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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Feb 1931, p. 10

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Farm Stock, Implements dk F eed Including a Splendid Herd of T. B.‘l'eatod. Redacted and Grade Holstein Com Commencing at 12.30 o’clock, the following: Hor-Heavy Buy mam 2 years time of sale. 100 well h old (splendid workers). Bay horse, Rock and White Leghorr " years old, good worker. 1 tine Bullets mostly pallets, St Bar mare. rising 4 years old. 1 splen- Rock and Leghorn cucker did Bay colt, rlslng 3 years old, 1 4riaek colt, rising 3 years old. grey 1mpiemertu-Waterloo mm 16 years old. heavy gray colt"machine with blower am rtsiug one year old. er in good running ords Catkte---ilr mxtra good Holstein cows, all TB. tasted, supposed to be in calf and In good flow of milk. Cow bred Jan. 10th; grade cow bred Feb. 4th; grade cow bred, grade cow bred Oct. 2nd; grade cow bred Jan. 12th; pure bred cow bred Dee. 4th; pure bred cow bred Jan. Mst; pure bred cow bred Dee. 5th; grade cow bred Jan. 30; grade cow bred Jan. trth; red cow bred Feb. Ist; red and white cow bred Jan. 16th; black Jersey cows. cow bred Jan. 10th; black Farrow cow, grade cow fresh Jan. IO; Jersey grade cow due to freshen March 28111: well bred Hol- stein heifer, 5 months old, l‘veal call, 1 pure bred Holstein hull, 2 years old No. m...rrrrtr_m'.'rr.t_ This is an extra well bred bull. His dam has a record of pertortnancts at 14,000 lbs. ot milk In 10 months. The above cows are all bred to this bull. Anyone wanting good cows come to this sale. way. on E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auction on the premises, situated 1% miles north of Breslau, near the Guelph and Kitchener high- Figs And Poultry-2 Yorkshit! Hay And Graln-.-500 bus. was; brood sows due to tarrow in April; 300 bus. barley; 7 tons good sweet one Yorkshire sow due to tarrow by ‘clover. No Reserve as farm is sold. Term of Si-may, grain, poultry, veal calf and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given on appro§ed security bearing interest at 5 per cent. per annum. E. J. Shantz, E. J. Shantz, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by public auction for John Rube on the premises situated 1 mile east of Kossuth. 1% miles north of Fisher Mills, 5 miles of Breslau, 3 miles west of Hes- peter, 5 miles north of Preston, on THUESDAY, MARCH Sth, 1931 Commencing at one o'clock p.m. More-Arne bay team of horses good workers). Cattto--4 cows supposed to be in calf; Holstein cow due by time of sale; tThorthorn cow due by time of sale; 1 Guernsey-Durham cow; 1 brindle cow. l Pig: uni Pouttrr-4 hows ready for the butcher; " hens, mixed breeding. "tu-ts-vor, la ton truck: M.-H. binder 8 ft. cut; mower;} spring tooth cultivator; disk; wagon' and box; cutter; bob sleigh; lighti sleigh; twrt-rr,' single plow; double plow; whitewashing outfit; root', pulp"; gas engine; cream separ- ator; two-section iron barrow; hoe drill; disk drill; wheelharrow; forks; lhovelp; doubletrees; chains and] other useful nrticlen too Hume-mus“ to mention. I Hay and Grnur-1 ton hay; 40 his. mind grain (good for seed); 100 bus. oats. No - I Turn. of "t---Htty, grlin. hoes, poultry and all sums of $20.00 and under, cash; over that amount six monthn' credit will be given on 1p- proved security bearing interest at six per cent. per unnnm, 10"" IAII. Prom-Iota. l R. J. SHAK‘I’L Audio-cor. _ - of - Farm Stock and Implements. AUCTION SALE In“... “no I". o. . K01... cure 8-2 Auction Sale Wednesday, Ftbryat 2fth,. 1931 Profit By Reading This list of Auction Salesl‘ ii'; Auctioneer, Kitchener. of O. S. KOLB, Clerk. Impiemertu-Waterloo threshing machine with blower and self feed- er in good running order, 36-48; 7 ft. McCormick binder; Deerlng mow- er; side delivery rake; International hay loader; Cockshutt disk seed drill; 10 tube hoo seed drill; blizzard cutting box with pipes; 2 row corn cultivator; corn binder; 2 spring moth cuItivators; 6 sec. iron har- row; .W-H. manure spreader; John Deer manure spreader; portable straw blower complete with pipes; ‘spring tooth harrow; 2 single plows; 2 furrow riding plow; 3 two. furrow plows; 2 stamens; 10-inch plate grain chopper, like new; two drum steel land roller, disk time of sale. 100 we” bred Barred Rock and White Leghorn Hens and pallets mostly pullets, some Barred Rock and Leghorn cuckerels. Vehicles. Harness. Etc.--' farm wagons; wagon box: open buggy; 2 set bob sluighs; flat hay rack; Ford touring car; one ton Ford truck; pleasure sleigh. Set team harness; set plow harness; single harness; 115 rt, 6-inch canvas belt; 80 ft. 4-ply rubber belt, 6 inches wide; gasoline drum; chains; forks: double trees and other articles. Give Your Hens a Daily Dose of-- 1dLGlligilliM Have good first mortgages to place on new Dwellings. Interest Six and one- half per cent. payable half yearly. Advise me andl will place your money for you. First class security. Menno Nader, _ --- 77 7 Proprietor. ASK YOUR DEALER Write for M". Poultry BooF-ree. Put: Food (in. of CM. [M "Makes Hens Loy More East" Poultry Regulator 6)vih;; Guelph, Ont. There will be told by public auction on the tarm of the undel- algud situated 2 miles went. ot St. Asian, 1% mile: south of Jotrephaburtr, on the lane) Wagler farm, on MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1931 At 1.30 p.m. , Stock u-J Poli-Durham cow bred Aug. 10; Jersey cow bred June 16; Holstein cow fresh with calf at foot; red cow fresh with veal calf at foot; wall bred white Dur- ham bull rising 1 year old; veal "mit. About 60 hens, mostly White Leghomn. Humanoid EKoctr-kiteiten range for wood; box stove; summer hitch. en stove; extension table; coal oil stove; cupboard; large table; lounge; 4 kitchen chairs; 2 beds with springs; small table; rocking chairs; benches; wash tub; milk pails and cans; clocks; 190 ft. clothes line wire and pulleys; vine- gar barrel; grindstone; lamps. Houuhold EKoetr-Kitehen rangei "tu-s---?. hoe seed drills,) for wood; box stove; summer kiteh-i euitivator with seed box; spring en stove; extension table; coal oil tooth drag barrow; harrow cart;) stove; cupboard; large table;'single plow; gang plow; manurel lounge; 4 kitchen chairs; 2 beds spreader; 2 wagons; 2 hay racks; with springs; small table; rocking hay louder with truck; 1 horse) chairs; benches; wash tub; milk carriage; light sleigh; cutting box} pails and cans; clocks; 190 tt.,yith earrier; set gravel planks; clothes line wire and pulleys; vine- fanning mill; new hay rope and‘ gar barrel; grindstone; lamps. ‘fork; 2000 lb. Renfrew scales near- Also top buggy, one-horse wagon. ly new; root pulper; 13A h.p. gas wheelbarrow;post hole ausrer,quan-'ertirine nearly new; forks; grain tity of cedar posts, and numerous shovels; cow chains; ladders; double- other articles. _ int-es; neckyokes, and other articles. T-Household efreeta, poui- Hay. Gull, Harness and House- try, veal calf, cedar posts, and all hold Etreets---5 tons mixed hay; sums of $10.00 and under, cash; 100 bus. mixed grain; 70 bus. oats; over that amount 6 months' credit 30 bus. speits; 30 bus. barley; 12 or 3% " for cash. bus. seed oats; 12 bus. chicken feed; Jos. SCHWE1TEER, Proprietor. 5*: barrel feeding molasses; good W. W. FRICKEY, Autumn.“ team harness; single harness; col- Phona w.[.rloo 592w, lars; broader house; some cedar ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. " posts; No. 12 DcLaval cream separ- -r_r-_---_-..-.--_ ator, nearly new; leaf table; dresser - ---tt.-r---t a. a - - and wash stand. Stock and Hominid Elms. Also top buggy, one-horse wagon, wheelbarrow; post hole auger, quan- tity of cedar posts, and numerous other articles. . Farm Stock, Implements, Pro- duce and Household Effects. _ I. H. Tomau, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from Walter A. Scott to sell by public auction on his farm situated 2 miles east of Ayr C.P.R. gravel pit, on _ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY M, I931 Sale to start at 12.30 Fm. sharp. ll cattu---l roan cow fresh; 1 man cow due April 19; roan cow due May 13; roan cow due May 23; red cow due July 19; red cow due Sept. 11; 2 Shorthorn spring calves; 3 shorthorn fall calves. These cours are all milking well at present. "tPte-ts-F'. & W. 6 ft. bin-y der; John Deere hay loader; Cock-) ,shutt low down manure spreader; 3-1 drum steel roller; out-throw 18-ineh' disc; M.-H. corn binder in good' shape; F. & W. 5 ft. mower; spring tooth cultivator; 2-row Planetl Junior corn cultivator; 2-furrow Kidi Kangaroo walking plow; Cockshutt No. 21 walking plow, new; M.-ll.' Ko. 11 walking plow, nearly new;‘ 4-sertion iron barrows; fanning! mill; Renfrew 2000 lb. scale, new;' 2 farm wagons; 3000 lb. wagon‘ lsprings; 2 open buggies; 1 set bob; sleighs; Portland cutter; new one- ‘man fiat rack; sleigh flat rack; rack-' ‘lifter with rope; hay fork and carriage; ladders; brand new stock 'racks‘. 2 brand new wagon boxcar new turnip box; set gravel planks; wood rack; stone boat; 3 ho. Ren- frew gas engine in good running order; 40 gal. gas drum; oil drum with pump; work shop heater; oxen yoke; blacksmith iron vise; circular saw on frame; hag holder; 250 thick IBuckeye broader; cement mixer; (Joliet 8-inch chopper in good order; 250 ft. matched and planed fine whoring; 200 lbs. International stock food; doubletrees; neckyokes; forks; :nhovels; chains. and many other larticles too numerous for detail. Pig. and Poottrv---2 choice York sows with litter at foot; 25 Rock hens. Har-s-l set back-band harness with overchecks ,brass mounted, brand never, never used; 1 set plow harness; 1 set single harness; blan- kets. produce-M, tons nice green mixed hay; 150 bus. improved Banner seed outs; 6 ft. of extra good ensilage. 5 Horses-l bay Clyde team (aged); 1 dark bay driving mare (aged). Hound-old Ekoet. - R E n f r e W cream separator, nearly new. can. 650 lbs.; 15 gal. steam pressure tank; marble sink; Daisy churn; 2 kitchen tables; lard press; sap pan; up pails and spouts; double power emery alone; belting nnd pulloys; 2- row hand spay; pump jack, an Pullivoly No new". - The Gran is no“. Tonn- - Produce. poultry, 820 and under. rash; over that amount " months' credit will be given by furnithhg approved bankablo ne- curity. or 6% dimount for can}: on " credit ”mourns. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE WALTER A. SCOTT, Proprietor. I. K. TOMA". Augusto”. E. B. HALLHAN. (II-rt. of entire 8-1 Mt Acre Fun with Good Build- lngs, Farm Stock, 1mrk.. ments, Feed and Home- hold Elects. I Imrumeesu-- 2 Massey-Harris 6 'ft. cut binders; MtrCormiek 5 ft. {mower nearly new; 13 springtnoth (eu1tivator, nearly new; seed drill nearly new; irrin harrows; wagon; lslcigh; wagon box; carriage; rubber "ire top buggy; cutter; Dominion iplow; hay rack; set Nam harness; mingle harness; wheelbarrow; "loufrietrees; neckynkr's; chains; forks; shovels; hoes; grain bags, land many other useful articles not ilisted. There will be sold by public tuc- tion on the farm of the undersigned situated 2% miles northwest of Hawkelville. 2% miles northeast of Linwood, on the 13th com, Town- ship of Wellesley, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY " "St 2 aged mares; 1 cow, fresh; 2 cows due March 10; 3 yearling heifers; l calf; 12 ducks; 1 pair geese. so Acre Farm--At the same time and place there. will also be offered for sale, if not previously sold, the farm of 50 acres clear, workable land in good state of cultivation; bank barn with straw shed; driving shed; good frame house with sum- mer kitchen attached; nice orchard with a variety of fruits; drilled well. " you are looking for a good so acre farm and zany Renal, here it your chants. At 1 Wm. The following stock and poultry: Terms on "rm-lor'. of pur- chase price on day of sale, the bal- ance in 30 days, over and above t3.000.00 which can remain on first mortgage until June Ist, 1934. CutteU---Cash. JOHN BRUBACKER, Proprietor. W. w. FRICKEY, Auctioneer. Phone Waterloo 592*, 84 THURSDAY, MARCH s, 1931 At 1 p.m., the following: H-Black team H and 16 years old; bay mare 16 years old; aged mare. MORTGAGE SALE Under the powers contained in a certain chattel mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction by W. W, Frickey, Auctioneer, on the farm of situated about 2‘2 miles northwest of St, Clements, on the Sub Con., Township of Wellesley, on Cattle----)? cows fresh; 4 cows bred; 4 steers 1 year old; 2 calves; 1 sow bred; 2 shouts weigh 80 lbs. each; " hens. Hay and Gr.'os--200 bus. seed oats; 45 bus. barley; hay. Farm Stock. Implements and Feed. Tums-Hay, grain, poultry, and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; aver that amount 9 months' credit wiil be given by furnishing ap~ proved joint hankable notes, or n"; discount for cash pnymvnts on all credit amounts. Thipw-R gained ontmnro tn the Llnharllt llnrdwaro Moro, Waterloo. Thursday hy hrnnldmz a window In the mar M tho store A number of pork“ hnteos and clock wore the only "Help: mllaed. JACOB OTTERBEIN, Vendor. Heidelberg. Ont. W. W. FRICKEY. Auctioneeg. Phone 592w, Waterloo. DATED February 16. 19'21. R AUCHON SALE AUCTION SALES ETC, CONTD 0N PAGE 12 William Dietrich of Banter 5 tons R-2 Valuable 7 Boo-Ind Bed Pun-red Brut Home and Entire Fur. nltnre and Household There will be sold by public sue-l tion the real estate, furniture andI household elects, including all the good bedding, linens, china and eut' glass dishes, and Iota of odd and. fancy dishes and vases. belonging‘ to the estate of the late Miss Mary Shah, at 71 John St. E., in the town of Waterloo, on SATURDAY AFTERNOON FEBRUARY " Sale starts sharp at l pun. 4 section oak book case with, ‘drawer; fumed oak library table; oak writing desk; several oak parlor); tables; rockers and chairs; nntique_1 , drawer cherry teble; square ex- tension table; 6 oak dining room, ichairs; oak buffet; 6 walnut um: pique parlor chairs; iardiniere and, fern stands; Jewel gas parlor; heater; 2 piece oak bedroom suites! complete; strecher bed; washstands: bureau with mirror and stand; 2 cedar chests, 1 large one with drawers; 6 leg cherry drop leaf table; kitchen chairs; sink; 2 piece kitchen cupboard; child's rocker; Aum chair; sewing machine; sewing ‘lbaskcts; 2 mantel. clocks; chamber sets; kitchen stool; clothes racial lawn bench and seat; 15 pair good] feather pillows; 11 wool blankets“ 13 quilts and comforters; 9 spreadsl and sheets, and a lot of new and used plain and colored linenware such as table cloths, napkins, quest towels, bath towels, tea towels, pit- low cases. aprons and tray cloth; new dress materials; cut glass water set and other fancy dishes; Limoges china dishes; silverware; new Fuller broom and wall brushes; kitchen and cooking utensils; about 100 nice wall pictures; lot of odd hand painted vases and niek-naeks; curtains and drapes; all kinds of good books; large family Bible; trunks; suit cases; trays; water power washing machine and wring- er; 2 step ladders; cellar tables; benches; tubs; all kinds of canned fruit and sour; jam; empty sealers; lawn hose and mower; garden and carpenter's tools; wash boiler; hand sleigh, and many, yes many, other useful articles too numerous; to mention. l At the same time and place there will also be offered for sale, if not previously sold, a 7-roomed solid red pressed brick house, with all modern conveniences, including steam heat- ing, oak trimmed throughout, front and two side entrances, front and back tstairways, a 2 room bath and toilet; clothes closets in bedrooms; linen closets; nice bright kitchen with built-in cupboards; 3 part cement basement with floored launo dry cellar; a nice lot, good garden with variety of fruits, private drive, and all carpets. rugs, stoves and fuel will be included in real estate if sold. If you are looking for a well built, home and in a desirable and convenient location, then do not miss this one, as this property is for sale in order to wind up the estate of the late Mary Shuh. Do not miss this sale of clean household enacts and please come early as the sale starts well on time. Terms on Pr-tr-lo'," of pur- chase price on day of sale, balance within 30 days thereafter. Household Etreeu-Cash. LEVI W. SHUH. mud CLAYTON SHUH, Waterloo [kind price- pnid to} ”on, duck Ind chicken feathers, In, quantity. Finch-n Spring Co. Ltd., " Oman " " Kitchener. ttr-tf I pay tho highest price. for old hon”. but kid... all! skin. - In». tnltow, on. “on. " my upon-o. FARMERS TAKE NOTICI I AUCTION SALE Adminizlrctor. of the late May Sin-h Educ. W. W. FRICKEY. Auclioneer, Phone 592*, Wnerloo. GEORGE WHITHAI PL... '" . F - KIM Ambitious, roll-bl. men wanted It once. Part time ply while training for Arution Meehan- tea, Cur-go Work, Driving Bet. ury, Imam Acolelyno var ing, Home Wkly)? Indium“ EUetrieitr, “admin l Brtekinr- Inet, Planted“. Du ting, Bun boring and titan-ling. Act quickiet your tn',h,,t',') In new. rite or cull or Informa- than. Donl-lo- Tnla 5M3. Ltd. Eastern Badminton. " Queen St. W., Toronto. 806 Tnlbot Strut. Minion. Employmcnt "Me. .--qto.at to EARN " TO $ttt PER DAY FEATHIRS WAN'FD l l. H. Tomn. Auctioneer, has re- "yu Jmttag Iceived instruction: from on the "em '"ttt"..' “a" Mr. Eli Ron-honor sentiment of Baden. SS Ind. with to tsell by public auction on his form; of Wilmot Centre "hoot. on . muted 2 miles north at Plathvil-lel TUESDAY. MARCH s. "" Ion the town line between Waterloo! Commencing " 12.80 pan. ‘nnd Oxford County, 1 mile West , Mo----- team 15 you! old; Hallnnn’l School, on bay driver 16 you: old. i WEDNESDAY, MARCH d, an Cattu--Holsteina and Shortham Bale to start at 12 o'clock noon -cow fresh in Nov. and bred; , sharp. ‘00". fresh in Dee. and bred; haiku C Hor---" bay Percheron team fresh in January; cow fresh in Pet; (aged); 1 black Percheron mare 1012 cows due to calf in March; 2 your: old; 1 iirsstelatss driver 7 yrsiheiferx due to cult in April; furrow old; grey Percheron gelding rising cow in full Bow of milk; 4 ,enHt'ttit " years old; 1 bay Percheron filly heifers; 1 small ealf; pure bred Hal. rising 2 years old. stein bull rising , years old. Farm Stoct, lupin-lean Pro- duce, Household Elect. and 14 Aeretr of Goth: Swamp. " Caul3~l Holstein cow due April lst; roan cow bred Dec. 22; Holstein cow due July 20; Short- horn heifer fresh 5 weeks; Holman cow fresh 2 months; Shorthom cow fresh 2 months; Shorthorn cow due March 20; brindle heifer bred Dee. 24; 5 head fat cattle rising 2 years old; 4 calves rising one year old; 3 small calves. Pig. and Polrr--8 shouts about 140 lbs. each; " White Leghorn pullets and hens. Praa--jt00 bus. good heavy mixed grain; 100 bus. buckwheat; a quantity of roots. Han-cu -- 3 sets heavy double team harness, 1 set new; 2 sets single harness; odd harness; parts and collars; 3 horse blankets; l robe. lmrur-u---M.-H. hay loader; Cockshutt side rake and tedder combined: F'. & W. 5 ft. mower; hay rake; John Deere manure spreader; M.-H. 6 ft. binder; F. & W. 13 disc drill; 3 drum steel roller; 14-plate Cockshutt disc, new; springl tooth cultivator; turnip drill; Planet Junior corn cultivator; Lfv'l, tedder; 2-furrow M.-H, riding plow; Fleury single riding plow nearly new; 2 walking plows; turnip lifter; 4-section iron harrows; 3% ho. Gilson gas engine in good shape; :Watson cutting box; Chatham fan- ning mill with bagger; 2000 lb. truck scales; root pulper; 2 good [farm wagons with boxes; 2-seated ‘carriage; rubber tire top buggy; 1 set heavy bob sleighs; Portland cutter; stock rack; 2 sets gravel planks; Cyclone grass seeder; grain bags; hay fork; rope; 40 rods wire fencing (new); iron fence posts; cedar posts; sap buckets and spiles; doubletrees; neckyokes; forks; shovels; hoes; chain, and many other articles not enumerated. l Honcho“ EfGeu--Kitchen cabi- net; Peninsular kitchen range; ex- tension table; 2 beds with springs and mattresses; 3 wash stands; bureau; settee; rockers; DeLaval cream separator No. 15; 150 egg Buckeye incubator; broader; Alad- din lamp; lard press; meat grinder; empty sealers; crocks; flower stand; lawn mower; bean picker; furnace kettle; iron kettle; 40 and 25 gal. gas drums; couch; sideboard; 3 toilet sets, and other articles from the house not mentioned. Real Estate-- 14 acres, more or less, of cedar swamp and hardwood mixed, being the southwest corner of the J. Hellman farm situated on the town line on the north side of town line at Hallman's school. This in an extra good sale to nttend. The farm is sold, which - Positively No Helene. Ter-produce, fat cattle, poul- try and all sums of $20 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given by furnishing approved bankable security. or 5% discount for cash on all amounts entitled to credit. Co-operative Live Stock Shipping to Union Stock Yards, Toronto Farmers having livestock to ship notify R. B. Hnllman. New Dundee 10 r 5, or Simon Ditner. Waterloo 47 r 3. Next shipment, Monday, Fohrunry 23rd, tutttle and calves. Look for this ad. 8.1 hu1?!11hui ELI ROSENBERGER, I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, New Dundee. Phone 28w. E. B. HALLMAN. Clerk. 8-2 To mnke room for some of the young mull! coming on from 50 cows. we offer for sale at a very reason-hie price 10 Pure Bred Ayrshire Cows and Heifers about to freshen soon. A few Holstein cows Ind some young cattle. A good chance ttt not foundation stock from an accredited herd Rosemount Farm Dairy Over Stocked Prododcll St. Lmtte Prorrutor, A. L. SHANTZ by public "Action for Cattu--Holsteina and Shortham -cow fresh in Nov. and bred; , cows fresh in Dee. and bred; haiku fresh in January; cow fresh in Feb.; 2 cows due to calf in March; 2 heifer: due to cult in April; furrow cow in full Bow of milk; 4 yeuiing heifers; 1 small ealf; pure bred Hal. stein bull rising , years old. Pig: and Poultry - 2 Yorkshire brood sows due in March; 1 brood sow bred; 12 young pigs; 3 shouts; 100 Barred Rock hens; 4 cockerell; good cattle dog. 'mrtomons--Deerintt binder T ft. cut; Deering mower ti ft. eat; Frost & Wood 10 ft. dump rake; John Deere manure spreader; McCormick 13 disk seed drill; shoe drill; Frost 4 Wood 17 tooth cultivator (new); 4-section iron harrow; No. 21 Heury‘single plow (new); seuttter; (disk; cutting box; fanning mill; top buggy; bob sleigh; circular saw with a 5 Imp. gas engine on truck; steel wheels and axle for truck; Bnin wagon; wagon box; set heavy team harness; set plow harness; single harness; collars and blankets; gravel planks; hay rack, hay fork and ropes: wheelbarrow; stack rack; doubletrees; neckyokes; forks; put- leys; logging chains; groin bags; frame for building 18x20, and many other useful articles. manual-M Prod---n00 bus. Granary Filter oats; some sweet clover hay; 25 bags Early Fortune potatoes. Household EEOC“ - P a n d o r a kitchen yange; wood heater; Viking cream separator (1000 lbs. cap). new, if not previously sold; Daisy churn; 240 lb. cap. scales; meat barrel; 30 gal. furnace kettle, new; bedstead; not; tables; wash stand; 6 ldining room chairs; chamber set, milk cans; pails; Coleman lamp; lamps and lanterns. _ No Renews a fun in Iold. Terms of Si-produce, poultry. small pigs, shouts, and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be 'given on approved joint notes, or 5% discount will be given for cash on credit amounts. '; DAVIDJANZI, Proprietor. , E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. Government inspected Dooley and Green Mountain seed potatoes at $1.40 per bag. Apply Elden Riehm, 128 Weber St. E., Phone 10993, Kitchener. 8-8 E. J. Shula. Auction“. will all Certified Potatoes Kitchener. A. BATTLER. Clerk. One ltd one-half - of land within the city limits. with s maul hon-o with part convenient... son. fruit plant-1|. Inn Imus. " x " foot. " you If. interested in a home with non. land, no In about this. FOR SALE FOR EXCHANGE I have for exchange for groper”? in Kitchener, a nice ume at Vineland. last 95 x 165 feet. 6 roamed house nearly new, some fruit planted. If you Are inter- ested in a home in the fruit country. see us about this. Raul Estate, [nun-nee and Monty to Loan. " Frodorick St. . Phone 122 KITCHENER E. J. SHANTZ . Ichonor Auction." 8-2

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