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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Oct 1931, p. 8

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bund-y visitors of Mr. um! Mrs. H. Appel were Mr. and Mrs. Jone Filth.» and family and It. Chris. humid, New Halibut; In. Alton in!“ 3mm. In. (he. Davin Hand," It. and In. Rod a I“. Wuihr of Toronto. flu: "ii, GU iiiiy'iney Blackburn of St. Mary'. m Vinita" of Mr. and Mn. (Jun “matter on Sun- In. D. M. Cube) of Kitchener went the week-end with Mrs. Wm. luck. The Men's Adult Bible Clu- of GIN-Ti. Church spent I few inter- eltinn our! at the church Int Sun- day afternoon when they opened the question box Ind chum-ed the runny questions. This in I quarterly event with thin clan. W Mrs. Alvin" Bowman of Elmira visited her Nther, Mr. John Prey, laePridyr, _ . _ - --.. . Mr. Jacob Kaufman of Kitchener was I business visitor here Int Friday. Mr. Leo Bergen of Detroit in 't."'iag"gt time with his mother, rs. Jo Berger. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Scanner of Didsbury. Alta., are visiting friends inthe vicinity._ A __ - Mr. Luelo moved his family and household effects to Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Hurst moved with their effects into the house thus vacated. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wideman visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bowman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jnck Morlock and family took the farmer's father and mother to Mortiston on Sunday where his father, Rev. J. C. Mor- lock. preached anniversary “nylons. Mr. and Mrs. C. Peterson, Kitch- ener, and Mr._Harold Decher " Preston were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Gilles. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kerchner and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Musselman at Williams- burg on Sunday._ _ Mr. and Mrs. Moses Brubacher of Three Bridges were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Brubncher on Sunday. -- -- --- _ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henrich nnd far_n_ily viai_te§_ in Elmiga or} Sunday: Mr. Carl Hartwig and family of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gies and family of Conestoga were Sunday visitor: with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lebutski. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stable and daughter Florence vilited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thoma on. §ynda_y. _ -- _ _ Miss Vera Hill and Mr. Paul Snyder of Kitchener were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brubacher on Sunday. _ -- _ - - _ - Mr. and Mrs. John Rakob and son Walter of Kitchener Were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cress on Sunday. --e -- - _ Mr." and Mrs Eli Brubaeher visited in_Elrnie_yt Supdgy. -- - Sal. At at. Jacobs Thrifty men and women have a golden opportunity to save many dollars on their purchases at Trapp's big clearing out sale ot men's and boya' ready to wear clothing " ridi- culously low prices int and below cost. Prices listed in an ad on ano- lher page good only whlla the stock lasts. Come, get you share ot bar- ttattttt. Hut-vent Home Service. wt join with their many friends in cohgratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith who joined hearts and hands in holy wedlock last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have taken up residence in their fine new home built this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hahn and Mrs. Henry Such spent last Wed- negajay in, Toroqt9. -- _ - - The Lutheran Church here cele- brated their harvest home festival on Sunday evening and in connec- tion therewith observed Holy Com- munion. The church was richly decorated with the fruits of the earth of which there is such an abundance this year. The church was filled to capacity. Rev. Mr. Schultz of Linwood preached the sermon. l Hterilr Weddfd._ _ _ Word was received by village trustees. through the Woolwich Township council. that the request for $1,600 for relief work has been granted. The money will be used to widen the present 18 foot highway through the village by laying cement at the edge of the roadway extend- ing to the sidewalk. Work was com- menced on Monday with about a dozen men employed. Glnantic Genuine Clo-ring $1,500 GRANT To Be Used to Widen St. "cot" Hiehwar.-Work Now Started. All the charming freeh- ness you've ever desired for your home and ward- robe is here. A speedier, more etBeient and less expensive cleaning ser- vice for you. Complete in every fine detail . . . just call Kitchener 4100 for a Pearl Laundry 90 Qucon St. S. Phone 4100 - Kite surprising trial. Ladies' and Gents' Fall Coats Dry Cleaned $1.25 8T. JACOBO It's APPROVED Ki about? Mrs. Simpson and lamlly returned home after spending some time with friend. " suntan Mr, and Mn Emu: Shunt: Halted at the homo of the former’q utter. Mn. ery Martin, «have B'Rtrrioo Inn! wool Mr. 3an Mm lino} Shun ot 1 (on amt and.” It ttte ham Mr. cud In an Shuts. Mr Cttrl MoAlll-ter of Guelph mllod on Mr and Mrs Kunth Me Alli-tor on and”. Mr. Ind Mm. Sam Crest-man and daughter Phth and Hunter How-rd Mr. Clarence Ertle of Brenton called on Mr Ind Mrs Elias Shams on Sunday Mr. Lack McKay " Toronto and Mr. Max Redford ot SalmOn Arm, BC. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McAllister Messrs Wilson Kraft and Ray. mond Snyder maimed to South Cayuga on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Snyder and daughter Miss Dorothy and Mr. Sidney Snyder of Toronto were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Parnando Snyder on Sundny Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munn and Mm Farrell of Ripley visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MrAlllller this week Mr, and Mrs Tom Bedfonl motor. edjo Tawny: on Sunday. Mrs. McNeil. formerly Mrs Eph. raim Snyder of this place and Mrs. Moses Etry or Lexington renewed acquaintances here last Thumday. Mrfand Mrs. David Sander and son Roy spent the week-end with friends at Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Martin and two children and Mr. and Mm Henry Gingrich or Floradale visited Mr. and Mrs. Elias Sham: on Satur- day, I Mr. and Mm. Oliver Shanta and ‘two children of Yalton were guests or Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shanta. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bender, Mr. Adolph Bender of Kitchener and Mrs. Nancy Sherk of Markham visit- ed the Moyers at PIeasant View on Sunday, The Misses Pearl Mader and Vera Todd spent the week-end at Strat- ford. I No. on roll 27. Average attendance 25. Mr. and Mrs Elias Shanta spent a few days last week at Viueland. The guests of Mr, and Mrs. Dan. Mr. and Mra Miler! Hagen and Mrs. Mary Kerr ot Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. David Sander last Wednesday. _ Junlor Room Daily marks. Posalble marks 318. second-GI-s Cressman 358, Lincoln Yantz 341. Gerald Hans 340, Salome Snyder 335. Earl Broderick 332, Shirley Cook 305. Roy Schnarr 292, Carl Waht 273. Russel Brutzki 251, Marion Brutzki 208. 292, Carl Waht 273. Russel Brutzki 251, Marion Brutzki 208. Possible marks 283. F'irat--Jaek Strong 272. Paul Ste- vanus 267, Helen Museelman 862. Aden Snyder 249. Hetty Snyder 217, Herbert Holtz 158. Br. Primer-Irvine Thomas 57, Possible marks . 5. Primer-rua S-oder 203, Doria Broderick 193, Edward Wilkie 189. Earl Shana 146, Ernie Brutzki 186. Elmer Musselman t85, Roy Sander 174, Jack Holtz 164. Jack Schnarr tir5 3 The Evangelical Sunday school are holding their Rally and Harvest Home Services on Sunday afternoon. October 11th. Rev, G. F'. Barthel ot Zion Church. Kitchener) will be the special speaker and a program Is being prepared. Everybody welcome The funeral ot the late Samuel Maurer, who died at Kitchener on Monday. was held at the Evangelical church here on Thursday afternoon and interment made in the adjoining cemetery. Mr. Maurer was a broth. er of Mr. John Maurer and spent many years In this communlly. Rally Day. Report tor Month Shown Fragrant. Other Newt Notes of Interest. EXCELLENT MARKS _ GAINED BY SCHOOL PUPILS Chub. Ivan wore 09m to but ot In. qer4tttta lnjurlu manna will: omovlu rock Iron on. ot In. tbqidq. The rock rolled onto his leg, crush- II. n badly um tracturlnl the bone, It. Enn- wlll “holy be LNNV thted to the house tor quite) done this. The barn and contents also the Implement shed on the farm ot Mr. John A. Miller were destroyed by ttrts on ThurudAy afternoon while they were threshing The the nurt- ed In the atnw‘stack and made such rapid progress that only by strenuous ettorta were they able to save the threshing machine About 30 pigs. one cait and all the chickens also the binder were consumed. The barn was modernly equipped with litter carrier, water system and slam-Mons and the loss will be a heavy one. Person-Is. Mrs. John Snyder and daughters Clara and Reta were Sunday visltore at the home at Mr. Leon Wagner. Laid At Real. _ Mr. and Mrs. F'red Musselman spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Edmund Behwtttdt. Ml“ Viadqolmt MWMiIFicH. M PIGS BURN WHEN MODERN BARN IS DESTROYED Mrpod Mrs. Sam W, Horst and family were Sunday visllors with Mr. and Mrs. Manasseh Martin at Creekbank. Mrs. Walter Maurer spent several days this week at the home ot her parents, Mr. and Mm Albert Krau- ter at Heidelberg. LEG BADLY CBUSI‘IKD BY ROLLING ROCK Sunday guests of Mr and Mm Enoch Schneider were. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Walter and so“ Ivan. Mr. and Mm. Bert Bender and fam- ily of Wallace, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wane! and son Gram or MooreBeid. “any Leo- SIMMilod by John A, Mittor.--amrto-t Shad Alan Bur-0d. Mr. and Mm. Julius Moldenhauer “are Sunday guests of Mr. and Airs. Nash E. Miller. l mom vacuum: Mond- ud mum- of Mr. BLOOMINGDALE Tat. , of in; 1rra0afaiw-T" "HI-6";BJ m is “A h a -,er-ttti6 - tSt taattMattiid?g. W11: Those who Attended the public meeting "dressed by the provincial Liberal lender, Mitchell F. Hepburn, HR, at Preston on Tuesdny eve nin . were Messrs. An up Rellinger. Hermon Klster. Huge" Tomnn, Ephraim Devin and Ezra Becker, Mt. and MA. Norman Baer and son of Rosebank spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weber. A large crowd was present at the Childrenh, Day service held at the U. B. Church on Sunday evening. The Union Chorus, of Kitchener, which rendered several selections. was later entertained at the home of Mr. Ind Mrs. Milton Weber to a watermelon feed. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. James Haner, on Oct 4, a daughter. Vic, toria Laverne, and died the same day. Interment took place at New Dundee cemetery on Monday. llama-iv. Service. Mr. and Mrs Allen Werle daughter of Waterloo spent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Knitter. Humor: with Mr. and Mrs Dunmn MacPherson. . Impressive Services. l The anniversary services held in the United Church, G'lettaliart. on Sunday. Oct. 4th. were a decided success. Rev. Bell of Stratford con- 1ducted both servlced. The entertain- ment on Monday evening, prmuented by local talent, was well attended. The very Interesting program con- sisted or comic quarteltes. dialogues. recitations and songs. Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer and family of near Doon spent Sunday with the farmer's mother, Mrs. Lena Partner. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Riekert and sons Walter and Ross were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ney at Petgrsburg. M Misses Miiorii"iteTiiriiii; "iiiii Myrtle Weber visited with their frigpd, Miys_He1en Hallman. Miss Doris Rickert spent Sunday wither friend. Miss _Florence Klie. Mr. and-Mrs. Earl Tabberl spent a couple ot days or 1:15! week with Mn any, Mm. Albert Pearce ot Paisley, Mr. Duncan MacPherson and sons Willie and Ross and Mr. John Cow. ing visited recently with the tor. mer's brother. Dr. Alex MacPherson of Waterdown. Mr. and Mrs. Jiidf,soUr/Gii"iind Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smart and son Herbert or Fergus P"lre Sunday Mr. and Mrs. (Damon Mewhiney and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mewhiney and young son visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and. Mm Ed. Cress; man. Mr, and Mm. Chris. 'I'ulyhert of Linwood visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Tabtrert Mr, Jamee Richardson visited Sal-Inlay with friends at Newton, Master Alva Cherr'ywor’ iiGiu, visited on Sunday with Master La- rem-3 Beggs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson and daughters Marian and Isabel ot Easlhope were Sunday Halters with Mrcand Mrs. Leslie Beggar Him Mary Parker of Paisley visited the early part or last week with Mr. and MN. Earl Tablrert. Boyd Church congregation feet very grateful to the neighboring congregations tor the splenuid at- tundance at their anniversary sen vices the past Sunday. The church being ttlimi at both services. " was an Ideal day which was also in their favor. Rev. A, Yeoman of Goldstone delivered two Interesting sermons while members or the United Church Choir of Mooretteld very ably tTUV- plied the special singing. tu-ood ant It. Anon: ”but of the in Don. " Albert ilundoll'n; It.” brunt and Jun noun. oe Kilian" n their brother. Georg. Punk's; lino- laurel m Doug and Mr. In Hammond of King- ‘wood and John Blunt-glam ot war lerloo " Thoma Birmingham; Mr Andrew Binm and ulnar, II. Jenn Bigun. Ilia Mel-en and Mr. ‘Dunn and In. Water (no. Grrrtar (iiii'i'e, of Bull. Mr. and In, Wm. Grown and son Italpts ot Wallaby Ist Adam Bigam’n; Mr, and Mrs. [Manna Stockley ot Hilvenon " ‘Lorne Binm’u; Mr, and Mrs Roy 1rtrtair.s Ind daughter. Mr. and In. Omar Hunting: and miller of hit towel. Mrs. Wm. Burner! and Mush- ter of Linwood at George Rich-rd- aou's; Mrs. Tyack and daughter and two sons and Mrs, Cookman or mar Hawk-ravine. at George (Haitian also Mr, and Mm. Nelson Cunnlng- ham and Mrs Frey and Mr. Gates at Kitchener, who also Hailed at Mrs. R. Forster; Rev A. Yeoman or Goldstone. Mr, and Mrs W Mc- Down" and family and Mrs. Mc- Dowell Sr., or Millbank at E. G. Ward; Mr. and Mm. Nelson McFad- din and daughter or near Mlllbank and Mia: Ev: Ballard of Linwood at Wm. Knight's; Mr and Mrs. Emer- son Boyd and son of Linwood at Allan Galister's; Misses Olive Stricker and Mildred Welsh. Messrts. Dan Stricken C1ittord Christie, Alvin Hammond and James Thompson ot Mooreheld at Mrs. H Fusiur. ' ‘0. In!” In: Mr. m In. WI. Who: and It. at In Duo lo It“- at mun-k. Mr and In xAbo We: an can Mall!- at A meeting of the Wellesley Town. nhlp Plowmen's Adsociallon met In the hall here Monday evening and have set the date [or the plowing match on Thursday. October 29th. held on the farm or Simon Predman, L;nwood. Special Sonices. The Y.P.S. wilt meet in the Church Friday eyenlng, Oct. 9th, Literary- committee have charge. [lull call to be answered by a book they have read. The W.M.S. will hold their [hank- otrering meeting In the (‘hurrh Wed- rmmlay evening, oétotrer 14th, when Mr, Malcolm MacBeth of Slilverlon will give an outline ot candhluus in the Western Provinces. Plowing Match October 29th. Mrs. Calvin Vail and son of St Thomas spent several days at Wm Vows while here attendlug the Will Beggs wedding, WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE ru tbeat End-"n hymn},- Tom and Imu- the - 't.er" mm. mm - Blond 'I' is! Veg: _Ubrttfrw Nann- MANNHEIM CHILL "ACTON r- Ttaus RISE W55, as hon unto-n -.'i', -- "l", 777,6; ' P - Harv-3.x" ' L -9t" i" ill 'l!!ll.00 "unu- x ' . and the -girrdiiien4iilru,t spent Bind-y a! his home. Mr. and In, Wm. 8teiler of Kitchener visited Mum Ada Ortman on Summing; lung f min of Mr. and In. Alon. happen Ind "mil, wtil rd- Mm. Nickllml of Preston "Id herl Klmhener may "cure " Addition- pttrents, Mr. and Mrs. Belle? of LU. .I 3100.000 In government fellel‘ In towel, visited Mr. Ind Mn. J. BiethU result of I conference held with rm Wednesday. 'Hon. J. D. Montleth. chairmen or the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burgeta Of'unemployment rellel commmee. Waterloo visited Mr. and Mrs. All-n Attor It wee learned that Kitchener Dubrfetz on Sundey. {would be unehle to proceed with two in Laura Rhiel and Mr. Collinymjor project. the Edna St. new" of Stanford visited Mr. and Mrs. end west wnrd storm drain. It. Em Hoppe on Tuesday. juonlleth promleod to do hle utmou Mr, and Mrs. Allan Burgetz to gel lha addition-l (rent. The visited Mr. rind Mrs. Gordon Slumpf anneal pun would require Kitchen- of Kitchener on Tuesday. er and the government to elem beer Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schiedol and he" ot the cool up to to per cent. Nmil of Kitchener visited Mr. and while the retell-Yen would boar the Mre, {Inn-y Th-lgr or! Thurr.Yr. lhelance of " per fem, Mrs. Nick-son 6! Preston and her parenh, Mr. and Mrs. Biker of LU. towel, visited Mr. Ind Mn. J. Bieth orledneyyp. _ .. _ - -iirTNiirman Habemehl of Nine Pines visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry ThNer Ar) _Sundny; - _ . . Person-Is. Mrs. Hardy Pyne.r. and 'e.. NettleI The local Young People's Society Bulmer andi family of Kitchener held their regular meeting on Wed- and Mrs. C. C. Bulmer of Toronto GiiiUv" evening. The topic "Plans Mr. and Mrs. L. Gooding '"ry'i,i'i' the coming year" was taken by family tspent Sunday afternoon at Rev. S. H. Swarm. Parts by the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mleers, and conveners Were given Krauter of Heidelberg. on what work they will do for the ZiOn Church Notes. coming year. Owing to the radial "What! know Ye not that il' ”Wine changing its time table it will body is the temple of the, 01ylhe necessary to have the meeting Ghost which is in you, whieh " start at 7.45 p.m. hereafter. On have of God, and ye are not_your'p~riday evening Miss Ericsson, re- own? For " are bought .with tl turned missionary from Earns“? Orice therefore tt1orir.v. od P Pour a fine talk and Ihowed lantern slides‘ ‘body. and in your qpirit, which ttre on her work. It was rather unusual; \God's." to hear a missionary from Egypt; The foregoing text from the 19th and it certainly was very intenn.‘ and 20th trerBes of the 6th c“muting. Miss Ericaaon left on tutur- of First Corinthians formed the d, ' Oct. s, for Toronto, where she basis of the Gospel thenie Firouiiiy/,'a take up more of her work " ed in an earnest, practical sermon giving studies, etc. The program preached in Zion Church here b: Swan also favored by I duet by Mr. Rev. E. A. Fletch of New Hamburg and Mrs. Einwechter "When the last Sunday afternoon. An iii1iiiill1s'l,'ldd, Bells Rings" Rev. U. B. feature of the devotional hour 1""i Weber of Kitchener very ably acted the exceptional Shirl of the Hots as chairman as Rev. s. H. Swan: ruler Octette in t e three sacred we. out of town. selections so fee1imrly tnote by them Mr. and Mm. Harold Heinrich of during the service. iWaterloo. Mr. Ivan Habermehl andl The foregoing text from the 19th and 20th verses of the 6th chapter of First Corinthians formed the basis of the Gospel theme expound- ed in an earnest, practical sermon preached in Zion Church here b: Rev. E. A. Fletch of NewVHamhgrg "What! Know ye not that " at body is the temple of the iul,', Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price therefore glorify od in your tgh; and in your spirit, which are " 's." Mr. and Mrs. L. Gooding and family spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krauter of Heidelberg. Zion Church Notes. Sunday visitors with Messrs. John and Charles Bulmer were Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Bulmer and Mrs. Nettie Bulmer andi family of Kitchener and Mrs. C. C. Bulmer of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Pierce and family were weekend guests of Mr. JatotPiertee of Drumlgq. - _ Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gooding were Mr. and Mrs. William Hahn and daughter Marjorie and Miss Phoebe setett yf Bridgeport. _ _ Mr. Esley Matthews was lively a bulséness visitor at Galt and She!- fie . Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mulls and the Misses Vera and Amina Julloy of Sheffield were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Euley C. Matthews. Mr. J. D. McKinnon paid a busi- ness visit to Brantford last Thurs- day. Mr, Daniel M. Weber was a Sun- day; morning visitor at Linwood. - Mr. W. G. Helwig of Kitchener paid a business visit to Wallenstein onnluesdatryorkeyr. _ A -_-_ . Mr. and Mrs. Hostetler and Miss Helen Hostetler of New Hamburg attended Zion Church service: last Supday Mttrrtofrry A h - Miss M. L. Schnun- of Linwood and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Martinlon and daughter Mary of Elmin were recent "Sunset Cottage" visitors with Mrs. W. C Martinson. Mr. Aaron Diefenbacher was a business visitor at Toronto on F'ridyo. _\_ _ -- _ A -- - __ Mr." Alfred Chloetz of Stratford was a recent visitor with Mr. Alonzo GogdingL _ -- _ l A _ -v-- - Mr. Charles E. Matthews and family spent Sunday with relatives at Glenallan. A large quantity of nice vege- tables left Wal1enstein for the Canadian Middle West on Wednes- day afternoon. Vicjnity Vinitognt AA Mr. Andrew Wilson of Elmira was a Wallenstein visitor on Saturday afternoon. Last Sunday afternoon Mr. Israel M. Martin of Wallenstein organised a Sunday School " Hnwkesviile. About thirty pupils and parents con- stituted the initial attendance. Regard 55M Egg-Ola. “angels weighing as much as 21 pounds were pulled in local root fields this week. chelgblu for Won. Two hen hawks were hurriedly put to rout recently when a Boek of forty or fifty starlings “tacked each enemy separately by repeated ly swooping swiftly en muse upon them. Stool Boun- Arrive. Heavy steel beams for the two Kirkland Creek bridges arrived here soon after 9 mm. on Tuesday, being transported here on powerful trucks and trailers by the Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd. of Toronto. Dr’s-ling Sq:dny_ School. H - Contractor McKinnon of Painley has now completed the eight wings and four abutment. of the two new Kirkland Creek bridges Just want of here, and steel beams for each have already arrived from Toronto. Attaeh Hun Hawks. RECEIVES PAINF'UL HEAD INJURY Mr. And Mrs. John Diets and fun- sly And Mr. and In. Hy. Hush were the guest: of It. and In. Juhg Fighting". Milvertou. Waterloo County woodland: are rapidly donning their gorgeou- Hveries and give every promise of I glorious l-ndscnpe setting for Canada’s cornucopia on Til-nit giving Day. Work on Bridge Emma-in]; _ - sevuo (uh methane? on It" "eo- head on Sammy, In , [on about two pint. of Mood. t mqtafeod sevvnl mum. to close the would. She luckily 'racnped not: carious injury. kg... 'I-pkin in This Vidal”. r. Wand." Fonvdd bu ro- IG. wGirkiijdAiritd GGG; ported of having a pumpkin mum'- ing " inch“ new. tho width aad ff, inches lengthtviu. This in the urgent ump In or nae you". 'ASU". In. Jottn%Ir/its “in” with her dauttrhter, In. William Ulrich Ind Mr. Dietrich. “a In“ Cathy's I’M uh Gaahod.--0thoe Mow. A 3310-4 gnu Ila-dun”. lin- Hui. Cue; _ . CENTREVILLE IUD-MA” WALLINIvTEIN lNAOClDBN'l‘ mu. hurl John Swain of Bkir will - in mum court today to Hunter I chum of reckle- thing when hi: cu in it? to ban Vt Lloyd 319.36; " Th. child In WANT $100,000 Mr. and Mm. Humid Heinrich of Waterloo, Mr. Ian Habermehl and Mina Selom- Hubermehl of Nine Pines vinited Mr. Ind Mrs. Christ. Kropf on Sunday. A number of persons from this community attended the Galt Fair last. Saturday afternoon and en- ictted ittrtmueh. _ - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roth and Mr. and Mrs. John Seifried of Kitchener visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miehm on Sunday. "t_treuetro-, _ _ __ _ ters. Adamrtman spent Tuesday with Mrs. Steiler of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Burgeta and family attended the Drumbo Fair orledneyley. -. _ -- _ _ (rat very much to know that they left on Thursday evening for Prince Edward Islénd where they have pur- chased a farm. Mrs. Strohkerch and daughter Audrey and Mr. Frank Kramer of Preston visited Mrs. Schliemann on Suqday. _ _ _ ”s As. The Wm. Hogg Goal Co. Ltd. EXTRA GRANT Waterloo I“ 7' M "V ""‘ovor’SGu-v- ”can. Harry Hedrich. R.) h Hoyt! mud Frank McCormick of 'dll Inln went Sand-y afternoon on this tine. like Alain Sanderson of "our Rt. Jacobi spent the week-end with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. John Sudan-m, 7 '"g Mltthewa. - T e anniversary services were well attended at Glonallan United Church both morning and evening. They were conducted by the Rev. Bell of Strntford. a former pastor It 93111939. - A Mr. Aaron Meager spent Satur- du morning in Kitchener {We concert which was put on in the United Church. Glen-Hun, on Monday evening was really enjoy, edAr lg. _ _ _ Miss Evelyn Cherry of the 7th of Peel taunt the week-end with Miss ery “than. - Mr. Chule- Miller was a bdsiness visjgor 9n this line lust Thursdjay. Quite a large number of people from this locality attended the Aryyrryyiow_het Wednegdgy: Mr. Harold Jicksdn of Pumas. ton was home tor the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey and Mr. Clayton Guise and family of Hamil-' ton spent the week-end with Mr. And Mrs. W. Guise. I Mr. George Wardens of Waterloo spent last uesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ruler. Mr. In?! Mrs. Edward Beaupre visited with friends in Linwood on Sued!» - - Quiie a number from here attend- ed the Daub sale held in Kitchener Mr. and Mrs, wmia'm' Fasagr'"ar Kitchener visited with friends here on__Sunda){. ___ __ - Mr: Joe Strub visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koehel over the week-end. Miss Bernadeiie Mia}?! of Kitch- engs visite_d it hethrpe orlundtsy., Mrs. Geo. Rosenblatt, Mr. Louis Rosenblatt and Miss Adele Rosen- blatt motored to Waterdown on Friday.‘ _ Mr. Peter Dietrich motored to nggrdo'yn on. "tupfav. _ m _ Messrs. Frank Schummer and Joe Mrs, Edward Fehrenbach return- Karley visited with friends tuee on ed Thursday from Chepstowe where Sunday. she attended the funeral of the late Mr. Harry Schummer of Detroit, Albert Lang. Mich. called on friends here on Mrs. Frank Sherrer, her daughter Sunday. i'l'illie and son William, called on Miss Mary Lobsinger of Kitch-', Mrs. Michael Leitz on Friday. She ener spent Sunday at her home. iis still at St. Joseph's Hmtpital, Mr. Ed. Reidel and family of Guelph. Kitchener visited with friends ont. Miss Sadie Fehrenbach. kiteh- Sundny. iener, spent Sunday with her par- - Mrs. Geo. Rosenblatt. Mr. Louis ants Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fehrenbach. Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Meyer of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. am}. M115... John Ji. Meyer. -_.e, A Mr. Walter Mag? ay Kitchener visited at his hoyye on Squlay. - 7 Born - for iip. "iar'ii"c. . John Lorentz, 'tdton. "can. Hm Distributed by " CLEMENT! VATTON Kitchener l The victim of thrt Incident in nur- vlved by a wife and thrpp children The remains roared a! Run and “arms! funeral parlors. Kltohoner. until the funeral which Wm! hetd on Raturday trom thp Inmlly residence to st Matthew'u Lutheran church for sixrviee ATTRACTIVE OFFER ro NEW SUBSCRIBER: New subscribers who order the Chronicle now for one you um mom the bulnnce of the you free. " fifteen month. for only ".00. _ When the motor mar In which ha ‘waa driving Mt I hay wagon on the highway at Listowol. Tuesday night. Wm Sylander. a former Dobbin Gannon mechanic. met mutant death E LMdmah driver of the car and glaring hmdllxhls prevsmvd him from seplng tho hay wagon ahead. Sylandpr wan hit by a [deco of iron frame which crash-ad through the windshield, Car In Which Ho W.- I Pnuon'or Collidul With "u, Woton At Lialowel jtev. Joseph Wey left ',C'.o'gd,.tg for a week's visit to Saginaw, Mi . Mr. Roy Mellieux rented' the property of Mr. Joe Hume and mo_ved ipto i_t I", Ttytsyiaa. _ _ FORMER DOBBlN GARAGE MECHANIC MEETS Mrs. Catherine Halter, Miss Hul- ter, Miss Christine Ruth and Mr. Fred Meyer visited Mr. and In. Ed. Ruth at Elmira on Mondgy. _ Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fehrenbach of Preston called on friends on Sun. day, _ _ _ -- _ “A --. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Sherrer and son Frank of Walkerton and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Scherrer of Waterloo were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Frank Scherrer. Miss Madeline Frank, Kitchener, and Miss Louise Frank, Guelph, spelt Suttd?y here. _-__ A Mrs. Roy Zinger and the Misses Fay spent Thursday at Bridgeport. Mr. Fred Meyer spent Thursday at Toronto. Mr. Albert Benninger of New York City called on friends last week. DEATH IN ACCIDENT NEW GERMANY Galt Rt

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