Miss Antonio Sloane! or Kitchener is spending a few days at her home here before her marriage to Hubert Planck ot Petershurg which takes place Saturday. Nov. 15th. Mr. and Mrs. John Everett and family have sold their farm here and are moving to Petemburg. 7 Miss Helen Flannery Event Thinkuitlng at the home ot her mums In St. Columban. Mr. Altrkstoeser, who underwent an operation tor appendiclua recent- 1rAty Ible l? be back to work again. EIGHT YEARS IN PENITENTIARV FOR GOUGH Willhm (Bough. tanner encountent. who pleaded gullty to the theft of $155,110 from the People's been Commy. at London. where he was employed for 20 you". Its sen- tenced eight years In Portsmouth Pantteutary. He faced one charge of Stalin; $153,765 tor which he was sentenced to nerve eight years and a second or $1,345 for which a 3-year term was imposed mttt they run con- currently. HI: thefts dated back for a Period ot 20 years. He blamed fast "I!" and fast women tor hia down- full. Mr. and Mrs. J. Schweitzer and daughter Eda. are moving to tho tine farm belonging to Mr. Isaac Wuler south ot here. 's Primer. Herbert Rumig. Clayton Moll-oven. John Now". Clara Ouch. Gordon Stellar. Catharine Ollenlck. Number on roll 41. 2veratre at. madame 313. $1" > Teacher Hale e V. Flanner)‘. Mr. and hire; John Dorscht and "mtlr have m wed on to the farm recently owned by Emil Kienappel. Jr. Ill Wilfred Dietrich. Jerome Melmwskl. Alex.~ Straus. Rita Ellen. Marguerite Nowak. Rita Dietrlch. John Waller. Second. Catherine Stellar. Matil- da Straws. Claire Dietrich. Helen Dietrich. Erma Everett. Rosetta Mulrowskl, Veronica Salm. Anna Wagner. Loretta Rumlg, Dorothy Klenmppel, Stanley Nowak. Clara Steiner, Rita Salm. Ptrst,' Loreen Dietrich, Carolina Nowak, Halen Kienappel. Joseph Wagner she writes---", just Ilnlahed lnlr in; 2 boxes of Mecoy"B--1 am " yoga ot atte--ttetore taklnx I weighed " pounds---' now weltth 61 pounds." " Mother: It your little mm needs Soon all" seven o'rlock Mllbnth more 'rsight--more - -7 may lapped at my door. He looked re- check And good Appetite. but your trashed, and said that after midnight filth “I Mecor'ae-rrr "mm for 28 ho bad rmrted well. Thad just Nttiah- "rrr--it you no not delighted-- at! dressing. an we left the room tm man†ttaeit-60 tablets so cams u gather. uny drugs"! .rirwttere---iutrt ask tor As our door timed behind us Mecor's Bridgman" stepped from his room) McCOY'S Jr. W. Harold Dietrich, Gordon Dietrich. Br. m, Clayton Desch. Marie Ru. mlg. Corals! Stoeser, Cresence Stttm, Linus Stuns. School Report The following is the report of 8.8. No. 20, Wllmot (Joeephsburg) tor the months of September and october. The names are In order ot merit: Sr. IV. Priscilla Roth. Loretta 026th. Ann: Dietrich. CANADA ON PARADE T Fin: Dar-usr Desr Bury mm: from Opening to Goa: packed with MCATIONAL. ENTERTAINING‘ INSPIRING FEATURES Girl of 10 Gained T Pounds In 27 Days With IOYAL I'D.†SHOW THE FLO.†SHOW m AND CAT SHOWS â€.000 mm AND BIRDS BEEF AND DAIIY CATTLE sum SWINE POULTRY in '.ieiesd m of daring hon-- handily. Seul Foam" Ewan Ge ouch by" mtg-no. nun. sum ita, inxiihuisLiig u..- d-i-nd buns-um 22th1tdyet:iiregT. M I“ I0! .Tlll,Tadill'ultn"dd'h1'.'i'll Cod Liver Eur-ct Tablet- Canada’s $heateat Indoor Micah.“ Show ROYAL comm NATIONAL ARMY CANADIAN misssnoe "rouse cannonsums JUNIOI FARMER JUDGING MITIONS h-Eurqca-dA-uia JOSEPH SBURG ttttg., . ‘THEWEB "s-': II t'suiiinb,tjgt,l.!i'iiti1t! ' 19-11 Le apnea-Em“:- Putt men-Ga; - hum- Then i knew what alleul me. I had old Sumnere on my mind, and was harassed with a tear that after all he was going to give us the atlp again somehow. The logical course lfor him now was to put a bullet In his brains, and end the tmuodratmt--- fur him. yes; hut Miibrath? What If. after all. Milhrath must seen to {the end ot his dare without the vin- dication that “as his right--tto on as he was wing or denounce his uncle? He would carry his dishonor to his ‘grave. them I tell sure. I wondered that I had not thought of the possi- bility at such an end to our pursuit. and t tutattsetttatlmrd myself again and again for my luck or foresight iand my lemmas In not insisting upon an interview with Sumhem on the previous evening. _ Once or twice it seemed to me I caught a glimpse of fitmrees, moving about on the bluff. but l decided " to be another Petdettce of my stlll ‘unsteady nerves. tn the night some time I awakened 'ouidenly from what seemed to he a dreamless sleep with that curious tlyhtnass ot the lueartatrirura which " had experienced in coming out of a nightmare. My mst thought was 1mm something unusual was happen- lng than me; that there were voices In the tsir, But a momenta silent at. mullon ronvlnced me that my Im- pression was merely the effect ot a dream that I am not recall. and I settled back amuug the pillows to steep again. Atter a lime I returned to had. and toward dawn I again slept. But t had been too thoroughly roused tn sleep at nuns. and I mum! that l was beset by a (-urlous appre- hensivenem which. inasmuch as I could find no reason ior it. I tried to shake " as fanciful and old my manish. But it would not leave me. and. presently. with an irritated cum victiort that I might as well put on peltlcoats and trailed skirts. and ad- mit myself u creature of nerves. I hide and lighted the gem I found "Black Beauty" in my bag. and lighted it. A few puttts put me on a better {noting with myself and the world. Outside. a September gale howled like a delighted banshee. and hurtled the min in wide Maps against the window man. i lowered the gas and pulled up the shade before one of the drenched windows. The trees on the tawn'utsout the house glistened in the light of the city lamps. which were sliii burning. and bent and "ook in the face ot the wind. Be- yond the rows or lamps that marked the edge of the bluff I could not see. but the roar of the surf as it pound- ed uncenslngiy again-wt the rocks hinted oi the seething watem a lit- tle farther out. The boy. whom I had lorxotten, was regarding ttmt one and than the other of us with quick eyes that bulged with curiosity. I dismissed him and ulled down the hull behind him to Bridgeman's mom. "I'll take thul rissk. sir." he maid. "And, it you will excuse me. I think I might say that It is you who are la need of rest." When I mum to think of it I felt that Bridgeman waa right. The day of idle suspense had been as hard for me as two days of action. I de. cided to get a good night's rest it I mum. V Bridgeman’a face betrayed. no sur- ‘priue. l ante say he was accustomed to the unexpected in pretty nearly e\ery form. ‘In the room new the hull would 1?e,t,te, mural]: me. I observed Mm on the lr-lu today, but did not ‘auspect at the time that he wn your 1“out. P. S. 1 1 handed this note to Milhnth. inure was no disguise in the ttqggt1- writing this time. " was bold and upright. though it betrayed evidence of bodily weakness or great mental perturbation. “I could. no doubt. Mr; but, It you will pardon me, tt la wholly unneces- sary. unless you have a special wish to be here. I am frequently on duty all nlgm as well my all day. and of late it has been all night lnstend of all day," Bridgemun shook its heat] wlth a smile. mun-m read It through like * nun In a drum. Ind than he leaned his tusted back on the high back ot the chair in which he an! and closed Ills eyes. "We shall have to make an all [1|th watch ot It." I mild briefly. "Can you rest now and let me take Four place until two o‘clock?" "It is hard to tell what to-morrow may brlng forth. You may regret ll It you do not sleep to-aight." Mm k a “lumen! begun In turn» In; which I mm and} before an on discus-I the Inner- to which you In" related. At whatnot hour you my Bunyan mywmomm in the morning. l mu not try to ovado’yon nu. time. I bare no do ttirat to do so; but It l Ind, the nun was be; Bo.ee".et_itttemta--i%iiEiin-. not only and In In 1Tf."trttt'tt,rga1'UPg.retttf"it umumnw.muuu. bacon-uh...“ 1011, with In It wanna-um “rum alumnus-u (iirsiririr"i"iia'Gri' Guzman-noun.“ luau-u ot-trtttti-tr.itttoatg Pray yam no to-tttMu" "It baton I meet you. I a you met ttoth' mommy and may-lulu. and *d re. The time is here that I lave Intght known from the first must come 'iniah- tMrotter or later. for the lancer cun- m to. not play the game that 1 bus played and not Mme)! be caught ht the d us noose at Int. . room Nevertheless. I In saddled that lb: was quite used up and at the and or his tether. Ho Ind I mm. ot papers in one hand. Ttths II it." ) Bridgman went to n bureau um ,look a mall parcel trom n locked drawer and held it out uncertainâ€. Milbruh undo no move to his tt, land] 1tIttehetorttt my land. "I'm not aupposed to know. but perhaps it is best for you to ho pre- pared for anything. There no an envelope In the old man's room that the landlord found and took in keep- ing tar the coroner. and it was ad- rlrmned to 'Mr. Elmer B11sau-and the coroner wlll be here soon." repeated Bridxeman suttsiticattur, "Not ret, air. There are few guests in the house. for the season has ended. you know. Only the Watchman. the landlord. and the ser- vanls knew it an hour ago when I mine up; but the coroner from town will be here soon." “Thank: FOR, Brldzennn." I said. "You will say nothing about than papgrs at the inquest. ot course." Milhrath. who had not uttered a word during Bridxemtn's story. fob Iowed me out ot the room and hack to our own like a mute. This hour wan marking an epoch In his life. and trom the expression ot his whole tigure I knew that he was “F ing through it by sheer force ot will. "We must use the contents ot this parcel and take our cue from hero." I cried. as soon as we were none be hind closed doors, And ulnar I prayed that we would and o loop. hole that would let one name come through restored. and the other pan on untarnlahod. . In the parcel there were. perhaps. a dozen sheets caught toge‘her with n manuacrlpt pm. But a 100'. about on top was In fresh Ink. and to lt I first turned my attention. so those were the nttartrtr that I fancied I saw moving among the dApvitut tree branches as I stood by the window. ' "Are there may in the house who know about this. Bridgeman ?" I Mimi Bridgaman hesitated. Then he went to the door and looked up and down the hall. I saw the point. We must be we pared tor anything the coroner might ask us. Must we speak the “hole truth. or would um little bundle of papers tell a tile that would help us? . With Mllbralh looking over my shoulder I read: To Elmer Bliss. and my nephew Harrison Mtibrath: I won out of that window and down the raln pipe almost as gulch as he was. and " In the direction he went. But I couldn't catch him. I shouted tc hlm to be careful of the etiit. but I know that he know about it as well In I did. for he walked out along there utter we arrlved in the after noon. I guess that's about all there 13 to tell. sins. The ttight walchnnn heard us and came out. too. hut we couldu't calch hlm. as I gala. and then-s- Well. we waited tor the this to come itt--autd it floated In with it - the body. aim." I "read', I sold mechanics“! “Go on, Bridgeman." He thrust the paper: before me. “Take these. men." he said. ‘But as you value the tenure ot your soul, let them set Into themed: of no one but Kowloon Mllbreth or young Blink Those were his exact words. Before I could week he no halfway luck to‘hla room lulu. I never saw such " epry nun tor one 'ot his years! I heard the key tum In 'the lock of hle door, and than. for e ‘llltle time afterward. there VI- qu1et ‘ln the house. Then I heard a win- dow opened Nowhere. I can't on why the sound didn't seem right to me, tor it to natural enough to nut au in your room at night. 1nd I was not sure the sound come from acroae the hall. But I didn't like it tor some reason. and I crept acme; to the lull window" What would I see but the old mam hamheadad. out m the downpour. going down the rain pipe " the porch Just before my eyes. He saw me. too, and gave e low err. "It In about one o'clock in“ the old man opened his door suddenly and looked 0U!,"b¢l.l Brld‘onun. "He saw no tn hero. and cam across the ttatt and directly Into [big room In a qulck. nervous "y u If wm you GGutiircuri Ta; about It now, or I“! you bro-nan: Hm!" he â€had. Ericka-nu nou’ 'df.uLTGooo- “11399 NE r09- ud cloud I.“ door. ot of is ttttid Lukfiuli' iF. 'iii-ara ' CHAPTER XXXVI Human “and (mm A um um! than any“ town" DO. I about! that in had swoon“. but In mush! Maul! will! a wall And owned at om. "Win I. an! you and!" he and tgrply. "Mr. I. Can and?" We seated ourselves tithe-II I word. Then memory mm which! {can and!“ no I a m In Belgium that tor a ma! I In speechless. _ gout-An. Mr. taus who cut " I.†"ht." "Ot course noi. air: mmGirioou ', I.‘ ' â€and... itffiuiarure7iriii'i"ii"i'tii'r' .UMMMuWJhtï¬oIdI-lï¬. MOREHWMM" gilt! â€thin-mu. tggwAtP.--i.t.ttt..otstsoriMnrths9.tett-tgrrtt.rE "u wttMttt g... m a. “I Jr. Ill chin: lab. - 0. no.†“runway“... nu: number " in. _ (kali'lif,'rhteT"lr'l'ttd'% onto!“- uu “In" LII-g! gun: I... lam. u, can , At Jimmy’- holu town 1 number' ot um had ocean“; to, Min-y we all! to his and. who lived my miUs uuy. for may; I Not any day: but Una. Jerry "ieatt"'tf,di'g""ruitt Mn home with“: not. an ' in rum t 'lT,aT-"4idd 'IM III the GAL' TV â€I 1" I"! 'tr.F_We.rNlHtteMttatq.8t 1c1'luff'h'l'atAANP'A%lluutrMrAurrAd )oauoupmmhl' (“090440. ( As I have and once before In a let- ‘ter which you my not have credited, ‘and Is I have Just sald tttrain " the publlc note to you lylng here. I dld not kill James Arms. Much as be de. served It I am mum that I an so out an I should go. like a burned candle. without that extra crime upon my soul. And now? Now I am Richard La Cour. Remember only that. pt--- Richard " Cour. homeless, friend- lesa. I‘llholll means. the slayer ot Peter Somhers. The “estimable Peter Sonnets!" For God's “he never let tho truth be known. I [leg It I who lave never begged before --1ittle as I deserve eotteidtrratuta--- I has It! 1 who must pay the penalty tor my evll In a murderers grave away from Adelaide And little Ro- land! A murderers gave for all eternity! There was no annulus. (To he Continued) As tor you. Elmer Bliss. I can but compliment you upon Four success. ‘Yon are a worthy son ot I noble rather. You did your duty. even to ward me who deserved no consider- ation. and as a hat (“or I ask you to deposit to your account. as soon as possible. the check tor 820.000 made to you and lying in trust in the Cmrtield Bank. I do not seek eommhmrauogt---l who must lle in a murderer's BrIMrB-- hut I think that even he who has reason - to forglve my thtnk Jess humbly ot me when he knows all. r There will be a note addressed tot you, Mr. Blue. veiling tor you on. this desk where I am wrltlux, when you come to see me in the morning. It is a "eonreatrion," the worth ot which you my appreciate who you have read It. This note and a true statement of my cm I and] hand to Four “out across the hall. to be given to you when I am past the power of doing so. It is n hlt ot Motrraphr--e statement of condi- “one that no one no won earth ever knew to exist. and l be: you to des- troy it as soon on you have read it. Fi,t.ttf,,il,l,f,, It in " it Is. I am an old nun. In Need: as well your: " and I have cnusod, no doubt. more than my share ot out“ worries. But, In this evening that you have granted me. the last thnt I dun know. i all-u make what restitution I an at this late any tor my grantee: error. the culmlnnuon ot all my folly. tor which God alone knows the price I have paid. Ttato.Tttirdq tor an un l “Tlnnkn nu much," and the, vim. " um. Tommy Mod up his otteeUg toe the Inn-t luau]; “l mu: all round this “(crown adj thunk your mother for thou out! buuutul apples." 1 "P-pt-Nr,' ".5meer Tommy. “would you Ill-mind thankln: her for Hue". apple-f†School Inspect}: to Pretty Teach- t-c'yhrpou teach observation?" children, that your eyes and sit still." Following this the inspector made a Blow whistlinsqwrt of noise and followed with, " ow, children, what did I do?" For some time there was no answer but ultimately one little boy piped out. "You kissed teacher." I V luring drticgoo. tuvormnd and: of pure tilde and other ingredients of the highest quality eoarte.toroo-heeeooatt1ms. All on" podium In celled tight Inthcclnnmxmppedp‘chpt. mannwmkpamucheuln with WRIGHT: to mush: and IThen I _will take the clan. Now. ml in mg.“ iriuai. -- I "Aheti'l,tp,y.fNllrrgt2'tt Primer. In order of merit: Nuoml XXI-run. Ruth Koch, hoot: Brut-clot. .(‘ntharlna Jansen, Maynard Ola. (‘ieauon Freq-mun. 1 Those pupllu whose names are marred were absent tor one or more examinations: First class: Laura Mumlmn 76%, May Ebel 81. Vern Koch 43. ‘Arthur Musselmun 48. Helen Dahmer H. Jr. " class: Edgar Dinner 68. Roy Stroll 62. Henry Glade 61. 'Kathleen Bauman 58. Sr. m clues: Mildred Kim]: 88%, Erma Kirch M. Roy Klensla 80. Lloyd Freeman 88. Bruce Scholtolo Ts, Norma Ebel 72. Mars-rot mu 68, Norman Martin 62. Amos Frey 59. 'Hnrold Khehn M, Nelson We- ber 43. Total marks classes. 800. SCHOOL REPORT Report of the Conestoga Public School tor the months oe Semen» her and October. Jr. Ill classznlargarot Sun-k so. Leah Brubacher 85%. Norm Huh naherg " Gordon Froomln 57. Wai. ter Hannah“; " both Llndluhn M, (‘harleo Koch " Junior Room Total marks, 4lut; Honor. 75, M Freeman 85. Vernon Martin M, Allco Koch Tir. Edna Martin 13, Dorothy Koch TO, Harry Hnohn " Karl sum: as. Elam Frey 62. Eugen. Bot. man M. Arthur larch " Glenn '3ctteiteio, 60, Rudy Glade " Sr. IV class: Perceda Rein: Margaret Hill 74. James Stark Percy Hallo 42, Lev! Weber " soc; Total marks Mio; Honors 75, pass lrtt'T. lat clans: Snloma Bela! " Lou “eher M, Reta Undluhn 75. Her» hen Guenther 74. Vllentlne Stark 72, Bobby Kim): 72, Edgar Weber "So you took that pIppln home from the movie last night." "Yon." "How tar does she live from the theatre?" rloiversi, "Oh. three ttmu-fo-hte, and a candrtetoro." Pupll'o sanding hand on My work and monthly tub: 8r. IV, Alice lilac. Rhone Han. "tan, Stewart Weber. Jr. W, Dork mam. Home. Kiirs. Robert Milne, Prod Ruck. Jr. Hi. Mnrguerite Schmidt. Mol- viu Shams. Mildrod Iain. Dorothy SchMel. Loam Rolck. Walter Schmidt. Orvat Knechtol. Earl Rel. linger. I Br. H, Moan-d luster. How Devin. Jr. ll. Billy Schmidt. Juno Schmidt. Carl Schiedei. any Inner. Kathryn Leis, Wilfrid Lois. Jr. m.--rhc--shtnw Sw-rtzen- Huber; pass-Alberta Rottmrorth, Norman Helmuth, Grace Grody. Verniece Holst. Edith Swat-tun- truber, Louisa Dimer. Lloyd LII:- tengluggr. Hn_r_old Seyler. -- Primer-Marcel Salzman, Ger- trude Schnnrr. Myrtle Flowen, Helen Lautenslager, Helen Seyler, Lloyd Swartzentruber. Russel Slater. Mildred Neeb. “Ill obs: lad Bru- u, cm. Mania TO, laud. Wat. II. In ulna: “DIM" W, B..- nah Wow. "a Victor. Primer. Dorothy Knechtel. Edith Milne. Joe Blue). Once Schmidt. Maurice Schmidt, Rona mam. Johnny Somatic]. .18qu Milne. Sr. IV. - Hon.--Andrew Axt, Earlus Swnrtzentruber. Norman Dimer, Gertrude Kni tel. Lester swyrtttytrtfytr; Jet/Irs','; Ament. Sr. MI. - Hom-Emil Dimer, Harold Knipfel. Harold Mottaworth', puss, Lemar Holst. Georgian Slater. Clarence Seyler. Marie Helmuth. Howard Knipfel. ter. Pull": van-31mm. cur one. Brunchâ€. Robot! and. Jr. PH": Dough like. In: Clonal. lune. 1eaittiLiFitriiT Der, Durban WM. Br. Ill, Mann's; KG 7 7i§rrflmo Ruler. Dalton Bel-soy. Kenneth Schmidt SCHOOL REPORT Bimtonthty report of Petcrlbnrg school: II. thGs-iGrL--h%G; Swartzen- truber. 335i; P Kiiiiiii. aiiki. -fiU.eiSciiitiirithii V Pre. a you. n- u Total enrolment " Anna. at. “an £7.83. _ First. Erma Kile, Fried: Palm. Wilhelmina Keith. Howard Rom. Dorothy Bunny. Walter Raster. Marie Leis. " t-pron.1-rLiiiiG%tiriGT, Violet Harlock. Earl hutendager. '"'oIothy_Underw_ood. "ml class: Russel mm " Edna Tucker. Ed:- I, OCHOOL "PORT " No. ' I. d. seGiseer, teacher Senior Room Teach or. Glad " KIM, Teacher. L. Hamilton obtainable In all 77, " HALLOWEEN VICTIM Mm. Joseph A. Harris, 42, classed with nrttut on I group of children who were enxaxed In a lullowe'en prank. Iva held In 81,000 but at Coluuwood. N. J., on Friday. One small boy was hit In the right leg. The children. atter aid. had been throwing can: and other rubbish Into her ylrd. CANADIAN HORSE MEAT WANTED IN. ROTTIROAM _ Hone meat an never been could- ered tt Janene! among Cundlu- but frequent Inquiries haw. come (mm Bumps u to (hadn't sbmty to pro- vide and: food. Already t can ponry nhutoir in: noon provided in CIIury. It the dam-m! which comes (mm Rotterdam continue- it is ex~ pected that permanent plum: will be built and m aloft made to complete- ly supply it. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson, Mr. Ind Mm. Lawrence Muder and children of Parts visited with Mr. and Mm. Elgln Miller on Sunday. Mb. c. suenhoir’wem the week- ond wlth Mr. and Mm. Angus Camp- ball of Kitchener. Cold in the bend in very common It thin time of your. upecinlly in tho very young. Neglect of n cold In prone to lead to serloua coulo- nuances. To relieve nil congestion ot the system is tho first stop in treating n COM, when)†in infants or adults. For the very young. Bo- by'e Own TaNeat are the ideal mean- of doing this. Conulnin: no nnrcotlc or other harmful drugs they soothe the child's fretfulnass. rellove in altering and emure convnles~ canoe. Ruby's Own Telnet. Are without en equal tor relievln; ittdittmrUort, continuum end colic. They check diarrhoea; break up edd- Ind _e|m- ole fevers; promote healthjlvlnx sleep and make the dreaded teething period easy. They are mid by all medicine donors or by mall a 26 cent- I too: from Tho Dr. William Modlclne Co.. Brochvllle. Ont, la) Intimates that a pupil was " sell! furious or more 1txnatittntiottB. The School shield "GllGrGiCtir James Hauler with 96%. Mr. and Mrs Wtulttrtt Blabel and family. who upon: the past year in this community Ion on Summit: to reside neu- Mlldmy. Mr. Ind In. Clarence Hilton: and son Eden ot Resume 7151M with WOMAN SHOOTB BOY Br. IV: William than! "s, Ivy Whvood N, his Scum ". Iran Lud- wig 75. Jouph Inn-or " Ivy Pukor u. and†Parker " Rune! Hilborn 65, Leonard Snyder 61 ia), Elmer Tronunor " (n). Br. ly, [tux Therm 88, Wulmr Jr. 111, James Hauler " Freddie Bioomftold 72. Mlnnlo Schut " and Leona » Holm 70. equal. Mind 0km- 69, Etta Kola " and cut- rord Hiihom 69, equal. Arthur Lind- hollt 65. Had. Katie “nation: Mi, Howard Shunt: 78. Joyce Humor 25, Marlo Wlnwood 16, Mona Harman, 74. Ror Hllborn TI, Jun Parker " Sr, Primer. Pearl Holm hon. Domthy'l‘rom hon. bout-d Okmt- h hon. Sylrln Harman tson., Vault: Begun hon.. Harry Lindhont hon. Jr. Primer) Jack Paiiisr"iiiio" Peel-r. Mr. sud Mm. no“ Mliior Griiisurf, A SIMPLE TREATMENT FOR CHILDRENS' COLDS The parachute obtained by each and»: " lupin School, 8.3, No. 20, Wyn-199, in given that the mo: lat, uni. msbdrlGl, Eugene Beaver hon" Earl Halal, Walter Ftpm. Sjanley Schut. Robert Raver, clot It,iprsa Omit? it 'ttbMMtt.atErNtttT " It. " will“ TI. following is the upon at " No. " Wilma! for the noun ot acuoom. SHIELD w. 6. WW]. . vu.eiiiiia J. _ Sim On†I“ ford}. “I II." I.†“m m,“ - tor. Mm; Notary Public. 0..- and Cm- Am. “In... 1e a-ot-, a=u,trl, landing, Quo- F. M. Mos" . Au t Sou-Cu, a N., Phone TM, “when,“ AMm A. "SCMER . 1.90:0. --'--------------------- C. A. loam INIUWCI AGINCIII Luann -.-_?_8.l.PS1rSA.h1._...,., MCI-kt MODI- DR, J. E. "rt, SHCIAUI'Y. I: Hutu-Ilka MM - . a“ “nu-AIM ROSEBANK FIRST MORTGAGES on city and hm K",,"'?,',,',; Reasonable inter- est. ire Insurance, Eeonomieat and North Waterloo Famen' Mutual, " the lowest premium in the city. G. F. Luther. Act. 170 Queen St. N., Phone 1161'. Kitchener. a. King tid ELISE il, FGiRihG U, Kitchener, Ont. DR. L. L STAUPI'BR, 180 M St. West, Waterloo; Phone 1016. mir. w. y, gamma Iysntitt,, on DE. w. KdrruuttoN, A1entat m“. '80T3IE0F-trut%B, n.s.nowwv. BA., up. In}. In. New, yoga ugh. c... structidn. Studios 43 Roy Se, CHIROPRACTOI oak. 44 Willi-n St., Waterloo “on. “M Teacher of Piano, Singing, and Money loaned on Your Car Pay back in 12 monthly pay- menta while driving, present payments reduced, private ulc- financed. All dealings eontiden- till. Open evenings. Motor Loan- & Discount: Ltd. 129 King St. W.. Kitchener. Phone 4128 Rebindinc Books Bibles. Hymn and Pnyerbooh . specialty. Add more books to your home library by having your favorite magazine bound into books Initi-ling Club Ban. Suite-sea. etc. Price: â€nun-hie. " King St, N. - Wnurloo Theory. Private and dun in- Good. culled for and delivered. Surgeon. Phila. uni Tor. tWee--. 23 Queen St. North, Kitchener. Evening hours Mom, Wall. and Friday, 1-9. Phone 152. D. T. Brown - Bra-ch Mgr. J, C. Lehmann Boohbiodor " Quec- St. N. Phone "" Kitchuur iNTGG iiiiGiii Tt"iri%G7i".".' 9.; A3, Biuer, in J. I. I!» .. :4. "Bl I annual. I. M of the in, Throat And None. King 8t. East, mm. A Specialty. Expert workmanship, prompt service and prices reasonable. E. HOUSE Super! Shoo Reptiru' ll " Erb St. W.. Wntorloo Neat door to Haney-Harri! Shop. C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE "IBNCt" LIMIT“ bun-m mu. "can m and "I Shoe Repairing 4ti M4|< . " Phone 1171M. Kitchener, MONEY T0 LOAN WILHELM'S CHIROPRACTIC Min Ann. R. Bonn SHOEMAKING Wm Duh-b Music