', LEI-Pound Stun like 87.25. Culve- Mr and unl- .. 'irm.-Me- Go Me : net-m " Cattle Geared 1 AMI Markets Study tte all clun- contributed fairly no tin on the Union Stock Yard. attic â€that yesterday. Ind an ottarrittq ot 1.180 hand. including 10 Jule. Wu close to being cleaned up at the close. Steers over 1050 this. nh'tl mostly from s to " out. not pound, with the odd small lot at 3 top ot TU cents, and downward to 6 cents tor plain kind. Top tor n loud of handy butcher stems $6'8ti 660 cents per pound, with the bulk of good to choice selling from " to 6% cents, and the bulk of the run ttom Ir', to 6 cents per pound. Butcher cows sold anywhere trom 3 to "t cents per pound, according to qunlity. with n few kosher tillers uy to 5 cents. Bulls in a light otrering were a slow trade at steady prices. ranging from 'ue to 435 cents per pound. One prime baby beet made an outside 9 cents. average choice kind tsN cents. and others sold downward to 6% cents per pound. - Receipts yeheriar were 1.160 cat- tle, 312 calves. L235 hogs and r.'.0 angel) arld lambs. Eggs-- Fresh, our“ T VT '2li to do limb! _ . T " to do seconds PF ' _ . .. 16 to Poultry--- “rowan Spring Citicktms---AUsr" St-‘w‘t 5 lo 6 Ins. each! I?! 23 Over 41/e to 5 lbs. earth trp- -FrV V u 17 22 Quotation: to Retail Trade Eggs- Fresh. mama. in (Hmong ,,, c_PC . etc It; to do extras, Iorsio 32 to do “ran. luau," ._. ,. 256 to Pullet extras 'PF _ _ 25 to seconds 'err tWrr. V. T 22 to -V Milken and 'springersueres a slow trade at steady prices. $90 each tair tag the beet toriturerts_iArepsr Good to cltrtice veul calves .de steady at 9 lo 9% cents per pound. but tops at 10 nexus Rere t'stuc'Cer than on Monday docpite inerearse of some 50 head in the cal! offering“ Plain light calves brought 6 to T cents per pound. and grasaere were lacking in the day's supply. The hog market was weak. with batons selling mostly at 7% cents. to b. and tHe vent»: weighed oft cam. or 25 cents per cwt. lower than the low of Monday": spread, Qmttations: -- Heavy beef steers . . , Butcher steers. choice D0., fair to good . . Do, commas ..rrt_.... Butcher heifers. ch Ace, 00.. fair to good _ Do.. common .. Trt Butcher tows, good to choice .f__r.e____. .__ D0.. medium FF VT-q V. Gunners and cutters .. Butcher hulls. good to choice v___. .. .. H . Do.. boluiutas Baby hen! . T -r.r-. Feedem. good .--P. .e.e Sankara .A -. A. ., ..___._ .... Springer" .r.tV-t, . V. . Mllkers ____ _, ._. Calves. gum! In :hnice Do., medium .r__ FrT .. Do, cumulnn Tr, . Do..' gt'a-eu"'e; . .V Lambs. choice . .. Buck lambs . Sheep H .. V . Hogs, haeom tlo b, Grain dd'lllt‘l'li nu the Toronto Board of Truth,- are Inukinz the tol, lowing qummions for ear lots: A Bay ports). Manilw‘au "abs -.No. No. 1 feed. like; No Millteed. IIOIivi-zwd Montroa1 "Phillis, haunt ianualv-‘L Brim. Wer ton, $2125; sharks. per mu. $21.23: middlings. $27 2.7. Ontario grain~\\'hs-1!. tra-, harm); Mc; oats. 27c; rye, 35c; hurkth-at. Mic. POULTRY AND EGGS Dealers am Hurrtiure a-mmlry ship- pers for unguided nggs. delirerod, cases rammed: WINNIPEG CASH PRICES wheat-No. t hard. 60m No. 1 Northern. 511331; No. 2 Northern, 57%e; No. '3 Northern. 533%; No. l, 49uee; No. 5, 4712c: No, Ii. 45km; teed. 44c; track, frolhc; (screenings. per ton. $1. Mailiuhm " lu-alt ""e No Mtge; No. 1 Sanhvz-n. 2. do.. “be; (all Gt gmnttmntmmmmtmtttmttmmtiuemmmtmmtunmttumtmtmtummmT TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS logs, haeon, fab. 'P.- 7 50 m.'..." Der., dn.. “an t' e TV to $1 uhuvn f IL]: Do., hull-hora. tl per hurt dlscuum Do, (selects. " per Irrg premium. Toronto. Prrtt, Mr-taa, P. kilhn TIE TIM. SNIDER MILLING (lo, NONI I. . . I‘m ONT. SNIDER'S FEEDS are all old formulae which have been tried and proven and have been thoroughly mixed by our modern, unto-date Feed Mixer. DAIRY FEED at .._ LAYING MASH at,. we GROWER at ... CALF MEAL at .-.. We It. also prepnmd to do CUSTOM MIXING at anominal ehartreofi0eperi00ibc Bring your formulae and let u demonstnu how 3 Thermal: Mist will lmpmn your feeds. SNlllDER'S Perfectly Balanced Rations High Protein Feeds 'd CAS' m 1 hard, n. " , "H", No Goderich and 4U 550 450 4 u» Cl III) 7 or) 5 25 t 00 ‘II Wt Al 00 9 on x 00 p, M 22 '29 " 22 li to E '3 tn 2 6 to I Irrosicod feed, lii‘éc. Motrtroal 1mm. per 00 00 oo m) :10 50 oo HI] to to to to to $6 :36 " (io 600 500 8 50 " 700 27 " 18 M. P, 26 00 o o o 0 0 0 00 25 c, 'so 25 50 25 oo (m 50 5 0 M 50 50 50 oo mp C," ,mum be extended. The not“ eu. mate Is Ideal tor peas and beam; an growth ls 'seldom cut whorl throng! ,lmt weather. Where factories haw 1mm "uahlished. the growem have vrmllzcd from $50 to $100 per there lunilhnlll much nxlra labor. Grain drill; do tho sowing and harvesting is dune with a small attachment to I..", mower. Where there is no outlet 1.rrrr. canning crop" a poultry yard or la few colonies of bees can be made [ir: prnvlde a few hundred, extra "ollam which would commute the !ditrerenee between a mere ilvlng land profit on the year's operations. Tho best kind of farming Ls tha' vhilt is carried on with a view tr increasing the returns year by year athrar than getting the most out "' ‘he soil the first season and leavin.’ ’1.“ future to take care of itself. Thi- i, the principle on which dirersift l union of crops and improvement 0 'ltcrtls in; traced. Yet in mixed farm (ing there is “wally a place tor what i we called cash crepe. which may he _rtined as special crops that dr “mt interfere with the crops in tin wank" rotation. A iaurvey in New York b'tate nf a hundred and thirty fire farmâ€. revealed the tact tha' “iv-re canh crops were grown the (“bur income was three or [our time. that on ordinary farm. Speakinr [mime the Nova Scotla farmers r1 Gently, Mr. tit W. Walsh. or th, r' N.R. Department of Agriculture indicated that there are opportuni ties In the Maritime Provinces to: such special lines as potatoes. tnr trim. apples, berries or canning crown A fairly protitatmy business has already been developed in P" thine»; the extension ot which is de prndertt mainly on the opening oi t-vw nmrkets. The success with this crop ins been due in great memmrr to the tact that it was handled as a wmmunity project. Fruits and vegeA tnhlm for canning have not beer when in the Maritimes, to the same when as in Ontario, though there i. rut-nu to helium: this mam"- Ore-m. wand-ad No. t .__rrrr.ew..m__w'...._ do -toqtt" 'PV" . 'r'FNk _ Che- Old, has .. _ __. . .. .. do twin. Ver.reF» _r.r-r. "edl ..""_tm.'.t_"» H " to " do [win [ 'Fr 'r.._PT._._. It†to " About prim tor good. douvorod Tormsto. ....,‘..$2.10per1001bo. .‘......$2.15 " 100 " ........$2.10 " 100 " .....r.$i.00 " 25 " Choico Ofrerim. of Farm Produce ‘ Attracts Lartto number of Birs. About-u. of Prod-u. - Vo-Ion Mot Olin". Ruins-Bi. Alto-Inna. t Prices of butter Ind up hold firm at 30 to 32 cu. pug-1nd Ind 25c to Me per dozen at e Water loo market on Saturdl afternoon A choice offering of 'lrell,' meats vegetables, apples and home-mad: baking found ready buyers. Por' sausage sold at 25c to 28e per lb. lard, 182 1b.; potatoes, $1.00 a bug apples, $1.00 to $2.00 per bushel pork, 15e to 18e, and beef 12e u 25e per pound. EGGS AND BUTTER PLENTIFUL AT THE KITCHENER MARKET Prices showed little change ove' the previous week at the Kitchener market on Saturday. The prevailing price for butter was Mc, eggs 251 to 30e; potatoes, $1.00 per bag chickens, 28 to Me a pound; potl- sausage. 27 to 30c a pound; span ribs, Me; lard 18e; beef, carcass, 12e to 30c, according to cut, and veal 15e to 2le; lamb, 20c to 24c There was a fine ofrerin of choict apples, venetables, fish, u',U12ril baking, honey and Bowers at the usual prices. BUTTER 32e A POUND AND EGGS 28 CENTS AT WATERLOO MARKET A free moving picture program tr, farmers to be held in the City Hall, Kitchener, on Monday, Feb. 23rd. Geo. Furwell. Kitchener. Il-t MCCORMICK - DEERING TRACTOR TURNING TO CASH CROPS Ouohuom To In.“ Tum 'trite". " .w “it to " 80% to " 88% to u 12% to " " to 00 M% to 00 John H. Erdman John H. nnlman. um) died at the L-W" Hospital on Saturday. was lam " re.st at Kilchencr On Monday. there survive, two sons. Charms IN uqu’uuu, lamest at home and a daughter, Mrs. K. J. Barium: and one mum. .urs. .u. runner ot London Georg. E. Etsy Friends sud renllvnn lrom tar and near attended the funeral ot the late “was may on Baturday " Wanton. mam u the home of Ms daughter. .urs. Mind and N 0 Hipol, mar. Ker, R, M, Geiger otricutted. Service “an no!" In my Bt. flu†Unned thin-ch, The palms-rer- wore Jacob nun Anon Muler ot Brunt. Andow Hall! of Kitchener, Ed. Sum ot Lip towel. Morris Shape and Simon “mm-n ot New Dundee. irFiiiarGGrsiu" 'taiid."aLL" ii. (an. and In. A. [new - the In Poo" mu. Mr. ad In. A. W. turtdmeh and Mr. and In. A. A. Selma†of Kitchener were in Tomato on Sap may, attending the tTe,', given an honor " [not W. J. but". of 1'oyyntott thy 5937:] Yy.rk Hog“. Willi-m J. Morrison There passed away at 1194 East King sue“, nucncuer, on mommy, "ttutMTt J. Morrison, In hug sum year. rnur to comm; to Jawbone: no: lived at boon. lie " sunnveu by .us wine and tour cnnaren. Tne .uneral wes held on 'lnumuay wun .Iuermem. at. Woodland cemetery. .xev. Mr. Weber, paslol’ or we oterling Ave. Mennnnue church, umuucted the SethOS. Willlam J. Cumming- A brlgm me was cumeu on Mon- -ar when William J. CummuuF, the any turn or Mr. and Mm. gotta Lum- mugs or Kart at. Kxuznener, Elev! ,nmLequ)’ Bwtby at we K-ee' Hus- ,.l|ilL ‘Inu r-hlld's illness of about u week was diagnosed as Bleeplllh .lclmemx. no was aged [our yeam. .ne unmral was held on Wednes- Friends “(landed the funeral trom how Unndoe. Bright, Kitchener. Wu- terlno. PtumeyrBtoet. at. Thomas. LII- [oweL Tacoma. We.dtirtgtotr, Aurora. llllnolu and other palms. SHIP SIN": I†BROWN A ship In an Purl River, nut Canton, Chin. uni with we pu- .qmn on board. I†wot. drown- n. In... In W a tf to... u == on 1ett no tk2"4efc 1.12.01. .lgl1rlurf2l Tl', Il weriJ.A.1Urtia,MmA.K; hut-an and In. V. Ind. Tom ... served tone-in; the pay mug In. I. B. WMoutgt‘ Julius Kohn The death ox Juuus Kehn took place on Monday my". " me tam Any residence, att' Lumeron street. .unchener. the Is survwed by In: mm and by four sons and tour magmas. Mrs. Albert. Krom, .uwnener; Mrs. Fred ‘nmm. mun- cuer. Mrs. harvey Musselman. or "amt-100, and Mn. uomon loans ot Kitchener. Interment was mane .n we Luau and Lutheran cemetery mu: Kev. M. A. bpemng‘m charge. Min Katherine Fonnnr The (team occuoed on alturday. r‘eoruary 14, 'or mm: numerals rennet, m her both year. has: ren- ner lived an her me In w-Lenoo. one In survwea try tour brothers. uenry and Jacob ox Wuerloo, John ot numumn. and Albert, ot (Mayo. and by two mam“. Mrs. mule germ-n ot Waterloo, and mm Dora on mmhencr. Ttte Iunerul was held on Mummy nut-moon. new C. 3. "oherts, pastor ot St. John's Luth- eran Lhurch, Wawrloo. conducted me servwe. Interment wu made .n Waterloo Mount nope centenary. Pr-At Riverbank, Feb. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prong a son. B--- At the K.-W. Hospital, Feb. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnes of Kitchener, twin boys. K-er--) the K.-W. Rossini, Feb. 18, to Rev. and Mrs. . A. Kraemer of Wellesley. a non. Rustler - At the K.-W. Hospital, Feb. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. William Russler, Kitchener, a son. sch-ide.----" Kitchener, Feb. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward tkhnei- der, a daughter. Shah, . Doctor An interesting wedding took pluce At St. Mary's Church, Kitchener, on l'uesday, when Miss Alma Decker 'f Kitchener, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, John Decker, beeame be bride of Mr. M. David Sheehy if Kitchener, son of Mr..Maurice iheehy and the late Mrs. Sheehy of "ton. The bride was attended by ner matron of honor, Mrs. Fred Mullins, and Mr. Mullins assisted .he xtrri.d'te"'rt; Rev. Father Him- ierger, t e rector of the church. Aiiciated. Autru" Bernie- The death occurred at, the Free- port 8anatorium on Tuesday at Angus: Banner, 42 Charles street, ditchener. aged 27 years. A wne mu one son sun/Ive; also his nothcr, Mrs. John Harmer. a broth- er, an)", and two sisters‘ my trom ma Rats and Hechlen run- _v.at Homo. not. Malay Mathason a Water-no Unued Lnurch. unnum- Mrs. Harry Eat-on The death occurred at Kitchener n Tuesday of Mrs. Harry Easson, t native of Brantford. She is sur- cived by a son and daughter. Kate, Broderick The death occurred at; Kitchener m Monday of Karl Broderick. He was in his 48th year. The deceased a survived by hrs wife and by two ans. Karl and Albert, at home; 1lso by his father in Germany. "etet-akttgaee.te.eistr6at OBITUARY It was well known that some of he Ministers and other gentlemen vim were furnished with these met- 'y cam at the expense of the public. wed them tor their own private Joy- 'I(Iiug. Considering that we pay 1mm of the Ministers of Depart- merits less than 314.000 1 year. " is hardly to be expected that we should '9 well provide them with handaome imousines. tor their amusement. rue order baa now gone forth from he Prime Miniater that when on strictly Mticiat business. they must use taxis, as do ordinary tow. All the Ministerial limousine: are to be nold. and the money received there trom turned in to the country's funds. SATURDAY, ml! "th, "" " " o'clock 5.- . oatho.t-orthoCitrtGMV Cite " Kiwi-m. the fottowing lands And premises, nameir.- mots-lowing.» mw,-ua-mum dueuattuti_u,tV Term of Suo--10 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. The property will be sold subje6t to a reaervtd bid. Readers will remember that their attention Was directed to this ex- travagance several montha ago which led to the matter being brought up in the House ot Com mom. Nothing, however. came of the very short discussion there, which was smothered by vague excuses md some promises. That indepen- dently-minded oiricial, the Auditor Senerai. demurred in the public in- 'ermi, when confronted in tho Ac 'oum-s with the large garage and tuaoiine billa of the oilicinls who mod the limousines. KNOX CHOIR ENTERTAINB Mambo“ ot the Knox Presbyteri- nn Church choir were recently an- tertained at a "Hard Time Party". All were dressed to suit tho amnion and during the evening variant of dam-Inm- retronttmrntrr In "IF hitrtr On said lands are said to be erected the usual farm buildings. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to the under- signed. Bitsor & Smylll, 23 Queen St. South, Kitchener, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. E. J. Shanta. 59 Frederick Street. Kitchener. Ontario, Auctioneer. Dated this 14th day of February, 1931. 8-3 ATTEND CONVENTUON Delexulen from Waterloo in at. (endanco It the Ontario Horticul- tural Ammonium mootlng at Town to were, prealdont. Geo. Count. Mrs G, H, Shelton and Mn. C. Kat-ge- you PHONE. IN Twm CITY A total of 28,000 telephone book: wor’o dhlrihutpd In (In district re orally Thorn no now A totul of $.09. minimum in Kitchener and wuorloo. " Cloud foe lab by public auction ECONOMY AT OTTAWA The Government has dons what ought to have been done years ago, In getting rid ot the expensive limousines used try Ministers and Deputy Minmters. GWEN BY PREMIER B. C. Tweed, “PAP. and Mm. Tweed were guests on Tuesday at t luncheon glven in the apeaker'a 1-11th at the parliament bulldinga W Premier George M. Henry and Ifnq, Honrv. They warn also nrwwnt It the luncheon given at tho Gov- ernment Home on Thursday try Hm Honor, Lt. not no" and Mm. Ross, Schwinn. REMODELLING HOUSE The house. formerly owned by Irvin Weber on North Albert St.. Waterloo. in now helm: completely remodelled by the Waterloo College at a cost of $3.500. When completed it will be occupied by Rev. Dr. P. B. Clan-zen. formerly of New York, who recently accepted the presidency of 'he College and Lutheran Seminary. Hprh Kreuuwolser Is tho contrarmr GALT BEATS KITCHENER The thsit "Y" intermediate ttttse kethall team defeated the Vikings of Kitchener on Saturday in 10 minutes overtime by a more of as to 24. - fall; W. Shin In the new pro-Mont] of the luck-m Poultry Amh- gqn, I. AHttheqm mun. and El ATTEND LUNCHEON POULTRY OFFICIALS NAMED Editor's Comment 1 and 8 you- old (well matched) “new puma mu. 9 nan old I Percheron gelding T you: old brown all. " you: old; I)". colt fining , your. old. tmru--M.-H. binder 7 ft. cut; P. & W. mower; dump rake; bay loader and side rake; har ted- der; 1 hoe drill: 8 cuitivators; steel land roller; manure spreader; disc harrow; turnip drill; seuMer; cut- .ing box; fuming mill; root pulper; day fork, rope and pulleys; 2 lingle piows; 2 gang plow†riding plow; .win plow; 2 iron horrows; wagon with box; 2 other wagons; carriage: ubber tire top buggy; open buggy; 'ob sleigh; cutter; 2 hay racks; .tock rack; gravel planks: manure .oat; wheelbarrow; cross cat saw; 'toek and tackle; fence stretcher; iog lifter; grain bags: anvil and rise; emery grinder; Cyclone gnu ,c-eder; lawn mower; iron kettle; kettle stove; scalding trough; nus» vge grinder and trtutfer; extension Zadder; oil drum; scythe and gnome; jg hangers; bag truck; doubletrees; reckyokes; chains; forks, and other numerous articles. Term-~Hay. grain, fowl, small pigs, wood, potatoes and all sums )f $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be giiien on approved Joint notes, or 5% " for cash payments of credit amounts. The Waterloo Collége buketbull team lost at Brantford on Saturdny i3 Lwell 'tlo-tAd, game. 27 to 22. Cottu--l cow fresh; l cow due :ime of ale; 1 cow due Inch It; Jersey cow due Inch 21; Robbin aeifer due tirat week in Ely; Jer- my cow bred Aug. 23; 1 cow bred Dec. 8th; red cow bred Dee. M; I cow bred Jan. IT; 8 heifen bred m November; I cow bred In Jan; 5 feeding cattle; 2 opting calves; small calf. Pig. And Fowi--3 new: with lit- tem at side; 'd young to“ bred; 2 Iowa bred; 16 small Pitta; " hem; 3 geese; l gander; 4 ducks; 1 drake. bags potatoes. Household EEOC“ - 2 cooking -Luves; 1 coal heater; 1 large coal heater; glass cupboard; sink; dining n om suite; parlor suite; organ; sofa; lounge; single bed with spring and mattress; DeLaval cream separ- ator (new); 240 lb. scales; 8 leaf tables; 2 rocking chairs; kitchen chairs; 5 cane seat chairs; 2 spray- M's; wood chest: hanging lamp; parlor lamp; 3 other lamps; lantern; some linoleum; small table; washing machine; churn; meat barrels; wash tubs; step ladder; high chair; milk cans and pails: cider barrels; lard can and other articles. COLLEGE LOST Hay And Gr.irs---Abmrt 10 tons " hay; 110 bushels Banner seed oats; 100 bushels seed mixed grain: " bushels seed barley; some peas; 200 bushels oats; 150 bushels mixed grain; 15 single cords of wood; 10 . a . vmwgugsualu On Lot. a. 0.0.1.. Voobich Tn, atro.t2mii-ttretKJaeat. "demi1-tutu_itie,- WEDNESDAY, MA$tC0g 0. Iâ€! at 12.30 that), the 101m: '6-e--t black Percheron m- Ha-a-g nets of team harness; Ihird horse harness; single harness; lobe; string bells; collars and har, ness parts, K. 0 Mark." 59m... Jan-3 ttro date grain tor Wen'a'n “numb Mate. that Hannah»: noun-on butter prnducllun In 193:: ,hrerro, In Increase ot 81.6 Irer row me. 1921. About 101100900 pounds ot flsb are caught annually In the harm» and small mm of tho prnvinrv N t.ttairtttettewatt and otpproxurrtsiely 1.400 men are ennui-wen in the m- Murry (TIM) Antonie nine or field cums grown In (‘nnada In 1910 In our clnlly esllmated at “31.591000 and total “on sown to crops In! 62.- IILO'IO acres. an lncrmso nvor ml?! of nhout 1000.000 acres From WInnlpu n radio Inn 'rr1ter---"'Metody Mar' 11- lulled around tho onion and warehounos In WInnlpeg " (hough he were u rul Cunndlln Pulm- amt-Ill†The rennin-e In to the (‘nnndhn Pul- m, rndlo altering on Monday night: acron- nm Dominion Vancouver wti1 h." u him at the (emu; calibre on the film-In of the on Bar com-u when the third Annual mid-winter Smyrna to" mum-mom tor "no I: . Bully trophy um be â€and FA. ruln â€-3. mm" no In from Victoria. tunic. Forum. Tumm- no au- " no pm". pron-on In a [In] oulmalo at Im- Ih-‘nl production of Canada In 1930 Mm Can-dun Government nun-nu of sunset" tttttres the mm! Hold at 307172000 busholn. In lnrrpzuo "t over 2.000000 hushoh- t'omparu'd with the previous etrtirttttte Prom 9nd "t Seminal)†ISLIII m .lanunry 16. 193l.,o\'or 2tt,0M,0ott pounda of mg" n:- produrod at the heel sugar factory at Raymund Album. The industry hm: grown to substantial proporuonw In nun ttrortry'e of Into your: GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. HENRY KLINCK. Clerk. 8-2 Pouilively no "nerve. the farm guts. ELLENORA FRIES. Prorriotros.. Am " ll" ere and There, AT BRANTFORD E. J. SHANTZ. Auction-Or Pets. 26 (Wedneldny) - Clau- ing ale of farm stock. implement; Ind feed belonging to Henna an" dimmed 1 mile north of Brain). Inch ' 1Tt_---Pesrm nook. im lament... etc, for Dnvid but“, 'ht mile. anthem of Baden. Clo-ring a]. of hm Btoek and implomouh. _ March 1 T 1' (Tuesday , -Extensive sale of registered Holstein, entire live stock. implements, produce and household effects belonging to Wm. Copley, 3k mile out of Plettsville. No reserve. the farm is sold. This is expected to be one of the finest sales of the season. March 18 (Wednesday)--130 acre farm, farm stock. im laments. pro- duce and household aged: for Con.. rad Ruefhsr, Jr.. % mile south of Pe_tersbynr, - A d _ __ Your local Auctioneer is your but Ind cheapest real estate mam. " on want a good farm consult I. I Toman. I hue I large list to them from. Cloning a]. of turn shock and am- to my portal! of when old- im lament. aor interest they an ttttt than have Earth I (Ttttrrsdarr--At t p.m.. received noun. farm stock and Implement; on. DATED 3nd Fabric ' "" mite out of lot-um. I Inna mi has C. 'iilil?i'. of Hauler and ' In“. north of 'etuttgtt,,, Mn, for John Ruth. " Motto? hr at March 10 (Tuesday) - 100 are farm, farm stock, implements, eta, belonging to Gsprge Kloepfer. 1 mile south of New Germany. This is one of the best farms in Waterloo County. I. H. TOMAN, Auction-ear. Plum-o 28w. New Dundee. February M (Tuesday) - Entire farm stock, implements, produce and household effees for Walter A. Scott. situated 2 miles east of the Ay_r_ GER. lggnzel pit, " reserve. March 4 tMedneidir)-ExteGive sale of entire farm nook. imple- ments, produce Ind household ef- fects for Eli Rosenberg", 1 mile west of Hallman's School or 2 miles north of Plattaville. Farm is sold. March 24 (Tuesday) - Valuable 25 acre farm, farm stock, imple- ments, produce and all household effects for John Main. on the Huron road, 2 miles, south of Williamsburg. Prgpriegor ja ltryvintt the te. __ March M (Thundl V-Valuable farm stock, including in cattle Ind 1'!e",',g,t: for William Egerde, 2 mi en north of New Dundee. April 2 (Thundny) --Extensive, annual community sale. hr " than ever, will be conducted on E Klvel- mnn's common. Hot lunch and drinks will be served during sale. Terms of ttellirttr-Horses and cattle $1 to enter, " if sold; other articles " if sold or not, the auctioneer furnishes all expenses of selling. All articles mun be listed with the auc- tioneer not later than Much 20th in' order to have same advertised on bi ls. March 2 IMondayy--At I p.m.. farm stock, implements trnd house- hold effects for Jos, Schweitzer, situated about 2% miles northwest otAtt. 689015. _ glue 'tat of WI: Dietriché shafted: FOR SALE % mi ea nort west of t, em-' Ten lbl. good leaf-amoking to- 'ie/att,."" 9th Com. Wellesley bacco; will ship “when on - -""--"--"'--"""'-'-""'--, of $2.50; 20 lbs. for $4.60; " It: GEO. G. CLASS, Arretio-r 'tor $8.00. Address: G. DIM " Feb. 25 (Wednesdn ) - Farm Henderson, Ottawa. Ont. " stock, implements, Kay, grain. -'---"-7irri7ii'.7-"-'e'"- household effects, ete., of Henry . Schlueter, about 2 mites east of Good Jersey heater. fresh, mrith Linwood, near Beechville school. calf. Also good Holstein hello! 8 Farm is rented. . “mm... on and" n. m: a In.†PM “It. Wind... February 21 (Sunday) --At 1 pm. than). nimble red nut. and entire ho-ttou elects New to the eatatat ot the tate Hill Shuh, It " John 8t. E., town of wimpy». This in . real uh. February " oeottdan---At l t m., 60 acre farm with good buil - inn. tum stock, implements, feed and household elect.- for John Bru- backer, situated 2% miles northwest of Hawkesville and 2% miles north- east of Linwood, on the 13th con., Wtiyaltr Emmy- _ _ A. March 2 1Momuy)-At t.80 p. In, farm stock, implements and household ethseU for Joseph Schweitzer. situated 2 miles west of St. Agatha and 1% miles, tom}: er Joseph-burg, on the [sue Wazler Feb. 26 (Thursday) - Valuable farm stock, implements. hay, grain and household etteeta, ete., of Earl Miller, Upper Woolwich, about tr miles north of Elmira, Petr. 28 (Sosturday)---Farm stock, implements, bay. grain, am. of Ray Waiters, Lot 6, Con. 13, Wellesley township, 2% miles northwest of Linwood. March 4 (Wednesday) - Farm stock, implements, hay. Rrain. house- hold ereets. em, of Mrs. Ellenon Fries, 2 miles west of St. Jacobs and 2 miles east of Hawkesville. Farm is sold. . March 10 (Tuesday) - Flt!!! stock, implements. hay, grain, house- hold goods, carpenter tools, etc., of Emerson Harper, Pilkington town- ship, about 4 miles northwest of Elorn and about tr miles northeast of Elmira. March 6 "iThuradayl--At 1 pan.,' farm stock, implements and feed on a the farm of Wm. Dietrich. situated 2% miles northwest of St. Clem-' ems. on the 9th Com, Wellealey Township. March 3 iTuesdar)--F'arm stock. implements, hay.wguin, household effects, etc., of illiam Kinapple. Con. 4, Peel townshgf, about 3 miles westlof Floradale. o reserve, farm is so d. March 18 (Wednesday) - Farm stock, implements, hay, grain and household effects, can. of C. D. Boygtan, Vest_hfontrose, north of Gill. simian. No reservi, the fol-HI is ented. March 9 (Monday, Fair Dw)--- At 10.30. complete set of carpenter tools. buggy, cutter, harness. etc., belonging to the Daniel G. Martin estate, {at the In_arVt, Elmira._ Auction Sale Lint- E. M, CRAWLEY. Auctioneer. w. y. "MIKEY. Auden-u. - M. in. " I. "_..........., 21m St. BOHLENDER’B mud-o W.-'.-...--.----.... 4u.h'Rathh-.d-t' to8,ondi-td$..rhmh......,. CuH's_._totArrs.drt_-hH....... Ink Watt 35... u cud but. a O ‘0‘" ...-... C - It... than I I. _ In... ad. .m..._......._ ............. O B-'aa_r'd-ttao"amdto,a6.- If You .‘v-nlu .u “unnu- uuvnn, lpunulnt to Sudan 61 of Chm“ 160 of the Revised Statutes of Oll- tario, 1927, that MI credlmn Ind lather: having chin“ min“ or n- .tilled to shire in the -tate of Hun Shun. late of the Town of Wlurloo, lin the County ot Waterloo, splinter, deceased. who died on or she the twelfth day of January. 1931. m trequired to deliver, by pout prepaid (or otherwise, on or before the !twentreitthth day of February. Ig2; to Levi W. Shuts, Wamloo. Ontario, one of the Admiratratoei lo! the est-la of the said been“, "heir name: in full, with their Id- dreuen and deseriptionn, full 'v h’culln of their claims or 2Wft Ind statement: of the “out"! ,nny, held by them: and that Ihr, â€he nld iiiiifiiiy,t' - of "b. rnary. 1981, the u d Adattiitutmtors will proceed to distribute tho - of the aid deco-ad anon. the pn- ma entitled thereto, Paving rm ‘only to claim: or linen-h of I the dull than have necked hem 27 will not In tinbtt for the 7 CUSTOM HATCHING l Custom Hatching weekly in Back- eye Mammoth. Ineubatora. Call foe lprices. Quality Hakim. " M 'St., Kilt-Jul". sale of reg. Clydesdale horse- Ga high grude Shorthorn cattle, farm stock. implements and feed at Lot 7, the 8rd line of Welledey. 8% miles west of Wallaby. for Juan J.. Freeborn. This is a mud oint- inch 10 (Tuoaduy) - Farm stock. implements,' etc., 3 miles northwest of Stntford, for C. P. Meg-Hey.“ ‘_ _ _ _ - March 12 (Thursday) --Atretion sale of 50 registered Shorthom cattle Ind horses. 2% miles north of Shakespeare, for J. HcGlll-wee & Sons. March 17 (Tyesdpr)--Hhrh grade Shorthorn cattle, farm stock, Im- lements. em. 2% mites west of 1lk'fi'ilJs, for Ed. 033:9â€. - - Mare); " (Wednereury--Parm stock, implements. etc., 2% mil“ wag! of, Tyyitt_ek, tor Ed. Gunter. In the Sun: of MARY 'HUM. FEMALE an: WANT†Woman wanted to - for II " home. Sowing machin- m. No telling. Ontario Nacho" Co.- pany, Dept 174, Toronto tr. H FOR SALE Good Jersey heifer. fresh, with calf. Also good Holstein hello! 8 months old. Apply to Eli B. Weber, Lexington, Phone hi ring 8, Kitch- ener. 6-4 March 3 (Tuesday) - Clan-ins sale of 200 acre farm, their, tm. plements and teed " Lots " - M. concession 10. North Euthope, lha mile west of Hampstead, property off. H. Anderson. March " 1Fridtw)-,--Fit mock. implements, ete., 4 mile. south of Stetfoyd: goLPercy Luggq. - ADMmrSrRATORs' NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Experiancod (an. hand i“ work. Canadian born. Apyly It! 94. Chronicle. .4 FOR SALE " good horses. 2 tennis of males. 8 sets of harness, ll lumber mom. Have been used in the city of Kitchener for gnrbage collection but having no further use for them will be sold. P. K. Weber's Silo: Stables, Kitchener. FARM FOR SALE Known as the Henry Schmidt farm. The farm is part of Lot No. 6, Bleam’s road south, of Township of Wilmot, comprising 60 lens, more or less. On the farm is a good bank barn with straw shed, good house with summer kitchen; pic sable; 2 implement sheds, running water on farm; I - failing spring supplies water for ham and barn. This farm is 2% miles south of Petersburg. For further parti- culars apply to Man-sub Hallman. Petersburg R. R. I, or to Henry D. Schmidt. New Dundee.exocuton for the Henry Schmidt mtato. " FOR SALE High clu- Lyric 9-tubc - radio, on time. Apply M mill 8L, Kitchener. 3-1 ins. FOR SALE Good hay, also lead out. 0.A.C. 144 variety, and Meciary range. Phone Elmira 869 - M. " M. R. ROTH, Auctions-r March 6 (Friday) -..... 160 um farm, stock. At'gg'/d etc., 4 miles vaeat of New amburg. for Chris. an. NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN Yarsh' 5 tthaiGkw) = Clark Classified Add EMPLOYMENT waserh.o .