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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Jan 1931, p. 1

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H k l Mennonite Girl _,' to Enter Canada; Faced Deportation VOL. M, NO. 5 Till yesleulay. life seemed a trev Kelly to Elizabeth Penner. at St, Clair. Michigan. Her halal eyes gazed uialfully arm»; the ice-choked river to Canada- ttte land she loved. the home of her two sisters. the land that had adopted her film had slam- med the dour in hrr face. The slim 3mm: Mennonite nurse “an tluly a wunmn without a country, Even her native Russia wouhln‘t have her back, tor that tunntn and the United States are not on speakirtyt [annex dipVrmatk ally Elizabeth Penner, Nurse, Was Virtual Prisoner Under U. S. Immigration.---') of ordea1.--ts'. C. Tweed, M.P.P.. Suc- ceeds in Having Canadian Immigration Authorities Re- "And oh, I'm m'tk glad ot that." she said “I'll newt" go back to Russia." And her ratur grcW sad as she told The Star u. story ot a reign of terror and mamurre followed by religious Iirsecutiou under the Soviet. The United States had her. but didn't mull her. Immigration offl- Clair» told her she was there illegally -they would deport her as soon as posrsilue- and. meanwhile. if she put her foot out of the country. she would be Illruwn into prison. Oh, it's lwux terrible." she said. “I have to kr-t-p reporting to the trin- crrx am! they keep questioning me and watching me." Rejoices at Tidings Whom the Tumult) Star broke the mu“ that her bondage was nearly over and that tire Canadian immigra- tion :lvpultmo-nl 11ml been prevailed upon lo mm [In-mum the red tape. "Is it wally true?" she asked, laughing one minute. nearly crying the next, "Oh. that's wmulertul. 1 dort't know what to say. That's the thing 1 hoped for most in the world. Thank “Hum Jacoty Lumen. of Wa- terloo. and Mr. s. C. Tweed, mem- ber ot North Waterloo-they were helping men In her shining whites-tarched uni- torm. Miss l'i-mwr was the personifi- cation of sympathy and efficiency vumhinml. Sho mw tall and slim. with quilu " rounded imp. despite its thintte-s, lit-[wail] the white cap, penned siurk. wavy hair. Behind white ,eohi-rirdnrvd glasses were kindly t'yt'% Her mutttlt, thin lipped, aristocratic. but sympathetic. broke into tt Muila vasily and ul'tpn. She spoke so111y and in perfect English saw in: a slight zu'rnnl. She is thuruliL’hly trained as a min-1x Mill in Russia and in Beat- rice, Nehraslii Studying to equip herself rurtltor for service and the alleviatiun of sufrerinR was the only "vrimv" slip haul (-nmmiUelL In I'.er, she can!» from Russia with a 15Q'rrtip of svttlers hrnught out by lhu Canadian government and the Mvatnortitrx Imam of Ilumhern. Sash. She remained in Saskatchewan for a year and a half. supporting herself by housmrm'k. "The" 1 mm an advertisement in a Mmmnnilt- Farm" ahrml a (lameness hospital in Nunntuaslia." she related. Before 1 wrmt [ho-r0 I spent a year in high sdlrml, Afterwards I completed my mumv at Cotrk county [magma]. (Mr-ago. _ Only Eligible as Student Sho mlh-x’wi the l'nitmi States tutder thrs regulation allowing foreigners in tome in to study. The immigration “iii-ms “'er now tell- ing her to go back to a school. she said. " she (mild keep nu studying indefinitl. sh" could stay in the country for lite but 'as FM)" as she did snnivlhinz mnl‘!‘ useful tor others ell" In-mmn an undesirable alien. (In Ort. Is Inst Miss Pruner started out [or PM! Rowan. wltpre her sister, Mrs. Garml llw‘irlumu. whom rclte had previorrly visited lives. Sho, wan: stopped :11 Surnin and wao' told Canada had >Imx down nu immigra- tion. She mul-ln'! cu: in. In vain sh" itbsxm'd that Canada was her mlumml turutitry. The oiti- cials said >ho hndn‘l hum lhere'lnnz enough In s-stnluihh I'vhiclonce. She could only up! in by posting a $500 hand to raturn In llw l'nilz-d States again ot 'hr. run-lush") of a short Tirtit, “I'll Ih‘\l“ There Bile- " hazel oyn-z wmnldn'! hulk lrparhn-x'mn; I swift by ru couraeo Hum was hound“ "Uh, that',, unnalorful' Oh. PA" " rally hp nun“ Hm Inuzlwd and pried at ths. ~.~Imn limo “I must an right away .. "And lmnv \nlll" mlinnt" "Oh. no I dnn'v “an! In I want to look an" nor; hut do pm think lhoy'll let mo T uvhey ls Blamed tut-:5 As Barn ls Burned The barn and rnnlonls of wmum) Clark. a tarmor livinz tttrrtttNtt" of Lindsay wwn cnmplololv destroyed by [Irv Mr Clark Wm: doina the choru- “hm tho lanlnrn "mod-Id. dun In a turkny tlvirte nxnlnsl " The loan inrlmloa A large [look of hon. A nlmnl in! wind wu- Mowing nt tho "ma and noighhor! who were hurriedly trummonesrt had dtmrtttty Btteitte tho Hark homo consider Case. any? 1'il leave this minute to make sum " I hue to." “The Communism were terrible," she said. “In one village they killed all the men and sons. just left the women and children. They would take money Ind clothes and every- thing. m/r lacs 'oat its radiance as her thoughts turned back to the little village of Chorus“ on the DaitT, "We were happy there when we were children before the war. But atterward"--tshe tshuddered, "Oay after day we huddled down, starving. in our cellar. white bombs were fly- ing over our house and the Red #01- diers were rushing through the streets, killing everybody. "Wounded soldiers would stagger im We would try to dress their wounds and they would cry tor wa- ter. and we would try to give them same. though We har r had any our- selves. l] “Afterward I was furs» in an or- phan asylum. The told us we mustn't teach religion or sing reli- gious hymna or pray before the chil- dren. We went ahead and did'it any- way, until a Communist came in and said: 'rm the manager here,' and We all had to leave. "Now I can go to my tsister. That sounds wonderful to me." Pastor, M.P.P., Intervened Miss Palmer's case was taken up by S. c. Tweed, M.P.P.. ot Waterloo North, when.he was told of it by Rev. Jacob H. Janzen, but for a lung time they broken-hearted girl had been in an agony of suspense. "Oh, I do hope they will get me into Canada," she said, before she knew that a storm of protest hm! swayed the immigration department to take a more lenient view of her 1asit'. PROVINCE TO PAY $4,128.00 TO WATERLOO SCHOOLS At a committee meeting of the) Waterloo Public School Board iiil Monday, Mrs. Tweed announced that the board will receive an in- crease of about $2,292 in 1931 in grants from the provincial govern- ment as a result of the revised system of grants to public and sep- arate schools. The total grant this year will be close to $4,128.00. n. at..." v...- "v... _--..__ E. Heist. of Woolwich township was paid $25.00 wolf bounty by county clerk Cassel on Tuesday. On Jan. lst Reist trapped a big timber wolf on his farm. The bounty of $15.00 was increased to $25.00 on recommendation of the provincial department. It is the first time in memory of county officials that a wolf bounty has been paid. E. REIST GETS WOLF BOUNTY FARMER ATTACKS WIFE Provincial, police searched the woods and farming country in Kitloy township for Ernest Hanna. a mid- dlv-agml farmer. who is eharwed. with attacking his wire and two chil- dren with a manure fork last Thurs- days. after an altercation. The alleged attack occurred an the farm of Hanna's [athervIn-law, John (has). who lives near New Elissa Aner informing Code he had "killed two of them." Code says Hanna 19ft tor the woods carrying a gun. Mrs. Hanna. 29-yearoid mother of seven children. has a wound in her swan) that required 11 stumps to class. The children were only bruised CONDITION BETTER WITHIN YEARi Canada will hpcome rehabilitated much more quickly than othor runw‘ trim. titte to the magnitude ot her natural resources and the robust rhurarler ot her pooplo, declared "on. G, Howard Fermi-zen. Canadian High F"ommirssioner to Great Britain. at Smiths Falls recently. Within a year at the outside the Domininn‘s irestoration from her trresent 9mm.» "nit', depression will he rumplom and Wm measures which have hoou taken Llonklnz towards that end will have larcomnlishwl their PttrltoF"'. ho ho- livved FAMILY FORCED OUT l AS FARM HOME BURNS Tho lwo story hrick house ot "er-l, lwrl Boon in Fhmertowtt Thwnrhin; threp miles from Mitrhvlt. was do: strayed try tire with all thrs (‘nntnnh‘ tith the exception ot a few News at ‘fnrnnuro. which worn takon nut of who house The Maze who: disrm’orml when Mrs, Beer thought that "ho smeUPd smoke. Mrs "our "erapod only partly rimmed. and with hnr daughter. anvil 10. in hor nightdnws mado her way amass [ha road to thp homo of Frank Siting; while hor hmhanll fought tho fln q CANADIAN EVENTS BANKS AMALGAMATE Annmmromont was made by Promier R. B, Henna". as Minister ot Finanro ot his consent lo an nzreomonl lwing entornd inlo tor thr, purrhnso by tho Imppriat Btttlh of Canada of the hummus of thp wer hum Sorurlty Bank. 2','er',," remnttr In: privnlp hank In We om Canada BAFECRACKER8 BUSY (markers working “nth-r the row-r of (Isthmus swooped down on thrs ottico,q at two London coal ottirmr re osrttix- and after Mowing tho an!” with "itrtve1rroritte. vacuum] with ‘nhout $300 In rill-h and rhoqum 3PEAK$ AT LONDON Norman 0 "ION. M LA . 81mm WAN-r100. will he mm of tho min on It "In human" to ho "min-m1 M P Hophnrn. MR. Ontario LIN-ml had". hr Wntanl Onlnrlo LIN-rail in London. Feb. . A remarkable cola-Mom occurr' ed at at. Paul’s church a. Preston. when tlstrty-nve cthdron at the church were presented with c.rtttr caters tor regular church ”Jenni-net. When the children lined up “on the from ot the church, it wigs noted that no lever than tour set: ot I'll" received their ctrrtiticuttt_ at the unto tune, The twins were: Clar- ence and Clam. son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thoma: Taylor; Robert And Andrew, sons ot Mr. and "flu Andrew Monger; Dorothy and Mar. tguret, daughters of Mr. and Mm. H. W. Machcrow; [mun and Have. daughters ot Mr, and Mrs. Norman Weber. Certificates For' Four Sets of Twin: To Cool t3,s00.--Aur- Addition Noeded.-Bur "uni-l. Several important matters were discussed at the Waterloo Public Utilities Commission meeting held on Friday The question of pur- chasing a new truck to replace thel old truck, at a cost of $3,500. was' uiscussed, the members being favorable. On motion of commis- sioner C. R. Gies a committee was named comprising Chairman Hen- derson, Supt. Geo. Grosz and Sam Schaab to inquire into the purchase of a truck. The commission will visit the garage at the plant to con- sider the questiort of building an addition Supt. Grosz was author- ized to buy needed equipment for 5125. Manager Schiedel submitted satisfactory reports for the gas. water and light departments. MAY PURCHASE TRUCK l FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES TO REQUEST AN INCREASED (LRANT Horticultural Sociely Prep-rel for Work of New Ye-Name Committees. Plans for the new year were made at the meeting of the Waterloo Horticultural Society held on Thurs- day. Members were appointed to the various committees and items of business discussed. It was pointed out that as the Kitchener Society was voted “000, the Waterloo) council should make a grant of at least $200 instead of $100 as in 1930. One member favored request- ing.$300 in view of the fact that the Society has undertaken to plant shrubs and flowers and beautify the new Ziegler sehool grounds as well as the other public schools. _ Committees Appointed _ The deputation appointed to in- ‘terview the council re grant com- iprises Secretary Foerster, President '(iolturt. H. E. Carthew, E. Timm, C. Seheifele and A. Bond. A landscape committee to plan the work this year was also up- l pointed. . . T Other committees appointed were: show committee. consisting of J. Herehenratter, A. Bond and Chas. Davis, chairman and superintendent; membership committee, Mrs. C. Karges, chairman, and board of directors; school children's commit- tee, A. Bond, chairman, C. Scheifl-lo, B. Koehler and E. Timm; commit- tee to select gladioli premium, Mrs. ‘C Knrzes, Mr. Herchvnratter and 'Orr. Scheifchr, - __ -- . Delegates to the Ontario Horti- cultural Society at Toronto. Feb. I;'. and 13. are, Mrs. C. Karges, Mrs. Skelton and H. E. Carthew. NEW CANADIANS I WAtT TO RETURN To THEIR NATIVE LAND Ping; m- more l'ureignc-rs wlio uln- cinlwl ll) return to their native: home 1mm Kitchener have rhungml thulr mind and now want to stay, The ttuthorities. however, are nuw in. clinml to hurry their departure, In "P.e can: a foreigner is runnrlml to tov" will he wanlml to stay in Ca- nad" " low years longer until ho sarvd ”mush money io return and join his wife and children and tive m' a farm hnuzhl with mnnoy marie in Car.ada, CITY CLERK THREATENED l Pnlico hare been asked to investiv' map " threat against City Clerk t'ltasi. Lips. ot Kitchener. purporting to ho trom aliens who are to be de- purlwl A thrvator1ing letter was re- crivryrl by the (‘in ("k-wk. recently. in which an almnymmm writer Muir-(l he would break into the rink]; hnmm and rio him bodily harm. PARROT'S CRV 'GET THE AREV LEADS POLICE TO BODY Don-Ilium rvveiverl a call from Titkox. 43. who said that his wins Jrad boon killml try hum-up men who hwmlwl Ihoir homP. The ofricers hurried to tho plan- and as they ontered a parrnl in tite mvm 5110mm: "Gr-1 the axe'. Get the mm?" l'ndor tho let Ibo detPrtivtm found the hmly nr Mrs. Yitkoy and a biojtitineul axe. with which sho PM] hmm slain YiIlma war, nrrwtml rm " homicide (hamv an" nowh- lmra told Hm uni-pm [hwy had hoard ‘lhr' ample in an argument, SHOT AT WHEEL 5'th rtrrwrt “hm h‘ra vamp]. ttto Jnsn-phino K. was fired upon by l'niled Strum roast unardunt'n off Amhroso Ilzlnahlp "month: Capt. William I' I'lnotl. a ('nnanlinn citizen A "nn-pound "but rippml thronzh the "ttrin of tho Jumphlnv K. aw 'tho wu’s flowing n5 Lunrnhorz. NR. died In the l'nitml Swim Marino llnspllnl on Starr-n Island STOLEN CHICKENS' Plain: "ovum, anwd M. M St Thomas. and Ralph Johnson. axed 133. of Yarmouth Township. Are In runa- todrat st Thomas chareod with tho tho" at two was and ninn tmitrksstts, from the John Chute farm Tho thR of the nine rhirkom- wore ‘uirnnz on a wires M tho fhhkonr hmuxo door Found guilty of 'mine worming them)". W. G. E,',",',"] was lon- trnrrd lo ail months in the Onurir Reform-tow. WATIIIDO. ammo. may“. JANUARY a. m: GOES TO JAIL Nuns HUNG ON was OF RUM RUNNER Kig%KUV _"'" 7 Cannot Bring Fiancee I $11323; Mr. Turml is now tin-ling that the if; urnortiug raw or Miss humor Its hr no means in to be de an lxnlntod instance. f? has re St ' was re- veived oilwr lettors. gn‘tng downs ll recently of also»: in which tho otricial altitude k s wrttér at Ottawa appvam equally- 11rtreaeitFTV _ into the nhln and opposrul to ordinary com- 2 m hmlilv man “pm“ On» of theue cases con- tl t Irrnu a you": hluvksmilh of the - Villago of St. Jacobs. Waterloo ' , AXE!‘ (‘nunlyz Mr. John Wolker try name. a Fd BODY Mr. Wvilwr come to this country “ from Gurtnmty. complied with all PM! rryy oxistin! rt-Eulatiuns. and is now an m his wins industrious and rvspects'd rltizen. well ' men who on tho any to hwnmo wull-todo. Like r many another young man under b thope.'"' similar rirrnmstunt-oc. he continued ', m. m tite to think of tho "girl he left behind _ '.. ihim" in tho Old Country. and hav- I CF. _ in: arhieved a rmtponahlv der.roe of I detPrtivtt wart-Hy ornwority in thiw country. lyy and n lo. tlswirlmt In send for his "aural. I ”“11 sh" marry her hero. and "srtahlistt " " arrrstmt homo in Canada. nut he reckoned l tor "Mg" without tho t'nnnrlian Immigration I had hoard Ilvpnrtmnnt In ruqmuw to his re l _ "uruat to be toIlowed to ttring his ----- sum-thwart from that part of Ger- I many. which is new a liar! ot Poland. _ RUNNEtho rm-vivml tho tollrminz brie: but vmwl. tlwhwintml tummunlcattnn from the ume Ity wippnrtmpnt at Ottawa Id.'"""?, oft "hour Sir. I a m in rvvnlnl of your ttly. ().a'l'tlld/,,'i. of tho tth ultimo. relative to Han citizen your nz-pltrntlon for tho adminslnn 'd in the to Canaria of your Ham-on from mum“ on Poland In rt-pl) I may say that. ‘nwlm: to a "wont amvndmont to the "rl.throu5h lmmlgralinn rum-lotions. an Imml- ' k, a: “1" Errant running forward trom Poland ar,rl other rontinvntal Rumor-an - 'iii,i,"i'iji, tor the purpnno of marri- an in lnollzlhlo tor puny. and it Is EON tttttRE _ rogrpttwl that tho mm’amont of your, 23. at St lrlanroo to this IOIIVHFT rannnt he} nn.ttged vi, tnvm-nl-h rwnwhlr‘rpd Are In rum-t “Yuma trulv, l od with the” (Sizumll ".l r F'RARKR"l no ”mum"! Amt that " K‘anada’a otrirsirtt our farm Th°ttmlo lo a noun-um" who has motto _ #rorp good in thiq mmntry and doslrm ho '1c'2"j'r,f,'t,',tis'i morn than to malt": tho .luudnhla 4tmWitiott to mtahlhh a *_‘ home at Ma awn hunt with than '0 IL man of Mn choke Who in Pounds. lg worming nr any-thorn also run Mama him " K V” out- he down the nttnntlon wtth I mrtotn the Onurlrunonnt of Momma-a and pull-m whites he had never at foot to m. Honored with Wardenship of Hespeler, who was unanimously chosen as Warden I? the Waterloo County Council on Mud-y. MR. J. J. SHAW (hi BifMil,llift B WARDEN Honored by fo1le_atrues of The new warden-elect of Wat- crloo County, J. J. Shaw of Hes- paler, in his address to the council on Tuesday afternoon, stressed the need of curtailing county expendi- tures and thus improve the county's financial standing. Warden Shaw asked the various standing commit- tees to, keep within..their ettimatte. E¢;;t1:c)ll:1i)ier eiiaenditures. he said, should be kept a} a miqimnin. It was pointed out that the gov- ernment was likely to assume 95 per cent. of the cost of Old Age Pen- sions. This saving, however, will be wiped out in increased payments for provincial hiyhwer1. " r-~~---~-~- mar - Mr. Shsw's election as warden) was made on motion of First Deputy Reeve C. T. Groh of Waterloo town- ship and Reeve Holter of Elmira. After being formally escorted to his chair and donning the robes of office, Mr. Shaw expressed his deep appreciatiun accorded Hespeler and himself in being honored with the wardervship, the first time since 1919. He welcomed the four new members of the tunnel]. _ _ - Former wardens L. P. Dietrich of Waterloo, Alex S. Forbes of Wool- wich township, and Mark Donald of Preston, and a few former council- lors were present. SPRING county A new Waterloo industry, the Kitchener Spring Co., Limited, 34 Bridgeport Road, was incorporated with an authorized capital of $50,000 divided into 500 shares of $100 each. The president is E. J. Mums. Kitchener, and secretary- treasurer Walter Schmidt. Refused Permission : T o Bring Fiancee Blacksmith at St. Jacobs Wants to Marry Girl of His N Choice. The following article taken from a recent iasuo of the Toronto Daily Star will trr, read with interest by I'llruuirlv n-mlurs: Tho (TI-“P of Minn: l‘mmor. Merino uite nul‘sP. “ho was orriered deport- ml is nut the only case in which New Catrodians have met with keen dis- appointment al che hands of Cana- Ilia" immigration umrizlh; Reading further County coueiL--Eeuomy Stressed in Brief Rave J. J. Shiv Address. iNCoRPoRATEo 3640 IN PRIZE MONEY GIVEN I ht 1873 FAIR lamenting Liat " Prizes for Waterloo Market Fair " Years Ago. A copy ot a bill announcing a spe- clnl Wnterloo whet Tuesday. Oct "th. "" at which "" In given II. when wilt Interest readers par- Ilcuhrly the older relldenu of [his dustrict. The copy of advertisement was handed the Chronicle by Mar, C. Schellele. asughler of the late Geo. B. Schneider‘ it is headed. "Over $640 In Prim In Butter and Egg Pair." The prize list Includes Cor- porntlon prizes of 820 and tttt tor ttrtrt and second. largest and beat lot of two kegs butter. Speclal primes tor butter were given by Geo. Ram dall I Co.; beat keg or M? lbs. 860; John snub & Co., best keg of 100 lbs.. 350; Doerlng and Bellman has! keg of 80 lbs 340; and Ben! Devin best keg of 80 liter. 340. other citizens, who gave cuosh miles for 60 lbs butter were: N other citizens, who gave cuosh prizes for 60 lbs butter were: N Kllber & Son, $25.00; A. t, Hon-mu: "r. Snyder and Swan: $20: Simon Snyder 316; Lots ot 20 lbs, Mac- Gachen and Colquhoun. $10: Wm Young. 810; Jacob Dahm. $10; 1,rrtti' of 25 lbs.. J. S. Weaver. $10; V F'roehiich, $10: Wm. Reichert 310; Lots ot 5 "38., J. S. Meredith, H: J. McDougall. Dr. Walden. Geo. Moore. Jos. Brandt, Mat. \Vegenant. J. S. Roos, D. u Bowman, Geo, rtoer- becker. Hy. Koehler and J. Kalb. fleisch. each contributed " prizm; For best 1 lb. butter. Christian Kumpt and J. B, Hughes and Jaeob Conrad. each 85; Fred Trapp. P. ll. Sims, D. Buelrtrryrougtt, Mich. Grad. Geo. B. Schneider. Jazmin Mer- scheimer, H, Thomas, M, s. 1vege nast. John Koch, J. M, Muir. each 43 prizes, and tor heaviest 10 dozen eggs prizes were contributed as ful- lows: Wm. Young. Wm. Snider. John Schwartz. each tr, Fred Schlote. J, Keller, C Fleisrllhauer. Thus. Hilliard. J. B. Snyder. Wm "toos, A. L. Bowman, Jacob Walter and Jacob Kalhfleisrh, van-3| tr, Extra prize $35. Raymond sewing machine. for best 100 ibs. butter. It Is interesting to note that van- ditions ot the Fair were that parties awarded corporatlon prizes retained their butter, but all butter and cans receiving special prime hat-amp tho property of the persons giving such prizes. D, L. Bowman was the <00 retary ot the market fair. Dr. C. T. Necker, with 13 years' service on the School Board to his credit, was presénted with a hand- some cane, and Mrs. Socket with a bouquet of roses, in appreciation of his long and valued service on the School Board. The Rift was aim-om- panied by a nicely worded addrtess. DR. NECKER HONORED BY COLLEAGUES ON SCHOOL BOARD T "In 1922. or thereahouts. the son went ovpr the Milwaukee an a visit to his aunt He liked thinurc thore. uhore he ohmined work. lb, mar- ried, had two children; auhsoqnenlly lost his wife; the children stayed with his mother-in-law tor a timo in Milwaukee, and nhnul a yunr ago they were brought to tho "91011an grandparents hero. "John has been grain: bark yyy forth making Nails without any lhought that he wml trartscrosrcimr) the law of any ('numry. On Sept. it) last. he Fntlpavnrml to on‘nr (‘unnrlzr at Windsor with In? irtiontiort of lir-,, in: here. where hr, muld [also (an-1 of his children. "n wau out of work In the Status Ho is: hath a' halter by trade and an autrrmohiltr mrschartir, John had. m the l'an-d‘ Sialm, titpd his tir.set pnpvra tor United Stain rillzaushiv, but that was not romplntpd Having lwnn turnpd hark by the ('anmllan anmnri lips. hp who: qttrvitionPrl by tho 1ande States nulhnrmm and arrect ad on the ground of nn illnxnl ontry to the l‘nilod Stan's yuan: ago He did ettter without paying any hmd tax Slum: [ho 25th of Snpromlwr hr, hmu been in rlntndy in Wayne mun- te In". at or near Don-nit. nwnillnu deportation to (kl-man r '. Mr Hettin then outlinm tho slop-1 ___ . _---------------------- takon to have tho rhihlron'q tatherl ELMIRA SPRINGS SURPRISE l rmtdtttitted to Canada. and h."g of Elmira lnIvrmodialm throw a Ftl's' Cat Warns of Fire tho Deputy Minister at 1mmurrtr {HMO into tho (‘Junlvh «mad and 31 film's Inertia“ that nothing coormonhov wrmtclt Into tho “m"P; Two Dogs Rescued he done, Ho then cotqr+tdmr -riVctanrlitut ,xhot, they 'tiuwod into - -_-i_-____-_ fnthsr In 1927 hornmn a nnhlraHrml l""? and “W" ottt A 2 to l win I A pot rat in (rodltod wlth II'IIIS "Trit"tt subject Po far as I know} ---------- ----- thrs Ilvw of Mr and Mn W. R. then is not on": thin: against lhist GALT tr, KITCHENER t '?nriloy at Windsor, Tho pot unused My, 3nd It doe 'OM'm Inmothiuz of il Gait trounced thr Kitchoner pron. l them in time to manna from their mama that ho cannot he DO‘TWIHNI‘HH Mnndny night at Gall by a irorrliuurnirtet home Just before tho root to onto-r the country whore his rm] of 8 to I. crttrOod m, Tho not manned to [at dram no. Tho children. at rourv. 7 __ --.e-e-ee-_ 777â€"â€" t ' the non-mm] noor ot the hon-n and. an both Unltod Stam- rum-mt and INTERMEDIATE: LOSE bums-Inn on the bod, I'lknod It. tho "mm! State: could not retmroi At Paris the Kin-hm" Inter- and Mor Zindlev. The at 3nd In to now. then enter that country 1 mediate 19,H.A. team lost by 2 to I. an” wt" uved The late Mr. Koehler was born in Germany and came to Canada with his parents when one year of age. He conducted a successful tarm in Wellesley Tu. until his retirement some years ago, when he moved to Waterloo. His wife predeceased him five years ago, He is aurvlved hy atwu sons and tour daughters. Henry 'r'.'! London. Wm. at Waterloo. Mrs, Mlenry Doerbecker. Erhaville, Mrs. (Jucotr Koemter, Heidelberg, Mrs. Al- fhvrt Stu-0h of Elmira and Mrs. Mit- (ton Srhuat of St. Clements and one Ferguson Tina: To See Old Horse Canaan no' Huh Com-halo“: to lulu-d, [lo-L G. H. Paragon. on In: my to his ship from his! John, uoppod " the train a Kenn» villa and aid good-bye to " old home. Prod, the hone. In " you! old and is kept In pension by the former Premier. LOUIS KOEHLER PASSES AWAY; IN HIS 86th YEAR Well-K-owl Kalil“ Wturloo One ot Waterloo's best known and highly "suspected citizens in the per- son ut Louis Koehler passed away at his home, 16 Allen St. K.. on Tuen- day. January 27th, in his with year. lullowlng a three weeks' “In“. The funeral will take place on Friday. January 30m. _ Mr. Koehler was a leading citizen of the county; a prominent Conser- vutive in politics and a memtytot mun-r. Mrs. Morgar1roth or Ruth tutPI', tlte Liberal-Conservative Association executive for a number of years. He was we"; of Wellesley 1ownehip for two years and a member or the council tor thirteen years as well as a member " the County council. Mr. Kuehler was a "romirypt tar- mer and wad well known tor his superior apples and vegetables which were shown at the various Call min: and carried " first prizes. For a lung period of years he was a n-lear attendant at the Waterloo market. CONRAD SCHMIDT HEADS FAIR BOARD i The new president-elect is Conrad Schmidt; first vice-president, R. W. Omand; second vice-president, Ab- m-r Cupling; seevetary-treasurer,' N. S F%uschaucr; directors. George LLichty, P. A. Wagner, Adam Heipei, 1H. G. Schmidt. Dr. G. Mauser. Lorne iRupcrt, Archie McGillawee. George _ t Falk, Milton Neeb, Ed. Buck; James J. Freeborn, Ed. N. Schmidt, 1B..yd Hammond, Dr. G. S. Muir, Ed. Lantz and Albert Berseht; lady directors, Mrs, Alex, Chalmers, Mrs. jRusm-l Heipel; Mrc. P. Grahm, Mrs. Weitesler _ North Entlhope Fair Fixed 0n Sept. 8-9. Plans for a bigger and better Fair in 1931 were made at the an- ual meeting of the Wellesley-North Easthopc Agricultural Society held recently. Dates fixed for the Fair art?_September 8 and 9. h ' iCsiita'tif,jr,C. Geo. Falk,' Mrs. Pearl Croft, Mrs. I. M. Flcischauer and Mrs. With]. COLLEGIATE BOARD MAY ERECT NEW ADDITION IN FALL Dr. J. P. Horvsherger of the K. & W. Collegiate Board, at a recent meeting of the Board stated that if the number of new students in the fall is large, the question of erec- tion of an addition to the Collegiate must be seriously considered. The school is now taxed to capacity. A motor car owned by Adam Appel of Elmira was struck by a FAIR. train at Kitchener on Satur- day. Three paswngers in the car escaped injury. KITCHENER TEAM Playing their Inst game of tho -~v:|~‘ull the Kilchonor Gror‘n Shirts carried the loading Port (“chrome Sailors into two overtime periods at Niagara Falls. Thn- final .~(~or(- was 3 to 2 tor tho Ports. Kilrhs-nér hat- tlml "I? loader“ without quarter and “hilv tho Sailors worn .zlizlnh' off color. the Green Shirts nevertheless “:1.de a brand or play that deserved a hour-r [ma County Fumr Pun. Amy. For-tor Iuvo. WON FROM 3TRATFORD TIto Kitrlwnm- Silverwmnls lurked "1- a valuahlp pair of points in tho thttario Pro ankr‘y Lt'ague rave ot Hm Kitvhonor Auditorium, when Hwy aloft-Mod lho Stratford Kathm- uls 5 m '.t in an intprestittur comps! " was tho third straight win of the dronuh-‘nml KIIvhn-nor toartt " Wm: tho tltird ';uvcessrvrr trss tor the Na. Hun-1h! KITCHENER WINS FROM GALT tty virtue of thrair 4 to I vivtory 'thir' mo Gall Tu-rrivm at Kitinrer h an ttif A junior ranted tho Twin "in kirle virtually int-mum! Ihnm- su4osa of a war-”If pit-co far thes gram! litln. ()thm Patricia, Wnro yehnvort Into the cellar position of tho Om Irwin Pro Hurluvy Loazm‘ at lhn art-ml at Oshawa. shrut thor “or" "rtr,rrttoU by tthir nnnn'ul rivals, Kit. rlwnor Flying Dutrhmon. in thr, In“ name ot (he first part or the arhvdulv by 1 to tt, ELMIRA BPFIINGS SURPRISE Elmira lnIm’mt-dialm Throw a but who into tho Gunluh squad and a monkov wrnnrh tttto tho "mm standing “him they nh‘ppml into man and 9km! ml! A 2 to 1 win SPORTING EVENTS NARROW ESCAPE PRO TEAM WINS COST IN OVERTIME BLAIR CHOSEN "_""' L PLACE " * PLOW MATCH . Waterloo " Plowing Anne’- Wart Provincial latch for County in 1932. OFFICERS ELECTED FOR YEAR 1981 The next plowing much in Wat- erloo township will be held no“ Blair, provided “liable farm land is available. This in the decision reached at the annual muting of the Waterloo Township Ptowmenhs Association held It Centrevilh on Saturday, Jan. 17th. It In one decided to make a real wort to secure the provincial plowing match for Waterloo County either In 1981 or 1932. The last match held " Stratford attracted 50,000 people and if held in this county a Inge gathering of farmers from all parta of Ontario is promised. . _ _ "Elba; GG, presented by the others and showed the associntion had, Enjoyed a sausfgctpry year; . WOfl’IL-érs' were re-eteeted a, fol- lows: Hon. president, Chas. Wilhelm, Bloomingdale; president, H. S. Snider; lst vice-president, Walter Brubacher, Preston; 2nd vice- president, Laverne Cook, Preston; Sk vu-trea-er, F. M. Snyder, Water- loo; directors-O. J. Strong, Bres- lou; J. R. Wood, Preston; Wilfred Snyder, Bridgeport; J. J. Zoeller, Breslau; Irvin Gimble, Breslau; Albt. Goettling, Kitchener; James Henderson, Blair; Aaron Hatter, Blair; Clayton Shuh, Waterloo; L. G. Bowman, Kitchener; 011ml Grub. Preston; auditors, J. J. Strong Ind J. R. Wood; delegate to provincial convention at Toronto, H. S. Snider, Waterloo. E. E. RATZ CHOSEN CHAIRMAN OF HOSPTIAL COMMISSION Former Mayor E. E. Rat: was re- appointed chairman of the K. & W. Hospital Commission, J. H. Pranks, secretary, and E. Tailby, treasurer, at the meeting held recently: - Those present were E. E. Ran, J. H. Franks, E. Tailby, Mayor C. M. Bozeau of Kitchener, and Mayor Wm. Uffelmtsn of Waterloo, and E. A. Strasser.. _ Treasurer Tailby resented the suggestion that the total of out- standing bills was too large. He said of 87,000, over $4,000 was col- lected and only $1,339.00 had been written off. Chairman Rat: asked regarding allowing doctors and min- isters a 25% allowance for mem- bers of their families who might be patients. _ . - A _ Mayor Bezcau and E. A. Strasser could not see why an allowance should be made as they were able to pay the _rexuiar.rotte. - -- . bNr Cis "iiuii"i'i'iiia TIE: St. Mary's Hospital gives special rates to doe- tors and ministers. NEW SITE FOR, KITCHENER ORPHANAGE M. s. H-lIlnan Not Ono-ed Pfopolal Made by A. R. Kaufmln The suggestion made some time ago by A. R. Kaufman, a director of the Kitchener Orphanage Board, that steps be taken to dispose of the present building on Charles St. nnd the land on Natchez road be sold in order to buy land and build near Knollwood Park, near Sterling Mr M. S. Hallman, chairman of the board, was not opposed to Mr. Kaufman's suggestion if it could be h'rumcvd without the debentures and' bond belonging to the institution. The interest from the latter, along with subscriptions from citizens, is pravticalty sufficient to make the in- stitution self supporting. CARNIVAL BIC. SUCCESS Upwards of 2,500 people atterv! ed the annual skating carnival held on thsduy at Victoria Park, Kitch- ener. Speed records were broken by the hundreds of competitors H the vuriou< events. - . Harris Leg: of Galt and W Flack of Toronto won the feature ' \‘rnts. At night the thirty Toronto skaters were banquotted at the Y.M.t . \. TWIN-CITY TEAM WON The Union badminton players dofmllml Woodstock on Saturday, winning 12 of 23 events. After the game the visitors were guests at tea Stratford tad London Agents of Onl-rio Equitable Life Dined at Hotel London. AGENTS ARE GUESTS OF' PRESIDENT TWEED Thv Landon and Stratford agents ol tho Ontario Equitable Life lnmlr 5mm Company worn entnruined at dimmr at Hotel London reeentls A munu thaw prawn! were Mr. B. C. Twnml of Waterloo. president of the rumpany; Mr. n. W. amides, artte my. Mr E f' Armstrong, gummy]- ‘lnndnnl nf agtartrwio,st. and Mr. K. C Min hall ot London, a director of tho company Tho tlinnm‘ was in rorngnlllnn of I’m peoorl work done in Ihn London purl Stratford dlsirh'ts during the pad rum mumhc hy Mr R. R, Adam. Inna-m mauazer. and Mr. A C. Mo [Myra Strmhml manager, About 20 agents: wm‘n prmwnt IS ADVOCATE" to

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