"I Profit By Reading This List. of Auction Sales] Mr. Ind Mrs. Jucob B. Snyder all funny Ind Mia. Olive Martin of Kim" and Mr. nnd In. 013mm In. Ind Ruth "to vim» ll. with lg. an! Mr. Eldon new. 11m Mr. and In. I be who? Inna-y. dyrnoori Mr. and In. All-n R. Good and Me,,".', Ethel Itunded the when] of air he h v and cannula. Hmey Gll'itJJ,'et'l Kitchen" on â€day Honvslupé. Rev. g. J. Wittie; mm... a. in; secret- , bert Hone; tron-MP", Henry $.10“; benevolence wereury, Reta Hem- merieh: ehorUter, Marion Schweitz- cr; 'iiilGGi, Norman D-hmer and Herbert Ciel. Fred Woppler. Jr., '1. assigned the duty of taking up tht_offe an); ___ - - . . The anchors of St. Matthew'- Lutheran Sunday School held their Annual meeting on Sunduy after- noon. The Customary Q'.',','.") show- ed good progress in all epgnments and respects The following officers were elected for the ear: Ron. Sum... Rev. I J. Winn; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schw-rt: of Kitchener upon: Sunday here at the home of the former's parents. "a! Slain! Moo! offuott. . . Mr. and Mrs. John Doerr 'of Kitchener were viiting with the farmer's father, Mr. Adam Doerr. on_tNrtdar, _..... .-. . The funeral took place on Friday afternoon, with a service in Bethany M. B. C. Church, Kitchener, with burial taking place in the M. B. C. cemeteriin this village. PM... . H -- m - __ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. s. Wright eall. ed " the home of their daughter, Mn. Howard Grotr, in Waterloo on Frigny. _ - _ . . - There are left to mourn his pass ing, his mother, two sisters and five brothers, Ada, in Hamilton, Greta at homo, Oman and Ward in Toron, to, Allan in Hamilton, Milton in Detroit, and Eldon on the Scheifele homestead near Conestoga, and a large circle of near relatives and friends. 7 -- _ A second sudden death,oecurred at the K.-W. Hospital early on Wednesday morning, when Harvey Scheifele, son of Mrs. Lucinda Scheifele and the late Solomon t1eheifete, passed away after a very brief illness, in his 39th year. The late Mr. Scheifele was born and brought up in this neighborhood. In his youth he entered the services of the Nova Scotian Bank and in later years took up studies in a Theo- ogical Seminary from whence he graduated about a year ago and was planning to now enter the ministry. About six weeks or so ago he with his mother took up their residence in Kitchener, gain there from the home form near this vil- The {New}, attended by local relatives and friends, was held on Friday afternoon, with a private service at her late home and thence to the Evangelical cemetery at St. Jacobs where interment was made. Died at Hreriul, _ _ _ Lat midweek the Grand and Conestoga Rivera went on u ram- page, more never: thin " some of the spring ttood. The water on this occasion wu over T feet above nor- rail and covered the river ftats on all sides. Little damage, it is re- ported, resulted from the flood con- conditions. Sanka Killod. Local relatives and friends were deeply shocked when news reached them of the passing away in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, in the early hours of Wednesday morning of Mrs. Harold Trussler, who was formerly Miss Nelda Shelley, the Younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shelley of thi place. The late Mrs. Trussler was born here April 4th, 1894. and spent her child- hood years and youth here. Some yen: ago she married her now be- reaved husband and took up resi- dence in Kitchener, where they have have since resided. Besides the sor- rowing husband there survive an in- fant daughter, her Emerita. one sister, Lut , at home ere, and her twin brotl, r, Nelson, pf. Qalt._ _ inns IN RIVERS Sovo- Foot Aâ€. Nor-n]. Canv- The young couple will take up residence on the old Snyder home- stead farm between here and Winterbourne. The Chronicle joins in the good wishes for a long and happy married life. Foflner_ Resident Puse- Away. , iThe' unusual mild weather led ssruskety? peek the _operc. A local The Conestogo hockey team suf- fered ita first defeat in the Kitch- ener City League games on Friday night, playing with the Lippert Clothiers of Kitchener, who downed the home boys by 2 - o. Yogi. Cgupyo Woddod: tte killed two on Ttiumdnr. be! Oh". President, Bro. Herb. Huehn; vice-pres., Bro. Norman Dahmer; secretary, Bro. Walter Stroh; treas- urer, Bro. Russell Each. but Cam 2 - o. One of the young men in the neighborhood, Mr. Irvin Snyder, the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Snyder, was married to Miss Margaret McCorkindale of neat: Guelph on Saturday afternoon. St. Mntthew's Brotherhood held its annual meeting in the parish halt last Wednesday evening. Although not yet a year old the Treasurer T,',',"":"),', a very gratifying report. he following officers were elected lor_the_year: _ _ _ - . M all othoe "-. no to“ by Whlorloo “lo-id- Mum Futs-s-ko. “do CONI‘TOGO ON A RAMPAGE DISTRICT NEWS iiiild TGK [Kiwi tfrLNhi. and 'ah It. all In. "tn Jmll "td r. and In. Mr. Willard Hem“. of [inbuilt m I bum-on visitor here on "WN, Mr. 1le 811:0:th of Wat. 'rko mm Hominy It " horn. -. -firTiiareiriiiGaturier" “tibi- Kille spent n few dun at his home are. _ - d ___ _ A number from here attended the auction sale of hm stack Ind im. It'i',','a'",',' on thr farm of Mrs. L (and near Wellesley. 1an from here attended the funer- of the lute Peter Wagner " St. Anthn on Homing. Mr. D. Martin of t, chobl w†. hating†visiggr htry on Thgrgdgy. Mr. Smellie of Wnterfoo was I buninesn visitor here last Monday. Mr. Ed. Kaufman wn I busineu virjtor to Linwood on Wednpgdly. Mrs. A. Stare was I visitor" to Wlmrlooron Thurgdny. _ _ _ _. Mr. Oscar Lantz attended the funeral of the late David Schwartz on Monday, who asset! away quite zuddenly last myâ€. Mirues Mary and Margaret Logo] Tent a few days last week with Mr sister in New Germany. Mr. Leon-rd Jackson of Glen- allan spent, Monday with his aunt, Mine Edith Jackson. Mr. Charles Stommlor returned to Detroit on Sunday aft'er spending the past two weeks at his home here. Miss Margaret Wilkor of Kitch- ener is visiting at her home here after her recent operation for ap- peryyeitis ft St. 11ary'tf.lotTitttl. . Mr. and Mrs. Heri, Kine] spent qudaxr in _kityhener, _ Mrs. Michael Sfommler returned home aftvr spending a few days with rclatices in Waterloo. The funeral svrviros were held at 1.30 p.m. Wednesday at the Linwood United Church. Burial took place at the Hawkcsville cemetery at 3 p.m., Rev. M. F. Stewart omeitsting. The pall-bearers were Lloyd Patterson, Harry Fania, Cecil Fullis, Oswald Fallis, Wesley Fania, Elwyn Snyder of Listowel. l Per-ts. Quite a numbor from here attend- ed the dance held in Mutton Hall on Wryjnes1lttevyr'tptr. _ _ l On Monday morning, January 18, at 3.30 a.m., Mrs. Robert Crooks passed away at her home, three miles east of Linwood, from a para- lytic stroke. She is survived by her husband and three sons. Edward of Toronto, Norman of Lndon, Harold at home, and one daughter, Mrs. Roy Calder (Ureta) of Dorking. Two brothers, Robert and Roy Patterson, and ony sister, Mrs. Fania of Listowel. Mrs. A. o. Schnurr spent a few days at Strathroy attending the funeral of her brother-in-law, Mr J. Jriley, __ _ _' - _ Mr. h. C. Reuber spent Sunday with his parents in Hanover. Aggd citizen Delia A A JUDGE CLEMENT GIVES DECISIONS IN COURT CASES The following dispositions was made in communes " Linwood. Jan. 13th, by mu Honor Judge Clement: Township of Wellenley n. Voisin, judgment for the puintiie for $30.85 and costs; Herb Clue] vs. Township of Wellesley, judg- ment for plaintiff, 813 and cons; Walter vs. Huckben, judgment for plaintiff, 311375 and costs; Phair vs. Phair and Bone, adjourned to next court. Four judgment summonses also were heard. Social Time. N On Wednesday the Luther League held its first meeting tor the your 1932 in the Sunday School room of the church. It was decided to sponsor the play thpt the Anglican Church ia patting: an the mid 1e of the month. It was also decided to hold a Valentine party at the pthr- sona e. Misses Mary Wismer and 'JI2,'li'i Schlneter were in charge during the soeial hour. Penn-III. __ Mi'im'd Mrs. Chris. Tabbert and daughter Verna, R.N., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. Milton Hisey, EL Intra. Mr. and Mrs. Alban Koebel spent Sagurday in_ Ki_tc_hener. - Mr. Frank H. Schummer is spend- ing a week with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Collins and daughter spent Saturday in Kitch- ener. Misses Nellie Schurbauch and Madeline Rims spent Sunday with the tormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. liehar)raueh, il_1_CargiIl. _. Miss Betty Zimmerman, nurse-in- training at St. Joseph's Hospital, Guelph, spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Zimmerman. Miss Rita Zuber spent Sunday with her pargnb in Nepy germany; - Mrs. Wm. Carnochan is spending a few days in Newton attended the funeral pf the 1.119 Mrs. Whaley. Mr. Gilbert Smith of Hamilton is visiting friends in town. Mr. Herb Kine! spent one day last week in Port Huron. Mr. Herb Kinel spent one day last week in Port Huron. The play "The Absent-Minded Bridegroom" put on by the young people of the Anglican Church of Millbank, under the auspices of the Luther League on Monday evening in Sehnurr's Hall, was largely at- tended. -sir. lama Mrs. Harold Nurse it Palmerston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nurse. Mr. George Zimmerman sizent Moyyiay ir) ffitchsTer. -- __ . 77 Miss Loretta Hamnier of Elmira is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Hahn. BAMBIRG LINWOOO Indy Chain-Mn. C_tler--"Jutd in! In the (win to be and Johnny?" "hstr--"Ft and In†Gullah-"Why. no. Johny; it can't Mr. Mat Beita, who spent a few ‘days with Mr. Arthur Goetz, left 'roi)'rGjon _oryhidto. _ -_- - _ My; the than“; Kin LID" God: in mending . week in Kitchener. " “Dame Rumor" u. it â€1!". cupid in buy In an- commun ty. Finn pug poeaater in: decided to Mr. and In. tr,,T, Schmnlu and Mr. Jncob Kloep er attended the Summits-Pluck: wedding at may“: on Saturdny. _ Mr. and In. 'Chnrlu Whaett and family of rlti,i,T,'ltr"tqo,tlrt Sun- day with Mr. and In. nil Kleder. Our helm“! eotteratuutions In extended to Mr. and In. Wm. Kloepfor on the arrival of . Ion, on Sund-y, .1:an 17th. ' Mr. and In. com Schmnlu ler. Wilfred Frank and his tiller. Madeline, of Kitchener, were Sun- dat visitors Atre. _ _ _ Miss Dora Taben of Helpeler gent Sunday with Mrs. Caroline rohman. Min Sadie Fehrenbaeh of Kitch- ener and her brother, Albert, of Toronto, . ant Sunday evening with Mr. and s'?',',','. Edward Fehrenbuch. mars. Frail: ind Wilfred Fehrenbnch were bmineu Vii-horn in wrtertooItidnt., - - _ - The Misses hazel of Linwood are spending a few dun with their singer, n.13uep_h Morey. ------ _ Mr. Charles Bruder, Queen St., Kitchener, called on his aunt, Mrs. "ey wer, 911 Friday. - _ Friday after spending a few dais will: heLgigann Querh. _ _ Mrs. Walter Frank, her daughter, Min Marie Fehrenbach and Mr. Wm. Scherrer spent Friday at Kitchener. Mrs. Jacob Weiler 'nnd Mrs. Louis Kieffer spent Wednesday in Toron- to. I have mes/eral choice Aa,, for sale at attractive prices. March 10 (Thursday) -- Farm stock. implements, hay, grain, house- hold effects, of George Lemon. 1 mile _msrth of. West, Montrose. March 7 (Manda?) - Mortgage sale of 100 acre arm with good improvements. situated on the 13th Con. Wellesley Tr" about 3 miles southwest of Wallensteitt, 3 miles east. of Linwood, formerly occupied by_Manuel Schlyeter. f I we (um um town "on“: or or ret','tt Jun. 15$? " It 2 an, mom " I two , hon“ hm " tld. 49% at. Waterloo, for Me ride & leGlbbon. “Eton-19$. - _ _ - Feb. 16 (Tuesday) - Mortgage sale of a choice 100 acre farm, good buildings, good soil. ete., Lot 4, Com 8, Peel Tp., about 3 miles southeast of Drayton, will be sold at the Royal Hotel, Drayton. Wm. Clerk, Solicitpg. _ - Jun. 23, (Sum-day) 2 tt.rn,--Or' (he promises. mans-go .119 1% storey brick house. situated at " Popular street, Waterloo. Jan. 27, (wedaeadarl-Farm shock and implements on the farm of In. Allen Gnuel, formerly the rum owned by o. B. Kolb, slanted on the Kitchener and Bmhu highway. Jan. " 1wedttF--100 acre farm stunted 4 mllea out ot Kitch- ener on Kitchener and Brenna high’ way. Farm known " the Gnuel farm. formetrir_erttetd by o. B. Kalb. Junury " (tuturdarr--At 8 I. In. very good hon-hold - " my suction shad, Kitchener market, 1°11!er In.“ . _ .A Feb. " (Saturdny moraintr)--At 8 1.13., furniture and household elect It my auction land " the Fitehener market, for Christian Inch " (Wednesday) - At 9 an. sharp, nimble farm stock, in- cluding 40 head ot cattle, trlta outfit, portable a. mill, nil g implements, but, feed and seed fruit: and house old el'ucu belong- ing 1.0 J. J. Atrorur,ityntef ulgopt iiGnifea' twinge-at Gr 'iootiu'nvUte. March 16 (Wednesdar)--At 9 a. m., during sale of farm stock, im- plementa and feed belonging to John Strong, situated 3 miles north, east of Bloomingdale. Jan. 26 (Tuesday)-Farm stock. implements. hay, grain, household effects, am, of Seranus Ziegler, about 2 miles north of West Mon- Jan. 28 (Thursday)--Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc., of John M. Horst, 16 mile north of St. Jacobs. Feb. 9 (Tuesrday)--Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, household effects, aim, of Wm. J. Kennedy, Lot 5, Con. 2, Peel township, adjoin- inEAhe village "CGltrntultuy, “no 88'. New Dull... Feb. 16 (Tuesday)--Getsuine out- right sale of fnrm mock. implements produce and household effeeta, f mile north of St. Agatha, for George Lorentz. No reserve. the proprietor is retiring ttttry tho farm. -- - March 3 (Thursday) - Genuine outright sale of 25 fully accredited and registered Jerseys, entire farm stock, implements. rmduce and household 'e/ttpt 2 mi es north then 1 mile west of ew Dundee, on the Huron Road, for Herbert limiter. positively no reserve, the farm is sold. Feb. 4 (Thurasday)-Valuabte 100 acre farm with good improvements can, farm stock, implements, hny, grain, household effects, etc., of Robert Dewing, Lot 10, Con. 4, Peel Tps, {About Cmiles, west ttf Mondale. Auction Sale Lint: Miss Teddi Haiter-reurned home E. J. SHANTZ. Auctionâ€. GEO.' a. cLAss. Auctionmr '._H. TOMAN Awâ€. NEW GERMANY E’. aiiimi-irc-'tumto Beginning 1m am: a not... of tan with friend: In tGUrtG. ween-Ive Blblo “In". vlll be Mr. and In. Jon. Alma". and mun hy Mr Jonâ€. number ot "an family. Mr. Ind In. Jed-h Roth Volatenow Band or mallard at tho and child and Mr. and In Joel United 3mm... Chm-eh mummy sum Gil and. of Tnvlttock. mutt. Welcome. ‘od on. d. rust rock VIM Mr. and HIM-Qua" Mom. ‘Mn. Georg3 Albnehl. - Wu nVOIo mln on numb, morn- In. C. hmHt ll ra1tLt'tt In; to and "mull" Ice-cont“ time “a In. Jacob De t " (tmt not no hot". u the nu: ma " Poole. Mt ,m.eted any - no a, w. v [in Ada You of mum amt no" or III no doubt all on thun- tho rook-end " in home In". hi. = tn m to! n: our PPI Mu. Ohd has! In...“ 3 ttrt at no "ftlh"2r, 1h:eiyi7iif2Si?iit'rv)2ii'ihi, r ‘m I. “My uhtnlnovom‘tunwbmmmma an - M 'N-I' "--oe. no that _ mu Nellie mam. Kitchener. 1pm! the veal-end m her home here. _ The proxnm than by mombon lot am 11.30:. Society on and†ovonlnx In fairly well Attended and enjoyed by I“ paint. Sundny whiten ct (no home of Mr. And Mm. B. J. Dull! were Mr. and Mm A. C, Becker. Min Myrna Becker and Mr. um um Albert Shelby and than" Int, all ot Becker and Shelby Ind Rnuvllle. Mlnes Myrtle Weber and Helen Hellman were Sunday (noun. with their friend Min Marjorie Rain-tor. Minn Ruth Devin, who b attending Toronto Bible College went the week-end at her home here. lulu Blade Ruben went the week-end with her brother, Mr. but" Escher! and Mm. Etched It Kitchaner, Mr tnd Mrs. Milton bel- tud fun: ily spent Sundny with Mr, um Mrs Addison [lichen Min Irene Knack-ml wont Sand-y at her home here. Rel M. R. and Mn. Baum-n were Sunday vhitom It the home of Mr. and Mm. Gideon Buchart. Mr. he. Richer-dean end daughter Miss KMhaleen Richardson amour named Mr. Wm. Bummer: ot Wing- ham to New Hamburg recently. 3nd spent the day with the utter'a ttity In. Mrs, lsobele Wllllnrd, who. we are sorry to report, In under the donor. are, Para-mun. Mr: Rich. Ogram of the 13th, ne- cumpanled Mr. Manna P061] ot Glen- allan to Toronto one day Inst week. Pinon-lo. t Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tabbed spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Tate hen of Linwood. companled Mr. Manna Foeu ot Ohm Eva, Clifford .nnd Hue! Butler allan to Toronm one day Int week. spent Suturdly wlth Cod] Schmm. Mr. and Mrs, M. Brenner Ind Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Tschlrhnrt ma Messrs Russel Mllnghnm and (“ally ot Kitchener spent the week- Stanley Logel spent an evening about! with Mr. and Mm, Chm last week with Mr. 1nd Mrs. Wilrtod Schnollor. Manley near Henson. I Roy. J. L. Towns ot New Dundee I Sunday evening vlelwrs with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tnbbert were Misses Port' and Ada Pearce. ileum. John and Edwin Pearce and Mr. Gordon Hopper of Paisley. A low from here attended a sock] evening held at the home of Mr. and Mm. Wm. Rennie near Glenclhn on Friday evening. ME. and Mrs.'Leslle Began and family visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Bonn. _ Tuesday visitors with Mr. Ind (Mrs. Leslie Ragga were Mr. and Mrs. ‘Geo. Begun ot Linwood, Mrs. James Cherry, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cherry, Mr. and Mm. Elwyn Cherry ot no“ Glenallan and Mr. Wray Boga. Bun. “56 "no. in good eon- dition; haw roof. Apply to In, B. GINA“, New Dundee. LS Mr. and Mrs. Cecll' Jolflicon ot near “dowel visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cream. 5 har. motor â€0.00; than u.- 5 tup. Century. $225.00; other in proportigmuly _ Dobbin Gar- age. Kitchener, Phone 8660. " _ FEMALE HELP WANTED Woman "and to not for u " home. Sawing Ill-chines noun-r7. No telling. Ontario Neckwur Com pany, Dept, 174, Toronto il. " Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Meraeuh and Mr. Henry Newton event not. Thurs- day with Mr.rAmhony Newton. FOR BALE A Filo New Building Purposely built for tinunith shop 22 x " with basement and abstain; hydro, and n large lot; would pu- for dwelling am! shop. A good W- ingv basins, in town of Linwood. Apply to Henry Neuert. Linwood. The undersigned offer for sale, the farm of the lite Adam B. Cress- man, situated on the Doon Road, four miles from the City of Kitch- ener; is part of Bechtel'l Tract. Quarter mite from school. S. S. No. 2: It comprises one hundred and fifty-three acres. more or less. One hundred acres of land in good state of cultivation, about twelve acres of bush, good mixed timber. The bal- ance good patsturertand, with run- ning water. Buildings are hydro equipped, spring water in house and barn; also good well besides. Very conveniently situated. Will sell to wind up estate. Right price to cash buyer. Apply to Mrs. Matild- Cruel-on. R. R. 2. Kitchen-0t: Eaocotria. B. W. Mayer, Bloomingdale, wishes to inform his customers that he is making brooms again. All orders will receive prompt attention. If you are in need of brooms, Phone 745 r It. B. W. MOYER, Blooming- dale, Ont. Or Mr. Josiah Cronin-n. Executor! Farm For Sale It; R. No. a, was“... 2.2 BROOMS FOR SALE MANNHEIM MACTON 2-2 I Mn. Dun Schmlu apont Monday See"" with hot mar. In. kn Becker. w., “OISE Brock] tli.lttes odNr--cttroniete Du y out... In Brtd 3mm. G7 I'm-mart Advttenur.--ie me that I Rev. J. L. Towns ot New Dundee span! Sunday " the home of Mr. and Mrs Ezra Backer. Minn Jun WAD-on spent the vect- end " her both. m Tun. A lute numbor from here attend- ad tho Minion-r! mm which was given at the Mnnnlaoim Uniiod Brethren Church on Sunday evening. aevenl ot the young people from here took part in the "to plan whlch were Dreamed at that ting A duet "The Old Rugged Croat" was sung by Helen Human and But- rico Becker the accompaniment be» ing playod on the guitar by Evan Butler. _ Mk: May Bock" upon! In! Thundny “arm with Mend. It Kitchener, Muir Dorothy Thoma of Kitchon- or and Mr. Fred Backer were the guest: ot Mr. and Mrs. Thomu Tapping on Sunday. Misses Ruby and not. Schmm ot Kltchener spent the week-end at their home here. Mtms Munro: Becker and Mr. Cllronco Wanner of Straspurg visit. ed with Mr. and Mm. Telford Brod- Meeker on Sunny. Messrs. Ewart Ind no†Butler were buy cutting wood tor Mr, Duo Schmm In! week. Miss Mnmle Dealer Ind Mr. George Beechey ot Kitchener ware gursste It the home of Mr. and Mm. Ezra Becker on Sunday. Mina Florence Becks} his “ten s Dosltlon at the Callahan Goodrich at Kitchener tor some tlme. Pour Ziegler turn. that 2 mil- north of We“. Montana and 5 all“ south.“ of Elm. on wont aid- of an Grand Riva, on 1 'a-rt-a".---" binder; Deer- ing mower; M.-H. hay loader and side rake; McCormick " ft. dump 1rake; fertilizer drill (new); Inter, national broadcast seeder; stiif- tooth cultivator; land roller; 3 Fleury wolking plows, No. 21; 3 sets of iron horrowa; one bmtion barrow; P. a W. crown; plow; P. a W. twin play; Johnston drill plow; root newer; roller chopper; plate chopper; l wngon complete (nearly new) ; 1 other wagon; spring wagon; rubber tire top buggy; 2 sets bob isleighs; l cutter; tut rack; hay Tack; stock rack; grove) punks; scale. 2000 lbs. cup.; hay fork, rope and pulleys; fanning mill; manure boat; root pulpem; wheelbarrow; 1% horsepower (an engine; power emery grinder; shotgun; grain bags; extension ladder; doubletreea; neck- yokes; chnins; forks, and other numerous articles. 'u--, Beta of team harness; carimge harness; 2 sets of single harness; also 5 bushels red clover seed. Tor----)- seed. fowl, and all articles of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on approved Joint notes, or " per "mum oft for cash payments of credit unounts. No reserve. CYRENIUS ZIEGLER. PM. GEO.'G. CLASS, Auction-or. HENRY KLINCK, Clark. 2-2 TUESDAY. JANUARY “It. "" At I p... _ 'u.aoe-1 upon of black Perch- eron mm 6 you: old (you much- od); 1 upâ€: of iron my - 5 you! old (well matched); 1 bay gelding 8 ye." old; 1 bay driving lure 5 you: old; 1 bay driving mare 10 years old. Koto-For good home come to this sale. CottV-tted cow bred Sept. 18; biaek cow bred Aug. 24th; blue cow bred Sept. 28th; black cow bred May 23rd. Pte-e pure-bred Tamworth now: due about time of sale; t Berk tow due time of ale. . Fur-icon. on. - Furnace kettle; kitchen rinse; McCormick cream separator; writing desk; Reina piano; 8 gal. cream can; churn; wash tub; hanging lamp, ete. FoM-6 Buck Minorca pallets; f cockerel; ll Leghorn hens; t collie dog. VALUABLE Fm 8m IMPLEMENTS. Rte. Min W. In upon the mkqnd LEiiiTE1lfil WILLIAMSBURG KINOWOOD 'iiilll'a'g)'isii, f it. tnuuer ism... Nora “a Mom mum mud n In. AereetN'rttFt_tBetther-m dr, Run of moouiudnlo were law] will“!!! " the hon. ot Mr. at In. "of.“ â€mi. Ii- nitric. mum": in â€on“... an. "in with Mond- 1n Knob- â€of. Tho III-m Orma und 1mm WIN-o 3nd It. 1mm Clair of “who. It. In. a! Mr, .601: â€and! in _ "In like!) Wobor, tench-r ot the In! "New school - Thun- dny "can. with Mr Mud. lb- w!!! 013mm __ _ - -- Mr. lid In, Wtlturgt Schmidt and funny at Rum-nun were and†ruttors with Mr. ma In. Hem-In Kuhn. tfm. Aaron mu ot Kitchens: u mum at the home ot Mrs, Manu- " Boone. Mn. Charm. Home] 3nd Mr. Clar- once "up! of Man amt A law an with the farmer’s mother, In. I!†3mm. [ 80-0 of our local people attended the mum) of the tatm Mr. John Geiger of Watsrioo on Smithy. A for- mer resident of Holdalborx. Mr. Hot-mun Knppoa is opimdlnx name ("no at the home ot " per my. Mr, and not Honrernppu: - _ The “mun comtrtrtretiottnl meet. ing ot trt. Pour: Lutheran Church wu hold on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Alonso Hahn was elected as an omen- of the Church Board um Mr. ‘Wllllun Saul", whone [arm “Mud. was reelected. Person-II. Mr. John Huohnourd of Kitchen- er 1. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mm, J. A. Std. tor a few days. are presented e petluon to our council npplylng for street lightning and at he! the ml! ot the hydro Company ttot hue and the result 1- on the evening or Jennery lull our street lights wom turned on for the ttret time. Ila-Elected TIM-tee. ' _ 100 Acre Farm, Farm Stock l 1:11le and Equipment _ All thimm come to those who WI". The ratepayers ot Heidelberg hue ‘boon talking strut light. since hy- dro came to our VIII-go some you: turo, but it zoomed sro, would - get the lights on our streets. How- ovor, some month. ago our ratepay- POULTRY 125 well bred Barred Rock hens and pallets; a few good Barred ‘Rock cockerehLlOO well bred large size pigeons; 18 pure-bred gee-e; P? is a fin. bunch of geese). 7 iuure purepbrod duck. Strq.t Light. Turned On. IMPLEMENT: M.-H. 7 ft. cut binder; mower; hay loader; corn binder: 13 disk fer- tilizer grain drill; manure spreader: land roller; M.-H.aspring tooth culti- vator; " plate disk; 4-seetion iron burrow; 2 tscufBers; 1 good garden T--irm is being mid under power of sale in mortgage. 10% of patch-so price cuh on day of ale. Government Loan of 86,870 (an be Amazed to remoin on farm. B-hnce of purchase price within 80 days when full nonunion any be had. Fur further particulars and conditions of sale apply to MR. V. H. HATTIN. Hallo-or. Solicitor for the along-gm. Please come early. as the offering is large sale will Mart on time. E. J. Shaina. Anew, nu ben instructed to all by Public Auction; the (arm and the entire equipment on the premises known " the Gnuer Farm, formerly qwned by Oliver 'Kolh. “tuned four miles out of Kitchener, on the Bream: and Kitchener Highway, on l I used bay driver; 1 bay tum coach horses " yea: old; 1 fine black Percheron mare filing 5 yen: old; 1 black mm " year! old; 1 Shetland pony. u CATTLE 10 good Hol-tein cows supposed to be in calf. T.B. tented in 1980; 4 Holstein Millers. supposed to be in enif; 11 Hohmin heifers rising one yen old. This is a well bred bunch of Bahama. some pure bred. l pure bred Holstein bull rising three yeura old. Being part of Lot 128, German Company Tract, 101.36 acresi, more or less: all said to be workable, about 16 acres said to be seeded down in 1931. Large orchard; apples, pours. plums; cherries. between four and ttve thousand young spruce trees; good land bordered by Grand River and No. T Highway. Splendid bank barn 74' x 64' with closed in 'shed.---" row stalls. 3 large calf pen. 1 bull pen, 5 horse stalls, Hearty Bros. futures and stanchion: throughout stable; large root rouse. Elec. tric light: throughout and wired for burglar alarm. Poultry house attach- ed to barn IT' x M', electric lighted. Hay fork track and rack lifter. Stave silo 60 ' x 13'. Splendid poultry house 1% storey stucco, 38' x 28', and large heavy wire run. Milk house, tool house and drive shed with , h.p. motor and line shaft. electric connected: motor in well pumps water to barn and house; underground root and bulb cellars and cement floor in all 120’ x 82' bolted for driving shed. Good 9 roamed house equipped with electric lights ami furnace; water on tap. , Torn. of Sal. of CuttoU---Griut, roots, potatoes, poultry and all sums of $16.00 and under, cash; over that amount six months' credit will be given on approved joint notes, bearing interest at six per cent, per Innum. The farm will be offered It 1.30 p.m. on the premises. Subject to reserve bid. E. J. Shanta, Wedgesday, January, 27, 1932 Public Sale. '_. P HEIDELBERO HORSES Auctioneer. Real Estate at 12 o, B. KOLB. .Clerk. Mr. Vincent Lineman shipped two garlands of livoltock from tho local Atauon last Wednesday. l Mr. Henry Melts we. a Imminent; vI-ltor at Mlcton one day lull week. ’ Mr. and Mm. w. N. Alllngbun ‘apent Ina Wodnood-y In Elmira. Maura. Chrence and Albert haul ot no" Wellealey spent Sunday with their mother, Mm John Local. Mr. David P. Andenon ot Windwt wu a business viaitor here In! Sul- urdar. Special clubbinf oeer--ChronieU, Duly Globe, Mai and Empire and Fumon‘ Adeoeate--aBeet me than. l urimuon A'munam or Kitchen. er spent the week-end at his homo here. Mr. William Bali of the 3rd or Maryboro was a business vislmr hale let Friday. Moan. Anthony and Willi-In Newton were _buslneaa visitors In Elmira jug Suturday. pleasantly spent in playing rbunco and dancing after which dainty re- tro-human were served hy the hone-sag. tractor; walking plow; sugar beet lifter; 2 row corn cultivator; 1-H. corn planter; root pulper. VEHICLES. HARNESS And Other Equip-0.0. Farm wagon; top buggy; demo- Lrat; cutter; wagon box; 2 fiat hay racks; bob sleigh; beam scale; corn Aheller; long ladder wheelbarrow; stone boat; 4 lane colony houses " x 14 ft.; a lot of amallor hen coops; barrel with " gallons ready mixed red paint; 40 gal. steel tank; M.-H. cream separator; churn; gar- den lion; ' not: team lumen, one bran mounted, like new; buggy har. nose; heavy single harness; milk pails; quantity ot.ssrtre"tes; poul- try feed boxes and water boxes; 3 large rolls 86-ineh wrapping paper; 4 brooder. stoves; forks; chains: shovels; neckyokes; doubletrees, and many more useful articles too numerous to mention. ROOTS AND GRAIN Quantity of oats good for seed; 500 bus. turnips; 600,000 Gladioli- Bulb; a quantity of Dahlia bulbs: 100 bus. of good seed potatoes, Cobblers and Green Mountain. humid-gnu. DORKINO Proprietors. 2-2