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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Jun 1931, p. 9

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The horse races, held here on Wednesday, the 3rd, were a great success, although the attendance was not quite up t0 the expectation. The crowd that was there saw some real racing. Fine fields Of ho:ses, a fast track and close finishes in mamy of the heats [eatured the evxent. The barrier system of scoring was tried out and proved q be a success. The best time made was 213 Mat and in two houts of the 217 class the racers stepped the last haif in 1.05. The dope was rather upset when Leonora Clench of Simcoe. driven by the veteran Abe Johnson ousted MeDougall, the hore from Prince Albert, Sask., and favorite in this race from first place in the 2.17 clase, taking the first two heats in 213% and 213 in driving finishes. High dress, also owned by the Simâ€" coe stables. was easily the best in the 2.28 class while Great Heart, owned by Kettle Bros. of Sarnia took the 2.22 in straight heats in strong finishes. The summary of the races Jack â€" Tynne of â€" Brussels known as the "Kansas . Farmer® amused the crowd with his vocal and instrumental selections on the violin during the afternoon. . His program was well received and apâ€" plauded. 2.28 Trot or Pace. High Dress, John & Wiles, Simeoe ; sgre 1 1 1 Dominion Boy, Cahill, Strat ford ... Hecomqisinven crearns 3 2 3 Charlie Wilkes, S. Hodging. Cl@ udebOy@ | ...z 5 3 2 Silent, T. R. McCann, Claudeâ€" ‘ BOYG _ osococmmnaniaanes 2 4 5 Bella _ Peters, Ed. . Relck, BACETN _.. ~:cuncmmmemmemnn 406 6 Eceles Grattan. J. MeManns, GOANELICH . msmunmmmmmnminins 605 4 Limit _ Boy, G. Truckles, THSORMIEE \.»..ooo csmm 1B T Donald _ MeKinney, _ Young, WIBDOI®: ... ooo itnueie $ 7 $ Time 220 219 217 222 Trot or Pace. Great Heart, Kettle Bros., SAMIE on nirmmmmemmace 1 1 1 Grattan _ Scott, M. _ Carrol, CATIFIC «on mmmmmnsccns B M i9 Jauck Dewey, Hayes & Will more, Chatliit| .mmsms 9 908 Senthern Scott. C. Palmer. THSGHUUIE cmumnnomecucce 4 6 3 Colonel â€" Patch. G.â€" Barnes, / WALETOO | moâ€"mmmmmmmnmcce. Gh A h Little Prince, R. J. sSmith, CUG@IpI ssmc emige £ & 4) Grattan _ Girk, _ A. â€" Ruosel, : NOFWIET ... oo mmmaan 6 T8 Time. 216 2151 218 : 2.17 Trot or Pace. Leonora Clench. Johnson & f Wiles, SIMCGA =.o.s... + 1 4 MecDougall, Melntosh, Prince ME | commnmemmmnrmmmces 3 2 1 Billle â€" Wilnes. C Hodgins, Olatideit®¥e ...â€"o.ccunceonse 2 4 3 Phil | Mereury, _ J. _ Ballock, T HIGONIMIE sommmummmnumens 44 f Fime, 2134 21% 215 Starter, Floyd Milton, New Hamâ€" burg. Judges. F. Blair, Galt, W, W. Tilt, Blair, K. C. Puddicombe, New Hamburg. W. H. Grosch, Stratford. Timers, Wm. 1. Harvey. Hagersville, C. F. Champ. Regina. With ideal weather. > Hamburg Teacher Resigns. The monthly meeting of the local school board was held Monday evenâ€" ing. Accounts were paceed amountâ€" ing to $1988.52¢ including | teacher«‘ salaries. XMr. W. L. Brown. principal Of the continuation school tendered his resignation to take effect at the end of the term. Mr. Brown taught physical â€" e‘ture, art. geography. ancient history, mathematics and physical â€" e‘ture, art. geography. ancient history, mathematics and science. He has accepted a position as principal of the Sonth Mountain continuation sehool in Mr. Brown‘s home town. The resignation was nc cepted with regret. The following teachers have been reâ€"engaged for next term. Mr. W. A. Ruthig. Misses F. Hillebrand, C. Brown, M. Daliner, P. Makins, H. Jones and Miss Hotâ€" son. Mr. Lightheart was instructed to hire a team for a day and fix up the grounds at both schools. The secretary was ordered to advettise for a maule teacher to fill the vacanâ€" ey created through Mr. Brown‘s reâ€" signation. Waterioo 1.0.0.F. Degree Men Confer Third Degree. The third degree team of Gerâ€" mania Lodge of Waterloo, paid a fraternal visit to Nith Lodge 1.0.0.F. New Hamburg, to confer the third degree on a class of candidates. The degree staff is one of the best teams in Western Ontario and was under the captaincy of Bro. K. Whyte. After the degree was exemplified several brothers spoke among whom were Bro. Kudoba P.D.D.G.M., Bro C. Dotzert, deputy reeve of Waterloo and Bro. J. K. Shinn, who has been a member of Nith Lodge for nearly 50 years, but has resided in Waterâ€" loo for the past 30 years. After the regnlar meeting the social commiltes served a dainty Innch, known as the fonrth degree. Excellent Program. Fast Track and Keen Competition Provides Afternoon Sport. Other News. $ HORSE RACES The â€" Ladies â€" Aid _ and â€" Women‘s Misslonary Society of the Evangeliâ€" cal Church held their monthly meetâ€" ing on Tnesday afternoon. An apâ€" propriate reading entitled "Myself" was read by Mrs. John Katzenmeier after which an interesting paper on "Home Missions" was read by Mrs G. Merner. The mission atudy pertâ€" od was introdunced by Mrs. D. Merâ€" ner. who read a short prologue after which a numberOof the young women dramatized the chapter. "A Sense of Mission", taken from the book enâ€" titled "Clonds of Witnesses". Recre ation Dicensced. _ The membera of the Evangelical Leagne of Christian Endeavor held their weekly meeting on â€" Monday evening Mrs C O Kruspe gave an interesting talk on "Recreation ." Wrist Broken. Robert Schiedel. 15 year old son of Edward â€" Schiedef. had the mistor tune to break his right wrist. The accident happened in New Hamburz. When cranking his father‘s car the motor backfired cansing the mishap The injured boy waa taken to a doeâ€" tor in Platisyille where the injured wrist was set New Hamburg Nurse Wins Double Honors. The Emma F. Pratt prize for genâ€" oral proficieney given by T. H Pratt, was won hy Mi«s Edith Ringeâ€" man. New Hamburg. Prize for highâ€" eat standing in obsterical nuraing and examination given by Dr. D. G Mcliwraith, was alao won hy Mias Edith Bingoman of New Hamburg. RACES WOMEN‘s INSTITUTE A GREAT SUCCESS _ HOLD JOINT MEETING Sm | AT HAYSVILLE NEW HAMBURCG The Brass softball team plainly showed the fans that they would not finish in the cellar of the town league this year for on Tuesday night they noused Out the strong Felt Boot team by a score ouf 12 to 11 The shoemakers started out the right way by scoring six runs in the second innings Goes To Owen Sound. The June meeting of the Women‘s Institute â€" was held _ on â€" Tuesday evening. | The â€" treasurer. Mrs. G. Meyers stated that the proceeds of the play "My Irish Rese" was $51.45 and the Thimble Tea $9.59. The preâ€" sident announced that the District Annual meeting was to be held in New Dundee on Thursday, June 11th and that the third week in June will be the time for the local Institute‘s committce t0o supply the treat for the patients in Freeport Sanatorium. A vote of thatks was extended the cast which presented the play "My Irish Rose:" It was decided to enter an exhiblt at the Wilmot Fall Fair and the following were appointed ccnveners, Jelly: Mrs. L. Hahn; Pickles: â€" Mro. K._ C.) Luckhardt; Fruit: Mrs. James Wiederhold and Vegetables: | Mrs. H.) Williams. it wi also decided to hold the annnal garden party on JJuly Sth and to hold a special mecting on Tuesday, June 9th to make arrangements and inâ€" vite the members of the Park Board to this meeting. The roll call was answered by membens responding with a pickle reeipe. Mis. E. Luckâ€" hardt read a chapter of the book. "The Cutters" which was very interâ€" "The Cutters" which was very inter esting. John Lennox Passes. The death occurced at the family residence, Jacob street on Tnesday evening about six pm. of Mr. John Lennox, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lennox. The deceased was born in Linwood 71 years ago but has resided in New Hamburg for the past 28. yeurs. Me had been cick oÂ¥ly one o week o with phira ppenâ€" motic. . The deceased had been apâ€" pointed earetaker of the park very recently. Mr. Lennox wis married Mr. W. Massel. who has been emâ€" ployed in the McLagan FPurniture Fuctory in Stratford for the past two years, has been appointed assistant superintendent Of a furbiture fac tory at Owen Sound. He leaves next Monday. Mrs. Massel (ntends stayâ€" ing here for the present. Women‘s Institute Meets. The Women‘s Missionary Society of 8t. Peter‘s Lutheran Church met ar the home of Mrs. Milton Luft on Thursday evening. The precident, Mrs. Edward â€" Pfaff, presided. . A short business session was beld in which the ladies decided to start making articles for a bazaar to be held in the fall. Town Softball Game. at Chesteville fortyâ€"two years ago to Sarah Aun Ziminerman, who with ten children are left to mourn his departure. The children are: (Ruby) Mrs. Alfred Sitter. (Edna) Mrs. Chares McGrady, (Florence) Mrs. Lou Vermon, (Gertie) Mrs. William Neileon, | 4 Mildred) _ Mrs. â€" Merince Nellcon sangster and Franc., of Deâ€" tr0it. Wesley, Lioyd of New Hamâ€" lairg and Harvey at home. There are also four brothers and one sister Catharive, and William of Guelph, David of Listowel, Andrew in Palmâ€" erston, Joceph in Woodstock and Thomas in Stratford. The tuneral was held from his late home on Friâ€" day afternoon at two wclock to Hoâ€" wtetler‘s Mennonite chureh for serâ€" vice and interment in Hostetler‘s cemetery. Hamburg Rebekah‘s Members of the Womens‘ Institute motored to Haysville on â€" Friday afternvon to hold a joint meeting with New Dundee and Haysville Inâ€" stitutes. The guest . peaker tor the afterncon was Mre. J. W Sstone of Bond Head. Mrs. Stone is a past president of the Provincial Federatâ€" ed Institute The topic for the adâ€" d.ess was "Value of the Inslitute to the Community". After the meeting a socidl hour wias spert and the Haysville ladies served delicious reâ€" freshments To Hold Bazaar. Hosts To Visitors. A most enjoyable evening was spent On Thursday when the memâ€" bera of Juliet Rebekah l{dgn. No. 294. entertained about TA vicitors from Joseph Oliver Lodge, Mitchell Huronic Lodge. Clinton, and Silver Crest Lodge, Milverton. During the evening the degree staff of Juliet Lodge conferred the degree on a candidate in an exceptionally cplenâ€" «id mannev. _ Short speeches were made by the Noble Granda of each lodge and by Bro. Sutter D.D.G.M.. and Bro. Haurlow P.D.D.G.M., Mitchâ€" ell, Bro. Gould of Clinton and Bro. Schmueker of Mil\'ortgn also spoke a few words of appfeciation and thanks. At the close of the meeting m delicions lunch was served by the committee in charge afterâ€" which some (ime was spent in dancing. Rev. David H. Brand Passes. Mrs. J. W. Stome Gives Talk on "Value of the Institute to the Community. The death occnrred at the family resxidence. | Peel stréet, at 1115 welock on Thursday night of Rev David H. Brand af the ripe old age of 76 years. The deceased his been ilt and confined to his home for cevâ€" eral years. For over forty year:s he was a clegyman 0f the Evangelical Church and retired from the mints try fifteen years ago. For the past thirteen yeas he has resided in New Hamburg He was born in Germany ’nn October 18th, 1854 and came to Canada at the age of six yoars. In 1880 he was married at Philipsimre In Mics Christina Kidt, who survives him with five children, Edward of of Philadelphia, Mrs. Albert Huck, London, Ezra of Toronto. Clarence Toronto and Mrs. C._ Ankerman. Gowanstown Five _ grandchildren also survive The funeral wa« held On Monday afternoon with private service at the residence and to the Evangelical Church for service. Inâ€" terment â€" was | made in â€" Riverside cemetery |Personais. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hamilton of St. Catharines «pent the weekâ€"end with the former‘s mother, Mrs. Herâ€" bert Hamilton, Waterloo t Vrs. Herh Hinz and Miss Lottie Bafley of Kitchener and the Misses Arnettra and Mary Hazleft of Hanâ€" over spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mre. Roy Luckhardt Missee Ruth, Ethel and Doria Boettger of Monkton and also Mr Harold Boettger and Mr. Copeland were Sunday visitors at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Boettger and Mr. and Mrs. George Forler, Jacob SL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruatz of Wa terloo and Mrs. Duval and dauglite of Detroit were Sunday visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Brand. Reeve and Mrs. Bingeman attendâ€" ec the graduation exercises at the General Hospital, Hamilton on Wed: nesday. Their daughter, Miss Edith Bingeman is one Of the graduates. Miss Elda Schultz of Detroit is spemding | two | weeks |â€" with | her corein, Mrs. M. Zimmerman Mrs. Herbert Kropf, Mrs. Harold Appel and Rev. E. G. Dale were in Guelph on Tuesday attending the wnnual convention of the misslonary society of the Baptist Church. _ Mr. Harry Goobel of Buffalo was % recent visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goebel. Mrs J. Kaufman of Detroit who epent a few weeks here, owing to the iliness and death of her father, the fate G. Baver, returimed fo dier vome on Wednesday. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Pogson, Mis. J. lL Feick. Misses Mary and Flor ence and Mr. Brook Puddicombe atâ€" temded the Waterloo Deanery meet ing which was held at St. John‘s Anglican charch at Preston. Mr. Roy Dahmer and his <ister Rose, and Mis. E. Nye and two cons of Detrolt visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Reibling enroute to visit theit sick mother at Hamilton. The vital statistics of the town (op the month of May are somewhat wnâ€" usual as only two deaths weore re gistered | with not any births or marriages. The month Of June wiil be somewhat different as at least four births will have to be registered during the month. Mr. and Mrs. Berg and tamily of Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Morley Mr. Wm. Roth and Mr. Fred Debus returned home on Tuesday from a fishing trip to Hastings, Mrs. M. Schultz. Miss Edna and Mr, Weston Schultz 0f Detroit were recent | visitors | with the former‘s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gardâ€" ner. Mrs. Alfced Sitter. Mr. and Mrc. Charles MeGrady, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Neilson. Mr. and Mrs. Merince Neil son, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lennox and Mr. Sangster Lennox, Detroit. were called home on Monday evenâ€" ing on account of the <erions illnes Mrs. Hentry Richa suffered a badly sprained | wrist in an automobile accident last Saturday, though painâ€" ful, the injury is improving nicely. Mr.â€" Harry Krogman of Detroit spent a few days with his father, Mr. August Krogman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Angnish and Mr. and Mrs. George Emslie were viâ€"itors at New Dundee. Mr. J. M. Zurbrigg of London, was a business visitor in town on Priday. 0‘ their father, Mr. John Lennox who died on Tuesday evening Mr. Victor Hil} of Toronto and his father, Mr. Samuel HiD of Wachingâ€" ton, apent Sunday with Mr. and Mrc Reuben Ruthig. Mr. Alois Hamm and Mrs. Harry Pauchen and families spent Sunday with _ Mr. and | Mrs. John Hopi, Woodstock. f The Lutheran Canada Synod conâ€" vened | last â€" week in St._ Peter‘s Lutheran _ Church _ in Kitchener Trinity Lutheran congregation was represented by their pastor and lay delegate, Val. Zoeller. There wore no servicea on Sunday in Trinity Chureh. The home Of Mrs. Esther Wilhelm was kindly thrown open to the Junior class Oof the Baptist Church for their regular meeting under the direction â€" of _ Mrs. â€" Marold Appel. After the lessons a very enjoyable time wae spent and lunch «erved. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Knowles and daughter Barbara of Windsor and Miss K. Stewart of Thamesville are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. H Meyers, Jacob street. Messre Emerson Luckhardt. Lioyd Debus, Wm. Roth and Lloyd Appel were on a fishing trip to Hastings in Frontenac County and were very fortunate in angling the finny tribe as they brought home Mr. and Mra. Fred Filsinger, Mro Alex Rau, Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan and family. Mre. Fred Rieck of Kitâ€" chener. Mr. Martin Rieck and Mr. Chas. Rieck of Chesterfield were zmuests at the home of Mr. Christ Rau on Wednesday, the holiday Mrs. Etta Olp of Evenston, 1}. epent a few days with her consin. Mra. Lafayette Hostetlor. _ Mra. Mary Domm of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mra Aaron Eidt a fine mesa Of pfckerel measuring up to 22 inche«. The New Hamburg Fire Brigade has joined the Western Ontario Firemen‘s Aséociation. Thie organiâ€" zation has been in existence for about two years and now comprises about twenty five villages with vol unteer brigades. The annual con vention will be held at Clinton on July 1st. A field day will be held in connection and the local fire brigade Intend to take part. The secretary ‘nl the organization is Mr_= Norman Baechler of Taviatock I ‘The Hahn Brass team looked like the 1931 championa when they trounced the school, laat year‘s Mr. and Mre. R. Hammor anid son of Wellealey apent Sunday with Mrs Hammer‘s parents. Mro and Mrs Ben FPorrest Mrs. C. M. Grainger and Mr and Mra Harry Grainger of London called on the former‘a sfefer. Mre Haroid Appel on Wednesday Baby‘s Own Tablets are an absoâ€" lutely safe lazative. For infants up to 6 months give one tablet; 6 to 12 months, two tablets; 1 to 2 years, two or three tablets; above 2 years, three or four tablets. You will find this an effective remedy for 4 your child‘s cold, simple * fever, sleeplessness and N!Vll.-ubthu Don‘t give anything but the safest remedies to a child. Don‘t Give e h Â¥r â€" and Mrs.â€" Gev. Milnr and duughters, ‘Alice, Edith, Jecsie and Gladys, visited with Mr and Mrs. G Bachert on Sunday cats raced throuch town at it miles im homr. Chief Sclecer claime that bet ween â€" frere aoid Baden he o was (Iravelling over sixty _ Finally pullâ€" |inw@ alongside the ear at the first crossrond â€" east of â€" Baden, â€" Chief Schorer ordered the driver to ctop. The cas was diiven by Gordon Jarvis, 4440 Mirkham street. Taronto. He will he charged with recidess drivâ€" ing autd will appear in police court heve on Menday, Jine 1Mth ‘Ten Accepted As Members [ Of The Baptist Church. 5 Ao plecsing deature of the com immtiou | service ol the â€" Haptict Chureh on Sunday evening was the reception into clmirech fellowship of ten new membere, who were recent Mr. and Mrs. Aibert Kurt and danghter Reta, speut Sundsy with the latter‘s siser at Glenallan. Misscs â€" Ella â€" KEekert and Ruth Devitt called on | friends in Now Hamburs on Tucsday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kuechte of near Kitchener called On the forâ€" merls p«rents, Mro and Mrso Jake Kuechtel leat wee‘k chatnpiots, <n ‘Thureday evening by a seure o. 159 fo 6 in a town league ocliball fixture. Lefty Metz proved the real stur, «triking out 13 of the <chool‘s Inus hitteis. Metz allowed opnly six hits bat his wonderfu] work in the box was marred by hine walks which coupled with the hits netted the school their six runs Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rueh] of Kitâ€" chener apent Wednesday at the ‘home of the [ocmer‘s pavenis. Mr. and Mrs. Heury nebhl. Mr. toyâ€" Dahimer, Missâ€" Rosetta Dahmer, Mics linth Shick of Detroit, Mr. Win. Monaghan and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pires and con Boboy spent Satirduy witt Mroand Mrs, EAdwin Sehmniit. Mrs. Wt Spalir was taken to the Ucneral _ ffospital. _ Stratfoâ€"d. _ on Mr. and Mrs. Coombs and sqaughâ€" ter of Sime0de were renewing old acâ€" quaintances in town on Wedne:day Hahn Brass Hands School Nine Loss Mis Eit‘ Bingeman H.N. of the general | Hropital af 0 Mamilton ds spending uo month‘s bolldays with her pabents. Mr. and Mrs John E. Misses Myrtle Weber, Helen Hall man and Margaret Kaster, visited with their friend, Miss Marjorie Relâ€" linger on Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kaster, Mr. Huro{d and Miss Ruth Kaster spent Monday with friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Monaghan of New Hamburg called on his sister, Miss Laura Monaghan on Monday even ing Mr. and Mrc. John Baetz and Mr. and Mrs. Aldrin Baetz and family of Kitchener â€" spent â€" last Wednesday with Mr.oand Mrs. Albert Kurt Mr. and Mrs. Wl Guthrie and duughter Miriam oi New Dundee epent Sunday with Mr. and Misc Reuben Ruthig. «Mr. and Mre. Ed. Schmidt and family spent the weekâ€"end with the latter‘s mother at Hanover. _ â€" â€" Mr. Donald Milne spebt Sunday afternoon with Mr. Eldred Reier. Master Robert Mile spent Sunâ€" day with his friend, Master Homer Devitt Mrs. Wt Spalir was taken to the Ueneral _ fospital, _ Stratfoâ€"d, _ on Wedneâ€"day where she witl nmudergo #n operution. SeittZ Mi. and Mrs E. Ralbfleioch, Missâ€" es Frieda and Helen Kalofleisch and Georgin Poennic are spending the weekâ€"emt with relatives a1) Niagara Falle. Mrco Gem o0 was t mejer wrul duy. eals. whic &0 Tlince and have eavlt Â¥ear the leagie obs tÂ¥ice gereral H spending ; her pabent Bingem.ain Mr. and tet? oof $4°% Ars. Dippe Prtday oevi ganje . bet is the Hitz I SAWLS.L oo Becker, the prosident of the ladies‘ class. presented Mr. and Mro. Hagey with a beantiful gift. In a few well chosen words Mr. and XMrc. Hagey thanked the Budes for their kindâ€" tess. Alrer i social hour the comâ€" wittee in charke serwed a) daints finich wud all went home happy. Mr. and Mis. W. Bright and Mrs J.0 Mitchell of | Waodstock, Mre. R. J. Kerr o{ Kitchener and Mr. George Hutchison of Toronto were gnoste at the home of Mrs. T. Smith. Hnren street. Chief Catches Autoist After Speedy Chase. Notiimg a ear coming dewn Benâ€" der‘s Hill ou the western ontekirts 0t the villige at a fervific speed. Chief Scherer give chase. The two cats raced throuch town at it miles im homr. Chief Sclecer claime that bet ween â€" frere oid Baden he o was Pravelling over sixts Finally pullâ€" ing alotigside the ear at the first crossroad east of â€" Baden, Chief 1y baptized. The Rev. Mr. Dale call ed on Deacon Sâ€" TLarckhardt to adâ€" dress the new inembers which he did in a capahle manner. Mroadul Mys. Lonis Seigmer and Mro ind Mss Horhert Lauft and con Harold spent Satday with the for mer con, Mto and Miso Willinm Scigner in Tosunto Yir aind Mis. Eo Hamacher. Mise Vera and Mr_â€" Wilited Hamacher and Mro and Mrs. NRoy: Hamacher and fwo children of New Dundee. were Sumday guests at the home of Mro and Mis. Hesh Kropf. Wilmot elreet Mics â€" Margaret Musselmin and Mics â€" Margaret â€" Musselman and Mics Eima Schmidt were in Free port on Sunday, viciting their friend Miss Kathleen Carnell. whn is con fined to the sanatorinm Mr EoK Hosteser of Hageraville epent Aunday at hi» home here Mr _ and Mrs: Clayten Wiederho®t am| mmily of Tavistuck were the wne«ls of (cfends in town On Sunday Mr. and Mrs: George Hmhnwnvl Doon Sportiig and family of Stratford, were the‘Won in Easy Fashion. gnests of the former‘s parents, Mr.‘ A softball game and Mrs. S B Hathawsy on Snnday. Tigera and Panther« Chureh, . pleasalltly eurprised doMrso Bioy: Hagey at their m Pridas evening. Mis. D. the prosident of the ladies‘ veoented Mr. and Mro. Hagey beantiful gift. In a few well words Mr.ouand Mrc. Hagey L the Budes for their kindâ€" \(rer i social hour the comâ€" in chirge «erged a daints ud ali went home happy. Gew‘ge Helunel Mic. C Dippel id daughâ€" owel were the guesus Of 1+ mother. Mrs. William charge ill went Mrz. Ww MANNM EM guest 1 Bright and Mra Woodstock, â€" Mrs itchener and | Mr mite bed Mr on. Water . K. Hot roin Sum Mrs. J. C. Ross and two children of Ochawa «pent Sunday at the bome of Mrs. E. Perine Reg. and James Wilfong of Lonâ€" don apent the weekâ€"end at the home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. N Wilfong. Mias Lonise Goddard of Galt spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Miss N. Jones of Kitchener spent Thursday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bullock Grace and John of Kitchener Sunday visitora in the village Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson and family were Sunday visitors with relativea in the village. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sharpe of Pre«â€" ton were xisitore in the village on Thursdity: Mns. D. Dahmer and two children of Kitchener. «pent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrni. J. McGarvey Ed. Lncas and L Nahls of Preston were Sunday visitors with Mr. W Lucas Rev. W. Patterson of Preston, conâ€" ducted the service at the Presbyâ€" terlan Church and Rev E. R. Hall at the United Church on Sunday afterâ€" noon The Presbyterian Ladies‘ Ald will hold their meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss P Watson Mrs. A Nahle has moved her houeehold effect« to Preston. where she will reside for the future Mrs. A. Nahle has moved her The Doon Pirates, rural league houeehold effect« to Preston. where champs Inat year, and league leadera she will reside for the future s0 far this season, played an exhibiâ€" Miss Mary Kerr Apent the woeek tlon game against an all star team end nt her_ home in Heapeler Thureday evening. ‘The ,Pire:o« won Doon Sportiights the game 26â€"15. The all atars were Won in Easy Fashion. mostly old time Doon bail players. _ A -.omnn“_nme between theWilliams started on the mound for kn L208 oms Pantso Mn P d HS Meat Manager, Meat Manager, R. WALLACE CANTALOUPE BANANAS â€"â€" Eruits and Vegetables POTATOES xew virginia grown 7 ums. 25e LAMB : YEAL LEGS BACON FELS NAPTHA PLUM JAM CORN FLAKES OUR OWN ANN PAGE | McCORMICK‘S SODAS 2 lbs. 21c BRE AD EOME 56z 6 McCORMICK‘S GINGER SNAPS . 2 lbe. 19c Loar C l ATLANTIC PASYTRY FLOUR, 98â€"1b. bag $2.19 A & P DOUGHNUTS ..... Pkg. of !; Doz. 10c ETNA BREAD FLOUR, 98â€"1b. bag g2.2e Porterhouse Roast sss ». Shoulder or Chuck Roast »â€" BUTTER A & P meats are quality meatsâ€"we guarantee complete satisfaction or money will be cheerfully reâ€" funded. Serve A & P meats this week and know you have the best. MAPLE LEAF SMOKED . SHORT “’ WHITEFISH SALMON CATSUP mm 2 120. FANCY RIPE CALIFORNIA CRISP, TENDER FLAKES OF GOODNESS o LA IMMIS Loins Ib FANCY MILKâ€"FED VEAL FANCY MACHINE SLICED BREAKFAST FRESH CAUGHT LAKE NIPIGON FRESH RESTIGUUCHE FINEST QUALITYâ€"SILY THE GENUINE ORIGINAL NAPTHA SOAP FINEST QUALITY A & P BECFâ€"TENDER AND JUICY HOMEâ€"MADE STYLE MADE FROM CAREFULLY SELECTED RED PLUMS NEW SEASON SPRING 235. KING ST. W., KITCHENER PHONE 3181 19 KING ST. N., WATERLOO, PHONE 997 Red Circle » 33 8 o ‘CTClock Is a blend made particularly for those who want a coffee with a rich, fullâ€"bodied fiaver THE COFFEE SUPREME DOON Is a blend of specially selected coffees with an unusually exquisite aroma and flavor H. P. FISCHER ~â€"C©GREAT ATLANTIC & Pacirrc Tra Co. nuncrommommemmezes LIMITED, OF CANADA =â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€" is mild and 2, The COFPEE XHIO SUNNYFIELD FANCY PASTEURIZED CREAMERY, LB. 2%¢ two â€" Junior (,thl;ltuTi;h ;lor;;q; W;:r“e l;l'( and were Dg us roo Fou on is h e n t t C oo a to suit Euolau aso we of o t raia i g o * n § A We § Grocery Manager, A & Â¥*s three famous brands are now i Pihike: 182 an monint Tooed On Wednesday evening the girls‘ team and the Junior boys battled it out, the boys winning 2215. The ‘boys had it all their own way, the first three innings ecoring 13 runs, but in the fourth it was a hitting contest for the girls, eight runs ‘heing ecored before the first pratont was made. The boys came back etrong in the fifth inning scoring eight runs at this stage of the game P Oldheiser, catcher for the girla‘ team, was hit by a foul tip and had to retire. softball teams of Doon, took place on Tuesday evening the Tigers winâ€" ning 28â€"20. Tom Hatt, pitcher for the tigers, hit two home runs. G. Weaver, left fielder for the panthers, made a number of spectacular catches. Tigere: T. Hatt, G. Goddard, D Banman, E. Fisher, R. Kavk, W. Kauk. R. Gill. G. Wilfong, J. Rauck: man Panthers: A. Woods. M. Wolfe, O Bowman, G. Nemeth, Ed. Jones, G Weaver, D. Teet, R. Kurt, T. Wolfe. Boys Win Oneâ€"Sided Game. Girle: E. Gill, K. Nabls, K. Wil fong, E. Wolfe, M Gill, E. Hatt, P Oldheiser, V. Ranckman, D. Wilfong M. Rauckman. Boya: G. Fiecher, H. Schrank. C Goddard, A. Hatt, R. Myers, J Schrank, W. Wolfe, E. Lawrence, R Tilt. Won 26â€"15 en Manager, Meat Manager, N. ADAMS. W. McALLISTER. MEATS® Steaks Ip. 30¢ ded for these who like a delicate, flavorful coffee Large Ripe Fruit _ 3 in»s. 17c Grocery Manager, J. K. MOSER. CLEANED AND PREPARED FOR YOUR TABLE AT NO EXTRA COST SLICED Fronts Ib. B2Be Legs ib. Whole or Half _ Ib. RUMP FILLETS, LB. 18c Large Size _ P tor MEDIUM SIZE, 2 FOR 25c 5 s 31¢ ~ 40â€"01. Bottle 2§e quaKER 3 prgs. 23¢ 69 KING ST. E., KITCHENER PHONE 3846 hard and heavy by all the stars, who ‘acored 13 runs in the first three inninge. McGarvey then took over mound duty and held the all stars down to two runs for the rest of lhw game. Friday evening the Doon Girls played an exhibition game at Doon with the Doon Twine Girla of Kitâ€" chener. The Kitchener Ladies had the edge all the way through, winâ€" ning by 2717 count G. Hamm, pitcher for Kitchener. hit a home run. Marie Bryce, right fielder for Doon, made a number of apectacnlar catches. The Flag pole at the School has been taken down. painted and reâ€" erected. Go Slow signs have been put up along the road nearing the Doon School, a warning to motorists. _ Pirates: Gill, Williams, White, Nahis, Jones, Woods, Oldheiser, Klein, McGarvey. All Stars: R. Wilfong, Shrank, J Wilfong, Holt, Hatt, G. Wilfong Ayers. Gill, Worden. thâ€" PIECK WE DELIVER EXTRA CHARGE 10¢ Grocery Manager, A. LEITH. 15¢ ) CG

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