....;=?m i "r,". Y- ', l x . t "rC"sy, v.1, _irr'c?Jii1,F, Tf.7iy'cri , fa '. .. T - i,. _ ~.. V aâ€. f \ F ' I _ on Saturday afternoon another party ot lumen from the Twin City were hunting rabbit: here and vote walking on the Earn: ot Adam Hahn new“ a field adjoining the village on the North dd. when one of the young men trom Kitchener, Mr. "a: Danna accidentally the! hi . He had a double barrel gun and after having shot and partly wounded a rabbit he reloeded the [in again. While waiting he ttttttgt. bled and accidentally shot himself in the right leg above the knee. Luckily Dr. Robinson ot Bt. Jacobs Ina In the village and he did tor hi- all he could under the circum- Ilancee. He could not be moved on man: ot the intense pain so blanket; were put under him. The Immanoe was hiephoned tor and the man Ins rushed to St. Mary'a Mania] where several blood [ran-s- halom were given him. The shock. however. proved too great and he died on Sunday morning. Gun “new. While Hunting Rabbit- Near Heidelberg. Dies In “capital. GUN KILL! YOUTH. Pressing the muzzle ot a 32-min hm revolver against his right tour me, Roy Grmmm ot Hamilton, aged " yeus. was about to demonlsmte a trick before party gnome, when the (Irina pin wan accidentally released and he fell to the noor wllh a bullet through hls head. The young man In: reported to be dying a: the Gen- oral Hospital. Public To Be Invited to Inspect Huge Phutt.--opumistie as to Future. To Waterloo the year 1930 will be a red letter period in its in- dustrial history, marking as it does the establishment of a new industry certain to bulk large in the manu- facturing activities of this part of Ontario. Affairs have moved swiftly and smoothly in Combine-Thresher circles since the Waterloo Manufac- wring Company twelve months ago entered into an agreement with the H. B. McKay Company Pty., Ltd., of Sunshine, Australia, lor the manufacture in Canada of the Com- bine Retsoer-Thresher. It is needless here to outline all the negotiations‘ culminating so happily for iiiiiiii"-) loo; suffice it to say that the build-l ins: started last July are almost' ready for occupation, so mueh, alacrity has been shown by the man-1 agement in pushing the enterprise to completion. With Pringle & Son, architects, Toronto, specializing in work of this description, it fell to them to provide the plans for the several units; the layout, however, being the work of the management, the same based on their experience and their expectations in the evolu- tion of the industry. The group of buildings bespeak the thoroughness that has gone into the launching of the enterprise. Nothing better. di- mensions considered, in the matter of adaptability to the purpose of interested manufacturers. can be found in Canada. T his' Year Marked By Start of a Great Local, Enterprise Public and Separate Schools Worthy of This Very Pro- A greasive Community. In the fleld of education. Water- loo presents a most attractive pic- ture, due to a sustained interest onl the part of its citizens from the dnys of the log school to the pres-‘ ent. With evidences before our eyes of the industry, high motives and enlightened oMeial supervision eXer- cised in fashioning the school life" of the community, the men and women of today, as they note devel- opments and appraise the services of all in authority. must freely com cede that parents and guardiuns "tre been well served throughout the year: of organized municipal government. and never better than todey. Waterloo’s Schools Show Attractive, Solid Features L MRI B “CHM OF M ACCIDENT Placements or 1,108 unemployed men with farmers tor the Winter months try the Land settlement branch or the Department at Immi- gration and Colonizatlon is announc- ed by Hon. W. A. Gordon. Minister or the department. This tigure COT- en. the period up until Nov. 30th and further placements are eontime ally being made. Member for North Waterloo, who declined to contest any leadership with W. E. N. Sincroir, KC, H. Thleler who assaulted his mother-in-law, Mrs. Annie Under- wood of Bridgeport was fitted 31 and costs in police court. LIN UNEMPLOVED Thin! practical plan of tarm place- ment as a contributlon to the relief ot unemployment was put into operation by the Minister on October 15. . Tho First Factory The first factory for the manu- facture of the Combine Reaper- Thresher was put in operation by the Australian inventor, H, B. Me- Kay. Several tests of the machine as a cost reducer in the harvesting of wheat brought strong endorse- ment from agricultural experts of the claims made for it. A like result has marked all tests in Canada-- una now the market is ready for such an output as is possible in the Waterloo nlant. The West is certain to soon become an extensive and sat: sued bugu' of Waterloo's Com. bins Reaper and, Thresher. On the prairies cost production must be L'DL to the quicx to meet in part at least. the somewhat disintegrating irtitaenee of a world wheat market down at the heel. It says much for the proscience of the local citizens participating in the development of this notable in- dustrial project, that they pulled down one of the manufacturing plums of a stagnant industrial year. And a rare plum it is, even in its green state. The sun of a Sunshine atmosphere is here to promote its growth in yearly strength; with the plant furnishing a part of the work- ing diet of a very prosperous urban center, where Big Business has in- siaited itself to keep the town moving forward. An thunk-lion Expert One of the Executives. The Why and Wherefore of the Combine Reaper-Thresher plant have a decidedly inn-mammal flavor. This fact permit: the writer 1Contimgad on Page 6) For today Waterloo has a Board that simply will not stay the hand of progress in administration. In cultural tendencies its outlook is broad; with the practical in the creation of a vibrant atmosphere in school life uppermost in the minds of the members as they assiduously perform the important duties as- signed them. High Paine Earned So it has come to pass that the' town in rightfully accorded high praise in educational circles because of its high principled adherence to the bent of traditions growing out of Egerton Rrerson's regime and the netivities of that scholastic giant's notable successors; _ ___ In Mrs. S. C. Tweed, who fills the chair, the Public School Board has a leader in this department of civic administration, whose organiz- ing ability, conscientious steward- ship and tactful piloting combine in an impressive mannor to onhance the value obthe services rendered; which services, by the way, Are not unknown to the educational author- ities of this Province. Mrs Tweed I.“ been a member Jr the Board for sag]: consecutive, years._ -- _ The also of Dr. C. T. Noeeker calls for grit,! mention. To his credit stun s I quarter of a century of associution with the Board. He has seen in motion I" the outstand- ine movements that have contri- buted to the present high standing of the school system pr the town. Anl New tho Outlook A. to what is in the minds of citizens with reg-rd to future ex- pandon. lot these few Nets form the ground work of tanning in fore- For a number of {an Hound-old? Science Ind Mum- Training have) been taught with web lute- n to receive high commendation from the Department for work dun. Wuurloo will one of tho that (Co-mud on M I) TAKEN " FARMERS for Board's Altitude from 1500 In "" lulu-l" WMar loo than in “I muddy-l new“ only on nu who" lau ot m “on has occurred. All the othqe you. no ammo“); in this req. Dect. lowing, It on. I†tVer um thirty-your Mod I. a criterion. I pleura or 'tlt,,'llg not": that must surely be "theated in comm; decal... “y the. In number. Ttttt In: to ttate sund- I. follow; ‘ Year Ann-Ila! Popnlstlou 1900 81.885370 3.511 1905 1,859,135 3.951 1910 5,415,175 4.520 1915 3.831.850 5.555 1911 4.048.074 5.195 1915 4.107.535 5.105 1919 3.955.745 5.475 1930 4.592.775 5.744 1921 5,145,252 5,915 1922 5.247.930 5.095 1983 5.729.420 5.478 1924 5,874,505 Sin 1925 5,043,925 5, " 1926 5.129.575 7.185 1927 0.294.330 7.459 1928 5.553.050 1,782 1929 5.599.250 5.889 1930 6.719.255 8,550 So that in three decxdea Water- loo‘s Harassment ttms Increased ap- proximately 500 per cent. Can any town in Old Ontario beat that per- cenlage‘.’ I _ all - hunched“ L The Commerclal Hotel property', which was completely renovated this dummer by M. B. Shaun of Kitchen- er at a cast ot many thousands of dollars. has been sold to E. M. Stoll. 419 South Queen tstreet In Kttctremsf9 BUSINESS BLOCK ON KING STREET CHANGES HANDS Remodellod Coll-martin] Hold Prop- erty In Sold by Owner, M. B. Slants. The property In shunted on the corner ot King and Duke streets and formerly owned by Emil Run. It ccmprhsees a number of apartment suites and stores on King St. The apartments are modern in every respect and recently a telm phone system was Installed. No person can enter apartment" unlees the tenant answers utter visitor presses a button and the door auto- matically opens. wo CLAUS COMING TO . WATERLOO Mayor L. F. Dietrich Who rem-cs from the oftiee of shit-f magistrate of Waterloo after nine years valued service. To Distribute Over 2,500 Well Filled Stockings to All the Children. CHRISTMAS TREE AND WONDERFUL PARADE A radio message that Waterloo n'mdren have long been looking tor has at last arrived from the North Pole announcing that good old Santa Claus will pay his annual visit to Waterloo arriving on Wedneadny 'arterttotrn, December Mth. This all- nouncemem will be welcomed by the hundreds of children in town who are eagerly looking forward to this big event of the Tear. The Community Chr%trrtag Cheer Committee has been working hard planning tor the his mrnde and to help Santa Claus in his work ot Irrr> viding cheer for the Waterloo kiddies. Last year Santa w“ a little delayed by tho stormy weather but this year he promkas to reach Bar. terloo shun on "me. Everymfng will be In madman- to give Santa Claus a rousing wolcomo. The commlltec ln charge will have arrangements completed in good lime nnd will help Santa to (ll-tri- buts about 2,500 stochlngs to the children. At the Mine time the no dy lamllles will be remembered with a hamper or basket tilled with good thinto including meats, grocerleg Ind Christina; ttndlea. The parade committee promise simmer wonderful parade this year which will attract many thousands ot people. The Duane will start from the rm’ner at King and Allen Stream ttt 2.30 o'clock chirp on limo. It will ho headed by the Waterloo Kristal (f,',',?,",', hand under the direction ot Prof, Thlolo and the whoa! children ot the while nnd sen-rue schools followed closely by Sana Clan; At the Town Hall will": Shun will talk to the children nnd distribute mny hundreds of “acting wall filled with good things. Neatly $00 Per Cent. Tho rommnnliy Christmas Che-r Committee as very grateful to the munch] and Industrial concern. for an (â€crumb continuum. money no um Cid-unn- chm my be ("a the children “a the Mod: (ammo. of Waterloo, Par-om who' luv. Bot ' fat no u upon-mu to mm- |bqu my jam my: phalan- Mm'duohdmm With the approach ot the munici- pal election in Waterloo all the membera ot the town council have announced that they will be - dates tor the 1931 council with the exception of Maror [ecu P. Diet.- rich, who will retire from municipal lite. alter a moot creditable nine were record. in addition to the present members two other well- known citiuna. Gordon Raymond, president and managing director of the Quality Glove 0.. and IO. Schmidlljnve announced that they will be candidetee for the council. Mayor-My The only candidate, for Mtyor time far in Reeve Wm. Uiielman, chair man at the Finance Committee. He in a son of former Mayor Jacob Udelman and In addition to a num- ber of years in municipal experience he has had many years of banking experience Former mayor Wm. Henderson, whose name wee promin- ently as a likely candidate for the olilce dertntte1r declared he had no intention ot entering the contest. He has been the capable chairmen of the Public Utilities Commhelon tor aevernl years. _ " Tndieatittq. Pint to (but for "tttphat",',',",'. CM. Mayor [Metric Ruins. ACCLAIATION LIKELY _ FOR MAYOR AND HERVE For Roundup With Reeve Willi-m Utralman seeking higher honors. Walter W. F'riekey, lat deputy move, and well» known auctioneer will be a eamu. dale [or reeve. Clayton Dotson. president ohms Done". Glove Co., for lat deputy reevo and Alderman Henry E. Ruiz and Wes. McKereie for the second deputy move-hip. Mr. Ruiz had a long experience in bttttk ness. being prominent in the lum- ber and sawmilllng laminae. in the rounty. Alderman McKanie had two years municipal experience. The candidates tor the reevesnip and that deputy rtsevetshittArul, It is ex- pected be by acclamation. For Council Members ot the am yenr's can: all definitely in the field are: Flowde Seagram. Christian Schen- nielmayer. Dam Bahlender and John iautmam Others who will be in the field are Gordon S. Raymond Ind B. do Schmidt. Public Utilities Comluion The two cemmlulunorc when. term" expire are: Wm. Henderson and C. R. Gian. both ot whom it in mdemtmd wlll quality tor an'other two} ear term. School Board I The tour School trustees. whomr, exms explre thin ye." are o. w-l Geddes, North ward. J. Bruegemn, Suulh ward. Orley Uttehntut Eaatt Hard and Dr. c. T. Nectar Welt' ward. A I . Sewer Commluion The retiring members of the sewer ommlnslon will again atand tor to ‘ieciion. It the by-law abolishing :he commission passes at New Year's it will mean that the adminis- tmllun of the sewer plant will be taken care ot lg n committeeappoint- ed by the town council. JUDGMENT RESERVED IN DAMAGE SUIT Judge Clement reserved judgment on Friday In the case of A. S. Adamson vs. E, M. Devin. ot Water- loo. In which the former claims "oo damages. A motor car and a bicycle wlllded al the intersection or North Ontario and West King streets on August um. The plaiutitr was riding the bicycle and going southerly on North Ontario street when the crash “In: the mr of E. M. Devin or Wa- ter occurred. The walnuts claim was tor nhout $200. "THE WHIFFLETREES STEP OUT", A NEW BOOK IN DEMAND Author. Mr. Wm. Catch. . Member of the Publicity st" of tho Mutual Lilo of Canada. The friends of Mr. William J. Cowls of Kitchener. member of the publicity staff of the Mutual Life. are congratulating him on the Publi- cation of a small brochure in humor- ous vein, "The WhiMetrees Step Out." The book is attractively Ettf and cleverly illustrated by . Eid-' ridge, Toronto. " is written in; dialect and tells the story of a trip) to Toronto Exhibition made by Henery and Lizzie Whimetree, two' old-fashioned individuals. Their re- actions to the big city are recounted bv "Henery llisaelf" in backwoods phraseolozy to tickle the humor of the reader. - Mr. Cowl; has written must verse of promising nature. "The Whittle, trees Step Out" is his first published prose effort. "Tit In 1"G'ta",""'h'7 I‘m“) that In, on". In. J. Codi, who 1rthqsrtho' WATERLOO Warrants were sworn In York Township tor the arrest od " men. all charges train; trom the recent ll~ vestisation ot town-hip columns by Judge Danton. Four are cursed with conspiring to commit indictsâ€. nuance-s under action 161 ot a. criminal Code; noun ace chart.- ot Incoming or giving bribe. At midnight avg: had been urn-tad, and released on bail. A-dr-I-e, mull-whit , “be!!! au-D" t,gept, annual-numb tta tuNell',grlri b e I. - "tttei-ati-I-tera-fog ointmnymmn'mnoh- M331 Iran-113.190.- . Four men charged with 00-pin- lnz to commit Indlcuhle nuance: under sectlon 161 ot the Criminal Code are: Floyd Cross ot the Godgon Con- struction Company, Ex~Denuty use“ Isaac C. Woolner. Willhm Mio- Queen, former councillor. and H. P. Jlrvil. former Insurance “out. Charged With Col-piI’ICy and Bribery u Incl! of Prob. by Judge " the btal tint on Honda night and mum " dld'IN an: without mining on. “can Alderman Minna". who in ht oiBeqa I'tt 2,T,ghUt u no". co Q ld splendid 'UU. ELEVEN MEN ARRESTED - IN YORK TOWNSHIP The other seven. etsartwd with cor- ruption. accepting or shins bribes, E. G. Westbury, ex-reeve: W. Pt Armstrong. ex-dtsputy move: J. . Lune. (ax-deputy were; David K. C. ‘Strathearn. former township design- ing engineer: Basil Holden, former employe of the Ntruon Elna Cote nlructlon Comma}: Peter Molina. contractor; A. E. Baker. ex-dermty reeve. -iiuu' - @7373 Li ion-loud troungvmcoldzhum Raw. William UEcIIn-n Son of Jacob Utrelman, former Mayor, who is likely to be elected Mayor of Waterloo by acclamation. Reeve Uftetman during the past three years has been the capable chairman of the Finance Committee and also a member of the Waterloo County Council. WOMAN LED UNHAPPY LIFE WITH HUSBAND The letter left by Mrs. Post! to her sister in Austria before attempting suiclde recently st her home in Kit- chener was translated Into English by Rev. c. F. Knuth. 203 Strange "sts: Kitchener. The woman In her letter told how she had fallen in1 love with another man In Vsncouver. IS When her husband returned to Kitchener last August. Mrs. Poetl told him how she was infatuated with the other man and could no longer be happy. He aeraured her he would try to make her happy. The ‘next day and ever since she said her husband had made llte mlsersble tor her. In order to end it all she decid- ed to take her lite Ind also intimated she would take her daughter with her by slung her something to drink. The woman who is in the St. Msry's hospital euitering trom numerous wounds to her head 1ntliet- ed by herself with a hatchet ls report- ed as Improved sud the doctor ntates aite 'ill recover. Whether a cherze will he Inld of attempted suicide and attenuated murder ot her daughter u- poYaonlnx. depends on the rrnvn attorney. D. S. Bowlhy. KC. Kitchener Woman Left Note Before Attempting Suicide. In Love With Other NEW INSTRUCTOR ADDED TO WATERLOO COLLEGE FACULTY The Wllorloo College has a new namhor ot the faculty In Prof. 'htortto Bttmfroek or South Dakota. He will tench Hehrow and old Testa- ment Theology. He succeeds Rev; 1. P, "am. who - “my on "th. Prot Sundrock served some var- " n Luther“ â€not ad the nut ten you: an yrs-Mont of the Eureka College In South one“, Prof. mndroei In t lunar to \rthur Sandman. III-naming direcmr M tKhrtrttttr'q Nun] Ionics m Jtitettir. Rov. P. B. Chm. - Appoin- " Mom of no Wntortoo College. In and“ to ammo MI now dollop only In Inn-n. “cording to cn alumina-ant and. by Dr. C. H. 1110.. Don of the lunar“ Somm- £3th ' Record Two KtLLEO Walter “lawn. a hollernukor at the cumm- Dairy, Ballerina. and Mm. Jamel Rum-u of Crook-m. Ont., " mlles north or Believing. were Ynstantly killed: Funk John- sum ot Tweed Is In tho Bollevllo Hospital with slight hope: tor re- covery. and his brother Dunc“ Johnston, 1: in the “no 'rtatitttttttrt with both legs {matured and other mantles,†the result of a nun, creasing rush on Friday. Who is append try M. P. Rayburn, M.P., for ludonhip‘ of the Ontario Liberal 'YW, convention held In Toronto on edncldly. Miss E; Ziegler’s Remarkable Record l As Schooi Teacher Taught in Ittrriie_Settttoit' in The recent resignation of Miss Elizabeth Ziegler from the staff of the Alexandra School has caused widespread interest bearing on the remarkable professional lite of this gracious and faithful teacher, whose methods and bearing in the school room and her association in other spheres have made her record an illuminating page in Waterloo', educational history. To the men and ‘women of mature years. who passed through her hands and who dwell lovingly on the care and affec- tion bestowed upon them by their well beloved kindergarten teacher, Miss Ziegler‘s past and present, with ‘its open book, becomes a treasured part of the memories of other days. [ Said a former schoolmates of the subject of this sketch, while recalling ‘the things that happened in the old Central School in Berlin under the principalship of the late Thomas‘ Pearce: N remember Lizzie Ziegler Is a very bright pupil and a girl who was a favorite in the school- ioom as well as elsewhere. She had the Ziegler voice and how she did use it to swell the volume of 'Rule Britannia', ‘We'll Drive the Fenian: Back', 'Home, Sweet Home', and some of Stephen Foster's songs such as 'Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground'! In all lessons she was well up. Looking backward and re- newing thoughts. I Would any that she was a model pupil. Those of her Waterloo county school: have gained an enviable reputation in re gard to school attendance Improving their standing by raising their perv ceilings ten points to over 95%. This Is a record to be proud of and as Dr. McDougall. Chief Attendancc Officer. points out the regularity of attendance males the work oi like teacher more v-Iuabie to the pupils. Actual Attendance Over 95 Pet Cent.--Trfbute From Edu- wtional Department. The {allowing In a copy of I tqtter M at to all macho" In the public ‘u‘hooYa of the township of Wllmot hy School Attendance Otrteer A. R. G. Smith: Dear Teacher land Pupils: Dr. MrDouxnll. Chief Attendance Officer has written Mr, Norman that Waterloo County I. . bidet in rchool attendance. As the end ot tho year approaches t feel thlt I should write to thunk you tor the nuisance you have Riven to win a splendid tribute from the Department ot Education. Ahtd taowimt has been published In the Inspeclnr'n iolnl report tor 1989. Rnxularity of ntlendnnca In the malt important phase of athool lite, ln building up an etrit+yttt school systnm. Ila lmporlnnce In being rou- lllod to a greater "tom and speck] anon: Ire being mule by tho Do- nnrtmont or Educ-(Ion tor Improve mom in this matter. Our schools no; Wall equlppot! and the Ingmar] In mythic and "irirttt. When the to‘ null» of the school am not that we nomad tor, tho low or weakness In due In mm! part m the “no Itmt by the pupils through unnmmry air "ttect. tt . “(story In fully equipped ttnd In the hum}: of wall tallied no mttiTet, hm " open-nod only tor "my. mum": of the "Inc. the loan I- â€on â€are!“ The name principle to our school; no to» ram -tt N Waterloo County’s . Proud Position In ' School Attendance Waterloo for Nearly Sixty Years. W. R. N. Stud-Ir it.“ ereteMrtg the Inch on In All» Bt., Waterloo about I UM {Wanna mm. It. Inc: [Butler-nu. " South Coat at. Kigal- 69.181“ _ - a} with. up w condom. no vu who to no ww nuptial than Dr. loam“. attend“ her. um Sudan“ ut- tered ought concunk‘m ot the link “a unto bruhe- and up“ ‘eomclousneu some tune after nach- Inx the 1:01le Her condition I. tt Bqriema. Mr. his: â€not! in- ury. “was“ I" “*3.“ * Both online and motor car van proc.dlng slowly when the new grippenod. Mr. Eula. â€Mint hard of honing "iled to heat the nun whistle. A Md“ our Mun " D. w. lid-1,0090»! feel, with an“ Sudan-mu. “on about no yum In on her w†to the km ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob UtNhgsan. Allen Bt., when one is employed "hen she met with the unlorlunu. accident. The motor ‘car was badly (unused. - Jacob Uttelman criticlzed the tutthortties because the ambulance took hourly three quarters at In hour In arriving at the scene of mo accident. schoolmates who no living-for in- stance Mrs. (Dr.) H. Lackner, Louis J. Breithuupt, Isaac Levan. J. P. Jatrrar---wouid, I feel certain, en- .dorse that characterization. Thought- ml and sympathetic in her attitude towards friends and acquaintances. it was natural for her to take her place in the community as a teacher ‘nnd guide in the one profession that to her seemed to ofrer real oppor- tunities for the employment of natural and acquired gifts in the interest of the people of Waterloo tm11pripinitr" _ Within three years after emerg- ing from Berlin Central School, Mica Ziegler had received a certi- ftento to teach. her first salary com- ing to her at Breslau. Following a short term at Conestoga. an engage- ment from the Waterloo Public School Board placed her in charge of the kindergarten room, to which she became so attached and in which her outstanding professional and loveahle personal qualities year after year proved so acceptable to parents, guardians, Board offiein1ts and others that over half a century passed before the Board felt at all inclined to accept her resignation. That event occurred only a few months ago after sixty years of ‘ teaching. without practically a break in the association she entered into as a girl of sixteen. She had re- jected all offers to take a position ",'il'e'i'l'he"r'l, She loved her particular section of Waterloo County too well In Mock the home ties that meant ill, much to her as she lived up to .uununued on Pale 5) :ecured unless all pupils are in ‘chool during all possible school wen-lode. The absence ot a few chil- lren from school not only handicaps heir own progress but the work or he entire close is retarded. The child who is kept in touch ith the wholesome influences of he school through regular attend- nce will be capable and dependable reopie of the future. No child ehould we overlooked In checking up at- endance. " a family in a communi- y is careless in this matter " ocomes a concern of every parent .lth children in the school. A new Jaur Register ham been awn-Nod on -rery close room in the Ptogtttttq In the Department ot Euuaumn. Hume ire Matures in this Register that ill assist in keeping a closer check tt canon of poor attendance. Parents vnd Trustees ore urged to give their "o-operation to the teacher in the matter of having each child in school every day the child is able to attend. luring the poet two years the Public lrhool inspectors have given special Mention to school nttendnnce. The vaults have been very encouraging. During that time the percentue or trtmM Attendance to Possible At- tendance Increased trom " per cent. to slightly over 95 per cent. With ‘ncrmsed regularity of attendance he work of the tenchers he become I ~orrenpondinxly more vslunhle. "Ill mp the trtnuytit of the good work. Will you plane (all your {Arena 4 thitt latter ind tor up with the. n Merry Christmas and In cumin“: Pro-tttttt my! HAW! New Ter. l hope we will romlnuo to work mums-r, Plrents, Tenrhors. Pupils. School Trustees and School Allend- 1nce Officer. to keep up the splendid twtrrrtatttttt and then come dar '0 An": thanking you all aged to} In; an“ Chm will be vary good to mi unam- Ind all ot yon. l remi- youg Quit-“y. _jijiijiiiity .' Aha ECO. 8mm. __ School Attend-mm Oils-t Ton-II) ot _ may Bi»