ADir1trgityss1t.gtotaota Min Nellie Jones entertained u few of her girl friends at her home on Sunday on the occuion of her 18th mam-y. After supper vn .erved u soon] owning m IponL “5-. En- In". In Kink-n" "iii. “Ci-i136 -iiiiikt V Inch-0nd at Mo km 3 trtmttor6 The Harvest Home service which was held at the United Church on Sunduy we: In,er extended. The eomtretion o the Ptesbrteriart Church Joined in the service. _ “Mil-n -iifiioiii" a Kieth-em "e" Quminy n Mr)?!†Ye , Mr. and Mrs. W. Cove of Wood- stock spent the week-end " the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Reader. Reg. and James Wilfong of Lon- don spent the week-end at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilfong. Miss Mary Kerr spent the week- end at the home of her plmnu in Hespeler. Robert Mush-ll has returned to his home after spending a few months in Toronto. EFT-5a iirkW. R. Linn of out spent Sunday " the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blee - "7453;? ksajeiUG and Mm. J. R. Slee won a number of prime- u the Galt fall hit. - _ _ will be at Hotel Wllper gun-o, Kitchcnor II Mon. & Tues" Oct. Sth & Gill. Phone Hotel for Appointment. The W. T. Pember Stores Limited I29 YONGE ST., TORONTO ONTARIO Satisfy Phone 2777W. 50 Ontario Bt. B. Kitchener Manufacturer of timo Wigs, Toupee» trusformaliona. etc. On the 40th anniversary we extend our thanks and appreciation to all our patrons and assuring you of our best efforts we solicit the continuance of your valued support. Our BLANKETS - both in the WOOL as well u in the FLANNELE'rrB. your -vp--tut. It. at. uholuloly sun of. Bee Our SHEETING and PILLOW CO'I'I‘ONS 3 ditGrrrst qualitiu to W. T. PEMBER Hora i. the [ml for tho noted". who In: had tiro tumbl- enough to "In hin hair guy. We will "it you I lire that prove. in mile... on the road and not in tho IdvorIi-onontwritor's cranium. -0ur tit-l maho Harry A. Germann Waterloo .. - Ont. Mr. Dollar Bill an they ur- good .rsouah for any man's money. Harry Marks BI King St. North. Wain-loo Phone 4784 The Shop that gives your dollar a long ride. MR. J. B; KNIGHT onnon's DOD chm. from. DOOM I Messrs. Herman SchilIing and An- drew Boission were business visltors in Grimsby on Tuesday. , Mists Margaret Janzen, who has been visltlng her parents. Mr. and Mm. Charles Janzen ot Spring Brook Farm tor the summer months has resumed her studies at Molten College In Toronto. Mr. Frederick Janzen. who has also been the guest of his parents. has returned to London to resnma his studies at the Western University. YOUNG Gruput I A number of local residents at- tended the funeral or the late Owen Relst which was held on Wednesday afternoon trom hie home in Koseuth to Brealau to the Cresstn Meant» nite Church and cemetery. The sym- pathy ot this community Bees out to, (the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Karges of Kit. ‘chener spent Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Chris. Harnack. with how of it. and In. W. a. Selma†Int Wedneodny Ttts And prenatal Mr. and In. Cu Hahn with a kitchen Ibower and u book. Tho Address In read by In: All. Sch-nor and [in Inna Hahn and. the puunution. The "min: Why-punt in - content on l Mr. and Mrs. M. Karges of Kitch- ener, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Harnack of this place were recent visitors at ‘the home of Mr. and Mn Joseph Mam-ck. M-rg. Jerry Lulu. Gus Hergou Ted Inlay of this place, George Run. hnrt of Kitchener. Stanley Furnace Ind Eduard May or Fischer Mills ctlled on Edgar Ham-ck on Sundny IftNMOH. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Krieger, were the Misses Nettie and Nelda Krieger, Messrs. Clayton and Graham Bean all ot Kit- chener. Mr. and Mm. Arthur Kramp and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Putter of Waterloo on Sum day last. We are glad to report that Mrs. Gottfried Gutskle. who bus been suffering severe pnln In her eye. is much improved. A number of local “pi-lent: " lendod the on: fair on Saturday. Sand-y - with the Herman - were Mr. Jmph Sullivan. Miss Edm- Herttott of Toronto “a Miss Franck Binder of Monhoro. Punched AN. Inna». The annual Harvest Home '"t "can were hold In the sham: Sta. tton Lutheran Church on and†min: with Prof, Hohhot ot Wu!"- loo. In chart. ot tho Bqreteq. V -irrriar Mrs. Henry Prong visited with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner on Sunday. -F-- __ _ _ Friends ot glad to learn and around pleurisy. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Smith and Mr. J. Lucky of Wolverton spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mm. Joseph Harnack. Mrn. Catherine Keller and Irene Hamack spent Saturday friends in Kitchener. Master Gordon Hoes visited the Wagner boys recently. Miss Olive Hergou spent Tueerdar with friend: In Kitchener. Ila In, Sonnet of limit: - od with MUM. In tttU vicinity til. Hen-n. Walter and Arthur Schner furnished music with their guitars. A dainty lunch was awed by In. Behaaer and the girl: of thg_Leagu_e. -- M . -- _ __, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hahn were Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaufman Ind Mr. and Mrs. N. Kaufman, Wellesley, and Mr. and) Mrs. E. N. Good of Kitchener. - i The following were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilles: Mr. and Mrs. Elam Han: and two daughters, Wilmot Centre, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shantz, U.S.S. No. 21, Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. K. Weber, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDougall, Gait; Mr. Herbert Hachbum and two daughters, of Brantford; Miss Annie Hachbum of Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Dorsch, Lisbon, and Mr. and George Pint! of North.Ensthope. - -- Pznonalc. "sirrGli Mrs. Will Bindernagel were among those to attend the New Hamburg fair on Saturday last, _ Tild Misses Ttarms and Dalice Prong were recent visitors with Miss Reta Wagner. - _ - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harnack and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bowman of West Momma. Mrs. Elizabeth Kramp has return-; ed home alter spending a tew days with friends In Kitchener. I Mr. ind Mrs. Christ. Scheiiele are unending a few weeks with their son: in Detroit. In. Valentine Litt, Mr. Ind Mm. Prank Lin. Miss Mary Beck of Sebringville and Mrs. Susanna Letter of EUin, Mich, visited at the gummy: last Tuesday. Mrs. alentine Lin, the mother of Mrs. W. J. Yakâ€, is in her 99thfyear. Vin§ton in Vicinity. - - Friends visiting with Mr. and ' and Mrs Abram Shantz, Min Mabel Mrs. A. C. Thoma and family on and Mr. Sanford Snider, all of Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Waterloo, were Sunday guests of Sallie and family, Wellesley; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hurst. and Mrs. Thed. Stable and Mrs. J. Rev. Nelson Martin of Cooksville. Chin'stens, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Ohio, was a week-end visitor with D. M. Gross, Kitchener, and Mr. and his parents, Mr. and Mm. Simeon Mn. Charles Stable and daughter Martin. qugence pt_We1_iettity., .. Mrs, yoyss.9Prr,ieh of timid) ' -ifrArnd Mahdi); Brubaker and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M._L. Wetter, _on fiurelay, _ -- Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Wittig, Mrs. Alf. Gilles and Mrs. Russel Hahn attended the Lutheran W. M. S. Hanover, lyyt Thqrsilay. -iirs. Jud: Woodall and daughter Derry of Elmira spent the weekend at tge home of Mr. and Mrs. Syl. oo . Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scherer were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Snyder and family of U. S. S. No. 21, Waterloo, and Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Martin and family of Floradale. SHANTZ STATION KITCHEN SHOWER BrFFA.. Mrs. Irvin Haas are she is able to be up after an attack ot Atuyrvi {it of tyt'. JACOBS M is: with with I This section furnished its usual 'quota of attendants at the Town- ship School Fair in Floradale last [Wednesday _ Sunday guests of Mr. and Mm. IB. Lichty were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schiedel and famil of Kitchener. and Miss Norma gnyder of near lPetersburg. WIND“; muc- ' [Walnuts-Hw- 1WEE-ind In. Otto Fletch and ,,ttlkFrititriiairit? _ivi'tio All. In liii m†V thet.. - Georg of “about spam SIM-[WOO may of m M It. A W. no!" at. g , ma r. and 'trs.Bd/Nlbert 'rrttt-trtottertor_*tterrt.t_'st_ GG In}? 133m -ATaraG; iau,GAU%% ‘Tv’o’ puck-d" -e ara inznurvieey Te. S. R. Kneehtal Urm. it. .3... III you: in muted the elm-02 'et at a." "e may we». 1% by . - "'- - " '“ Alubcol!“allr.ud "toN-ut-dt-_. bli2lir!iiis'gir?klhl'iylii WM...“- _-rrip.mrtratthtrhmpq_.rr The . m f t,Alttttttattt that: Mm a o m or mummp'cï¬gm‘ GiiaGiG; EJQ'ETD'. -Buur' '61 TdihOGau' 11536681617 dad. __ Elminauchod the sermon. In. line lamp. which will 'sertaiattr can. tj. R. 1eehtel rent)» Scriptur- be-‘L. - 19!me - " Perm, “In. Let-on, Rev. J. C. Korlock Mod the ttai.,', [tr-{en 3nd Row. D son gain the e “in; payer. Vigi_ton Co-jlg ,ed.Goieg. Ball Brothers Limited of Kitch- ener have finished the concrete aub- structure at the Conestoga river bridge as far as possible until after the new bridge is placed. , Good Potato Crop. Mr. and " Nathan grub-char of Kitchener visited with Mr. And Mrs, M. Brubncher on faund-y. - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritter and family, Mr. George Steiner and two daughters, the Misses Laura and Mabel Steiner visited at New Ham- burg on Sunday. Lulciou- Ratrhorrios. AA Farmers are busy taking up pota- toes which are a big crop this year. Attend Fair. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruder were Mr. Charles Parsons of Roseville, and Mrs. Henry Nichol Sr. Mrs. Phares Burkholder of Mark- ham and Mrs. Allan Weber of kiteh- ener 5 ent a day recently with Mrs. Geo. WI/d' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weber Ind Missal Gladys Ind Mildred Weber spent Sand-y with friends in Bret later. Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Weber went Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Snyder at RummelUrdt, Mr. and In. Milton hawk. of Preston, Miss Chm Belle, of Kitch- ener visited with Mr. and In. Ear! Snyder. - _ _ _ W in; -indutrd Peter Hrubgc‘ler of Three Bridges were visitor: with any. and Mrs. J. B. Sander on Sun- ny. _ “in. John Uphardt was a week- end visitor with In. John H. Thorns - Mr. and Mrs. Elias B. Martin and three children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brubacher on SurMar, -- _ - . . The Misses Maud Eugene! and Annie Wahl of Heidelbe were visitors with Mrs. Andrew 3am on Sup_day. _ -- _ _ - . Mr. and Mrs. David Ynntzi of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Soibert. " "Elisha WAR» '0! non Centre- ville spent Sunday with Mr. Mervin Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ernst went Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Henry Legler, at Fiend-lo: -- . -.. Sunday [new of Mr. end In. Leander Snyder vere Mr. and Mm. Allan Snyder, Mr. LloEd and Ii- Marie, Snyder and Mr. . Snyder of Montreal - vilrfnnd Mrs. Jonu Bowman on the Elmira highway were visitors of Mry, Levi, Whrr f?", Sugdny. -- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Shun, Mr. and Mrs Abram Shanta, Min Mabel and Mr. Sanford Snider, all of Waterloo, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. lsasc Hurst, 7 _ iiiaa, Mirth. [my Wednepday: Mrs. Lydia Sittler and Mrs. Gregory of Hawkesville vuited " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Eb): on Syryjay., " -- . . Mr. John B. Wideman is handing out baskets of raspberries to his neighbors. He has had regular pick- ings since the season opened until the present, and if the frosts do not come too strong for a day or two he will have more. 7 - V -irrra7ui " Vai, S. Schwartzen- truber visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Martin on §unday._ -- _ A -iirriruG" kAiit"dt Waterloo is spending-this week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scherer. The Ladies' Club met in the Township Hall last Thursday after- noon for the packing of clothing which is to be shipped West, to- gether with some vegetables, all of which will be going in a special car loaded at points north and west bu the C.P.R. Visit Grrosd River. A large number of members of St. Matthew's Brotherhood attended a convention held in St. James' Church, Elmira; on Sunday after- noon and evening. Woolwich Couiieit will meet next Ig,',",'.""' Oct. 6th, at the usual our. Reeve A. A. Sgider and Township Clerk N. Stroh were in the Twin- City on Monday on official business. Work on Bridge. "BB? Moses Gingrich of the m line of Peel visite her sister, Mm. ""irrr,rauTiirrhoms showed your scribe a potato of regular shape weighing belly tre vt.tyn.tit. . The Grand River Valley Board of Trade, while on a sight-seeing trip, passed through here last Thursday while on their way to Fergus. Mr. Victor Eisenbach spent Thursday evening in Chgsley. - A Miss Clara Ddhmer of Birattord spent over Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. p. Dahmet. Messrs. Jacob G. Stroh and Emanuel Stroh of Waterloo and Rudolph Potts of Toronto called on relatiyes here Sunday: afterpoon. - Relief for Needy in West.- an; ik him -'-_.- pr. - CHUICI ON SUNDAY GERMAN MILLS CONEBTOOO d in Nol- I... ' - Hm W - I, Mr. Gum 5mm. an new of who. '- mad by Mr. Willard diam-m. ‘PM l Mr. and In. W. an. of an. A line number “landed the fun- eral ot the Inc Mr. Wat, Orr " on: on Monday. l Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spa-us] and family of Vinehnd went Sundny n the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Du- brick. Sunday "than at tho home of Mr. and Him. Earn Becker were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Becker, Illu- Dorothy Thoma. Bounce Shunt! and Rota Rohr of Kitchener. cur once Wanner of Stmburg tnd Chester Rohr of nouvillo. -airi. 'riirord" Brodbucioi allot! on Min Mary Pelck It Donn on tut. urdny. ,, _ _‘_ In. Inn 330" Sign? Tue-d†at Kitchonor. Steam-r01!» om» tto - who ha 'ttted In from of an mettle) w-o., up. mum on up! In m ed up [yo-non rf PI. 0035:†Mr. and Mm. Norman Ruhr and family of Mannheim finned at the home ot Mn. A. wowu on Sunday. "winked? wmulm of Khan“!!! called on the nu armors at the Wilhelm Phrm on Hand-y morning. k" 'Giro hint»; from like attend, ed the Cult Fur on “may. _ Seven! from hora called on In. Ruby Schmltt It the ww tabla! during the put to“. We no Mound that her condluon u new. what Imtrrovod. _ _ 'ii"/hiiGuid broth.“ min allow- od wt-l of that: an. bone. at the Gun Fur lut gummy, __ _ Wierhdeniércrli 'Ion lemma ot Waterloo m smalls I tow any. with Hrs. - hum. Giulio, Becker spent the week- end with her friend. Miss Mildred Rudy at Waterloo. Miss Mary Chase and Mr. John Steakle were among the judges at the Natchez School tair last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Backer vult- ed with the [sun's ulster. Mm. J. Rudy sud Mr. Rudy at Wnterloo on Sunday, do mm}: an; home at in Schliemann for n few dun this MEL. Ev: Becker af “alum wont 85min; with Mr. and In. Mu. Hannah Snider of Blaming dale spent I tot (km this weak vi Mr. and In. P. A, Snider. Min Mildred Mom: of human visited Ilia- Doria Schliemnn on WEnud-gh - _ _ - N __" minamf Eagle Gd un'wu- liam Ewe of Hamlet Vilitad In. tretgemyutrt. 99 Hominy etertiytt.. _ -e "Pie [dad Yonan PeBple'I Selig? held their regular meeting on W - nesday evening: A"' topic, “Wing minn. Min lint): 2r,t gave a short 8J,Wl recital while in: har, caret W'xrlfong an“ long. A mum ber attended the C isturt Endeavor Union Rally 'i',,t"?i'gr, held " the St, John's Burial) ll! b, Wuperlgp. but: and Mr. and MA Entry Wit- met of Kitchener spent Sand-y with “and Wy, Chyut. grown _ Mr. and In. Irvin loll ind non Gerald Visit/ed Mr. and Mm. Gordon Weber of Nutchu on Sunday. Mr. Iran Knbemehl of lumbeim Mk. tiehtieminn visited Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Eagle of Preston on thsytur., _ _- . - -. . nesday evening. The topic, "What can we wooing ish in our anti?" was tangled ly tret Ugli- Be ia- Friends of Mrs. M. Hone] will re- gret to know that she has been taken to the St. Mary's Hos ital. Kitehenerdwhere she will unfergo an operation on her ere, within a short ting. ' - -- -jiiGiiFot Mr. Roz Damn will be glad to know that e is Endullly improving, having been iii " hi: home for seven! days. Won Prison. A number of personl from thin community attended' the School Fair which was held It Natchez on Tuesday. Following are the lumen of some of the pupils from our school who were successful in win- ning n_prize_: n - . . . Carrots, Cuntenar - Mtrjorie Leak, Hazel Wnrder, Una Doemm. Beets, Detroit Dark Red .-Artrm Shantz. Potatoes-Roy Burgetz. African Mariittrldtr--R9y Lunch. Bouquet of flowers from home gardeu--Attssa Campbell, Marion Wilfyy.yr, Magnet lefogg. " Writing, First book-Doris Kel- seln’ng. Dolores Stumpf, Marlon Wilfong. Writinir, 2nd book-Grace Fran- ces. Elmer serulu,_Rita_Mer.erc. ‘VHI'Edwu-d Newberry of South Clyuza eniled on Menu. Harold am) Mepriee_WIider last, EtidnyL__ Garden plot - Eva Reinhardt, Jack Wickin, Arnold Ruhr. Anne Mae Jansen, Eileen Schultz. Peter Stillupp. -. -. . . ,. Wink: LQEEH -eoekerefC-. Doro. ttttWill, {10qu Koehler, ' ._ “WEEK, "iiiiiTouTpiGeTwnr- dawn. Mach. n. ---__ ., "i'rririiir," iiiriak-rurenee Kel- setrinr,feitaAtinhtrd.t. , Lu 'iiiitiiiir (1311:1313; and table-- Roy, Ieth. . . n. I. 111' "%GGiiii,, contest-- Ruth Wieg- mdt Dorothy Budreau, Earl Me- Leoil [ road urn Bunch: Mry: C tAtt.Erord. -. --"" -_,.._-_ WWW," White Leghorn. pullet - John Headly. Chocolate 21ttid,N Dodge. School 1uneh---rNxe1 arder. Pace Quilt Buck-Grace Francis. Ptastieene--TUth1een Kochntt. Crayon Drawing--- Victoi- Jul- owyhi, Doroghy Budregu. MN _ " "iFiltar. Tifmarreiar-- Dorothy Budrenu. __ _ _ -- . " Mr. "in. Pauli»: Williuu- " yyl w. and Jury, Tt "o'Hxr%ha-t.huetitt. wtLutAiJRa gadgy with Mr. Mr. ind Mn. John Sloan-h ot Prom “that! at the home of Mr and In, John Angina»; Pub": Oohâ€! loam. May In!“ mum to Soho“. Emu-o of the cmutlon In the Elmir- Pnbllc School. the Public School Bond in thinking nrlounly at bulldlnl In "dttlm1 to the school um Bmtr.. bl†boon naked lor on th- apvmxhnlto con for two rooms Thu hr (hm In about no Insulin around one the mom on becoming very conga-ted, The intention of the board In to erect - to the tmnd- In. of on. - high. TM- mam-m would - t'o um mom and Ar'" qkhtthtq% mum. Doll. of who no. m " “a a - a! a. m tttqo, {InLWJtlolu-uuoDquu Mr. And Mrs. Philip King of Gait, spent Wedneadly afternoon with friends It Gian-[Inn Ind Elmira. l Benin. the six-yesrold daughter at Dr. T. M. Rebinaon and Mrs. my binnon. St. Jacobs. received a badly crushed foot when struck by s car, driven by Mr. Oscnr Vsnatter. also ot St. Jncohs. The little girl was re- moved to the St. Mary'a Hospital, Kitchener. where it was found the ‘toot was crushed It wee stated. about forty six gravel stones. rang- jne in sin trom a wheat to the size of n pea dropped from the joint of .her mot. The accident occurred on the driveway of the child's home. which was also used by Mr. vanat- ter. The latter was returning from the Woolwich School tate and .m following a large truck laden with children. returning to Conestoga. Vemtter applied his brakes. but the child's foot was he- nenth the wheel and was dragged tor a short distance. Dr. J. R. Sim. mom. Elmira. was called to attend the injured child. Amy-d Flor-dale School Fair. 1 Many Elmira people took advnn- Ide, or the beaullful weather on Wedneedny elternwn. to attend the \Woolwlch School fair. held on the grounds ot the Flomdxle School Among thou who attended were: Partr A. Werner. Mr. Wm. Balm. secretary-treasurer or the local Putt- G',' School. Mr. Jno. Nahum! and hls teaching stall. A. K, Leonard ot the 'Elmira High School stall. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKean. Wand-Nd Farewell Party. racism. Harold Sign] and Oliver Hominy visited the fruit district thou! Jorann tend Bumavtlle. Mm. P. Leonard of 011mm: in visit- In; at the home of her son, Mr. A. K Leon-rd. Mr. Lee Wldmeyer of Toronto united "land. in tomt on Prick, Afternoon. Mn. Jack Powers and dnughler Marian ot Brantford vlllted friend- In Elmin on may afternoon. Aer. and Hrs. Fits. Dulcimer .nd Mr. and Mrs. Humid Draining“ no enjoying I motor trip to South Bend, Ind. M. B. Otto Mnmod to his home In Chime the! in extended vial! with In: mother. In. Wm. H. Otto. lea-II. Art [mm and I M. Ar- nold attend“ the DrtttrWt'. maul Golf tournament It Toronto On Wed- nudty. I!" Ullyot And Mm. Ar- potd “commuted ye, _ A _ Mrs. Ed. Tuck and Mm. I. Bork- wood, who are about to leave El- mira, the former to reside ttt Water- loo end the letter at Toronto, were tendered a farewell party by the Ladlee‘ Aid and tho Women's Mie- slonnry Soclety In the United ‘Church linemen! on Tuesday even- ing. Both the lathe. were presented um: A Arran book as u when of es- teem held tor than. The presenta- tions were made by Mm. Noah Krupp and Mm. W. W. Manlnnon and the address wee read by Mrs. Wm. Lumen. About titty people were mount. Person-OI. Mr. George Renter left on his an- nual business trip thmngh the - tern provinces. 7 Daughter of Dr. Robinson Han Foot Cru.hod.-.F-ul Party lo Load Residents. CHILD BADLY HURT WHEN HIT BY AUTO BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS -. ' J. J. Y-Idxln. Cormpo-dont lid Agent Phone 288 or Ms, Sleddick Ho-. ELMIRA NEWS .c-yourT!artssmururBasik Hz was necessary to apply Iced (t,',tt',t,hi,1t Later pneumonlt so! In and his condition became so seri- ous that small hopes were extended dor his recovery. Mr. muon' is regaining his ‘etrength rapidly. ' fret Dyrintt, Monday Myâ€. ! Mr. Thea. Dillon, President and Manager of the Elmira Furniture ‘Company. who has been seriously ill and a patient In the St. Mary’s Hos- pital. Kitchener. has returned to his home on Sunday. nearly completely lrecovered. Some weeks ago. Mr. \Dillon was seized with an acute at tack of appendicitis. He was rushed to the St. Mary's Hoeplml, Kitch- ener mr an operation. but owing to the weakened condition ot his heart. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ottman and son Walter were Sunday visitors with friends in Clifford, Neemtadt Ind Hanover. Mom B. Faber Gd H . Alh- mln made an important guinea- trip, to Wagerlqojut Waylandâ€. -- Messrs. L. Lichty and Irvin ttam man of Waterloo were business viuitors here Int Friday. i A public appeal tor resemble. for Astrl1utP? in the dried up are: in who western provinces was made " the Woolwlcll School Pale on Wad. mesdtsy. Mr. A. K. Leonard. Elmira. gin making his annOuncement, stated like most needed vegetables were totatoes. cabbage. carrots and been. A special appeal was made to the local farmers who have been blessed With abundance this year. Mr. Leo- nard elated a car would start on the lane. at Wallensteln on October 7th and would be in Elmira on October 8th. For further information, tho-e ‘wllling to assist, may apply to Mr. ‘Plerce. C.P.R. agent at Wallenlteln and to Mr. E. G, Winn, Elmira. The various churches in- Elmlra are in- tereated in this mom and organized a committee to look alter this mat- Aer. The flritt [roar of any danger to flowers and plants came during Monday night and anyone who lulled to cover them up found them badly wilted on Tuesday moraine. Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Bent were in Kityihener (in 1ys9trdns., -- __ Mr. and Mrs. John Kaufman and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kaufman were among those who visited friends and relatives in__St. thytdAt. CARLOAD OF VEGETABLES FOR NEEDY IN WEST Vegetables Being Donna] by "rm- In Thia District. - Rosponlo. The Sisters of St. Joseph's Hoa- vital. Guelph. made their annual visit in Elmira and vlch'my. Returns From Hamil-l. sd,',',',",': Harry Séhmidti Gd hit.' "gem were on s in bluincu in Ariteheryton 5033‘ - 2oDAr,th-ano--ehor- amnWMub-Mh. The bank hm I. a “I. -h_-ia' srrueiethutetimsutuur_oitt_1t. himytcredh t'retfgtetted.t=t2' o-it-Ute-auth-te-es." by -tuProtoeiortoftuir-ie The bunk‘nfnnher duryiatolhoudbulb whom it "iuerodit. The BankotMo-1iosariuto-es- thefmtmdthobndnmmWH long. It welcome. the .ppliadolu In a - of every day business. BANKOF MONTREAL " TOTAL Anus m we!» or "50,03,000 a Waterloo Branch; J. R. BEATON, Mun-get. WELLEILEV In. Hy. sum. and datmtstem Till- na and Inns. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 9mm: and daughter Evelyn spent Sand†n they home of Mr. and Mrs. J K. Betomrt-truber. Mr. C. F. Wine. who underwent an operation gt his home here. In re Harvest Homaaervice was held In tho St. Jacobs Lutheran Church on Sundu. The church was hemllrully decorated with flowers and vase table- from the union. Rev. J. L. Kirchoefer. pastor of the church. spots Buitahtr for the occasion. _ Mr and In. John E. Wilhelm 'and daughter Dorothy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Arthur Lunar achhger at New Dnndoe‘ [Pumping Gonna“. 'Mr. and my, M. c. Boswell and family Ivan: Sunday afternoon with friends In Kitchener Mr. C. H. Snip of "canola spent the week-end " ht home here. oortid to be doing In meal) " can be “meted whlch his many (rigid- will be planned to hear. Recent vl-nom at the home of Mn. Hy. Strum ware Mr. and Mm. Ed. Woolner of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green and family ot Washington. . The meeting: which ware conduct- ed in the Baden amnion tor tho put week by Rev. Irvin Lenin-n ot Pennsylvania ceme to a daze last Thursday night. Rev. Lehman save leveni very Inspiring talks which were very interesting. At nearly oil (Ill these services the church was crowded. l l With an excellent corn crop Imp vested silo 1mm; in the order of the any. Farmers throughout here are kept busy but 11111 Is needed " as- aut the In“ plowing. Mr. E. D. Em onghllllpIhurg was a buelnesa visitor In town on Thurs- day. Won Valulhlo Prim Mr. I. A. Will-0e ot Woodstock called at the home of Mr. E. C. Boa- woll mainly. _ - Several oi the Baden people at- tended the annual Pall Pair at New Hamburg. Impmdvn “when. It In or interest to note that Lloyd Huneberxer won the silver cup do- nated by the Canadian Bank ot Com- more. to tho owner or the has: baby beef. He she won the B. Cause] cup tor the beat beet hard " the tunnel tall an}: New Abmtrure. - Mr. Herbert Wilmer of Bud Axe, sllchlgan. was here to attend the Shun-Wilmer wedding. MI" Rota Rumba-gar was a re- cent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norma Gampp. POW Rev. and Mrs. Schroeder ot Col- den, N.Y.. tinned at the home or Mr. A. Hamburger. _ - _ - A Mm. c. Erbuch and Miss Ruth Cub have returned to their homes tn Kitchner "ter spending a week with up. not: Plumber-get. Mr. Joe Boshart is cottihuyd to the house with savor-l broken ribs sus- tained when I. motor In which he qrtM5 driving turned turtle in the ditch. Mr. Lmmard Bender of Dashwood called on his cousin. Miss E. E. Strut]: on Wednesday. Pnlnful Injury. . Farmers Fill was. CABIN