I’m-Hay, train. chickens and a an of 826.00 Ind under, cash; 0'. Mt amount 5 months' crodit VIII be [Inn on approved Joint I“ or " " for out: on credit Hon-alto†Eiroct.---l cook Move and pipes; 1 box stove; l Delmval mun npantor; l churn; 1 large "ttte; 1 bed with springs; 1 single bed with springs and manna“; I organ; O-tnbe radio in cabinet, com- Mate with dry batteries and when; Ink; carpets; spinning wheel and tool; hanging lamp; hall lamp; par- tor hm; hedge shears, and numer- ollc other article; 'mru----1 M.-H. binder 6 ft. cut; 1 M.-H. side delivery rake and udder combined; 1 M.-H. rake bar hay loader; 1 M.-H. 2-row corn cul- .tivntor; l M.-H. disc; 1 McCormack mower. 6 ft. cut; 1 Deming dump rake; Bearing 13 disc seed drill with grass seeder attached; Niscn manure spreader; Climax stiff tooth culti- vator; l M.-H. spring tooth culti- valor; 1 [and roller; 1 scuMer; 2 let: iron barrows; turnip drill; 2 Verity walking plows; l Rane pluw; 2 wagons; l stock wagon; 1 buggy; 2 Beta of bob sleighs; l cutter; I) Vixen box with showings; 2 hay, rich; 1 root pulpor; cutting born, fanning mill; Maple Leaf IO" plate; grinder; I log litter; set log bunks;l [ruin elevator; gasoline drums; 1'rol feet of inch hay rope; about 70 ft.‘ lay rope; pulleys; belts; gravel planks: 2 sets of team harness; I set single harness; Stewart clipping ma- chine: act carpenter tools; work bench; vise; tap and die set, and numerous other articles, "I, and GrLU--50p bus. Yellow Russian oats cleaned for seed and testing 42 lbs. to the bushel; Jiri) bus. barley; a quantity of alfalfa hay; about 3 tons clover and ulsike hay. Pigs and Poultry - l Yorkshire low with litter; 1 English black sow due Pets. 10th; 8 young Yorkshire sows, bred; l Yorkshire boar; 30 pure bred Barred Rock hens and cockerel. Cuttie-1 Durham cow bred May 26; 1 Durham row bred Sept. F; 1 Holstein pure bred cow bred July 28; I Holstein cow bred May 24; l Holstein cow bred Aug. G; 1 Hoi- stein cow bred Sept. 10; 1 Holstein heifer; 4 spring calves. For the undersigned, I mile east of Hawkesville and 3 miles west of St. Jacobs, on WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28. 193] "ores-t bay mare 12 years old; 1 bay mare 9 years old; 1 dark mare 10 years old. - of - Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, . Grain and Household . Effects. m DIXAY, Proprhnr. m a CLAM, Am. " Term - Potatoes, poultry, $20 and under, cash. Over that amount 8 months' credit will be given by furnishing approved bankable sc- curity, or 6% per annum discount for cash. . . ROBERT ALLISON. Proprietor. I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, Ponies--200 bags Duoleys; 200 batra Irish Cobblers. These potatoes were last year's certified seed. Goastume--if you overlook this cow sale you'll miss a wonderful sale, as Mr. Allison is a real judge of cows Mr. Robert no... I to ull by public auction on his farm shunted % mile east of washintrton! tad 2% miles en: of Plattsviihs, on,' TUESDAY, JANUARY Mth, 1931‘ Sale to min " 1.30 pm. sharp. " c-t--1 cow due in Febru- ary; l cow due in March; 1 cow fresh 2 weeks; 1 cow fresh 8 weeks; 1 cow due in March; 3 cows due in February; I cow due in March; 1 cow due at time of sale; 1 cow due in February; 1 cow due in March; 1 cow fresh two weeks; 2 cows due " time of sale; 1 Shorthorn farrow cow; 1 Holstein cow; 1 Jersey cow due February 27; Holstein cow due by time of sale; 1 cow due in Feb; 2 cows due by time of sale; 1 cow due in February; 1 cow due by time: of sale: 1 cow due in February; registered Holstein bull 2 years uld.l 'mrto-ts---2 spring tooth culti- vator-s; two 2-furrow plows; 2 scuff: lets; new rubber tire top buggy. Pigs uni PoWrr---Possibly some pigs; three geese. 25 High Grade Holstein Con, hank-eat. and Potatoes. l. B. roman, Auctioneer, In. re- ceived instruction. from New Dundee. E. B. HALLMAN, Clerk. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE at 12.30 pm. sharp, lly"oftt By ReadingThis list of Auction Sales I I pay the â€(but prim for old Donn, beef Md... call at». do.) my... tMow, ete. no†at my cm GIOIGI WHITMA- M 1.0 . . . M FARMERS TAKE NUI‘ICE t Terms- l0â€; of purchase price rash on day of sale. balance to he paid in 30 days thereafter. PETER NAFZIGER. MRS. PETER J. LITWILLER. Executor. [or Palor J. Lihvillor Ethic. l, H. TOMAN. Audio-oar, N- Dualâ€. 4-2 This farm is located l, mile west of St. Agnthu, close to schools and churches, and 2'i, miles from nhip- ping station. This propmy shouId appeal to any proRporitve buyer. Look it nvcr. 150 acres, more or less, of good mixed loam will be offered subject to reserve bid, with 5 acres in fall wheat, 60 acres socdrd down, 5 titres hush; balance of farm is in high state of cultivation and fall ploughing is all done. A large bank barn with straw shed, cement stahling and silo, 2 good driving shcds; never failing well. A 7, rimmed metal siding house with kitchen and wondshed attached, The entire buildings an in [and Mate of ropair. I l I. H. Toman, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction for the estate of the late Peter I Litwiller. Ve mile west of St. Agatha, lots 8 and 9, north side of Erb’s Road, on TUESDAY, FEB. 3rd, 1931 I Household Effects - Glass door turner cupboard; Singer sewing ma- chine; kitchen stove; 3-burnor oil stove practically new; sideboard; long kitchen table; 5-pieee light oak upholstered parlor suite; parlor table; Union parlor rug; single bed; ii octave organ and stool; crokinole board; milk pails; milk cans; several stone crocks; iron kettle; and other ‘household articles. i Positively no reserve. - The ' l in rented. l Terms-produce and all sums of; $20 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given by furnishing approved bank- able security. or GT: per annum dis- count for cash on all amounts on- titled to credit. _ THOMAS BRYDEN, Proprietor. l. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, Sale to liar! at 2.30 p.m. sharp. j, all by public auction on his {um 3situated 1 mile east. then 1 mite 'north of New Dundee, or 1 mite ‘south of TrttsaUr's Cornea, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th. "" Sale to start at 1 o'elock sharp. I Implements --M.-H. 6 ft. binder with sheaf carrier; Deering 5 ft. 'mower; good 10 ft. steel hay rake; tspring tooth cultivator; 1 disc; IO- hoe drill; Cockshutt single riding ‘plow good as new; M.-H. 2-furrow lploW; 'd-furrow gang plow; turnip ldrill; Plenty single plow like new; Chatham fanning mill with} bugger, practically new; 4-seclion iron barrow; 1 single scuMer; root pulper; 1000 lb. beam scale; long ladder; 1 ttuod farm wagon; l truck wagon; wagon box; 2-seated surrey; 2 top buggies binder truck; heavy set of bob sleighs; set light sloighs; stone boat; wheelbarrow; hay rack;l 1 set long sleighs; doubletrees;' ncckyokes forks; shovels; tuuls andl othcr useful articles too numerousl for detail. I - of - Valuable 150 Acre Farm C.ttt.-'.?. Shorthorn cows, 1 cow due February 28; l cow due May at; 3 Shorthorn spring calves. Prod---A quantity mixed hay; 200 bus. oats; some turnips and mangels. . Pi-'l young York sows bred by time of sale. H-.---, set team harness; 1 set single harness; odd harness parts; 1 pr. horse blankets. I Hor.o.--l coach mare 10 year: old; 1 Bay Clyde mare 7 years old; grey Percheron mare rising 8 years old; 1 bay Clyde gelding rising 9 years old. l. H. Toman, Auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from Farm Stock, Implements, Pro- duce and Household Elem. New Dundee. E. B, HALLMAN. Clerk. 3-2 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Mr, no... Boyd.- of entire & Co,, Solicitors for Emeline Hun:- porger. Kitchener, Ontario. For further particulars and con- dilinns of sale apply‘ to Mann. McBRlDE & McGIBBON. solicitors for the Executors of Joel Runs porger, Waterloo, Ontario, or to Menu. CLEMENT, HATTIN Dated the twelfth day of January. 1931. Term-Ten per cent. of the pur- chasv money to be paid down at the time of sale. balance to be paid within thirty days thereafter. The south half of Lot number 19' in Block A, third concession of wirl mot; on the groperty is a brick house with frame kitchen, urn,l, driving shed and other outbuildings.l The present lease expires April I, 1931. I The property will be offered sub- icet to a reserved bid. foreman: at the premises, the farm known as the Jacob Hunspergcr farm, about four miles west of New Dundee and two miles sduth of Haysville, de- scribed as follows, namely: There will be offered for sale by public auction, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1931 u the hour of " o'clock in the ' Household Etteets--0ak bedroom lsuite; bedstead; high chair; leather Inn-kmâ€; small tables; 4 kitchen â€chairs; kitchen tables; DuLaval ‘croam separator; counter scales: scales; churn; sink; 30 gal. kettle stove; lard can; meat grinder; stuffer; man's fur coat, size 40, and other useful articles. No reserve as tho farm is "Ad. Terms - Hay, grain, poultry, roots. ensilage, shouts, and all sums of $15.00 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months' credit will be given by furnishing approved joint bankabh, notes bearing inter. est at 5% per annum. S. CROFT, Proprietor. W. W. FRICKEY. Auctioneer. Har-lovable harness; single harness; Scotch tops; collars; robe and blankets, etc. Implement: - Mnssey-Harris bin- der; Massey-Harris mower; manure spreader; spring tooth cultivator; seed drill; disc; 3 ho. Gilson gas engine on truck; iron harrow; Ox- ford gang plow; No. 21 Fleury walking plow; 2 seumers; wagon and box; hay rack; democrat; cut- ter; platformscnle; bob sleigh; root pulper; wheelbarrow cross cut saw; 28 ft. extension ladder; sledge ham- mer: doubletrees; neckyokes; forks; shovels and numerous other useful articles. Hay. Grain, Root. ind Er"iti- 4 tons alfalfa and timothy hay mixed; 4 tons sweet clover hay; 350 bus. mixed grain; 15 bus. rye; 2 bus. American peas for seed; 100 bus. mangels; 625 lbs. of special fertilizer; some sweet clover en- silage. I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer. 4-3 W. L. Lacombe Auctioneer "on. INN - â€hie-or " in the Township of Wilmot. Cattu---q Good Dairy Cow- Swiss cow due March 6; cow due March 12; cow due March 11; cow due March 24; Jersey heifer due time of sale; 3 yearling heifers; l tarrow cow; 5 spring calves Pig: and Polrr-- 2 sows with litter at foot; 5 shonts; 1 boar; some fowl; collie dog. No "to too In". or no “I. too on“. on his farm situated , miles north. east of Waterioo. nut the airport at Lexington, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. I031 to Ila-JI- “In by nudio- if you contemplllo tolling your hm. farm clock or implo- m-u ood Inn-solidi cloth. W. W. Frickey, Ammo-oer, will sell the farm stock, implement. and feed for tl At l p... Horm~3 work homes; spring colt got by Buster Brown. Valuable Farm Stock. Imple- ments, Feed and Holm- hold Elects. Phone 592w. Waterloo. O. S. KOLB, Clerk. AUCTION SALE The undersigned is prewar-J AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm NOTICE of The St. Jacobs Shed Co. in- vibes all parties interested to attend the annual meeting to be%eld in Winkler'a Hall on Jan, 3m, 1981, at 2 o'clock mm, to reorganize the commit- tee for the angling yang. A I Jan. 28 (We4nesday)-Ctearimr sale of farm, farm stock, imple- li'iiii,ts' and feed at Lot 29, the 10th .line East Zorn, 4% miles south- Iwest of Tavistock, for late Samuel Lemp estate. I February 5 1Thurmtay)--Auction 'sale of horses, cattle. poultry and !other articles at Lot 7, Con. 3, [South Easthope. for Aatern Roth. l I Feb. 12 (Thursday) --At 12.30, ‘clearing sale of farm stock, imple- ments and feed at Lot 6, Con. 14, I Ellice. 2% miles southeast of Brun- lner. for David Rees, I Next live stock shipment from St. limbs and Waterloo to Toronto on Monday. February 2nd. Farmers having live stock to ship kindly advise I. C. Hallman. R. R. No. 3, Waterloo, Phone saw. and have same at St. Jacobs not later than 2 run. Also have on hand some Mothers and swingers. 4-2 Manor-Mme I The bridegroom was in a poetic frenzy as he strolled along the sea- shore. "Roll on. than deep out] dark blue ocean. roll." he recited to hla bride. "0h. Gerald." she exclaimed. "how wonderful you are. Ith doing IL" March 5 (Thursday) -- Clearing sale of reg. Clydesdale horses, and high grade Shorthorn cattle. farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 7, the 3rd line of Wellesley, 3% miles west of Wellesley, for James J, Freeborn. This is a grand offer- mg. Feb. 19 (Thursday) -- Auction sale of farm stock. implements and feed at Lot M, Con. 2, North East- hope, 4 miles northeast of Strat- ford. for M. P, Wilhelm. Feb. 17 (Tyeyias)-Clearing sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 14, Con. 2, Mornington, Mg 'gt', west of Poole, for Jncob S. A? r. M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer Jan. 27 (Tuesday)--Auetion sale of farm stock, implements and feed at Lot 9, Con. 3, S. E. Hope, 5 miles northeast of Tavistock, for G. Boyhart and late Irvin Zehr estate. Feb. 12 (Thursdary---Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, household effects, eta. of William Mitchell, 1 mile east of Wi_nterbourne. Feb. 3 (Tuesday) - At 12.30. clearing out sale of farm stock, implements, including threshing ma- chine and engine, hay, grain, house- hold effects. etc., of Amos Esch. 1 mile northwest of Conestoga. No resetve, tarIp is rented. Jan. 28 (Wednesday) - Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, household effects, ete., of Percy Dekny, 1% miles east of Hawker vilLe._3 miles west of St. Jacobs. March 3 (Tuesday)--Farm stock, implements, elm. for David Jantzi, 2% miles southeast of Baden. Clearing sale of farm stock and implements. Feb. 25 (Wednesday) - Clear- ing sale of farm stock, implements and feed belonging to Menno Mader situated 1 mile north of Breslau. January 28 (Wednesday)---At l p.m., real estate of 185 acre farm, stock, implements and feed for Jos. Keller, 6 miles east of Kitchener, on the Kitchener-Guelph highway, 2 miles from Breslau. Feb. 10 (Tuesday)-At 1 (mm, farm stock, implements and house- hold effects for Allan Kmart, 1 mile south of St. Jacobs and 3 miles east of Heidelberg. on the highway. Also household effects belonging to Mrs. Seth Bauman. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctionoor Jan. 27 (Tueaday)---At 2 pun., mortgage sale of 8-ruomed brick house and lot, 30 Alma sc, Kitch- ener. farm stock,. implements, feed and household elfects for Mike Zablotzki situated % mile southwest of Jogghsburg; _ Feb. 3 (Tuesday) - At 1 p.m., valuable farm stock, implements, feed and househo1d.etreeta for S. Groff, situated , miles northeast of Waterloo, near the airport, at Les, ington. W. W. FRICKEY, Lucio-cor. Phono sem.. Waterloo. Jan. 24 (Saturday)-At 8 a.m., household effects at my auction stand at the Kitch net market. - Jan. '2C'otl'li'llry - A; l p.m.. Feb. 10 (Tueadar)--At ll a.m., valuable farm of 100 not" for the estate of the late Joel Humspereer, situated 5 miles was: of New Dun- dee, known as the Jacob Humperzer far.et.. Windy}; up the estate. Feb. 8 (Tueadnr)--At 2.80 p.m.. unable farm of 150 menu for the estate of the late Peter J. Litwiller, unnamed % mile we“ of St. Agatha, WNW. yp 9e eytate. _ _ Feb. 26 (Wednesday) - Entire farm stock, implements, produce and household ettees for Walter A. Scott, situated 2 miles east of the Ayr C.P.R. gravel pit. No reserve. mn'doo Ma'éiwim' "is; iii. 'hes tdtst'tc ri"lii,'tii,is' :3" out o . n n 'tleg an! of rim-mu. Jan. 29 1Thuraday)---Entim In]. of farm stock. "tttte and household deck longing to Thom Dryden, situated 1 mile out than 1 mi]. north ot Now Dundee, or % mile south of Trunk!"- Corn.. ers: No reserve. Jan. " ttu-t " --u-aut do of " choke éoluoin dug? gown,_gm_n brig-uni. Pin. PL - L ". TOMA". but... Am NOTICE TO FARMERS Auction Salo List- GEO. G. CLASS. Auctionnr NOTICE Ezra muffin. they. " Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vale and family spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Becker and daughter Charlotte. and Mr and Mrs. Clayton Hallman and sons Ronald and Wayne, all of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker and tamity, Mr. and Mrs, Isaiah Ehy and daughter Audrey. visited with Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Duench at Kitrhetter ou Sunday. Misses Wnhelmine Wilhelm of Kit- rhener and May and Ethel Becker spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Marie Dubrlrk. Misses Ruhr and Effie Schmidt of Kitchener spent the week-end under the parental roat. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kinzin and Miss Dorothy Fisher spent Sunday with Mm. A. Woelrle and family. Highest prices pnid for game. duck and chicken feathers, In, quantity. Fischmnn Spring Co. Ltd., " Qua-n m. 8.. Kitchener. 4941 i Known as the Henry Schmidt (farm. The farm is par; of Lot No. 6, Bleam's road south. of Township of Wilmot, comprising 60 acres, more or less. On tho farm is a good bank barn with straw shed, good house with summer kitchen; pig stable, 2 implement sheds, runnin; water on farm; a never failing spring supplies water for house and barn. This farm is 2Y.., miles south of Petersburg. For further particu- lars apply to Manasseh Hullman.‘ Petersburg R. R. l, or to Henry D. Schmidt, New Dundee, executors for the Henry Schmidt Estate. 2-4 FOR SALE Two dual purpose Shorthorn bulls of serviceable age. backed by gent-r- ations of milking dams up to 10,000 lbs. Also some younger ones. Herd fully accredited. Apply to Noah Snyder, Waterloo, Ont. 3-2 Young grey team. 6 and 7 years old, weigh between 2700 and 2800 lbs. For information phone 740w, Waterhm. . 4~l FOR SALE Good glass door cupbbourd. Ap- ply to 89 David St., Waterloo, Phone 397w. 44 Drophead Singer sewing machine, price $22.00. Apply to 109 Court- land Ave. E., Kitchener. 4-3. ChattoU-Litrht wagon; 2 earri, as“; cutter; disc; plow; seed drill; hay rake; wheelbarrow; forks; show cis; chains; 2 loads of hay; some straw; 225 bus. mixed grain; some wood; 8 stoves; Singer sewing mo- chine; shot gun; cross cut saw; barrel of cider vinegar; buck saw; dishes, and many other articles. No Reserve on Miko is leaving tho form for good. Tho roads In this district am There will be mid by public suction on the farm of tho under- Iigned situated 56 mile southwest of Joaepttabure, on MONDAY. JANUARY " IO!) _ n 1.30 p... Stow-Bar home " your: old; white cow milking supposed to be in call; M hens. Fun Stock, [mph-lean, Feed and Household Elects. TERMS-cash, MIKE ZABLA' W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Phone 592v, Waterloo. ED. KAUFMAN. Clerk. AUCTION SALE wanuoo Ciasmiried Ads FEATHERS WANTED FARM FOR SALE WILLIAMSBURG OUR IDEAL ZABLATZKI ' Proprietor. FOR SALE FOR SALE OMeedca an tttttttmtg-ir-tttrest, 4-1 all Northern grown. Red Clover, Alsike, Peel County Alfalfa, White and Yellow Sweet Blossom. We wil lhave tho highest standard of these obtainable. Prices are lower for Alfalfa and Sweet Clovers, while Red and Timothy are slightly higher than a year ago. will be considerably cheaper this season. The heaviest and best roots grown in Waterloo County last year Wot-0 grown from our Seed. All the leading strains can be bought at our store or through your local merchant. Buy Good Seed MANGELS. FEEDING BEETS AND TURNIPS The annual Church meeting was held last Friday sin-moon with a sotial hour together after. Quite a number from this vicinity attended llle Feick sale which was held at Strasburg last Wednesday. The church services will be held on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and Sunday School at 2 o'clock and will continue so for the winter months. Next Sunday afternoon a special otroring will be taken In aid of the relief work for the Western Prairie Provinces. The young people in this commu- nily am enjoying the skating at the park in Kitchener. Mrs. Pritchard ist Elena is visiting with her brother Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Winfield. We regret to report that Mr. Moses "evitt is seriously m. Hig; lrionds wish him a speedy recovery. Church Services. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Oswald and daughter Alice. spent Sunday after- noon with Mr. John Main. Mr. Lloyd Becker of Kitchener called at his home here last Monday. Personals. Mime Margaret Keszmrmz spent Sunday with Miss Aileen Hallman. Mrs. Eph. Devin of Mannheim en~ terminal a number of the ladies from here at a quilting. heavy bat still passable tor cars thus far. The snow plow made a trip through the village on Saturday Terms of ChatteU-Hay, grain, roots, poultry, young pigs, and all sums of $15.00 and under, crush; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes bearing interest it 6% per annum. Term of Real Est.te---lo per cent. of the purchase price to be paid on day of sale, another 10 per cent. in thirty days, and the balance can remain on farm as mortgage. E. J. Shantz, JOB. KELLER on the premises situated 'about 2 miles east of Brendan on the 'Kitchener and Guelph highway, on M.-H. 14-plate.disk grain drill; Massey-Harris mower nearly new; M.-H. manure spreader, good as new; M.-H. hay loader; 10 ft. steel hay rake; 4-section iron harrow; M.-H. spring tooth cultivator; 3- drum steel land roller; new walking PICS AND POULTRY 2 Yorkshire brood sow: due to furrow in February; 2 Yorkshire brood sows bred Dec. lst; 1 pure- bred 'Yorkshire boar; 7 shouts weighing from 100 to 125 lbs.; 18 young pigs 10 weeks old; 8 White Rock hens; 18 Barred Rock hens; '12 geese. 7 Dark bay mate 9 yen: old; 4 good work horses; black colt rising three years old; 1 chestnut mire 9 years old, good all round beast. 6 good dairy cows supposed to be in calf; Holstein cow fresh 8 weeks; 1 Swiss bred cow due to calf in April; Swiss cow due in March; Shorthorn cow due in May; Short- horn cow due in June; Shorthorn cow due in March; 23 feeding cattle rising 2 years old. (These are extra good feeders); 2 yearling heifers 1 year old; 1 yearling bull; 2 calves 5 months old; 1 calf 8 weeks old; 1 pure bred Holstein heifer. 185 Acre Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Feed. Good Farmers l J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell for Auction Sale _ CLOVER SEEDS WEST MONTROSE Wednesday, January 28, 1931 IMP LEMENTS " CATTLE Commencing at 12.30 noon, the following: HORSES Iplow: M.-H. ridine blow Auctioneer. ONTAIIIO o. S. Kalb, Clerk. The passenger retorted. "Madam. it you were half a lady. you wouldn‘t need any help," "it you were half aAnan. help me on this street car." the fat lady. A lady much above the usual all!) was trying to enter a steel car, A passenger, who was waltlng to get on. began to laugh at her futile efforts. REAL ESTATE At the same time the farm con- sisting'of 185 acres will be offered Cd not previously sold). " acres in bush and swamp; the balance of the farm under cultivation and in good shape; nice loamy soil. Large brick house with furnace. Large bank barn with straw shed; driving shed; plenty of water supplied from well at buildings. This is a real good farm situated right on the highway. MAY, GRAIN I ROOTS About 15 tons of good hay; 150 bus. barley (good for seed); 400 bus. mixed grain; 70 bus. seed oats; 500 bus. feed oats; 500 bus. mun- gels; some turnips. VEHICLES AND HARNESS 2 farm wagons; democrat; bob sleigh; cutter; set gravel planks; 2 ‘huy racks; 1 set team harness; set plow harness; collars and blankets. plow; lit-H. riding plow, like new; 12 tubbe IL-H. fertilizer grain drill nearly new; fanning mill; truck sale. 2000 lbs. capacity; root pul- per; 170 ft. inch rope and pnlleyn; wheelbarrow; grindstone; 24 it. u- tension ladder; DeLaval cream lep- arator; step ladder; doubletreea; neckyokes; chains; forks. and num- erous other useful articles. Makesjiens LnrAoAL Fractional Wile-rack: WHITE SUGAR I as. Keller, Proprietor. 8-2 snapt