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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Feb 1931, p. 7

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The Pony-Second Annual Geller-l Meaning of The Dumlnlon Lite Assur- "ttee Company. was held at the Com- pany‘s Head otnce at Waterloo " 100 o'clock Friday afternoon. Share- holdem and policyholders were welt represented In the gathering as well as branch manager. and other mom- bers or the Dominion Lite field Korea. A great deal of satistaction was ex- pressed 19:31:11ng the Annual Re port ttttich mus preseuted by the I'residrm and Managing “tremor. Mr. Fwd S Rumor. who occupied tlte duh Mr. George A Dumm- ni' Gait. 'Hre.PrvtsHent. also addreised tlte duh Mr. George A Dumm- ni' Gait, S'freH'rvtsHertt, also addreised the meeting striking a note of de- cided optimism. Others speaking In cottaectio" with the t'trport were Mr. Thoma,, Hilliard. rounder oi the rompmly and tormef president. and Mr. A. J, Andrews, KC. of Wiettti- ws. a member or the Board ot Di- reetorri. The report was unanimouw 1y adopted. All retiring Direcmln were re- elected, namely. Mr. H. M. Snyder and Mr. 0. G. Cockuhutt. regal-amt- mg the policyholders. and Mr. Thum- as Hilliard and Mr. J. H. Unruly. new resenting the shareholders. A hearty vote ot thanks to the, President and Dlreclom tor their et-r ticlem handling or the Company’s arm ruins. was moved by Mr. C. C. Parr wand. manager of the Waterloo branch ot the Canadian Bank ot Commerce, and seconded by Mr, P. A. Ferguson. Manager ot the com- pany's Southern Outari% branch. Attnother motion ot Thanks. ad- dressed to the field force or the Com- pany in consideration ot their splem dld co-operation during the past year, was moved by Mr. C. G. Cock- shatt and seconded by Mr. H. M, Snyder. on behalf ot the Board of Directors, This motion was filling- ty responded to by Mr. W. S. Naylor. Super-yum- or the Toronto branch and P. H. Roos, Home oinee Repre wnlallvu of tho Company. Mr. A, N. Mat-Tavbh. the Company's Actuary. addressed the meeting trrienyUnd referred to the splendid co-openr lion Prldent helween fteld and head unite. It is widen: that the Dominion Life has come) through the depra- slon year of 1930 with its ntrung pmltion unimpairmi. New businms was written in very satisfactory amounts and insurance in force im creased to the Imposing figure or $MT,000.006. Those who guido the dullniae ot the company. point with pride to the fact that the average Interest earnings on sums invented remained at a very high level. namely, 6.66'2. Taken all in all. lin- Forty-Second Annual Report of The Dominion Lite given ample groumk tor satisfaction to policyholders and shareholders alike. President Ford s. Hum! Pre- sents Report to 42nd Annual Meeting Held in Waterloo on Friday. Mr. George A. Bobbie of Gall. vice- pmsldam ot tho, Dominion Lite As- aumnrn Company. who addressed the policyholders and shareholders " the [ortyaemnd annual general meeting held at the company's hand otrice Friday afternoon. Dominion Life Shorts Progress In Every Department During 1930‘With . Total Insurance tlf $1‘W,000,000 Interest Rate for 1930 Averaged 6.66 Per Cent; Increases In Payments To Policyholders And In Assets Of The Company Annual Report Of Directors Submlttevl to the Po1icyhoMrws and Shernholdnm at me Annual General Meeting or the Company held at the Head 9itictw, Wnorlm. Ontario, on may. Fobrutry 18, 1931. " one o'clock pm. Thn Dominion Life Assurance Company' Head Otrice, Waterloo. Ont-r10, Purly~Sevond Annual Re. port ul' 3151. I930 To the Pollcyholdars and Shar& holders of The Dominion Ll0s Anur» lance Company:-- ABStHtANtER-The now (Is-mp Incas llllled In [no Spar, including revival: and horn": additions. nmounlad to 827.292."? The mini amumnm In torro now stand at $tqik6.3tt.t37 The ”Honors have pleasure In Drwnnnx their report tor the yc-ar ended Thumbs-r M, PAM, ”lit-711.181 PREMIUM INCOME-Th" rash Income from premium" was ".603.- "909, mm $249.684.6g in (“can of the premium invnme for 1529, OTHER INC0MW--Ttto “looms from Imarul. rants and other sour m was 81.965.085 M. Min: an Mr rrouo for the your of 8223.10.09. ERR. The rash paid out for claims 1min; mu of "In (‘nmpnny‘a por Ido. hy tlmth, dlubllltlu. malnrad "humonu. dividpndn. cub "In“ of mnendnnd when and annui- tlu ImO'lll'ltGd to "171.35!!! or games.” In an“ ot that void "r19_thlr previous you. mains-Lh- GGiJik In. iit'.tlli,jiyt' iiGiiiGiUi my on Deco-bu u. "" “or In!" “My. Du a to 313.131.071.05. numbers-d Mod our Pro-In- Speaks At Annual-Meeting PAYMENTS' T0 Pomrvuou) MR. GEORGE A. D0BBIE the DIrN‘turs. [Member MR. FORD S. KUMPF I'x'ehidenl and Managing Director 1)F the Domtnkm Lila Assurance Compaux" Waterloo. Ontario. who proieateU the Forty-Second Report m the Company at its annual meet- lnz new at Head on»: an Friday, F'ebruary 13th durleg the year by $1.i12.319.84. The x Hum ut the Investments in bonds. Hem-mun»; and stocks hare been ad- jmted to cantorm with the values fixed hy me Insurance Department ol the Domtrtioa Govammenl. The avermn raw of lnntermt earned on the net invesmble as.oxhs of the Comosanv was 6.66%. RESERVES-Tho assurance and RESERVES-Tho assurance and annuity reserves amounted to 318.- !!83.312. In addition to these re wrvm tlte Company set aside tor un- w-xmrh-d death and ti"rclldlity vlaimn tr.e hum at t25.00o nnd an Invest» melu ruwrra of $100.00”. which [rings the total rmerves up to the important sum of $19,10S,312. ex. u-mtlnz tho prevlmm year's reserves hy n rm: 2": tHHtPLUtT-Aiter making provL si '" fur all ilaltut'titsr. and after par in: mu du-itrr, the )Mr "Jt3.367.27t, ir: Un- brrm "f "ivitl.snds in policy" hut-lww. the policyholders' surplus fund stood at $1.97!,42332 ttt the end “I tho xtor.' lHlHII'TURS. Th" “in-Hum who taint in mmtion un-r Mr. H. M, 'Snyder and Mr. l" c. I'm-la-zhutl, ru- presenting tho l'n‘inylrhlers. and Mr. Thomas Hllliurd and Mr. J. H. Unruly. ruprwontlnz the Sharehold- r‘rx all "t whom nrt- aliqlMe tor ra- elm-[14m Tim ' no“; tl Tim accrrutpanyitttt nmlement ' ha“; that substantial Int-ream and [H.mu-ial progress have been made In all departments at the Company's hnsinow, and that ttte Company in in T sound and [maven-nus vondltion, Th" resutts are due to the loyal and affective co-operation or those can- uwted Mth therrrearttrtz"tiori.which I; greatly tsppreriated by your Mr, I'l'lnm Value of Life Insurance Policies Remained " Par and Had Stabilizing Effect. Mr. Ford s. Kumpi’, President of the Dominion Lite Ansuranra Com. runny. gnu: tho following " nit-ens at ths, nnmml rt-tina twin, Our country has 'rone'tltrough,and in still going through. one of the most trying vorlmis in its history. Fdveryone haa tptt this to some tie gran and we know it through penaou’ al otnnrinnro or observation. Many at In have read the Repnrm'of Am nual Mornings of other Insurance Companies, Banks and Trust Cotrt, panies in which the cause of present conditions in discussed, and also ‘when business conditions are likely to ho rlghtod. so it is needless tor me to dwell at any length on this ‘phaao of the situation. i Recovery It In Sight There is one thing for which we ,may foal grateful. however, and that it“ that Canada has felt the elect of Itids Industrial upsetting, which is World-wide, less than any other country. The depreuion is still with us but recovery In In eight, and whTm the return to normal condi- tions will be xrndual. we can (eel comm that ledl will romvor more easily thou on other ot the tndedepreuod countries. Rich In Natural Radium-t We are rich in notunl resources almost hayond concepilon. We are a n’mlthy rountry and in 3 position tin comp through this period IS we .hnvn surmounted almilnr rondlilons In the plural, We are not going to loan into prosperity but we are getting neon-r the ond of the do prttssrntt--ovpr a year of " Is al- Gii; behind " All tear must be 3001mm! and that persistent Cann- idinn rout-ago prncticod 3an made 'rranittwt, and doubt on to our (inure Immunity will til-19m". Wirt " Recovery In Sight, Says Pres. Kumpf In calla ot prnnnlng conditions. The Dominion Life Aunnnce Com. pany is able to allow today n Slalo- ment ot itn In": u u the and of 1980 tint Ila-t prove gratifying to "an policyholders and "arehoiderrt nlllo. Growth ”may 8.“qu The [tuned and Rsvlvsd luminous tor the yen v“ I.“ than 's below that of "" and um not have the excellent Immmt of nu.5sa,m oi Dunn-u In force. “on to ram. "at only [on year- ago this 'tgore Mood " "5.343.800. " mm moo that the m " LI- Oomy " up; "with“. no a... anwmfullr .,ulrtnattmi. FORD S KI’MI'F. Prmsideut r Orrt. Pnbruary 112, 19:21 or wheat tell lower than the cost of production. when general bushes: was al lows new). when many an indi- vidual was iimnriaily ruined And (dark days surrounded our institu- ttom the Lite loam-nave tompanin» went right ahead with the "Busi- nnes- as usual" pin: displayed as ‘they did during the trying times of iii; Great War and during the in- tluenza epidmnic in 1918. And. an in the past. Lite Insurance came to the rescue and helped avert what in many case. might have been it tserioues financial crash. Lite Insur- ance Companies build at nil limes to face the most serious storms. Life Mun-Inca Felicia Sound When the price of Common stocks of old. seasoned Industrial Com pantes dropped 60% to 75rT, and bonds and other securities were tau-Ins extreme anxiety. the Vaim ot a Life inSunnce policy, whether tor SL000 or 81,000,000 remained steadily at par and trad. in thousands or ln~tam-es. a mom stabilizing enact. not only tor the individual lint tor the country at large. No other invesllneut prove'd as great a comfort and solace In tho disturbing conditions of 1930. can.“ no. 't.e" to “.6085“. Ind our ml Incom- trom $1,879,881 to "MM06. 1) 'trrrr _,.,-.,,, _t.ll% " . ( proper y _ " r. V. P. Lmunun w“ n buli- Policy Loans -_q.FtF_ 'er. TFe 'WWF _ _ % [ nus visitor on the tth line of Peel lateral. out due _ wrq MM, ‘11“: Friday. the baugtce, "“9" " made " '.e; Mr. and Mrs. w. N. Allingham can]: on hand. “cured lunlerea! ter, ent [an Wedneuday with Mr. 1nd premiums (“Installing and deterred. 'sill Harold Morris near llllbnnk. Your Directors feel [his to be a well- l Mr. Norman A. Tillman of Hatasii- balattced Summon! ot Assets 10!! was a business visitor here last mun“ an. I.“ \Thursduy. The ""359 rate ot "ttermst an»; The social evening held last Fri- od on ottr ittitatettta iarst Fear ”5 day evening under the auspices of “6% This ts with“! 1onrer than the Ladies‘ Aid of United Church, the prevttruns year but bs tstill t.xi"RImenauen, at the home of Mr. and nonally satisfactory. The liberal l Mrs. Elwood Strtsrtgeway, wat, . payments or profits to poncyhumers _ big “cecal tunllnuen at our usual high “Ill-f Mr.vS. Stemmler entertained his Iii"! [friends and neikhbors to a dance That the tree value or Lite ta.uuu unce 1-4 belng recoAnlzerd more and more by all classes Ia BYilh-IH'PII by the continued yearly Incmase in the The commit M Ire In a vory “(that)" condition and divided It follows: T Ptrdt Imus» ___t.e..._e . rum, Bonds no Debentures _ 21.1% Swel- (Com. - Pro“ 3 5% Red Blue (Including H o Lite Maurine To The Rescue During this p’lud when rm price We. we policyholders will "I! ample ground- for-all!- l-odan in the figure. on ioni- - Ila-I $Mnerey or any Ira-eh we. will pay pro-pt Ina-lio- to inquiries oo-i-j Iro- ti... W In W lilo Min-e0. Progress in all departments I'll]! NETY-SECIDNII ANNUAL STATEDlENT POLICIES ISSUED AND REVIVED J920-016sT8A968 I925--.81MT4s22T 1930-."T,292A" 'INSURANCE IN FORCE AS AT DECEMBER 31» Mr20-MS,348,869 I 92S--881 ,677,030 I93o-8146,s38,18T PREMIUM INCOME 19At-4 1.480.411 I925--62,7oB,ST9 1930-8A603M0 19209S,240,6ST 1925-- 810228312 1 930--618,983,3" I94lo--i",tW9Jra1 I 920-. $529,198 EXCESS INCOME OVER DISBURSEMENTS 1920-8691261 I925--81A90,967 1930--. I920--06,16T,986 A RATE OF INTEREST EARNED ON INVESTED ASSETS yOf?lli,1ltl,l2y, LIFE ASSURANCE (DMPANY Ila. orrlccx w'av-un.oo. onvanno OnIUtdnur Ofnee--60 King St. East P.H.Rootr,M-r-Phmte 445 FTClfIlEliEEElEjiig ASSURANCE COMPANY ASSETS AS AT DECEMBER 3Ot I36 I925--612,37S,tn6 M?30-02S,23T,6T8 POLICY AND ANNUITY RESERVES (AS AT DECEMBER 3101) PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS ', I925-i,043,9s0 19 A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Seraphim Kieswetter surprised them at their home recently. An enjoyable evening was spent after which delicious refreshments were served. 'urmittesr, in force and which, at the end of the year just closed. amount. ed. In Canada alone. to the enormous 'iuttt of '1:?.5.000,000.000 loo, M Mr. George Barge of Williams- Surg called on friends here on Sum “Y: -- -- _ - . - "iir. Werner Kress visited a few days with. frteryit in gown; -- _ During tho yr-zu' there wan paid Jul to polie.v-holrlers. and their hem» fivimles, approximately $200,000.000, and of this amount between 65 and 'OCT was [mm m living policy- holders, It. I. Loud - B m {M on an “I he emu; W. Bobt Awnin- And shut, I“. In Attiaaaum; of Militant, let,', [In Thursday with "have. . 03- 99 tine. .. - - - Mr. Otto Stoeser attended court at Kitchener as juror for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bach spent the week-end with friends in Water- 7 " i%tLaa' H. Wilton of Toron- to VII. n blamel- visitor here inat Frldyr, " .. .. . . IG." Robt. H. Newton was . Imi- no- vUitor in Linwood In" Satur- day. Mr.vS. Stemmler entertained his friends and neighbors to a dance and cards hm Friday evening. All regort a trotti, time. . - . . "hiessrs5 Clayton and Michael Luge] were business visitors in Wel- lesley village last Monday. WATERLOO - ONTARIO TOTAL INCOME I 925--A) 3.4624838 “dohh-uldb'd-b“ BAMBERG 6.66% ofThe shows DlSTRlCT NEWS Miss Ruth Sebwlndt of Kitchener and Miss Marjorie Pemhbacjler or Elmira were Sunday vlsllors at the home of the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwludt. It. all In. In. ltd m ed tho m - of (It on... any at a It. VW- my on FHA” "miaadanrt.timowas sloped by .11 pm DI“ at Fm Friends and "an". at In. than Noun um [mud to but pf her death wild: occurred on Suit day morning at the hon. ot Mr. and Mn. Lori Bow-In an: “braille. Mu. Nam Ill n In. long to.“ or this dutrict. Tho (and was held on Wednesday with service in the Bundled Church horn and ite terment In made In the adjoining cemetery Per-call. Mr. Chas. D. Mlller and Miss Reta lecker ot Elmira spent Sunday at the home or Mr. and Mm. Louie Miller. Mr. and Mrs. David Bushy} spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Erb. Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman of New Hamburg spent Sunday with Mr_._and Mtg. {hang Bowman. Mr, Walter Adler of Balsam (3}er was a Sunday visitor with Mr. Ver. non Maurer. Messrs. Fred Sc'hx;e1dé;:-_:Allen and C. B. Yantzi called on Mr. C. E. Sttyytrty.er1t.ruter on Stmday, -- Vim "my. Mr, Irvin Schneider took a sleigh 'cad ot young people to Elmln on Hominy evening for the High School Commencement Concert in the Regent Theatre. Miss Aulla' Bolender and Him Alice Meisel or Elmira spent several days with Mr. and here. Sam Bird. Miss Nellie Bowman from the St. Mary's Hospital of Kitchener spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bowman. Mr. Walter Maurer made I burst, "ef trip to f_hrldssltMrrs In! week. Mr. Henry Role! ot ii", 8th otieet was a Sunday visitor with Mr. ETeraon Stan‘s. Mrs. Wm. Schneider of Wilmot Centre spent Tuesday with Mrs. All_e_n Yan_tz-9n Myrulay., _ Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Schwartzen- truber and son Eldon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schwartz- cntruber. L "on“ WOOLWION I930.-",M2,2S2 1930--/ I 930--62,t93,7 60 PINE HILL Tlit “111me - mom; Jill I s,diCiltt/i'i'gtte,'lei,, Tiiijiiiiiiidi Ttiid iiiiiiiiiifi" ’ _':',, [ STRONG FINANCIAL POSIHON my be new by c 801mm Co.» nut... With a mm u created tor such new, the meal - htrntion. into-tutu" of funds. etc, oom- under the direction ot ouch Governing Committee. Such a com- munity mum. covering Kitch- ener at Waterloo he recently been hunched by the Director. ot The Waterloo Tmat, under the Chairm- ehip of Judge Clement. uni severe! citizens of the two communitiee While this is a proponition which when time to develop. it will he the aim ot such Governing Committee its-dated to as full an extent an poe- Iihle, by the Directom ot the Trust Company, to attract ttttts or bequests for the future benefit at worthy or- ganizations in thin community. ar ready I number ot citizens hue made provisions in their will; tor he quests to the fund. and we hope that at. time proceeds, a large supply ot iuuds will be gradually collected. [mm which bentstitts will accrue to many ot the worthy causes under- taken locally. Many men. resident: probably tor a long time in this centre, Mil have a definite means ot perpetuating their association with those special object: in which they may have been interested dur- ing their llietime, through the con- trihution, In some measure. either great or email, to the funds ot and: Foundation It is possible that while the tint one launched applies to Kitchener and Waterloo, or those CIVIC OFFICIALS APPOINTED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL The Elmira Municipal Council at a recent meeting disposed of much muline business. J. A. Schroeder “rite declining the appointment of High School trustee and requisitloms were received from the Public Srhool board tor $1,200.00 and from the Public Library board tor $100.00 and approved. Archie Morris was appuiuted a member or the High Srhuol hoard tor 1931-1932 and Bert Brown a member of the Public LI- bracy board in place of o. W. Reich- anl who resiqnod, The innowlng appointment" were lecommended. vig.: roadmaster. Jami) King; caretaker of path. Hex-h Ran and caretaker ot cemetery, Jam): King. alt at 30c per hour. Sewer imcpeetor, Herb Ran: tree in- "pector and weed Inspector. Israel Graft; pavement and crossing clean- er. John 0. Dreisluger: plumbing In- spector. C. J. Brubacher; fence view- ers. Israel Graft and David M. Lichty; pound keeper. John Sled- dick. Elmira ls very furtnnale- to have only twenty famlllen who depend on the Elmira Relief Committee for as- sistartce. Some part time relief only Citizens hare generously donated eats. blankets. shoos and milh, The town council is giving finanrlal uid and creating work In sewer 9K- tet1tions and improvements and re- moval of snow while farmers in this distrht engage boys and girls and young men to do odd jobs. With Elmlrl': Sick. On Thursday Art Ullyot. Prmidoni and Wm. III-ox. secretary-trenmnror. of the Elmla Horticultural Society rpprmv-nlod tho local oritanization at the annual meeting of the Ontario Hortirultural Society in Toronto. Mr. Itrox “dammed the meeting lurk-fly outlining the work being [lune by the loco] organization The Elmira Highway. The Relief Committee were voted $200.00. WE” The _Elmira Needy Fan-lulu. Rev. Father Jnm Arnold pastor of St. Therma Church, ls confined to the parsonage. suffering trom a bad mild. On Sunday services were held only in the morning at 10 o'clock. The Sunday evening service was cancelled. an. Ah. Lewis, in Ill health tor a month, is much Improved. Succeuiul Sale. Junfnr Leagua of the lion Evan- Mum: an the "mee/aaa penal, ties scoring two of the five goals. Regreggnted At Toronto. Mr. Witt. Cleghorn. who has been rsonCtrted to his home for some time. is Iteadily improving. - Mn; Charlés Fix-Cher and ttr 1',randdatrghter, sufferlng trom tm 'lufyza, are improving. Tho memhem ot the Senior and neural Church, held a tmct'etrsftrt sale of homo made baking and candy an Saturday, afternoon. which netted " tidy mun- Hockey Team Lou. On Wednesday night the Elma Hockey team defeated Elmira in the sprond 'game of the round tor tho group championship at Elam by the score of 5 to 2. Schmidt scored thrs r~nly two gab; made by the local team. Elam playws took advantage or Elmira whnn Huck liillis was An lntormtlnx program was pro} unload an Mona-y 3nd Tumday evon~ In: an the Regent Theatre by the slmlvnt-x M the Elmira High School. tho orr'zmlon being the annual Hlxh School Commencement. Presenter tions of wins and medals and diplo- mas worn made and the valpdlctnry Iddresa Too, made by Furl Rnppt-l Tho gymnnsllr stunts proved inn-n Mllnz. Thts Amazon has. a force in throw arm. was a scream and brought continual laughter. The School orchoslm random-d «warn! pleasing selwtlons The Elmira-Kitchener highway was; open during the past week-end, although during Friday night and Saturday a strong wind was Mow, Ins. Zia-mg rum an bad and tt " dillrult tor motorists to turn out. ngh School Comrm"teement. On Tuwxdny evening when were award"! sludonta an follnwn: Gan- oral profVUsnry prlzs. Form I. Bant- rira Ktirtrtt, award"! stttdentm as follows‘ I 00n- a ITrttdntttton diploma. to Edith RerhIeI. Eleanor Gala, Paul Gum". (mama. Manner. Gordon Slim!» tutu-her. t Oman! pr-trust/rr-peril/ii/i, H. donated by the [dietary Soda”. Elm bong Mr, Jon. Manny" m In. Bury J. J. Yu-chun. Cmou-dc-l and Ago-I PL... '" a as. Stoddié Home ELMIRA NEWS Fromm». m Mu I“. an m ot tho Gov-run; 00m to give eon-Mommy "can at“, In the not: have to this wom. moan a. circulation at land. In pamphlets on (In subject. and none ban or coop-ration with the "no“ solicitor: and art-alumnus in this contra, it would not be proper to clan without some reterence to the wry faithful and elitism service render ad by the various departmental heads. once managers Ind and ot the Company. They all recent. that in building upa'rruat Company. pain-taking trRort. have to be mad. toward: providing the highest typo of cervice to our numerous clients. and this I teel lure they no dolnx. The otrieerq and anal In turn feel that they have a Board ot Director- who are interested in the Company’- development. and who will direct he mam along safe and sound policies. " well an extending many unlit- ante: trom time to time In the ob. mining ot new buslnesn tor its dif- ferent departments. We are delighted to know that Mr. McKenzie. Manager of our Gait or. (ice. who has been laid up since last June. ls gradually being radon-ed to health. and expects to be in a poet- lion, very shortly. to tee3ttrtte his duties with the Company. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Case of Mr. terloo visited the home of the tor, mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George G, Class. at Floradnle. Mr, Josse B. Martin. returned to his home In Bulhln. NY. at!" "'t extended visit with friends In H. mira and nanny. In wueturettismts-tkti'r" t.r.qtad,thatatgn1inro-qrttt% Fischer on Sunday visited Mm. Lorne rFanklm. who is a patient It tht St. Mary's Hmpltal. Kitchener. Mr. Thea, Koerher spent the week- Pm! win friends in Waterloo and Kitchsuter Miss Ruby Ellis ot Drayton is a visitor at the home or Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Hambly. Mr, Gordon Kahscr or Castor, Mm. Ia visiting at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. William Heckendorn. Mr. Kenneth Keller ot Kitchener spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kol- ler. than I. In. one... Mr. and Mrs. A. w. Hotter vlsited for several days in Toronto during last week. Mrs. M. Rogers of Bellevilel is mining her brother. Dr. J. R. flmmuns. Mr. and Mrs. Sill and family and Mr. and Mrs. linker of Kitchener, and Mr. Moss of Chesloy visited at the home of Mrs. Karn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrsr. Jacob Musselman of Waterloo and grandchild, Audrey Mussolman from Preston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elias Shantz on Mom. day. The death occurred at the K.-W. Hospital on Wednesday, Feb. ll, of Mrs. Annie Weston, widow of James Weston, at the age of 54 years, 3 months and 22 days. Deceased was born in Kitchener on Oct. 15, 1876, and had been a resident of Bloom. ingdale for some years. She is Bur- vived by her mother. Mrs, John Kara, two sisters, Mrs. George Hit, ker and Mrs. Fred Sill of Kitchener, and by five brothers, Edward of Windsor, Clarence of Baltimore, Charlie of Montreal, John of Toron- to, and Hugo of Bloomingdale. The funeral was held from Schreiter's Funeral Home on Saturday, Feb. l4, and was conducted by Rev. H. A. Sperling. pastor of St, Peter'. Lutheran Church, after which inter- ment took More at East End Luth, "ran cemetery. Mists Louisa Fischer of Listowel was a. visitor at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. John Westfall tor a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Shantz and Master Earl spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmidt of Waterloo. Miss Vera Todd spent the week- cmlysith fritnds at Hamilton. News Notes. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Witmer and family of Preston Sundayed with Mrs, Cressman and Miss Vanna Cressman. Miss Ida Winder of Waterloo re- newed acquaintances here this week. The friends of Mrs. l. T. Croft will be pleased to hear that she in improving after her recent illness at the St, Mary's Hospital, and wish for her a speedy recovery. Died at Kitchener. Great Deal tfpleasurs, CHEWING can a " BLOOMINGDALE

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