rIEfEfH*tg MEHEHHE a" "m _ 555:" lilliig%EWit Mt 2 .v? 3523553553552 . , , 'rirrsciiia Egg-.33"- : e 1eticf2 Fr"e7a517r., _ _iiiliilgfi I Fyii1f:, Tcj:?e':y?i,iijieuiiu_:" 1 tS6ii F.it.?yirii:tie'd, EHHE ' , Sgr,.' Ci:,'..','?" HE .. . ' 31%;? " iii. = ifit) I Mill Wt ' ’ tl Tit}:- " . g nun-In 2 V ' IMtli18 , IIIIIIIIIII iattffWft , , MREE 35:... ' 2 - - n - F “I“: can. at†I: a a blend " Rush you; luv.- [D The Place Where " Frederick St. - Kitchen"- BETTER GLASSES RATZ - BECHTEL Funeral Service JANSEN OPTICAL C0. lye-id humor-(u Folder And t l ' Photo, on. down for 1†Kill St. W., Until“ "a... "" all 11"†KITCHENS. Yul-pon- lld Linn-u Inhhod same day. BENTON STUDIO Day & Night Phones . no. - Mu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllillllg PHOTOGRAPHS LIVE FOREVER Come From Tot. 0500 511. Ru. 3581 M. K‘I' " w , Kitchonor. Funeral Home '" Que.- St. Scull M A R S L A N " Radio Service mun-now Spacinlgud Service - a, all types of Radio Equipment. -... Ki when" $3.50 "llriitA, It I I , flt'lrklt " 'I"\.!A WATERLOO NORTH Turnips, Canadian Gem, 3 roots --lst, Irvin Schott 10; 2nd, Claire iyslm, 10; 3rd, Hazel Einwechter, isrr. 3rd, Erin Koch ll; 5th, Clar- ence Eby 6; 6th, gut}; thgnk 28. Oats, any variety from home farm, 1 sheaf--1st, Muriel Snider, MV, 2nd, Kenneth Klein EB; 3rd, Albert Schnun- 10; 4th. Foster Snider, Mt; 5th, Maurice Geach, 12; 6th, Marie Welund. 29. Corn, sweet-Golden Bantam, 6 ears hushed-lst, Gladys Bierman 10; 2nd, Ruth Snyder 18; 3rd, Maurice Geach, 12; tth, A. Buch- born 28; 5th. Rhea Snider tur, 6th Jerome Shunt: 29. - A Barley, any variety from home farm, 1 sheof--lst, Beatrice Hem- merich; 2nd, Howard Schnarr, lo; 3rd, Arno Schmrr 10; 4th. Maurice Geach 12. _ - Barley, 0.A.C. No. 21, 1 quarb--- lat, Arno Schnurr, 10; 2nd. Vernon Weland 29. Mungels, Giant White Sugar, 5 tuots--lst, Walter Fritz 10; 2nd, Alice Huchburn 28; 3rd, Elwood Shenk 28; 4th, Donald Boettger 18; 5th, Howard Salman 10; 6th, Aud- my Brubucller 28. Carrots, Chantenay, 5 roots-ist, Marjorie Leak 5A; 2nd, Hazel War- den 5A; 3rd, Una Doersam 5A; 4th, Jimmy Williamson BB; 5th. v. Schaefer 10; 6th. Wilfred Maier 29. Onions, Yellow Globe Dunver. 5 specimens-tst, Almedn Bearinger SE; 2nd, Grace Schenk. 10; 3rd, Mabel Hachborn 28; .4th. Willis Cressman 12: 5th Leonard Sehnarr 10; 6th, Salgme Snyde: 12. Beets, Detroit Dark Red, 5 roots --1st, Lenora Boettger 18; 2nd, Hilda Geisel 6; 3rd. Anna Smiziel- ska 11; 4th, Raymond Drudge 18; 5th, Ross Weber ll; 6th. Anna Schnntz 5A. _ . Potatoes, Irish Cobbler type, 12) tubcrs--1st, Gladys Bierman IO:,' 2nd, Albert, Dovhn 29; 3rd. Maurice (Peach 12; 4th, Lincoln Yantz 12; 5th, Erla Helm 10; 6th, Karla (Boettger 18. l Potatoes, Rural New Yorker type. 12 tulrcrs--lrl, Gladys Hier- man 10; 2nd, Erma Weland 29; 3rd, Roy Burgetz 5A; 4th, Foster iSmdor op; Gth, Arno Schnarr 10; L6th, Cathcrjne..Riehi 29. Corn, silo, Golden Glow, I} stalks with cars attached - lst. Eileen Schultz GA; 2nd, Anna Mae Jansen 5A; Trd,_Hattie Snyder 12; 4th, iioiuthy "Bueysstr 18 Asters, c, blooms --1d, Byron Bingemun 12: 2nd. Jenn Scluwider 10; 3rd, Lortw tichuatr lo; 4th, Mildred Maier 29; 5th, Glennysi Cressman 12; tith, James Brown ih".) African Murigolds, 6 blooms-lst, Marie Eby 6; 2nd. Howard Sehnarr 10; 3rd, Clarence Eby 6; 4th, Ray- mond Erb 6; Gth, Roy Losch 5A; 6th. Wilfred Forrest 28. Calendulas. 6 blooms-lst, Lin- coln Yantz IP.; 2nd, Arno Schnarr 10: 4th, Murrel Snider Mr, 5th. Fit, Schott 10; 6th, Allan Koch 11. Pinks, 6 blooms-lst. Itorothy E. Kraft, 6. _ * Bouquet garden - l, 2nd, Susa Marion Wi Wilfong ir, 10; 6th Si Plymouth Rock cockerel--tst, Vernon Bearinrwr, Mr, 2nd, Pg.e..s) Schweitzer It: Grd, Almeda Bear- inger GB; 4th Gertrude Brulzucher SB; 5th, Rella Wooluer 6; 6th, Claude Brubueher 58. Plymouth Rock, pull": .--- lst, Catherine Rich! ly.); 2nd, Gertrude Brubachcr Mr, 3rd, Alice Snyder 6; 4th, Hanley Schweitzer 11; 5th, Lorne Weland 29; 6th, Almeria Be1yfiryrery5 B: ' ' White Leghorn, cockerel - ist, Dorothy Hill 5A; ttnd, Maurice Geach 12; 3rd, Russ Weber 11: 4th, Howard Koehler 5A; 5th, Barnum King MV, 6th, Fred Strong 10. White Lrghurn. pullct---lst, Ross) Weber ll; 2nd. Hanley Schweitzer ll; 3rd, liurolhy Hill 5A; 4th, Maurice Gear-h 12: 5th. Jnhn Hond- by BA; Mb. "arnum King GB. Rhode Island le, cockerer--1st, Muriel Snydvr MV, 2nd, Foster "Snyder GB; 3rd, Willis Cressman i12: 4th, Rhea Snider GB. . A Rhode Island Red. puny†lat, Rhea Snyder Mt; 2nd, Foster Sn - der 513; 3rd, Mm]: l Snyder sw, 'dt, Willis Crussmaq 12. . MN Win? ii's/Gik (up. pullvt Hurry Schm-idrr In: 2nd, Brnhman 10. _ 'Whnim ivsrnrr.iotto, c.tckerel-tst, Harry Srhnvidrr 10; 2nd. Wilfred Marqugrt All; 3rd. Harvey Broh- man I ll) Humming of colt Snider IF. - -- Handling of calf -_-- let. Clarence Ehy Cr, 2nd, Harold Snider MV, 3rd, Robert Shuh 6; 4th, Howard Ehy 6; hth, William Shuh 6; 6th. Edward Shuhf: _ .. . ""iiiiiiiiriiriiuo - m. Harold Snider an. Sponge cake -- Ist, Minuet Kurt: 2R; 2nd, Beatrice Hemmer- ich 28; .3rd, Dorothy Kraft, 6; 4th, Glennys ('ressmnn 12; 5th, Juanita Reed 11; 6th. Pearl Eby 6. Ohnmlnle Fudge ---- Ist, Rtrta Klein EH; 2nd, Doris Hachhorn 28; 3rd, Mary Dodge 5A; uh. Raymond ‘Erh 6; 5th, antrico Hemmerich 28. Bath. Hilda Schott IO. R wr. (Continued trom Pugs l) School Lunch r411. Reta Klein Mt; 2nd. Gladys Biermnn 10; 3rd, Knnm-th Klein Mt; 4th, Hazel War- den GA: ,5th, Iron-rd Schrutrr ltr. Mb. Mildred Weber Mt. u, dot. ten biscuits -- Int. Reta klein, Mt; 2nd, Edith Creams" 8; 3rd, (Manny: Grumman 12; 4th, " fred: Ynnu. 12; 6th Albert Wil. him: 6th, Raymond ilri, 6. f Bran "1an K doe.---"', (may Bierman T.,"UI, Em. Soibon 6 ', In], One. 3M In; on gust of flowers from home t-- lst, Maurice Geach 12; Susan Campbell GA; 3rd, n Wilfong GA; 4th, Margaret 1g 5A; Gth. Gladys Bierman Lh Simeon Weber 18. muth Rock cockerel--tst, 1 Bearinrwr, Mr, 2nd, Hornby tr.er It: Grd, Almeda Bear- 513-, 4th Gertrude Brulzucher Domestic Science Live Stock, ‘oullry " b a. I a“... - v 'iiiiiitiiitst,i d'tl is". n., Elsie Sci rt ', RE mm m on; 6th, ge mum. --e- In, Harold mullet - Ist 2nd. Harvey In" un- so a. “ï¬lm“ up a; WhAheTce,TA nunnam Coal) ---ut, lath]..- “ch tt; Ind Am "tiaiekU 11;: ' mu Fifi; 11; m. cm u _ don-wood l; “I. Andny ION ' ttiNtA, Ingm‘wmhpnn fy. Kitchen auton- lit, Reta" Grott 18; 2nd, Eva Damian 6A; 8rd, Pearl Eby 6; 6th, Gladys Bierman 10; 6th, Elsi. Honda 11; 6th, Atmeta Beartlstttr.9 “ Pteeed nilt block - In, Reta Groff 'illAll't Edith Creaaman 6: 8rd, Ehie Seiben MV, tth, Doris Hachborn 28; 6th, Grace Frnnc‘n 5A; 6th, Ruth Egenon ll. Art Ind fig-lien“ Pusticene--ut, Kathleen Kochut 5A; 2nd, Dorothy Beans" 18; 3rd, Mildred Drudge 18; tth, Rat h Bonn 58; 5th, Earl Wambold 5%; tith, Raynlonq GinterichP., n Paper ft.'e,'f.-id,'/; Myrtle Ein- wechter MV, 20 ' Bernice Wambold Mr, 3rd, Rosa Snider MV, 4th, Roy Gingerich QB. . . . Crayon Drawing, ht book- lst Leonard Thomas; 2nd, Victoria Janowski 5A; Trd, Cltyton Bechtel 28; 4th, Dorothea Budman 5A. Crayon Drawing, 2nd book-lst, Theresa Fay 29; 2nd, Audrey Craw» ford 29; 3rd, Eva Kolt 29; 4th, Kenneth Cronl 11; 5th. Dorothy Hill SB: 6th, Maringrshal) It. ' Pencil or India Ink Drawing, 3rd book-lst, Almeta Bearinger MV, 2nd, Beatrice Hemmerich 28; 3rd, Lloyd LeCombe Mr, 4th, Nora Mos droski 29; 5th, Marie Welnnd 29; t'rrh_Contrtysye Eastpn .11. â€In Water Color, tth book-ist, Ellie Marshall 11; 2nd, Doris Graff li: 3rd, Vernon Bearinger SB; 4th, Ruth Hachborn 29; sth, Elwood Schenk 28; 6th, Ruth Brubacher 28. Writing, primary class-lst, John Goggey 11; 2nd, Anna Smizielsku ll: 3rd, John Writrgtesworth It; tth, Catherine Diehl 29; 5th, Vic- toria Jauowski 5A; 6th, Dorothea Budrea 5A. _ I Writing, lat book-- lst, Audrey Boettinger 11; 2nd, Margaret Strome 10; 3rd, Lillian Callfns ll; 4th Doris Kesselring 5A; 5th, Do, [ores Stumpf 5A; 6th Marion Wil, forytr?. " .q_, . p w", v“. Writing. 2nd book--- Frances 5A; 2nd, June 3rd, Elmer Schultz 5A; Meyer 5A; tith Alfrieda 6115, Selma Doehn 29. Writing, 3rd book-lst, Hazel Warden 5A: 2nd, Valera Schack 29; 3rd, Bertha Schaefer 12: 4th, Clay- ton Yaeck 11; sth, Verna Lunch 5A; 6th, Juanita_Reid li. , L on. um, cum"... ..v... ._. Writing, 4th book-tst, Edith Wriswlesworth 11; 2nd, Eva Geisel 6; 3rd, Florence Kesselring; 4th, Noel Geifras ll; Sth, Erna Weiland 29; 6th, Rita Reinhardt. 5A. w .31; mm, In“: awn-"u.-- V". Scrapbook of pictures, ete., Wat- erloo County-ist, Mildred Weber SB: 2nd, Murrel Snider MV, "G Catherine Riehl 29; 4th, Almetu Rearinger Mr. 5th, Mary Fritz 10; 6th, Lenora Boettger 18. Collection of 12 wild flowers--- lst, Ruth anhborn 29; 2nd, Rita Klein OB; 3rd, Marie Welund 29; "th, Kenneth Klein EB. l Note book on two insects-lat, Weber; 3rd, Muriel Snider EB; 4th, Henry Thomas Mr, Sth, Marie Welland 29; 6th, Erna Weland 29. Model of doll's chair and table--- Ist, Almeta Beatinger Mr. 2nd, Walton Snider " lei. 3rd: kenora boty Boettger 18; tth, Clifford Thomas SB: 5th, Jimmy Williamson 58; 6th, Roy Losch 5A. 1 Bow with three arrows-lst, Cal- vin Brutzki 12; 2nd, Orvie Shana 18; 3rd, Kenneth Klein MP, 4th. Henry Thomas MP, 5th, George Thomas MV, 6th, Ema Weland 29. Model of aeroplane---- lst, Orvin Shunt: 18; 2nd, Maurice Geach l2. Rope halter with eye splice-lst, Maurice Geach 12; 2nd, Kenneth Klein DB. . . ifidireou,ny house for Isl, Kenneth Klein SB Maurice $19th f?. MauducC f\Jcny-n "-. h l Plan o 5‘:th and sc ool ounds [ --Ist, Vernon earinger 5g 1 Driving Content I Girls' driving contest-lst, Reta Klein MV, 2nd, Gladys Guillett 11; 3rd, Effie Marshall li; 4th, Doris Kroft ll; 5th, Hazel Einweehter 5A. Boys' driving contest-ist, Gard- ner Einwechter 53; 2nd. Kenneth Klein EB; 3rd, Horace Cressman 11; 4th, Norman Schaefer 11; {MM Harold Guillett 11; 6th, George IBrohman 10. n h. . - s_= “a I W [IEllll I“. Poultry culling contest - lat Gardner Einwechter 53: 2nd, Arn- old Rohr 5A; 3rd. Earl Koehler 5A; 4th, Joseph Janowski 5A; 5th. Harvey Brahman 13; 6th, Bert Krngmnn 10. -__ - . _ u-.-“ 1.4 W". Weed naming eontest--tst, Wil- son Humbug" 11; 2nd, Reta Klein tur, 3rd. Mildred Weber Mr, 4th, Muriel Snider SB; 5th, Elmer Btchte) 28; 6th, Hildu Behott. Inter-School Stock Judging Con- test-Wirtnintt team, S. S. 28-- Elmer Bechtel; Wilfred Forrest, Eiwood Shenk. tt-iiM,1ttt an}! " gym“... CI... qarfrh. IIIO. chap. M - Dr'- -t.thmeeeoe Gnu-l Lat. Crgge Bi'sch 11; 4th. Rita Yantz 12; for swine-- Mr. 2nd, Handling of lamb Int. (hymn Vim"- sumâ€. r. 2nd. Joann)! Von, 21; k, "Noam, Far] Jnhnlnn M: 4th. Mu- I'h wall salmon q; 5m. Nelson grttuttg. '6'... 7. 6th, "olml‘r Art, " Roanoke“ And Damn": Octane. rLY PAD Sponge air In. Marlo Room. Jer, WCP. 4; no. and" McT-vhh Ir. m i Thurs In. a tUM) 03011“ ot cattle} Ind "you tho such! â€lawman: 'were: [rundown-Mp 8011qu hard; J, J, Innis & Son. Scum “noâ€. Best 00!! In milk. my brood, W. Hones. Mount mm; Lloyd Hun-bor- ger. Petertstrurtr. 305! dairy bull, u: age, J. W lanes. But duty herd. butt and three tematms. J. W. Inns; Angus Armour. Dorchester; J ' lune! Bent nude dairy type cows. [three years and up. Angus Armour. , Dorchester; Harold Tulane St. Paul's Best draft or agriculture ileum, the T, Eaton Trophy, H, w. _ Bean & Son, New Hamburg Bent t agriculture horse or colt tor the San- ,‘deruon Trophy, Neal Meadows, Sunl- L tord. Bea: heavy than bone or can, ,Royal Bank Trophy, Jame: Scion. mm the tomato. pitch!“ cola-u with . won of '" out. ot I with tisttutstr.uoeehurur,Bq' 22rd Wrdord and Hubbard ot m tord were “00nd Ant Jim and Pttl Pattie ot Song Imateo, won mm Uromarty Held And Gal-don Products Oats, Banner. 1 01.: let, Oscar Diebold, c. 2nd. Harold Kittel, c, 3rd. Jonieph Koebel. c. 4th, Rita Leuhardl. 11; 5th, Magnum Huber. 9; 6th, Helmer Axt. 21. Oats, any variety from home farm, 1 about: lat, Francis Len- hardt. m; Nui, Magma Huber. 9; Trd, Prank Drudge, c. (In. Earl Dammeler, 18; 5th. Joseph Koebel. 4; 6th. Albert Frey. 5. Barley, 0.A.C. No. M, Iqt.: lat. Ralph Dammeier. 1; hut, Lucinda Bowman, 2 and 13; 3rd, Francis Lenhardt. lt; 4ttt. Simon Huber. 9. Barley, any variety from home turm, 1 shear Ist, Simon Hubar. 9: 2nd. Ralph Dammeler. l: 3rd, Doug- tas McKay, 15. Com, sweet: tut, Laval mes. 3; 2mi, Mary Boegel. 11; 3rd. Corinne Voiesiu, G; 4m. Leona Erb, IV, 5th, Jerome Huber. 9; 6th. Geraldine voiesin, ll. Yoiein, ll. Mangels: Ist, Earl Dammeler. MV, 2nd. Howard Quehl. t; 3rd, Joseph- ine V'oisttt, It; 4th, Annie Volt, 21; 5th, Albert Stmus. It; 6th, William Norris. 19. scum: and Wehul_ .ot 'ee' Parrots: ist. Gilbert Diebold, 4;| 2nd. Elgin Diebold. 4; 3rd. Laurine Frvitrurtter. 9 and 19; 4th. Mary Mae-; Tuvish. IS: 51h. Eileen Volt, 13; 6tts, Kart Bender. I7 tttsions: In, Adina Bruhachar, 13’, End, llrlvin Forwcll, 5; 3rd. Janet Knot. 1'. My. Lucinda Bast. IT; 5th. Francs; Kirby. 4; 6th. Cecile Dammeier, l4. _ Turnips: ist, Frank Drudge, q; lznu, Lewis Drudge. c. trd, Elgin "ietrold, 4; 4th. Clarence Kropf. l; 5:11: Walter Friedman, 4; 6th. Clar- tutc'e “whom. 4. Beets: Ist. Billie Glaister. IT: 2nd. Delia Forwell, 5; 3rd, Dorothy Mc-Tavish, IS; uh. Marie Eiseumen- Aer, 19; 5th. Esther Roth, 8: 6th. Howard Cassei, 12. Silo Corn: Ist. Harold Voisin. 11: 2nd. Rude Volt. 21; 3rd. Edward Render. 17: 4th. Irvin Hottman.ur, 5th, Eddie K':seurttentter, S; thh. Rose tlies. Potatoes, Irish Cobbler Type: lust. Oscar Uiebold. 4; 2nd, Earl Dam- meier, 18; 3rd. Jerome Frelhurger, 9 and 10: 4th, Fred Tribe. c. 5th. Dorothy McTavish. lg; 6tl1, Kelth Tribe, 4. _ Potatoes. Rural New Yorker Type: 1st. Mary Druar. 11; 2nd. Helen Eidt, 19; 3rd, Floreure Eidt, W; 4th, Vernon Musser, 12 and 13: 5th. Alex Musser, 2 and 13: 6ttt, Helmet Am. 21. WELLFSLEY FAIR Calerrduias: Lat. Flarenre vow, 21: 2nd. Marie Kramer. 4; 3rd, Francis Koriey, 11; 4th. Mary Mo Tavlah. 18; 5th, Bruce Dunn, 4; 6th, Nora Webb. 4. African Marlgohlu: lat. Adena Glaister. 17; 2nd. Ed Brenner. 4; 3rd. Bennie Jantzi, rt; 4th, tha Ltenhardt. 11: 5th. Helen Schum- mer, 4; 6th. Lorine Dammeler. l. “In“: NYC-4 Aston: Ist, Laval Gian. 3'. 2nd. Alma Kimweuer. 9 and 10; 3rd. Mario Otterbein. 4; 4th. Francis Kroetsch, It; lith, Lauretta Bren- ner. 4; 6th. Adam Hackett, 13. um. s, mu. um...- ._-'-._"""' -"". Home banquet: Ist, Mabel Scher- rer. 15; 2nd, Rita Lienhardt. ll; 3rd. Marian Jantzi. 3; uh. Bennie Jamal, 17; Elli. Cecil Wilkie. 6; 6th. Am thony Schnarr. 11. Plymouth Rock, pallet: Ist. Lor- ine Ottertreitt, 4: 2nd, Hugh Goehel. 11; 3rd, Herbert Koebet. It: 4th. lnurolla Brenner. 4; 5th. Jmeph Brenner, 4; 6th. Joseph Volt, 2t, White Leghorn. woken-l: lat. Alum Bchlueter. 15; 2nd, Walter Hat-khan 1; 3rd. Harold Rule]. t.' III Maxwell Saizner, 7; 5th, Nor lhpn Hergou, 11; 6th. John Bren- White Leghorn. puller-tst. Nor Gert Herrott, ti: 2nd. Anna ilchiue- Ier. IG; 3rd, Fred Harkbnrt. I; 4th, Walter Markham. I; 5th. Helen Ilm-kburl. I; bth, Alex Mussel“. 2 and 13 Rhode Island Red. mackerel: Ist, Ralph nammoier. 1; 2nd. Enld Faulknm'. C 3rd. Nekiort Srhiueter. 2]: 4th. Margaret Volt. 12 Rhode Island RM]. mullet: Isl, Ralph Dummwivt t. 2nd. Enid ankum‘. c, 3rd. Nelsun SL-hlueler. "tl: 4ttr. Marraret Volt. 12 Whllo Wyandotte. cochereV Irrt Margaret Voll. 12; 2nd, Enid F' - npr. C 3rd. Joaeph Ethan. 11; 4th, Jack Friedman. 4; sth, Harvey Rcttluetpr. 21; 6th, Mabel Scherrer. White Wyandotte. pallet: Isl. Alex thh. 4; 2nd. Junk Friedman. c. 3rd, Harry Sehluetpn tl; uh. Mahvl Srhorror. IS; 5th. Margaret Vol]. )8. 6th, Joseph Evkhardl Live.ttretr Handling ot mlr lat. l-‘rnncla Walton. c. 2nd. A me. 3; 3rd. Ed. MrGoey 12. uh. Keith McKay. lit; Mit. John Mcnoey, 12: 6th, ani Itrudre Handling ot NIH 1M, Irvin Hoff man, 8. 2nd. Karl lhmmelor. MV, 3rd. hum Diotrtrtt, "l; uh. Keith Mr, Kay. Itt, tith. ('Inro Brenner. 4, an. Harold tuehe. ' {Continued trom Pun 1) "Fkififit 317W __ aT Jtiir. than; orcatue No. M, Iqt.: Itt. I-“ Mom f,2iti', book n Innern' Int, mu: Koebet, - c, 2nd. unmu Brenner. Ir. INA; trd, Ruth Selina. 4; uh, " Alex Webb, 4; 4th, Helen Hoffman 6; Sth, Mary McTavlsh, 18; 6th, Raymond Brenner. _ -- _ _ . Chocolate fudge: Ist, Helen Deck- on. 4; 2nd. Elma Grow. 3; 3rd, Lauri Walker, 4; 4th. LouUa 0t- terbein. 4; 5th. Earl Dammeier, 13:1 am. Doria Cassert. I School luneh; Ist, Mabel Scher-', ref. 15; 2nd. Alum Schlueter. Ir.' trd, Enid Roe. 15; an. Marcella! Eckert. It; 5th, Edward Hayes. 4: 6th, Marie Kramer. 4. 1 Tea blsculm: lest, Gerald Koobel, 4; 2nd. Enid Roe. 15; 3rd. Dorothy McTavish. 18; 4th, Gladys McTav- ish, MV. 5th. Muriel Morris, 19; tith, Marie Eisenmenger. Bran mutrrns: Ist, Isabel McFad- den, 19; 2nd, Enid Roe, 15: 3rd. Margaret Volt, 12; eth, Earl Dam- meter. 18; 5th, Raymond Brenner. 12; 6th. Mary McTnvish. 18. Comb casts-lat, Helen Schum- mer, 4; 2nd. Genevieve Heme]. 15; 3rd. Margaret Eckert, 11; 'tit, Beat- rice Dietrich. 5. Hosiery darnlng: lust. Enid Faulk- ner. c, 2nd. Lois Walker, 4; 3rd, Adena Glaister. 17; “h. Ella Brud- er, q; Lucy Hadenko, 14; 6th. Gen- evieve Luna. Doll's dress: lat. Adelltt Glalster, tr. 2nd. Lois Walker. 4; 3rd. Enid Faulkner, 4; 4th. Amelia Wither, 4; Sth, Ruth Schummer. c. 6th, Ruth McKay. Kitchen apron: Ist. Adena Glair ter, 17: 2nd,' Lois Walker. c, 3rd. Agnes Dorscht. g and 10; 4th. tunnel McFadden. 19: 5th. Anne Sohum» ‘mer, 4; 6th, mm Lienhart. Pieced quilt block: let. Adena Sinister. 17; 2nd, Rita Lienhnrt, 11; 1rd, Edith Gale. 19; 4th. Eileen You. 18; 5th. Ruth McKay. 18; 6th. Enid Faulkner‘ Plastics“: lat. Audrey Schluot- er, 5; 2nd. Blllle Glalster; 3rd. Amy Bearinger, 2 and 13: 4th. Clarence Hints. , and 13; 5th, Ken- neth Doherty, 4; 6th. Lucinda Bow- man, 2 and 13. "TiiiidrCurVwimr. m book: lat. Marion Cooper. 2 am! 1ir Crayon drawing, 2nd book: Ist. Marjorie Meyer. It; 2nd. Rita Llan- hart. li; 3rd. Wiltred Brenner. 11: "h. Bertha Wilker, 4; 5th, Luella Slower, 3; 6th. Urban Bender. 11. Pencil or india ink drawing: let. Leona Erb. 8; 2nd. Nancy (my. 2 and 13; 3rd. Hahn Pommer. 3; ith. Catherine Pommer. g; Sth, Al- vin behold. 8; 6th, Lucy Buach. li, Water color: in. Enid Faulkner. 4; tnd, Annie Martin. Ir. 3rd, Laur- etta Brenner. 4: qth. David Bow. [man. 2 and 13; 6th, Adena Glnlsier. 17; 6th. Willie MacPherson. II. In“. V'llllc "..._. ..v...‘,..‘ Writing. primer than: 1srt, Leona Reitrel. 11; 2nd. A. Dietrich. 11; 3rd, Mary Llenhart. 11; 4ttt. Bpr. nice Steven 3; Sth. Rita Bummer. tl: $th, Grace Gale Writing. itrat book: Ist, Marie Reilzel. 11; 2nd. Gloria Hartman. _ 3rd. Marlon Cooper, 2 and 13: tth.' Vlahel Johnwn. 21: 5th. B. RNA. ; 6th, Mary Zehr. Writing, third hon . lat. Sylvla Eden. IV, 2nd. B ntee Brenner. ll; 3rd. P.trtritt “I tman. ll; uh. Joseph Vat-In. It; Sth, Kan-noon Dietrich. ll: 6th. A, Schluofer Wrmng, tourth k' lat. Con- mun" Hur‘mnn, 11. . t‘lmrlono 1fiije, li: 3rd. Alma v l, Ir. 4th. “any “natal II: MIL M McTrteistt, Wrmng. tourth ha: sun" Hur‘mnn, 11. voittht, li: 3rd. Alma Mnry Boone]. 11; MIL G', 6th. Grace Boo-39L EEAE‘E',†sofa: WAX%. Me on“ a. 51.07 Kanti- A. n.†Ir, 6th. Grace Ronni, ll Scrapbmh, Wunlon “My lat. Enid Plnlknpr; 2 Ha Kramer. l. 1rd, tildwtt . C “h. Lauri “110. mmmolo, I: 6th, Muir Dam |melor. I, l Conn-non of "lid tio- In in?“ V "fin. I u- be- _ I. w.- Cra- " m in. Lu-cr..-. oee “and Q.- Olim he. u- A- Eula “Minor. 4 (or. " _ o- Mela-wolf's tho, Bid but... v.1... "NI TEA WWW- 55c - BBOITENING 10c 1pouatdpaekaq. , 01.55 C--o-. In Your cm 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 Look at till! " Regular?“ " Me 2nd, Ann: Remus “(at II.- V-bu u "ate XXI'u-uai'uu Ittt, Marjorie Brenner. Ir. l; 4th, How- stred Brannon "hi "can. And CATSUP FLAVOR MUSTARD I. Mtc H. "c CERTO whi- 29c WI tn... ".4 In“. List: Cup hu- "that. In»... Hun-5 IN Lu- 1", 1rowde" i (at bra Ill- r Emban- “is “H7. INoC_zr-d FioJWu Ita- Salon 1"†91c! I, Bird house: Isl. Norbert Hergolt. ‘11; 2nd. Hugo Koehel. ll; 3m. ‘Fram-is Hergott. li; 4th. Allen Gingrich, 2 and IT; 5th. Earl "arm meler. is; 6th, Arthur Cooper. , and 13, I Rope halter with eye splice: Lst, 'Magnus Huber. 9; end. Enid Faulk- ner, 4: 3rd, Edwin Hoffman, 6: 4th. Simon Huber. 9; 5th, Pram-is Her- golt. ll; 6th. Jerome Huber. 9. I Colony house tor swine: Ist Ed- Iward Reyes. 4. I Girls' driving canton: 1st Then esa Runc,tedler, 5: 2nd. Loms Ot- Iterbeln. c, 3rd. Alma tassel. l2: i4th, Enid Faulkner. 4; 5th. Susan Esbaugh. , Boys" driving; contest: Fit, Carl Rumstedler, 5; 2nd. Harold merorti- ma Vol]. 18; 5th. Albert Schlueter. simues, 1; 3rd, Alex Webb. 4; 4th. Ger. lb: 6th. Ruth McKay. lard Cassel, 12; 5th, Jack Fried- Doll's chair and table. hriu'tnl lman. 4; 6th. Mervin Schmnzor. board: lust. Noah Bearinger, 2 and! 13; 2nd, Abraham Frey. 2 and 13; Talent Contest. 3rd, Barbara Frey, g and 13, I Recitation contest: Ist, Herbert Bow wlth three arrows: Ist, orHtunstedler, c, 2nd. Helen Schum- ward Hayes. 4; 2nd. Russell Hawalllel', 4; 3rd. Beatrice Dietrich. 5; 4; 3rd. Russel Gohl, c, 5th, unyillh, Nelson Schultz. T; 5th. Esther mu... 'ILuntz. 9; 6th. Marguerite Boehm. Bow wlth three arrows: Ist, Ed- ward Hayes, 4; 2nd. Russell Hayes, 4; 3rd. Russel Gohl, c, 5th, Larry Dunn. Plan of school and grounds: 1st. Monica Boppre. It: 2nd. Esther Allemang. CAR ROLL’S LTD. I SHREDDED WHEAT WITH Att THE MAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT 2Sc 25c Mc 2tc Me Mimic-Putty FLOUR "cease Wamvm CHEESE 2?: wr ss-tu-ik'. Pod. ma BEANS H2. " 'seiu--Foe Shunt! Parry svemu--Caeeolt's Funk Milled Rolled OATS 6 ..... SOAPJcM " CRISCOéab‘lc SPeciai--New "Flower Series" Tail“ Speciar-Favoeite Laundry Soup Speetal--Babbittu Super Effective CLEANSEIhiZOc GOLD to .... 38c Driving ’;;':i_' Fasiseecir.r.: 5th, Jack Fried- Public speaking contest: Ist Lacy Hadenko. 4: 2nd, Adena Glam- ter. 17: 3rd. Edward Hayes, 4; 4th, Margaret Irvin, T; 5t.h, Ruth Schum- mer. 4; lith. Esther Allemarur. 11; 7th, Constance Hartman. Musical contest: as. No. 4. . Harmonica contest: let, Walter Forwell, 5; 2nd, Larry Dunn, 4; 3rd, John Brenner, 4; 4th. Alphonse Roe, 3:";‘111’ 'Airrea Dietrichz‘ 6th. Gene- vieve Reidel. - A Poultry culling contest: let, Helen Eidt. 19; 2nd. Alex Webb. 4; 31d. Lois Walker. 4; 4th. Anne Schnmmer. c, 5th, Edna Albrecht. T; 6th, Enid Faulkner. Weed naming contest: Ist, Enid. Faulkner. 4; 2nd, Billie Morris, 19; Grd, Laurelta Brenner. 4; 4th. Edith Gale. 19; 5th, Alberta St'hlueter. 18; 6th. Joseph Koebel. fslGner, Edward Hayes -iittuu;trool stock judging con- test: s. S. 4. Russel Gum. John -.-"r: "ases'g P2'rai, "