LTHIVINIHIHI Srr0rrV I . I I I I I I Waterloo, Ontario, January 20, 1931. Notice it Hereby Given that the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of The Ontario EquiI-bln Life & Accident lanai-nu Company will be held at the Head Office of the Company, Water- loo, Ontario, on Monday. February 9, I931, at three o'clock in the unemoon. for the rm‘oplinn of the Annual Report, election of Directors, and the transaction of such business as may come bofon tho meeting. M "17W. IO Olin-lo s. ‘théo-u _ NOTICE of ANNUAL MEETING and food quality - to- gether with home style cooking are the features that make a meal at our Tea Rooms taste dif- ferent to most of the meals you eat away from home. RENDEZ - VOUS " ttua St. N. - Watotloo " on. o'clock p.m. {n the Free Library “all, Tlotertoo, for I]. pnrpou of receiving the Comp-ny‘g annual report and the .kettor. of four dinetoru. RATZ - BECHTEL Funeral Service CLEANLINESS PLUS SERVICE You vital mm so mm .0. m for with - " .0 and»! nylon. who. our _ I. why“ - Day & Night Phones 2305 - 3459 Funeral Home 173 Queen St, South Kildunor Dy or“! at tht Board ,ORDON ‘00!) LASSES Tea Room my; my: TUESDA Y, IWW‘WIIVIIW'I Immmnun IIHWUMNWHMIWIIII Jul!!! H. wooos. "My dear. I can't get a nurse for love nor money-my babrearriams is last year's model!" Miss Emma Fries returned to Jerusalem section after visiting for several weeks with her mother and other relatives here. The marriage of Aaron Hoffman and Mrs. Martha Wideman Martin took place on Sunday at the home of Bishop Ezra Martin. Their many friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman Margy years of happy wedded life. lifr. and Mrs. geidGiO Martin at- tended the Weber-Bowman wedding at Wallcnstein on Tuesday. Our teachers, Miss Gertrude Twietmeyer and Mrs. Bowman, spent the weekend at their homes in Waterloo and Kitchener. Mr. Norman Duench and Mr. August Schleuter and daughter Gertie, all of Linwood, were recent visitors with Mrs. Jacob Frtes. Miss P. Weis spent Sunday with Miss Louisa Gremm at Bamberg. Miss Esther Sovereign of Mild- may visited with her father, Mr. 0. Sovereign, for a few days. Mr. E. Conrad and daughter Cor- rinne and son Frederick, and Miss Wienham, all of Elmira, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vollmar on Sunday. Mr. John Ziegler received word of the death of his niece, the late Mrs. CP. Mielke, of Galt. On Friday evening the children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. John Voll spent a pleasant eve- ning at their home, it being eight yegrs sine? they mgved lee. - _ Mr. and Ma. Sam Vollmer of Hesson agent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. M. temmler. Mr. and Mrs. Leander Koebel en- tertained a number of friends at their home with a dance on Friday evgning _ -- _ -- niacin: " his home. TM. will be pleasing new- to Kennett“ may friends It E. M. lick and daughter, Ii. Donne lick at Bath, spent Bun- day with In. O'Donnell. John Bt., Wltelloo. Mr. Frank Schummer spent Mon- day atterrtoon jn St. Clements. - A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. John Diebold last Thursday when a number of friends enjoyed , social evening. - _ Miss M. Schnurt spght Tuesday at QWLPIR . _ . ... tion i. unchanged. M Kenneth Rump], who had the misfortune to bred it " a day before Christmas. and a week Inter continua was!“ (out. In dud-m ftom the Isolation Hot nip] _ {COL-ad in no. eon- Mr. Emerson Kramer of Heidel- burg spent the week-end at his home here. The young ladies of St. Mary's parish had a progressive euchre party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Zimmerman on Friday evening. The winners at cards were Miss J. Mauser am! Mr._ Arthur Jfares, "Born-r-on' Jan." li, tor Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Freeman, a son. Mrs. Petty of Elmira spent Tues. day in town. Mr. Clayton Dechert of Streets- ville was home last week. Mr. Frank McGeoy spent the week-end in Paris. Miss M. Koebel returned home after spending a couple of weeks in Kitchener. Treloil Literary Society members met at the hope of In. Mary Grin, Waterloo, on Thundsy night. The topic of the eveni was a dia- cuuion led by Mr. SL125†Hod ins on "The Wheat Sitmtion in 8l'l'l Mil." Mr. Harper Schohld woke on "Curernt Events" Hugh Paton gave two genius vocal numben. ollowin e re: has of the Grum- Mer by Ui,',',', Jean ance, refresh- ments were served. Mr. W. Reuber spent the week- end at his home in Hanover. Mrs. Dr. Hain and daughter Irene spent a few days last week in To- ronto. ngthâ€. tom Inn-dint; uM-umuflmuu'uummu.m Priadeijuit-itigioerit" a 4.3;!qu dim: â€my on Itt"IfSt at 'fe',",',"',"".'))),';,.',".': I n 'f, It: In? tf. I I -l e . I . . yto, method med that her eondi-!Fhnan and Mr. and " A. le- Pane-Ah aad other hunt I. told by Wncrloo Chronic]. mun-huh. M. J. SMITH, HEIDELBERG LINWOOD DISTRICT NEWS Secretary, "mm-I." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker and - of mutton! we" "can! "at: " the hon. of Mr. and Hrs. C. Inch. Mr, nnd Mrs. Noam Schweluer of Preston “In: recent visitors at the home of John Sawdust Mir. Ann MrLonn. Mia! Louver, Jnhnnnos and barn» Jnhnnm-s vial! M In (luplph. anal: of Mr. and Mn Robert "any. Mr. and Mrs Adam Pole or HMO vino, war! funds of Mr and Mrs Leila Bartholomew. Mr and Mrrr. Anthony Hoffman Mr and Mrs, Harry Slmvnon nnr' mm [In-mint: and Armand. all of Kit rhpnor were rotor" visitors at thrs home of Mr. and Mm. howls Bar "trrlorttew. Mr and Mn Thome Mun-hall of Rouwma um! a day at tho home. of Mrs, M. Dohmnk. Mn: M. Munmn of Ann Arbor Mirlr. renewed arartalntanrrrer In the villus. Tho, home ot Mrs. H. R. mer way tho FPem' or tho monthly mootlng of tho Ladies' Auxiliary to the PreeDO-I Sanitarium on Thursday twnnlng Plans were made for tho, rntMrut or mortar for tho roar. At the mnelll Hon the hostosa served delirious re- trrshrttpntrt. Miss "Mon Dirksnn spent a few any»: in (:leph with Mr and Mm Robort Hater A de10thtrul event took place re- rotly m thr, home of Mr. and Mrs Elliott Gmson. Meadow Frank Farm In honor of the tormory, birthday annlvomrtry. Run and Mrs. “Hanan of Proutrm, Mrs. Pallornon of Brampton and Mr. and Mrrr. R. H Dirkann ot Blair wore guests at tho dinner gh'ml fur the occasion Plan: For Year. Mr. Norman tlcifried and son Charlie called on Mr. Mike K. Zinger on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Reinhart and daughv Her Marie paid a short visit to Mrs. tMike Zinger. l In answer to criticism re theohort- ave of storm fences on the Preston- Blair and Donn highway in com- parison to last year's allotment. A rumor is nflnal that (e res have been stolen, thus. causinzxe short- age. The munly council ould do we]! to replace fnnrrs and prevent many drifts. The going is quite heavy on the mair-Prw,trrn highway and mu wurco on the Doon-Blair strs-trh and tho appoarnnco of the grad" has maria matters worse. To open up this stretch to the Gallant» Horn of mntnrkls the county plow will have to hp obtained Quite a long ctretch or storm "map has horn Prompt] on the Blair-New Dundee road. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY Conn PusMo, the Galt {king F'renchman. paid a visit to Blair hvfuro his departure to Detroit. Snow Fences Needed. Death claimed a well known citizen of our community in the person of Andrew Hummel of Weis- sonhurg. Blair 8porttights. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drexlar paid a visit to their daughter, Mrs. James Mines, on Friday. Mr. Norman Drexler has returned to our neighborhood after spending two weeks at Puslinth where he was engaged at Martin Bolgor's at cutting wood. Mr. John Schuott paid a visit to Mr. Louis Welhuuser on Thursday. Mr. Norman Seifried took a busi- ness trip to Guelph on Friday. Our roads are blocked and car traffic is light this week. Mr. and Mn. Frank Drexlar spent Suggrday Jay! at _ftert Wright's. Friends extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brethauer, formerly of this place, in learning of the misfortune which befell their daughter, Ruth, who had met with an accident and as a result the doctors were obliged to remove one of her CE‘CR Mr. Gordon B. Raymond. pro-Mont ot the Quality Glove Co., upon: I tow duo In Montreal and Toronto on bushels. The engagement. ll announced at um Alma Decker, daughter of the late Mr. 1nd In. John Decker to Mr. I David Sheehy. son or Mr. Maurice sneaky and the [no In sneaky ot Ayton, the max-rials to who place in February. Miss Mary "pexlar, who-was re- moved to St. Joseph's hospital about seven weeks agar. is somewhat im- proved. Mr. a'nd Mrs. James was spent Friday at Mr. and Mrs. Mike Zinger’g. - __ Mr. John Zinger maid a visit to Mrs, Johtsehett on Friday. _ _ Mr. Albert House made "d busi- ne-y? pin to Elan} recently. -- Mr. J. K. Shinn, who hu been eonfined to his house for a week owing to illness, is able to resume work. _ Mr. John Drexlar spent last week- crtti_nt Freport and Kitchener. The but“! of Mr, and In. Arthur Wagner. Waterloo, in in with win lever. Mrs. G. C. Nonworthy entertain- ed bridge at her commodious home, Young St. W., Waterloo, on Thurs- day evening. lawn Mr. Geo. Haehnet town assessor, was confined to his home for I low Mrs. George Srhclrcr was called to the bedside of Patrick Cassidy, formerly of this place, who is re- ported as being critically ill at the Old People's Home at Kitchener. Mr. C. J. Zinger and Miss Rosana Zinger paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. mu 5 Wvihauser , Mr. and Mrs. Ellwwd Hall made , business trip In Guelph on Satur- as: Miss Rosana Zinger paid a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. D. Bailey, at Arisy Ia_tst fi't'ylay. fl _ BLAIR ARI“ "t w“ just wondorln' how much 2116 evening out." "No non Hun In" t cm. and." “Ayn? That in no In. much.†"It wu- a' .0 Ind." - m. Time tttr Thrift Young Angus Ind been out for tho waning wlth his has! ttirl. When he Irrlvpd home he found his “the? till mum; up. The old mun looked w Mud 'rttoott Ma hold. "Hap ya been out wl' you hula lulu?" ha quthtrd. "Arm and." replied young Anna. 'Why do ye look 0-. mm?†Last Thursday awning the new dialing rink whirl: was erected In he village was opened. About so 0th people enjoyed a few hours' :lmlinl. knoll-ls. Mr. Alex Planck who resides With Mr. Foam Lehman In nt present very Last Thursday afternoon the up ma! meeting of the Presbyterian 'hurch was held, There was a large 'ttendtmce and all my)â€; wen :ery satisfactory. Herbert Lundy we slecled manager in Mr. Herbert dacNally‘s place as he has been ‘hosen an older. John 8htrrrtih, re dgnod as treasurpr Ind replaced by :nrdon Pirto, assisted try George Iurmttt. New Skating Rink. Miss King or Conestogo {pent the wok-end with her friend. Miss Klein. Jmctrrs Named. Mr, Jack Forbes and sister. Ml†lmsle Forbes, both or Kitchen", went the week-end with men- par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Sherrilfs went a couple of days last week .mh the latter'a parents. lulu] Urs. Cyreniua Ziegler of near West “outrage Mr. Jacob Sander from Brutus. Mich., and Miss Elvina Sclmllhorn from Waiienstein were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Sander on Sunday. Miss Ida Winder of Waterloo ts mending a few days at Pleasant View Mr. Ferdinand Belt: ot Guelph Is walling his brother, Mr. Lawrence Benz Sn, who has been seriously Ill. hut is now slowly Improving. Miss neatrteffiGiarik West Montrnae spent a couple ot days last my): with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McAllister and daughter Joyce were guests at the wedding anniversary ot Mr. and Mm. Wilson at Guelph last Sunday. Miss Alexia Snyder of the K-W hospital stall and Mr. Ed. Joyce of Waterloo. were guests at the home 1:†Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Snyder the tther Sunday. loll Miss Jean Woods and eight of her collegiate friends had a snowshoe ‘urty journeying to tho home of Mr. and Mrs: Fernando Snyder on Saturday afternoon, where they tMt- juyed a hearty lunch after which they wended their way homqward main. Mrs. Joyce of Waterloo. Mrs. Thoman of Kitchener and Mrs. Mahel Ibbitsou of Hamilton were guests at Pleasant View on Saturday. ser Stun Pig-1y. Mr. Raymond Snydar and Mrs. Per- nando Snyder and was Rhea attend- ed the concert of the boys' choir of London, England, given at Trinity Church last Sunday evening. Nurses Entertalned. A pleasant time was spent last Monday evening. when some of the nunsm of the K-W Hospital staff. and their friends enjoyed a sleighrlde party and were entertained at the tame of Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Snyder. where they spent a very pleasant time. Penonals. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin at- tended the wedding or their son Irvin. at Greenock on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Herb Kraft of Woodstock pent a few days at his home here. at this village. to Miss Pettyplaco. daughter ot Mr. and Mm. Wm. Petty- Mace or near Greenock. took place m1 Tuesday afternoon ot last week, with Rev. Mr. Kraft an the otrteitsung clergyman. The newly married cou- ple after a short honeymoon have taken up their residence with the groom's parents In this village. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have the good wishes of thelr friends tor a married fire ot happiness and prosperlty. Snow Hinder: Motorists. Last week'a stormiied up motor Patric on side roads, while the high- wax contipued open, Student Venor ot Seminary, preached an .xermon In the Lutheran Sunday afternoon. Hapblly Weddld. SOL. KIRCH su5.r, I’d-(III Injury While Crank- i-g tur.-Ahur Noun Nous, Mr. Boi. Klrch had the mlslortune on Friday night to fracture his right arm at the wrist Is a result ot the tuaclrriring or hls car engine while he was trying to crank " Punched Sermon. The Uarriare of Mr. Irvin Martin, mm ot Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin FREE!!! WINTERBOURNE BLOOMtNGDALE FRACTURES WRIST H. A. Germa nn L.sht',glr2,re, Clean Sweep Sale CONESTOGO . I'M-weak ,readdtoinatweu'ts1omtriitrt 38.19% 500 YARN KILL END PRINTS in Light and Dark shades. Extra quality $.8.__ Waterloo Impressive Church on Miss Wilhelmlné iiiinGiaT"iuut Miss Mae Becker spent Thursday afggynoogl w)th_?rrm Alex. Oswald. Miss Wllhelmlne Wllhehtt of Kit- chener and Ethel Becker spent Fri- day afternoon with Miss Ethel Kinzle. Mina Lillian McQueen spent the "ttromL.1rlth, Mlsa May Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weber called on Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Weber. Sunday. Miss Dorothy Hill of Sunnyside spent Saturday with her friend. Miss Elsle Selhert. Misses Gladys and Mildred Weber and Misses Muriel and Helen Enmt and Miss Hera Bearinger spent Sun- day with their "lend. Miss Ira Lichtr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmidt and can from Waterloo. and Mam-s. Gordon and Edwin Bonn were the the Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmltt. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Snyder were: Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Cressman and daughter Mar- Jorie ot Struburg and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thaler and funny from Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder visited with Mr. and Mrs. Plums Eby at Kit- mener. Sunday visitors at the home ot A. Bruder were: Mlss Beatrice Rlckert and Messrs. Claire and Walter Rickert ot Mannheim. Mr. and Mrs. Jes’lah Sham: (spent Sunday with Mr, and Mtrr. Ezra Bauman near Erbsville. Mr, Amos Esch baa rented his farm and will sell out his chattels by auction In a few days. Mlss Angeline Snider of Victoria School was an over Sunday vlsltor at the home ot Mr. and Mrs, Walter Knarr, as were also Mr. Wm. Becker Jr., and sisters, the Misses Erma and Corn Becker of Elmira. A mission service in English will be held in the Lutheran Church next Sunday evening. The Junior League will assist on the program tor the evening Farm Rented. Robbers gained entrance to Snlder's Mill early Sunday morning by means ot a, collar window and after helping themselves to a shot sun and a rifle alao about 8200 In vantage stamps and a few other articles of minor value the departed by the mill door. The cash drawer which had been empty was forced open. The culprits had apparently come and left in a can Attend Fungal. Local friends attended the funeral of the late Moses Dewitt tn Kitchen, er. on Saturday. Personal; Woolwlch township councll meet next Tuesday. ROB SNIDER’S Tkiovu Stat] Gun, RMU and Mina Annie -woiikrGtrViFirnd The Superior Chain Store in your neighborhood is much more than Just an ordinary store. It is part of I tremendnus organization with vast rosaurces devoted wholly to bringing you the world's 6neat goods in the most satisfactory manner, Personal service -_ lower prices -- prompt delivery and high qquality are eharacteristu of each Superior Chain Store. C. J. TRAPP f,i2,)cyNNe,?, Sta-Alot No Monty Fro- Till. No. 2 tin. - I (in. for tle ' I50. “to“ CALIFORNIA PRUNES WILLIAMSBU " Pun Tlllielorry BUTCHER PEPPER Tho best In can buy. at GERMAN MILLS PALMOLIVE SOAP No. I the, " k ondl. "Dal For - making. During GERMANN'S CANNED PEAS Qnahr MRN MAKES 8 - foe ". CAUS'I'IC SODA Liuzy'l PORK & BEANS MILL ON SUNDAY 4 cake. for 24: A Real Good Broom Given Away With Every AtSeh for OUR VAST RESOURCES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL We Sell the Best for Less I - ll 1 “10110152 General Merchant MEMBER OF SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES wlll _ Mia.“ Aliro Wetotsr of near Waterloo "pettt a few days recently with Miss ‘Clara Baetz. Cars are again ruining in this dis, trict. A number trom here attended the skating carnival at Kitchener on Saturday. A Mia; Wilhelminne Wilhelm iis spending thls week with Miss Mar garet Kesselring. Mr. Max Backer spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Becker at Kitchener. Miss Myrtle Duhrick of Kitchener. apent Sunday at her home here. Mis's Helen Hallman of Mannheim went the weekend with Miss Beatrice Becker. Miss Wilhelmine, Wilhelm ot Kit- r-henm- spent the week-end with Miss Allan.I Mailman. _ -- - A Mr. Ivan Kiazie spent a few days with friends at KitN1ener. Easy Accomplishment “H'm! So you want a job. eh? Do yet: over tell lies?" "No.oir; but I kin learn!“ Mise, Marjorie Benzey of Mannheim spent Thursday with Miss Ethel Kinzie. Mr. Frank schenema" and sons. Messrs. William and Henry Scheme man, and daughter. Miss Ella Scheneman. Kitchener, wore wisitom at the homo or Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thoms. The Luther League. Juniors and seniors. rendered a very enjoyable and profitable missionary program on Sunday evening. Mr. and T Mrs. Geo. Rape" and son Robert. viic'.ted with Mr. and Mm. A. Wahl on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Schaner and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith vislted at Heidelberg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jlhhn G. Hahn anemi- ed the golden wedding anniversary Jr Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Good, Kitch- mler, on Sunday. Mm Good Is a sister of Mr. Hahn. Birthday Celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. Fied Mayor ot El. mira united at the home of Mrs Frey! )[der of the Viirage. A number ot the friends or Mr. and Mrs. Herb Holler met at their home on Saturday evening to celebrate with them the occasion of their birth day which Iona an the same day for both. Pernonals. The newly elected executive met at the close of the general meeting and took under consideration the field at operation for the current year, They al,co derided to prepare "W a (-n'u'e'l to he held about the 20th of February. Attend Golden wedding. COMMUNITY WELFARE ' ASSOCIATION REPORTS SATISFACTORY YEAR Truanrcr choru $81.00 Surpllu. We.“ EUctod.--Ahh.r Now. of littered. The uommunlty Wellare Enter- tainment Association. held their am anal meeting last Thursday evening Two 'successful (-uncerts were held last year and the tremsurer reported a balance of 831,00. The following officers were elect- .d: President, J. G. Hurst: Sacre- tary, Air, Gilles; Treasurer, J. S rir Mtts'cal (lira-tar. 0. J. Smith: Literary director. A. Ghana; n ellare director. Holden Appel. OUR 1931 NEW t9'YtTatNiimP" TABLE OIL CLOTH ARRIVED. Now pull-nu for 1931. Ash for lumplu. Tho pricou In lover. Me per lb. In qunnliliu of " lbs. or more. at ttte lb. PEANUT CLUSTERS u Me th. A In". -oroeter" to than. from, and wry man-NC. CANADIAN CHEESE NEW PRINTS AND GINGHAMS ARRIVING EVERY DAY FTitTttiTCFfh3r7 PURE WOOL BLANKETE " “the. wide. Luv, _ at M)e - 10d. Fresh Chocolate iiiiiuf'wom.‘ SANTOY Tttttcgi, GOODS Color fast and “Ir- honvy a! Me For "rd. BY. JACOB! nrion of nylon. at 36-INCH wrtrh rtrtohoCr,tytrt In variety of colon. at "e w "rd. Wiiri‘E Lump all. " “.00 ouch. ROFKVKT DRILL FL. A 114mm he ii.' - son wan Main LikiGi%fiGiiii pkg. on receipt M Bla ber ran-mm" mild 'rer, THE W000 I. CINE CO. TORONTOJIIT. SEEDLESS RAISINS The Grat End's]! Prepsratiox. = Tones and invigoralr-s the ‘hol . iirg J nervous " stem. makes new Elmo-l y“) m in old Veins, Used for Nan“ - et'"' 'ee.', '.""2,'r"l,'tll',',T, . DespmsWnc . ax: an T. a ' rm: I, Me "turf: in?“ any}. (Price W?.. up: bog} SPECIAL COOKIES "Oh, I do'n'f know about that." re: plied the othor. “Every time I so on a plcnlc they are there." Jamboree in the Jam Two little boys were talking. One said to the other: 1Areu't ants funny little things? They work and work. and never play." Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs..' Bat-her: were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Winner and daughter June. and Bert Baehert, Nine Pines. and Mk: Nellie Bachert. Kltchennr. Congratulations from friends are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider on the arrival of a baby girl on Saturday, Miss Leona Shams, Waterloo. 3 spending sometime with Mr. and Air). Sunley Snider. The many friends of Mr. C. Rohr are pleased to use him around again, after having been confined to the house for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Snyder, Gonna: Mills. were recent vhitom at the homo of Mr. and here. Stanley Snider. Misa Ellen Eby spent Sunday mm her cousln. Miss Elsie Bachert. Messrts. D. K. and K. J. Dewitt at- tended the funeral ot the late motel Dewitt ot West Montromr, service: being held at the 31.81:. Church and Interment in the East End Cemetery, Kitchener. Mr. H, Kaster paid a bualnesa trip to Washington on Tuesday. When you need more weight In! say. “I want MeCor'ts"---60 Instr coated tablets tor 60 cents at any drugglst aarwherrr-Oust ask for Me coy'a. He only took one box and was gaining 4 pounds he writes, "t â€I much “rouge: and hue more pop and seem to take I new iettetrmt tn 1ittr--it'ts tho beat medicine tor a "- [em builder I have ever used." Persona In. Mr. Stewart Kaufman ot near Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. Harold Raster. PUFFED WHEAT McCOY'S WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE I yud. Fresh and [not]. a the. for I": 2 pk... for IBe or" Skinny In Gal-ed 4 Pounds With 0-. Box 2 "u. for 28e Cod Liver Extract Tabla“ MANNHEIM "rd, if}?