* ~ @400 WX !fllIIlllullIIIIHIIIMIINIIIIIIDII!IHIIII|VIIIHII|III|II(]IIIIIIiIlI::nlll'illlllflllllv|||IIIlII ormimunoinnmncrumimeniemtentmmucuiin‘s tO _ a 5# SummtcemmemtCmimdercrnunincrmmorcrminiern in Cmmc mm Aeie e e al sn neinerntenlen t i:a0t t n ottnere Fours m 0 te l un ceae oC ooo 0 enc en rvuttoeeome encz ontee en innaiert 0nz iveve o retaren 150 n on toureennto uen vn0n0 oc ce e e vernnatteenvdt mt reometaeorronlCcminemrnnnn 2 u00e3 30 tE e e in tcnmeneeveme enc hn on e oneten on 2u o o ree n oo id teve n o e 2 o i ht at e nutcmmnimonmimntcmmnumcnr e e . ncmimimroiimimncrummircrmntmerimithhs & 'â€"5' m THE BEST OF HEALTH, l)f:,b CS HAPPINESS AND Mm y_IU 1 snToOCrse May 1932 ring in a greater measure of success than any previous year, is ~ our wish for all at this happy season. IT‘S AN OLD WISH, BUT IT GOES OUT \\?‘ TO YOU IN ALL SINCERITY To FOR 1932. \ We will always be on hand to help you on f your journey. L Don‘t let a little temporary defect in your farm or shop machinery hinder your progress during 1932. We will repair it promptly. Phone 4122 PFHTTER DAFS ARE. NHGITARTADHE may THE NEW YEAR BRING YOU CORNER AuÂ¥ _ _ _ THE BEST OF HEALTH, McDougall Ave Health Brings Happiness A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! PARK VIEW SERVICE STATION LL MY PATRONS and the good people of Waterloo County ! I send the Season‘s Gree1ings. May 1932 bring us greater prosperity. WATERLOO WILL HELP YOU GO AHEAD ioerert 00e irea t maeevee t t n vavne t n oo o oo oveenveneterud revton e enmeoneeraetnevuiontCurz N. ZAPFE MACHINE SHOP HENDERSON‘S BAKERY LEARN‘S DRUG STORE J. BRUEGEMAN. Tailor i on n eovtCtrmnmiton on ronatet€2 mt + 0003 t :t lll.!Illllll:IllnlllllkllllllflllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllullIIIIlIlIIE leureret ty eartn en 2ute oo t anve on 2 uo o 20 l o nc mimidCimimitcermtonibntimntimnn‘> & enc uettrenmeme 0 oreereon ncementreovernte on e omm NBE yinr omequrentrcnmtmurcnumnitn FOELL CARTAGE CO. WATERLOO MITCHELL & TWEED mnmmnuum«mmnumlmmmmummalmmunmlmmnmnmlmummmmuumu»mmllmlumumlm‘r; ALL LINES OF INSURANCE A. KOEGLER A Happ_\" New Year To All! May the New \Year Bring You a Full Measure of Prosperity t Aeer dvnry uonl un encmtternt oc 0 heC 3000 "‘Maker of Good Clothe? And the use of Sunrise Bread throughout 1932 will increase the health of your family. MAY HEALTH AND PROSPERITY KITCHENER WATERLOO WATERLOO ® WATERLOO BE YOURS THROUGHOUT SUCCESS. 1932. WATERLOO MEW vB .n y * & A & 16 College St. BWME sutll «o pimtunnommninicimnmcinimmonimit 5 in are en ni0c9 ho on rearenn io dn m 20 «nnoenneenonlcaimmentieentrerenComtresmmerc2ntemidt §|III g’lll1IlI|IIIlII|IllIIIIIIIIHMIIï¬lllImIHIIlIllnlllllllllllillllllllll!lIlHIIIIflllllllhlllllll|ullllllllll|mlllll sult MAY EACH LEAF YOU TURN THROUGH For your kind patronageâ€"And may we continue to serve you well throughout the year 1932. Thank You TO THE PEQPLE OF W ATERLOO. Greeting. The friendly relationship that has existed between the peoples of the two adjoining municipalities has been a source of joy to me, and 1 have every reason to believe that the same kindly feeling that has characterized the past will continue throughout the years which are to come. When you have cause for reâ€" joicing we are glad; and when you have cause to mourn our hearts become full of sorrow. OUR WISH FOR YOU IS THAT EVERY As we bid adieu to the Old Year and welcome the New, I frust that during the months that are before us your rejoicings may be many and your sorrows few. The C. A. BOEHM Insurance Agencies WATERLOO Corner John and Willow Sts WE EXTEND TO YOU The Season‘s Greetings The Leading Meat Market THE NEW YEAR BE MARKED King St. S DAY OF 1932 MAY BRING WITH GOOD CHEER AND INCREASED HAPPINESS . 0. BARRIE C. MORTIMER BEZEAU, Mayor of Kitchener THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE RAHN‘S SHOE STORE AND SUCCESS. PROSPERITY. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE WATERLOO our good wishes for the New Year A. K. CRESSMAN E. J. FISCHER tC3 inuittht envenscnn uin cnmmemeCmmimint; imvinvconyotmin Anst: oc mmmetet 3e RINGING GOOD MEASURE OF ALL THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE We Wish You All the Success that 1932 can bring. IS OUR WISH FOR YOUR . BRAU NLICH GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS WATERLOO NEW YEAR. WATERLOO WATERLOO WATERLOO My Good Friends of St. Clements: Meats and Groceries. M. P. SCHUMMER, General Merchant ST. CLEMENTS I WISH FOR ONE AND ALL A MOST JOYOUS CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. ave We hope that the New Year will carry you higher uh the ladder of success than ever before, and increase your happiness abundantly. King St. N. All the good that there is will be showered & on you in 1932, if our New Year‘s *3 wigh comes true. May Good Fortune come smiling along your pathway throughout 1932. The BOYER LUMBER COMPANY GEO.â€":E. HEHN ST. JACOBS CREAMERY John St. E. L. R. DETENBECK FRANK E. WELKER HEIDELBERG and CONESTOGCO HUEHN BROS. TO OUR FARMER FRIENDSâ€" Throughout Waterloo County we send our best wishes for a Bright and Prosperous Year of 1932. May it be the best you have ever had! TO ALL OUR NEIGHBORS OF WATERLOO COUNTYâ€" We send the heartiest Season‘s Greetings for 1932. May prosperity come to all! And GENTS‘ FURNISHINGS WATERLOO rl"m-y 1932 bring its very best in health, happijhess /4! prosperity to our neighbors, ST. JACOBS WATERLOO Ring In the New is our WATERLOO Thursday, December 24, 1998 _ New Men‘s Store Waterloo‘s Buy dian industri by an ever i sumption of 1 shown in the p in Canadian‘ terpriges by‘=4 thirds of t capital inv fying our Canada is er were into an Springtime. assets of her only the war‘y confidence to‘l fied; the exter of her people been swelling I await the" ma renewed confid: industries are sume activity creasing speed needs of a don which has fo immedia! mediate fut wheels of with ever are seeing sign ing conditions that they are in their views selfâ€"reliant country E‘ showing such world â€" wide We have m‘a ing industric markets for is becoming implicit con Dominion, b try in thg S natural Teso Have sides, and le: world â€" has from the w world has a high améoéng nations of the Spend HELP BY S PATRIQT HON. H. H. Growi comme|