not "out. It". In. “It. Vow. (no , "gnu-05 W a no a. Mr. And In; Aaron Mod“ ad con: man And Arnold min Lov- vlllo, NN., m" Mum-1| hon. um welding . Ink with the utter- ahur. In. Inn-uh Onion“ All lot but)“. Mr. 'fmstr Glynn“. home Inn ginning nu?“ Audi In bonnie, KY. The tuners! of the my Mm. John H. Card ot um. Rock. Art-, who - In] In Blink-m, m., In the mull ot Injurlol mind In an auto accident. tool wee on Bat. urdly uhornoon " can. Imam“! In: mule m the Door: cometary. Rev. J. J. Love of out. omcmed, Mr. 1. Brett of Gall, conducted the tmrvimt at the United Church on Build-y afternoon. mfc. Hum spent tho wool-end with rel-Hu- nt blon'l Read. my Of Injuflu. Ill-i n68 hi}; aa -ihunoo Mm. pun Gingrich In. returned Giocery Hunger, Iona-Incr- IADIN MB ION"~8AVING "ICES "amt88tet-toatmrrg- h'htw "TI'" l 2. Nltalt girg, lb. 19. QUALITY CALIFORNIA VALINCIA - ww" JUICE PHONE 2iriti The Usual hika ou Bor' union at In.» and ‘1th m hold in High Part. Toronto on asund- . In, foul-u aa.a of [Rein-r and WAG-doc "I! mm. to rim old Manda-In. In a. otrftulFt- 'h.'Watrrhro Old Ian plug-d .3 'ttah-r um aim " ficiuuiiiii." Mr. and Mn. Wm, Wenlnufor And ton Ail-tin, Mr, amt In. Into Thoma. Ind children about Build" woman!) with Mr. and In. To!- ford can IN BULK Mr. Ind In. J. tHip mad but tor Ruth, Mr. and Mn R Illignn um hunter Helen. Mr, and lira. Wm. Dion amt Mr. and Mm. AIM (hm! and children upon! sunny "will; with Mr. John Damn. who in not in very good health. WI hour†will soon rooour. III? "In?†In Prawn Baum hum" team were "canny defeated by Wuurloo try I Icon of m. The (can I not the with Kitchener. Mr. And Mn. Brunvorth ot Troy, "Hack. parents of Mm. Ru. Bio-on- (hd Are spending a month with We" dummy Mr, and Mn Ned-on Behr open Sammy evening with the hue!"- legnu. I’llttwdiIMn. J, Frey.†Mr. and um. Mu PM. of Wat. erloo wont tho week-end with rus- ting. DIS-nu Lolu And Ruth and Hutu hr! returning home with thorn after spending a month with tenant. Mr. and Mrs. APttt, Ruck Ind chit than open! Sunhy with Mr. and MI}. J. Sew. Router, OLD Boys' REUNION PICNIC *I'A‘ -oigt " “Ha-’W a... 29 WE DELIVER EXTRA CHARGE 10c Grocery Manager, 'le' A, A. LEITH. 'Rtg