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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Feb 1931, p. 2

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"s-q-vs-et-UB-a'-."' Um Ollgli. IUNCIIPTION RATE' Plans harp luv. lt, l, ( w " (‘|.ll surn-ys of local crop run-Minv " m l 1" .iiu li’u; npgmr tunitios, it living: [M I‘ll nu? Hm! "t.,piir;rtitr'si of electrical pn'M‘r In :1"HI‘E~’-rl.ll oprra.tion-, i; meeting with mud uuuwtuc‘lw “will. The unwrnnrn“ l" Iv'lh'i' rm " \i\l un- employment uudcr 1h. Nun hm! hum " t.ttts Federal governinmw 'srss ' ulllllh do sz Mil (ttttnr, duced authorizinp: I‘m myuxz'Tit-u‘r ur' rsH,ro0,-. 000. It was statrd l? lh, mi; , llwm‘jr Hm ,m‘m' 43,000 mon in all Inu'l\' tsl iln- [xi-Ainrv bar, been given vmplnyrm n1 mul Ihut lmfuivllhv program is mmdmlwl s'rlltr Slamming" wili have been SIM-n1 in thr prminw r-n llll> spvrial relief work. Sumn- 'dirt nmrticipalitics have had their plans apprm'c-cl v,lrdc 17.0"” hauls of households and singly IllI'll luau- rv mind rvlivf. Another minim-ting unnnumw'mmil Wavs that legislation is shortly lo ln‘ introduced to transfer tho upvratinn of llw Sccurity Franck Prevention Branch from [the Aitorrv1vuhmvral's Department to the dirm‘linn of " “mud wituh will have similar pmwr in that of tho Ontario Railway Municipal flourd and the Liquor Con.. trol Board. It will specially unwnisn the opera- tion of the act governing tlu- Lamina of soeuri. ties and the operation of ttw Mark oxchanees. In eo-operation with the FNvval Govern, 1980.den1 mt, the Agriculture Committee of the ths in outlool uric Legislature has approved the policy of earnings. ADVEITISING “Tu a mm Mvonluiu cm nut ‘0“th - so. about. In a comprehensive reviews of the activities of the Waterloo Board of Trade of which he has again been elected prcsidtmt, A. M. Snider, at the annual mccting rrcviitly. prcdtcted that the time was not far distant when the town at Waterloo would haw the n-quirml population to be incorporated as a city, an "hintiw 1rhich a few years ago seemrd nanny likely of realiza- tion tor many years to come. This accomplish- ment, howercr. has new mum within the range of possibilities in the mar future 21> a result ot the marked illlilhil in] i-s t lupmrnt ot' the "tuni- cipality during 1hr p.14 .rrltr or" tun and the continued growth or.' thr imumucl: and tinum-ial institutions of th,. [HAM Ui'it’ii arr oskvrging, their stairs cunstuntlv lo int-p [mu uith the growing voluttur at am Ethnrnnt'v in fun-t- is hit-ii now exceeds tlu. 51M Iriihun nnwk Outstanding hiswtlg 'tlr.,. Ilt‘\'i'lnlllllt'lll> of the year indtrstNctlly. V,its 1hr ' stu'ulhlnm-nt in the town of t'sns rsuurisisinc-War'trvlir" Company which will gixr vstr,ployttissiit lo many I'mnilics while there hav. zilru ivt-t-ri it Mimi-n t" ol' smull indnsIriu< t,cti/i-h,tl .ir..m:- th, pitsl twi'h't Attention will l ment of lull-[iv I', If-, the Ross “Thar-n health "uit, I‘ll-mg]. proceeded' will; "n" introduce amsuidirirrt re-eonstitutr tlu- Sn Question of lulll- " cern hospital, “ml will he (10;!!! “ith L}. Plans haw luv. lt, of local crop mndnim " tunitios, it being [M " of electrical pmwr In il" meeting with most t'lr't Prumit'r H. F. speech in l’rin--~ 3am tario legislmun rm, ously assailrul 1 If: i: » outlined th, wham- proposed to him-Ill, / The Watt-rinn l’uh tainod at " wrr,miri: citizens :m- (-vivlvm-fn the growing: pathway. This is nm- hf ti,.. is worthy of tin. sl',':' not only " snm‘m ..z and citizens in grip r; well which ic “Han-$1 _ fiction on it: Jwi» ". Outstanding mum]; It. the year indtrstNctlly. V,its 111 the town of m ricurisisinc-'t which will gixr vstr,ployttissiit while there hav. "Iso i11-1-r1 1 industrivs trctul/i-h,tl 47.11” months. Undur i2~ mu lLt it is admiral; mm community. The Watcnrs, I'.: by the annual l', pi: 1 patroniiwd by an i: C t t' the circulation Ukrmj; the Largest le-Iul I my. I Well our trr.'. 15; ClsAl purchased Ly thr Libra! year, the Vill'iillh cl.-. ' I the latest lit-wavy ps,u.u':ur, stitution i, in " '.-- sitio,, public the Hun» ; 1.! In tions avairulC. that the >x‘]§"- or." ii attracted an twicrrcc). age attrndnmw Ex rim inauguration ot' 11,- heightened iaztm »1 E: has resultrll in mm" in ful organization 'i.', an port Irving pin: 7 I Zens. The Waterloo Chronicle “a year. In - ................... In Umisod Sum. - you ........... It is ink-1. .11 THE WATERLUO FORGINH A " E A D THE LI‘ICISI. Vt H Id FROG“ IM TOWN".; I'l EIIAH‘ Hill: pyorlti.iitt.'1 " m l1 p m I inn-I} i, {rang main- "rir high ,.trw.durtl, and 1:3; ”z-“ll' uppn-t'iatinn by M iv}.- "v-vos) II. in'n nK isclitrrtioti, which :2! I! it, ri1i1-Q5;1<it is mi~ ”lumiun lo sturicmts , f“ Ir-ir-n', . h pi'_rr'.tit guru-Mural will lm. jmlituttrvc act to . I'm.,| " (hlléil'in, H rr" il H? 12'“: y v! m tht, r!v}1;u‘t- _ 'utrlTirlrr (mt of anti: hnum of Inn inn- is lo In- ”111:4; 'thrpr, um!" l' xu lunuth 'Hw r mrunirtp,uc. iss ml of Tral. and Eurrzzx'iugly usu- i':. gum-ml ‘up- "T trt-' :1 and vili- _ (“in Us ( " Hun lo sturic. mtcrtuiumtmt “.l't' In " o," citivm.s ."sriti" n-zu'luing i'. _ Ilislnl‘y. quunn-s urn- n! Illlsing' the 'zpmvnh-rl with ,. Hm: 1hr in- ur ihr hurling i.' urol put-Hub icciot 1' I'lH ll M hunk Jul-h M 1ftt bulimia-[1 I' 'cipor- Hull and wrunn-nt Elli] Ll haw lt' .'tVr'l' in Huh rmialg-n 1h- Un- in (In t"ttt1 jug' of I "Tin: germ was found forty-eight years ago. Thc radio Icclul'ur said." and for 48 years luv bam- born steadily fighting this disease which prior to that time we did not know how, ito light. " have tried by all ways possiblc to tualos Hu- mil of human lin. favourable for hrullh :uul t1t1favouralde for disease. In that pm-im] m- hun- cut the dcuth-ratc from tuber- Chloris to "tw-fifth of what it was prior to the discorcry of tlu- grrm. But cvcn this is not satisfactory for this dim-aw is "tmectvksary, . p, Rubles”! curahlc. l "lh-cuusc lulu-i'culosis actually commences Yt'itrm before it begins to show and lwcausc the tubcrcuhu' pcrson by wreading the germs of his discusc gives, it to other people, the m'cut vfrort, to thus-v st ho srvk to combat this disease is to' Ifl't'Yl'rll it rnthvr than to curc it. This is thy big 1xork of tuirercultrsis clinics and slispertosaiivs as \\.-ll as trittvlling clinics and anti-tOve luloris cz-Inpnigns from unc cud of Canada to 'tlu. uhcr. Tltvy an. hunting out the contacts. icxumining the contacts and keeping track of thr contacts, Thy arc gctting tuberculosis. un-, (ll-r control bcl'on- it bcgins. This is the sort of; thing that most ol" thy Christmas seal money is Mining throughout Canada. "Public upptvciation of the importance of this c. ork and public support of it an: essential,") the sprain-r wmphasi:wd, "if lite pl'cscnt uncnd-j l ing cvusude against it is to Ire st rcnglhcucd and, 'r, progrcss "crwlvratvd. According to figuivs published by the Financial Post, dividend and bonus disburse- ments madv by Canadian corporations to share- holdvrs during 1930 roachvd a record total, ho- ing well over $284,000.00. this sum being over $16,000,000 in rxrv‘ss of the amount paid out in 1929. In face of depressed business conditions, it is noted that many dividends which have been passed. Wore not passed until late in the your so that 19.81, " least the early quarter thereof. may not compare {morality in this record with I980, despite the expected gradual improvement in outlook and the possible actual betterment in , (c) To '.IPCUN industrial stability in pro- tl't-h-(l industries that the smpo of the Indus- trial Disputes Act he oxiondml so as to cover all such industries. (d) The onuumm'ent should have full con- torl ovel" tho capitalization of industries Irene- tiitinp, by protection and thus prevent watering of stocks and tuning of melons. ilr) Ths, Labor Dvpartmvnt should have pmwr of investigating and control over cun- leitinne of employment of the \vurkcrsin a pro- tt-ctt-II industry with smffieicnt power to enforce at least as high a standard for workers in pro- trrix-d imhistrivs ax- than cnjoyed by workers rump-i rl in similar ovcupatitms in any country against 1shieh such tariffs are applied, thesw in nu rasv to he has than such as are set out in lhu mm‘vntiuns and vvcommcndatirms adopted at tins annual mnfnn-ncvs of the International Lahur Organization in harmony with the terms of Part SHI of the Treaty of Versailles. (c) I'robwtion shnuld mwor be so high as to (-11 ate a monopoly and rumuvn- all incentive for initiative and improvement on tho part of thr martagettwrtt. , tUO-D-trt-taf-ttam-hi" gmnutoaaaiottar-rotl-foethr- Applications for grunts mun-be aeesamposied by a succulent signed by fifty hon tide farm- erq residing in the district, the total grant not to exceed $500. Canadian National Railways will give evi- lance of the 1980 business depression by show- ing a deficit of $30,000,000 for the year. The public treasury will not only have to tind this amount but also money for the equipment and extensions for the current year. What the company will spend this year on equipment and construction will be determined after carcful consultation with the government. The prevailing wave of economy will have its villi-1. hut will have to he considered in this uuse in relation to unemployment. Railway con- struction ptocides a high percentage of manual labor out of cvcry dollar spent and hence will, imoz'ar as possible. he encouraged at this time. The detieit for 1930 follows in spite of drastic operating economies which, however, did not keep pace with the drop in freight ton- nage. The decline ran through practically all major classifications of business. .U'tvr omlursing' Government efforts to pro- twt Hu- l-nn.~umer against cycphritttiitm by " dwstiius oninyinp; "run-Clive tariirs, organized lulmr has nu-mm'ializr-d tlu. administration urging: mn'm'nmq-nt control uu-r “nuns and capital strtictupc "r such imlustrit-s. Propi,ur, in runnvctinn with thv turitr as ,crlnnitttd'ls.v the Trades and Labor Conwosss ol' Canada 2m- summarized as follows: Coll nt rim Thv partial conquest of tuberculosis and ti. necd for continued activity against it was the [living of " radio talk on that disease re- cently (lclix'urvd by the Canadian Social Hygiene Count il uwr " 1uriw nnmhvr of 1'anadian radii) stations. tut lmlustrivs enjoyingr protection should lu- cum)» 11ml lo olrsorlr all available labor in Canada lwl'nn- rmplnyinp; workers from other WA NT PROTECTED INDUSTRY SUBJECT T" GOVERNMENT CONTROL FEELING EFFECTS OF DEPRESSION . CoymATTINti Tl'BERCl'LOSlS Tho wankly meeting of tho I!" l'l' mm hold "" Tumday owning. tho prmrnm hem: tn rhsn'lo of tho umm In! by Ming Roxie nnwmtm Mir" Mariano! Cn1trort and Slanlny lhmollor look part in the program An" the mowing the yuunl promo retired to tht, lineman! vhnn- I 'urru1 hour was: 'tttetttt In playing pro- nouns “not. cmttnolo. bunco. no. 1nd lotto. “In which a park and but: num- wu "WM The rnlmlar Int-Minn or the (own mum-H was Int-Id m tho mum” rhnmhm"; an Tumulny m-nnlmz [Iv-mm HInmmnn presidml. A propw «Minn r0 tho ftumpnl Int-tnry rpm-t- mun mun laid over tor further mm- <itlmnliun Communications recelw NI from townnhip rand Mandala- “king Mr " 00 Witt: mod Weekly Mat. Mr, Limit“ siTvatuhor of Phillips hum Imnlghl In nur "frlisr, an out: lnhl try a White Imxhurn whirtt luv-anunwl N inrhm by GM humm- and \wizhml nlmmx '5 ot n pound Town Council Mutt. ' Thu local continuation and ttttldv Rchttrrl mm- I‘llhmtl on Monday armr- nuun In rnnpm‘l tn tho memory of Hm late John w. Ruthie, fathr'r of Mr IV. A. llulluix principal or the pnhllr (whom. Record Sized Egg. ___ Glenn to“ Pay. In sue-mu; nu tnnmce ot min: good need. Prol. w. e. Saul!- veil of O.A.t' in I r-ttt add":- quoted result: obtained from ex- tuulvc experiments cult-h slimmed tnvurlably an amazing 1nereaso in yield per “to from clan. plump. tented need ot a [Loud v-rlely over the other kind In maklux 9ur- cham-n. the buyer ts strongly attuned to demand tested need. Much at the gamble can he eliminated (rout tanning where the new In thorough ly cleaned ot weeds and put into n tine state tur ”mung by t-ultlvulluu and K001] 3mm) used Cod Liv-r on For Poultry , When hum are eUtut In during the: lung wluler months unubuudam 11tl ply of vltamhu D is required to keep them producing tsttd healthy " ti! the preuelwe ot this vitamin which, waists atsasimiLstio" ot the mineral“ ‘altium and pt-ttonus m the our! durum) of "an. and eiptrshells A"; the value ur cod liver nil lur poulm try (realm: depends e"tirv1y on It» vitamin ('nulvnl. truly orir1hiy:testeu.l luau-ls should be uncd. (“rudv cod liver oil in mural-I9 for poultry mu! y, nut tillelbdh' In the dry mar-h Hm- Mu! to van-h 10L! mum]: of mash i, a mun! lull-nu. “kiln mm " M4 was): or other tvt-U, on» ur tun war wotttituts to (mm li'. Ininl~ Ita, I’m-n round :ulmluutv I "oniruincr, hmnrh nf ths. l'nhm] I‘hnrrh Child tuptusett. A rhriuhmilxg “M ln-M “I tr." hum:- nf Mr and “I” F'red Eirhlt-r u Sunday, win-n Ihvlr nrnnvlsnn. hum-M Ruin-rt. Hm ot Mr and Mrs, Mfrmi 1'rt- at Shnkralwarv mu Iutptisuul In “or li. n. Mud: A uumbvr of pm ct.. wot-r- prt-rr-m for the m casio" Honor Memory. “in AVla Hut-k of New Dundee- mul ms- puhlir syn-inking (1)1:th led in tho "a.rssim' hail hut Fri- day “running. Shh num- iiulrot' <1_|h- art "A Gtuutt l'muuii... Aouoy. (i " It'nhl'l‘lx". Tim r'untvl wan “pm! It: ths, oh","., of Sunni Wilma! lull Jul) Nr.tr [mum-v. Hum-hank "tul Pim- Hill huk Irurt ”Bus Milan-d Cltatr- In Ill. Pitur "in, “w: wcuml summit]: n "A Jun-n1 man nur Csmutvy has "lulllllv-Il RANT-1| Ryvrsuu". 31.1er Hui-fink! Covc.mtrin. who “an thin! :pckn nu [hr Fume MIMI-1'1 ch twine Sir John A Murlmnulri am' his ills-.1]. Thr. jmhguv of 1lw tsuissit Wire tt " Ilnmillml. A. E. Hum and II limp-y "r' Nun Hamlin“: Tlt" Ctmtl tl'lllc’wl rm ln- “maul in "WWII!“ with-rim» m “M12: " is living [Ilnllnr'l In Iuuv,ob;r.st Ihr. .lllllH Attend Funeral. Thr. run-1 I] -;x tlt,. Ian. Tlu. fun-1:] -;x thu- Ian. John “whiz u.n-- n: Hamtruck, "Mud ro- zillvuh who Imp-ml "lvilr m Ill;- "om" ~vl his ninuuhlnz' Hmma nu 'I'lllnsllil) orttvtmoon Wit, hu-lvl I‘rum illu‘ lat" rt~llhvurv an ybmrlay nth-r- :umn In St l'u-wr's Lulho-mn ("hurl h, Rm: W. C “ml! “an llw ofticiaUrtg "ivrp.yrttan in rum-5w. Iruorment {Ln}! placr in ltivrtsid" “mu-INT. Ma', Hull“: um: um- u: New Ham- Gurp's "rust knnwn citiratmes having lirrut In thi, m-izhhnl‘hu-ul um] Ihr. viliarr,r. alt hi, lib, Impressive Service. Th.. uurlul rho' of [mum Gas held n Friday artvr'rtutrtt, P‘u-h. Elma. In tlo, Krartro4irml l'hnrrh and mm vrly" 1.ecrls nth-mini hy rlw W Il Surf-4‘ and their t'riintsi, Mi ., A 31 llrnniu “as in Landon ott T-toy nth-null": tlmll'lwm‘min- 'm-v-linu or rhn W..MS vl [mud-m "oniruinrr, hmnrh nf ths. l'nhm] Successful Dnlry’mg 'Fu-1m.-. "savnttal to Hun-ma in riairyinx" was the sthv-rl tuscusstul isy M t' McPhui'a. of um lit-purr- mun ln-I’uro u I'm-H11 mun-11min ot' flurt-nk-lnalivrn, Hi, atralrsirs of tht' .iluzniuu n-nuln'nl [Km-ll into four "ivrstctt, we follow,,- l1) IMverMti union ul’ [mm "nteyprists: too many dairy Ctrmw.., are 5-; “menu-1y hum mlvll in Hu-lr rims that they forum ~iluzniun n-nuh‘wl [Km-If into four "ivrstctt, are follow,,' l1) IMver.,iti ottiott ui [mm "nteyprros: In" many dairy Cttmtry., are 5-» inn-nit-ly 1mm mind in Hu-ir row-a that thoy forum to Junk around fur mnnny mall"- sllerm-n that till! lw ups-rulmi with, ~-nl 2m) urn-m uni-Illiumd ov.lLy l'.'I High striding I‘l'upn art. Impuri- an! Ali I'm-(ls mus! br- KI'ID'AH nu wrun- lroily's I’Irm and nu must farms tlo-y run ltr. urn-hum! mun-n churn“! than [hr-3' um luv p.trs"ntit II: I'Iffirln'ln'y of Lin- stock. Th“ "tTic':vncy tr tht, individual animals I'lallh "f,-.,, 11- I (Nahum " Il,,?" ths, Jill) Ilill “I III. than [hr-3' um luv [Lirr'm'zvi I?! F.'ttirltuicy of lin- stock. Thr. "tTic':vncy (r tht, individual animals t: mill/.11 [qu in a M; factor m d- h-Imiuin: mum HI llama-ulna Huh: Evening --xp--u.~a-~ al thrs luwwt point coarsi,tvttt win) pith-jump- Min Aida Bock Given Decision in Contest Opcn to Wilmot Sthooll. ' Allyn“ who "om" -~I his 'I'lllllsllil) ortr illu‘ tat" “All: WON PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST "I'll." AT HAYSVILLI'I News and Information For the Busy Farmer Agriculture Prominent . Go. impturrhtp, atr:yicultuo mm tr." Ptosiuct. arruplml -: ('Mhhmmtdm) I a! tltr. Ian. Hamtrurk, "Ido- lus ml many at NEW HAMBURG ply. Tho wt-nmr-r mnliunm rum pm’nlh'r‘ly mild nml an tay Pnlarlmry has horn um- ot thrs mHulml In mum Than: Hamburg School Boys Win. The l-mn] m-hm-l mam mlulml rum lhnr virlury to their In": list uhmv "Iv-3 .1"!an th husky Normal Srhmvl "mm M Slrmfnnl lo thr, 1nnr M 3 lo I m strarrorn on Sahlrvlm morning Tho unmr was (as! and flu-an nulv two pn-nam-w l-Mnu hth'II-tl my! hy lloft-rm- ttamms "nu-mun The lam! loam unwind mm n "mrhittrs "nor tho marking ‘th Ihv‘lr principal, Mr W l, llrnwn 1 Will Take Evidence ' With all Iiorrs'shte speed tln- (lunar- li, l'nn‘r-rlunl-nl is muting lo reHeve minim-m tun-mg farmer., ot this pro- Milan Ttie Ap,ricuttttrt, ('ummilnm hr, already begun live .lvline-ruliulw uml wilt lth-ly fum'Ii-m m4 (In mil» .lrnnbmklnuz illuuiuy hull): Premier vay hum inliumwd that farmer., at abut-ts particularly hard hit by 'I‘Le detrresjut pork-(l might he wk :url to appLu- before the c,mttuitte" uu Plan.- their raw» All minim in Inn- Hump lun’v mum-ll that HIV r" rhnl of av,rituliure in ot pummuum Iilzxpurlzuh-v urn-l nu "mall [:2le mi the .jlf'l'u'l]! nit', mxuu will In- dawn-1| I ',sumsultcuatiso Hi "manna-w "Emmi In Htrist "itvction Tho Infant sion of Mr and Mm Emu $9rhtttidt of Nan Hunhnrk named at” at tho homo of his pan-mu. hon M “I o'rtorh on tttttt. attrt 'omhitted ru-ponfmily to work in 110st uhiln tho haw froin tho " srt'tort vlllnan roam-1M to ‘ndh‘lrhllll "irortse Don-Id Oelunidt. Anrrtltrrr fall of #1401111 irachm, of rnnw mt'urrml an \lenv‘iday nlaht r hlrh mi». hum-flrial In r-uvorlnx Nu uhsst and awn-Isa ”vim: Tim rerun! Ihtw “as urlrnlh wu-lrnmv-ul Irv [In mots nlm worn shun of wan-r (up ply. Tho \I't-nmr-r minimum rum prto'aHrNy mild nml an hw Fnhnmrv Tho bsrot milk "riaw has hv-o-n oistsorved by the Miniir of ATri ' milling of ontario. and WP Una! that 1hr rnnvlnra ot' milk and vrvam in rwnn in well an tho prmlurliri of milk swirl hum will mmply with llm rvgulnliuns of llm try-law Welcome Snow Fall. liu~ and fronts'.., In my Ilte 12%! >:Id "ttic., If 1isiirt to thr. d-‘p;1r!ml Progressive Euchre Party. A hwy {uh-maul eve-Him: “as . P"!!! in tll" mm: " luv" of ther “My I’M-m; It I' ("numb nu Tum-kl} a \I'nfnu “ban th" lll"ll'l]II'r.\ and nivmh nub-um] to unjny an c-w-uim: M ttt'i'r:,iusiv" mlrhrn- Full-twins: the tsirtls " rlzlful) him]: Tvate s-in-co.' "Ill-1' “MEI-h tho guthevine , pm)! lhts " :nuimivr of or, on Him: In dancing Mr, and Mrs. F. tsts-lm-u- unim- l. inml a l'nw nf tltrip frirmds un Mon- 'lay "crnine ul hrInlw- Honors “pn- “nn by Mi.oc (lmrv l'I-Jv-H 'i null Mr livnm 1h Martv, Aflnr u-zn'du- Hm ltr, I. w surw-d rorurltmrmtc,. Tho bsrot milk "riaw Inn Inn-:1 “Nimrod by the Minivan-r of ATri prominent place In thu upset-h trom the Throua at the Ont-rho 1itsi- ture opening in! week. Lend-lion III format lo Implement many at the recoggtmendatioms, Including tre- ntton of u Pruvtnulul Marksman Board. which appear in the Somer- set inquiry report. Notice ot plant for the improvement at herds In ree turd to milk production was given, There mm the suggestion of early "ttroductiort at remedlen to protect llvestuuk annulus! the ravage-s o! panama. and finally the intimation that Hon T L. Kennedy. Minister of Agriculture. will .~.pom.ur this muting summon um! t-xllatmtlvn iutspect!trts uf Ontario's agrltullurul purnulln by al', the imstitutiuntU hwaln with!“ his jurisdiction Special autumn: wlll he paid ta tanning potu,lbilutes tn Northern Ontariu and a scheme de vinell In unlit-- the many home leads which hare titooU idle for otreral Muir" III maul Carun Itlllll'l',‘ f Thrs North Corn and Seed 3m A:t. . hump. hm-n in Al" St _u:~. Iév- :43“:qu arr-1 all srrutltwrstorn Ulllzlriu l'urn Jam-mum" mm rc-vin-cl “MI " "pltust'.td mfuhilir t" n- " Chatham, Thr. ttual I'H1l thIhiL: we: ”(m-win , Vert " tit Imilr on " War ', rliurlas- lu-r.xr.- m.- r trlt In n..:.';, tlllh-r d:-~>»~-., md . mil" lu' the In .lun " Thr- ~ml Hi Hts. li'n Shaun. “‘I Il-aptly':. EnllnnihL'. pm tun-min Farmer New H-mhura Citizen Succumbs lo Pneumonia at Age 34 Years. MRS. HERBERT tiHANTr, PASSES AWAY AT LONDON HOSPITAL ‘hn Kuhn "rush," lu-nm- t) I [ltll:l":l.m hut! mum tuni- mn-Iinuu “n15 luv“ Tlo. IIC,' " In ts'oittlrav-rr.t.m Hut-uh wlarsrru um] hm: siml- tlu. " wl um] Inn: sinu- llu- 2m: and aftleds r lune-Iv .M tho INF".- \u'muzhl l" hu, Inn-u [lull-THINK tio. to " ttho ur Ihrm- l' lmu Ontario l'urn Unma-m‘ in mm I'c-vin-cl l:I--l wiik Flu-mull viiuhiliau in Ihr. vaan Thr. trua'.ity n! thr Imu- we» "xceiriiiuia'dy t'lur. Alwyn“. Show alluw ot' Ilh uilh thal hum-r did int immu- 21min: ttirtt t'it 1- and u l" -m by Tho “in” sunny”; and Mr Harry Numb"; warn whim" of the homo ot their dun-r. Mrs R r MIN-Mow tum] ~pr-nl 11w \u-ukvnd All tIto him- "I hru 1wstltru. Mr mil Hm I Wllliam,; Mr and Mr, Hand Sh-hmum 'd s"isturiahure; h",tlrwri [Urn-ls in Hun Him Mil-lxml l‘mlwllun "f Sim: mt! spun! th" Beok-rmd in Inn" titlt her trirmris Mr and Mus Jund- igrsty, nf “mum. " nunnnumiv-ni by R0" and Mtv, l Imlz of “than “vru Sun-Tn iu’huv m Ho. hnmv‘ of Hi“! Mary Arhmirlt Mr. and Mis, Arriv PM! 131).! 'um'hIc-r hum null lwu [ 1r: Em! nu! ”JUN" ot' 1'hiilitrwburc “v21- w‘umlm vtuitoru In th" 1" mr vi Mr md “N Aaron Iii-h Women'n Day Of Prayer Five Denttmlnatlrtrt. Represenled. The irttorrt-tifrtattrrtcat “Mimi’s Mr of l'rnvnr of (‘unmlu “mi III-Yd m Fitting; allornnnn in ' I'm“ :rhunl ("hunk MU.,, Axum Emmi-- look rhnruv ot tho wnni-v- and car. itrertist. l Th" luv I ”1"‘Il' of Elam uln- ‘lux-I' “as 4wa h-lrn “rd: Rumir um In. “H Junk: k ttl A III-Eluh In thIIIh I-r “rim-r .uu-l vs'u-m Knuth Uyr, b'rrrt F 'iil , il I Ji"t.ttsl, .\lr Vlllll 'l' slit w, aid New It trilttts "lt Thus 'lay nx’to 'u-w day, nil]: kc.' div, lezm'l' Warron :IHII urn-w x! Walt.;".. tr. Tlu. “Ham-us Mr-trm-a-y Sunday :l‘ tln. ‘I‘xinle 1.utyr.rutt ('hlm 52 hold I Vain-mim- 1m in Ilu- lwmc- n1 Mn 1. Juulu-r. Tut-lay ofte-ystorsu. Thrs ‘lux-I' “as 'Ith'IIIII-l M lIHh- Mis. ln-lrn “wig and Irc.rey Urumv Mr, p, " K Mr .nz-i t I'I‘IIY “ml!!! :u:nrrlH~, Il.' " thb-n-‘I Mrs Ilq-Ia -":n'r s. h-IuZ trl nil]: In» IN..,;,; Jul)" my! . {Itr‘Mdnw ' :W‘T'l Sum; c." "H mil Mrs A I- Mis “Mu-l C-urn, " Arm .\rl:-m. Mirlr. 2h- 5m? mum. :u' Ix mun-mm Mr, mini 1“: :‘L’ll'h :H- I: “x n I ' '|‘...n|.-nv il :.E‘|I lll'l tuothr Mv. um! Mr, hnuhh l" (Ha-w k.. mi: t'h [Cum My Hun-nu- LI Il It r .- ooiiruul Mr .HIII MI I tlt'l' Mi ', Pon,: li ll 1' Ir tl Il . mm Thi All Ill M T. Jcum mnxxtl , by " u, hiti "ay fur Tut-1|! -i' ‘IIII lam IV <, Ifr "I r: In; XVII illnl {It Ilre Iii-ill! C. Ih um] \1‘ mm. Mi Ma 1‘_r '[Cur-nln nu Adda-y JV-IHI _ W. Krupp I it 1.: lti, u. N Krupp I” I:-( Hm Nor. Hr]: ‘l hnu.’ I Ite-' t'h I'Iumn zit-unn- tt hll”\‘ A The awn“ s'nncu CO.,Limited mommy. Ill triot, 1:: Hiz‘Iwnx-r Hahnburg Bridge Has Been So',d mgr “125M: mum-Hi th, " Ill I-t‘nrnlri'll hummus ‘Ll‘d tr, unmn‘ll I-Iu ltlr; Jolttr ou Iiu;iItul In] IV x Il "-15.“ nah-d Iran: " pan-cl (anus: M in“ by out a C4.“- hum load - Be - to - " can In Ill-I’D w Cd. I. (out “All“ «It; -ttotsoue'r"-"au-HP_e- _ l' I'intw 1hr Irvin“ mm Mrs Marlin d In n Tiw “my tho Mun-Lg ‘rn u" l t h" Immil H!" “v. M Ilz. I!” " um! M litre ' Ittff A purl Ix! .awhiu il I'trry an]. . Mv, Huh”: itinc, :11 Wall ova-pum- ar, mum. oi'Y I- m: .I I Thu‘ ol:" Hu nd al. barium-l in Cro III ni' t'm. lullll‘ . l._:~vhh:_:,v-: I) All IIII-lp:w c. lug-Ad " uT Ihr. uf tlto G 1"Ild at ‘lr mil hum Iris ll ttt.' utrr-udr.rl Y.-' l'vqlu L':'.:.: Kihlu-II "i'. (d. v-lv l (ml pr. sr" M I'll-l: 'u _ hu, h-l: 1.1m: u u 1ait-cltilvc It. NIH-2' Ssh-'35 -1 Iv!" HI Wrut Kin I-.' 'H )uzui‘nm! ' ulna-mum; " :thtey-r. Ill. Mr-. Hiwry win: "l im- mm: H “In-1 w, " ”“14-Yil'. t' l..r1m-'. ttti', Hm k [In Ur “raw il i., tiyoll" ." “ax m-l \ll mm 'IlIC Il Mr .In II'lHX HA " bre" k " whit-ll TIT ri'il I', Kir- pr. 11 by uh. hill:- ide, i. n-l wit h m I ‘nl‘cYIL an" I); n Spluzuzux‘ MI. I'D}. il-'|I' an} ly. New Tib- .. up :-3L“"l ' "hp ',euyi tiuy 5:14 In I Hill N “I I V; llrm) Blvrknr is rorttlrteit to l n 't, mu HIP-HP]! ”luvs-a, I Ir, N N 5.1mm. who wan Ihe tit. I' trtiinc, tluimt' or Dr. w. (Hahn!- at (NN" ~;., hm hm rv'mrnod homo. 6 Mr ”my Mrs. Goorgo llnhmeler ot (tr wlmlvn sprrtti Sunday at the home ( l 1m hrmm " “hit-r. Mor. N. Roh. m hllHII "om mm daughter or ‘\I“)II“H’ Hill-4' m thr hrsme M Mr an! Mr,. Aaron RM! and Into " ‘muvml Ho. flnmrnl ot than column. A!” III-11w” sham: on Rnndny Th. Imwinn Harman Mormon"... tith n xlmlr M lhlrly hold a “who u tho Kvangriumt rhnrrh on lun- Iny ovum“ which ttlted tho church tn the (loan --x Mr Aertvdas M, :nnl u, Humrxv Moyers and ‘l Irma!" ”will Sunday with _ Junk in Tmumh u. in”. Srhmartzrautruhor or Irie ' ttt um; Hut-u! nt 1lto homo of his me‘hh", Mr, "ATM Lirhtt M: and Mrs: Lnrnn Eidt and mum]: of Shukuwrnrr. MR Ind Vo. F't Humphrm- at Klirhonor. m m... Rum and daughter or 'a H L Mann-1 ot' Port Col- " . um and Mr. A, Merner of Spin: '.'.2 . 11'4- "A v31 in lawn on Wodaem ".-r isrlrntdiity, tir" amutal meeting of tV. .‘I-wr 1lu1tthrarst Poll Boot Car. Tir. “Ev-4' P-mr Square" Sunday ."'lr '[ nl' Hm Baptist Church held Iv-ui‘m: mrty am Thursday even-‘ Er: I, thas home of their tetteher. l.; ul " urs, Harry Mostetler. Mr, ll, \u-I“ r. thr' president. outlined the. wink-u“ ah:- this year's work. Part . " no mun-3- trti.sed will he spent on n nun Ilium: hr the class room. A in an: o." gamma and contests was vI;-~.--.l Summr was. served after “in” h thr. lv‘rnidvlll tltrattkod Mr. and m Hr tctl, r fur tho ma of their ‘im! mmugh the program oulllnad ly m.- lulur hoard committee of the Warm-us xllsulouary Socials: of 'anmlA The general theme of the nvwmz Ming. "Ye Shall Be Mr A "INN: Prayers were olerod tor I mm. mm church pr-yer ot null» “Hing fur a "rusade at dawn» It“ _ fur a King and empire and our ”mun lor peace and a player for um) lo lbw htWe., u! the amount ' n-zmnmlium . M: I. It Hurst outeruined the wt any hulls-9 Huh at her home on 1leuryolita ruining. There being the 21th- In May. Honors were won by tlt, Nie Winn ttrtst, Ind Mn. J. 'hu-t mm“: the lucky prim after Im uml- The [lanterns maul-led tr :--v -i.uxuhh-r-iI1-law. Mrs. Lee Hunt. _, trsu! ~m‘n-.-|mwms Bl: Sumuvl 1.uvkhardt Halted at ‘M- hom. "t' his (laughtpr. Mrs. Earl l. -t. draw-i Road. M, and Mei-. Irvin Leobold and an”) Rtrfe whim“; at Wenolry sith MI' um! Mnc Chr, behold. Held Sleighing PlrtyA Ti. "Hum: people of tho EV":- , " "ul (‘hlu'rh held a very enjoyable !- . "xix”: pally an Wednesday evan- ttu, 1vutu, Iwo s1eightoads of the H.336 IH'HI le journeyed to the home " in mm Mn Hum-mm on tho lawn “and. After the meeting a _ 1‘3.” hull: Wis spent In games and main: cftrrit whirl! .mpper was A'X'\0‘ll, orl. and Mes. hlltert mum; at IL: Il orl, and Mt b. hlltert mums 01 .4: ‘r'u'nl .ltzunlml the funeral of tho "' . Jnhn w, liming on Monday. ( up! M, :. snarling of Toronto “my gnu-=1“ at tho home of Mr. and IIs, (I If. ”other. Skating Party Held IL ilt Tr,,. Juni . 'tl it 1ory . Cue- Inca] 'i'; .‘Iul playing ire games such as " In whip and lag. etc. After L, ‘kd In: which lasted until 11 m I‘m Littioi pl‘r-H'nt served a box 'l, ir 1tyiclt uit.',' wry much enjoyed y Mn» 4'.” pmplv in attendance. 'sli, A Urn-ulil'h spent Thursday t DUE-'11. mu 1mm: of Miss Ethel M, In. Tunlu. gum" warden of M. “.4 4mm Friday at the home Izww :zml Mrs. “mat-man. Ll "tul MN. T. ll. Peine spent Luann .uul I’rirluy in Turnmo. ail .lutil (iv-M2, Mrc,. Ella Chapin lr' 'wir , Lub- Chupitt visited at the 'ttr' . I' Mt. atul Mrs llonry Rttethtr I"rti'_luwe. ity, Funny vu-ulng another town 4w» unnu- was played a! the um h“l\‘.l't'll vln- Maple Leafs and . Nri'ltt anvk.;. Th" tormor won l . I, 're n! L' In l, Ut Arirti" Ftrrlor and wire and I1.Z'\ :wm Kluhenor small the Winn] ar thr, Emma of the tors -| _ rum-h “In and Mrs. Gen " H Il Ut h nlll' Annual 7 F , (tn-n" Wvickvr of Kltchensr ‘v w.- mmhmul at her homo- It, Ll! Ill-I" n towTt J’ll' , tttrl, mm IV, Iln‘lll Hnmmsr of ', , nun- rl~lrnri§lt the home JEN] Ills, Hilton Schuler of _ X14'yts wooktend Rtrttttttr " l,' "I [he Grrnter's skater. Mrs. I Inn-Id l"x.n|v.~i Zillizn. manager of ya! Hunk. spam the mmkend is.ner,- in Elmira. “vtlu'l‘l Krnpt and daughter m! tlr, F. L, llrlnlyra of " u. 'H. Sunday vkltom wllh '. ',, mothor. Elm. J. u. In "tr Wrl mu By Junior F-rmcn. uni-x Fugue” ot Wilmot My u-njoyuhlv skating party ml rink m: Thursday even- .wwqxim: was spent in skat- playing ire games such an I’m! Mrs Edwin-E -iiiiii 4-: Wivwin, and Mr. Earl ..| t'wilr \[Iunl Sunday with lulll‘lllQ‘ “nonw- and Mm. um "my "eraa.GrTri, alfurll a, saturd/ Hrmry of Kltrhenar rm! mums! of “he an;

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