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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Feb 1931, p. 11

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L" A. Gohencious Suitable for any kind of rupture. Prevent yourself from torture and get {truss to tit you right. We have the knowledge and ex- perience to fit you right. EXAMINATION FREE. 12 Mansion St. KITCHENER - ONT. and food quality - to (other with home style cooking are the features that make a meal at our Tea Rooms taste dif- ferent to most of the meals you eat away from home. RENDEZ -VOUS Tea Room OI King St. N. . Wuorloo Trusses CLEANLINESS - PLUS SERVICE Our Complete Line of largest BurriiGira in Its adjoins hotel TRUSSES At Reduced Price. , Bat there was still more than an 'hour before breakfast, and. as Paul entered the house. there occurred to him a slight modification of one part [at the machine. He had In the attic [[119 iirst and rruder apparatus he had made. and. though In laughed at his awn weakness, ha stolo softly up the Maura and Into his laboratory. He A (or am but. to dqMded to 'rtaheaBnatta.t.aadthett,Uth.t woo ouccoootnl, to only tho ow!” to Cutout, no“ no hood to on trum it to tho one non comb“ at has" ot m "lor-to Juno Tu Croat. tho tumor ot tho bum-l! "not!“ no no eaietuauoan all trxpqrttrMtrtta, out-mung Maul! to tho operator. ot the machine. Ind to cording the results for " on at dlnco. He hollowed that no could control the operation: of the hum cram-m by meow ot Honcho um. Month! to bear, And had oven cub jetted his mm sun to certain dluuouermu no that he with! demonstrate thelr cure. At length. ggattqtted with bl: lent. he took tho machine ”an Ind pro cued to pack it tor tranaportathet. 0qu Into one or the stile lam. " selected on old trunk he had no»! during by college dare, uni, though Then he fell asleep. and srlept quietly till sunrise). He had left the curtains " Ities room drawn up. and woke as soon as the dayllght came. Remembering hid Imulminn of the night nature. Paul dimmed at once. carried the trunk dou-uslulm, put it lulu a light carriage. and look It down to the stallion. He had to wait for the office to open. and was shaky (Lg with the cold of the sharp morn- itttt nlr when the agent came. Then he whipped the trunk to himself at the Central Statlou In Carteret, and returned home. relieved that me up pal-mus was at last beyond his reach. it Irma woll‘battered Ind a little largo tor his purpose. he tool: It to the laboratory. put In the apparatus. and filled the whole with old newt papers until he thought the brittle Darts Were tsate. It was night when he Hui-shed, and he decided he would send the trunk to the city some time the next day. But he had over-urea his brain. and round it hard to sleep. He caught himself mentally suing over and over every step ln the process. uatil it was apparent that so long as it Ivan possible tor him to modify the apparatus ho would never feel at rest. Therefore, for Ms own sake. it would be well to mm It Id early in the morning as he could wake. The Case ;n‘ once of inexperience and 'sxperr ‘ence. She cldled anxiously around the room, prying Into every nook and crevice Ag aha [roped gluon; the ‘fmumenla on the floor. she cut her finger on a tot of broken glans. Ind some blood dripped down near Paul's hand before aha knew it. But I Mi. ver-bound notobool. whldu ur on had when seen Paul mks strung-9 the bench. kept drawing but on. She figures In ll: who had often bogged l Her elrong, vital forces. returning triumphant. sent. their answer thrill- ing though her miner Do? Why, what she had Juat planned to do. Run away. of canine. out Into that unknown. fascinating world ot wan- dering. where no one bothered. no ‘one reetrlcted. no one said No. Was she not already prepared down to the smallest Item of appropriate cos- tume? And could there he a better "tour than this very one In whlch "ttty had been unobetsrved except by the person from whom. above all. she must now nee. but who could not Hollow? A reckless mthafactlon com vinced her that, whether she would or no, an end or hesitation and da- le had come. As it by force. her do- ctslou was ttnal, and she must Bo. She was hot. the was cold; anxloua to any. eager to Ito; at one moment sure that Ptul was dead. and the very next positive that his eyes warn open; pulled forward and back by desire and tear; the puppet Together with these avenger feelings. developing Into renoluuon beyond her yearn. there was thnt childish curiosity, innate. persistent. she was alone. at length, In the tor- bidden room. This was her last. her only chance. What, then, should she stretch out her hand and take? What I delight " would be to turn- mnxo through the drnwem or that bench to take down avory mmterlous article trom the 'yttBlt---of only. oh, It only that awlul, at"! presence wasn't there on the floor: and yet. wasn't " better that it should be still, aince her will was no imperative? i CHAPTER Vlll ' Ed Ftymamy and Cool'ty Dan I Edith turned cold and rigid under who petrltylng clutch of terror. Paul was hurt. and she was to Mime. Paul might even he dead, else why should he lie there motionless. un- knownlnx. the ghastly wax huge ot himself? All her vague notlonu ot crime and Its punishment bone! her with lhrmls. Since she had done wrong. tthe must pay the penalty. Oh, what should she do; what should she do? -." when the mutants of the table reached the floor; there WM a report like that ot a revolver; the chem!- cal: exploded. and Paul felt ittsseme thio and lay as It dead. The electric and mammal apparatus. utruck by his Lulllnx body. sllppsd trom the bench. and covered the floor with Its lmgrnenta. Adolph Bree-i he spent . more ration night than " count PM“. He m stopped at John Stnll'l have on his trey home. And Coir “nee land I“. e ulphle new tor not ageing tin. lore the. this. Mill-ii All“. chiviu his chum. ind told him plainly that in her Judgment " unit was hopeless um ieuhomcedtowthuloutot the running. She ind ridiculed hie somewhat suited qu-tost. ot e!- iection tor the girl. but. at the or preuionn of election tor tho girl. but. at the same time. had “and him that tt Incl: we. his choice question-hie u we: lab tests. Ch. we- prepared by reason ot the mien-lie and delennive eliitnce exiuing between them to give him All ply-senile aid. Therefore. he would be wise to put on hie thinking-up. remembering that all things were [air in love as in var. And Adolph had gone home to a sleepleu bed. tormented by Jealousy, rent by w union. with the grim detertnimtttott forming within him that in eome way. he cared not how, he would lrustrate Paul's pretensions and hare Constance tor himself. The dawn found him unrelreohed; so. hastily dressing, he hurried out ot the house. thinking that a stroll through the woodland lining the bulk or the river might cool hi- blood and coalesce his excited Ind disjointed thoughts. ( Edith Breen. having completed all her preparations for her flight from home. had stolen up into the attic that morning, during Paul's absence. meaning to slip out or the house before the family rose She had clipped " her pretty hair. and put down~stelrs when Paul returned from his visit to the station. She shrank hack into the darkness and remained quiet while he busted him- eel! over his apparatus. Bat, when it was put Into motion. her curiosity was so great that she forgot all pru- dence. forgot her change of costume. and titrtoed to the door or the la- boratory where Paul was at work. He had, for the first time. left the door slightly ajar. and Edith. all breathlms. pushed " softly open. Paul. Intent over the machine. did not turn. She mulled the door a little wider. peerlng eagerly: it came against the llght stand upon which the chemicals were standing. and the little table Upped and began to tall. Then Paul. hearlng the Holding glam. turned: he saw Edith's head thrust through the doorway. and had Just cried out sharply "Edith. “Hanukkah '19me '7 "a ' Crisie in life have a way of arriv- ilng unexpectedly like name inspect- Gii commarrder-ittthiet, but their mandate; are none the lam insistent rim that. Adolph’n morning stroll had Ir.e.t,trtn his normal equenimity. without which he always fell Aimee" to who in a non of moral undress; but ill had not made clear to him how he ‘wnn to win Count-nee and dlepnso ot Paul. Now, with Paul dying or dead. romance seemed more ettainablei Fete had removed one difficulty in iii way: would not the dhappear ante or this rash child remove yet “other? There we: the vast fortune left by Neil Breen. that fortune Which had made him hate his tannins tor having what he had not. " Paul were dead. and Edith mining. would the law. in five short years give " ‘to his own ftstlttrr.--atlrmrdr an old men. whose only heir he wee? Comtence in eny and all circum- ulanvee would he adorable. " was true: bat Constance. with ell that money can give in addittotr--what vines of bliss. and delight. of Itrati- ttod ambitions. of pomp end 'nation, stretched endieeeiy belore him. Wm not the heard worth ihe throw; end was he not A taint-hurled residing A bunst of team accompanied Edith back trom fairyland. and she clung to Adolph In lgnomlnloun help- Ioasnnesn. "Oh, Adolph. dear Adolph." she Robbed. "you won't tell on mo, you will help me. you will let me go?" And she blurted out all that had happened. "What Is all this. Edith?" asked Adolph. as, cool, calm and mulling. tus tried to hold the shrinking girl out into full view. "Is it burlesque or melodrama? You favor both. I thiak. Why, you must be going to be Ed Flylway in dead earn-mt!" I A moment later. the picturesque and Mapper form ot a lad crept down the "tttitss trom the attic. close to the wall. pulsing now and again on tip-toe. with finger on lips. and then sped through the roar-door into the seclusion ot the wooded plantation, winding over the river bank. The allln. flashlng feet were Indeed light. but Bdilh'a heart, nut- terlng within one): atranle apparel. was lighter still. She had escaped: no one had seen her. no one had heard her. The unknown. fascinat- ing world was now before her. and clearly. oh, so clearly. she could- see the broad road traversing it. over which tshe should stroll from pie- sure. and from wonder to wonder. The tear of punishment. the loom tnd threat ot death. were forgotten. Like some fair. young denilen of the woodland. without rerleetion, with- out compunction. she tripped blithe- Jy along. until a slight touch on her shoulder and the sound of a mocking voice brought her face to face again with terrifying realities. 1'th name Adolph had given} her, In Joey, after (me of her avcapades. At tho invitation ot the“ group: nude throuxh their Iocnl mm: hulth hand the product! donut ment of health aqgtt I nut-u to demonstrate the eyuen: of county school nursing, The dotgtoostration your made nuch n hroreble lumen» Alon e permnent nurse was necured by the three muntvlpallttes. Of the $1,6itit ulnry paid the nurse the prorlnce assumes 8500 and 8400 ot the total 1e suppoeed to - the expanse. The school attendance he better the health hnbite and gen- eral apnea-10cc of the children are better in sections where school nut-en are employed. him to at least let her took at It. but in Him Now was her chance. her last. her only chance. She thrust the book into her pocket. crying out 'rom the palu ot her cut finger as she did so: and then .when no res. ponse or notice came trom that grim. stiffened form before her. aha sobb- ed: "0h. he must be dead." and darted trap: the roatrtut a sudden panic. MAY ENGAGE The rank: than“ ot the Bhlr'ot': ooorrtroareoetmdowehut1k1saru" Deon. Among tlt. not! Important m, ”not! to be brought Moro no Lam board’s “union - the ulvhablll- "on. " ot aoctirtnq the urvlcu ot a lull from um nun. for tho rm! uhooh or The Waterloo low-ms. Th. (album door dun was submitted to tho mm. torig rm. luforuutlon be!“ “and from ave Dr. Woolner or Ayr from the expert: I once at North And South Dumhlu‘od Ind an villus ot Ayr which [mu Jo," “alumna to qoCurq a school I “um 'chel Wentworth County is the only county in the province in which school nurses operate in every town. ship. The money required tor the nurse‘s salary in addition to that supplied try the provincial grant comes from the township council. The meeting was at the unanimous opinion that the health of the child van at stake and the time was ripe (or link townuhlp of Waterloo to tol- 'ow the example which Ayr and Worth and South Dumfries has Bert. The cost per taxpayer would amount 'O a trifle when government is ties 1ueted. The members ot the board were very much impressed with the idea Ind decided that the secretary non- 'y all school board secretaries and a meeting be called In the only part M April to decide course ot action. ma DISTRICT BLAIR - The following Doon members were' added to the Directorate ot the board namely. N. Wiltong. W, Teet and George Ayres. I [Wilma Oratttrieat Contact. a The Wtimot division of the South) Waterloo Oratorio“ contest will be held tn the Baden School on Friday afternoon. Feb. 21:11, at 3.30 pm. A large number , local oratorlcal em ‘musiasls are plannlng to attend. i "Poor child," he said, shaking his head. " you are In an awful fix, to be sure. No one will believe It was an accident: you and Paul got along to- gether too badly tor that. I'll keep your secret safe. never tear; and l uhouldn't feel Jmelltled in "topping you-why. I hate to think of what might happen if i did. After all. liberty is the thing. Take a hright, handsome tad, such as you appear. with a stout heart that you really have; why. the world is his cocmnul. full of meat and drink for the breaking It Isn't such a had thing when one is young and tall ot lite to see what's going on. There's a mean or tun and excitement. just an there'e plenty ot sunshine; and pleasure is all the more dellxhltul tor coming after a storm. But to he Hooked up in a Rerormattrry. kept in do”. gloomy quarlem. behind tron than. with the coarsest food and ‘rlothinz. aew1nx all day long under the eye of a termaxant,with visitors 1aritttt Ind looting at you-" l Edith. ptutie.qtritrken, dashed down the bank to the rlver. The vlslon ot a lslnurely stroll over the world'" ‘hlghwuy had vnnhhed. All her tents, which even at their height had been tinged wlth a sort a! hopelul un-l reality, now returned. vleitied, ext. otertt, lnlhtent. through Adulph'sl dreadful warning. She must hurry away. tar twuy. as (as! as a train could entry her, before it was tel Inc. Not the tthock ot tho explnclon. not In: 3km ot Paul‘s Ilvld face. had aroused such terrors. It was I whiter Upped lad. wllh (rambling knees. who ttttttid by the railway trtsetul looking up and down for I plan: at "mum ) to refuse the chance that rate came muttering? Even before he rmllzed that he had (leaded. Adolph's furs grew portetttotttsty grave. Adolph “lapped short. and his face resumed Ma took of mulling satire lactlon as he watched Edith rush blindly may. "I'll hurry to the omen." he mused. "but ttrat pretend to the servant I have an early en~ gunmen! there. " I'm not at home no one can wander why I do not look for Paul." A chimney ttre at the home of Valentine Henry, Waterloo, shortly before noon on Tuesday gave the firemen a run. Miss Klein, junior teacher at the Wiruerliourne School. spent Thurs- day Ill her home In Stmtford. where tthe attended the wedding of her "ister. The play entitled "No Men Admit- ted" given by the Ladies Club of Conestotr" on Thursday evening. Feb. 12th. her-v was well attended. Everyone look thelr part well. The 1310th amounted to 319.00. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lnldlaw of Motsttorotugtt spent Sunday with the Rattan-'6 parents. Mr. and Mm. Wm. Shel-ruin. Mrs. Wm. Bherrlttri spent last week with her sister. Mm. Geo. Smith in Toronto. Mr. Jaa. Flick of Guelph spent a couple ot days last week with his nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kunz. auee-fut Bale. On Thursday afternoon. Feb. 12th. the gala of the farm mock and im- plemeutx ot Wm. Mitchell was large- ly attended. Good price! were rem lized. Auctloneer Class wielded the hammer. Attend"! Wodd‘ing. Harry 0.11m had an “new. ot lastly. lulu; his an: (Whom- vm aeooaroanied by Ian. Mar “all attempted to dun on Moon's Lake lb Commune no cutting " "an. The ham. plunged throw the (town “the. Into an Icy was". The water at an point In. vory deep tteeossttatiM tho home- to swim Ind only good tort by the min raved the lives of thy loom. urn. J Hearth] of Toronto Vinn- ed with Mr. and In. Milton Johannes racontly. In: Louis. Jéhnnu was . Kit. chgnor v_hltpr 39003111. Mrs. J. J. Kenyon; spam . tow days with routine In Brannon]. ieissa LU Battle wont g few days in Hamilton. Mr, and In. Adam Debra-t gnd Mrs. .D. Gingrich attended the (un- oral at In Delmar: aunt ot the Inc Mrs. S. Bur-gets. ll Kitchener. Paving mutually Question The matter or preparing Doom Blair highway thin you tor paving next yen was also diacuasad. " was decided to circulnte n petition in Blair and boon in the near future. The matter ot Arranging a social evening and concert was discussed and an snort will be made to secure outstanding weakens tor the occa- Mon. THAI or nouns PLUNGI “ROUGH ICE Wat. Ina-Mull. wwocfs Tui MATTER? l THOUGHT Yoda: NOT WK) "r WU: A orTb-h‘b DOG - RAT” Ans VOL)? I . (To be Continued) WINTERBOURNE onuoonrsukn M , “ham Elleen and Cora Snider of Kitchener Visited Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Moss on Sunday. Miss Irene Lee spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Romlt: of Bridgeport. I Quite a number ot Demons attend. mi the loud church and Sunday Ischnol m-rvlcm on Sunday mornlng. Rev. S. H. Swami. tumor. had for the the!!!» "Christi-n." l The local Youn; People‘s Society held their usual meeting on Thurs day evening with the loplc. “Keep lug Our Minds Healthy." The scrip- ture reading was read by Mr Lawrence Page“. After a “crutch: service the man) discussion Wu held which was (allowed by a song "My Faith Looks Up to Thee." A discription ot the composer ot this tsont' was read by Mrs. 8ttuttpr. Next tweek the meeting will be “voted with a very interesting talk by Rev. Carlson. returned missionary trom Africa. The meeting will start at 1800 o'clock instead of 815. jPononaln. Mm Viola Irroji%sitett Mrs. Wit. mor of "fair last woe-band Mr. and Mm. Christ. Kropt and non Lloyd. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Perry Dnrkvrorth or Ritch, on". Mrts. Schliemann accompanied by Mrs. Eagle of Hespeler visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lunch St. at Kltch- emu on Wednesday. Messrs. Ceeit and Irvin Brown sppnt the week-end at tho home of their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. J H Shark. _ "eee _. _....,..... Wu.“ tho week-end with Mr. Clarence Kropt. mm Loretta svtilniit"ot etter "tent In? past week u- sister. Mrs. Irvin Mom. Ah Master Jack Feasby visited Mas ter Billy Page of Kitchener on Bat urday. Mrs. Herb Hamel Intended a party at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Nickason of Preston In honor of Mrs. Nickasott's birthday on Tues day. About thirty Demons were pleas- autiy entertained at a bridge and dunner party held at the Chicanos: Tea Rooms this week. in honor of liisa Alma Decker. trt Kitchener bride-elect. Miss Decker was pro sented with a beautiful carved oak canoe table as well as other miscel- laneous gifts. On Tuesday evening about aslxleeu persons pleasantly surprised Miss Dvlnres Rheinhardt at her home on the occasion or her birthday. Many game; were played whlch was tol lowed by a sumptuous lunch. Miss Rhelnhardt was presented with a lovely purse. Mr. and Mm. J. Sander of Kitchen awaited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jane!) o Thursday. Rev. Stofey. returned missionary from $9151.11 America. gave a talk to the children or ttUiraruuiii,T ii Thursday. regarding his missionary work. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. mm Kitchen at visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MLehm on Sunday.‘ day Mr. Candle and Miss E. Goudle an whiting the tormer's brother ot Sea- tor_Ut for several weeks. Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shark were Misses Edith and Helen Kinxie and Norma Huber ot Kitchener. Friends or little Margaret met}: will be glad to know that she is re covering. having been ill for some days. In..." And loud-r, F. K. I0." - Au'. Sm JOHN A. FISCHER . have“. C. A. IOIHI INSUMNCI. AGENCIES UllTlD District Agne- aging:- (lusting. Mr. Clare Poco' Ensign spam Mrs. Schlieman visited her moth. ' Mrs, Eagle ot Hespeler on Sam m "" “It" ma .1” "7ji'll/"s" Mum Fire I“. O. Ie'fre M. can?” cmxsm u: CENTRIVILLI my week with her Kttch ’ w. s'lti.'iiii1, tt DR. J. W. HAGEY. Dentist. Room 110 Weber Chambers. King St. W.. Kitchener. Phone 1756. DRS, W. ‘3. gcumpjr, l?enuttc on King's}; E11233; ir7iCihit' it", Kitchener, Ont. ' DR. S. H. ECKEL. Dentist, otBee in Bank of Montreal Bldg., Wan- leo. Phone 174. DR. L L STAUFF‘IIZ, 180 M " Want, Waterloo; Phone 1016. DR. , R. WILKINSON. Dana] Surgeon. Phila. Ind Tor. one.- " Queen St. North, Kitchener. Evening hours Mom. Wed. und Friday, 7-9. Phone 152. Teacher of Plano. Singing. Ind Theory. Prints and clu- in- struction. Studios 48 Roy St, Phone 1171M, Kitchener. Tho gidiii aGGaGiii. rm. I: ”an“ of AM I.- Pay back in 12 monthly my. manta while driving. present payments reduced, prints ales btaneed. All dealings conMen- tiat. Open evenings. Motor Lon-I ' Diocounlu Ltd. 12. King St. W.. Kitchen-r. Pic-0 “I. Money Loaned on Your Car Rebinding Book. Bibles, Hymn and Prnrerboohs . sped-My. Add more books to your home library by having your favorite mug-tine bound into books Inikialing Club Bugs, Sultana, E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR We. 44 William St., Wand” Photo "ht D. T. Brown . Bra-d: Mgr. " King St. N. - Wotan-loo Prion AGonou. Good- ullod for and dcliutod. R. J. E. HETT. SPECIALTY Diana of the Ear, Throat au Non. King St. R: t, Kimball“. in Bookbildcr " Qua.- St, N. “on. I“. KichIo-or can iiri. FiiiiiiUC6= St. 'ilG1il2'l'u',ulll'd'eat8tt Shoe Repairing A Specialty. Expert workmanship, prompt service and prices reasonable. " " EH: St. W.. Waterloo Next door to "Alloy-"I’d. Shop. C. A. noun: INSURANCE AGENCIIS 1.!"le “at. mm, no." " King St. It. Wotan-loo. a... 147 WILHELWS E. HOUSE Export Shoo Rorairor 8rehtbatd MaeMuua, Min Anna R. Ban DiuMc! Ago-lo. "can "tt “I 10] CHIROPRACTIC SHOEMAKIN G Waco-4... 0-in-6. IAUIJCI DALY MEDICINAL I. Lehmann Music DENT IL

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