The Place Where 10 Frederick St. â€" Kitchener SALADA rmere is the goalr tor the motorist who has had tire trouble enough to run his hair gray. We will sell you a tire that proves its mileage on the road and not in the a d vertisemen t writer‘s cranium. â€" Our â€" tires â€" make good. BETTER GLASSES TO THE PUBLIC:: Canada‘s largest selling tea will not cost the consumer more despite the taxation. â€" Mr. Dollar Bill says they are good enough for any man‘s money. The Shop that gives your dollar a long ride. TO GROCERS: You will find no sales tax or duty item charged to our invoices. pay these ourselves in order that you may serve the public without extra charge and k same profit as before. Harry Marks 91 King Sl: North, Waterloo Phone 476â€"J JANSEN OPTICAL CO. DESPITE THE NEW DUTY and INCREASE IN SALES TAX The Leading Meat a3§ Market s Phone Waterloo 880 &- Delivery to all parta of J % Come From NO INCREASE IN THE PRICE OF Do not pay more than the price shown on the package. WE PaAY THE DUTY AND TAX l Sunday vieitors at Pre home of <Mir. and | Mrs. ) Clarence | Hilborn were: Dro and Mrs. Eo H. Bickel of !Syl'avuw. N.Y., Miss Ruth Pace of ‘Lundon. Miss Olive Plant card Mi Clarence Bickel, of Gait. | Mis« Bessie Hope. Miss: Markaret {Shelhy. Mr. Elmer Stoitz, Mr. John Newstead â€"and â€" Mroâ€" George Heope Personals Sundas Air and Mis« Shelhy Newst« were C Mroâ€" aimd visited | with snnï¬ Parks, the git W. Shelhy Nr. Jagou of Buifado i the home of Mr. ired My Mr. at visited in the latter Becker re in Chiando attendine the ammnal Convention of t Tj Church \B .0 Anatiba Mo«s wtid Lewi Sumd is Mro uind 60â€" Halim Mr. uind Mrs. Heniy : friem|s from Wateriocn Xiagara ou Sonda®. Mr. Maryin Coneo of Howard Ruch and Mise Galt ealled at fhe hom Howes on Wednesdas Special Music. A epecial services was Aeld in the Exangelieal Clhasch Sunday evening. Jume Tth.â€" The orchestra condncted hy o Revoâ€" Mroâ€" Henvich, rendered a mimber ocf o celections . which were much sppreciated hy the Limbe enriâ€" gregation. The â€" Evanzelical | Sinplay â€" Rchool are â€"holdine Nrsgro Children‘s Day service 0n Sumlay, June 21st . _ he WONMLS. of the Exansgelicat Church met in the clhnrch on Wed: nesday evening. June Ird Report On W.M.S. Meeting. | The firesident. Mrs O 6. Hallman {was in the chair and read the wlip-‘ 1l:|rc~ Lecson from 197th Psatinm . Mission \Smudy was taken hy Mfrs. Schreiber; |Wateh Tower, Mrso Hammer: Lealâ€" (let Reading: Mrs. Netherton; Topic. ["Tâ€"axe", Mio. Wanner; Mrs Netherâ€" ton ind Mrs. Fo Howes: gave cplenâ€" (tid o reperts oof othe WOMLSâ€" Braneh imeeting recently held in Mildmay I Business was trinsscted id the i meetine came fo a elose with a pray er by Mrs O 6 Hallman ’Proï¬lable Meeting. The W LA oaf the UG+ Chnrch \ mer in monthly session on Wednes Gtay atrerneem,. JJune the 3nd l Mrsâ€" W. Detwerler ied cbage of the â€" deveotioms the â€" meebing wirs apenied â€" with the ase of hymin Mi desn« 1 lave ‘Thee Seriphure locson wate â€" farken â€" trom â€" Matl 353: H48 TEA Hyinn, UHe besefefioome wirs s after which the pmesident, . Mrs Badeker roae othe o chan Rr in« was dUspoced with soiud tren Mrs Hape c resd othe Miscion Shuds | T meeting was brought In a (0se Te peating the Mizbah Renediction Holm The H ited F"eno‘!all Mr. Arthur Waught of Detr visiting friends here Mr. and Mrso Jaso Mitchell, Mrs Norman Wright and Mr. Jas. Lang don attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Borard, which tnok place from the residence of her sonâ€"inâ€" law, Mr. Roy: Brooks, in Etumosa to the Elora cemetery on Saturday afternoon Mrs. Amos Shoemaker has recturnâ€" ea home after spending some tim with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Durrant at Guelph Sncrament of the Lord‘s Supper was dispensed in the Preshyterian Church here on Sunday morning Mr. Ferdinand Beitz of Guelph is visiting his brother, Mr. Laurence Beitz, Sr., at the home of Mr. and Mre. Paul Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burnett spent |O6 89M Sunday with the latter‘s hru!hf‘r,‘ A nu Dr. and Mrs. Herbert MeKay, at!fvneral Ingersoll utd Mi Mi Amateba | Mo: t othe home oun Satnbda ol diother prosent. arold â€" Murell ewo days of lie his unele, Mi ul Mn Clau Bricker swnd M cpert | Ere ow ROSEVILLE Mi wWINTERBOURNE ho ent. Mrs O G. Hallnan hair and read the sevipe om. 197th Psalim . Mission aken hy Mfrs. Schreiber; er. Mrso Hammer: Leaf: Mrs. Netherton; Topic, c Wanner; Mrs. Netherâ€" s Fo Howes gave cplenâ€" af the WOXLSâ€" Braneh ently held in Mildmay was transscted snd the e fo a elose with apray M 1t« or duty item charged to our invoices. We will ve the public without extra charge and keep the M ht Kujanik H 0 weeksend Mr. and Mr home of Mrs Sunpday Childre Iune 21â€" the Ex chnrch ener Iued (choo meel is coul diymin Seriphure 11 M arul ire uit hreiber and muloved In Hows Eicit visitin Kirhom abl Mi Stoitz HMilthorn pesday it Will Hamilton ekoat the l Bualah .. Pern Eindea vor Boethien: ffale. Mi sStrone of M 2Â¥ Evain He on tGladt on Det 1+ lyn in 1 son 1â€"4% N4X Phs h\ Elect S. S. Officers. The local Church had their reguâ€" lar cervices on Sunday morning with Revy. 80 H. Swartz officiating. The sSunday School elected officers Sunday Scho which are as wdent, Rev. S. superintendent Lo ainy Miss â€" Lillian â€" Withington | spent simday. afternoon | with Mise: Bes sle V. Colpitts Mis c Clirac Janzen spent . Monday and Trecday in Toronto where she abtended â€"the fnmeral of Mrso Hugâ€" 1 Sumfay. Mr. and Misâ€" Romitz and children ol Briudeeport visited Mr.oind Mrs Wm. Lee on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Lonis Hoppe of Kitâ€" chener visited Mr.oand Mess Ear] Hoppe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Liovd Lewis of Kitâ€" cherer amd Mr. Lewis of London were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Geick Mics frene Lee visited Mrâ€" and Wiso A Lee of Kitehener on Wedâ€" r\ t Miss â€" Kaufman of Bambers, Mr. Herger of Stratfordâ€" and Mr.o Lin. Lichm of this vicinits visited Mr ind Mrs. Harry Thaler on Sunday. Ay. Ed Schaefer and son_ Henry vieited â€" with friemls in Hespeler on Yins. nesd nesdiay Mrs. Schliemann attended a birth day party given in honor of Mrs Renben Eagle of Preston on Thurs day evening. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Seipel of Kitch ener were the gnests of Mr.ard Mis BEd. Janzen for tea on Tuesday \r. and Mrsâ€" Rudy of Waterino visited their daughter. Mrsâ€" Harry Thaler en Wednesday Talk On Missions. The local Young People‘s Society held their regular meeting on Tuesâ€" day evening. Miss Bessie Colpitts had a fine topic, "How is the Misâ€" sionary Work Changing?" Talks on the enbject â€" were | given by Mr Manrice Snider, Rev. 8. H. Swartz. Mis. P A. Snider, Mrs. N. Schlie mann. Mrs. Feasby and Miss Doris Schliemann. . Scripture reading was read hy Miss Ruth Schaefer A trin was â€" hesntifully | sung | by | Misses Margaret| Wilfong. Dorothy Budrean iard â€" Pearl Hertel â€"â€" After the deve tronal merting the voting for ecaptain luv the softball team wase held. in Ewhich case Mro Stanley MeArndle was lelscand Missâ€" Doria S4 zumct 5t Mr and wdori of Kitchener day evening Momday eallere and Mrs.J. H. OS Mrs J Wo Park ns the £AMA_ 3 Mr. and via Lond Mr. Clayton Moss attended a quill ing hee at the home of Mre Eldon Scheifelle of Conestogo on Wednes Mro Roy § Bean and Mr Hull of the â€" Waterloo Chronicle: were Imsi Iness vi«itore here on Thursday j | _ Mroand Mre Andrew Weiler and ‘family of Ariss vi«lted friends here jon Sunday ‘ A number from here attended the frneral at St. Agatha on Saturday of the late John Hineachberger At â€" Abr MA SmelTie of Waterbon wwas ibusine s visitor here recently Mro Sylvecter Kidswetter of Wilhe spent a few days at the home here Miss Cocelia Hinschberger of Kit chener apent Sunday with her moth enl Mrsâ€" Mary Hinschberger Mrs â€" HMenry Hohl is apending : week with friends in Kitchener \r and Mre: Seraphim Kieswetter and «on Stmon and Mr_ and Mrs Henry Bach spent Sunday evening with friehds in Waterioo Mi FoF Moyer of Indiana s Froxel on Thursday CENTREVILLE Mrs. Wm Lee and Mi motored to York on sun eallers ut the home or Mi oH. Sherk were Mroand / Parker and Mro Talbert M A _ Quintette of Cleve BAMBERG hliemann . wie. the Mrs.. Walter Ablen for iMnner on Mon the honus o1 M On Sunday afternoon "decoration day" service took place at the Lutheran cemetery and despite the inclement weather a large gathering assembled from far and near to honor their loved ones who have passed on and are _bu-rie:i there. [ted The cemetery loukfl quite in keeping with the oc n with the graves beautifully decorated with owers and plants. Six ministers were present, four tuking part in the program, three of whom were former ministers of the congregation, â€" Rev. Lamack, Rev. Schuelke and Rev. Geelhaar. Rev. Zarnke of Pembroke was also presâ€" ent, he being a former member of the congregation and a native son of this place. R The â€" program | was | interspersed with singing by the combined choir of the two churches of the village and by the congregation. The order of service was as follows: Hymn by congregation "Herr Jesu Christ dich zu uns wend" after which the pastor of the church, Rev. H. J. Lamack, read the Scripture, reading Psalm 91 und a passage of St. John‘s gosâ€" pel, followed by prayer. The choir then sang "He leadeth me", after which Rev. E. Schuelke spoke in the German language. This was followâ€" ed by a German hymn by the conâ€" gregation "Wo findet die Seele die Heimat die Ruh." In the absence of Rev. Reble, president of the .Luth- MPRESSIVE SERVICES MARK DECORATION DAY AT HEIDELBERG eran Synod, Rev. Gomann of Milver-} ton spoke, followed by a song by the choir, "When peace like a river attendeth my way", after which Rev. R. B. Geelhaar of Listowel spoke â€" in the English language, followed by another song by the ehoir. Rev. H. J. Lamack then made a few remarks. The repeating of the Lord‘s Prayer in unison, the pronouncing of the benediction and a hymn by the choir and congregaâ€" tion, "Jesus still lead on" closed this beautiful and impressive service. Beautify Park. Wim. Barrie of North Dumfries has offered to furnish a number of good size spruce trees to beautify the Blur park. His offer will be aceopted. : Silver Tr_?ut. e MENIIRR T OIOC Jack Barton Janded "a 13â€"inch silver trout in Willson‘s dam." These trout are very rure. Softball News. s A Iwm.-l‘i't“;,:um- will be arranged in aid of Hareld Bartholomew in the near future. Sold by Auction. W. Tilt, local representative on the Waterloo township couneil, aucâ€" tioned off the seats of the English Settlement school. These seats were replaced by new umes. LCE wouel bag ul A, Hagey and Son have sold four of their registered Holstein cattle to Shantz‘s Dairy, Proston. Canoeing Popylnr. Canoeing has become quite i hobby with the younger set of Blair Several exnoes have been placed on Willson‘s dam. Approval Needed. The Blauir board of trade‘s request for tax exemption for a small inâ€" dustry which would Jocate in Blair would have to go before the people, wecording to the Waterieo township cemiteil. Doon esting Ceremony.â€"Grave Departed Decorated. B1 blar esn Brestau ... ; Branchton Little‘s Cormer Gireaim No.: Spmaue‘s Rd Ayr Vies : Roseville .. Ayr LOAOLF. New Dundee Doon ... Branchton Doon â€" Breslau Breslau Blair Sprague‘s Rd. . Sprague‘s Rd. Ayr Vics. Girls‘ section Bridgeport * Games to be Games to be played: June 11â€" Breslan ut Doon, Branchton at Blair. Spragne‘s Rd. at Ayr Vies "~ 17 â€"New Dundee at Roseville Girls games for the next week: dune 12 Doer at Witiamsburg. "~ 50 N. Duomlec at Bridgeport Keen Competition. A merry old race for top position is seen in both gnoup standings, and there remains a great deal of doubt as to what team will be left in the cald as no teams have heen eliminâ€" uted from a play off poesition. Marold Bartholomew, «Blair eatchâ€" en, is recovering slowly from inâ€" juries received it Breslieu, An Xâ€"ray qieture showed that tw bhones were celd as na Lei uted from a pl Harald Bart en,0 s reoaver juries recerved prietume. shoawed en kod And These fime to chimgo time to a them sely Geenge, . injured 1 neâ€"mher wenring | And these boys who den‘t take time to chsnuge their shoes will find: themelves osiff ng on the bench. Geerge, pitcher of Ayr, was badly injured when he wias struck by a nember of a visiting team who was wearing hard soled shoes. Oh, by the way! The Willhamsâ€" hburg wirls certainly have natty new uniforms. â€" Apparently they are all the â€" town Reports fro effect that the St cut Blur‘s new diamond. . Dimir If lunging to meet them on if And it will be just too bad for Deon, Robert Marchall, manager of the Doon team, has secured a position n Toronto. His Toss will he keenly felt hy the Doon ball «lub Not o manv vears ago a man had a dream lt was eoneidered only a drea m in impractical tay for kome time â€" But today that dream i8 an Intesral part of our busy lives Ln means of keeping in touch with eventa and people anywhere . It ia the telephone et for July uns 1.0.0.F. Dundee andings ares thi Rural Softball Standing. yâ€"‘ Greonp No. 1 standing W L. ning" rural learly A Dream Come True agr bae Prayer of the Take Part in yed on their They have tw leaime and ; BLAIR up te «un 1« 1X 10 : U famding Duen are to the are longing to try diamond. Blair is them on it. And it lad for Doon. ill, manager of the Baesfan â€" Little‘s C‘ners. Branchton.... BWccsc Branchton ... Lattle‘s C‘ners Ayr L.0.0.6... Roseville....... New Dundee. h in lhy the D WO 2 6 rest in Ayr number of park ench n teams in 1 six. team 0 1 0 0 PA 8 Pt s 11 0 9 U 6 â€" Miss Modena Projony is at presâ€" ent employed by Mrs. Howard Bowâ€" â€" Mr. John Grievison paid a short visit to Mrs. Frank Drexlar on Thursday. _ __ h man Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morden of Fergus and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hauck of Elora called on Mr. and Mrs. Mich. K. Zinger on Friday. Miss Howlett of near Winterâ€" bourne spent the weekâ€"end with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mis. Howâ€" ard Bowman. Miss Mary Reinhart is at present employed by Mrs. Jim Mines, who is confined to the sick room. All friends wish her a speedy recovery. â€" Mr. Mike Zinger, Str., paid a short visit to his brother, Jacob Zinger, recently. ____ _ . Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bailey, acâ€" companied by Miss Rosana Zinger, took a business trip to New (§er- many on Monday evening. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Joe K. Schwarlzenâ€" truber spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Jantzi_of Baden. " P Wl e dn Quite a number from attended the funeral of Juacob Roth at New I Friday Mr. Alfred Futher an 5. ET. PR Ees Sehwartzentruber on Thursday. Mr. Henry Bowman called on Mr. Simeon Shantz on Friday evening on business. noroua m pommap ons Mr. Fred Hall and Rohr of Kitchener s with Mr. and Mrs. Joe entruber. e Mr. Harry and Ne of New Dundee and Zetter spent Sunday Eldon _ and _ Reuben truber. Cruner Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowman and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Egerdee and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schenk attended the Hank reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Zinn of Dumâ€" fries. af L trie®. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hamacher made a business trip to Kitchener and Waterloo on Saturday. Carroil‘s Ltd. Mr. Jacob Leis, the census taker of New Dundee, was busy in this vicinity over the weekâ€"end. Mr. R. S. Bean and Mr. A. B. Hull were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs: C. E. Schwartzentruber on Mr. R. S. Bean were visitors at and Mrs. C. E. 8 Mondnay Crops Look Promising RoR y ns Emiien t The crop« in this district look particularly promising. The wheat,‘ oats and pasture crops have shown steady growth and indications are for a big harvest. O1d Cheese 245 Specialâ€"Harry bhi!l'l Dl_lnu JELLY 9}3\_}58 roa 3 "L 23° !’_Efle_‘ § ""~ 3% 27° Tomatoes 4 29° CORN 2â€".â€"23° DATES PEACHES Sunâ€"Maid Santa Clara PRUNES BLACK FIGS | MUSTARL | LO&STER I LEMONADE Special â€" 2 ibs. 29¢ 2â€"02. tin !,ng:_l sma i tn 21¢ | rowdé«r 1g. tin 22¢ pecnt=Camah; _ T SCHIEAX _ _ CLF SER 2 tins 13¢ & . 4& White Cupe Spe ‘cls Naphtha " E#l 4 i: i'..""::“ * SG+.. 8 a C som» »x7 3 bars fl‘, % Qi'& ‘£ _ \ 421* /2 fo. 19c itA ,{@ hy J%e 5. 0. S. C /‘3'»{“9“3 tss !fw\w GilIJ.EKX _ n _« 14c CYyc 20 0 106 _ Extra Choice Dried Alfred Futher and auctioneer Toman . called_ on C. 6. 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 â€"Carroll‘s _ SER 2 tins 13¢ "cls Naphtha // PINE HILL ARIS8 mber from this district funeral of the late Mr. at New Hamburg on Joe K. Schwartzen 21c Nelson Goettling ind Mr. Gustave lay with Messrs. en â€" Schwartzenâ€" and Mr. Morris r spent Sunday Joe K. Schwartzâ€" Ti census taker MAYONNA!ISE Biue Riobon Seind MAYONXAIXE Crieson‘s Pure Fronsh _ OLLVE O!L 4â€"oz. bti. 216 Keen‘s English TO PROVIDE AMPLE wWATER SUPPLY FOR FIRE PROTECTION Our Police Trustees are at present sinking geveral water tanks and making â€" vast preparations for proâ€" tection against fire Personals. Mrs. D. Dewar left recently for the Canadian West. where ehe will visit relatives and friends this sumâ€" mer. Mrs. McLean of Nepewah, Sask., is vielting friends in this district and at present is a guest of her sizâ€" ter. Mrs. H. Alteman. Mrs. McLean is a former Wellesley girl. Mr. R. S. Bean and Mr. A. B. Hull, representing the Chronicle staff, of Waterloo, made a special business trip through this ilistrict last Wedâ€" nesday. Mr. John Hoflmeyer of New Hamâ€" burg, was a business viaitor here lust Thuraday olice Trustees Instal Water Tanks for Use of Fire Brigade. Other News. SHREDDED Mr.â€" Peter â€"A.. Wagner Powders @ Prgs THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD "My mother lets me get bre akfast‘"‘ "I can do it easily, too, because we always have Shredded Wheat. Of course, Mother makes the toast and Daddy‘s coffee â€"they‘re much harder to get than Shredded Wheat. She lets me put strawâ€" berries on the biscuits now, and you should see how all of us clean up our cereal dishes!" WELLESLEY (k Lingers 5 *1" Pumpkin 3‘ 25° Blue'tcrrlu 2% / 21° Cherries 2"%35° SARDINES SALMON 2 1â€"l6. tins SAl MONK Victory Rea C120« 1â€"lb. t=i censuts 27¢ enumerator, is very busy these days completing his work in this ailstrlct. ‘Mr. and Mrs. L. Zelir of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Miller of Baden and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ottmann of Welland spent Sunday here among frieds and relatives. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Berg and Mr. C. D. Koehler and several others visited friends in Kitchener on Sunâ€" day. _ Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Kennel left Monday â€" morning â€" for New â€" York State on a visit with relatives for several weeks â€" Several of the farmers here atâ€" tended the monthly fair at Klmira on Monday. 0 Some of our sports took in the dance at Macton Thursday evening. All report a good l@me. \Mrs. P. Deherty returned home, after spending a week with friends in Elmira and Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ranahan of Kitâ€" chener called on Mrs. Thomas Hanâ€" ley on Sunday. Mr. J. Lawrence was a business visitor here Saturday. Mr. A. Johnston of Carthage made his official calls here last week. Mr. J. P. Walters was a businesa visitor here Friday. Crosse and Blackwell‘s FRUIT CUP GINGER ALE Content 6 btis. 30¢ McLaren‘s Assorted PUNCH LEMONADE 25° HESSON AT