"smmmittntmitmtttnMmtinnnttttttte. -attututmmmttmntutttmttmttttttttk Funeral Home I78 Queen St 3 A Phones 2308-3459 A. w, In . We new“: ",1't'lNTisl «a . 600t I u Intros ST., Kncnzuu â€odd Luck-nun Folder m t x ' Photo, on dou- foe Radio Service Tel. Office 572. Res. 3581 346 King St. W., Kitchener. Specialized Service on all types of Radio Equipment. I†“I. " w., Up..." In... IIOI All 11m KITCHINII Punt Bad “a... In“ Why Delay Proper classes wilt relieve that annoying headache, sore eyes, or faulty vision. Our glasses are comfortable and very becomlng. MARSLAND BENTON STUDIO YOU WILL ENJOY OUR SERVICE If YOU PREFER A own WELL CONDUCHD MEDIUM SIZED HOTEL TRY " NEXT TIME you ARE IN TORONTO. PLENTY olCURB PARKING SPACE GARAGE ON: MONUYE WALK PHOTOGRAPHS LIV. NRBVIB R L ngc MSO to ".00 ates may: not: to â€no HOTEL V/AVERLEV “a Ann» and Coll". M [Iduu Tan From I [Rpm m Wharf- 95c I UJHED IN TORONTO H aving Your Eyes Examined Cheerful, comfortable room Tau, laud. anlnl mu mania-p 2tV Off {51W Ili SIN-bl. for Ily kind of "you". Prawn! 1.1"." in. !mlun and '0} I "In " St you. We hl“ tho ho-tode. and nip-Hoar} to M you right. A. Oohencious our prices rang» {rum EX A1mNATrON FREE ALL TRUSSES A Complete Stock of $4.50 urlrl tlil F. S T E E L E LIMITED Kitchener'. leading Optometrists 96 KING ST. WEST 12 Mansion m. KITCHENER. ONT. 83.60 " f "'P: t . ' l THE DOCTORS WIFE _ _ anm'ununc "11-." w a. -e.ttBrd-Amd-titBa.- "_bemtatrttro0-rt-tartdt-a.k.--tt.tAi8t.a. hula-cotton. Your-B-e-e-tai-ot" â€was! burn-won an Ila-t not an n- my. 'irturo-trroa--iTak'"i"t"""ar"'i '53:.“ whorl-u Iht/v'dolkd'hT,4ll;h'Pda"=ug'.'Ce1ard 'PfPPPePe.Py, ee_ets't, wvwvnwhmm.w I. (I. who not. with M wouldn’t In! I. an! to In: nub an I (fund Ion. grorh--tad and I, “that" 'te gnu Wagmuwpl Tina“: on "an“. H. thought he av In. 3111'- "."um Bet In "dtuatrorsg.rtod-tsottotmt m. mount has - "She's making. . corner in home" to butt the market!" he ‘14. Mo! his breath. For annually all“ with tietUn and Inner-any vents. this " [Mam young recluse kept u on on the munch) upon, and may tor how much he mount to all the Manor Home and grounds to the new Thorsby Deep Bott Dock Oom- tle,', when the time cine. Then he uld to to Capri, wear I kimono. and be happy ever after. "Well." he mediated aloud. “I sup pose nothing I an any will stop you now till you've given the mm a trial?" he said holding out his hand; “but look here. I’ll hare my “quarter- ly' out ot lather thia weelr-roum too, it I can make it work." "Thank you, I do not wish a pony of hld," answered Hubert. "Ho told me to go to leby and Garrett’s the lawyer fellows. but i---. As things are I can‘t take any. or tsis money, you see!" "Well. you have trot nothlng against me. at any rule," said Tim; “you can't reluae a loan Iron: me, it there Is need, Heaven knows, I've come down on you tor a tew animal‘s many a time and urban the RUlto, and elsewhere'." They clasped cam other} bands. lighter than usual, their eyes meet- ing‘ "No. Tim; ot course, tt I get very much In a hole. I don't mind “skin; you, 1 wur-" "Like a shot!" said Hubert. so long. Spooner'."., "So long. PM Boy!" And these two Englbh brothers panes, as perhaps it is moat Mutttt that brothers. dittereaUy but not an- tatroniestieally constituted, should Jame: Pritchlrd and James Pritchard'. otrtce Huhert clicked the iron gate of the Manor House behind him. He had Ueen born there. He had some hack there from school. Later, witth a tutor. he had read and studied there. Prom college he had come back three times a year. Now he nicked the gate for the last time. he did not weep, No tear stood any- where near his eye. There was just a heavy weight about his heart, His head atVi--nervourdy, he knew. A couirle ot trunks stood roughly put-k- eti upstairs. Odd thirurs of no value, belonging to him. littered the house, m this mum and that. But no heart yearned tor him, that he knew of. His father was long ago deep in his interrupted unionism)“. Aunt Kid- son had always hated him--~onty Tia? . "rus.i--Tim gran a good sort. 76001!- bye. old Tim'. _ A And with same feeling of comfort ha: waved a hand towards the thatch- ed house with the mummy brown top, “here he knew Tim to he ensconced. He would not have done it it he had imagined that Tim was looking. But. or course, Tim was on the sofa. stretched out with his legs on a chair. a book before his nose. his briur by his side. Now Hubert made a mistake At the moment or that salute towards tho summer-house Tim was doing just what he was doing. Bat being English . the two brothers would have died, almost. rather than let each other 500 the small display of reeling, Nor did they ever speak otl it after, Hubert walked steadily down the little lane, turned once to took at the (manor. its uppt-r windows, glunring into the bright sun or April. and brig-alumni by the reflection all the dancing mum in the tidal rived. A tqPrvttrtt was pulling down the white blind in his old room And that was all. He was the Accamed. the son 'shut out And his father would now†see him afar oil. in spite ot the trig Wruy tslnsoopo with which he swept the 6mm. hnping to encountor the Inner lnmost where was the Throne, in some addimt wisp of primarval light. The tatted calf would never be killed for him On the other hand Tim would never go out and null! like the alder brother, He had tive pounds In his pocket which Tim had “It-mulled trom the trrxutt--the thief who had made his boyhood a burden. Curiously c-nough thm lhouxhl also ‘rhnered him. . "Tim Is a good sort!" he said aloud, and FO turned the corniir Into King Strum. Then he had to one along Cheviot Road. From Cheviot “and, Baum» Sure! turned up at right angles, a long red dot1le, mak- Inx nlxhny a double curve ot up lumps over the hill that faced tht, estuary. But Hubert grippvd human and would not look. though he knew to an uxarlnvss where number IO.' ramp And who might be (mining. She might oven he romlng his way. Hm ho held otndlly on, looklnx [wither l0 thtt right nor to the left, Women clunterod min-loin: u doorways and over cottalo ruilinn. They and. "Look young Mr lulu) Hon, from the manor -'ittt an id brought up to be a doctor, Ilka " father Prorloua lmlo Motoring he'll new! to do-ar, rich as a gold mine, CHAPTER XIII amigos-rum q.Neq---th- luv-on. Btrt a. new M! All my did any. "_-no. a vu tun-lug I m up» that, um. In . to“. " otBht. uuidx n took. an In: - u - But. "ut',,?? alt that would pa- " no . Ho would be a“. It I“ m. H. would be an the but» to: It. And no o-mt no on. The “tumult-undo.“ theory doc: not ury In In smo- rnnt, though tt doe-Au to ita can. 'He was you; In the direction ot Prmhu-d'a his yard, than be In pretty our. to and Jun.- Prttehard, union and indeed. sole lunar. In his ttttteo any that tron ton tilt Mo. Me. Mr. CHM“ an! Mr. Exam {named to - their author, I an! cousin to “titled people") drove up once ' dar-tre-ltr--" their automobile; But the “Governor" never nudged. and had his Bteah and pontoon done It the cool-Mule like one of the foreman. Within the great plea ot Pri- (chard’s building yard. 'tre, thousand workmen turned their brand In the sweat of live thousand brown Other tive thomnd were scattered About at various enulnooring' And repairing yards pn both side. at the river, He it Inc that Hubert mount to Interview. No woman entered the place. even It her husband were dead or dying. She waited for tho stretcher at the gate. James Pritchard Ind willed it. The yard wee tor work. Walton, even. were discourtugod. Into one corner ran a filmy spread of railway siding. and the otrtciat railway "lorries" thundered peat, drawn alien by three or tour homes. when it mm a question ot guns or arinour. "Pritchardh" did a great. deal ot work tor Foreign Powers. and there were clever man known to James Pritchard who did nothing but cot. lect the money. it is little to any that in so doing they took their lives In their hands. "Pritettard'a" Ind one tormuln with such bad pare.--cttirsny South and Central American Powers, "Pay up-or your ship will be} blown up! We give you six months") --<tr Iwelve months. in; the case might be. Revolutions were a speci- ality or the firm, but only in island Republics. km Pritchlrd knew where he could lay his hand on as tough a set of fellows as the world held. He had made a fortune. And then, bee-use he knew nothing equally interesting, he set to work and made another, "Well. sir. and who Ire you?" This Wins hla_ greellng to Hubert a: he edtered the "den on stink" It “as hardly an appropriate name. James l‘rilchurd'a public otnee was " Diane or long and solemn counters. a! much carefully selected mlerinl for writing, for scraping out writing, tor tiling letters, and finding when tiled. There. (yer; mahogany doors. French-polished to a glassy surface. And upon everything reigned that nuslere and gloomy hush peculiar to every well-regulated "Dulce" Behind these doors dwelt chiefs of l departments. designers. nccoantanus,l heads of sections, switttpc1tairs sup- ported their frames; mlrrom reflect- ed their correct viruses, each pat- terned to salaries of from tive to twelve hundred a yen. But James Pritchard's chamber was not of these. The head ot works employing twelve to fifteen thaw and men (roughly slated) kept " old place. " had been "run up for him" when on a vacant lot or two has riverine marsh he had started the repairing or commune “Geor- dim". Then he built proper “col- Iiors". haying the engines. and tak- ing the rial: of selling the ttniahed article. The Crimean War came in the nick or time. when he was within an ace or shutting down. "My last thousand. sir!" James was fond of saying. That cleared the yard out in week. Moreover, ha had more orders than he know what to do with, Soon he was building ironclads tor the allied governments, and for the 'other [unkind which were strengthening their marina; wlth a New to even- lualllim. Then in the American Civil Wu he had may orders. come ot which afterward" cost the country lmllllom of money. In the early 'sixties, James Pri- u-hard, hem of this young nnd grow- ing concern. had deserted the refuse of rough planks out on the edge of the f1mt 'slip. tram which he had sur- ‘veyml tho last of thp old-typo battle ships. and moved to on 08100 of his own damning higher up the yard. "way from tho glowing chug of the riveting hammers and the (dun: thunder ot the wallets. " was a curloun place even forty years no, Jamel Prttclnrd'n otriee It was built like a New Guinea home, on high piles, fourteen feet ‘abovo tho ground. It had windowe‘ on every all!!! elm-pt. towards th' I locum. when an the milo4otttt re mining wall ot the yard He had a " we telvlcopo mounted on a stand. and tht these Inter My.) telephone: to mmmunlmto with the heads ot departments. who trembled when they hard his boll ring. And trom' then“. u from I crow‘s nut in n eerhlrm, ho snrvoynd the new orld ho had made on Thor-ruby b anrh. . booking about him, Hubert saw and. or plum. druxxiut'u Ihopluln of dt-err-Bom. broken " it with mull was held on my _ Irina all the when M M mnuieetio- Ieu reed he. the Ontario nutritive! AaroeiatHas, ot. Iurio Good and. we“. A. I. Wilson & Comply. recording. the tank. accident and the “ministry tor ot Weed Control Act, hurdle: the weed Inspector. The Ire-ll accounts were entered paid. This no the meeting for mail: appoint» mute to municipal olica. Pour Cpplieallona were received for Mood [Mum and Charles lichler was re eppointed " a uhry or $810.00. lTIro applicatlon- were received tor clerk Ind Mr. D. E. Ritz we. reap painted with a celery ot $300.00. Trusurer L. Hoetetler wu reop- pointed. Pour atrptteatioms were re ceived for -tror. Mr. Emil Schmidt wu reappointed at a ulnry of 8100.00. Fence viewers named were. Menu. Mdeolm Rennie, Home Eidt end Prod Bur, Ichauki. Auditors. C. o. Knupe and H. N. Culbert, Medical omcer ot health, Dr, T. B. f_tft: Pound keepers. I. Goertten and Ed. Eichler. Members of board or health. James Ridden, Member to librcry board, appointment for three you". Mm. 0. Hamilton, High School trustee, A, R, G. Smith. Under the new law the parks “Hill be token over by the council and the council must appoint a new park board to consist of three members. The " pointment ot a new board along with the tax collector was left over until the next meeting, The road master was instructed to repair the swing- irat bridge. Fred Hertm-n Chairman. i Mrs. Henry Ernst lent her home {on Tuesday evening tor the monthly ‘meellng of the Ladies' Gulld ot St. {George's Angllmn church. The pre- aldent. Mrs, A, R. G. Smith presided. The rector, Ree. J. H. Pogson, gave an Interesting talk on "Self Denial". Two new members were welcomed Into the non-Icky. Kaeh member wilt make talent money to be ready tor the annual bazaar. A donation ot $25.00 mu; mad" lo the church wardens, Presented With Gift. The membem ot the school board held a special meeting on Monday. A R. G. Smith presided. oincem for 1932 are; Chairman, Mr Fred Hart- man; secretary. Mr, A ft G Smith. Ladiu’ Guild Moon. V iiiirdGernn Workers Class or the Baptist church at weir mating. held recently, srresertted_t)teir teach. CsrTurirLGtiGson, with a beauti- ful gm in apprer'tation of her aer- viva. Wilma! Anglican Parish Advances. The annual trteeUrttt of the rum- bined Angliran churches of the Wil- mot parishes was held on Tuesday evening. The reports from the diner- ent organlmlions showed a nuance and were encouraging. The vhurrhea have a ttemttemhet N0.'Sevon were called by death during the year. The church ruport showed a balance or 333,51 Tho Women's Guild show- ed the handawme Imlanm- ot $327.00. lThe following otticers electnd are: Harbors warden not appointed; Petr. ple's warden, A. R. G. Smith; Vestry clerk. o. Hamilton: Sideamen. Messrs. Kenneth Mussel. Clinion Forster, E. C. 30-well, H. B. Puddi- combo, Jamal Forrest. R. C Puddi- combe and "r, N. H. Winn. Big Attendance At School Night. A, large number of the emu-us availed themselves of the opportuni- fy ot attending the open night at the iconlluuailon and public school on Friday evening. The pupils were in their cums rooms whern the parents could see them at wdrk. Short pro- xmnm consisting of dialogues, plays and seine! poems were given. in the second clams an mustrated geogra- phy lawn was in program. "S/'iGrsirrc" E. i Howmnn ot Kit. chener spent Friday with their daughter. Mrs, '"-_t?. AKruspe. Mans Margaret Mmelmnn. Miss Grace Peacock and Mite, Margaret Culbert visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Watson at Waterloo on Friday. _ Hamburg Noun. Tiriaiiarrdr" left on irridas tor Toronto to spend a few weeks with mlatlvm and friends. - --. "iriraAr/Gr"rj. to report that Mrs. Oscar Schweitzer is confined to her had thrown “mesa. Her nanny a hammer, when for any reamn they refused to open quickly enough. He saw a carpetleas floor. " mdo stove stuffed with broken venous. mu ot '"ytutmywtsx, smashed Ink bottles, torn envelope; Builds " won a poker-if poker that could be culled which had no clam“ to the respect- able household name. are that " could poke. helng merely a piece of iron bar hooked at one and Ind thrust into a lamp ot hard wood It the other. Bttt " wnlthl new": pounds. Bo whenuver Jammy Pritchard was duplmod with a new a pencil, a letter he wan writlnu. In ink bottle which ran untimely irr--anrtttitut, In tttt- he alum-d the "trender Into his glow- and "I?“hed it" (the word In the only ono with this poker nu his anger had evaporated. " w" int-pared In the yard that " you looked "non: [ha debris which wan taken away at Intervals, 'uwerettly try night, you would tind Ute bruised mum of novoral heads of depart- manu. Ind more than one imtpertor of government work! Fuddc‘brguoh-o HERE "ECC)r1" W- 1 I WONOIR WT must um. "AVE To - j "iFriiiiiFii iiiiiFriFaasal Ho ho Continua“) um In the VIII-u In - " an hidâ€. m an m In on Hoary â€but. â€Itâ€. tMr.nadtgrs.W.W.Ftmar" Ion Dan ot St. 00011. - no took-0nd m In. Incur- pr ‘onu. Mr. Ind In. C. ma. 7 l Mr. Lun- mu than“ to Ptttm ‘burg. P... Inu- Wu the Ion- darn mm " puma. It. And Mm. who. am. Mr. Chas m Junior, and Mu. Loufu 000M] account-10d him a In " Hamilton and visited (that. l an.» Homes um um ,sdnunur ot Kitchen" upon: the {wool-0nd will: thou- â€not. Mr. Ind In Oscar Schwdtur. I All. Domain Bonn" ot Kitchoner upon! the Nook-end with her that, Ann. o. am. (runaways; -iTrriay6VFiLiiyui -"w"-e hob nun Ill dqitars My at mu.- u- no â€upâ€. yup Mm, E. KaitttUUct, 3nd little (und- wn George Panto no spending . use! with relative. at Nun“ Full. Mk. Dolly Roth of Kitcholcr went the weekend with her friend. Mim, Erma Schmidt. _ in}; Ewan-'5. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton nodular at Monklou spent Bundar with rein. tlvou In the vlllue. Mr, and um “fillinm Gray of Erin Village are spending A month with their son. Mr. W. W. Grey. Mr. o, Hanna 1nd MI sister, Mn, T Wanklin and Mr. Vlncont Scherer let! an Monday night for I'Itwburg to attend the when] ot the farmer's niece, the late Margaret Humm. which took place there on Wednesday morning. _ Mr, and Mrs. Know Bunsen-u and children are vhmng "loud; in lngernoll. - _ Mrs. Wm. Dahmer of Rutlburg Named Mr. and Mm Edward HIM on Thursday. ‘Sooroury Rulgno. Rev. H. R. Monk, who on the ttrat ot January began bk ninth year as pastor of Trinity Lutheran church. 'occupied the chair at the shout] Ile meeting in the Sunday school class room on Tuesday. The trea- surer reported 83.14100 mined tor general work, ot this amount 680.00 went to mhsions and 26100 tor building malnulnance fund. otneers iurez church council elected for two yeana, Elm Hammer. George Slower, Albert Pauli. reelected; new mem- bers. Charles Hiuz. Mr. Edward Seim resigned as secretary after twelve" years ot service. Mr. h'ara Hummer was elected to fill the va- saucy. Violin Africa and Japan In The members ot the Evangelical. Young Peopte'ts Mission Circle had' this experience on Tuesdly evening when they met first at the home ot was Rather ingold. They were met' the door by a little Japanese lady and ushered into rooms beautifully decorated with colored lights streamers and Japenoue muscle. The lopk- "Japan" was glven by (‘hristlua Thompson. The members then eel out for Africa. arriving at the home ot Mm. Andrew Krunpe. ‘They were met by a young negro ot 'terrttsing appearance. The young Imam. Bobby Kruspe. showed them tum n.room in which trees repro- eented a jungle. The hostess served a delicious lunch. In the course ot the evening C. O. Kruspe showed I number of reels ot moving pictures. Holes Minion Bind. The Mission Band of the Baptist entitled to preferment, political pull church held the" meeting on Mom or tree puma in the newspapers day. Ram Mr. Dole gave cu “unrest- - __ In; missionary talk, The omega F Real Seeker- elected are: president. Lube] Appl, "Mac, would you like a mm: of vice-prealdent. Gladys LUhttuurrt; something scotch-the real thing?" ‘secralary, Erma Lighthaart; troa- "Weil, ttow-l “gulps: GrrG-.' Duncan JttnkmB. l "Ot course you would, Mary, bring 'Puyor Toplc At Mutiny. oat that pot of Dundee nmrnmlmle" The Yoda: People ot ut, Baptist Church held an Interesting meeting on Monday. Misa hauls: Dosage: fav" a splendid topic on "Pr-yer". ‘Plows In Jamal-y. _ Although It has occurred before, It Is very unusual to see plowing done In January, Mr. Eddie Elehler was tttMMI plowlug in Founuln Park on Wednesday tor the purpose ot dwelling the play grounds which the Park Pt,", contemplates to do. There I no from In the mound wint- emr. . 'Thne Sal-vie» For at. Faun. If. The ennui meeting ot the St. Bad Now: 2"irialt,tigTpitrt2ap"r't 22', Mike was working diligvnily onl n e ' any. tt recap his potato patch when ho sww in»; were 82,600.00 with a total expendi- ' l ' i, mm of 8215000 leavin a bat nee postman coming up tho road. "I" “I $250 G.' Th t ' . t in; tor him a black-edged vnvuiuln- ; niuowmi Gi Jitlur,11TfLd',"'h'l Mike became mummy, and show) ' it. 'i1'l'",'d',,',1Q,'l,l T',ettg2,, a {:15 "Hope it's not hm! nous." mid the . an patina". erig,g'dit' f,'ru',yt"l'; . 0°21? "it is that," mid Mike. Klanvinz at 'l'IQ 'lie r Jl2' a: Huh 'l,,',",',', , the address. "It‘s upset (N am on» the oveninell-An gun Ah' 'i'LI'l toirtsir, Me brother Pat's (lam ttt will ha org-Mud .Tho omen:- nre‘ mm tall by hin hgtttdwrlting!" Board ot Eldon. P. Debut. George Chan out "or Nam. ple,'; al'ii ‘7"va iii'ii,ii'iiiii, A mum cook came into n IwrlhI-Iil i,' 2rll',', J,'l"ll u “M ton Lu ".‘Mhoouri bank with a check Com lin- ' I qqt. July for whom Mte worm-I A» The Purl: Board. as It now stands. Mandy. the cook, "outd not mu». ibtlf, ittt Ittat meeting on Thursday. she aiwlya ondnraad her rin‘rks with ‘Reeve [lineman explained that urn-H bi. X. But on this occasion ghe- der the new law the council must made a circle on tho buck or tho [appoint the park board to con-int oi an,†The Park Board, as It now glands. 1 held It: Int meetlng on Thursdny. , Reeve [lineman ezpltslned that urn-u der the new kw the munch must t appoint the park board to mm!“ ot I ‘only three mambo". All the beel new: way concluded and the hooks 'nro now randy to turn out to the mum“ They any now nwnltlnn word trom (In government us to whether or not unto! the money! for relic! could be expended on the park as an unemployment renal Thi, Same Evnnlng. . il '. UAW w, MAL FIRE 1 w. a. BHotqr ARTHUR FOSTER, _ Mitra Florence Bum of Goderich ‘apent the week-end with her sister, Mk: Ruth Bum AUDIT. OVII .1.“ “an.“ Mt . 9m w. a. Hohhot . . . Pmldm J. M. “m- . VIM-molten: PM 0. Kinny! Olav- Run-pol "t “an!" In." Ian-r Mr. and In. Malcolm Bonnie and Mr. and MM. June- Rlddell attend- ed the tuner“ of the late John Georg: at Shakespeare. Humbur' Nous. I Mr. Don Gull of Port Oolbourne spent the week-end with friends In the village. F. H. HOOIR - Au't In" JOHN A. HIGHER . Imp. c. A. IOIHM INtURANCE AGING!!! le'rso mantra. The fence at Fountnln Part VII In such a poor condition that it wtitorn down last tall. The unemployed. It is understood will do the work. Mr. Harry Slelnborg of Welland spam the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mm. Harry Steiutrerg. Mr. Harry Williams. who spent the In! month. with relatives here, went to Chub-m on Saturday, where he has wound a position. Mlle Jenn Wiggins and Mr. Earl Blnxen-n of Gait were Sunday visual! with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mn. J. E. BIngeman. On. On Doc Dr. Corbett--"What you "and, my dear young lady, Is a little sun and Ill..." Mr. hiya Daniels, who ta taking a special plumbing course In Hamil, ton. spent the week-end at his home here. , Mr. and Mm. T. " Pelno, gmnd- daughter Patty Knight. are visiting rehuves In Spencer Port. N. Y. Miss Jean Framer and daughter Evelyn ot Niagara Palm are guests at the home or Mr, and Mix Eckert Kalhl'lelsch. Wilmot street. _ Dare to make mistakes, tor there Is no way to be always right. The people who make mistakes bores the world. The perfect peopla wnrk tor them, running errands and counting columns of "ttrtei. Patiout--"Wlty. the war) idea, I am not even married." God bless the inconspicuous citi. Ben-the man who quietly tttttills all obligations to his family and to his community as a matter of mar-<9. and who does not consider himself entitled to preferment, political pull or tree puma in the newspapers Evan " You and I When Noah sailed the wvll-known blue. He had his troubles as well aci you. For days and days he drove the ask Before he found a place to purk, A Wile Father "Pa," Bald yOung bill. "What’s " go" hard?" -. - And his wine parent ruplied: "Some ot the sum that's handed around in the lower-moms. mu" When “no Dove Coos Magistrate (to woman Involved in mtlrlmonlal ditrpRte)--"Did yuu and your husband quarrel on Friday night?" "ihrrr--"And the nexl My my day? Cominly not!" and Ncwl Mike was working diligently on his potato patch when ho 59w th" pouman coming up tho road. hour ing tor him a black-edged vnw-Inpv "It is that," Mid Mihe. glancing at the address. "It‘s upset Oi am our tolmly. Me brother Pat's (low! Ill cnn tell by hin hgtttdwritimt1" 7 “WV: the his. Mum. Mnmh ',"' “ltd (he tttlk, "Why tion't you mule a crow. as usual“ "w, done not married yINh-rllnv Bom. and In xrhatured mnh nnmo Fr Man (In barber rhnlrt -"lte an fnl not to out my hair too short people will take mp for my wifef' We." and Dine!"- Smiles alarm Acton Manager and Mercury It - Am't Our-arr BGMER . Inspector â€mm“. Dede-l "stem III-mo" "w “Than: are -rrat "Mn" I up can can always count on mr I short Fhe “What am they?" wife," Hr .. My “mien." IAURICE DALY Bun-um; Solid. tor, Notary. ik King St. Wat. magma. Room No. 8, Phone 301 . DR. J. E. mm, SPECIALTY Diuuel of the Ear, Throat null Nose. King St. tut, human". DR. s. H. ECKEL, Dennis}. one. E Bank of loaned BM... wat- loo. Phone 174. DR. J. w. HAGEY, Dena-{Room 110 Weber Chambers, King St. W., Kitchener. Phone 1766. DR. W. J. SCHMIDT, Dhtiuh†King St. E., next to Post o co. Kitchener, Ont. DIE. W. R._.tvyuuys_oN,AtGGs S. BOWLBY, B.A., LLD. Bar. mur, Solicitor, Non-7 hue. Convoynncor and Crown AM. one. - Count; Building, Qua- St. N., Phone , 0, $utehirkr, Ont. " Gia, t'iit2d5Etli.taiirii: Out. A. L. Bit-u, A., J. l. Sunk, EA. Surgeon, Phila, and Tor. thBeo- 28 Queen St. North, Kitchener. Evening hours Mon., Wed. and Friday, 7 -9. Phone 152. Office " William St.. Wntotloo Plum- 738w Mu. All!- R. Bea. Toacher of Piano, Singing, and Theory. Private and class instruction. Studios: 48 Roy St., Kitchener. Phone 1i71M. " King St. N. Shoe Repairing A Specialty. Expert workmanship, prompt service and prices reasonable. Expert Shoo Repair-t at " Erb St. W.. Waterloo Next door to M-or-Harris Shop. " Que-n St. N. - Phon. 2660 Kitchen: Rebinding books, Bibles, Hymn and Pnyubooh a specialty. Add more books to your home library by having your favorite nuguine bound into books. Initiating Club Bun, Suite“... We" reasonable. Goods called for and deiivered. c. A. non-:HM' INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED Diurkl A'cnlo. Pic-u 100 u-J rt" Wntorloo. Ontario ' WILHEEM'S J. C. Lehmann CHIROPRACTIC SHOEMAKING E. G. FRY CHiR0PRACTOR MEDICINAL MUSIC E. HOUSE DENTAL Bookbinder. Wntorloo W -.".