Inspector Roberta said it In. a may in the right of the board In hae- Ing these teachers nature valuable 'utturtttatiutt at other schools. Excellent reports presented " we Waterloo School Board meeting. to cently, were given by three teachers. Miss Nancy Devin. Miss J. C. Frances and Miss C. M. Schmidt. on observations made while Inspecting schools in other centres. Chairman Orley Utrelman reported good progress on the new school building. Mos, Tweed. chairman. wilt visit educational department heads and secure approval of plans tor u'omestic science and manual lulu. ins. Delegates to the Urban School trustee: convention at Windsor, March 9th to ilth, will be Mrs. Tweed. W. P. Kreas and principal McGregor. while I. Bruegomau and Runner are delegates to the Onmrlo Eudcatroaal Association meeting in June. Miu VanEvery Auinanl The Hunts-es decided to appoint M1ss Bessie VanEvery asshtant to the St'lluol principals mm half day each stay. Thirs wlll enable pristeipal" McGregor and McEachern to vlalt the other classes in the respective "chools. lnspectur Roberts said he nus plrwrtased with recommendation and paid tribute to the two princl- pals stating Waterloo was fortunate in having lilll'h capable men in charge ot the schools. Mrs. G. Bow- mam will be secured to asst-3t Miss VtusEvery. The board passed a re» lution conveying ita thanks to Mm. Tweed tor entertaining the members and school Matt at dlnner recently. SCHOOL BOARD REPORTS PROGRESS ON NEW SCHOOL Appoint Bologna to Conn-um. $toeoiro Raped; fro. Tough" on Inspection. The young men's club will con- tinue to turulsh free milk to under- nourished and under privileged chu- dren at the puhIIc schools it was an- nuanced. Nelda-In - Pet The martian: took place Feb. 10 at the home of Wm. Patel, 56 Bridgeport road, Waterloo, of Emma, daughter of Mr. Pastel, to William Heldman, son of Mr. and Mrs. AuenJleldman of Kitchener. Miss Ruby HeIdman. sister of the groom, was bridesmaid. Fred Pagel. brother of the bride, was best man. Miss Caroline 8ehaeter, niece of the bride, was tlower girl. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. C. S. Roberts in the presence of thirty- five guests. At a meeting of the Queen Esther Society of the United Church. " terloo Women's Missionary Society honored Mrs. C. C. Parsons by Dre- senting her with a “(a membership. Mrs. Finlay Matheson made the [are Mutation. The feature of the pro gram was a talk by Mrs, B. W. Hann on the subject “Fruits at Missions in Japan." The meeting was held at the homo ot Mrs. Parsons, who had an assistant hostesses. Mrs. G. Hisrper. 3.1m.~l-‘. Matheson, Mm. Green and Miss Irene Fry. MR8. C. C. PARSONS ttg NONORED mmumm BR.MtuIAItD an m m an... l'?aii'i'i SHREDDED WHEAT' "There’ll be I main out {nmily if you dot The children love it; my hul- band insists on it become he says it'sthe perfectfood for health and strength. And I like it too. So don't forget to send it, please." two packages of Shredded Wheat†m "CA"8arltir' WEDDINGS All THE IRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT mac-chow TEA To Principal- Phil'ou Lou. to M in Root flu-ill... amd â€and to J. A. Sn“... Hamilton Went constituency. Argue Martin mu dented over the Liberal eandidate, Captain Elmore Philpott. MAC., 5,135 votes to 5,861, a unju- ity for Martin of 384. In the 1929 election, Hon. Fred T. Smye, whose death necessitated the br-ohtetiott, was elected by I majority of 4.763 votes. James A. Snnderson, life long friend of Hon. G. H. Ferguson, former premier and representative for Grenville, was the successful candidate in the Eastern Ontario riding. He defeated the Liberal nominee, Percy N. Barnard, by s majority of 1.476 votes, the winner securing MIG] votes and Barnard 3,285. Mr. Ferguson's majority in 1929 was 2.035 votes over T. H. Bradley, Prohibitionist. Mr. Hagar is the son of Joseph Hagey, w o wu the second Men- nonite Bishop of Waterloo County, the late Bent. Eby, who died re- candy, being the first, There is a family of three children, one son, Dr. J. Wesley Kasey of Kitchener. and two daughters, Miss Ida Huiey, graduate nurse. of Phihdelp in. who is now recoverin from I serious illness, and Eggs Nellie Hager at home: _ -- CONSERVATIVES wm BOTH BY-ELECI‘IONS CELEBRATE 56th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY On February 9th Mr. and Mrs Jamb Huey, Mary St., Waterloo, celebrated their fifty-sixth wedding anniversary. Mr. Hugey is now in his sum. year and Mrs. Huge); is Ryan}! of age. _ _ - _ It is interesting to note that Mr. Hagey was raised in Waterloo township. At the age of " he taught school " Lexington and for a period of 24 years taught in various county schools. Until his retirement a few years ago he was a commercial traveller for thirty vents. A A U - _ -- DONATIONS ro ORPHANAGE BY GENEROUS CITIZENS At the monthly meeting of the Orphanauu Board hold last nlgm. the matrrat reporter the toiloxUt. con» nlbutors tor [he mouth of Jamal-y: Chum-on ot United Brethren. 8. B. Km Dundee: Ladlea' Aid ot Emman- uel Evangelical Church, Waterloo; Mn“. o. M. Umbach. Waterloo: Ladies‘ Aid of Slerllug Mennoullo Churrm: Mrs. John Licmy. wator- loo: City Bakery; Dietrich's Bakery; Bergen and Shelley Bakery. Ind Silvarwu-‘d's Dairy. The donations amounted to $30.20. Mr. Hagey and his brother, Henry Hagey of Waterloo township. are the only two surviving members of a family of eleven children. THEREMIN CRAFT Musical selections given by Miss Hanenfeldt on the new Theremin, an electrical musical instrument in- vented by Prof. Theremin of Rush. and piano selections by Mr. Nikohi pleased a large audience at the Collegiate on Monday night. In, the__mcent hyalecdop In PLEASES AUDIENCE Givo- Under Anopieol of Waterloo Coll... Cod Stut.-Momboe. of Cast Excel. A COMEDY PLAY “THE COLLEGE FLAPPER" DELIGH'I‘S AUDIENCE The play has to do with the epi- sodes of a star football player who is fond of one of the attendants n A sorority. Barred by the mun] rules he has to tind his way into the institution through surreptitious methods by assuming the role of a feminine employee in the institu- tion. Disguised as such he causes kindlings of admiration on the part of the butter and egg man and one professor. an eccenlrlc bachelor. as a result of which there are humor- ous sittmtions. The other: elected ure: Presl- dent, Dr. W. L Hilliard; vice Pruidonu. all Waterloo and Bridge- part ministen: secretary. Rev. J. C. Mot-lock; treasurer, “in BUnehe VunEvery; representatives from the uric“: church.- m: Bridgeport Evangelical, Kin W. Hahn; St. Snviour‘u Anglican, J. A. Taylor; Russian Mennonite, Miss Marie Dick; Fhrst United, Leonard Grizg; Erb Street Mennonite. Abraham Snyder; Knox Presbyterian, Wm. Henderson, Sr.; Lutheran. “we Ziegler; Emmanuel Evangelch Lin. H. E. Rata; Apostles Church. one to be “maimed. "The College Flipper", a comedy play given under the auspices of the staff of the Waterloo College Cord on Thursdalg end Friday evo- 'ta,', " the itchener-Waterloo Col egiate was a splendid success. The play was participated in by 150 young people and the performers delighted large crowds. The play comprised many feature acts, in- cluding dancing, choruses, comedy and musical numbers All the mem- hers of the east, particularly those pinyin the leading parts, took their pulls fnl'lli/ style. A _ A - - cog!†in 1980. In devotional exertin- were conducted by Rev. H. A. Kaila-nun, lav. W. J. Zimmerman and Rev. my: aCntheaon, _ Special features were the College Alumni Glee Club; "The College Fuppers". consisting of well known Twin-City ...m.en'c _the_ medal Juyto m WARM " Wm Lat.Nt.Rte _ --_.--- I‘m III-hon cl smu- In. MGmeIII.‘.M “I’m-“fl.“ ad?“ "a.“ " “"d W- tutt"tLt..lP"gt'.,frtt? At the and tttM ot a. Wanda. and Bridgeport null at a. Um: Cumin Bible Society - at the Ber-tteat Church In $"trrloo, De. V. L_Rittiard In mind What. Following the adoption of "ports for the 1m and elation " clan. " irtatrue- tive and Intel-cull; all In given by In. P. G. Pinnock on the sub- ioet: "General rod of Bible " elation in distribution of Bibles to mm Christina. in their mother mum" That the ten is doing wonderful work in non n - noted showing the Bible um pub- tl'l'lt in 6‘0 diluent language: with a distribution of " million want. "Take Me Back to Baby- and." featuring an impressive array of children, with Miss Ruth Bohlen- der as special dramatic reader; the girl! chorus, and special musical numbers. The members of the cast were: Jerry (Star Football Player)-Wil- liam Noll; George (Jerry's friend) -Herbert Foerster; Nellie (Fresh- man Girl) -.Evn Robinson; Jean (Jerry’s Giro-Dorothy Tailby' Mary (Sorority Pres.) r','r'a'eiu'ii.i':t,',t) Spohn; Brick (Red Headed Fresh-) man) -Albert Hameher; Bill (Brink's Buddy) -Edward Neigh; Monk (Football Trainer) - Hugh) Rogers; The Football Cottch--Fred Hermon: Butter and Thar Man (Wealthy Alumnus from Omaha)- Clare Kruspe; Prof. Gaddis (Eecen- trie Baettetor)--Hubert Casselman: Dean Howard (In Love with Prof. Gaddisrr-Verna Lauman; Dr. Setr. more (Pres. of College) - Fred Gong: Mrs. Seaman! ( is Wife)-- Lillian Struck; Glee Club President li,?,ijlui' Nee; Yell Leader-Jack con. Betwo.Autrums---At Guelph. Feb. T, Waley Ray Bowen, Btrattord to Mary Bella Cenllnx. Btrattord. Bu- - any - At Kitchener, Feb. It, Clayton F. Beam to Ola V. Betty. '"ayi"hegg -- At Kitchener, Fe . T, Joseph Koeppel to Eliza- beth Wagner. Eby-At Kitchener. San. 31, to Mr. and Mm. Gordon Eby. a Ro" tlomsuy--At Kitchener. Feb. I. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wamuey. I tMMI. Munclman~At K-W hospital. Feb. to, to Mr. and Mrs. L. C Mussel- man. Preston. :1 song tat-r-At Waterloo, Petr. It, to Mr. and In. Alexander Kilgour (formerly Min Ednn Dough-l. a daughter. Busott--At Windsor, Feb. ll, to Mr. Ind Mrs. L. R. BUsett, twin bop. 'oohoa--At Kitchener, Feb. lo, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seth-ch. a dunner. Laroeho--At Kitchener, Petr, 9, to l Mr. nnd Mrs. Reno Laroche, a wauhm Kltchener. Feb: IO, to Mr. Ind Mrs. A. J. Weiter, n daughter. "oerye..eV-zft. " "my! Hoy- IN, Feb. 18. to tir. Gik" " it. . Remmerfeti, A daughter. 'Nt-r-Mt ttt. Allan. Feb. 9. to Mr. And In. Simon Dimer. a .etseua---A...t a !-n'- zip-vim, Kin-kin". EL." iii/U" iiryaa' In. Walter Breithnupt, I ma. Broh-.--At 8min, tab. to, to ttr. 99d In. Cum Brohmn. n any night VII" M defaced a. 1rrtet-uru-br2togtnttre no“ - of the uric: By Vin.“ of n l to I victory in “when“ on Walnut†light. has: margin on tbe round was In (all. Ihmllmn Patricia captured Group to, of the O.H.A. inter. lgudhtpAurlgn at Jhsmitt1rrt on N- daughter. ROCK! Y SCOI " MARRIAGES BIRTHS Ho hurried Cetharlne Shunt: of Port main in June 1855 and when " years old I'll ordained a minis- ter in the Mennonlte Church In 1858. After eervlux fourteen years he became converted to other doctrine! “a" not in accord with the Menno- nite taith and we. tyxctrmmugtieated by the church. He found otherl ot :he came teith end they lormed a wow church, known as the Menno- nite Brethren in Christ. For lg were he "I presiding elder ot the Ontario C?onterence. He served tor N yearn as pastor ot the Churches In Brennan, Elmwood. Bethel. Mark- ham and Kitchener. He retired (or 2 your owing to ill health. In 1912 he became impressed with the doc. trines at the Pentecostal Church Ind prenched tor many greens in the Kitchener Church. Four children survive. Josiah and Jeremiah, twin none. Miss Lydia Eby Jud Mrs: John Kimmel all ot Kltch, uner, eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren. His wife prede- ceased him thirteen yeam. He is the "ttrt surviving member ot his family. Rev. G, A. Chamber. general super- intendent of the London district of he Pentecoutal Assembly. delivered the funeral sermon paying tribute to deceased tumbler. Rev. R. E. Mc- Alllnlet- of London. "'ecretary and 'rtNtsttptw of the F'eateeostat t'nlll'F"~ ante. Rev. C. E. Knuth and Row. P. solver, Raw. E. Slevenplpor, pastor "f Romany Mennonite church, and Rev. w. L. Draftin. pastor of the 'Nsattseoatat Tabernacle also assisted ‘n the services. The death occurred on Friday " Whitney ot Mrs. Regina Fischer at he home ot her son-m-la w. John Lob‘ singez. after a lengthy ill- ;Iesa. Deeeased was born in Formrm‘ In 1862 and was a daughter or the late lgnatz Bennlnger. She was raided to John M. Fischer " yearsi L30. who predeeew 'ed her ten yearn 130. There sun-he three sons. lamb and Alex ot the Blora Road, Carrick and Herbert or Sismouth. B.C.. and three daughters, Mm. M. Leonard. Josephlne of Toronto: Mrs. John Lobslnger ot Mildmar, and Mr; WIlllam Kramer. Also three broth. ers and four sisttmc Charla-3 Ben- nlnger. Formosa. Albert Bennluger. Walker-ton. lgnatz Benulnger. Tees- water. Mrs. Fred Zettel. Walkerton, Mm. J. H. Meyer. St. Clemente. Mrs. iiiiaiU, Wale. N.D.. Mm. A. Covenrl. Toronto. The (uneral was held Monday from the home of her doan-hnv to the Sacred Heart Church. Mlldmy. and the Catholic cemetery for Interment. Rev. Father 'Monmg otnclated. The late Solomon Buy died on Iowa" an In his 91th year at his home in Kitchen-r. Ha "a born In, IS, 1834. A non of Martin and Cummi- Weber. dunner: member mt the lennonlto Church which de- “and joined at " your. or :39. Dow“. the tact he received only 1 public "hoot education (he Utter ter. Ehy was known tor Mn splen- did unima- delivered during ttis Icrttt term In the mlumry. The Pall bearers were six grand- was of the deceased, Arthur Shoe maker, August and Carl Kimmel. Sign Etsy. Frank Emchlen and s. Relher. any 100. The hum] ts-tces: we conducted by Rev. W. .L. Dalia. out»: ot no Mloooonl Tmruclo. " truck church “an. den was conducted. “on. Mbr, do w HI " nu In no [In In Mennonit- Can- t." " KIM-nu op Tummy. rob Tobin. W. Wambold In the death of Tobias W. Wamhold. who passed away Wednesday at " South Eby Bt., Kitchener. the home of hls daughter. Mrs. Carrie Schater. the county loses one of its oldest citlzens. He was a sufferer from asthma but able to be around. tHe slept peacefully away about mid. nlght. He was In his 90th year. Deceased was born near Hespeler In 1841. in 1868 he married Sarah Ann Allhon and their union was Messed with " children. nine daugh- ters and two sons. of whom two daughters died in Infancy and two others scum years ago. His wife we deceased him 40 years. He is sur- vived by six daughters and two sons: Priscilla. Mrs. Amos Weber. in Alberta, Isabella, Mm. Joseph Shanta. Brenna. Ma, Mrs. Isaiah “'lsmar. Sunburn. James A., Godar- ich. Mary. Mrs, Anson Woolner and Carrle. Mrs, N. Svhater, Kitchener. Titus T., on Preston highway. and an grandchildren. 12 great grandchil- Our Sale has been a great siiccess. Our customers realized they were getting genuine values and made repeated visits to our store. There are still some bargains left. Prices T alh. Let us show you what we mean when we say our values are the highest and our juices are the lowest. M n. Regina Pitcher Final [jirlLjE3jEfiTiFii 1 at “King St. E. Be Sure You Visit Our Stove This Week End. Saturday, February 21st Men's and Bpys' Clothing y Sale has been a great s2cclss. Our customers real The B. . will be the last Saturday ofour Great Sale of F l (‘odllsh Acadi- Donal-n dren. tive hruthem and one sister The late Mr. Wambold was em- ployed by Elias Snider in German Mills in qumtlI and grsistm10. He later vomlluled a lumber buoinpss near Purl Elgin, Ho was the planner in the milk buMttesn. In the Twin City milk business, milk “an brought to Berlin. now Kitchener, and Mr. Wmubuld med a bell to am nounce his arrival at the variuus homes His business prospered and during his M years he was remand- ed 3.; the leading milk vendor in the district. Many friends and relatives attended the funeral held at the home or Mrs. Carrie Schafer on Friday. A 'simple and Impressive service was held at Alma St. U. B. Church at two o'clock, conducted by the pastor. Rev. Geo. S. Heipel. Deceased was a memner of the U. H. Church for 20 years. In- terment took plum: in Hager.; corms- tery. Friends In Kitchener leaned with regret of the death at St. Joseph‘s hospital, Hamilton. on Feb. ruary 4. 0! Owen McDermott. ten months' old mm of Mr. and Mm. Owen McDermott of Dundas. The Lhild was severely seamed rmuhlng in death. The death took place on Satur- day at the K.-W. Hospital of John H. Erdman, aged as years. He was horn in Elam. A wife, two snn» and one daughter, Charles of Wat- erloo, Ernest at home, and Mrs. A. Gartung. Kitchener, survive; also one sister. Mrs. M. Fisher, London. John J. Erh There passed peacefully away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Waglor. fifth line of Wellesley, at 9.30 o'clock on Thursday, Feb. 12, John J. Erb, aged 70 youâ€. follow- ing a stroke. He was a retired car- penter and a member of the Amish 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 G... .. w - . ' , ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚izfl l ‘Ineese Cuuolf t 0" vancty (In-elf. 5501 I Corn a so. I ..... 29° Seine Valley Golden Brntam lien: Z. f.?.., No. 11:t,lllf,,',.' 5"i'ii'iiiinatoes 4‘329" Bi-More Band Aylmer Blind Chicken (3in PASTE 2 tins 2Be Huddle lac-“fil- Owen McDermott John H. Brim-n ONIONS'CHOICE YELLOW DANVER w......,.................." In. 25: Gnu-mum“: u. MP 'i,, Ctt,,ttpoiut'ti) [iii'i'iiii",t 15' SIP Apricots Ile mum-“25° Figs 2,129: FEWW l The late Mrs, Bauman was aged r.'. yeah; and hart been ill one month. There survive: a husband. ottty, Rm. Aryan an the old homestead, four daughters, Marie, (Mrs. Daniel Half- man? Sarah. (Mrs. Enoch White man} ol' Ilaurk-Nville: Elizabeth (Mrs. Sidney Martin) and Madeline ulna .\l->~:m Ehy) Elmira. Aldo M; grandchildren. and two (sisters. Mrs, “an: Barker. Chester and Mrs. Josiah Shaun. German Mills I Mrs. Anna Walton The death occurred at the K.-W. hospital on February 11, of Mrs. ‘Anna Weston, widow of James A. Weston, aged G4 years. She was lborn in Kitchener on October 15th, 1876. She we: a resident of 1iiiaruGiile. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. John Karn, 'iii,iriiiiiifrk'iij, by two sisters, Mrs. George ilker and Mrs. Fred Sill. both of Kitchener. and by five brothers, Edward of Windsor. Clar- ence of Baltimore. Charles of Mon- treal, John of Toronto and H. O. Many friends attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Ezra Bauman, nee Barbara Rudy. w,'tictt took place on Tuesday. Rabi 10th. from the tamtly x'e-sialmu-u. near Erhsville. Simple and imprn 'uhi sou-wires were held at the home and Martin Mennonite Church. Interment was made In the :uljuinlug cemetery. Alton, and Christ. of" 'iiii'a'i'iii"i"is 2'.tt.t " 'i'"iuiiiuil"iueat 2-».33’ Speciu--Ruseruorsu Silver or Guan Shad Marmalade te-tMe my]; M rs. Ezra Bauman KITCHENER Mrs. Ed. 19tmmittt The death took place near Chip. " m, Ont.. on Heo. "m of Mrs. Ed. Schmidt. nee Martha Desmond, a native of Piakertcat township, aged cm years. A hmhand. two children _ Amen; and three brothers 'HW- vive. ' Karn of Bloomingdale, The funeral was held at the Sehreiter Funeral Hume on February 14. Interment was made in the East End-Lutheran cemetery. Charles Brighton The death occurred at Call on Fab. ruary 1 of Charles Brighton, aged '70 years. One brother George and a sister. Mrs. Pours. at Kitchener, sur- rive. COMEDY PLAY The three act comedy play "The Yellow Shadow" given by the St. Louis Young People's Society on Mimday night was a big success. The play, directed by Rev. Father Mellen, was repeated on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. STORMY WEATHER HARD ON BABY Stormy, blustery February and March wmther is extremely hard on 'lzllllrvn. Conditions make it neces- wry to hoop them ist-doors, They are alien rammed to over-heated, badly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their thle system. To guard against those colds the little one shanld be given an occaslonal done of Baby"" Own Tablets to keel) ttis stomach and bowels working re zularly. The Tablets will ward " oolrlvz. or If may do come suddenly the prompt use ot the Tablets wlll quickly banish thom, The Tahlets are sold by modirlnn dealers or by mail at 25 Centra a lwx frnm The Dr. 1Villianvi Mmlicino Co, Brockville. Dnt. Stt.ty "d' " [anon- fusy Had-s dos, Calico Canal-T. oe aaiiisi. " Milk-’3." 2ae Cundo- Ev-tod nmmmm DELIGHTS AUDIENCE "