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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Apr 1932, p. 5

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_ I n um. cw. Riemann '" "it I“ " tn m ". ho mum mu- cus no.» Jlll,U,"',Td'l'evS"l) ',tg",','et [Mn-MMNMMMu-mnmu a. mum on mun-m. helm» (but u can or m an hol- lu I nut non-om no "'tttPt,; ot.. 1Pcdlrutetrt,tte lee,' C - can; 'ee'?, m an ttttt m tP/pt/ttpt/ttid",,'.','?.", GirciiifiG ..'_v 'Mth' '. amm- 'i'ii'eieirE i'itib'li'li"tiii 'iitiiii'. 'ii'iiiii'i'ti?iii.tiiiii EgdiFSiiiii,nEiH, 2ii -- ‘w‘ _ 1ii,15,tlp,itPiE BID-ROLL iOOFING Harry Marks mar com Radio Sold and Serviced I v tt lb. _ BROWN LABEL Half pound new " cents " lb. " Nani. Vino-loo a... 01.4 The most important of all the semen, and the only one that neglect can injure, the nimble none, and the most. neglected. The one _that ell would choose before any other, and the one that is almost univemlly imperfect. The optometrist elm: to con- serve comfortable Halon. Your vim. here is our oppor- tunity to do so. DEDICATED TO BETTER VISION . . '_eihtteq, 'ttttUS ,?iittttu,,. (Continued April 28th) I. FWek St. KITCHENER, ONT. The Jansen Eyesight Service Twin-City by inthe Gm - SEE REBATE FORMS ALREADY MAILED TO YOU - WE PROTECT' YOU AGAINST ALL LOSS PRICE DOWN It)“ " With this issue ot the Chronicle fresh mum of wide ale and upto- tbe Eu” Contact, which has been data delivery son-lea. conducted tor the out thirteen Dion-larch the “known Inter, wash come. to n clan. Next week In Waterloo County. only the an." on this woek’s adver~ " my: my burg! District's. u-tttr will “we“. " will be In. Lona W. sun-m. iGiiriiii' to not. who the than at. R. No. 4. ' Fi the can oiBtrt gm be. _ was, om. Al a reenlt or this contest. we ber. lleve. a greater number ot people have come to know more about Wat. erloo stores. and an a reward tor thelr elrorte In writing on the veri- one atom hare received eubmntlal prizes which should be an Incentive to more frequent. ehopplng In Wat. erloo. This week the that wine la carried on by mu Mabel Bechtold ot Ptrtemburg, writing on Truuler’a Studio. In fact. it h Intel-eating to see that rural residents are the VID- nem ot all three prim. each winner having teen per-latent contender: during the can-palm. I FIRST mm: l Tuna-r. Bundle How the (am a home welcome visits (tom muse near and dear. and Gt when duty all: one alter me other trom tie tender protection of the home circle, it Isn't elven not elble to visit them in person. A pho- tograph. a true representation of the person photographed. will give um ‘bounded tor end bring momma cursing beck end the Insure many bout- ot he”; reminiscences. _ Are you hum; your emu-l temlly reunion? To give each en occulon one honou. remember . photograph Helen by True-let's expert. with their carqsttt1 etndy in this line over I Ion; period of new. “who then to produce ouch masterpieces ot art, npprecleted by everyone with a knowledge of the expert workm- ship In e photo the! alum bring- thelr {none to lik. - - In an: “and Au magnum In. alum. touched the has)“ ot - lecuon, no m thou profession]- In this art are mom who to time making Immanuel. Tran-let'- alone-lion“ plum-n7 In "all, nttr%ttod to that “up In: one". In chitin; and an!” Jetrtst" to the but ot Mt an: . "rr you nut 5 photo at». In. Fran-Ion, located a King at. a. In ‘Wuorloo, mm!- In the art or photography, do It tor you. 1 ' 1“!»leth ‘ “comb mu _ ttHtrUtt'e lam For mun! contort. brood has been a. pruetget bod in " du- llud countries. H. "mm. prom tim, -etsit, of "Won't.“ at blown and" an vary with! to the ml punks! 0|"th at chlldm. sad [um] mutto- of hm lite. l ammo m h gluon a can. at tho put. The drudgery of he... looping tor no not". mm In boon may null-ind be... m. at. “4 M11.- cu h unlined M. W. coat mm ,hlltl12t"g1ri., 10: Kt a. 'I ' . It lit, .teharrer, tn the We. to in no. my not. nu: ma hunchutcntuy,“um be» M mu. M m RURAL (l0lmisrM1s Gmlilli All. ESSAY PRIZES THIS WEEK - Vary Cram» Buny- Wore [social Fro- th-u From Variou Parts of C-tr.--." Mabet Help“ of PM Currie. OI Fir-l Priu Thi- Wuk With Em, '" Tr_'stodto. T Contact Clou- With This Week's lulu of tho MO. m Prize - MABEL BECHTHOLD, Peanuts. OIL and Prize - LORNE W. scum, R. R. 4, Enchant. 3rd Prize - GRETA STOLTZ, I’ll-“Mlle. Ont. Puonburi. Ont Few people reeiise the donut that ‘etnrt prepereiione tor eeedine run. any. Arthur our. ot the To lurk them" cutorbite. eithou‘hJ Mr. end In. Milton mater end wnto Jewish Minion visited Mr. I Innocent enough looking In them- dsughier Andrey epont Sundny at end In. Solomon Keillor end (nur- selvoe, ere often the me ot blood» the home of trr. Mr. L Miller. ily end Miss Hilde Wilton; having - poisoning. The elnnlleei out or] Mr. Floyd Nenrnsn was noddeniy come down to give e hit in one f?fihrw ecreioh in n source of [rent dunner selIed with en etteck or sppendiciiie no Heepeler churches. line Hilde an end the humble a...“ e good on suudny along: end wee tuned Wilma; eooolnpenied In. Rev. L'mol nntieoptio heellu ointment cum to the new. piiel where no Glens heck to Mn!» where she] M Fi, urged too evenly. Remember operation we: performed. Dr. _ apont meal darn with hot in t an ounce oi prevention in worth n vey is the attending physiden. i The iocel Young People's Societylche pound ot cure. (Jen’s oen f'"""') The notion eeie of the Adolph held their mum meeting on Wed- you with lheee medial nude. “mumm- esute wee held on Bet- nesdny 'svmtine with m- rmhl N There'e elmost anything you urdey enernoon. A lerge crowd one Schneur no lender. The topic, Nhtrr TUi would do to use peln. remove ' preseni end bidding wee Mir, It. does Jen-e roves! God'e have." wen ot _ get or repelr hurt. et tttgt-. W Herb Father bought the property. liven disouseed. Mr. Herold Snider‘ I can be kept at heed needy to brine H. Willem or New Dundee. wee the are e very interesting ink on a: Ind unislun. contort to solemn end nectioneer. gourmet Iii-s livelyn Robert. ot . ' enee worry, exponee. lone oi tine; Miss (In-lie Neural: of autumn chener wee pro-en: end rendered at end dweer ot neglect A terse no the week-end " her home here. Itseo heeniiini selections on the eon eortment ot peln medicines end oinbl Hr. end Mrs. Neileon ot Toronto pieno. As it wee comma week, 'ot l, meme ere eiwnys proonrn‘ble " eponi the week-end with the mur- the one] oonsecrntion we. held. ' Men’s. . " lperente. Mr. end In. Wm. Rune“. I Mr. Gordon Borzoi: united hi, , Tue your prescription to Mr. and the. Min Hunt: of Mater, urn. Cordon Rump! of Kit-1” Leern'e end they will be unduly 'rarities epeni lBundny with Mr. end chener on Sunday. cu end promptly ' lhirs. Lorne Rebel. I In. Doris Behilunnnn Attended e Oren atom, I Mr. B. J. that: ot Kitchener wee hirthdey party given in honor ot . _ mm on n visitor In town on Honey. Iii-s isiidred Ila-er or Preston et - ----rer---. A I Mr. A. a. a. Jtntith or New Bel- her hone on londny evenlu. i burn". . " puma. Mr. and In. Wm. Rue-n. I Mr. Gordon Baum mum hi . F n l r o much" 1 Take your mum. col Mr. and Mm. Irvin aunt: of mm, mu. Cordon stump: of mount“. J,',','.'",'?.,,',",), d'/. and Mrg. Lam'- and any will he est-orally 'ur.vttht ”on! and” with Mr. Ind clamor on and”. _ (3,.th Mon. nnd promptly like. at". Lone label I Min. nor!- Schumann Alto-dad a ._._____..__ Gnu Mu, I Mr. B. J. that: ot mush-Mr was birthday putty given In honor ot . . - - . running, on I vhltor In town on New”. on. [MM Honor oe Pastor: n: Janna-mm . ----r-r---. .l Mr,Lnglsuthotflo‘wm‘hoaro-onoonlndgmm. k -- -eet'.'..e..e.1...-l ""-'-""""e"""'"'"""-"--- but: nu I In“. victim I (on so My cm! Mr. I r. . d In: l on“: sumo» you may am. Bnldor mum the mar- m'l,'l'Pld',h" l',t Tir. '"Uh'lt --e------------ l Mr. and In. Mn Hold-an In. nmh or Honda. or.. the week- muck '"o d” “um" with Mr. Jon. Bulllm In. ”and to rum-nod homo - AM ”all“ old. Mr. “a In. a; Thqtheh. "a 1. MI m. In Jun-ton. utm- W I with win: their humor, In. "with!” Oct-non. 'rtttte* “I, "u . mottttg “for. r, in; a tow an m In. Von it» Wu. Both of Nov Mn. On Sunday. April 10th a. local "In," to M, m, 1, mm". you. Mr. V; Bender of Mm Sunny Ochoa! In“ their - A “m" from here attended the In. Jan BrgOeHt In: I ,eeebead - Thur-day “In; nt a. m. an!“ at 10.t6 which no whom ttttttt l of th late may.) Weber mm: with ma. In (hunk. of In. 319mm. by . out by a Prohibition can». d a later l mm Her on in Jun m m on mm - Mr. and an. Godfrey mn- atr. Cart Whom-n of Mum u my: a . . t h: w k I swam hot mm, Mr. an that sum it tttq homo of Mr. Mt. o'clock epoch: mu ma "cu-u . m tt . " . In: eet,e.tftet?y tttgr, mm. “on Ion-u pm at an m. L Mr: Pttc.rm. aere Mlsrt trhd F l-- - - -- A A - l._ A 3-14; 1-4-7. A. _ . _ - -- - -.‘ THIRD "an spent Sunday with Mr. and can. Learn'a Dru. More Leighton Shanta " '%yarvitte. ‘lmitation ia add to he the ain- alr.F.E.'KlineaadIianoenne oereat torn: of tuttaer. Donhly ao la Kline ot Brampton were week-end thie true when applled to medical whiten in town. medicina. New candidate- tor pub-l Thia quell ot mild weather will Me favor some and so but every day not an end to the maple amp dear the Conttdstttte or the public in- eon which was (airlygood thia year. creases in reliable remediea. I Mr. Daniel stein-an and Mr. Jno. 1 Beware of the dealer, who tri- to ' Ginterich were recent visitor. in St you Into taking Min; he Toronto. lays in "just an Md". hie in gen»: Mr. It. C. Gardner ot Victorlabnrg erally done tor the tr-dt of hla‘waa a vialtor in town. pocket and without any Mere-l It the ilne spring weather eon. tlon tor your health. ,tlnnea tame" will anon be able to 1 Few people realiae the danger that etart preparation. tor eeedlnc lurk: tn aemall were“... although! Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wale: and Innocent enough looking Ia them- daughter Andrey event Sand” at ‘aelvoe, are often the con-e ot blood» the home of Mr. My. L Miller. winning. The alnalhat cnt or] yr. Floyd Nanman wee mag-91y ‘lll‘ I tow an m In. Von Mets I“. Jon m In I wool-00‘ mm: with Mud. In own T In“ m m oe mum - and” will not punk, Mr. and In. Willi-n Subu- ot this Mt In. WIIIOIIIIIO Mun o Kitch- k%,T'" - with on Home: Matt r. Mr. lad m of m 37.. I Mu mm: " " ion. umm’m’ ' lirI'nu-n’ "Vim" -'_"- Moo on: lulu u I). I... ot.ter. 9” Mrpu_Wtn_tt. _ ( In. "Kdui0iiariiikii"itii- oeqmgr.8-tvhttqryrtttBeg. inn-Walla. ‘11:“! m of m 1r.tttderrt_tntMst.e.tttrettt /5iii,iieiiiiiiu1u"i',"i'di" ‘w “W's-wuss» I." titPiLiie2t),F2u.i52fiie. mun. mum-l.“ "tlf,'. mung-”cm. maggollu-mcn-u In. tad In. an Mr. ind In. up!!! Boone. Mr. and In. ‘Ntbon 'eoeru and Mr. J. 'K. Schwinn of Philip-hm attend-d tttttttttseat of tho mo 'WI. Wont. 1": I mum- in Mun onWodnauuy. i uh. Harold Weller And In. Edwin Sitar. who “tended the tuneful of ‘tholr “than Mr. Wm. Weller, lot! for their home " P1',',tut be at an, be!!!“ at their aunt. I" Don my». my cosh-u: lil. _ g t Mu. Rota number;01- Bemtrq $anudtrrMm.w.A.rhhaettoeqab ‘chulor m recent visttom " the Liam or Mm. fHrrtgoon Homer. New Mr. and in. Godfrey lath: t"lll gum at a. tom. of Mr. In. _ In. idem. vl-lotmtur m W men in to”. "may "at“ br llr. In“: Don-r. tlet/trt,',',',,"',',,,,')'.?:.','.'..':,'.': W Guammmt y. mlolnMHmmm mnwmumw Winona-um}. 'dHt"gtd'tr,ttttL'h"rk l,,'ffij - with m tn " _-e-V "WV -P" '"*'* T 'PrnttgNtfg."it2ttta ”sham-uh tt4d8t1tb'l?,,r,t. J/atiCfltiuiNLttt'tt imam” _ ‘mmm‘uum ‘mowmmlmh Lithium" "It; U.ri'L." ‘_ ‘1"; brlid 90 th-tt of, tem, at": rgt"e"riiu Iu . mm» if!“ am}; itnat balmy. J - we" huh-u visitor: In tho Twin City on “my. ( Mr, And In. Henry D. Dam won many at tho hon. of It. and In. Willi-In [that hour link... i Mr. and min. A. J. “on. “a that. tly ot Waterloo was Sunday visual with gluing help. 1 in. mm Doefrand son. ot Kit. phonol- won mum tho (our. manor on and”. Mr. Jacob Wot with Mr. and In. hum-nae! Show and mum of Kitchener new! Bum an at the home ot Mr. and In. Vt] 019. sauna 6630 or the mul- In the rum section. no no badly cut through that may "9 “not! Inna-1N0. Mr. - Ma ot 811er our no I "ttdar visitor In. can; M Mr. in“: 'ittttt was I - I}. m: in Km um- - not 'itta"giM'eh1t . may our 'mdsgtgetB.dqhmBt.oeqdttt" "ditsrqtrttdH_.totg-t tho-umumauanu “maggot-u: in. Noll of Ton-Io uncut-c a 'rre+fthottm.tregt-eind tpet - jay-pg a; We?“ I' “mu" '1 nun. S91. than at wane " wuuuuv IADIN or W l Mr. and an. dtfridis ii?“ (humor Rum visited Mr. sud In. Milton Moon of Kitchener on Sun- dar. (In. A. “another: ot Kitchens: 10d " a. bone at Mr. and Mm. Solomon 1M4tter last man. Mr. Paul abort visited Mr. My Duvet-on of lurking"! on Sunday. Muted Mr. Ind In. £9955}: viii; ii7GVG on may. ‘ ( $1“.va Tudor rmted Mm. Ab bort Thum- ot hlnlow Av... Kitch- renor 3nd In. Wm. nub] ofW-torloo Pn, any”. ', Mr. and Mm. Iurrr Thule: um won Arthur mam In. butt In! I!!! t'ettetr on gland" owning. r Mend; of little mu Purl Hem} Jul] be glad to new that the h min wall. having been Cott6ted to ‘her home due to muons. tem. annulm- of lie-polar visited {at sister, Mn. New on Thun- _ In. lane-n- mm!“ by In. Room In. or PM» _ ‘0‘! ltta',t Sch-out of Humour OI! . . To um In! Miami. "Wg'l'ld'lg't 'hlS.'Nglt (tr, on t a vary you alumina. In. hu- by an n all on W In I School Tenant". on. G. and: and» a I m cob. Ion-n. Mar and c. m an. s not. After this I noel WM! no around. no ttrst union I111 hide in tour not: no will: mm, mm my I. up: " are “an - an. an In. Hun m3: m on Arthur MM Mr. «a In Mk "niobium. afd'h,tu'tt,'u"ttra “in.“ no. - Donna. and 'tr.V3M.3--. lantmuuuu moo- um mu» m - lull to. man-1mm gunman-mummh in". Rather and Mn. Schliemann 'tee'.?"",.'?,'",? ~w/um msr-soououv ALWAYS" w 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 “out.“ FUNIR 14AM”: also but!“ (mums _ h. u. WV“ IAISINS tb.tse FIGS "u ”c DATES 't ' h. 1% Milk t a: 21! iiiiiiiiutti 2:10“ 'iiiiiiiimsni tlt' iiiiiiiiaes,tati, A..dr6-iNr6i.R--d (96" , syitg? OWTRIVILLI mm and an. ,rel.qrdwttht au, 'ii's'iii"i,ttllhtt', 'Cir'iyiii'i,'fr'it'lirF2'C' m... marry m t S,'%lV'lYrl'll m'Jttl 'lute, an: a: w I” ... qreea,-h.q'fa-ia.itikri-i. we": Wk.“ -b-e-0hdudMrhm Walnufs lb. " WC.“ Pllcliards {:15‘ Prunes 3 " 25° 3199mm. c-ar-ii hing-rot, have returned trom Boa- .wn where they visited the tttrt-'eg I like Ruth rugby attend“ a pn- ny given by Mb. Betty Rock ot Kit- lchoner at her home. Mn. Rubel- and Mrs. Schliemnn mum recently mu mm; Wilton; ot Kitchener. ' It" Gertie Human of Detroit and Mm. Roll! ot Sunny-Ida. spent. |n My with Mn. J. mm. I Mr. and mm. mm": sauna: and son ot Knehonor "tted " the homo '/t. Mr, and Mm. irvin (Mons on Sun- I F. [mount l JIM. Lorena Back, Mr. ml In: Hubert Hula sad Mr. Atttqrt [back were Jtl'lr"g mum with iri and In. tor women. In. L Huck will It" . month boron to GGiii'ik to her home In Wu. l A number non hero attended the funeral ot the lite undue) Weber Mr. an In. 090er mm: and hunter mu - Bundu um: Mr. and In. Enoch can». _ Mr. liner Bettott and Mr. Nonn- ,3ttetut ”out Tuna" Wet " the when. or Mr. and ts. Anthony 111nm. Hum. lune munch Ind Jon K. Wan» wm Wallaby That on_:Wo¢_npdn;. In Jon B. Lorentz ud Mr. “I In. X3710: Dull» ot Ila-ville v 1Dull” Mm with Mr. “a 'er. Pu] Hollow-ll. I Mr. and In. [JIM DAL-or my many of I. “an Sud-M Mr. and In. WI. Nova Friend. ot Mr. Tumult! Dion-lob of It. Auth- m sorry to but an In In ”richly ill. I mu 301m Pumtorr an return " to resume bore do“. u “who! hon mar -tding the In!“ new non at not born Itt tet. Column“. Mr. 0nd In. Abraham Soho". “a doeetttor this, amt - with Mr. “a In. trod Mannie. It. ad In. no. a. Ouch on on It. uni In. he!» Schuma- In men-r. on Mu. It. OI" m of mm.- t2 MG "m Med. a. Canada am. Can-Jinn What “I! was mono WHIA‘I comm. up. SHREDDED . sss,ssii,aiiiiWlllilEAT' e '..l?S.,(s'.h'lli - 'tttelse COMFORT 353337" ArN BAD-0‘ otfpso Plug. lk and Me NUGQET CLEANSER 2 thtstSe Cute-(- LYE Tin14c‘ “Humans-IFS“! MORE POWER TO YOU 26:513: , tin: tTe I KEEPS YOU ACTIVE IN SPRING WEATHER GUI-Ynloy'I _ v - Ayn-(iaacaulm. Oat'eflakes t 24': Puild'ingsht3) an}. ad Mri. 714mb lull-uh 3nd (anally visited (Honda itt laminar on -. Mr. and In. Tony Kin-wetter of Chinaton spent 1 (av dun with Mr. Ind Mm. John R. Widen. Maura. Eldon Km: and Clayton Doneht spent . d” in the Twin on}, __ 7/ I Mr. Henry Grown: ot Waterloo gun! . tow dun with Mr. Ind Mm. In"? Bach. A number from here Attended the Manon] ot the Into In. David Hor- gott at Bt. Clsmenu. Mr. Joseph “Gunner of Wner- loo spent a few dara wlth " par an”. Mr. cud Mrs. Martin Ricard- tor. Mr. Claus Kind of Joseph-burg tad Mr. Emu Dietrich mind on Sunday at the home, ot Mr. no Mm. aorta. Molnar. OLL'SI "r, Mr. George Albrecht ot Bt, Clem- ents called on friends here on Sun- dsy. fl - - A - - - -- m. Bill Gmhy ot Borlot'. Comer 3:599: 31mm tt_dtts you" hang. - Mr. Robert Hhschbergor ot Ber- let’a Corner and Mr. and In. water Hun-cm" of Kitchen". visited on Smithy with their mother, Mn. Mary Htucbborur. “I u. y/4 tilhlebRrirdt Spinney; '"AaNlltlB1itAt"Mt LII-Vt." VadkrMre Bil-kw Min-cu. BAMPBRG an!“ 1b.”: 26-25: E19: use: but - Imp-.3 ir':

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