uzuxi.n.- “mm Bl.k"] try Msc John Wannw and Rim \lurlu; Toman A iriats F win-1 " N 41>†Haul-“ml hy the “imp â€no!“ Swamp and Edna (numbing Interesting Program. Tlte :muun! Thaukom-rine meet- in: m the. WMA or the United Itreurie" Church "ar, Hold at the home m Mv, Jmmh “annual; last Wed-tay ai-tion "mi “an in rhanzr m tht- |n'c.~inluul. Mrs K, B, llallmzm law-Inhn vuimhh- to the eccasi " “mu urirett by U.,c. w. Swen-4 and Mr, F K, Pate" A vo- (al sum “up a]: v “Huh-"6‘“ r. Mrs. M II. Slum-1 Luther League Meet. Ruben Iuruel County Plsyrriciau, Harold rum; may“! James. A man from the city. leuu Sararae; Jud Judkim. A young, Partner. Annuu Lang: Jam James. Richard‘s in- valid father, Percy Bechtel; Duke. 1: man of mystery. Kim-on Sunnis: Jet Sanderson. at the Crow-roads. Mary Fraud»; Toto Lee. her cousin, Dorothy Koehler; Lilly Mor'ton, a girl from tite city. Rub} Bechtel; Mrs Sande-mun. Jet's uidowed mo- then: Marguerite Bechtel. Marie. a lady'u maid. Ruby Koehler: Coach. Miss Hock: pianist. Miss Greta Buck _ The November luvvlill: ot' the La- dies' Aid of the St. game, Lutheran. (‘hurrh mm [mm at the tumte ot Mrs. J I.ri~ lust WeritrmV "rettt ing. Murin- thr. Prou',raut m.- [ml-r. Pow " P. 5.5 U1 mw ' tvlk and umi.n.- “vamp-14"] try Msc John ambmon The ruling at the play was at- lrarln’e. and the players urn their coach. Mi-., Syhia Uock. am to be wugmlulaled luv the ttue manner in which the play “as ttresented. Between mu puma “ulna were well rendered by the Misoes Ruby Koehler and Muriel Poth Splendid readings were also guru bv Mas, Roy Pom of t'ar.edonia and Slim Doris Hunts] The cart ttt lows: YOUNG no": - PRESENT PLAY m CRBDH'ABLE IANNBII Mr ll. w. l'lmm-nn culled on Mr and Mrr last Thursday Sunday thin)†at Mr, and Mrs, Victor Mrs "an of Toronto, (‘limu'll Marin-r of Bat The nut-HIM) Haw-Ii“: 1.] Um SI. Jumer, Lullmr Immun- ".tt, [WM] l:x-‘l Thur-â€day "renintt a! m.- Arm-h uit/t Mi,.., Pun-vim Sdld.i'l~ trt-iota:. The mph: "Thu Shvullvnls ot' the Hilllv." was rpm! In My Harlin-Iv! We her. A ,httrt talk an the (“Mr “-4.: giwn by the mud-Inn! A xiolin solo was rendered " MI Willard ticlunirlt and a rounding mu alum by Mr. Altred Kapolman. Mr, and Mrs Muu'i: " Kullm-y of Waterloo and Mrs Strum“ of Hun Hilt v‘niu-d with In and Int, Jam": Keileey on Smut“). Mr and Mrs Grory," Svhuuhlivv ot' Chatsworth and Mis., Evelyn Shouldiw or Dundalk app-HT a few days ot Lost week will: 1lr and MW. Alex..\1cKusmrk. Sunday visitor» at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Victor Dingz-r were'. Mrs "an of Toronto, Mr, an! Mrs. (‘limn'vl Marin-I- of lL'Imhc-rg. Mr. and Mm. Lennard Bun-hm and drummer Doris and Mr. Ilal‘vvy "aigoer ot Kit- whom-r [but and Mr, M ll Shaun. and daughlvr Mury firm-II with jivndrs at [huh-n on Sunday Mrs c. W days of lust at Kitchettet, Him ('hrh‘linu "vchttel and Mr. Illnmuhnvl “whirl of $'oiAson “an. “we"! visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ftvd Lang. Mr. Judah Passe-l ot' Kilrlu-nur “sited with Mr. and ttrr, llwiah Cassel last wm-k “in; Emma Grurtznvr an Ilnnuuvl is thn 'tttmu of Miss Lily (duh-tr sthlatter tor a tuw days Sunday Helmh- with Mr. and Mrs Gilbert "erstey worn‘ Mr .1111 Mrs. Leander t‘rpsrmun :nul MAI-Iron Mario null Allan "I “(VI-C‘hilllk and Mrs Fq-l‘glhml of Gull Mr and Mi.,, A Hlllmun and tho “mum Mary and Mhiau, Hillmrn upon“ a {MA dam at last WIIPk with Mr. and Mrs. D w, â€imam at sol. kirk. K'Mchr-npr visited wiih If:' " "ettry Waterman on Suuda Mr. and Mrs, Norman Welter and Mr. Garfield \Vler Manor! with Mr. and MW John (iron at Watrriao on Sunday V [V Mr and Sire, Titus Mum-mun and Mr and Mm Joshua Sham: ttttend- ed IllsI mun-m] of the late Mr Atrram I‘lnma-ns at Hue-[win last Thursiriayr SW? 5m Km, 1wnttrsr-tmmttt.-mtd tamtly of Pine. Hill Vlaillld with Mr and Mn "mar thh-r on Rummy. \an‘<-l-rul vhimrs ttt the home ot Mr and Stty oiiver Zinn ware “he; Mmtred llm~hu-r1, Mrs Winn!» Weitz. o-l and sun Slum») and BMW and Mr. Elam â€mung of Glertallrrt, Mr. Lloyden WaIpar ot London and Mr Lennard San-mu or Dar-11mm! Mr and Mm Ila-u- Lilml‘u-r and tlaugtttor June. “quad with rn‘nva at Foralwldu "I: Sunday Mr and Mrs Clarence Hnilman and wanx‘ Russel and Gordon M l'lnthzvmo wern xumam of Dr and Mrs w. S Foam on Quads} Mr and Mr: Henry Mann Mr and Mm Austin "an†and daughter Hume vlsilml with Mr and Mm John Tuner nl Khrhmwr on Sunday Mr and Mrs Morley Tnmwn and lamlly vlsltv-l «Nb Mrn En! Struck u: l‘rnnlon um Sumlnv Sunday w "an ullh um run! A!†t' w Barium “up Mr and Mrs Hutu! "may and llllullhll'l Jrntt o? Hrrertttord, Mrs "artielea. Mrs Mabio Frau-lord and Mum Irena (‘mwlurd ot Paris Mr and In Porry Zion and tam ity ot mum vii-Hm! with Mr and Mr. Prod (mu: on Rnnvlm Mrq Prod Um: "n Run-vim Mr and Mrs Ala: Mrkemwk Ind Mr Avlhm Mum-aims" and Innullv Hm†gnu-l. Mitts, Evelyn Shouldlca vii-nod with Mr and " Homer of nundall aponl the wool-end at Hruhnrhar at Rum-mar on sunny, wtrtrbror and Detroit. MI" Mary "Ilhorn WM tt (“an M P, B, Hannah of Phluvlllo. ot Mr and Mr and In lug-r Son-tho mu. Aim. Jun “I hum Mr/and Nrec H-nrmy Warm-r of I "Road to K-voI-I'u 91.9mm». _ . Hut-km syn-m a tew Iver-k will: Mrs Learn to the City" Gho- at " Kut.C-otho. My". .‘Irnnln‘ ALI I--> _ML lluxavlmu Wats as fol of “Lulu. FTa., M H. tinyder Mir milk!“ at Kitchener ("pr the week and Mr and " Mona Bur and Mr Fmdorlrk Fnh visited with Mr, and Me hvlton Snider at Wllorlnn an Hundny V “and?“ Austin Bauer and Melvin Snydor momma to Toronto on Turn- vlm ot lam “wk Mr ram! Mrw A llnhnrn ultonded llw Yunnan of the Isle Mm David Hunt: at New Hamburl on Sunday Mr and Mm John Cumming» Int! ttr and Mn (Imus Htrrl' ot tam. tlnu and Mr! matornod ot Strut- ford Halted with Mm Anne! and Mn Mmfttt on Monday (Bl-gl), Anniversary Sale Come with the Expectation of Greatest Bargain Festival We Have Ever t)ffered, Now! ERNST’S Invites You To Share . In Extraordinary Savings! Kitchener is Waiting For Saturday To Come , 'i/i/ii' rijirilrilri]liripi OUR Our Biggest Event of the Year We are justly proud of Our thirty-nine years of successfully serving the {mblic ofKitchener and surrou6dirtg country. It has been-and always will be--our constant aim to live "f to a square deal at all times; to give a good sound valuefor every dollar and a dependable quality regardless of the price fa id. "-1an Int! Muster Robert Hall, nun of Roach-11k ware Sunday viM, Mrs with Mr, and Mn. 1min): Camel Mr, and Mm. M " with Mr and Mn- Strntiorrl on Sunday Mm Prank Polo and childrnn. John 3nd Inn: haw roturnml to than home In Albert. after ,utettri- In: the and few months, wnh Mr and Mn John (‘olomau iiriGaG , is; J lawn, "Put-tOrt . kt am’*¢-.::r.,:rm::§ es. 'tigtalaed?lt tatNatt WOOD'S WWHODINE TI- on! any": Puma». Tm 10¢“than the whole neeqM" Inn. m-hu m Blond In all Vdm. 1‘!!le Non-nu ma . - "I hail: Wavy, .t/l7C'd null, _ Rim"?! , Snyder visited 1' Waugh M "u-twww-. sumo colored streamers were at. I For the Sunday "veruntt sorvwv tached to var-h emblem and were lat St. Petrr's Lutheran Church ttw tukI‘n up by tht speakers as they ‘rlmir and Sunday School had pre "NP' forward and expllined what pnrod a special Rofurmntinn phi thny represented, The choir lung \gram and n nngnuni c-millml umtroprirtte â€let-lions botwvon with ildlthT" ('unt of Arms. Tho ttpr. recitation. " ended in a ttthtettrl Ivim- wan opu-nnl by sintrirut thv well and the linging of the hymn i'/'ttl) ‘Imown hymn "kin' foals Burg ist in tho tie that trindC' It all Wu Xunsvr Gott". which was bmowed by w-ry inspiring to those frertertt. l ylhe Scriptun‘ rl‘nrlinf and pray" Forgot-1h. by the pastor, Rev .nmark. an" Mn. William Prrllhnm and son lwhich the link folks â€my a song Thomas rammed to their home in entitled "Little Sunhonmn'i Rev. Hamilton after spending . vat iL-mulr [Ive A brief outline on the with the lormrr'n purpnu, Mr. mm! ’Rofomution, its can!" and results Mrs, John Gin. IG Introduced hy Marlin Luther in Mr M. Dippel of Waikrrton the you Itu7. Luther's Cont of went Hominy with Mr. and Mrs, Am. in the form of n shield. Wu John Weiss. him. than th. In" Ind npn- "in hull. Shunt: ot Wltorlnn HEIDELIERO svntvd a black cross in I red hurtl on a white rose in a sky blue field. all Pnrlrvled by . golden ring. Thr same colored streamers were at. tached to var-h emblem and were lukvn up by tho speakers as they "NP' forward and explained what "my represented, The choir lung umtroprirtte spin-lions both-n each recitation. It ended in a tlhleln and the ninging of the hymn "Bl"! h. the, tie that binds." lt all Wu wry inspiring to those firearm. Per-onllu. Mn, William Porhhnm and son Thomas rammed to their home in Hamilton after spending . vat with the former'. purpnu, Mr. trnd Mrs, John Gin. 46 King St. East Where The Good Clothes Come From was a week-end visitor with Miss Hilda Kercher. Mrm JIroh Srhmldl of Swif! Current, Sank., i, visilinz with Mr and Mrs. Wm. "pimped and ulhm friends. Mrs. Herman Kappa: spent Sun dug under the parental roof. r. Ind Mrs. Geohte Riopnrt and non Robert of Kitchener,w¢-rv Sun day Vinita" ttt the homn- of H. WIN. Mr. and Mn. Emanuel Hum, Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Bruhnchor and daughter, Mira, ('Plin, all of Kitch- ener, Ind Mr. And Me, Lincoln "ol- lin er of M. Jacobs: called on Mr, an; Mrt.Jotttt Ziegler nn_ Sunday Min Vern Emil“ of KitrhonI-r upon! the “welt-9nd with hrr nr outs. Mr. and Mrt. George Smilr. tir, not! Mrs. Henry "pimps-l and daughkr. Ii.- Norma, wen Sun- my “mum with Mr. and Gere" Hyimprl.“ __ Mr and Mrs. William Snyder of SehrinievilV Went Sunday with Mr. and “re, Frwl Braondlp. Coed Price. Rellixcd. The auction sale In! Wednesday of housvhol" "ftects belortttine to Mr. Jan-uh Rehsefer was largely ullpmlvd and everythirur was sold at fairly good prieer. “linIl Boo. Mr. Bill Knmwa had a haying! her an Saturday afternoon It kept right men buy-y for novvral hour, ering 1hr hay that ham put rm a tark (hm ‘ummI-r into his now harn Force of Hub“ Flll hm up." "ht the John-n! minded motorhl to the wait". on te parked Manna" II the rmmurnnt wlth hln "no". KITCHENER