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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Feb 1931, p. 6

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{on rlrIlv r I! In! 'l'oorrIttirFqoIoo, ‘I'vl VI ‘I‘bl I I I I I m. I , I I 1I4I: III . I ‘I I KIT CHENER LUMBER C0. LTD. Why not build that cupboard your wife has been wanting so long? . flat m m I ILIHIHOHIMIHI gummy 'wa"ooirWaa" “MI nun-Am. _ ' ELECrRrCAL CONTRACTOR WATERLOO rho... 322 - ktTCHENER Phone 2340.: Lighting WeeanmmMrtsatroriu.entrmretrtrruea. 258 King W. In; and In! 81m Their Knowledge of Values Gained Through Years of Experience Will Save You Money. . mmwi-w-m-u MFWWI Drop in their otBee and all: it over. Home: For Sale in I" parta of Kitchener and Waterioo, 'ttttttttLiles, Go. Frank Weiler Whether you intend buying or building - lulu-mnawm '"ooo"""ooooooooooooi-u-oooosmi OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOW. They are all new, in conventional or modernistic designs, and artistic finishes. Adding Modern Beauty to Your Home With Lights If you are building a new home, or planning to improve your present one, we can suggest lighting fixtures -chandeliera--walt lights-and ceil- ing lights-- t house and a home is the attention to detail-the effort to make every room a my one. LIGHTING is one of the most important factors in home decoration, and may be artistic- ally adapted to your rooms. Tet ditNrenee between In“.-- ....a .. I.-_._ 1. 4L, Modern Fixtures LIGHTING SER VICE KITCHENEB . Phone 925 '"""""""o"oo"otoaroooimooooooe I '1e"irrraurtrt"rrmatt-r.t.tqoora" :uwmm‘g . lrr I» . M .a"ratt0tiFWtBttaiattatr- lumulu'. Soho Your Home Problems PM. “I ll. Betty Hm mm Sunday 'rvetMne with In. MM..- Vain. II- B-ttn In," "an“ to - to. OM "and” I fur My: II a. m (It), nun o.ririti.Umrrnantt and Mr. Cart Alla-an. - u low by: In .thtforerty" tho rack with Mums Ill-Io. carotiGaiii Into Mot. neh from Wuhrloo went Gunny wig» they ”mm. [on cutting wu commenced Inn! week " Koobol‘n Bron loo Ihls years in not so thick as it has boon for many former yum. sun Opuntlont. The H, M. Rate Sawmill rom- mencod In winter out of Ion nu! custom towing. Foucault. _ In“ “trio Allomnng from ‘Ihnhvood And Mun ”that Ame was from Elmir- spent an. Cai') and trtttt their parents. Mr. and Mn. Alex. Hartman family ape-m Sunni-y wlth Mr. Mr+ William Snyder “annulus Ice. Mr. Arbor: Querin from Kitchener van I recipient with friend; last Sunday, in Conrad '91; GG 1113523}; ta spamming a few days with kl: WI). Mr. Frank ' Mr, Fred "Inachberger upon! but Sunday with friends In Kitchener, mm Marian Busch from Ruthen- er and . short "all on her parents. Mr. Manfred Volslu. who com- poled in an essay wrlllng contest on his {an to the Royal Winter Falr at Toronto, was awarded third prize. a handsome large Agricultural book. MANFRED vorsm -- _ WON THIRD PRIZE IN ESSAY CONTEST Mm. Norman hGjriurTr""vtsited friends at Waterloo and Kitchener. m“.-. ......V...,. Until the County authorities see that the Elmira-Kitchener highway is properly cleaned of the large amount ot snow on it. great disatim inction will be felt by farmers and motorists alike. It has been stated that the County Axes purchased a new large push plow which is sup owed to be able to cut down the icy ridges almost to the pavement. tr this in correct the road should be put in good condition as soon as possible. Entertained Sowing Circle. Mrs, A, W. Holler entertained the Sewing Circle ot St. Paul's Luther- an Church at her home. Mm. Holler served her guests a delicious lunch during the eyenlngl Mrs. o. W. Rolehard and son Stewart. the latter of Hamiltonmlalt- ed Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beckett at Bowmanville for soveijnl days. Rocoivu a Splendid Aerie Ill lore. It Is? the Intention of the oincers this year to have a banner year and to make a apt-cm campalgu for membership. Th: E‘ImlrmKItchener Highway. On Friday evening the Elmlm Mo- tor Club elected omcen an tollowx: President. Wm. G. Damn; Vice. president. F. D. Bristow: Secretary- lreasurer, Wm. Clark. Thevfinanclll report showed a credit balance In the treasury ot 841.06. " lasohn I‘\|nmtln_ -1 IL. _-1, _ Mr. J. J. Yanchua attended, the funeral ot his mother. Mrs. John J. Yanchuu at Mt. Camel. Pt., on Mon- day morning. Deceased was aged El years and born in Clecho Slovakia. She came to Pennsylvanin when " years of use and has resld» ed in Mt. Carmel until her death. The late Mm. Ynnt'hus had been ill for some time and has been a patient in the State Hoepltal. Ashland. Pa.. during the past eight weeks. She leaves to mourn her, her husband. and seven children, John J. of El- mira, 0nL, Agnes. Mrs. IDro S. R. Peters and Anne of Masontown. Pa., Frank ot Waterloo. Joseph of De. tron. Mary, Mrs. Elmer Nestor of Mt. Carmel, Pa.. and Elizabeth, Mm. Carl Merck of Momentum. W. Va. Also twenty grandchildren. The tttte eral services were held on Monday mornlng It the St. John the Baptist R.C. Church. and interment in the St. Mary's Cemetery. Metal-Jami: lie-Organized. 05391 In Mt. Carmel, Pa. ’ To join the big crowd ot happy home owners is the aim at nearly every couple starting out in their matrimonial lite. Building a home at the present time becomes much more 'simplified with the many aide allowed through the various cinn- neia of trtuie. Massurtseturrrrs, whole- sale and retail dealers today realize that one ot the greatest assets in Be- FOR years you've been promising your- self a "Dream Home". .a modern abode in some setting where your family.would be content and happy in every sense of the word. Why not BUILD IT THIS SPRING? ar. CLIMINT' J. LYIIdu, CMRmA‘QQ Ph-oe-toA-ooo.. ELMIRA NEWS Book on 3nd and on." "What are you hurling about, 'ttttp.',", pl. N rth P I " a were tt at o 02 t.1T1.omrs yet Sign; to In the Mr, and Mn. Byron Let-on uncut Snlurday It Waterloo any -___H "_."""'. .m...v.,. Mr, and Mrs. Snider from tyt. Jacobs. Mr. nnd Mm Shunt: from Preston and Mr. tad Mm. H. Schmidt from Bloomingdale “naked with Minn Mary Weber latrt Wednes- Ham. 'dagt, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Snider attend- ed the funeral of the farmer's ifiail, m” Hilda Korcher ttpot" I few the me Mr. Joseph Snider. held at '” in tho Twin Citr. Bloomingdale on Sand-y. Fi,iir'i llnhdly Dina-r. Mr. and Mrs. J. John of Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Std” were bourne spent Sunday with Mr and Sunday aunts at a dlnner party in Mr». Heman Letaon. Kitchener " the home of Mr. and We are .orrr to 'N'port Mr. Graves Mrs. Wilfred Schleo. gin-n in honor Snag launder tho doctor“: are, "13"“ the birthday ot Mm, 80,1199": [Honda wish him tt spend)" recovery. tttther, Mr. John Huohnnrnrd Mr, and Mm. Snider from tyt. In Var. Young. Jacoh- Mr um um arm“- ._-_ .- - _ .-- - Don't “my If your job I. mt]. And an: and: an few; In... on the night, out '- 0... a no "in m. _ Mr. and isrcivuitup"itUir, ot Conestoga ”on! Sunday with Mr. an}! Mm. tr. Lawn. Mlsm Murlal Snider and Mar- jorie Eamon ”on; the week-end with Miss 'Etllegn Mona" It Elmirav I Mina Helen Whitehead received lher medal at. tho High School Com- menremenl u Elmlrn hat Monday night. She won the Intermediate medal at the titrid day nvllvilies last tall. Futon-lo. thi, “gunk" people gave their human! at the Evangeliral Church. 31min. last Pridly night and do Imam a large audience, Phys-Mag With Med-I. Eula)! Pageant. Miss Mary Weber of Kitchener spent the week-end with her parents, Mrcytd_Mris, I. B. Weber. Mises Hulls") of Waterloo. vlsued her uncle, Rev. Father Jno. Arnold. at the St. Theron parsonage over the weekend. M13512 Phillips visited the home or her parsnla In Mitchell over tho week-end. l Mrs. Edgar Tyack who rocenlly' underwent an operation at the Kit- cheuer Hospital ts steadily Im- proving. _ ,,_...,.. Chief Rieck of the local police Matt ls recovering from his Illnem. Con-stable Ed. Tyack was aurtittx chlel. Patton-ls. E The members of the Senior 11163qu of the Wesley United Church enjoyed a sleigh ride to Hawkes- ville and were entertained at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tyack. A pleasant evening was enjoyed try ull. C Chief meek lmprovipg‘ Mlss - Bertie Lewis, yuungest daughter ot Mr. and Mrs, Ab. Lewis will enter the General Hospital at St. Catherines, to train tor nurse. Enjoyed Sleigh Ride. Mr. and Mm. Oscar Welcth and child "slted m “Toronto over the week-end. Traoterrett To New York. Mr. Jack Mander ot Tomato, of the Royal Bank staff. and formerly an the stall! of the local branch. has been transferred to the head (mice or the Royal Bunk In New York City. Mr. Murder visited Elmira friends over the weekend prior to tmsritur, tor New York. l Another former Elmira boy now Ja Toronto with the Royal Bank, Mr. Carl O'Nell. has been transferred to to the 1mtrottice ot the Royal Bank In Montreal. Training " Nurse. Mrs. J. J. Yanchus and the Mlsdes Lloy Hotter and Marguerite Bted. diet were "sitors to Kitchener on Thursday evening. --'-'-'--r_r- A number ot Manda and raining Bad Actor. surprised Mr. Ind In. Jacob Otter Whnt "I 'Ott hurling about, Min In thtrir home on Friday evan- ent" In. It boil-m the mansion of Mr. w. w." tut" at North Pole Otterbein'a birthday A low nod-l nun, ".5 tit to be “upon" were spent .nd All Joined m [no Ind drhth Judith cod-liver 'riesttirttt Mr. Otterbertn 'nnnr more t In”! Dumas”. Mr. C. W. Schlerholu was a bugl- noss visitor to Toromm While itt the city. he was a guest of Mr. Victor Mum. Rev. Fame} JG." Tim: spent Friday afternoon at Waterloo and Kitchener. Mrs. John L. Cooper ot Hespelar Halted tor a few days at the home of)“. ago] Man. John Small. Ot the eiotce of a 1.353 -iiaiii; bunt. or in planning the corustrucstlun, curing pro-em. day busineea is Service. To help the prospecllvo builder in estimating the coat or his new home Is part ot that service. The merchants advertising on this page are ready to give their run- tomere every assistance whether It is chomlng a lot on which to build I.” M tho swath WEGT MONTROSE Dill "' “I'ORH‘TORV Mitts Ron Menu. tun I gust of mm.- Mb. of "and", arm Mu. Aha. mum:- on Baud-y, In I a noun ICIIOICO a! Ontario Mr. Ind in. In.” Beau". My toe II Inuit. am In If. no In. 0mm Batman and that immune. on ".. "a. hilly. It AM: In“ " In. Mr, John Ziegler. one ot our oldest rmldanln, celebrated his seventy- ninth birthday on Sunni-y. Feb. ‘nnry 2191. Some of his friends call- iod on him and wished him a In”)! birthday Ind nun! more to tXMrte, Catch-no Birthday. M. and Mrs. C‘llnidinmlrhhn and (hunter and Mm. Louise Samar of Waterloo called on Manda on Sun- Mrs. (mules Home! of Baden ls vlsmng for seven] days with her mover, Mn}. bury sun". Mr. and Mrs. chener vlslted latter‘a parents, Braendle. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Oims and chil- dren and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunc!" all of Waterloo ware Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mm. John ales. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Huehn Ind 'tort ""g',T'gti',t Sunday In Kitchener. Mr. ' men Mather culled on friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cluthe ot Kit- chener Halted Thursday with the latler‘a Baron‘s, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. Henry K133110111 returned to his home in Chesley after visiting tor several weeks with his ”later. Fre Mary Kaunas. Mia: Mildred and Mr. Vernon Mickey and Mr. Alvin Schmldt ot ‘Erbsvilla ware recent visitors so, the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ptmidc Mr. and Mm. Harry Sully and tn- [ant son of Waterloo about Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. borne Schmidt. Miss Adeline Kruegor spent I It days visiting friends in the Twin‘ City day. I Mr. and Mrs. W. Bricker and Mites lNeme Weber of Waterloo were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ‘Stelss. Mr. Daniel Schweitzer of Water. loo called on friends here on Mon- 1' Mr. and Mm. Norman Heimple and Mr. Gordon Schmidt of Kitchen- er spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emil Huehn, Rev. Mr. Rlebliug ot Bridgeport conducted the services at the Evan- gelical Church here on Sunday aller- noon and will again have charge next Sunday afternoon. March lat. Lenten tiGi/ila' are held In the Lutheran Church hare every Wed. neqday gvenlng. A very unusual and and occur- _ Ience happened here in ttt deaths of Mr. and hire. bottle St ll. two of our oldest well known and life long residents, Mr. Stelss. who In: in his eighty-[hlrd year. passed away on Monday noon. February 23rd, alter a lingering illness. while Mm. Stein was in her seventy-sixth year was sick only a short time and un- consclnus at the time of her hus- band's death. died on Timed.“ morning. February the Mth. They were blesaed with a family of nine children; one daughter and one eon predeceased their parents some years. Surviving are three daugh- ters. Mrs. Zelnn Hodxlns of London, Our. Mm. Ed. Selp. ot Kitchener. and Ara, Jacob Mine: ot Heidel- berg. tour, Elm. Harry and Em. manual ot Heidelberg and Chutes of Kitchener. There also :urvlve thirteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The double funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at two Fm. with services at the residence or Mr. Harry Steins. "'Hrsldelborx Hotel," and interment to Mount Hope cemetery. Kitchen~ er. Tho bereaved family have the sympathy of the community. Local Nev" Notes. Mr. and Mn. Louis Skin in Their 33rd and 76th Foam. electrical wiring. Plumbing and hen- ng. or the kind ot bathroom best suited to the home or wit-tour de partment it my he. or imzdviaiux the best doors or lumber to he used, thin help is altered grins. Sprint- time In almost here. building Activi- ties are sure to increase. The host sank-e can be secured by planning your operations early, A good time to do it is now. ESTEEMED COUPLE _ PASSED AWAY; DOUBLE FUNERAL HEIDELIIRG 'onomlo. The Ladies' Aid of Ike Bun. mm] Cttttreh held A quilting at the home of Mrs. Allan Prim! on T'ttote day but. Frlondn ot Mn A SH)“: will be (III! to In": that bar hell“! is somewhat improved. The tmmntott of Mn. Wm. Nether- ton. who was III with pneumonia 1: very much Improved, Misc Malinda Chapman of Ayr in visiting at her home. Mr. and Mrs, Lori "oltn and son: Vernon, Finn and bowl: spent Sum city In Phltnvllle. the guests of Mr. and Hm. John Holm. Mr. and Mm. Manson‘Ec'on of Gait spam. Sunday at the horn. of Mn Lawrence Fried, Mr. Add Mn. J. tnotti JriiGoune visited with the, former'e brother. Mr. Minor} Siam. fltt Sunday, Mr, joy Stun of Kitchener spgpdlng a weak a his home. Mina Myrtle Johnston ot Kitchen- er spent the week-end at the home oryr. gnd Mn. E. Perth), Mr, Ward snrorr" a Visited friends in tha Sunday. Bum vimminimuman." mu». m". I‘m-1mm ' J"""" m w- I Vlv'lwlnjvm mum." ' 'trrrto "o mo " IIHIqunvmmnu- It'IHI xlzmlu mum [um 'o""' I' Inm- law * I. . In; luluumm r mm a"hbasmsmoa lulnlnl. II It I I '"oat'tg" 'a""""'"".".-'"" '0rl0l0rt.taoorarararqtou-roie- Office and Showman : 74 QUEEN ST. SOUTH - KPH Office Phone 617 " Cotu.e Sim: Whoa planning the auction of a new homo. I'II’.-.II hon“. or fuel-Sr, building. on. of tho - important it... to be cooaidemd in tho innhlhlion of pupa- plumbing. W. will In plea-pd to fur-ill! ostimmtoa on Flu-Ling. Hot Wat-t. Slum or Hot Air hunting sync-l. Bernardo Terrazzo and Tile Co. Telephone 3697 30er Lumber C6: 'lt" Glass in Windshields and Gr Doors Replaced While You Wait. IAMIIRO Everything in Glass for Building. THE TAIT PLATE WINDOW GLASS (IO. ROSEVILLE Torr-2:0. Mosaic and Marble Tilod wuu 'ilod F loan and Bub-Room China, Ann-tori... Fireplace. Fir-uh. Huh“ Ind Smell. BATTLER dk FREIBURGER Edward and Victoria Sta. - Kitchener IMPORTERS & CONTRAcroRs alk " Sun-d WISH“! ' of Hamilton the village on Plumbing I [nu-um] MumAnlmmnmlnlnl 1.".th '""""""'oorooiooormt-m"r, nut Mull IIIJIUIA LI“ IIIIWI-IIA t0u0u.t.wrsa A Mum will -I ‘IHIW I‘M.“ on - KITCHENER " Res. Phones: 1370 and 3016 --..q---= 'r0orrrrr+arau_ II '""'"""-mtt-mimu-uo- . um - nut-LI"; - - - Res. Phone 399 We supply the beat quality shingles for rooting. thee your room; and furnishing: from dam. m by min by Uetrrg your not property shinsied. -.---" Inl i'""'"'""""'""""""""--""-..,", NANOID APRIL 1m Abraham Stelnbcrl. convicted at murdering " nophow no Mo- urtner. 811mm comm. vu- ul- Innrod by Mr, Justice JOIN, to " Vanna on April "ll. noun-3': body In lound by firm. qrtth t ‘bulm would through no than ttt It. charms! and “Mom!“ 0M tte tttstr non-at m The STIINIIRO WILL " Mr, Simon Huber bu carted har. venting Ice oil the dun for next tum- mer's supply. Oviut to "I. am winter the ice in not A. thick in in other you". It In of clear quality and an be handled easier, W8 SPECIAL“! ll Pot - ”we Rough or Finished Mr. Walter District! ot want» spam tho week-end at his home here. ”Intuit" lop. [ Mrs George Dolmen! Halted on Monday ntterratoon with In. - Aartwt Down. 3 Mr. Eph. Money of Waterloo undo a short can on trieyttt% hero on Bun- any. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bach were visitors on Sunday u tho home of Mr, and Mn. Wm. Dietrich. Vittor- '" "“WI'W'WMI "r'.".v1_rorormtmtmorr- Mr. Andrew Dlebou was I visitor to Manhood last “my. Qulto I number from hare unend- od the auction sale hold hr Slmon Dontlngor. at. Agatha, In! Walnu- day. Mr. Ed. Kaufman was a business visitor - out 1093:1111. ville were Hallow; on Sunday ttt the hhme ot Mr. and Mrs Jon-s Sahel!- “Fr. the cost of your lambs supplies for your new building. _ bet " help you than on In]. 11".: mmmmmmmlumautumn-lam:- KITCHENER. ONT. Rea. Phone 3439 Prompt delivery to u, part of the city. ' WI!“ Jim nun-Inn: nut-Mull ""

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