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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 31 Dec 1931, p. 10

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?__lllmlllllllflllllmullllllllllllIIllllll“llllllIIIIllllllllIIllllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllll!'_: Millfeed _ delivered _ Montreal freights,. bags includedâ€"Bran. per ton, $21.25; shorts, per ton, $22.2%5; middlings, per ton, $30.25. Ontario grainâ€"Wheat, 69c to 62¢; barley, 40¢; oats, 21c to 24c; rye 37c, to 39¢; Ontario corn, 43¢. . Manitoba catsâ€"No, 2 C.W., 3;’;‘&(‘;' Mrs. Catherine Halter and daughâ€" No. 3 C.W., 34%¢; No. 1 feed, 33%4c; |ter Emma of Toronto spent Saturday No. 2 feed, 31%¢. {and Sunday here. Manitoba barleyâ€"No. 2 CW.,;_ Mr. Herbert Wilhelm, Mr. and 45%¢; Argentine corn. 5tc, plue|Mr6 Edgar Wilkelm and children, duty; South African corn. 56c, pius | MT. and Mré. Toney Wilkeim and US. funds (ci.f. Bay ports). fifami'ly and Mr. George Wilhelm, Kitâ€" Milifeed delivered Montreal|Chener, epent Christmas day with freights, bags includedâ€"Bran. per. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilhelm, Miss ton, $21.25; shorts, per ton, $22.25; | Wilhelmina Wilhelm, also of Kitch middlings, per ton, $30.25 f“"fl'- is spending a few days at the Ontario grainâ€"Wheat. 606 to 62â€" ) Wilhelm home. Manitoba _ wheatâ€"No. 1. hard. 69%c; No. 1 Northern, 67%c: No. 2 do., 61%e; No. 3 do.. 59l%¢c; No. 4 do., 58¢ (c.if. Bay ports). Chicago, Dec. 29.â€"Hogs, 60.000, inâ€" cluding 23.000 direct; fairly active on all weights, weak to 10c lower; top, $4.60; bulk, desirable, 170â€"280 Ibe., &verages, $4.30 to $4.55; packing sows, mostly $3.45 to $3.65; mostly atrong weight pigs, $3.15 to $4.30; shi‘?pers, 20,000; estimated holdover, 4,000. _ Light, good and choice, 140180 lbe. $4.25 to $4.55; light weight, 160 to 200 lbs., $4.45 to $4.60; packing sows. medium and good, 275â€" 500 Ibs., $3.45 to 3.75; pigs, good and choice, 100â€"130 Jbs., $3.75 to $4.30. Grain dealers on the‘ Toronto Board of Trade are making the folâ€" lowing quotations for car lots: ed some improvement. ‘Trade wa6| do., first .. active on the better M"““lm extras fair to good kind from 4% to 5% cents, with a few plain steers and heifers at a low of 4 cents. Butcher cows were firm to 25 cents per cwt. higher than last week at 3% to 3% cents per pound for good kind, while ecme halfâ€"dozen fancy fat cows made 4% to an extreme of 4% cents per pound. Cannere sold unchanged at 1% cents. Good butcher buils also were stronger at 3% to 3% cents, with the odd top at 4 cents per Do., bolognae ... Feeders, good ... SIOCKOTS ................s Springers ... Calves, good and choice Do., medium ... Do., grassers ... She@eP ...slclllcecatiens Lambs, choice ... Do., CulI$ ....cclllsl Do.. bucks ....~..~f Hoge, bacon, f.0.b. ... Do., off cars ... weighty steers brought 5% to $4% cents per pound, with several loads makifng the top, and 4% cents wase the low for a few plain steers. Some choice, handy butcher cattie sold from 5.86 to 6% cents per pound, and was some 200 Wead heavior than on tl.mh-luh:.“qulkyb the of the killer offering showâ€" Hogs sold at an advance of 25 cents perâ€"cwt. batons, in a light rum, bringing 4!% cents per pound, L.0.b., and 5.10 cents per pound, weighed off care. Heavy beef steers .....$ 4.50 Butcher «teers, choice. 5.75 Do., fair to good ... 5.00 Do.. common ... $.50 Heifers, choice ... 5.50 Do., fair to good .. 4.75 Do.. common ...s.... $25 Butcher cows, good ... 3.25 Do., medium ... 250 Canners and cutters ... 1.2%5 Baby beef ....llllllll. 6.00 Bulls, zood ......sacs: £.95 Do., bolognae ... 1.50 Feeders, good ... 4.50 StOckers ......._......».» 2.00 Springere ... 30.00 with the odd top at 4 cents per pound. Baby beeves were firm at 6 to 8%4 cents, according to quality. No store cattle offered. Calves in a light run sold readily at prices 50 cents to $1 per cwt. highâ€" er than last week at 7!% to 8%% cents per pound for g0od and choic> veal ere and up to 9 cents for a few tops. Medium grade vealers made 6 to 7 cents per pound. Grassers brought 3 cente, and heavy vealers 5% cents per pound. Do., medium ... Canners and cutters Baby beef ......l.l... Bulls, good ... Good to choice ewe and wether lambs were strong at 6% to G%f cents per pound, with some good| heavies making the 64 cents. Rough / heavy lambs sold at 5!4 cents, with culls downward to 4‘4 cents per, pound. Sheep were stronger at the top than at the close of last week, good light ewes making 3 cents, with ¢ulls downward to one cent per pound. Receipts were 1,100, 110 calves 520 hogs, and 230 sheep and iambs TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS e muserate w * iX ~q# . *gf . S omnge Sabagire e n PUP i fig-_-”‘~m:.~|§-=:&:.§: "E':'.:T..-.*“""-::.:“-“-‘:fi Toronto, Dec. 29.â€"Cattle supply at THE WM. SNIDER MILLING CO. Limited Phone 239 _ â€" _ WATERLOO _ â€" _ Erb St. West Freshly Milled and Reasonably Priced Snider‘s Feeds CHWCAGO LIVE STOCK NEW PRICESâ€"ALL LOWER Save Money at 4.50 2.50 6.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.10 by using $ 625 6.00 5.50 4.50 6.00 4.00 3.25 2.00 8.25 3.15 2.25 4.15 4.25 60.00 8.00 6125 3.25 3.50 6.175 5.25 ! Rev. Father Diemert is spending ‘a few days in Mildmay with his par. ents. \ Mrs. Franlk Fehrenbach called on friends at Elmira Saturday. Mias Edythe May. Guelph, spent Chrietmas day with her father. Mark May. _ _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs, V. Bauer of Kitch ener spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benninger. Miss Theresa Halter returned home after a three months stay in Guelph. Mr. John Zinger and Mr. and Mrs Roy Meyer, Detroit, are «pending a few days here. a Mrs. Sophia Haas, Walkerton. is spending some time â€" with â€" Mr. Charles Goetz, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bortz and family, Miss Nowak of Kitchener, spent Christmas day with Mr. Goetz. _ Mics Elizabeth Halter left for Buffalo Christmas Day to spend a few months with her sister, Mre. Wm. Nagge. Miss Helen Frank of Guelph, accompanied her. Mr. Caroline Hauss, Mrs. John Reinhart, Mr. Edward Klein. . had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Harold May, Guelph. Mr. Herman Kloepfer, Detroit is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kloepfer. CERAE PV C + » ® the AB( C.W., %%¢; ex. No. 1 food, 25%C. jthe home of Mra: Jug. POULTRY AND EGas lt& epent s couple ';:T-Q,." last Dealers are quoting country ship week with their son, Mr. Robt. Newâ€" ks oi s oi i it domaciove Rraumer of me Heesâ€" * 'lh-h- Naermal Schoo} is spending extras ... 3# to 0@ jthe holidays with her parents, Mr. extras ... $# to u‘mmmumm.‘ Gdo., Brst .............. 34 to 0@ and Mre. Seraphin Kreemer. ' Pullet extras ......_._._. 19 io\ 00 | Mr. Wm. Richardson and sister, [ do., seconds .._..__. 18 to 00 ‘Miss Kathaleen Richardson and | _ _ Quotations To Retail Trade _ |Mesers. Michael and Albert Logel | _ Eogysâ€" 'upo-t Saturday evening with Mr. Fresh extras, in and Mré. Karl Tabbert. _ cartons L..ll2222. 31 to 00 | _ Mrs. Kerr of Toronto is spending |! Mr. Jerome Weiler and Miss Dorothy Ludwig of Waterloo are epending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weiler. Mrs. C. Bruder, Mrs, A. Lehman, Miss Reinhart, Kitchener, and Mrs. Murdock of Detroit, called on friends here Christmas day. Quotations To Retail Trade Butterâ€" \Creamery_ prints, | NO. 1 ...commms $ to. do., seconds ... 2 to _ _ Cheeseâ€" Stiltons, new ..._... 144 to | do., pid ... Churning _ cream, points. Spocial ... Mr. Wilfred Frank and sisters of Kitchener, and Louise of Guelph, spent the holiday with their father, Mr. Walter Frank. Mr. family family the C. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frank and family and Mrs. Catherine Kirby and family are spending a few dave with the C. Halter family. Mr. Frank Kloepfer of Mt. Elgin who spent (‘hrigtmas day with his parents, Mr. and| Mré. Greg Kloepfer, left for home S«»Jturday. Storage extras No. 1 No. 2 Miss Elizabeth Roth of Detroit called on friends here Christmas Day. + U do., extras, loose do., firets, loose Pullet extras ... Butterâ€" Creamery, pasteurâ€" affined) ... 10% to 00 do., twins ... 10% to 00 do., triplets ... 11. to ©00 Above prices for goods delivered Toronto. The Misses Vera and Reta Klein, Guelph epent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klein. + Fersonals. do., seconds ... Cheeseâ€" New, large (parâ€" do., seconds Quotations To Shipper DAIRY PRODUCE NEW GERMANY 14% to 00 204 to 00 f.0.b. _ country 21% to 21 20 17 21 25 21 to to to 23 20‘;i 22 21 18 225 Begges '-â€".-â€"*-_ spent the holidey and weekâ€"end at jthe home of Mrs. Jno. Logel. ___Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kienapple and daughters Dorothy and Helen spent Sunday with Mrs. John Heirov-ri in St. Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoeser and on Corniel visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. B. Oesch. Mr. and Joe Anthony and family and Mr. Pius Helm of Kitchener were recent visitora with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dietrich. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rumig were Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ({ies and sons Robert and Walter and Miss Vera Rumig of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. John K. W“fl‘" and family spent Sunday with Mrs. John Dietrich in St. Clements. Mr. and Mrs. Sirinbnqfi;vz‘r-x-e?were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Steffer. School closed on December 22nd for the Christmas vacation and will reâ€"open on January 4th. _ _ The heartiest congratulations of thie community are extended to Mr. and Mrs. MacLennan. Heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperons New Year to all. After the ceremony they motored to the home of the bride‘s parents. where a wedding dinner was served to immediate relatives and friends. Later in the afternoon VihEefi_;';;‘I;l'l'g ccuple leff on a motot trip to Lonâ€" don. Detroit and Buffalo. A very quiet wedding took place at the Baptist parsonage, Kitchener, on Saturday, Dec. 26th, at high noon, when Miss Evaleen Reatty Martin. ’_voungnr daughter of Mr. and Mra. Henry ~P. Martin of Wallenstein, became the bride of Mr. Vietor Macâ€" Lennan. elder son of the late Geo. ‘and Mrs. MacLennan, of Milbank. Rev. A. J. Lewis officiated. They were attended by Miss Ruby Hahn Of Wallenstein, intimate friend of the bride and Mr. Gordon MacLenâ€" nan of Milbank, brother of the groom. omiltan Narmal Schant L. _a,cain. fOF stopping un and sélline that nart | ~VC"O® on the property of the lfl‘.â€"ll‘l‘fl spending |{0f stopping up and sélling that part ’mmu:“.'-,dfiohuunhmum. Late Leonard Heipel ‘and Mre. Seraphin Kraemer ~|shown on thB registered plan on the Lot 19, Con. 2, Block B, Wilmot, i° Mr. Wm. Richardson and sister,|$WTTCJ Of John Unger and of Part 2 miles south of Wellesley, on the ‘Miss Kathaleen Richardson and |{9t 13 0f the German Company TrACt |parion Wenesley Highway, on |Messrs. Michael and Albert Logel|°! P8"t Of the said town, more par lspent Saturday ovening with Mr.|tiCularly described as follows: THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1932 and Mré. Earl Tabbert. "COMMENCING on the southerly |at 12.00 o‘clock noon, the following Mrs. Kerr of Torounto is spending |limit 0‘ Lot 13 of the Germau Comâ€" valuable property : ‘the winter months with her sister,|DB@By Tract, at a distance of 169 feet, ‘Mrs. Hy. F. Martin and Mr. Martin. |2 inches measured westerly from the _ _Horsesâ€"Black mare 10 years old, . Christmas visitore with Mr. and|westerly limit of Albert street, as in foal; black team rising 11 and Mre. L. A. Begge were: Mr. and Mrs. |widened, said point being also the | ;2 years old; Percheron mare rising Bert Stickney and Mr. and Mre. Joe|intersection of the southerly limit |, ; ears old: Percke t 1 of Lot 13 of the German Company years old; grey Percheron colt. Johnson, of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. I Cattleâ€"7 Choice H A $ Geo. Beggs, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nurse|Tract with the easterly limit of â€" oice Holstein Cows: ‘of Linwood, Mr. and Mre. Gordon|TOown Park lands; THENCE northerâ€" 2 cows due by time of sale; cow due Cherry and "Mr. and Mrs. Ell ly along the easterly limit of Town ;, January ; cow due April 28; cow Cherry of Glenalian. Park lande, 500 feet to a stake; dune J 11; due A 3 Mrs. Jas. Cherry of Glemalian is| THENCE easterly, 13 feet and : CU"N° JUne 11; cow due August 12; !spending some time with her daughâ€"|Inches to an jron stake planted at coW fresh one month; Jersey cow ‘ter, Mre. Leslie Beggs and Mr. the northwesterly corner of land fresh two months> HWaletain L.i i Mrs. Chas. Kraemer and little son ‘are spending a few days with her ‘parents, Mr. and Mre. A. Foerster of Hesson. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beggs and family and Mré. Jas. Cherry visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Albert Burnett of Tralee. Mr. John Linseman and sons Ignaâ€" tive, Lawrence and Edward «pent Friday evening at the home of Mre. Jno. Logel. ; Mr. Ralph Hahn is epending & week with his brother, Mr. Lorne Hahn of Toronto. % MacLennanâ€"Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan. Brubacher of Kitchener spent Christmae with her parents, Mr. and Mre. Andrew Hahn. Mr. Jas. Richardson and daughter, Miss Kathaleen Richardson visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Mose Schultz of New Hamburg. Mesere. Wm. Kittle and Roy Brenâ€" ner were busineds visitors at the home of Mrs. Jno. Logel one day last week. ca _ Mrs. Jos. Coote of Toronto is epending a few days with her broâ€" ther, Mr. Ed. Byron and Mrs. Byron. ‘\Ve are sorry to report that Mrs. Byâ€" ron is not enjoying the best of health. Mica Lelia Finlay is epending the holidays with her father, Mr. J. B. Finlay of Kincardine and her sister, Ars. Harold Hendry and Mr. Henâ€" dry of Tiverton. Miss Ethel Trafelet is ‘spending the holidays at her home in Southâ€" ampton. Mr. Wm. Richardson and sister, Miss Kathaleen â€" spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mre. Alex Cooper. â€" Master Lavern Begge spent a day | of last week with friends in "Linâ€" wood. o k Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rennie and son Emery spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cooper. _ Quite a severe electrical storm passed over this locality on Thursâ€" day, which was followed by a heavy downpour of rain. This is very unâ€" vsual weather for the day before Christmas. Mr. and Mre. Irven Mewhiney and family, Mr. and Mrs. Iryen Stricker and family and Mr. Carl Mewhiney of Vineland spent the holiday and weekâ€"end with relatives in this locality. Messrs. Alex. Cooper, Thos. ‘Adam and Wm. Richardson, attended the Sherrif‘s auction sale near Winter bourne last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kittel and famâ€" ily spent last Tuesday afternoon in Linwood. Mr. Anthony Newton and son Wim. spent Sunday afternoon with friends in Glenallan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tabbert. accomâ€" panied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Tabbert and Miss Vem\hbbert of Linwood spent Christmas | with Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hisey of Elmira. Mr. and Mre. Bert Cressman spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mre. Carson Mewhiney. A group of sporstmen gathered at the home of Mr. Gus. Richter on Christmas and spent the day hunt ing, eight beautiful jack rabbits falling prey to their marksmanship. Mr. and Mré. ne Hahn of Toâ€" rcnto spent t holiday and weekâ€" end with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mré. Andrew Hahn. Mr. and Mre. Carson Mewhiney spent Christmas with the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich Johnson of the 13th of Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hahn and Miss Ruby Hahn spent Sunday evenâ€" ing with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Newton. Miss Helene Flannery spent Sunâ€" JOSEPHSBURG â€" Jr. Iâ€"0O. Buech. E. Mever, R. Scheffner, C. Lawrence, K. Kosbel, E. Dietrich, J. Reftzel, V. Rrenner, E. Spencer, A. Hergott, F. Hergott, A. Reitzel, L. Nahrgang, L. Kieswetâ€" ter, J. Rekert, V. Peutka. Sr. Iâ€"L. Reftsel, A. Busch, Is Reinhart, F. Spencer, A. Dietrich, R. Brunner, H. Baechler, C. Koebel, R. Baechier. J. Boegel, M. Lienhardt. U. Voisin, R. Hergott, L. Koebel, C Peutka, C. Koebel, E. Meyer Jr. I1â€"M. Reitsel, G. Hartman, D Ertel, H. Waechter, B. Schnarr, N. Meyer, R. Goodwin, R. Kieswetter, M. Kroetsch, C. Peutka, M. Eckert, B. Koebel, R. Voisin Jr. IItâ€"H. Voiein Meyer, F. Kroetach Lorentz, U. Bender, Schnarr, J. Eckert. Sr. IIâ€"H. Ertel, F. Lienhart Koebel, L. Reitzel. Sr. NIâ€"M. Mogk. M. Kunt: Dietricn, C. Boegel, M. Eckert Schnart , Sr. IVâ€"C. Hartman, F. Hergott O. Dietrich, I. Render, A. Lorentz A. Straues. G. Beaupre, M. Boegel C. Voisin. Jr. IVâ€"P. Hartman, i Koebel, Volsin, S. Koebel. _ Fifth â€" Formâ€"E. â€" Allemang, D Meyer, N. Hergott, M. Beaupre, G Meyer, J. Kroetach. ___On _ Saturday afternoon Santa Claus visited St. Clements. He came with two white horses. He stopped off at . the corner at Allemang‘s Generf‘l Store and presented each kiddie‘ with a bag of candy and nuts. There were about 125 kiddies who received their Christmas bag. He also had a beautiful Christmas tree, All the kiddies were well pleased and each one told him their name and what they requested from him for Christmas. Report Of St. Clements School. f Mrs. Ed. Hauk of Detroit, Mich., died suddenly on Wednesday night at her home in Detroit. She was brought over to Mr. and Mrs. John S. Meyer. She was in her 56th year, and leaves to mourn, her husband, Mr. Ed. Hauk, and one daughter, fiiss Irene Hauk; also four sisters, rs. John S. Meyer, Mrs. Anthony Meyer, Mrs. Wm. Fisher and Miss Lucy Forwell, and two brothers, Mr. Anthony Forwell of Kitchener and Mr. Isidore Forwell from here. The funeral of the late Mrs. Hauk was held on Monday morning at 9.30 o‘clock from the residence of John S. Meyer to St. Clements R. C. Church, from thence to St. Clements R. C. cemetery for ®urial. Santa Claus Pays Visit to Village. Miss Marie Allemang left on Tuesday for Dashwood where she will spend several days. Mrs. Ed. Hauk Dies Suddenly. _ Mr. Ed. Brenner from the West is spending some time with his parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fahrenâ€" kopf. Park lands, 500 feet to a stake; THENCE easterly, 13 feet and 2 Inches to an iron stake planted at the northwesterly corner of land belonging to R. P. Uffclman; |THENCE southerly along the easter: ly limit of lane, 500 feet to the southâ€" erly limit of Lot 13 of the German '(‘onmy Tract; THENCE westerly along the southerly limit of Lot 13 of the German Company Tract, 13 feet and 2 inches to the place of beginâ€" Mr. Alf Hergott of Kitchener spent the holidays at his home here. sideration the passing and i# ap Household Effects, on Shim in mninty| Bc m:.‘:-:nd‘;:"mi «wâ€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€" f“-m;n-:-.nm M. R. Roth, Auctioneer, has reâ€" ““m Town Hall, ‘ceived instructions to sell by Public in the town of Waterlo0, a byâ€"l2W | auction on the property of the ning. AND THE COUNCIL WILL at that time and place, hear, in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affectâ€" ed by the byâ€"law, and who applies to be heard. K Misses Eileen and Olive l{erg;)u of Detroit, Mich., are spending the holidays with their parents. Misses Loretta and Mary Lobâ€" singer of Kitchener spent Sunday at their home. Miss Laura Beaupre of Waterloo spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beaupre. Misses Ruth Chamberlain and Anna Bender of St. Anne‘s, Waterâ€" down, are spending the Christmas holidays at their respective. homes. Dated at Waterloo this twentyâ€" fourth day of December, 1931. Norman A. Zick, Clerk of the Municipality. 51â€"6 Miss Helene Flannery is spending the Christmas vacation at her home in St. Columban. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Paul Meirowski has been on the sick list. Miss Armella Meyer left for Walkerton on Monday where she will spend her Christmas holidays. day with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dietrich in St. Clements. Mrs. Johanna Hauck is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Peter Dietrich and Mr. Dietrich, m Sroene in es n Oc ont+ Messrs. Jerome StefMer and Josâ€" eph Daub spent a few days recently with their uncle, Mr. Enoch and Mrs. Steffier. Miss Olive Stoeser and Mr. Frank Bergman spent Christmas at the former‘s home here. Mr. and Mrs. 6;-0-r'ge Ellert visited the _ latter‘s father, Mr. Henry Stei.fler, in Bamberg, who is ill. Holiday Visitors. ST. CLEMENTS M. Boegel, H. Kophel, R. Brenner ADVERTIGING In The CHRONICLE Mra. F. Bivour is very ill and little hope is held for her recovery. Mrs. John Kaufman spent a few days of last week with her daughter, Mrs. Jacob Hamel in New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. L. Gilbert of Woodâ€" stock spent a few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Balzer. Mrs. W. Dingwall and daughter Hazel are visiting friends in Toronâ€" to for a few days. â€" Mr. Barney Faber spent a few days of last week on the farm with Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Berg neat Crosshill. The nomination meeting for the Township of Wellesley was held at Crosshill on Monday for the offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve and three Councillors. Our town was well reâ€" presented. _ The meetin proved quite lively at times. T%mre will be an election on Monday next. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred i'iegler and family of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Ziegler of Waterloo were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ottman last Friday. â€" Mr. C. F. Ottman made a business trip to Shakespeare and Steatford on Saturday. _ __ _ â€" Mr. H. W. Kaufman was a busiâ€" ness visitor in Kitchener on Monday. We.wish all our readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. â€" Termeâ€"Grain, roots, pigs, grass seed, and all sums of $20.00 and under, cash. Over that amount 10 months‘ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes with bonaâ€"fide property owners as securâ€" ity, or a discount of 5 per cent. will be allowed for cash on all credit amounts. Auctioneer‘s deâ€" cision finai in case of dispute. The Late Leonard Heipel Estate, MRS. LEONARD HEIPEL, JOHN Z. WAGNER, | _ Implements â€" Deering binder, 6 ‘ft. cut, in good running order; Ilnternational hay loader; side rake; dump rake; 6 ft. Deering mower; Deering manure spreader; pea harâ€" vester; spring tooth cultivator; stiff 'tooth cultivator; 3 drum steel land ‘roller; 5â€"section harrow; scuffler; disk; Oxford twoâ€"furrow gang plow; ‘riding plow ; 2 walking plows; turnip seeder; Ford motor on truck in runâ€" ’ning order; Masseyâ€"Harris 13â€"disk !drill; Waterloo separator 33 x 45 body with chaff blower; Jackson ‘wugon with box, nearly new; truck wagon; 2 hay racks; fanning mill; 600 .lb. scalé; hay fork with rope; 2 pig rai-ks; 1 gravel box; 24 ft. extension ladder; 3 logging chains; rubber tire buggy, good as new; 2â€"horse carriage; 1 buggy; 2 bob sleighs; 1 cutter; root pulper; wood rack; trailer; two 35 gallon tanks; 2 scythes; Stewart horse clipper; dinner bell; cradle; 3 pig hangers; scalding _ trough; _ wheelbarrow; crossâ€"cut saw; grain bags; 25 cedar posts; timber; doubletrees; neckâ€" yokes; forks; shovels; hoes, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Grain and Rootsâ€"150 bus. barâ€" ley; 100 bus. Grainery Filler oats; 90 bus. Silver King oats; 550 bus. mixed grain. No Reserve as the farm is sold. Please be on time as the articles are numerous. Household Effects â€" C hick en brooder; keitle stove; good parlor coal or wood heater (new); Arctic Jewel kitchen range with warming closet; Mason & Risch square piano; Tonedyne 5 tube battery radio, all Dairy Utensilsâ€"McCartney Junior hand milking machine (new); two 30 gal. milk cans; milk pails; Deâ€" Laval cream separator; churn; milk cooler. 12 years old; Percheron mare rising 14 years old; grey Percheron colt. Cattleâ€"7 Choice Holstein Cows: 2 cows due by time of sale; cow due in January; cow due April 28; cow dune June 11; cow due August 12; cow fresh one month; Jersey cow fresh two months; Holstein bull rising 3 years old; 2 heiférs supâ€" posed to be in calf; 1 Jersey heifer; 4 yearâ€"old heifers; 4 Polled Angus steers. i Harnessâ€"One set good team harâ€" ness; 1 set plow harness; 1 set single| harness; scrap harness; 2 good l‘orse blankets; 1 good robe. Car â€" Pontiac "6" Sedan, 1928 model, like new. Terms, half cash. Pigs, Poultry and Dogâ€"Sow due by time of sale; brood sow due Feb. 24; brood sow due April 15; 13 pigs weighing 90 lbs.; 42 Imâ€" proved English Leghorns; good collie dog. Administrators. M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer, Tavistock. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. 53â€"2 luable property : A used brooderâ€"house in good Horsesâ€"Black mare 10 years old,|condition. State size and price. foal; black team rising 11 and|Apply Arthur Israel, West Montâ€" WELLESLEY , the following| _ WANTED Jan. 14 (Thursday) â€" Clearing sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 19, concession 2, Block B, Wilmot, 2 miles south of Wellesâ€" ley, on the highway, for the late Lenard Heipel estate. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Experienced Canadian farm hand, ‘clreful good worker; no cigarettes; speak German and English. Edgar ‘Yost, 88 Weber St. West, Kitchener. ; 53â€"1 M. R. ROTH, Auctionser Jan. 9 (Saturday)â€"Auction sale of household effects in the village of Bright, for Harry Hewitt. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer, Jan. 20 (Wednesday)â€"At 1 p.m., farm stock and implements belongâ€" ing to Anthony Holt, situated 2% miles east of Kitchener, on the Kitchener â€" Breslau highway on the farm known as the Huether farm. rose, Ont. Large black and tan hound 1 mile west of New Dundee, on Saturday, Dec. 19th, Finder kindly notify owner, Carl Damman, 244 King St. N., Waterloo, Phone 136. 53â€"1 Jan. 21 (Thursday)â€"At 1 p.m., farm stock, implements and feed beâ€" longing to Michael Waechter. This sale will be held on the farm of Norman Huehn, situated with enâ€" trance near Paradise Lake and at the Bamber Road school house, No reserve. ‘ January 23 (Saturday)â€"At 8 a. m., very good household effects at my auction stand, Kitchener market, for Mrs. Harry Long. FARM FOR SALE Good 100 acre farm with all necessary outbuildings. Priced right for quick sale. Apply August Schleuter, 2% miles northwest of Linwood. 50â€"5 Coâ€"operative Live Stock , i * Shipping to Union Stock | Yards, Toronto Farmers having livestock to ship notify E. }. Hallman, New Dundee 10 r 5, or Simon. Ditner, Waterloo 47 r 3. lext shipment,© Monday, January 4, 1932, cattle and calves. Look for this ad. 53â€"1 Jan. 15 (Friday) â€"At 2 p.m., mortgage sale of a two storey brick house known * No. 49 Willow St., Waterloo, for McBride & McGibbon, Solicitors, Waterloo. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctionser Phore 592w, Waterloo. A Happy New Year to All. I have farms and town property for sale or exchange. Auction Sale Lists Call or phone for prices on Cow Chow, Pig Chow or Steer Fatena. C. REIS, Waterloo. JNO. KENNEDY, Kitchener. SHIRK & SNIDER, Bridgeport. W. H. SCHANER, St. Jacobs. N. M. STEINMAN, Baden. A. HILBORN, New Dundee. FABER MILLING CO., Wellesley. There is Money in Feeding Hogs Toâ€"day If You Balance the Food with Purina Pig Chow live stock or poulity, by balancing it with Purina Chows. Double the price you get for the grain you market through 21 Erb St. W. â€" Waterloo Pig Chow is great stuff for sows, tooâ€"fed along with chop. It gives you biggor litters and thriftier pigs, which is the first step in making pork cheaply. And it gives the sows plenty of milk to raise big litters. Three sows owned by one Pig Chow feeder farrowed 47 living pigs last Spring. They raised 37â€" all they were able to nurse, 5 bags of mixed chop, balâ€" anced with 80 lbs. of Purina Pig Chow, will make 200 lbs. of pork. 200 lbs. of pork will sell for $10.00. 80 Ibs. of Pig Chow, today, will cost you only $2.00. (Pig Chew is $2.50 per cwt.) That will leave you $8.00 for the 5 bags of chopâ€"or $1.60 per bag. It takes at least 5 bags (500 lbs.) of Mixed chop to make 100 lbs. of pork. With pork at be a pound, that ‘gives you $5.00 for 5 bags of chopâ€"or $1.00 per bag. D. Bohlender YVear to All/!~ 53â€"2 ! Minister (lecturing delinquent)â€" ,"And as a consequence you have now a eplitting headache, your mouth is parched and you wonder if life is worth living." | Delinquentâ€""That‘s correct, sir. I can see you‘ve been drunk like the ‘rest of us." "I‘m waiting for you," replied Grandfather, slowing up a bit and turning around. ‘"Well," said the panting youngâ€" ster, "you aren‘t waitin‘ very fast!" four, was about twenty paces beb U vasing aiveg on Hikle for ngh For Sale or Exchange On Kitchener or Waterfloo property. A nice little farm, containing about 4 acres, situâ€" ated 5 miles from Kitchener on a main travelled road adjoinin; a village. Brick house, iooz barn, garage, splendid henâ€" house, hard and soft water, splendid land for gardening, nice orchard with various kinds of fruit. Here is a good chance to get a small farm. See us about it. E. J. Shantz IS "Why don‘t you wait for me?" he A. K. CRESSMAN Our Friends We Wish. Gain ...... $2.48 FEED PER CWT. GAIN: 27 Ibs. Pig Chow. 227 Ibs. Chop. Selling Price of Hogs per cwl. .... $5.00 Price per 100 Ibs. Chop marketed through Hogs ....... $1.93 FEEDER : Edwin Glasser Baden, Ont. Total Gain ..... 1851 Avg. ........ 88 Avg. Daily Gain .. 1.2 Dry Lot. FEED COST: 500 lbs. Pig Chow, $12.25 1202 lbs. Chops at 80c .... 33.61 Total Cost ... . $45.86 Cost per Cwt. 59 Frederick St. â€" Phone 222 KITCHENER Avg. .....l... 42 Total Final Wt. . 2740 Avg. ....... 130 Total Gain ..... 1851 PIG CHOW FEEDING RI_BCORD No. of Hogs ...... 21 Days Fed ....... 73 Dated started 8/31/31 Finished 11/12/31 Total Initial Wt. . 889 Auctioneer Real Estate, Insurance and Money to Loaz. A Happy New Year! A HAPPY NEW YEAR our sincere wish to all friends and patrons. â€" To Ail Waterloo wb

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