" a" 'he-edt-Veer, Him I. I’rrguson ups-m the week (Ind at _ hnmt- in Ptattsvmu. A Mr. T. G, Hruwu and sister Carrie any Mrs. E H. Tye culled on Miscses Amelia and Minnie Brown in Shakespeare on Szmu'duy urn-mun“ Mr. and Mrs w Hulwig of Kitctr the! eipetlt Stsrtuay awning with Mr and Mrs. F Schramm Mr. Max Putldiratrtlltex and nephew, Tum I'ullimmlw of Toronto spent the wovk-eml with the lather}: par- ents. Mr. and Mn; H. B, Puddi- trombe 7 Mrs. F". Srhramm Miami the week end with her daughter. Mrs. A, Meisel at Hrrychiu. M r. and Woodstock the village lic. and Mrs, Harold Whe:ttly and (-hihln-n of Hraull‘onl and Mrs, Thus Callaghan or Plattsrill" spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. CalPanan. Mr. and Mrs. Callumn re- lurn'mg to Woodstock with them Sunday evening. after spending the past week here. Rev. J. daughter Kane and Miss Macy K. Walker of Kitch- ener "'pe'at the week-end al hvr home beta Seeking A Business Education f? ? 44 QUEEN ST. s. Euler Business College At Prices That Will Save You '27 Star Sedan '28 Whippet Coach '27 Erskine Sedan and several Modet T Fords at yourown‘ price REAL MONEY 1hlateploo County Motor Sales Limited 13 Benton St. Used Cars We otfer you the most modern Secretarial and Commercial courses, including Stenotypy (machine Shorthand), Modern Accountancy and Business Administration courses, Enroll NOW in either our DAY or EVE- NING classes. Evening classes are in session Monday and Thursday evenings. II. and Mrs Potion and Ruth. Mrs. Dtiver Nahr- daughter Help“ and Mrs. Our Remaining Stock of HAYSVILLE Mrs Jun (Tallmmn of 51mm kteit Week I:ttre in Must be Sold at Once Here are Several Good Ones The lzNow- Better School Telephone 4394 J J. Graham xx my Kitchener visitors nu Friday In»! and called to .see Mrs. l'rias Nullrguug, who is 111 in SL Mary's hospital. I Atwthey Very interesting meeting oi" the A.Y.P.A. was held in the Hay-grille Hall on Monday mmumg. when Mr. Mason. organist and moir- mau'lor of the n-huir of St, John's church, Kitetienie. put nu the pru- 'Tram. It was a musical evening and sceveral vhornmm sois and mono- logues. wen: rvlnien'll which was very much enjnyed by all prwent. Mrs. m. Walters and daughter Ems:- of Kitchener an.) her daughter, Airs. Gentle and baby ot Toronto called on the farmer's brothers, litissts Harry and Item Paddieomtre on Sunday evening, Mr. and Mina J. I Graham and dcuOter Sylvia arrompaniul by [heir sun. It. W. Gvalturustud family of stcaliorti v-a'Acit on friend-s in Urungmillu. Shvllxurna and Hum inu"s Mills ott Sunday. Rev, J. H. and Mre. I'Dgaun and daughter Rug- visited trieuda In Woodstock on Sunday. Mr. Pugson cuaducted the evening .eniuu In New St, Paul's Churwh there. My. and Mrs, Josurph llrvnuvmvm accompanied Mr. and Mos. Noah Gingurich ot Wilmot Centre 011 a mot-2r trip to Pigs-(m. Mich. thus week. uneés 'tttttttt KITCHENER KITCHENER Thirteenth The ODD“. roturr" ot the popula- uon ot Ontario Vulne- plug-m New Hamburg at 1686. an Increase or " over the 1921 consul Tho cenuu etttunerator'tg tuuro. manure well with than or the local “new", Ac- cording to M: chum-ration the popu- lutluu ot New Hamburg Ila! year atus.t468 and on this year's unen- meat roll returnable on tho Brst ot October be In: a total Domino.) at 1426 The allght dilorence of 10 could easily occur since the census was taken In June " bs Irtteretsttatg to note that New Hamburg in listed as the thirteenth largest village in the province. l WUhelm.Bowteit. A very pretty September “adding P1ul"' solemnlzed In the Baptist .clturch on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock when Mary Gertrude. daugh- 'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowtelt or Hmpeler, was united in marriage to Wellington Wilhelm. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Christian Wilhelm of Wilmot. The ceremony was cum- ducted by the Rev. K. G. Dale. the groom's pastor. The bride was given in marriage by her father and was lurk in her wedding gown of whites silk and chalance lace and carried a ubnuquet of butterfly roses and fern. The bridesmaid was Miss Alice Wil- him. sister ot the groom and Wi1ti gushed in yellow georgette and lace and carried a bouquet of Amerimn Leanty roses and term Little Mar- gin-t Wilhelm of Whitby. niu‘e of the groom. was a dainty flower girl and was dressed in Nile green genr- gette and carried a basket of but" stem and baby's breath. Mrs. D. llerku-r played the wedding march and during the signing of the regis- ter. Mis,,- Louisa Boettger sang. 'Thanks he to God." The groom was attended by the bride's brother, Mr. William Bowfelt and the ushers “ere. Mr. Herman Wilhelm. Wil- mnt and Mr. Solomon Wilhelm. Whitby, brothers or the groom. The church was beautifully detonated 'with plnk and white flowers and ferns. the guests' seats. being mark- ed with while streamem and pink and white astem. Guests were we sent from Hamilton. Sarnla. Han- over. Hespeler. Whitby and Kitchen- ltr. The young couple are leaving on ‘Sunday on a trip to the Thousand Islands and points east. On their re- qu-n they will reside on the groom}; tarm. will Intervlew J. A. Ellis. The village council met on Mom day A letter was read from the lHydro Electric System of Toronto. regarding the letter sent to them by ’the councll on the proposed Beck Im-murlal on the Baden hills. saying that they would give the matter ‘thpir consideration. Another com- munication was received trom J, A. aEllis. re the grant asked by the council for relief work. The clerk Jun; instructed to write Mr. Ellis lisking for an interview and the cn- llire council will form a delegation to [an to Toronto. The cemetery board was granted a loan of $100.00. C. Lichty WinneF. INCREASE or trs IN POPULATION OF NEW HAMBURG ROAD CLOSED in very poor shape, This road om- ualLv known as county road number M'Ven ks undergoing extensive re pair Two large power graders are busy at. work widening the road to a width ot 32 feet road surna- where before it was " feet. This thoroughfare was M feet between [Hires and after the county is through. it wilt be 66 teet between the feaces. Every now and then a dull thud is heard caused by blasting a row of slumps. Hamburg Wedding. Motor sh Mun Make Dotour on New "unlit". _ H-yovillo Road. Other Now.. The New Hamburg-Hay/e road hi hm waded and many or the local mm s are wondering why. The wan although passable at present is The weekly Jitney was held on Monday with Chris. LiNtty high with " S. Peacock and I. B. Tustlng were tied for second with 34. Piehpoehet Mauls Girl'. Purse In New Humburg Theatre. A petty theft was reportnd by Chief b'trherer. A young lady wish- ing to keep her money secure hand- ed liar puma to her ttatntlemert escort who placed the money in his outside coal pocket. Later the purse was tliscoverett missing, but latpr was found on the floor but on opening it the coin puree and tive dollars were missing. Entertain Young Pupil. The members ot the Young People's League of the Evangellml church minaret] to the home ot Mr and Mrta. Ephraim Sham: on Wed- nesday evening. After the meeting a social hour was spent. The com- mittee in marge. severed refresh- ‘mems, ilnsplring Sermons. There Vic-re two large ConRrpra- tions in the Baptist (‘hnrrh 9n Sun- day to hnnr the messages of Res Perry Burk. who delivered two in- npin’ng sermons at the 78th annlver- sary mantras of the church Death Of Former Rubdont. The death of n well known former rpsldnnt of New Hamburg, occurrod at his home In North Euthnpo on Friday. in the person of Mr George Schneider at the no of " you". having died on his hmhrlny He had been in tailtne heallh for norm: time, The deeeet1 run born in North Esslhnpe on September Igth, HIM. a tatm of the late "rob Schnnldor For many your! hp was a resident of New Hamburg but in his declin- In: years lived retire-d near Donal}: church m North Easthope He in survh'pd try his widow, Mrs Sarah Kunuio of this to" In a “at" and Banjnmln and Joseph RNtttefder ot Rnblln. Man, formerly naming horn no half hmthers ot tho (Ir-renew! Tho funeral wan hold on Monday afternoon " Odul'n Evnnuallral rnnrch And com-(cry and was large» 1y ttttetttded, Tho denim: wru- ' rim-had by Rev Mr Burn and Rev msndrtrh Rev " R Mon-Ix and Mr And Mn. Home" bun 1m on Mondny to “(and tho Trinity Luhornn (hum-m nonfatal)". hem hold in Philadel- “In. Inch Luge-I. Villa. in oo. urio With Papal-u.- of IA“. FOR REPAIRS NEW HAMBURG (‘ennu returns "on 154 Hung“ ln Ontario no part. of a Dominion Bureau ot Stallone: report land at Ottawa, The (mien return ie recorded tn the report tor Crystal Beach In Welland county. where on morgue or 122.33 per cent. u re ported The population " 664 as compared with '" I decade ago. The population ot Ayr, in Waterloo county ls 802 as compared with ITt ten yearn ago Elora shown I um being reported at 1198 In compiled with 1136 in 1921. The VIII-‘9 ot Mllverwu has a population ot 983 as rumoured with 951 u decade ago Nam Hamburg show: no excellent gain In the last 10 years. mums ‘reached a population ot 1436 as com- (pared with 135t in 1921 Tut-rock is recorded at 1129 as compared with 1011 Ma. Luckhtrdt Winner of mum. NEW HAMBURG. AYR AND TAVIS'IOCK SHOW GAINS In giving the details ot the Wilma F"alt Pair out: feature was missed which many ot the people who at.- tended were interested in. The tree mattres" that was given away by Mr. Becker in connection with his beau- tiful display was won by Mrs. Roy C. Luclrhardt. the winning number be ing 1839. Memorial Window. A matrniflcent stained glass win- dow in memory ot the late Mr. and .‘ll'zi, William Puddicombe was um veiled following the regular morning period of worehip in St. Paul’s Amp lican Church. Sanford on Sunday. The Window was donated by the tumily of Mr. and Mrs. Puddicombe. The dedication; service was in charge of Rev, William Wallace. Bridge And Dance A Splendid Success. The members of Juliet Rebekah Lodge held a very 'successful bridge and dance on Friday evening In the LO OI' hall. The honors in cards were won by Mrs, A. R. G. Simith and Mr, J G. Grimm. Mr. Jack "astendort"s orchestra supplied the mosic for the dance Persona“. Margaret Smith. Mable Berger, Lloyd Debus and Henry Nahrgang were successful in wlnning third prize at the bowling tournament at Tavistock on Monday evening. Rev. B l; Dale was in Brandon! on Tum-lay. conducting tho funeral service of an old friend ot the fam- ily the late Philip Butler. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hint were: Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hotloteasworth of Sparta. Mr, and Mrs, G. Kuellner and son at Tavistock, Mr. and Mas. Henry Appel and son, Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Tew of Stratford and Mr. Emil Peihie of Wellesley. Wm. K. and Misses Rennie mo ion-d to Palmerston last week taking Mr. and Mm. A. K. Waterburit or New York hack to complete their vacation with Mrs. Waterburx's ta- ther, who in in tailin health Mm. Watertrdrg is a met-i of Mr. and Misses Rennie and with her hus- band has been spending a week at Springhurn, before returning IO New York. Mr. Waterburg is asc,ociated with the teaching Staff ot Columbus University an well as a graduate at its Law School. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Egerdee and famin and Mr. George Einwachter of New Dundee visited Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman Mr, Earl Handler has returned to lraKersrllie urn-r speudiux two wevks' vacuum: with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hoestetler. Mrs, Dr. J. C'. Bell of Merlin ls spending a few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Harold Appel, here. inn-.4 McMillan. Rum Wad visiting her friend. Miss Moore. has returned to her home in Toronto. Mia: Roxie Bowman is visiting friends in Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. A. Greulich Is spending a few days in Hagensville. the guesl wi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harvey. . Mr Rov. H, It. Muesli: and Mr. and Mm. Herbert Lufl have returned home from a motor trip to Philadel- phia. where lhey attended the can: {Home of the Lutheran Church or America, Mmsrs. Gordan and Edwln Hem up] of Windsor spent tho week-end with their sister, Mm. John Bowman. Mr. William Rain of Wingham called on friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schlldroth of Detroit were Hutton: with Mr. and Mrs. Vil'tnr H0559. , Miss Man'lla Berger. RN. of To- ronto was a recent visitor with her parents, Mr. and My?" J, J. Bgrger. Miss Janet Smith, mtmrrin-trairr ing at the General "mwital. Toron- to. is spending two weeks' vacation a: the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. G. Smith, Miss Lillian Ham-r is visiting In llvlmll the mum! of [her sister. Mrs Joshua Kauftmatt, Mr and Mm. Arthur Chambers and two children of Toronto spent two weeks' vacation with Mr, F. J. Hartman, Mrs, C, Hoerlo and Miss Lizzie Hoerle ot Wellesley are visiting " the home of Mm, Lavina Ran and other friends in town. Rev. E. J, Edwards, pastor of the United Church. Tavistock. wished tor a {ow days with William K. and tho Miss“: Rennie. Sprinkburn farm, Mrs. C. and Miss Clara Honderich, Mm W Hands-ml. and Mrs N H. Hontlorich all of Milvorlnn wort- vim'turs on Tuosday with Mrs George WilholnL Mr and Mrs Ralph Amwl of Ta Tantra and Mr. Melvin Amml of Strat- ford visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles Appel on Sunday Mr Harold Sehodewltz. the pro prietor of tho new Razors! Theatre. moved to town with his family trom Elmira on Wednmdny Mr Lana Schlmher In! pur- rhased tho property of Mr. Adam Svharh ot Mitchell, formerly ownad by the town of Mikhail and compris- ing nine acres of land. Mr. Scham- her intends to open a norvlra uln- tfon and rrmlo a coming rampnn tho promianq _ Mr Three Stall] and Mr Walt" Ritz nt “an worn VII-iron wlth the lutler‘a hmthnn on Fnlr Day Mr Edgar Strnurh of Hamilton,‘ Mr and Mrs Georg:A (lrundnnhnrgorl of llolrnll and Mr and Mr, Rohm firh of Shaun"! apt-m the wank or"t horo In visit Int-Ir trim". who hat lam-n vrltlrnlly In HU pottdition is romrtmi now .r.tatly Improved, l Mk: IIIHIO‘ Goetrpt I! winning liar Mrvnld. Mr and Mn Fri-d 000M]. '. u: wuuyooionumu Me wmum ONO. Mrs acorn Appal. Minoan Clam um! Minnie; Will". Mra Ella Chapin Ink In Prod Pout. won the «Imus from Trinity Lutheran church to the W 11.3. Convention. held In Hanover. Several ladies at the Trinity tue theran church motored to Linwood on Tuesday evening and were gnaw; of the Ladies’ Aid Society thvre Miss Grace Becker or Toronto is visiting her 'rratrdparente, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Boul1ee. Mrs. John Weber is visiting her son Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Weber. Monkton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Huezm and ramily ot Heidelberg spent Fair Day and Sunday with relatives in town. Mr, Harry ngman and Mr. Jo- seph House ot Detroit spent the meek-end at the home of the for, mer's father. Mr. August Krugman. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wellheuser and son. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rau and Him Ina Miller of Kitchener anon! the week-end at the home (If Mr. Chr. Ran. ( Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Grey and two sons Craig and Allan and Mime: Minnie and Cittra Wither spent Bum tiny In Hamilton, the zumls of Mr and Mnx, E, Bechtel, Mr. George Bean and his daugh- ter, Mrs. Selina (‘oxaon and daugh- tar Millie and tion Billie and Mr. and Mrs. Roy S, Bean ot Waterloo were guvnla at the home of Mr. Isaac Itettn on Pair day Saturday. Mr. David Goerzen has purchased Mr. Simon Goscho'e house and lot and adjoining twenty norm ot land from Mr. Simon Roth, formerly owned try Abraham Lirhti on the ptovinciat highway at the western end of the Village Mr, Gasrho will remain in town. Mimi. Ada Christner is spending a week with friends In Detroit. Mr and Mrs. Knott of Slratlnrd spent Sunday with the latte-fa par» ems. Mr. and Mm. Ben Fnrrmt. Mrs for.) Marty and son Mr Kpnnoth Marty Ire apondinz 3 few days with Mrs Marty's sister. Mrs AumV, " Port Union. Miss I Wettlnufor and Mr Lloyd Mammal were visitors in Bnttalo, Mr: T, " Poinc- Ia visiting hor daughter. Mm H Knight at Rome.» in. N Y Mina Alice Wolfe of Kltrhpner and .Vllnn Dora Wolfe of Shaun"! aanl Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfe, Mrs, Innis Paine h“ been winning Manda Ind ranches in Detroit and Ann Arbor Mr (horn Bum. won-known re- "rad farmer of WIImot township and Mum-r "Mann! of New Ham burg In rMtrtfintyd to his hed thrnnzh Hint-MI m tho ham!- ot Ma daughhr. Mrs Ruling Canon in Wnlnrlnn Mr [learn In in Na "in your and onlor ed oxrrNttt health mull . "tort limo ago Mm V mo In ups-mun: nhmo llmo with h" daughter, Mr and Mr: Zwlrkar a! Crodtton ADVERTISING In Tho CHRONICLE alum IIIULTS. Waterloo The Wm. hogg Goal Go. Ltd. THE COLOR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY An kientiifiaTCagl. -iTiGrtr_iG"trt'iir6iirGFEM scum-7’ --'- and†m "I“ Gill. M UNTIL In only an -teoud loll the “on“. have.» in any 0|.de Isl-balsa]. MmyumullD.L.lV/.Soam Mull. (had coal), In and - W alum ground, by inply looking " te This In no poolblllty all“. . . . let tht, In coal I. aloud Blue . . .hrartdedeseher-drod_mmkd. Noodlcvco-l can be bode-Mod In in. my, to thet Inn and possibly be any "ustutsamtn-u.ttu.d-t-d-. 'bluo coal' Is not Mu. lilo linen D.L.ar. Sunb- Anlhnclh has b-oi-rm-ttg-tOG-duo-hr-theat" yum. It In- now In†an!“ also wit a halt. an, so that you any to eettnltt ig [Olin] all In cool "l0. ke which you law. been paying. WILFRED SA'ITLER WINS HIGHEST POINTS AT FAIR Heidelberg School Children Curry Off M-ny Prize: at Woolwich Tp. School Fair. The annual Woolwich Township schonl fair was held at Floradale on Wednesday last week. ,The weather was perfect and our school children and people of the sur- rounding district were in full at- tendance. The children of the Heidelberg school were successful in obtaining many prizes. The high- est number of points of the pupils of the school wore made by Wilfred Sattlor. The school choir, which consisted of the following pupils, won fifth prize for singing: Stella Sattler. Violet Kappes, Florence Hahn, Ruth Hoerle, Ruth Kappes, Mildred Hoerle, Harold Kuhn, William Mar- tin, Ervin Roeder, Gleason Gingrich, Howard Huehn and Howard Foster. Genevieve Goodwin, 4th plasti- scene; Mildred Hoerle, 3rd. writing; Estella Saul". 6th, carrots; Wil- fred Sattler, lst, African marigolds. Wilfred Sattler, 2nd, biscuits; Har. old Kuhn, 4th, African marigolds; Irvin Roeder, 5th, African mari- ttolds; Irvin Reader. 3rd, 'gut his- cuits; Florence Hahn. 2nd, doll's dress; Florence Hahn, 3rd, tea bis- cuits; Amzi Martin. 5th. onions: Howard Huehn. 6th, doll's rhair and table; Howard Huehn, In. halter; Willnim Martin, Ist, beets. Roan-d shod Veg-tables. Harry Steiss, proprietor of the Great Western Hotel here, has on exhibit a tomato and a cucumber grown in his garden. the tomato weighing 2 ms. and the cucumber 2 lbs., " ounces. Who can beat this? Person-Is. A Jar. Otkorhein was on the jury of the {all mains in Kitchener. Mm. Will. Kuhn assisted in the I'J,',",'vro"o','l given by the Ladies' Aid of .inwnod at that place Mr. and Mrs, C, P. llnholing and Mr. and Mrs. F, N, Durand of Cho. hnynn. Mivh,. sum-n1 a tow days at the home of Mr and Mrs. Milton Ruth. â€Miss Gertrude Otgprlwm of Kit- they" spent the work-end under tthpnron‘tnl roof “â€1“.â€an Mn. Louis Rank spent n week with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lipps "f ITnry'tpyutr. "irr. i,Aiirdt otterGin and Min Viola “In TCl Sundly with friends " TI “och Distributed by Kitchener HEIDELBERG CARLOAD OF VEGETABLES FOR NEEDY 1N WEST Mennonite. Cowper-ling With Other Churches to Give Rdief to Westerners. The Mennonites here have been asked by the United Church to assist in filling a unload of vege- tables and eatables to be sent this week to the northwest to the needy there, where government oftieUls will look after the distribution. In- stead of one carload they think they can fill two. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder and daughter of Hickson, Mrs, Will. Sparrer and son Gordon of New, Hamburg spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mrs. Margaret Deibel. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pernchbacher and son Elmer of Walkerton were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. John Krueger, Miss Adeline and Eldon visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Schwindt of New Dundee. Mrs. Selma Hedging of London is visiting with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mann. Mrs. Henry Frey of Kitchener is spending this week with her friend, Mrs. Mary Sattler. Dedication Servicu. - Virilérge number from here at- tended the re-dedication services of the Evangelical Church in St. Jacobs rm Sunday and Monday this week. Vick-n Hero unl Therm Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kneixel and family of Lisbon and Mr, and Mrs. John Koehler of Berlel's Corner were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hahn Miss Clara Vollmer of Waterloo spent the weekend under the par- ontul roof. Messrs. Lorne, Dun and Irvin Ritz of New Hambu filled on their sister, Mm. 'E"ll"Cll'l', for a few hours on Sunday Afternoon Intro-civ- Service. harvest Home and Communion was observed in the Lutheran Church here on Sund- . The rhorch wen decor-hid with LI'.',',,' fruit end vegetables. The service was In rhnrle of their own pastor. Rev, H. J. Launch. end the fats hy the girl. of the Sunday Sc ool. Mr, and Mrs. J. Foerster of El- mira wore visitors with Mrs. Matilda ftoerle, Galt