[Rf/8781 Cook’s Regulating Compound Mr. and Mrs George Dotscht of Bamberg and Mrs. G. SteMer were guests of Mrs. A. Dorscht. Mr. S. Huber, Messrs, N. and J. Foster of Zurich snont Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dietrich. This is not a on]. of odds and oub.‘ but Juli-h aid-om.- lore-India udvunu‘omly bought Ind "rosutir priced. Now modoU, new wuvu. It. colon, blues. Oxford [to] and brown. and "siasturo.. Eur, mu Adair-Hy hilmd to Ernu'o .roition. .iI new “Vt-cc nin‘h Muted lulu. Rich, sturdy war-led fabrics. thin“. foe I" your var. All tin; for All - Here'- I vuluo thnt'n lumping an indelible mark in the Mord. of Man's Overcun, practically Via-r proof, extremely v-rm in ("my I.‘ plain navy bl“. At $12.50. Wait til you see them'. What . uenution! Sleek ck-ut--, dnu'ed pith vigor and an and life. And the needling meritorioutly perfect, precise, and the woolen; of the no“ luxurious loomed in England. And tho price - $24 for units worth $44, $45. Tutu no bargain - duh I nit-ale! Mr. nnd Mrs. John Kraehling and Worsted SUITS l lere is your opportunity to effect a substan- tial saving by taking advantage of the Special Clubbing Offer listed below. §pecial Clubbing Offer Of Interest to AU Men Subscribe to the Chronicle, your Home Paper, the lending weekly newspaper in Western Ontario, Ming In news of all the Important happenings In Watch Guilty, complete list of auction sale "vert1serrteata, serfs! story, comics. end other {stunt of interest to every member of the fsmlly. The Daily Glohe or Mail Ind Empire gin you the hull-g dilly new" et Canal. delivered to your bone and: morning, lad-{II " nil the Input-M mm in C“ or the ant-Me world. If you an a ml fur- )ounnl. like“). to the "r-' Advocate. Orders (or the all"! m than -" alumna. ST. AGATHA Made To Sell At sac’and $35, [G ttttr. Men's Suits Overcoats 2 2 o Smart Mid-Season Two-Trouser SALE To Your Measyre, Made by-- HAND CRAFT TAILORS $24.00 $20.00 Two-Trouser COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE Waterloo Chronicle, Daily Globe or Mail and Empire SPECIAL CLUB OFFER Club Combination No. 2 Waterloo Chronicle, Farmers' Advocate, Daily ‘Globe or Mail and Empire Regular price RPECIALtLUB OFFER .. Regular price $7.00 Readers of the Chronicle have an opportunity to win $1301“). given tor best written essays. See announce- meat on page two. Elmore spent Sunday evening with friends at Petersblirv. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt) Wahl when they entertained some of their friends from Here and Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs, Jake Diet: enter- tained some friends on Monday eve- hing. Mr. and Mrs. luhn Kunming en- tertained friends tram Petr-rsburg. Waterloo, Kitchener and this vicin- ity on Wednesday evening. CH RONICLE E88AY CONTEST Wham“ KITCHBNBR $A.SO On Tuesday eventing, Feb. 2nd trom 5.30 to &00 o'clock the Hun monies Band ot Perry's Corner: Public School will be on the " from radio outlon CKPC. Preston. Thu band. lust recently organized by the teacher, Dorm mariner. comb" ot " pupils. over half ot the number attendlng the school, 4 bore and 12 girls. ages 8 to 13 yum. Mm C. C. Resenherger attended ‘the annual convention of the Thrmhermen's Assoclallon held at London recently. Min Ferne Stall: ot Waterloo was the guest or Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bowman tor I (our day: of but week. Miss Luella Stunt: and Mr. Gordon Sham: visited at the home of Mm. Abram Creuman.‘ near Phusvule on. Sunday" mm»... a. ant-W and G. May. Mr. W. Inn" of “about. District. luau†of the Bell jawbone Company. I“ In uundm an the aroma; uni took pun In the duct» I on. . _ At A subsequent meeting of. the directors the following other. were appointed: Mun. J. C. Mun; “copra-Mont and Iceman-1mm- on A. Hum; mot. N, luster. - Prom-um Prop-m. The Christian Endeavor Socloiy ot the U. B, Church will [he I twin program on Sunday evening, Jun. 3m at 1.30 o'ctock. The Noll-um nu consist ot marque: bearing on: the topic ot “Crundins With Christ," and musics! numbers. Everyone u cordially invited to at- tend thin service. Rune Bro-dent. Tune" In and boUutortaiaed from 530 to ' o'clock on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd. $'ereortats. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lang and Mr. and Mos. B. Stahl of Gait visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Snyder on Sunday. Mrs. Jsimes Kellsey spent a few days ot last week with Mr. and Mrs. Eden Kinda at Kitchener, Mm. George Hellman is spending 11 tew weeks at Kitchener. Mr. Ronald Bock was the week-end guest of Mr. Lyle Bristol at Brant- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Snider and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smut: of Water- loo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Felck on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Egerdee were: Mr. and Mrs. James Rayner of Mannheim. Miss Edith Gardner of Petersburg. Miss Gladys Kurt and Mr. Alvin Exerdee ot Resobunk. Malone†deiU V is†in.“ ___ in Aatd in Honky mm: In the I.“ hall The Misses Com Lohman. Alla and Sylvia Gerber or Dalton Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. J. Santana ot Peters- burg wore recent visitors at the home ot Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Shaun. Wes Vera Hallmn ot Kitchener spent the weett-ead with her par- ents. Mr. and um. George Hallman. Miss E, Shoemaker has returned to the village utter spending several momma in Kitchener. convalescing from injuries received during a motor accident Inst mu. Mr. and Mrs. Orral Coleman and (amily viorited with Mr. and Mm. Hu- bert Toman at Mannheim on Sun- Sud-hunt, M MN I“ “cumulus-Al TM tumor Mad ot 6tr mm In v "iected munch J. C. arlltd A. WWWM!‘WM RURAL?!†- anMY NEW DUNDEE Mr. and Mrs, Dave daughter June "sited Mrs. N. M. Slelnlmm Sunday. Mus Edith ticttlieter. who has spent the past few years in training at the Lislowel hospital, is visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schllcter. Mr] and Mrs. Solomon Bowman and family visited with Mrs, Peter Bowman near Waterloo on Sunday. The Wussts [Dorothy Meyers and Nellie Main. and Messrs. Lloyd Gedke and Edward Main of Kitchen- er vusited at the home of Mrs. W. Spaetzel on Sunday. The Mixes Hattie und ldella Waterman of Kitchener were guests 8.319 home of their parents, Mr. and Moi. Henry Waterman. over the tr.eek-end. Inâ€: Goldie Gibb, Ian French, but: Homer and In. Russel Heine. In. Melvin Snyder rendered e vocal who and In. Alex McKay noel and we. Selina Smetxet (Ave I' piano duet. mu Rota Jacob aUo ;uve e reading. An intercom); for (tttre ot the meeting an en oldvu- thinned â€telling match. During the evening article. ot clothing were ditr played. which the members of the Institute lave nude tor toilet work In the Kendra Dhtrtct. Northern 0n- tarto. After the program dunty re freshments were Hen/ed by the {our hostel-es: have. P. E. Page: the. Battle; Mim, Mamet and Mina Mary Huborn. Tho February meeting will be held it. the form ot a Valentne BoeUl at the home ot Mrs. A, Hilborn. Day 01 Prayer. The women of the various church- as of the village held a meeting in the United Brethren Church last Sunday afternoon tor the purpose ot organizing for the World‘s Day of Prayer which will he observed on Friday. February 12m Miss Violet Herber was elected president and Miriam Hilborn, secretary. The com mittee in charge represent one mem- ber from earl) of the tour churches. namely: Mrs, (Rev) W. Brown, Mrs. (Rem) G. R. Schultz. Mrs. K. It Hall- man and Miss Sylvia Bock. Mr. Wilbert Bechtel ot Caledonia spent Sunday at the home ot his parents. Mr and Mrs. Mervin Bechtel. Rev. and Mrs. M. ll. Sham: spent the week-end ul Claronpe Centre, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Poth of Cale, dunk: spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pom. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson ot Elmira spent last Friday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Amos Wilkin. son. ' Marti-On ie,tg,"'/T.d't",' 23. to ph. and Mm. Amos C. . nrlin, Eu! iW-llelnteln. a daughter. -Messrs. Russel EN, and Howard Kellsey of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Keildey. Wednesday visitors with Mrs, w. C. Marllnson were Mr. and Mrs. w. W. Marzinaon or Elmira and Mr, George H. Fenmn'ut Moorefield. Poelmasler and Mm. l. F. Martin spent Sunday with friends in Woot- wich and Elmira. tee, at no has. ot In W. annual Int Wot-nun: oven“ The maniacal. In. Iylvh Bock. pn- titled. and the response to the roll all In. My Phil I'lsotogruph", During the program an Interesting dialogue mama: "Aunt Jemima'a Iona". In will.“ by a. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Caresel of Huntsville called on Mr, and Mrts, Ivan Hilborn on Monday Local News Notes. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Horst and Miss Magdalena mefenbacher were Wednesday visitors from St. Jacobs with Mrs. Leo A. Dlerenhacber and family. Mr. Amos W. Brubacher and Miss Susannah Brubecher were week-end vieltors with Elmira friends and re- knives. Mr. Elias B. Martin and sister, Miss Susannah Martin. wow Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Airon R. Martin and family or Elmira ' Mr. Amen W0ittaor1 attended a Holstein sale at Simcoe last Thurs- Many Wallenslein friends and re Iauves attended the tunernl ot the late Mrs. Joeuah Brubacher. which took place from her home north ot West Montrose to the Elmira Men- nonite cemetery on Monday. Flock. Of Snowflakes Seen. Two large f1ocitty or snowflakvs. numbering hundreda, wero seen south of Wallensteln on Monday feeding alertly upon needs ot struggling weed stalks. so wally ac- cessible here this winter, owing to 'the entire ablence ot now. III-tho. Ins-n! by Iran-'- te':"))),), wnu" i. In“, - Giiiiaid V "3.;Inlb" "-h-u.--atuS-d+ VWMMMM - on] an, that h to! he... .0 F003“ P-. In! 'fffl AM unlv It. I. Martin-On Saturday, Jan. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Wimatrt C. Martin, East Wallensteln, a son. Elam Martin-Ott Wednesday. Jan L1, to Mr. Ind Mm. Elam B, Martin, R. R. s, Watletterteirt, twins, Nelson and Elvira. They In the idol - lor chit- dnl. WW1“. t,s2,t"',2ett'g,tt,/gg,t lhy colic. pnve t comb-(kin. “a: the sem-eh, and uh h “welt limb-m“ â€â€1 Iâ€?! â€I. tum: Tho Want: [mm-l. um M When yvnr child In it you’re "renttrGtrvsmrtheoureyo-t't ahmrsavoid skimbm Mm "erGtramtonenpeotetrye't mum Iratrnor'rfutey You're Worried WALLENSTEIN I T si?gle?iei7gt'ii:'g'y'ti'i'; mm HATCH mnl'mlv' L"atgN'lt _-trr"-, A A muyofhb-mmlyy Litwiller and with Mr. and at Baden on l7. Mrs. Reuben Eagle and son Roy of Preston visited Mrs. Schliemann on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Wittington of Galt visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Reiber on Sunday. Miss Elizabeth meel went home with Dr. I. H. Erb and family ot To runolo, to spend :1 km days, Dr. I. H. Br!) and funny left on Monday after attending the when! ot MM John Troxel. Rev Harold Shark and Mrs. Shark and tamily left tor their home Pt Monday in Mooretieht atter attend- ing the luneral of Mus. John Troxel. the farmer's grandmother Friends or Mrs. Schliemann will be glad to know that she ts improv- Ing. having been conftaed to her hom" due to Illness Mr, and Mrs. Alberi' Einwechler Halted Mr. and Mrs. S. Reiber on Tuesday evening. Enjoy Fine Program. _ The local Young People's Society held their regular meeting on Thurs, day this week. The topic “The Home". was handled by Rev. S. H. Swarm. The usual diacmsslon was followed by a male quanette and a ladies quintette. Two of the boys drew a picture. a good home as well as a poor home and the Koehler boys are lo be complimented on the mom dorrul work, The treasurers report (or the last three months was road. After the meeting the social commit, tee made plans tor a Valentine Box Social to he held on February 12th. The meeting will be held next week ‘again on Wednesday eveulng. erjuan Mrs. Harold sctimidt and son visited Mr. and Mrs. lrvln Mona on Thursday. _ _ variance end light dawned. He‘nd taught A henchmen who could not uademtaad the Indian “we. no why could he not hut u sully teach a deal men? And no it In. that Ed became e student at the Wither Air- port last July. and eventually turned out to be the but pupil that Capt Spurn ever had. He made " nut solo night in Aunt, and received his printe pilot's license from Ottawa. October 21, 1981. Thu dia. tinction, together with his work on the anti ot the Border Cities Star, hes thrown him in contact with pro- minent business men ot Windsor. who. at a result, are taking a more active interest in the deaf in general, Mr. Payne is interested in all other sports also, including ttort and deer hunting. which he makes an annual event. He makes him home with his parents at 49 Alsace Are, Walker. ville, Persona“. da y - Mr. Clayton Moss and daughter Ruth visited Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sni- der of Natchez on Thursday. 7 Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Sugg and son Donald ot Bridgeport called on Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Snider last Pri. fl fur. and Mrs. Irvin Moss and son Gerald visited Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Martin of Kitchener on Sunday. _ .\1r."(‘har|es Bieth visited Mr. George Rolland of Brantford over the week-end. I Quite a number of local fumes ul- tvnded tho auctlon sale ot tarm 1st.ock. and Implements belonging to Mr. M Waechter at the farm or Mr. Norman Huehn "ear number: last Wednesday. To "an T. Pun. a m ot my Boll-vino do. at "u, bit a. aka-odo- ot We. a In: a h 1T1TP, tho Ill-l. dud “may with ptiot'tt tteertre At trrttool II. no a much \uge manor Bud tor a My yuan by m comeui with an mum ot locomotiun and speed. Nut n In "a tho “what. of which he has owned - Bttt with than“ ot the an... ht ll- toreal became (new In an... ll spite ot his “(hush-n. he Owl- ed the matrucwr with some Inadv- " "Could a do“ mu In mush: to nr I prune!" c. t. 3m Don- derod. Then 1'i'/U'llra " In ox- Mr. and Mrs. William Koehler or Petrolia wore Sunday vlsltors with the tormer's mother. Mrs. Margaret Koehler. Sin-173300!) Fries. Miss Emma Fries and Mrs. Alvin Hider spent Saturday in Erherr)lits - - - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doerr and Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Beerwagen of Kitchener and Mrs. Lautenschlager of Petersburg were Sunday vlslmm with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koohler. Int 1|- vud ' "Mir; Vchl'maon of Preston visited Mm, Hleth on Wednesday. Mm. Mathilda Hoerle spent the weekend in Walton. Mr. and Ars. Anon Bowman of St. Jacobs were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mm Jeremiah Martin, Mr. and'Mm J. A. Steins called on Mr. Valentine Helmpel near Bam- berg last Wednesday._ A _ -- in Mary Gingrich spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heler spent Sunday with friends at Conestoga. Mr. and Mm. Ed. Huehn and tam. ily mum Sung-y visitors at Elmira. CHRONICLE EOMY CONTEST Readers ot the Chronicle have an opportunity to win $130.00, given for best written "tBartr, SPF annouan ment on Dag? two, _ Mr. John Dotrrr of Kitchener was n baldness vitsitor here last Mood-y. Mr. Hoary 0mm of Waterloo - a In a." u the homo at Mr. and “In. Han-y Inch. . In. lam blame! and children ot St. te8t.P, out may at no he. at . I." m. - Mr Eldon Kraut returned home rmm a few day-V visit with Moods in Waterloo. “Mn? Link Hoht in mm“ at am home ot Mr. Ind In Rarmom Hlmhberler. Kltchener. - Mr. and Mm. Benn“: Kin-um- (or and IOIII linen and Alvin. we Humor- to the Twin cm on Thu. day. Mr, W70 Hand. ot Kitchener was t humus Ttqttor here on wed. "may. - _ Mr/Wm. Lem, Jr, want grtmrmt dayl with Mend. flu the 'rwlli, City. Quit» A number "on: here “and ad "to and“: an]. hold by men Wanna? on Turn-1 HEIDELBERG BAMBERO We are sorry to report the dis, Mkis Edna and Ghdya Weber. tressing accident which occurred one Mr. and Mrs. Anton Bosh"! - ttay last week when Mary, the six.. Sunday with Mr. and Mn. M. Emit. year old daughter of Mr. and Mrsl Mtsseis Mada “Id Eran Cream Amos Jantzi was caught in the err ot Breelnu 'spent ttttr weekend with saw when running. No one was Mksgee, Gladys and Mthirod Weber Lr,'i'"i','/ when the accident happened' Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Selbert at on hearing the engine sto Mr. spent Sunday with Mr. end Mm. Juntzi went to investigate and found Eu] Schmidt It Kitchener. the little girl uneoneious, sutrerintt Mr. and um. D. swinger and from head injuries. Her many family spent Sundny with Mr. and friends wish for her a complete re- Mrs. Edwin Snyder near Waterloo. covery. l Mr. and Mm. A. Schledel and fun- Attend Faun], ‘in or Struburx spent Sunday with Mr. Will Yost left this week for North Easthope where he has se- cured employment. SIX YEAR OLD _ “ GIRL NARROWLY l ESCAPES DEATH " A number from here attended the funeral of the late Wm. Thompson on Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, near Wellesley. The sorrowing family have the sincere sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Accept. New Position. Moses Steinman and "son have opened a gnnge in Mr. Bivour's old stand. . Mr. Irvin Fleischauer has moved his household effects into his brother Charles' house. The Wetles!cy Municipal Tele- phone meeting will be held next Friday. Jan. 23th, at Crosshill. Mr. Chris. Schelter, rt eve of Fonthill, and Mr. H. Kuntz of Baden made a few short calls hon on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Berg and C. D. Koehler were to Tavistock on Sunday attending eoniirniation Fer- vices in the Wellington Street Lutheran Church. Mary Juui Caught in Engin- Which Flthcr Wu Writing. Rendered UncLu-cioul. â€will; Era moved his household effects into the apartment house vetted, by Mt Joqas Kennel. Mr. Charlie Woiwude has secured a position in a furniture factory in Milverton. Miss Minnie Berdux is spending a few days with friends in Kitch- ouer. Mr. and Mrs. H. w. Kaufman and Mrs. E. Wiebe .and her two sons were visiting friends in Waterloo on Sugday. _ - -.- - - __ Messrs. Ed. and Charles Stahle, Wm. Dingwall and Ellwood Faul- hafer were in Toronto on Saturday attending the Toronto vs. Montreal Canadians professional hockey match at Maple Leaf Gardens. Rev: A. and Mrs. Lot: of Mon- uth are spending a few weeks here amsne retatiyes and friends. devoted to sewing! Kitchener --Thia “new ode: tumult-m1 «m the new 1932 homeland cotton; mid linens during our â€new "" Indus Mn! Event. swam rkiLAiliiLii"i'i""'"' " Towemng. .. HEMIED‘I _ F R E t _ Special February Bargain The New Laurel TUB OF CYPRUS WOOD. SWINGING WRINGER Operates with the Washer or separately. that doc. the work no utinhciorily the Etoetrie v.1. Regular Price $65.00. Priced spednlly for February GOUDIES llMlTED Electric Washing Machine and Wrz'nger Mil. “WWI..." Electric Washing Machines M. Weichel dik Son By otderintr this woire, supplies for the Ind. of month d, you may ave your-elf much than and In»: usually A WONDERFUL WASHER HOLDING 0000 Fort A LIKITED Till ONLY WELLESLEY Sale at on Mra.mrcmat u Ike mm Instead mm’ Regular Itate or toe Yuri. KINGWOOD in Miss Mary E. Walker ot Kitchener spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Water. Mr. and Mm. Archie Murray and daughter Margery, who are mum; with Mrs. C. Gallanan. spent the week-end with relatives in Uxbridge. Miss Joan Sylender ot Kitchener in spending some time with Mrs. M, Zeller. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mm. Eph. Weber were: Mines Mlldred Hamburger, Optu Miller, Emma Miller and M. Tmyer ot war nut Creek, Ohio. Min [Jun Beechey and Mr. Paul Beecher. Mr. and Mm. J. J. Graham spent Sunday with their son. R, W. Gra- ham and manly at Stanford. - Mr. R. '1'. Puddlcombe 1. spendfug a few days this week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd BrtrMttrrttt and family. Bridgeport. mum Taf,." and Mrs, Hnnay Snider on Mt y. Miss Alice Weber and was Ron Snyder spent Smithy with their friends. Misses Muriel Ernst and Elks; Edna and and†Weber. Mr. Noah Becker and daughter Sadie of FreepOrt spent. Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt. Mr, and Mrs. Leighton Shunt: and Mrs. Oliver Nnhrgnn; returned home Monday evening, after spending the past week with relatives in Butt-lo. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fleming and family spent Sunday with relatives in Poole. Mm. Fleming 1nd daughter Janie stayed over for t few days. Mrs. P; Schnmm open! the-week end with relative. In Kitchener. Rev, J. H. and Mm, Poznan and Miss Carrie Brown motored to 11m- don on Monday to attend the en- thronemem ot the new bishop. Bishop C. E. Sanger, at St. Paul's Catheural. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held next Wednesday. Feb. 3rd at tne home of the president. Mrs. E. Sni- der. Program In In charge of the Historical Research Committee. Roll call. currents events. . Mr. J. Snyder spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snider at Wth Hamburg. Mr. and Mm. A. Schledel and ttun- ily ot Struburg spent Sunday with Mr, and Mm. A. Etnwechter. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lichty epelit Sun- day with friends in Elmira. GERMAN-MILLS Telephone 950 $52.50 HAVSVILLE