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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Feb 1931, p. 8

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_'" ruling rtottsrs-st "ftonpffu‘m of the trou- ble. The Pills are sold by medicine dulera or by mall at 50 rents a box from The Dr. William Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. tr your blood is thin and impure you are a fit subject for ttu and must rebuild the blood to ward ott the trouble. It, unfortunately. you are seized with this dreaded disease before you have time to rebuild the bland a onus-su- at Dr. Williams Pink Pills will speedily bring you had: to robust health and prevent the many Dr. Williams Pink Pills make it may to keep the blood in this condi- tion. Their whole missiun is to make rich. red blood and mm- having FUP- plied your body with this pure Mli it la easy keep it that way hy lite occasional use of these pills. tr your blood is thin and impure you are a fit subject for ttu and must rebuild the blood to ward ott To guard your health against the ravages of that dreaded dr.aease---ritt --ttte blood must he in the vary heal condition. It must he rirh. red and htsrlth-trivimr, Mrs." William Ziuken of Plamvme visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Zinken last week. Miss Eva Becker spent the week, end at her home at Rosanne, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Seegmlller ot Kitchener and Miss Muriel mailman at Bridgeport visited at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Ephraim Hallmnn an Sunday: - The annual meeting of the Share holders of the New Dundee Fhrmertf throperatlve Creamery Company. Limited. will be held In KaVeIman's hall on Friday. February 20th at 2 o'clock pm A special speaker will addrer'n the meeting. Per-onus. The HYP‘A. held an enjoyable Valentine Sofia] at the home ot Mr. and Mm. Arthur Lautetvschtager last Thursday evening Mu! on Friqay. The monthly meeting of the Bap tfat MEAL"! Circle was held at the home or Mm. J, Buck last Wednes- dav afternoon. The topic “Missions in Bolivia" was taken by Miss Sylvia Bock. During the program Mrs. L. Zinken and Miss Lily Lenten- schlager rendered a vocal duet. Valentine Social. A thorough canvas: by Mr, Henry Waterman and Mr, Moses Turpin in being conducted in the vi'luqe in the hope ot raising about $350 tor the t"'rpcee of purchasing more equip ment tor the new tire lizhtlng npparatus which was planned and built try some or our lac-l men. had compares favorably with the best tor its size Every tanner who has an ample supply ot water conveni- ently located should not hauitate in making a small donation. so that he would feel at liberty at any time to call tor assistance in case ot fire. Talk On Minions. smut... from Cilia.” “I Null” Fur-ur- Invited. Other Now. "In... Br Keeping the Blood Rich and Para. $350 NEEDED FOR MORE EQUIPMENT FOR FIRE BRIGADE “on "77W. " Oil-Ii. s. Kudow See Announcing the Appointment of' K1einschrnidt's Li ORDON ooo LASSES WARD OFF FLU See Them At Our Showrooms thudoMIOo-uuUbywmm NEW DUNDEE DISTRICT NEWS i', t on " __ De Soto New Models 263-281 King St. East - KITCHENER As Authorized De Soto Dealer Report of 8.8. No. " Wilma! The following Is the report ot SS. No. 18. Wilmot for the month of January, Names are In order of merit, Sr. Iv-Esther Roth 75%. Jr. 1v#wmnie Schmitl 66. Abner Shana 59. Elmer Roth 48. Mm. J. W. Collins spent a day last wfeir In Elmira. tur. A. P. Stemmler attended a "tC, at his home on Friday even~ mg. Miss Irene Rtutstegler, R.N.. is spending a. week at her home ham. Jr. IIt---Herttert Wagner iii, Dora woyrtter fo, Ward Snyder 27. 75, Hilda Snyder 65. _ Sr, Prhmrr---Audrey Roth 1 Daniel Zehr 54. Jr. Primer-Dora, Hank 79. Winnifred Lenka. Tmseher. His. J. Hayes ta spending a darts iniagelph and Elmira. Roth 38. _ . ,,_,_ _FItst--Erma Roth Tr, Olive Axt A play called "Brown Eyed Betty" was given by a number of young people or Crasshm tor the United Church on Friday. Feb. 13. Each one took their part splendidly Those who took part were: Mark Miles. Cumbel Shaun. Helen Muudell. Far- man Ward. Jessie Hammond. Lenard Knight. Mellie Rennie. Ruth Rip mingham. Grace Hammond. On F'riday evening Mr. and Mm. John Brenner entertained a large number ot friends and relatives at a dance. Plny Well Given. 1 On Monday evening. Feb. 16th. a very enjoyable social evening ot pro. ‘gres-slve euchre ot 20 tabiem and dancing was put on by the young women of the R. C. Church In Sthummer‘s hall. It was very well attended. Mrs. Joe Cassel Sn. won the lamest prize while the meat»; prize was taken by Mr. Jerome Brenner. Following lunch a dance was enjoyed by all. Entertain:- Friends. In dressing a Plymouth Rock on Tuesday ot last week, Mr. George Ruler was much tsurprleed to find three gold links each about 113, inches long in the slum-d Enjoy Card Party. -- _ A The death occurred at the Hines Veteran ospiul. Chicago. on Feb ruury 10th, ot Meuno Dechert. “ed " yearn. The deceased In born in Linwood on March IT. 1890, In 1917 he enlisted with the American Army and served in France for " months. While oversea Ms health was in). paired And he never recovered his .strenxlh Death resulted from an operation performed " the Voter- an'a hospital in an econ to BaVt, his lite. The deceased is survived try his mother. Mm John Deckert Br., of Linwood and by eight brothels. {William ot Glennllan and Milton. \(‘laytom Fred. John. Robert. Louis ‘aud Simon all residing in and around. ‘Lluwood and by tour sisters. Mns, Adam Hahn. Heidelberg, Mrs, Claru ence Herchenmtter. Buthslo, Mm! Albert Hahn, London and Hilda at home. The funeral was held on Bun- day with six brothers of the de- ceased as pallbearers. I George Ruler Mtken Intern-Kill. Di-rr-other Now. of the District. GOLD LINKS FOUND WHILE DRESSING HEN thorna of War, Hot-o Duh", PM Aug, Following Operation. Other Nun. FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN CHICAGO 'agner 50. Ward Snyder 27. . . . Second~Leona Schmitt 62, Dahlia Cook tRnglahng Compound W344!!! be pleased do give a Démonstrah'on of the" NEW DE SOTO can at your convenience. Jan; Telephoin 9nd wc will call. Drive them/or your- self and " the jail; of their excellent 'error-co. LINWOOD At New Prices few " I- in I Ephraim G. Fried. New" Dundee. Ont.. has Just been forwarded an IRAhP, (Truncate by tite Extmuinn department of tttefiuwstusiutriesivt Association covering the pruducuzm of the Holstein cow, Emma Seth: DPKUL In her last lactation period at 365 days, this cow produced II'.,- 489 Ibo. milk containing 585 lbs. butter glvlng her an average teat ot 3.75% tat. $119 was bred by Moses B. Hallman. Prrtersburg. Out, and In the month ot December after trosheninx. gate 1830 ma. milk. l The six-rear-out Holstein cow. Nellie Echo Segls. bred and owned hy Nehson Bochte1,,,Hmoeler. Ont., has Nat finished a 305-day record in the BOP. with a productionn of 11.. 348 lus. milk containing 49125 Ilss, butter. glvlng her an average test ot 3A6% fat. In one month of hor lactation period this cow gave up to Ir25 lbs. milk containing 513?. urs, tat. ' NEW PREMDENT ONTAR|O ASSOCIATION In the election of Alderman J. A1- bert Smith of Kitchener as the new president of the Ontario Horticul- tural Association, a cumpnment was paid to the outstanding size and achievements of the Kitchener Hor- “cultural Society. Aid. Smith has been trmssident of the Kitchener body for five yearns‘ E. FRIED OF NEW DUNDEE AND N. BECHTEL, HESPELER. J. ALBERT 8M ITH A number or young people spent an enjoyable evening a! the home of Mrs. J, Schneider on Friday lust. We are pleased to we 'Maatm' Alex, Straws around again alter be, ing ill tor several weeks. Miss Helene F|alulery spent Tues, day evening wlth Mr and Mm. Peter Dietrich. Mr. Andrew Straus and cums were busily engaged unloading a unload of barley at Peter-mum last week. Mr. Francis Bergman & Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. and Hrs. Henry Stoeser, Mr. and Mrs. George Ellen and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wagner. Mr. Henry Steamer paid a buckle.» trip to Kitchener recently ARTHUR I. 66000 Van-Prune!“ Ind Chic! Actulry Sun LIN Auurlnco Company ot Cum. Mr. and Mrs. Serapnim Kleswet- to" of Bamberg spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs. Peter Dietrich. Miss Marie Weber ot Waterloo spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs, N. Killel. OWN RECORD HOLSTEINS JOSEPH3BU RG A 14/9, rdiahle mum"! "etieirr. Bord In chm di. "-3 of mtrxmngtre-No. I, ly; ”112.83; M. a. as per boi/ tom 33' "ll drmminta, I)! lei. an on "can! of anon m pan-phipl. Addrnue‘ THE COOK MEDICINE“: "lento our.:kmm-rlvlhindu Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Bechtel awn! Sunday in Kitchener. Rev, Pogson ot Haysvllle was a visitor in town last Thursday. Mr. Merino K. Roth of Josephs- hnrg spent a few days with Ms mn- Miss Floreixce srtrrurauiiil.".iG. er spent the week-end under the par- ental root. Mr. and Mrs. J, B, o. gtjimut guru a supper to several of their friends "l furylatv evening. _ Mm. I. C. burg visited Hum-an. Mrs. Eph. Ludwig of Kitchener "en! )[onday at her home harsh Her last week, Mr, Bolt Hurt tum moved his bounc- hold etteeus Into Mr. Theo. Huehn's house. Mr. and Mm. Surnnn Gaucho and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. horns Babel. Mr. ed in week Miss Mat Fulller of kitdLiiiii; sptutt the whebend under the par- ental roet. Mr. Jun. David Otto I A (heat. Company's Life assurance has now, apparently reached such a :puim in public estimation and con- _titiertee that it seems comparatively PN"".'."' from the ordinary vagaries and ttuctuatioms at other lines ot (business. The Sun Lite Assurance [Company ot Canada. who” report appears elsewhere tn this Imus, 'deoms to enjoy this public contV ldenre to an unusual degree, for It re. ports new pollcleu written during the year to the net amount ot over $700.000.000, um largest in the company's history of sixty years. Several of the Baden people at- tended a dance given by the Eastern Star in Kllchgpelj on Friday night. This year it celebrates its diamond Jubilee. A graphic of its progress ls shown in the report which LHISCICEEL docade by decade. its growth from assurances in force 1.. 1330 or less than $1000.00» to over t2.g00.000,001y today: and of an accumulation of assets from less "han $500.00!) in 1830 to nearly 8590.- 000,000 at the present time. Even l',',','),';: striking is the fact that the >(-nmpany baa paid to policyholders and trerteticiarie" since its organizm lion over half a billion dollars-- more than its entire assurance In force only ten years ago. This ks August magical and helps to explain the widespread faith ot ordinary men In life assurance from the wiandpolnt of investment as well an ut' family protection. k Great Company’s Diamond Jubilee Canada. T. B. MAGAULAY Million! Inn. Lin Auunnu Company of Bishop of itlmot Cetttre call- town on hllslne-‘vi one day lam Gimrer'wh caller) on Mr. last week. l Laschlnger of Peters- d with her sister. Mrs. BADEN for Demonstration Display Telephone l 555 Limited Mr. Lorne Babel and Clinton Ha. hel called at the home of their mo» ther. Mm Maggie Rahal. one day last week. Mr. Godfrey Lelakan. superinten- dent of the St. Jacobs Lutheran Sunday School entertained the teachers to a chicken dfrstrer Lust Mummy pruning. ' ax new SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA (including mid up Carin! seu) SURPLUS AND CONTINGENCY RESERVE . . ' 36,5 32,000 ASSETS, AT DECEMBER Mst, 1950 . - $588,733,000 TOTAL LIABILITIES $552,201,000 PAYMENT? ro POMCYHoLDEas AND BENEFICIARIES SINCE ORGANIZATION $500,949,000 PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS AND BENEFICIARIES IN 1930 - - $81,274,000 ASSURANCES IN FORCE (net) - $2,tMB,7ot,ooo TOTAL INCOME (net) . . . $186,662,000 NEW ASSURANCE PAID you (net) - $705,678,000 STATEMENT FOR 1930 Assume“ DI ma 1930 / 82.863.701.000 DIAMOND Juana: YEAR $486,641.009’ 1880 83907.00!) 1390 ”mama woo ”7.980.000 1910 $143,549,000 1920 SIXTY YEARS OF PROGRESS Representative - BADEN, ONT. $965 'l 230 De Soto Six De Soto Eight New Chrysler Six Sedan Chrysler Plymouth De Soto Mr. c. S. lngle is spending some time at the home of his brother. O. C. Ingle, $1140 Mrs. Heidlinger and daughter Three Excellent Performers s865-") The New Plymouth Hsodt-itdia-uat S. M. ROTH in “may of (He $6.182; Frki,ii 351113.333; tical shuns in 1929. . . . liven on the Innis oldie low prices at the dose of the yen: out common stock holdings show I substantial - of market value out cushy holders . a Ptok to no my sanded to pad e during the ensuing year wilt be min Sl2drof, 'h,teut.eEeehil1utrtetht . ., . -ahi-iru'aViearr "1:733:11?“ is also con- 'i-doath0asuasuioiedtaaerear. ”was in (on: in the Gummy]: Stitch mt (ten years 1502. . The motulny was our poticphoUers has been highly Mom-able. I Theriteotimeerese-doommeaninvestud mars“? w uqhozdm d . the nu to “ms nu amounted to bl's',l7l,"2's'r.'a. In . year of limos: ,rstpeecedmsted business de. pression the mumdihg qu-lity of an invest. - bu been strikigt ly Ibown. The lam! ash dividend: receive: on the (on! common geeks held_ Ry tr.e.9trnetr [are [$2191.04 Bid: NOTES FROM DIRECTOIS’ REPORT [atyminwhichulldusuofhninunhn tttttted/eel/iffy-tues?,?-??,- Delivered Miss Irene Bechtel Is spendan a few weeks at her home here. Mr. Areli Sham: or near Plans- len was a wlslmr in town on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Nash“. Ind daughter Helen, Miss Dianna Wil. helm, Mrs. C. Fowler and son. Geo. Fowler, spent Saturday evening In Kitchener. Elizabeth were visitors in Kitchener on Tuesday. F.O. B. Factory “0.406.000 1910 83164000 1920 ttt4,99,0oo 1950 $Nteritattt “473.000

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