1c Sale . JAP - A - LAC mums: IlhtrtNrtt---.yiHrttd1rtaotther-he rehmandfert45-dttretamtherNstseth. artgtaeai%trmt-rrte-tothetrt-eaaHM-t Onmio Seed G. m of '6torGo Cm†Creamery Butter, lb. Doerr‘s Chocolate Marshmallow, lb. Park View Service Station hilt-u Pore . Ola-ado. MADE PROM FLOUR STONE GROUND. Waterloo County’s {mom old . Min at anal-u. aIllllltllIBl $12.50 $14.50 3165031850 Hatchet mixed - Oxford Greys, Pawns and Brown- in Guard model: - Belted and Box back "ru--- Spring Top, Coats Wan-loo County’s Lam Baku-y. Phone 412 - 418 - - KIT! Foe you! V. have nunlid 130 King St. S. G-w Furnishings WATEILOO - Taro Sm _ SUPERIOR CHAIN MORE 70 Alexandra Ave - .. Waterloo. Ont. R. S; McPttfiliL ' Whole Wheat Bread DIETRICH’S BAKERY L. A. BOPPRE 't - - . . ,. ", (' /ir _t'rik-r,LC,rl'i- LL ~“flg’a*‘"Â¥'ww"’"‘f‘: l $130 In Prizes "rid- Ities 2.3a -â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Iwao_an Essay and WHQRO of "mi ' Jffertt Egg; I Waterloo Chronicle Valuable Prim l Thai Grow Schreiters Ltd. GEO. E. HEHN 4- hour Enamel , “hwy-tailb- MIN“!!! AM “no“. ' tho " lilomt' nodal. on 'sru, all ' that boy Io. baby: " lacuna-y G urn-p cumin-l mu. thrimdidhomeoatthe Highwaymen Prawn. "mttdemeogtveni-. SartmWdhtetstttseondaat excellent countryman. l 4 Acres 19c 26c _ CASH and CARRY Klaehn's Weanalwayammly Mbdocmhyonr home fur any social Cut Firm or NH event. Juntphoneln. anhQItS. Wit-Go Sui Iseli, It. " M. V Uncle. LET us RAKE YOUR MW SPRING sma- NOW! Our line ot - Firm-II- ing- ." of "ttart quality. R. Braunlicll ttaint' thut-rar-ara-i-ia ammonium moat is Usually tita you so per- fectly tint you feel a 99min pride in the net MEAT MARKET " KING ter. B. The beat gilt you an 2ng Lfother on HER thy Tailor-made King St. S. Mother's Day Fiat Prize, 'tnerchanduemlue8MtxSecondPtiiesmerctsandi" can.“ Third Prize. merchandise-uh: um. I-te-rt-o-ttmi-ste-k-ttrt- att-lt-ttti-tred-trt-earth-tt MONTHS. Arrange your sitting now. B-r-tst-ts-a-ui-rim- telttrtqorttet â€chow.“ t"rr"mhireeaartlimoatt..ieett-rt'i-aott1.r-. ammo» -r-ttt.trt$h_t1tnNr-gttarat-throetatareten-. 'mttXtNNtrrgBorqrN'r0sALLttggADrtgttg 01 Ttte Watch. Chi-He Ill tho ,rhta'ir--iltberstaNdanegora_. PulMae,-trhtortuateat. Cilia the manhunt and got any 'ree-ti-r-tobey-ins-tse. SOCIAL AFFAIRS SM 10th TRUSSLER’S 430ml Thai-A Phougmph THREE FRIES '11.). An GtVEI AWAY EACH WEEK (of MAY 8th SUIT 13d. lOclb for “It... 'tisnt-h-ttoe-Ute-feat". Ryan. -tehitKtMsrartr.ht-d-erletrfe_ _'"--""'""""'""", WOULD" mm 3m WIRING an FURNISH YOUR BEECHA M IS PILLS Store Brodey Draimin's Your in Arctic Fur Vaults Eat Your Way to Health _ Roman Meal Bread We have the but RafNeratod Fur Star-cc with Menu-u below Mung temper-tun. 2% ua-ro-o-u"--"--'-'. Pm. M911 Illlll 1-1. will all In:- - .- W. A. Stamens: a ma... " E. and..." Printed and oiaried â€Joy“. ttk a In". AND ENJOY JUST m PROGRAM YOU PttWNm Schweitzer Electric Ltd. Have You Leann! Lyric or De Forest Crowley Set OUR SINCE DIPAITHERT AWAI'I'S YOUR CALL. Through Your WARDROBE , SNOXELL I'll-(St. M. Vina-loo The mano- 0;; and]. at-ir' ’toiiuiupm. Learn's Drug Store Brodey Draimin Fur Co. Ed " Wu. IF TIIE INSPECTOR VISITED YOUR 1I0lilllli W. Henderson & Sons Laotr-'.Sl-mbo ham-admit PtttmeS020andwewtlreaBrorrmrPim. THE RADIO SHOPPE THE NATURAL HEALTH FOOD ALWAYS PROCURABLE at OWN ENTERTAINMENT New in m .oratnr in: "do ‘xelusivdy br to. King St. w. . xrrcnnm not... it it Protection W WATERLOO should be cleaned recu- largly. If it is laid aside became it doesn't go. it's time to bring it to us. , Frank s JEWELRY 31033 King St. S. - chrloo To be able to give satisfactory service and eomrettima,yourwatch WATCHES REPAIRING Jewelry and WAN WATS†“VII SAVE YOU SOMETHING ON EVERYTHING†Women's New Spring Goats . ttll. xiv-m1. ma, man In -' [DAVIS ECONOMIC DEPT. STORE Ladies’ New Spring Hats Yuvillhdhlnolm “*Mcdolmo Special for THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "toM.mdieioii. The IMiitchener furniture Co lT’S A HOBBY OF OURS ALWAYS To SELL THE BEST MEDIUM PRICED suns. The fabrics are line all wool worsteds, the tatitrring is good. the cut is correct, and we think you will an - They are the BEST SUITS NINETEEN FIFTY WAS EVER KNO TO BUY'. FUEL PRICES . "q, . . .LOWBR we. no“. nun-manna. t'...'.. mnumboxnpém '""'s""' mcaAtmwrr"ocoaotrrAscoaL .... The Wm. ttogg Coal Co. Ltd. "s 's WATIILOO - itfttamNtat . GALT " Kb. St. 30%, Wpurloo - I47 King St. But. OUTFITâ€!!! To MEN AND BOYS Ku. St. and. . WATERLDO . P TN. If? "in! in “I‘M“. Lou-n , PILLOW CASES John St. East BOYER LUMBER COMPANY L R. DETEN BECK Suits at ' 1 9.50 .l‘whm‘ukn’duolneuh “'“yo. s 10.95 WE SOLICIT YOUR INQUIRIES Match Us If You WE THANK our many Customers for their generous [change during our big Sale, and wish to announce tbat a the "any"! of may of our Customers we are continuing our Salt for one week more. 74 King St. South, Waterloo The Hawaiian L. J. KLOPP 49c each [STAMPED/ Adult. " wall as Children enjoy Inn- ing to play a stringed imnt by our any new. " “to. fro-I School of Music Woolworth Building Building Time ldd for the 5.1%. you no gain to â€at. all you eon- trmor you puhr (Quin. your Imtu- Int-h! fr“.- Springtime Wu you Inv- . your plan. WATERLOO $11.50