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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Oct 1931, p. 4

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CONDUCTED ANNIVERSARY QERVICEI AT KINCAHDINE Rev. Funny .Vlnlhomn. B A., nan-tor or the Firm Unued Hum-h. M Wu term, pmrhod n tho nnnlvomry nervIca at the Klnrnrdlno United Church on Sundny, Rat J. C Nicholson. MA, pulor ot the lat. ter church preached Iplondld ur- W at the Waterloo United Church. The choir an: appropriate WM“ mule. Mina Vemnica Miller RN. and Mim, Margaret Brady. Dr. Ekhstod! lad Dr, Non-in ot ms at]! of Hem rotun hospital. Guam. were week, and guests at the home or was M, Evelyn Retrial, King street Tn And Baking on. Thumday. Oct. 16, 3 m 6 n m, horns of Mrs. Roy B Bean. " Albert St.. Wuerloo, auspices Women‘n _ elation. First United Church, Cor dial trtrlttttton to Ill, Miss Carolyn Haohnel. King street. Waterloo. ban returned to Toronto to resume her sludles It To- ronto University. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elly. Ahrens street. Kitchener. was the scene of a happy event on Thom day evening when Miss Mildred Eby and Miss Eva Robinson were joint hustesseea there at a bathroom shower in compliment to Miss Isabel Feick, whose marriage takes place this month. Three tables of bridge mere in play during the evening the Brat prize going to Mrs. Harvey Ziegler. the consolation to Miss Dorothy Tailhy. the travel prize to Miss Anna Becker and the guest of honor a basket handsomely de, conned in green and yellow and la, den with lovely gills! was preeented to the bride-elect. Along with the basket went a henulllul "remem brance" hook complete with photo- graphs of each of the guests and a verse designating the donor ot each gm. Following the presentations 3 dainty supper was served by Mrs. Etry anointed by Miss Ehy and Mien Robinson. Parties arranged in honor of Miss Eleanore Seam-am were postponed owing to the illness ot the bride- elect. Mrs Smgram's marriage to Mr. C. Willing Brown, ot Baltimore. announced to take place October 10th. has been postponed Inde- finltely. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas lliulard and daughters Mrs. Flynn and Mrs. Wm. Greene, William street, Wa- terloo. were guests ot relathas In Detroit tor a tew days. Messrs. Joseph Henderson. Bob Boehmer and Harry Snyder of Wat- erloo are on a motor trip tn New York City. Delegates from the Twin-City W.C.T.U. to the Provincial Women's Christian Temperance Union con- vention at Dundas Centre United Church. London, last week include Mrs. Lynn and Miss L. Lynn of Kitchener, and Mrs. W. Bricker and Mrs. Haviland of Waterloo. Mrs. A. K. Cressman of Waterloo and Dr. Sara Detwiler of Kitchener will attend the sessions. The condition of Mr. Orley Ufrel, mann, who has been critically ill the past few weeks, is reported to be steadily improving. Another Waterloo citizen, Mr._J. H. Woods, Albert St., Waterloo, is also report- ed as somewhat improved. This will be pleasing news to their wide circle of friends in the Twin-City and district. Friends of Mrs. Aaron B. Shantz, of Sunnyside, who fell and frac- tured her right leg recently, will be pleased to learn that she is im- proving at the K.-W. hospital. _ Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Shanta have returned to their home in Kitchener from a trip to Detroit and Chicago. Mr. Fred Boifinger of Niagara Falls, a former member of the local band, renewed acquaintances in Waterloo for a few days. Miss Gladys Stauffer, who has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. Oriey Utt'elmars, for some time. has returned to New York City. Another gathering in honor of Miss Isabel Feick was the "knick- imam" snowcr at the home of Miss Dorothy Tailby. The early part of the evening was spent in bridge, the first prize going to the guest of honor and the consolation award to Mrs. M. Hahn. Miss Feiek was pre- seated with a basket of lovely gifts. gifts. Miss Isabel Feick was the guest othenor at a high tea bridge and shower arranged by Miss Marie Lincke at her home. Four tables of bridge were in play, the prize- winners being Miss Minnie Flynn, first; Miss Ethelwyn Leach, the travelling prize, and Miss Marie Niergarth. the consolation award. Following the play Miss Feick was made the recipient of a collection of beautiful gifts. "tww, WoCdlYour Attention Germann Waterloo - - Ont. In length. of 1% to . Yin. Extra good quality. Jun the kind you that for Summer Snug-lo (Innings. R... Vulno Jun reach“ u fow not. Dark Grey Wool Men-omit: Shavlu. 20 and 23¢ a Sal. Prico 1100 Yards of Unbleached Cotton This is a Special Sale MILL ENDS Special Sale Personals .. Harry A. NOTE'. l f15c JOCKEV KILLED AT TORONTO While tho crowd Nun-rad on tho [warm to vlrlory. a jockey was ly- ing on tho not! or tho 'tttUM at the woodhine dying on Thursday during the running ot than Itoeplechno. m, wu- Plul Hum, - inJurod whon Swan-a. hln moum, took " hudly and In": "MM“ don. tho ground nrittt NI rid". Kthonnr now ranks as the sixth city In Ontario In regard to populi- non. Toronto. Hamllton. Ottawa. Inndon and Windgor mulling firitt to Mth rmperuvely In the 1921 ton-ma Kitchen"): population was t1A63 Mln label Anderson At the KW hospital on Thursday night death called Miss laahvl An- demon. aged 80 years. Deena-zed re- sided at tho home ot her brother. "Prank Andotson. on a tmm flvr, 1mum: weal of New Dundee. There ‘aurvlm two brothers, Richard and Frank. The funeral took plane Mon- day at two o'clock from the Raptlst Church, New Dundee lntorment was made In the Pine Hlll cemetery christian Weller The death orcurrod at the family maiden», Formosa. on Friday Mtpr a monlh‘s illness of Mr. Christian Wail-3r. Ago»! 68 yam-a The damaged In survived by his wife. "mm sons and fire, stators. KITCHENER POPULATION NOW GIVEN AS 30.261 The funeral was held Monday morning from Strhreiter's Funeral Home. to St Mary's church where a requiem mass was sung at 10 o'clork. Interment was made In Mount Hope Cemetery. ‘pluod .uny at the home of he: lb "er, In. I. C. mum. no mn- wut ot Waterloo, Sunday noon Do evaded had been In mun health tor number ot years ' 1;: in her "ttt your. Robert D. Hudspeth Death claimed Robert D. Huds- neth. 36 years. on Friday. at Queen Alexandra Sanatorlnm. Byron. Ont. nfter eight years' illness Deceased nine years ago was married to Vera Fehrenhach. RDC, of Kitchener. A widow, two sons and one daughter. ‘lt 217 Victoria St, Kitchener. Gur- ‘vive. also his mother in Caledonia, one brother, Sher]! Wayne Huds- peth. Caledonia, and one sister. Mrs. George B. Howden of Caledonia. An m4 dual: ot Wuwlno M'Mhlp In (no person of In. Ab tarata Suulor. itstsqtttor of the In. Mr and In. but Baum-t, and " dou or the late Jun. B. Mitchell. The mnerel. held on Tuna-y afternoon tron: the home ot Mr. 1. C. Hellman, was largely attended by re lathe: and truades The service was conducted by Rev, Finlay Methane. pastor or the Waterloo Firet Unlted church. enabled by Rev, Beal Btttre man at Kitchener. Rev. Mr, Bantu: at New Dundee ttassisted in the eer- vice at the grave lu Witttertrourne where interment was made. The pallbearere were lasers, Wm. l' Mitchell. Wiausrbourue. Wat. heist. Morris Hellman. Bert Shame. E, S. Playtord and H. C. Stautter. The late Mrs. Mitchell was mar- ried to James B. Mitchell about 43 years ago. There survive two chil- dren. Mrs, James Anthony ot India- napolis and William Mitchell ot Waterloo. Also live sisters and lone brother namely, Lydia Ann CMris. Ezra Shana) Didsbury. Alta., Clementina (Mrs. Ephraim Grout Mallard. Iowa, Mary (Mrs, H. J. tackner ot Windsor. Elsie (Mrs. l. H: Hallman). Jessie (Mrs. E. C. Hall- man) and Dr. Lorne L. Stunner. all or Waterloo, also oné granddaughter. During the service at the house two numbers were eminently sung by a trio from the First United Church choir. comprising Mrs, A. J. Robinson, Mrs. Christians and Mr. H. G. Mislele and accompanied by Miss A. It, Bean, were "Lead Kindly Light," and "Safe in the Arms of Jesuts." Hymns sung were "Rock ot Ages" and “Jesus Lover of My Soul." John H. Roeddlng An esteemed Kitchener resident named away at the family residence. 723 Klllz street, west, Saturday in the person of John H. Roeddlng, ‘lgecl 72 years. Surviving are: his wife. tour sons. Bruce and Lorne of Detroit and Gordon and Ward of Grand Rapids, by two daughters. Mrs. O. Sass, Kitchener and Mrs. J. Mllhausen. Brantford. by two step- daughters, Mrs. W. S. Sykes. Roches- ter, Nn'.. and Mrs. o. Daunecker. Waterloo, by his step-mother. by itve brothers, Messrs. J. and E. Roedding, Kitchener. Ed. Roaming of Toronto. Louis, of London and Solomon ot British Cohtmbia. by one sitster,Mrs, J. P. Bender and try ten grandchil~ dren. The funeral took place privately on Tuesday, Interment was made in Mount Hope cemtery. Beautiful floral ottertrttrrs sent by friends Included a spray ot rose: from the Women's Association or the F'irst United Church and I spray of roses trom the Dominion Lilo Assur- ance Co The funeral took place at two n'cIm-k Monday afternoon to Zion Evangelical church, Kitchener, for a 4orvice. thence to Mount. Hope ceme- tery, Waterloo. Mei. Albert Heipel The death teak piece Thursday. Oct. 8th, at the family residence on the Petersburg highway or Mrs. Al- bert Helpel. Deceased was born May 22nd. 1863, at Alsfeidt. Grey county, daughter of Mr. John B. Domm and Juliana Dahmer. In April 1885 she was married to Mr, Albert Heipel ot Mitford. in 1905 she moved to Heidelberg where she resided on the farm until March 1923. when she moved with her tamily to the pre- scat home on the Petersburg road. Mrs. Heipel is a member of Zion Evangelical church, Kitchener, and was an active church worker. She is survived by her husband. one daugh- ter. Mrs. Jacob Hahn, 116 King street south. Waterloo, one son. J. Wesley Helpel. Petersburg mad and three grandchildren. Two children, a son and daughter, died in infancy. Also surviving are. ttve sisters and two brothers. including. Mrs. Louis Lang. Elmwood; Mm. Henry Geil, Kitchener; Mrs. D. Elckmeyer. Mild- may; Mrs. [Rem Reibling. Cantdon and Mrs. Peter Reuber. Kitchener and Rev, John S. Domm. Evangelical pastor ot Marcoun, Sask.. and Pro- fessor E. D. Domm of Naperville, ill. Two sisters and one brother prede ceased her. Mrs. Wm. Leismer, Miss Clam Sophia Domm and Rev. George G. Domm. a former pastor of Zion Evangelical church. Kitchener. In. use. I. IMO" Obituaries RECORD SIZE POTATOES Remy-d sized' potatoes were grown on the tarm of A. Gingrich. R R. No. 1, Waterloo, one weighing two pounds and 14 ounces. at an Kimono: Bum “not BAD- It" may on Thur-any dw- moou. “a In In. Nora Hal-u. lama-t humor ot m. late Mr, and In. Adam Hunts, Noustadt, beam the bride of Mr. Andrew Ur. sum or Wulorloo. _ I The National League champions. In a spirited comeback. conquered (their nemesis. none other than George Earnshaw. and whipped the C.iiiiii'iici". 4 to 2. in the seventh and deciding game of the prolonged bat. tle. It gave the Cardinals the deci- sion, tour games to three, duplicat- ing their margin of triumph m er the A"ankees n, 1926. The Ontario Highways Depart- ment again rendered the Freeport bridge account tor repairs of $4745, " to the clty counctL The v121mm; were necessary due to error in Judgment by the Government en- alneersl Several ahtttments were faulty and the City council held the matter in obeyance until lhn next meeting when all corrmspondence will be discussed. _ The Zion Evangellcal church par- sonage was the scene or a pretty autumn wedding on Saturday after- noon 1n Tavhstoclr, when Reta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Hrs. Victor Mom, South Easthope was married to Frederick William. eldest ‘son ot Mr. and Mrs, Henry Krug, t'2th line of East Zorra, Ree. W. E. Beese animating. Mr. and In. [mum left on a mo- tor trip and their return will raids an '" Burl Inset. Kitchens! A pretty autumn house wedding was solemnlzed at the home ot Mr, and Mn. Charles D. Collins. Water. loo on Saturday afternoon. when their only daughter, Jean Elizabeth, was wedded to Mr. William H. T Douglas. non ot Mrs. Douglas and the late John C, Dough» at Toronto. Rem James Fleming, pastor ot Knox Presbyterian church, Waterloo, or tteiated Tho attend-mu were Hm F Do:- bercker and Mr. H. Umudl. Harmon-W human A pretty nodding took place on Saturduy It Bt, Mary's church when In. Geraldine Winterhalt, Magma! ot Mr. and Mn. Jmeph Winterhlt. became the bride of Mr William Harmon. non of Mr, and Mm. James HantMm. Rev. Faber M, S Blue parser otriciated. The marriage took place quietly at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wetuauter, 147 Courtland avenue. ‘Kltchener, on Saturday, Oct. 3rd at two o‘clock when their daughter, Miss Olive Anna Wettlauter, became the bride or Mr. Wilson Derhecker, ‘snn of Mr, and Mm. Derbecker. Rev. J. Schmleder oinehtted. Mil: Dolly Winterhall and Mr. Cyril Winterhall. the ulster and bro that of the bride, ware the unendv am; WORLDS BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY ttT. LOUIS In a finish that Iaternated thrills and chills for the home formal the Cardinals recaptured the banner of the world baseball championship on Saturday, brlnglng it back to the Na, tiottal League and St. Louis after a lapse ot tlve lean years. Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate ruie by teams scored a double win over Guelph High School gridders in an lntersrhokastic League twin bill Sat- urday afternoon. the visiting seniors overwhelming Guelph 30 to 6 and the juniors coming through with an S to 2 verdict. Winter-Fries A pretty church wedding Sept, 30 at St. Matthew's church. Kitchener, was that ot Miss Gertrude Elizabeth Fried. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fries to Lloyd Arthur Win- ter. They will reside In Kitchener. StmmeLoth The marriage took place quietly at st. Matthew's Lulhemn parson- age, Kitchener, Sept. 30, of Miss Blanche both to Albert Strome. tu.rrrertmsterrtamar, The marriage took place quietly at the Kitchener Benton Street Baptist parsonage on Saturday. Oct 3rd, when Miss Charlotte Elizabeth Stem naman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Sternaman of Selkirk became the bride of Mr. Osborne Brisker Clem- ens. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Clem-, ens. Rev. A. J. hawks ottieiated. T KITCHENER C. I. DECLINE TO PAY “.746 BILL Derbeckcr-Wettlauter Douglas-Comm K rug-Mohr IN DOUBLE WIN III _ 'AflIlOO CIIOIICLI ' Mr. Carl Ruppel or the Western University at London. visited the home of his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar RuppeL Visitors; to Kitchener from Elmira on Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Helmbecher. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. \Velchel, Mrs. Geo. G. Class and son Roy, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Yanchus and children. Mr. and Mrs. FI Klnsrhel. Miss Ida Martin of Hamilton visit- ed the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Medard Martin ovvr the week- NHL Three Elmira Churches united in holding Thanksgiving services on Monday morning at the Evangelloal Church. Rev. M. H. Sewell ot the Gale Presbyterian Church had charge of the aervlce. Holldly VlaRorl. The Elmira chum and. . won- dertul rear-om to the upped from the Western Province. tor van} tables. canned goods. other tood- adults and clolmng. Vegan-bloc were picked up in trucks and delivered tc. the CPR. can Two are wow Headed to carry tell good: donned, The tin" an started at Wtillemstein calm]: and ll Elmira on Wodnen- day Attondcd Teacher'l Communion. The regular monthly tair which was to be held on Monday. was post- poned tor one week because ot Thanksgiving Day falling on that day. Continue Half Holidays. . With Roll" Grant. A special meeting was called ot the members ot the Town Council. Elmira Board ot Trade and the Public Utilities Commisskm and in. terested ratepayers at which was thoroughly discussed the govern- ment grant toe relief m Elmira. The (cum-H's petition to tha government wad tor 815000 ot thins $5,000 tor di- rect relief. The latter was eat " as well as the item of $608.80 tor a shed Mr. Chris. Drelsinger attended the Undertaker’s Convention or Western Ontario at Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Stumpf and Mr. Charles Herman attended the (uneml ot the late Mm. Cooper. an aunt ot the latter, at Deb“. County Repalr|ng Bonn. At a special meeting of the Elmira merchants on Wednesday. it was decided to Continue the halt holi- days in Elmira during the month of October. Thanksgiving Services. The Public School teachers Miami» ed the teachers annual convention at Kitchener on Thursday and Pri- day. The children enjoyed two days' holidays, Elmlr- Di-atl.tud It was decided to further :pply to the government tor a gram for relief work In Elmira. Mm. Albert Kehl, while ale-aiming in the household duties at the home ot Mrs. A. w, Hotter. had her hand drawn into the wringer and mangled. No bones were broken. (in Stolen From Cars. Several times gas was stolen trom Bell Telephone cars parked o#Br- night in me Steddick house sheds. One of the mm; was used for a joy- ride. Monthly Fair Postponed. PEOPLE OP DISTRICT SHIP FOODS'I‘UFFS T0 WESTERN PEOPLE Two Carl“ Lo.“ u w.tu- “oi. Old Eimirs--s.uuid Ro-o-.--). Now.. The county is sure doing damn good road repairing these days. Har Ing completed the repair work on the highway running west to the town line with the crushed stone. thereto now repairing the highway north ot Elmira. Penonaln. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lake and two children of Powassan, Ont. Mm. J. A. Garvin and Mr. Abraham at Bar- rie. were recent visitors at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Casper Slumpt. Mr. and Mm. Harold Sippt-l, Mr, and Mrs Ernie Bipperand Mrs. Bal- mer attended the Drumbo Mir on Wednesday. Hand Badly Mangled. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Adam and Mrs. (Dr.) Dean ot Harrietiyvillo visited at the home at Mr. and George Reeves. I»! my... “Luca. _ Mrs. Charels 0312131 and daugh- ter and Mr. Carl O'Neil ot Toronto. vbslted at their home here. Mrs. Harry Wolrhard and chum-en ot' Kitchener Halted friends in town on Friday. Mr. Geo. G. Class was a business visitor to Toronto on Friday, mas Ella Mam-mun ot nmhwood spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. w. Martinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ruppel and Rev, Frank and Mrg. Malinsky left on a motor trip to Pam. Ind.. and Fort Wayne, Ind., J. J. Y“... CM: and Ago-Q M '" u "S, 3% It“... ELMIRA NEWS Mr. Ed. McGrath motored to his home in Dublin over the week-end. Misses Mary and Lttretta Lotrsinir er visited with their parents over the week-end. Mm. Henry Heimhecke: and daughter Edna and son Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Covers daughter Dahlia and son Jack, Mr. and Mrs. K. Bradley and family all or Toronto Mr and Mrs. Oscar Imbaingpr spent the week-end with hm gamma, Mr. and Mrs. L, Lohslnger. Lad Accidentally KUted. Mr. and Mrs. L, Lohslntter. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graft or PII- Lad Accidentally KUted. kingtnn won- Sunday visitors with Mr. Clarence Voisin, youngest son Mr and Mrs Louis Miller. of Mr. and Mrs. William Voisin was Mica Ruth Miller of Stratford Nor- visited bonday Miss visited Reich At the manual mouth; at the " mln Ladieg' Auxtutry brunch ot the Trooper: Stuntman, held recently, unifying upon; wen urn-tented. About $225100 was given tgt cash and zoodu to the unwary. churches qua mammal; It was decided to hold A (run shower on October ITth and a sale ot Christmas mil. one." eloclod follow: pro-Idem, Mrs, Fred ShurIy; vice-prmsidtmt, In. M, H Seven. secretary. Mm Wm. Clark; treasurer, Mm. E. " Norman Mlu Mae Monet and Mr Milton Maser ot Toronto vlslled the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wat, Maser over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Franklin and children of Gall and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Zinger and daughter of Water- loo, visited the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Amlinger on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Sippel and daughter Blanrhe and the tormer's mother, Mm. D. Sippel of Drumbo. spent Sunday at Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Brenner and daughters. Mary and Bertilla visited with Mr. Peter Brenm-r over the week-emi. Mr. Joe Weber and son of Toronto visited with Mrs. John Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F'. Schummer and daughter Anna motored to Brechin to visit their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Doyle. Mm. Syl. J. Staddlck and son Jackie, the Misses Hazel and Mar- guerite Bteddicir, Miss Wilma Brotv man. the latter ot Guelph and Mr. Thos. Punter, visited the tormer'ts sister. Sister M. Anna, at the None Dame Convent at Preston on Sum day. Mr. and Mrs. Joss. Brohman. daughter Helen, and son Gilbert ot Kitchener visited the farmer's Ms- ter, Mrs s. J, Sleddlck on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. t' W. Heimbecher and children ot Toronto "lulled the home ot Mrs. Chas. Fischer. over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ryo Fix and chil- dren ot Waterloo spent the holiday with relatives and friends in lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Shoemaker and family visited with Mrs. Jchn Weber on Sunday. MIS- Minnie Bronmun and dull dren spent the holiday mu: her at» ter. Mrs SyLJ. Bteddlck Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kinda and mm lly or Detroit. Mich., Visited tor dev- eral days with Mes. John H. Schne- ter, Wmiam street. Minus Laura Gama of Toronto visit. ed tor a tew days with Mr. and Mrs W. W. )larllmon. Mr. Jon. Goetz of Toronto spent the week-end with his mother', Mm. A. Goetz. Dr. and Mrs. Weller and d.mghter Phylis of Mildmay, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kroelch ot Cairsruhe and Miss Theresa Winterhalt ot Toron- to, visited the home ot Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cleghorn over the holiday. Miss Caroline Dietrich of Waterloo spent the week-end With her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Dietrich. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer School) spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. John Reidel. that (”than Mr, Arum- ZHIIax or Osgood Hail Toronto, visited the home ot his par- ents over the week-end Ann's Lena Lewis and Boyce of Toronto vLsilEd town over the week-end. Mr. Stewart Reichard ot Hamil. ton spent the week-end with his par- enm. Mr. and Mrs. o, W. Reichard. Mr. Herb DUitr spent the week. end wirh his family at Stoney Creek Miss Kathleen Goodrow the home of her parents a ton over the week-end. Miss Margaret Ruppel and ur. pert Ruppel of Toronto. spent week-end with their parents, Mr, Mrs. C. P. Ruppel. Mr. Donald Cate" ot Tommie spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Art Ullyot. Mr. Laurent Reichard of the Ham- illon Normal and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Becket ot Bowtttaneitle spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. o. W. Reichard. To The Farmers of Waterloo Bounty The Waterloo T, rust and Savings- Company with friends here over the Veronica with Mr, ST. CLEMENT8 and address into our Kitchener office. We are issuing an attractive wall map of The County of Waterloo, for distribution in the rural communities of Waterloo County. We will gladly send a copy of this beautiful map, FREE OF CHARGES. to anyone who will send their name “(Tunnel ot Galt and Mrs. Eugonp Mr, Jack triende in w visited at Hamil. mil- Quite a number trom here attend- par- ml the Srheilele Funeral. held in rd. Heidelberg on Saturday 1111- Mr, and Mns. Joseph Hillsperger. thel-‘tn and daughter visited with Mr. and falul Mac Andrew Himsperger. Kitchener, Ontario. Sunday visitors at the hwme of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer were: Mr. Aaron Scheifele. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Srheifple and sons Bruce and Glr‘nn of Conestogo. Mrs. Jacob Spin and daughter Irene and Mise Thelma (‘onkman of Floradule and Mr. Roy Rolnnrler of Kitchener i A lovely autumn wedding took place at the home of the bride's par- ents. Mr and Mrs. Enoch Schneider on the Elmira-Alma Highway on Saturday afternoon, when their (daughter Annie Marie. was married to Jame-s Arum Wilkinson. eon of Dir. and Mrs. Jehn Wilkinson oi Wallvuiin. Tho ceremony which ‘tuok place in a "etttrtg of evergreens and autumn flowers was conducted by Run H. A. Kellermim ot Water- loo. Miss Eva Schneider, sister ot (the bride. played the wedding music laud during the signing ot the re- gister. Mien Laura Miller sang very sweetly "Because." The bride wore a im'nly gown of brown lace and eeor'gette nwr crepe with shun; and J1oso to match and carried a bouquet Crt Joanna Hill ruse»: A sumptuous wedding sums-r was Nerve-i to about forty guests and later in the evening Mr. and Mm. Wilkinson left by motor on a trip in Toronto. Detroit and other points, the bride wearing a brown ensemble with macthing hat and accessories. On their return they will rmide on the groom‘s farm at Wi1llervstelm Peaonals. _ Ming Myrtio Snyder or Kitchener slum, the week-end with relatives here, almmct lnntanlly killed recently, Mr, and Mrs. William Voleiu have the sympathy of many friends. Par- tlculars regarding fatal accident ap- pear m another column. - Miss mum lieaupre ot Kitchen- ex visited with Mr. and Mrs Eugene Reidei on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mar Prank Rumtetler and family of Kitchener spent Thanksgiving with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hitttsperger. Mr. and Mrs. Eli. Reidel ot Ruth- euer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baechler on Sunday. Mr Gerald Huldel and Mr, Edward Dietrich of St. Jerome's College, Kit. Monet, speng the week-end at his name. The Ht, Clements ball team held a delightful gathering at the home at Mr. Amos Ltchty. Mr. and Mm. Aug. Allemang mo- tored to Guelph, Acton. em. On Sunday. The funeral of the Late Clarence Toisin was held on Monday. Inter. ment wad made. on the St. Clements RI‘. cemetery. Mr, and Mrs. Aug, Allemang and fumily spent Thanksgiving with hivmls in ListnweL Pretty Autumn Wedding. Mr. Clarence Hanoi: spent the week-end at his home. 117 KING ST. W. SCHREITER'S Ltd. NORTH WOOLWICH Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mamet. Miss 7(‘lara Klemmer and Mr. Howard lKlemmer or Ctittord visited relatives jhere on Thursday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sandor and tamlly visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mwer on Sunday. Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mund Schwlndt were: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Koch and daughters Mil- dred and Betty, Mr. Earl Morrow and htiics Ruth Schwindt ot Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Under- wood and baby Carol ot Bridgeport and Mr. Currie Groit or Pitkinttton. Mr. and Mrs, John Maurer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer and son Vernon spent Thanksglvlng Day with friends at Bridgeport. Our teachers, Miss Fkther Miller and Miss Marguerite Wilton: attend- ed the sewions of the Teachers' Convention at Guelph and Kitchener respectively. Mm. A. D. Srhmldl of Elmira was a weak-end and Thanksgiving visitor at the home of her son. Mr. Harvey Schmldt and Mrs. Schmidt. Miss Margaret Bender was a angst at the wedding of her cousin. Miss Florence Bender to Mr. Ernest Knorttenhaure at Alma last Wedae+ day. mal School. spent the week-end and holiday at the home of her ”rents. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Eh Miller. Mr. Willard Weaver of Waterloo spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Maurer. Molly Bevapt In the golden wonder of an Autumn wood. Ankle-deep in painted leaves silently I stood To watch a small swift squirrel store his Winter food. I would be as thrifty in a diferent way. Putting hits of beauty by now the years are gay. E1 rod to keep my spirit when Life's skies grow gray. LII may but harvest. cre my Summer flies, r in. isfzips indissohsble, Hi. . 1(me to prize, The Blue Bell Poetess HOARDING 3f cl Jilengc Winter wch 'caughter in my eyes, ' KITCHENER

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