E No â€do-mm h. :‘ -i"ru-at-aehiSidltgt ll SALABAII RATZ - BECHTEL Funeral Service Juicy. fresh, tender meats are the hub of the meal. You'll relish them all the more if you buy your meat here, because you can always be sure of the highest quality secured at lowest prices. - Day a Night Phones 1305 - 3450 Phone 880 Delivery to all parts of the Twin City. Funeral Home 118 Queen St. South Kink-nu The Leading Meat Market and food quality - to- gether with home style cooking are the features that make a meal " our Tea Rooms Lute dif- ferent to most of the meals you eat away from home. RENDEZ- VOUS Choicest Cuts E. J. Fischer TEA Wanna-mm 'CL'EANLINIass nus SERVICE OI ' " M. . Wow... Tu Roo- Joann s. - The ttoath occurred at midnight Tummy ot Joan]: E. Snydor at the family undone. In" Bloom-galls. The duo-nod who no In his 8011. you has resided at Bloomln'dolo tor the out In yarn and dorm that time “nod on the township council toe eight yum. Ho VI. predeceased try his wile Lucindn Snyder “use your: no and in suwlved try tour Emu; 1nd tour humer- u follows. line Misses Irena Snyder and Lauret- la Snyder " home. Mra. Ralph Koch in Bloomingdale And Mrs. Lorne‘ Shaun. Waterloo. and Mounts. lrvin‘ Snyder. Herbert Snyder and [on Snyder at home and Alfred of KC runner. He was predeceased by two daughters. Mrs. Roger Gaach and Llllian in her third year. Alon our. vivlng are nine grandchildren and one skier. Mrs. William Snider of Bloomingdale. The funeral will be held trom the family reslrienco near Bloomingdale on Sunday at two felock and will proceed to the Sny~ ‘ler Mennonite church, Bioomimp dale tor lhe funeral service. Inter 1mm will he made in the adjoinlng "ettt6ttet'y Mrs. Sol. Bonny An (untamed Waterloo resident In the person of Mrs. Solomon Benny I22; Peppler M.. panned nvmy at the St, Mnry'a 1ux,sp1tal Wednesda) night. February 18th. following a 'englhy illness. She was a daughle' of Martin Schade and was born in 1559 and was in her 72nd year. For many years she was a member ot 'he St. John's Lutheran Church Macahee and Crystal Rebekah' Lodges. There survive a husband, one daughter, Mrs. A. Hagen or Kitchen er. two brothers. Henry Srhade or Kitchener and George Schade of Stratford and two “New. Mr- John Graaser and Mrs, John Mayer or Kitchener. six grandchildren. One ~ann Charla; died in 1929. The "t%GiipTooe placn- an Satur- day trom the home or her daughter to the Kitehener llausnlenm tor lm trrt'tttottt Mrs. Ethan-t0! Wagner Thv death took place at Bridge- purt on Friday of Mm. Elizabetr Waxiser. widow of the late Casper Wugnvr. at the home at her non Manaccssah, in her 81st year. follow mg n paralytic stroke. The late Mrs Wagner was born In Mannheim on April tt. 1850. and was married tr Casper Wagner who predeceased her In 1914. She Is eurvlved by one son. hianaseah. with whom 3116 re sided. one daughter. 'Susannah, It home. one Slater. Mrs. John Welleln. two stepsone. Noah Wagner ot Kit "hener, and Moses Wagner ot 1va Lake. Michigan. and three grandam- lren. The funeral took place Mon- day with servlce at the Bridgeport i Evangelical church. Hugh Taylor I Many Erlenda learned with sincere regret of the untimely death of Httgh, " year old son and only child of Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor at the home of his parents. Huron Road R.R. No. 2. Kitchener. on Friday. Pneumonia was Hm cause of death The funeral was held on Monday [i,it',i,r,fi,':.i, Burial took place at Donn. Numerous flowers were mm! by friends Joseph Bernhardt There passed away at the wr! hrspital Thursday. Ken. 19, Joseph) Bernhardt. Kitchener, retired tire-t man of J. M, Schneider and Sons plant. Ho WM aged " yearn. He was predeceased by his wife. Than aurvlve. two sons. Clayton of To Cd'd, and Herman of Kitchener. one ‘danghter. Mm. F, Bowman of K1telr GG. and {our grandchildren The .fnneral was held on Saturday Wnyne Chaunhlough Retell The doath occurred In Detroit on February 20 of Wayne Cheese- blough Roxeli, aged 20 years. son ot Mr. and Mrs. s. Elton Rozell. "' East Weber street. Kltchenor. l'noumonln was the cause of death The funeral wan held on Monday at lKltchener UN|ON BADMINTOAN» cw? WINS 'ir't" JiiGtrrii'iG -Uatou Bad. mtnlon club defeated the K. t W Badminton rluh Wednesday. GUARD rm: my); To guard the baby spinal colds nothing an equal Baby's Own Tutr lats. The leleu Ira a mild hull"! that wlll keep the little ono'n atom- ach and bowels working regularly. It laurecnxnllad Incl that when) an†artotn.clt and howela are in good or- der that cold: will not still; that the health of tho lmle one will be good and that be will tttrt" and be happy and sood-nntnrmt Tho Tab his are mid by modlclne dealers or by mail at 25 can“ a box from Tun Dr, Williams Manchu: Co, Emeli- vine, Ont Spock] Lutheran. Fold" and 4 tt ' Photo. on. doun for I“ In. a. w., Upwa- he... ml and "IN KITCHINII m and “gain I.“ OWABY BENTON STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHS LIVE FOREVER KGAINST cows " nu- 0n m "muster loonl You“. 7 Mee. Thursday and". The (cum ot me "an: no a all [in- by Ree, “not. rammed nil-Iona†from Atriumrluch In very Pee'- Burnt; presented a amount on- mled "Coi-Naurt and Cannon Som." Tho Union Chorus ot Kit- chaser were pro-tom and an; come very tttge selection ot male. The meeting in closed with tho 3mm: benediction Formula. iariG Loo bu been spending the put law “on wttit Mr, and In. Rom“: of Brld‘pport; Mr. Jon-nun Martin at 81. been visited a the home of Mr. and In. 31mm. Kropt on wane-day. sanity vhnon ct the home ot Mr. and Mn. Frank Hone] were: Mr. and Mrs. Adam Debnuk of Blah 'tttd Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hammer and tawny of Roseville. Mrs. Wm, Thaler. Missal Kathar- ine and Eliubelh Trailer and Mews. John and Anon Thater of Brash]; visited Mrs. but! on Sunday. -TniiTsiaiemann visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fame Jr., ot Gall. on Sun- my Mr. and Mrs. Prloo and Mr. and Urs. Harold McCarley turd daughter You: ot Kltchener spout Sunday with Mr. And Mrs. E. Plate. Mr, and Mrs Nelson Mtehm and lauxhlem Marjorle and Agnes visit- 'd Mr. and him. Alex. Mlehm of Kit- honor on Sunday. "in; Teir6AGa, and Mrs. Ed. {will visited with Mrs. Frank Her- el on Monday" - -- . â€Mtg: his; Strong of Blooming- lale In spendlnx a tew days wlth Mr. 1.1! Mrs. P. A. Snider. _ _ -- Mnny friends ot Mr. Frank Martel vill regret to know that he In con- ined to his home due to illness. Mr. and Hrs. Arthur Luft and ‘amily and Miss Stella Lutt of Kit- -hener and Min Maryrrie Mlehm ot his viclnlly visited Mm. Luft on mutiny. "iGiiiio. visitors at the home of 'dr. and Mrs. John Burrtt' were: Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson at llalr. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stump! " Kitchener. Messrs. Gordon, Roy md Lloyd Barge" and “use: Edna tttd Alta Barge“. -.iir%hii"sehaosr etsRed my Evelyn Roberts ot Knchener on Sun- iay, -iirs. McArdle and Miss Irene Lee rigited Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lee of Kitchener on Sunday. --- "EVER-miniat- visited Mrs. Wm angle of Hespeler up “Raggedâ€: "figs 51;.th Mlehm visited Mitgs Walla Luft at 'Knchaner on Sunday evening. - -- _ ..., "ir/fra, Mm. Wm. Sleiler ot Kit- houer spent Sunday with Mlns Ada Drtmtstt. iburch Donna. . _ . , H. Swan: had tor the text Bl. 'tatthew 9: 2, "Thy sins he forgiven Thee", On Sunday morning, Pals 'uary 22nd. Rev. Backna conducle the servlce which wan followed by :omnxunlou sank-e. Tho usual Junrterly meeting wan aloe held. Mrs. Prank Hone] and Mrs. Allan 'lurgol: visited Mrs. Clayton Mona Mt Wednesday. "U" GaG Tn: V perlolhl attended the ocal Sunday School and Church zervices on Sunday morntrur. Ry, day "sCiiiiirTi";i. Bllmau Bowman ot Kitchener visited at the home of Mr. Ind Mm. J. H. Shark o? Sunny. in y Mth Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bonsai" Mr. Fred Hammer spent the week- ami with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Vanni. Mr. Fred Schnelder made a trip to Sudan on Saturday. Mr. Mervin Bowman. Mr. Walter 2mm: and Mr. Walter Eckntoln. Mr. C. E. Roirotsboripbr. Mr. Htrold Shanta. Mr. [Andi-em Bingomnn at- ‘ended the New Dundee Farmom' ‘rroperauvo mama-y meeting on Jretr. 20th. Srf,rivii. TiGhi and mu Hiram ksited Mbis Ada Oriana on Thurs- Mr. Edgar Becker and Mr. Bell- ram Chapman undo I: bushels trip to Baden on Honky. Mr. Frank Buddin - Bundny evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. gchwartxontraher. “in; lrvln Moan visited Mrs. wu- ed Mlller ot Kltchener on Wednea- Mr. Ctitrord and Mr. Qulnn Hm‘ rancher spent Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmldl. Mr. and Mn. David Yam.“ made a business trip to Baden on Monday. Mr. Herbert Jon‘s nude . bull- no†trip to New Dundee on Fridly. Mr. [Andrew Bingemn was I (ifiir In Baden on loudly. Tiii0 -aGiiri- iiriiiicf -co., held their "was! muting on Monday afternoon. _ "Mg-TIL! Mrs. Hoary Baum]: Ind funny amt Sunday with In and Mrs, Bot. autumn ot Ntot Engage. Mr. Gustave Zettyr agent Sunday -'ii'rGkuuo.. C. E. Saturn-nan. truhor and - mm Sunday with Mr. Ind Mn. Nick Roth. New Ham- burg. In. John 20hr has come horns. after spending I In wool- with friend: In Welles!†tad IIIIvorton. "iii-7'5} iris. (1'3. Yum spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Christ, Stolnmnn. New Hamburg, -_ ___ reriVliVPh’Immar culled on Mr Schneider on loudly. _ _ “Mr {Adah Martin inn-do I bnolnem trip to Ktlrhenor on Sltnrday. r-Lau..---""'-". A colored than ttot his nerve to- gether and took I light In an ur- plnne. AI he climbed out of an ship on its return to the theld, he “my! tothtNtof my Hid' I ' "uiiiic"urh'irio"itutVrou fo' both_dem MOI." ___ _ A... "";'ririiii" GCiou hiking shout?" mr, mm NI". .umn anyuu m uh! Pte lvlltor. "You only had N.teh-, 1 one.' g ..----.---_---_. "No min." returned tho watt"- Win Pric- Angel ' J . (or. 1At).h" tmro--m.h fun an Joe ook teh m. mn Be a†mah B he vain! III- . mt the m." no!) wot-In. u- v.- "YO. Ibo had I on.» cold; kind torted. " on. but" by will: u an, "WE. we mt erthrqt In†In ard In M from a ettctttt.. te, â€it N "ITIIV‘LLI “I Indonhnd your wife in quite DISTRICT PINE HILL Ill-“Cd the cote horns. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Samar! and wooi- with daughter Elsie. “Mud with Mr. and d mum-ton. Mm. Lloyd Snider ct wnmmurg. Ynnui open! "In Lydia Eek-lain and Mr. An Mm Christ, Coxolonn ot Kltcheuor. spent Sunday R. nt the home of Ed. Semen. 0-1-9! ree. 'l_- -.-v ~vvw -_"_'"" lur- ol the m. at In. Lydi- 1'Inr ot nun. huh“:- oc In. Add). “If at Ellington. and Mr. Willard L - or Wntorloo. The Way In pow " the pr- nomo by Rev. I D. Socket ttt w...- _.. m... -e W ___ Mbsa All: Thur. "tor of tho bill. and u brim-M. will. Mr. Clulord - ot Con-no.0. I coulln of the Broom In (new. Altar the ceremony tho happy young couple left on a honeymoon trip to Detroit and other point- In Michi- gan. 0n lholr rammed any will take up their nuance at " Snider tlt., Waterloo Futon-l0. - _ 5 Mrs. Ed. Bender In: rum-nod to her home here. that 390nm“ several days with friends And reu- uvee in Hamilton. " "irrrGirriiiiaour -nt a tow dive with friend: in “knew [all week. -- ____‘ "Tri.' and Mrs. Henry Wale! were visitors at the home ot their daugh- ter, Mm Weir Mlller on Walnut day. -iir. sud in. 'turl Mlller were Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. um Mrs. Sam Bird. _ -"roiirauTiuuee spent lost week with her _ puma“. Mr. Ind Mrs. Simon Waller- In Wilkes: A _ "If: Grariioiader ot the 8th of Peel spent Sunday wlth Mr. Vernon Manner. - A _ _ iiua,uior were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller. _ Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Edmund Sena-ind: were: Mr, and Mum Charles Holler and family, Mr. And Mrs. Harry Jarvis and daughter Shirley. till or Elmlra. -iriraud Mra. Enoch Schneider. Mio Eva Schneider gnu Mr. Irvin Mr. Willard Schwlndl Ind ulster Ruby spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Miller In “L Huston. MB: Gladys Schmidt spent nev- erul days with her grandmother, Mrs. A. D. Schmidt at Elmira. Rev. E. D. Becher and Mr. Carl Matthews of Elmlra were Sunday viallom at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schwindt. Mrs. Clarence Schmidt and son Frederick spent several with her parents, Mr and Philip Bonn. Mr. Cart Franks and Mr. Pat Peldpusch were Sunday visllom with the latter's uncle. Mr. Herman Feldpusch at Elmira. 7 Siu, Margaret Bender spam a fur days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snider at Fiortuiaie. _ Sunday visitors at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bolt were: William. Lawrpttce and Margaret Ball ot l-lloru and Mr. Maurice Schwlndt. days In Hurrhton. Mm. Wm. Some of Harden h visiting with friends on this line tor a few dare. Elk-was Olive and Dorothy Mathews spent the weeteend with their slster. Mrs. Clarence Folman or Kitchener. Mr. Harold Jackson, accompanled by Mr. Slanley Grantham or Kitch- ener motored lo Toronto tor the weetr-end. “55:58 Mm. Allie Begum of Mil. hank Hailed with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Mathews. a day landings! h -iirfTaria. HGrr Schedewilz entertained their friends to a euchre and dance on Tuesday 9vening Inlet. A number from this line attended the Women's Assoclallon meeting held at the home of Mrs. H. Koelln of the Glen. (.1 77 Mr. Jack Hay spent the weekend at the homo ot Mm. Artnitrhuelrson. Mr. and Mra, Arthur Topp and family are buy movlng to the house on Mr. Ralph Jackson'a [arm Mr. John McPherson, ot Mnclon. in mov- lng into the house vac-mad by Mr. Topp. _ â€xiii: Helm human ot 1mm:- ts unending a few days at her home Mr. A. W. Ruler is spending u [an Gre, “Sim. Ira halt-ion Ind Mrs. Annie Jackson wished a any the mat week with Mr. A. W. Rutrrr, Messrs. Charles Gardner and Mlar Halo] Einwechter spent Sunday at the home of Henry Kenyon'n at Platuwille. -sTrriai Mrs. Wm Goeulings or New Dundee vllited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Etnwechter on Sunday: _ Mr. 1nd Mrs. Howard Rhalnhardl and dunghlor Gloria. of Kitchener spent tho week-9nd at the hush? homo. A. Bmder. -rcGu Mm. David “summer and bunny were the Sunday guests at Mr. Ind Mrs. launder Snyder. anilgilrlrio and Mr. leyd Snyder spent Sunday wlth Mr. And Mrs. Earl Snyder. -- Mr. und Mrs. Aaron Benn Ind daughter Bourke from Guernsey. "sh.. spent I day raccnlly with Mr. Ind Mm L. Snyder. "it: Jacoh Shy-jar "shed at the homo ot Mr. sud Mm. Lloyd Bury hardt It Bridgeport on Sunday. - 70mm mm“ __ sir, and Mm. Geo. Weber vlniled with Mr. and Mrs [ All-n Frey-mun at leohanar. Muse. Gladys and Mildred .Wnber went Bucky with than friends Mina; Muriel. Helen and Erma Ernst. Mr. and Mn. Clayton Semen were the Bunday manta or Mr, and Mrs. Herb Kuhn ll Plum-loo. - Mr. Ind In. mum Moos um daughter Ruth. ngnt futyut witt! ir. and Mrs. Junk: Saul" at Natrt"we, and]; ind ordered bun 2'llt rupute up to." Lt itrhe..te I" GERMAN MILLS YATTON L Th. inun- um little days :-end Excellem Program. _ The "Alpine Literary Society" met) It the home or Mr. and Mm. Noah' Cressman. when an Interesting may Tram was presented. Shun sketches were slum of the lives of Laura geeord, Sir Adam HFCK and Abra: ham Lincoln. And mm- at the ‘Memoriul Tower" at Dunn. The oBaker paid trthute to our pioneer -. _., ‘.‘...-....... 3...." Miss Adam Snyder spent a few lays with her sister. Mrs. Abner Indy. Baden. --» In,, 1-4....- 5|... \uu’. Way... The Ayr Champs eliminated the' Tab: bl, thus winning the roundi 7-1 In Ayr recently. Binnoman neared the black and whltes' lane! tally early In the first period when; hp accepted a many pm trom Rohr, hardt. The locals played below fox-ml The local fans and players wish he Ayr Champs much auccma In heir hunt tor the championship The lemma: Breslau: goal. (larnnr; damn-w. Dideis and ()llnskl; centre, Roln- hardt; wlngs. Bingeman and Shanta; Illamales. Harnnck. Manny and Heckcmdorn. Arr: goal. Lllllto; (Infansu. C. Rain and Ennis; csmm. R. Rain. Mugs, Hull and Richardson; Otter. utea Melvin. D, [Alum and Watson Refuse. Chis, Talhm. Preston 10 Kings. s. . WATERLOO Death of Jouph Eula". The danlh orcurrod on Friday‘ 1"th ot 0m- " thou mun] rmldonls, " thin VIMnlly in the $tr'nurn of Mr I laugh B. Snyder In his 80th year I A more extended nnllre appears In' mot-her column Firicai. 'iiiiiiiie:iiilNr"iiriAnp TNI' " iiiiiCiiiri. ;;x\i£&:_3-~19‘ 'iirir7Jt1tiit.tr"""t"2"".Tc] 1fit1tGtliV-aflt'r havouummuh a: summit-b.1305)- Me Mr. 640m? Wong" from Pts, went the wont-9nd the mum! at Mr and Mn Amos BchitdPr, ("in Ind Mrs Carl Inelph Sundxyed ll VIM Mice McAlllggr -.Y.PM"". mm "orâ€. Nth-1;; Hug-i!“ Sandor ot Mt neon. loom Illa wook the guest ot Mr. and In. Drrvrd, "1"ttrs Ttttr friends of Mr, B, W Mayor wilt be pleased to he" that the ovum “ion porl’ormed on his rye for the ~omovnl of the cataract. Mu hum aere-fttt, and his Mttht hu been "only Improud. w u “can Peaches tret' M 17° "a-u.--.". Me as-or-as-o-bo" 16e "h iriiiilriffi, - 15° inn-@55- luv-~55?" "iiiiiariffU- 19° Wad-3... ". “309144.92! "l,: -1"i"i,i,i,":ii,ii'lica"] (lBt,tt.toilrt,'-t,i,) [ciilii:'iisil' .m ell BRESLAU BLOOMINGDALE St-ee""""" r1,!t..tEtlE!!E?f,llllff,,,1 Nit-Allister at the home of day with her parents. Mr and Mm. s. Weber at Kitchener. Mr. J. A. McKenzie moved his it‘nmlly and household etrects down “our Bright last week where he " (hanged for the summer with Mr. Geo. Arnott on a farm. Mm. A. ll Fleming and son Mar- rey, want tho past week with rela- tives at Poole. i'i'iisii'iG'%ttur of Bright spent lam Saturday with no: liner. Mrs. Rufus Nam-gang. __ _ Mrs. Humphrey Llwyd and daugh- ter Mary Jean. left here last week tr spent a couple of months In New York. She has been staying with her mother, Hm. J. Andemon since tho death of her father. l Miss I. Ferguson and Mina Carri? Brown rayon! the week-end with thr rurnmr's cousin. Mrs. A. B. Christ- ner. Huron Road West. Miss Edna Roth of New Hamburg "trent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, w. A. Cook Promable Meeting. A religious meeting ot the A.Y.P. A, wan held In the Haysvills hall on Mummy evening wlth a very good attondance. The scripture reading was road by Miss Madge Cook. The roll call was responded to with a Bible wrap containing the word "Prayer", this was followed by a sltort paper on “Prayer" by Mrs. J. Mn; K. Shani: spent last Thurs --osreaetttPfett.tet iiitiirettt" - mzr "diiiithgiat "gall'" Cir-ttily iii 'ii7iirii'iiit 1tS"dt " 'iiiti'iir " w- " "i"iiiiiiuiiiiiiim 2 an- " "t2fii"iiii?.7,5'2,,Ttttli'lie so» son ' - -1r9etettt.?.e.r SHREDDED HAVSVILLE "euaoauatmpeeye.eP * Cii"iiiiiis-iru-ete'terlt 0: Fm " . " ' . MI WITH All we IRAN "iitii's'ir3i"isti's, or THE WHOLE WHEAT "in; CANADIAN SHREDDED wan communun Sir and Mm J. Graham. The topic tor the even- ing was "Payer Book Study" and ter. J. H. Poten took charge ot ‘0'. .. ... .-.,m- - 7 this and dealt with various parts ot .he Prayer Book. This tag followed " a Bible Alphabet contest Short Course. Tho Hay-swine Branch ot the Women's Institute is holding a wo-weeks' short course on "Food ialues and Cookery." commencing next Monday afternoon. March 2nd at 2.30 pan. The Instructor for this __ -- ..7 ,.,_.-_A " a. “n. y..." my _._-_,, nurse is Mia-s Vol-m; Bamhridxe ot Dutton, Ont. Thou wishing to tako .hb course plume hand in their names to the secretary. Mm. J. J, â€attain. The necessary fee tor this :ourse is 25e tor Institute members. 2nd 50c tor non members. which makes them a member. This comma, i""iirsiirTCwVirrove very intercu- ing and beneficial. The Insulate will also hold a melakevenlng 1n the Haysville hail next Wednesday. March 4th at 8 rtiock tor the members and their husbands and famillm and friends. This meeting is to take the place " the regular March meeting and a ‘splendid program is being Tprepared. " Winter Comes Bounder--"Don't stop me; I'm going into this shop and buy a new cover for my trewlittr-l'. ii'aii'iieriviiiCiGt's " fur shop." 7 7___ ____‘ rounder-' Phone 894 (;'ii'j1 -“Well?"