"." . Tiiai 1jihil' The member tor South Waterloo expressed opposition to the propon- nl of Robert Gardiner, U.F‘.A. lend- Pr, that wealth should be mmcrlpt- ed tor tax purposes "We depend an the circulation ot capital tor the development of our lnduatrlen, and we usually Wud that thotre panele- ln; wenlth Invent " In our lndnetrhl 'rstatsliethmetsu," meld Mr. Edward: been With Tenllee Long recognlzed In one of the beat valued men In Part1ament on textiles. Mr, Edward. dull partiew - with the woollen and wanted yarn breaches. making some refer- encel to hunted good. Ind Illln. "Rn.mutrotiom. of m. limo-try are runny and mound. ot people Are elected. both directly and Indirect- ly." he sold. "Thole reuse all the way from the former who grow. the wool to the men who producn the mp end chemlcnll need In the pro- ceulnx. This lnduelry h eemnd only to urlcultnre end the number employed In normal {lumen emonnle to thou! 100.000. The textlle journal (has thm number of employees an 58,!" women on wages uld "ll-flee and ".600 men In the um. col-gone TH!!! IN IV-ILICTION wm. a thmnmd haul. In no Went York hy-elocuon I car may. and with mot. Hun an on- I“. chance that four candidate: will man (In late Dr. â€rh- Godfrey. no“. (In vellum campaign it. been not under "" with tho announco mom an an lay-election wtit “In plac- " autumn). lay M, with no my“. 57. In] rm. no candidatu- the“) In tho fUtld If. may I. Prion. the oflcinl Con- -ttr. laminar W. I (MM D... am of {on tom-Mp. " Mt Calm-tin candida“. all lol- W. butâ€. - out in! " (to Illa-“It w Mr. Edwards predicted that bet. tor [knee will prevail next year “Men will permit taxes to be low- ered Ind he explained mat/levies contained in the budget have been placed upon those people best able to my. Pmtectlon accorded Canadian manufacturers by Premier Bennett in 1930 not only kept the wheels of industry In the Domlnlon moving but brought thou! the estabikshrtteut of 157 new concerns which provided employment for Canadians. Alex. M. Edwards. Conservative member, tor South Waterloo. stated In the House of Commons recently in the budget debate. R. A. C. Henry and R. o. 'sieZ’ié; The rat of the board had carried on nlthonl these three vacancies being filled. Reading ot correspondence be. tween Mr. Bennett and the banks cot1ttrmed the tact, long staged un- otncialtr. that the Prime Miniater had compelled the tendering of reerite nations by all members ot the. Beau- harnok; board or directors. Three resignations had been accepted-- those of Senator w. L McDougnld. PREDICTS BETTER TIMES FOR PEOPLE IN DOMINION The Prime Minister’s statement made It clear that only the ttrm, un- devhtlng course pursued by the Government had kept the gisnt en- lerprke out of the hands of the Mon. teal Light, Heat and Power Corpora- tion dominated by Sir Herbert Hon. This. in effect. was the View of the present Beeuharnoks situation which Premier Bennett gave the Home of Commons Monday In a statement which has been awaited try Parlhr ment and the country ever alnoe the Beauharnols Corpomtlon failed to pay its debenture interest on April list last. With a property much more vain» able than ever It was before and wlth a prospect of having the Do. minion of Canada as a f1mst mort- gage hondholder, Investors in the de. bentures of the Beanbamola Power Corporation have it in their power to step In and take over the whole gignuuc St. Lawrence emanation when“; at the and ot Jane. Bond Holders Given Chance, Senator McDougald and R. O. Sweezey Out. 'orelu- Lower TIIOI, Daniel; his, duatriu and Better Farm Prices. GOVERNMENT T0 ASSIST I BEAUHARNOIS "The put roar," be 311 has been one ot anxiety. annuity and hardship. It I; only In the last few manna that some revlul ot trade and employment Ina led us to hope that ttt but the wont in over." an! in 100 Your: Chamberlain aid the previous emergency budget. introduced try Viscount Snowmen do Me [at on- rial itaarieiat net, was unprecedented in the last hundred years. Chamberlain announced that eul- mated expenditure; Mr the next " cal you would be 100,000,000 pound- (approximately 82,910,800,000 at the much! at. ot 'rxettamte). This In the ttrat time since 1924 that enu- mnted expenditures have hue]: be tore 800,000,000 pound. sterling. Tho chuullor ot the exuhoqnor untamed um hope In the coumo ot his budget speech in the Home ot Common. Ruin: of trade and uphill!" In (I. put (or mold:- glv- and. Britain reuon to hop. that no .01“ of her economic dents-Io- in over. Sumo million-II. et-yt. lor at the oxdhoqner told pull.- menf In London on Tu-tar. Sammie-’3 $105, 000, 000 Surplus f for Budget Introduced J VOLKTNO. u 32,300,000 Poul-E I Con- Cl-rtod with attempted non-all ot MM I "aid at (no It)». ot Rev I. o. up. " soy-our " 001mb, Malay a» "duo. all. nan-tour m Mad not Cer, - " “out. ' Wit-cu: I. . wmmcmmwunum no" In an m. Netted Britain 880.0004)“ In" tNtieruusttMy4eiiii, Counsel tor defendant V. H. Hat- tin asked that his client Schulz be reinstated by the city chlmlng that charges against him had not been woven. D. G. Mclntosh. KC. for the city contended that tsutrieiettt has had [been esthallnhed to warrant An Ie.eee.tlte on the put of road _turerintemient Schulz. Judge Clem- ent Intimated that he may auhmlt to Ir", city round! " interim report ‘And have the oouncll Ilium-ta whether the probe to to be contlnnad ‘further. would improve matters. iii5eG favored removing the mud and then mulling the bottom. No definite notion in taken. " CM work In done now it will provide work for tom of the town'- unomployed. Chlirnun A. C. Hoffman presided. Other members resent were Mayor Bohlender, G. If. "ekenttauer, In Snyder and Min Rom, secretary. The pull lake w“ impound this week by members of the park board, town council Ind welfare bond with a View to T,',',".'" mud in order to make bathing mellitus better. Mayo! Boner: or and unrl mm- beri, (nvored tttd, FGliauG, of the [do Mom, contending it Monday’s meetin . The estimated revenue will be ti,dll Min E. B. Roos, librarian, re- gorted I substantial increue in ook circulntiqn for Int month. The rooms on the second floor Ire now being arranged for a childrcn'l de- purgment. IMPROVEMENTS T0 PARK LAKE DISCUSSED made by the WateHoB -LiiGr; Board for 1932 were fixed at $4,835 Yr treeurer Mina E. B. Roms " The investigation being conducted by His Honor, Judge Clement at the request ot the city ot Kitchener council to ascertaln facts in connec- tlbn with charges against Schulz who allegedly ullowgd defective tile to be used In laying mains. hr,s been “burned irtdoBttiteir. $1.835 NEEDED BY i It was said to have been emb- lished that the bonds, representing ‘normally about $100,000,000, had been printed at Mr. Kreuger’n diree tion by a private ttrm in Stockholm about a year ago. The item had no mason to suspect the forms were to be used tor an illegitimate purpose. it was said, co-tt for Defendant Claims Char.“ Not Prove-tera, Report Possible. SCHULZ PROBE ‘1 Investigators got (real: light on ithe formed Italian Government bonds allegedly found Among the do- cumentd ot Kreuger and Toll Com- pany, Krttuger's larger itntuteial company. It In: understood more arrest. would be made and that the polka activities prob-My won†extend to Now York, Berlin, Paris. Amsterdam and Geneva. A special “Kreuger department ot police," including tour lawyers and six detecting. will conduct an later- national enquiry Into the attaim ot the late [var Krenger. who killed himself in Pun; recently just 'betore chaos enveloped his vast Bruutetat enterprises. "Up to the present time." he con. cluded. "we hue been unable to, re "itablioh a detinite contact." Despite a definite statement ot his agents. Dr. John F. Condom that contact was still being mlnulned with the kidnappers, Col. Lindbergh declared that no thsdinito contact has been made since the fruitless aur- render, two weeks ago. ot 850000 in cash. MILLIONAIRE KREUGER FORGED TEN MILLION BONDS, IT IS ALLEGED baby, COL Charles A. Lindbergh nude 3 despairing appeal to the press at Hopewell. NJ... April 18, to be per mined to negotiate without interfer- ence tor the return or his kidnapped Beer 1nd Bola-la Down He pointed out that Sum-den was able to provide tor a reduction In the debt by 838500.000, and for a surplus All the cumin: excise rove- nueu exceeded alumna except beer and spirits, he stid. Together they were nearly £2,500,000 lea than ex- pected. STILL NO TRACE OF LINDBERGH BABY {I Predict mum Surplu- l The chancellor, it was ref-(med. was ready with a Munch] policy which would provide tor a bathe! surplus or about 226,000,000 (about $106,000,000), The “prediction he been freely mum there 'rilllroserrttasttte beer a! and their. new duty of G to , pence . pound will be leVled on lee, which bee been duty free duct "n. No reduction In the heavy Income tax we: expected but there were some who thought tho budget - provide game m relief tor married men. “lard Blenders but budget In . model annual. at new. but com And an. lumen." I. out “We If. oo- 9.00...“ 90111108 better," an Loni Silo-don untlclpntoi , Baum-bed expenditures br nuuuL Nor nun." LIBRARY BOARD IS ADJOURNED In Audra Git% -iiiaTiTic -. '"im - be M ' all. tiEatstfliriti,titi'2ie “ ""t A good sized mushkt. which dc aided to leave Us home near the park lake. Waterloo ttttd pay I visit to the downtown streets nttractod the " tentlon of seven] ctttxens near Bud» dell's garage. One man gave chue and killed the animal. This In the firot time a muskrat made a mists)“; ot wandering through the business part. CITIZEN KILLS MUSKRAT ON STRE Reports from Northeast aneh Province, China, April 17, said an earthquake on April 6 took a ter- rible toll. “several tens of thousands of persons perishing." The [dad of gravel which was in his yard was brought trom the Con- iaton Rd. gravel pits. Contrary to expectations Mr. Smlm outed that he dld not order the execution ot he reminder ot " flock ot towl. “They're " pecking Iway at the gravel and they may turn out to be a regular gold mine." was his joculu comment. Trtous.ANr?s Kutl,ED. BY QEAK; "We are In luck and It looks like a good your tor us," Mrs. Smith ra- marked to her husband when be " rived home tor the dinner. "Look what I found In the gluon! ot the chicken. It's Bold." [All Saturday one ot the chickens was killed for the table. The glu- atrrd produced A nugget or gold weighing three grains. Tests showed it was pure gold. I “There's gold In them that chic. Irena," Oscar It Smith. 208 John St. Toronto declnrea ettthutsiatrtietu1r pointing nt some twenty fowl. peck- ing and catching away at grave] in his hack yard, when visitors call It his home. CHICKEN I A coroners' Jury [and tor . tow moment» upon the body of Richard Read, 53, of Atwood, 193.. on April 18, who was lunged by a mob hom the limb of . ' um Mummy that he almond 3nd killed their old Dorothy Hunter. “Bath by ttarte Iru at the hum: of person un- known." reported the jurors: whore upon they returned to their Spring plowing, I The new "war can" non out at â€mutation ot hung“ miutary 30 mm In nonhorn Muchurh and charges that Communutl bombed a Inpanese troop train. . NOBODY l8 BLAMED Strong Sou“ emMNtrttrationq on the Manchurian {rowan no thorough], manned for detox-no ot the Continuum we. omen! clrclu declared at Moscow on April " in pin-ruin; that white Rosina: and certain Janna“ [Milan-ts were plowing to provoke a war between Janus and the Soda union. "New York opinion " atstpr-d In nanny unnamed chum:- ln nu! h to the aim that ttse higher cit-(I of mnl should get moat. “mung. to an dotrhnont of tho hm volume of pm who mum glad and" prone. condition- Iva', the higher and. of lar- ud wh , “to to an - o! the a We. Third Cl- noun. ttte"'"" Ind-on; " their W In "etdmt " pa. " 72t 2i"e?its1'? 'St t'trt " 2,',,1Ut mm" u.- . e In when by the C a P a: handmade.“ An Imm- pnucio- A. tho M In“ which will ho â€product. ru. and“ no "will“ by eh 'tat-ttt etetteVrjAui"9.i. may». The Henry noun-on: no docu- ed to sin n with om prob. Into John uni, Ir., “a... with Hydro ‘Eleelrlc P0"! Con-homo). Includ- In: the 8135.000 pull II. by tho Bmumoh Inter-u. Hon. John P. Orde. Justina. of an Atoeal court " Dunno will conduct tho enquiry. """ AM Iteg%ttir loan , . . . In"... 00m may... PROBE mammals ut “a. u, '33: I Ill t " mmtirteq I v , 8125,000 AIR!) GIFT I [ an,†. a sum The "on" Bonn-on: In doom- mug: t"At'Nttuttrg tsd,toei"aariNo..atreotreinto Raul m John AM. Ir., dulln- Imh Hydro "an'." Hum†MPM,',',',,' “some Power Con-mun, isteht0. f'dr,,'t:'i ik "a 'det', . atronq r. " the 8125.000 paid bl. by the coma-latic- 'gPlug'. Chief Bosnian-nob Intercom. Hun. John P. June- I“. I. mu un- Drde. Justina. of m. Appeal court or (one. Jttut ll. 'lllllMtttt of Janna will conduct tho enquiry. "I. mu ot ttroll, who I. " with _ Auction. RUlOIA-JAPAN WAR? emu-on 7“th Crown'- Strong 'Rteittt concentnuon. on chief than in a. have!) . he Manchurian from". are Anderson, Btiit Imam" '/h"tt humanly manual for deter-ca ot build "and: and " . “(My up he Communal-t due. ottteiat clrclu you. Matt 'u M weak to “and Ireland at Mo-tw on Aprt.' n in And remind out... while giving birth-s that white Rust-n; and 9,,“an tsrtain Japanese» tamarind were On the “a!“ I. d Andouon rlootitttt to provoke a war between uld he had an“ In m. Wu om“ I sun And the Soviet union. ._, -. _ . _ - rub. with nummM-oam in Mmuhdth'hdnld 'l.tWMd'rghtl"2ttN'1.e the.aieoreareouittoa. mm‘ ship chill: were com-4d for', PIMP":- in. Mann-4m 9-4 mun a: m what-“old bottom; with Ind and mu In! “rm Co Rod- ' _- 'rl',:,',,','),");',','.',,,,,, In!“ Condition YIELD! FOR THIS LVNCHING NUGGE‘I' OF GOLD out The Chautauqua turniahed pro- gram of real wholesome (internin- ment at a hlgh order and their up penance in Waterloo was made poa- slble by interested citizens and bust- nee: men. w. P. Knox, manager of Forayth's Ltd., Waterloo bunch, and S J. Adams. manager ot the Bank of Toronto, acted as general chairman and secretary-treasurer respectlvely. 0n Tuned!†afternoon Sue Hut- Intr'a Marionette: provided a real In- teresting program tor both children and grown ups. In the arenlng an. series of concert; concluded with I get,"',fed by the Havelon players f the famous comedy, "Old Crusty Takes the Air." Monday afternoon the (amen: Polk]: pianist Hugo T,',',',') way the attraction and in the even " It T. Bullley gave his celebrated lecture "All Aboerdâ€. Saturday afternoon an Interesting travelogue was given by Mm. Albert Vlerra. In the evenlng Vlarrn'u Hawaiians, numbarlnx ave "this provided an excellent pmgrum. I The newly decanted town halt at Waterloo was crowded in the doors trider nlght. it being the occasion ot the opening play "Bout". and Psld For," given under the auspices of the Canadian Chm-aqua. The members ot the an dastehtM the his audience, keeping the people in constant laughter. Wholesome Entertainment Pro. he: meeting with hkhtwell and new tho lad we. d-tttarte And that he had helped hill. We story at the shooting was otrrmuttmtire or the} told by trim on when econ-ions. He nld he tn reaching tor the emergency We of the period ma- chine when he an! e revolver level. led " him. He [rubbed the iirearTrr and the next a“ I 'u- Ind ten _ ‘eungtn; eon-“ton In his heed. Ghll'l'Mah A'ITRAC'IS BIG CROWD H; mm that h: GaGGii my. thing improper to Brigtttnroti. for u yum urGriaTT Tici; yet tot." 'ep. 11; told of Ill: mans-mum“. Vidal in Comedy Phys, Lectures Ind Musical "hrtttmiaat--artrht " Am Shaun: mm; mm Program. nu - - Wtiii is“?! tiittitl?iitlltffflfi 0th. I M rid-dim lnpn- ot Britain, not clan, maul: 8850 to 'at. Duh... Cutl- Illhhnn- .100 to mu llama-In. Manchu. Ila-M Cat" minimum sue to 'ite. Ronda! .royrir,tqsAetregtionttre 'nii'i'iifirhiiiii'i'Eity,'t,'i1'i Dubai-pn- Mr.'t'tttt2."gl'g 'a'tlnta,'t.'s'ittt 1.- 6.- ttt In. . up ttalafttt,' up. “than Mali?!» ., I?! 'iq-, i Town Clerk N. A. Zlck emu “but the tax notices are now being prepared tor mailing. The tax rate ot " mills in made up " 101101": education 41 per cent. county par none: 16, debenture payments 18, fire protection 6, hospital end relief 3, park purpose- 2, street lighting 8, atolieet protection 2, "bury pur- poses 1. public been]: 2 and general pun-pou- T per cent. TAX BILLS TO BE MOTHER'S ARMS Death w-s narrow; averted early Saturday evening w en Alexander Blyth, 21, lost his footing an the roof of his parenta' home " Oshaw- and dropped 40 feet into the Arm: of his mother. MAPLE SYRUP LOOKS 0000 BUT FINE MUST BE m CASH Maple syrup, despite the (act that it is selling at $2.50 a gallon " Stratford, is not recognized " I medium of exchange for paying for infractions of the TraMe Act. The "id is fine in its place, but tive dollars worth of m-ple â€to: does‘ not pa; 3 tive doll“ Bae. Cre-I m-rty Inner was arrested for driv- ing in the city minus a permit. Be had no cosh in his pockets. but in the tar he had several gallons of syrup. He went to the police station "We 'li' Jh"'a'gheid'tatc'ttU. 9 nu Msn. The chief admitted the p looked good. m would like to Ken it, but he maintained that the tine should be paid in cub. When the barguin fell through. the farmer agree to secure the money. FELL 40 FEET INTO I Gordon Neubauer ot all. No. s, inc-paler had the distinction on 8.9 "trdar of being the itrart In " dt- trict to do spring plowing. With the high windo the had bu dried ro- man-My we". making plowing poo- slble. The road. In the district are also reported much upland. The cue uni adiourisuastiiuGT use. to car qre minim. Months running/board center mm; with the uni-tune. of a our pinion to trot It out of the ditch, The on. In (on. suddenly our!“ new the road and column with I our driven by I was: an. In court on Monday “not W. P. CID-an: comma accused who, pleaded guilty to reckles- Iririar m- "---- m, .. _ .. - “spawn “an?!" FIRST ON LAND n: rennin"; on aux-my, L. warmed at magnet. wag und- RECKLESS maviVii- ADMrrrED " IMORIST - in arm rem tt, gm has gnaw will 0 on. or o any damage ' not“. ttttlit was won covered with now which W to protect. the wheat from cold and, from Putat- iUld. the look‘ promising. With the In warm weather thin week farmers m but, with plowing and hauling open- than. WHEAT ciok ifaii7, ,' II; taiiai'ai"'G" irai'r'a- h 532:9_W.-c his 'rqolrtCea _ c. I. "ta"lig,ttgt, In! h 'i4'ih.'ltti iG'l' M Jtt. _iii'j'i?iiii'itititif! tr'li1ty.'.'titif,'e2eiii a. It. him-m h At Petunia": on 81mm). _-.-.-.. " â€â€œ4 A _ PuerMtllttr-e. 3139‘“; tft" (t'tiepiie MAILED SHORTLY I on Tuna-ff" Lt-ia", in ertartt-rteqd tt,'al LOOKS WIRING noon. Mr. Canning in " year. of no and In con-Morn! I atom drivor no the new“! It not thought to In" been the mutt of too fut driving. The car turned mmpluoly Over Ind "and on tho III-oh nun. Th. ht. jured mun won blank: to (own In " Arrow bu whlch can. non: and a van Mon to Dr. Alida-room'- one. we was In!" remand In in ambulance to at. lll'y'l hospital. KNCIOIOI'. It in. at nut that“! that Mr, Copllng'. who no Moron but no: trar cumin-non it proud we on I. m. Mr. mm; "In“ In." “In Mining a. new"! bet In "portal to In nu- h. M and mm. Mr. an Writ-t. In“ nu. who "a I!“ lr. am an“ “Inn. no trut gnjgujubu. m - h the “(M's-nu“ "it L Mr. John C, Capllng of South mum: received -trtou. lnjurl- to Ms back. when In none unaccount- Ablo manner he Ion! control or " m which went down . Ill foot ditch on the highway about a In". out of New Humbug" f"', Sunday at» SERIOUSLY INJURED IN ACCIDENT John C. Capllng. Aged 72, In "omgtaLL-Car Went Into Deep Ditch. TWO DOZEN OF 8068 " CENTB AT CHATHAM Eggs were quoted on the Cttntham market s I'm-day at 10 cents a dozen, or two coma tor " cents. Alarmed when the heard the child's frantic acre-mo. the mother rushed to the house to lhtd the boll- lng wuvr "torally showering the child. _ CHILD scMDED To DEATH Len In the house Ilene while her mother went to tend a chicken broo- Gi; In a nenrby building, bob. It- ‘momhn-old daughter or Mr. and Mm. Earl French ot Ernestnwn. seven miles east ot Nuance on the Klug- slon highway, we: retail: welded. when pushing I chair " to the link and climbing into It. one turned on the hot wgtor tap. .---v., "v-..- m. “cl“ um: year. The omens elected for the year are " follows: Hon. presidents, General Arm- strong, Lt-Col, E. G. Barrie, W. M. o. Lochead, W. H. Schulz, Hon. W. D. Euler, M.P., & C. Tweed, M.LA., Mtyor C. M. Bezenu; presi- dent, Robert E. Ritz; Brat vice- president, J. Huck; tsecond vice- president, Lloyd Knipfel; third viee-l president, Emil o. Ritz; ucrotury- treuurer. Emil C. Schultz; execu-l tive, A. T. Schiedel, W. H. E. Schmalz. W. M. o. Lochead, W. J. Near, J. C. Jaimet, W. o. Knechtel, Roy Shanta, Oscar Lauber, Loni: Moebus. E. D. Fettlaufer, Chule: Meeker, Cecil Upger, C. J. Bruder and August Kudo a. {three organizations, iiidGiisitTtuiiii," {dies tey and unphong bend had ,, _ -"___ w... w..- a... all“ in all 181 GaiGGliii'i during the year. ti record. the former having 124. The 1931 tattoo showed a de- Beit of $445.78 and as . result the lociet ended the year with 3182 deileit. Chm W. M. o. Lockout stand in View of last year’s mb. 'erienee it wnte not likely that I tame wguld be. held_ qua tear. I -_...... v I-Iulu AcucnI-ly. iiiiioiTa presented by the various Oneida indicated the society land en- jgyed a moyt gucceqml yegrt The Poe the thirteenth consecutive year Mr. Robert E. Rita wu elected resident of the Kitchener Ewell gociety at the annual meeting held ‘on Monday night. Tribute was re ‘to the splendi ‘uerviceu rendere by the president who reluctantly com. sented to nerve nnother term. Various speaker: complimented bandmaater Ziegler sad the men- ben for the marked prom-n made and on the excellent concert broad.. "',',ttf by rudio recently.‘ Enthusiastic Mating of Kitch- ener Musical Ssetetr-ate. Ports [resented Show fl. E. RITZ 18 RE ELECTED PRESIDENT burned Dr. H. G. 14¢an 'ral um“ “a can In: no to Mr. Budovllch 3nd " daughter. who “a seven}: 's-as" wu lllllll. lunch. The Inâ€. (no "no will. paladins), but“ and envelop“ phono to "mm. a. an _ ntnt. When the ttr-mt and!“ a. Mu. Budovltch who mind to an mm: In busy trying to beat out "so than. The dam. from In l " $hikffig Ffigiiiha '4‘. In. W. Paul.- an... , Cunnin- 3-533ko... runs: an muslin: “MEL-limit) i _ "r"""'"'"""',' County enact? _ . j? . ' Fills "Vacuum" ty NEW HAMBURG Mr. A. R. 032mm. bu rewind omen! notice from tho Ont-r10 Do [unmet-t or Agriculture of m. " polntmenz by the Hon. T. L. Kon- nody " dUtNet Inspector of wood. of Western Ontario. This 1: Mr. 8mlth'. fourth con-cent!" nppolnt. mom to an. amnion In thet he In: held this appointment Inc. In In- amnuon by tho -usetst of uricunuro. Mr. Smith‘- "tte. will commune. on April Ma, who- he with Mr. A. It Martin qri11 on 00 county ammo In Wound. h!- In!!!†this. mann- of liar-o â€on. when ull [to cunt, and an ship wood {tn-mm" "I In“! mama wood "unto?- you!!!“ income. on of “an tho may and other wad hum In (I. hi- nllmnt ot their at!“ “d tho on. of lit-mun to to. that the. tr ‘Ipacton who an m - (to anmnmon of II. In". on?) “I no “an...“ m Tho alarm hammer. work My com-ton "hdtntVtr.artie Naval". (Ouch-cl on ha. I) Re-turpointed for Fourth Year for Ettery Onurh-Good ARI; SMITH NAMED WEED INSPECTOR E Waterloo'a Intermediate baaeban “an: its expected to open the Mn here on May 19! with u game against Brantford. Waterloo plug a: Brant- ford Mu 7th. There no live tum In the group. the others being out. Inger-all Station! and Brantford. Waterloo ammunition: ere pill. um: I drive to give work to the um employed in town. Citizens who Lheve work around the home, cordon. ere. or [notary are requested to give as many days work to the ion for- tunate citizens " possible. The mte ot [my I. to be " cents per hour. The board or work. committee under Reeve W. W. Frlckey with the co. operation at town engineer Claude Nectar. plan" to prepare certain pub- Ite worn tor the spring end numme'r which will live employment to come ot the men. The slogan will be “(live I Men a Job." BASEBALL SEASON - OPENS MAY 2m _ -77 __ - Tho anchors in may an out: were pruned for their elm-It work. The ontario Power Column-Ion replied to a letter from the bond. stating it could not nuke my Mac» tion in the electric pawer also In "street at the “hook. N. o. Kim], ‘M.P.P.. South Waterloo, ndrhsed the board 'that he would continue In. etl'orls to secure lower hydro nut. “GIVE A MAN Waterloo otrletu. Will Enluvov In Find Work for Ungnployol. Trustee F. Ruler reported salaries paid es “.376. Inspector Roberta commented on the ttttq no- Q,1'yttee now provided mow. B... AA--L_-_ ‘- - ___ -- F. P. Zwick rend the Inner “not! which showed that 634 children "I“ examined ct the Rumba": Ziegler school. 679 at Alexandra School at! 609 at Cantu! school. The bank ot the children on the whole wt: re- ported good. _ other huh“. included tho rt celvlng ot repom. The school " tendmce report read " This“. Orley Uttehrtan, showed an â€toad- nnce decline owing to Illneu of PR, pile of 86 per cent. last month. Dr. Mrs. s. C. Tweed. for many you- lclulrnun of the Wuterloo public school and who was mttormstteaup suspended on new“: of minimi- :nce " mootlnu In rein-um at a recent meeting ot tho Board. In. Tweed, who returns In two _ ha: been In the South with her ttrtgF band for six months. SCHOOL BOARD miirrnm IS REINSTATED Lte, gm: 2tlil,tutt2,"g',t 0 com: I " 11"!“ the Wl'/.'g'l'l',', and in Accord-net with a petition mod Int . It Wu pointed out. t iittiEril Indus; of the mad trot (km ntishctory mum. _ "‘ -"'"* m m " t. 'clr_xartteiuiYrri'F.eirGG"iur. "ufPartitiiUiiiiiiiii" Clerks-n “at" .t.tPeetreArrFiiaiTaTii't" 11ittrtrrigtau,Aihri'i"ifTGG" t'g'rN.tr'tttrtot"t"ai. bar. .w.'rm.. t _ .Arohttiot-r-it- tribute ',Nfldde,t.tt"3Liid that-tow. .m-co at“ ,riLlttfor-io"tid . Pe9.tioat.rtetuCgiuii ton, mum. and New â€in; - ftryedttrwiuilG6i'iiriiti%rir. !etiett,ea.lynrfkthder%iii'FGGi"ai :2, “and! expense. whgm p... -_ -- "‘*""' T ' a; 2t S"a'tt"'t'r ate-a a; f=ut11,'et?,ii " .,;:‘% t,,ttsetee1tiltieiiE.' 'tte 3 f. 'ir,e. In. s. C. Twnd, 3M 0"“ to Non-alumina... Now “0.5.. in Good Standing. “nu-suit a. 2:331“- yoga} Work boiGiriirsi." A JOB" CAMPAIGN uuu.““ t MW.W.'I'I. huh-nth. ',m. 1'yti'i'e' 'i5iiit3iiir s'icei5tttiiy. T II“- I." R. B. tlt 1'hRra'hrltnhg,tt 3E