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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 Oct 1930, p. 6

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Baby‘s (Nu Tandem are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate tho stomach and bowels: banish con- stipation and indigestion; break up eolds and simple tevors and make teethim: (any. They are sold by me- divine dealers or direct by mail at 23 u-ms n box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicinn Co., Brockville. Ont. There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets tor little ones-whether it be for the newborn balm ur the growing child the Tab- lets alwaye do good, They are ate soluwly trru' trom opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can atway; feol sate in using them. Cont-vrning tht. Tablets. Mrs. John Armour, “JR. I, South Monaghan, Ont.. says> "Wia have three flue. healthy children, to whom when a moan-inr- is nonded. we have glven (July Ruby‘s Own Tablets. The Tab- lets urn Hw'hmt medicine you can keep in any home where there are puma: children." Mary ("are Patterson Immune) was born near Hampstead, North Ensmupe " the 11th of November. 1tlyti the eldest daughter of Mr. and -Mrs_ James Patterson. She attended th" publit' school there and later the high school in New Hamburg. After. " training in the Business College. slu- urtent as clerk In the bank. ieav-l in: the work to go to the north when: she believed the climate “mud strengthen her. Here she metl Mr. Milla- F'oley to whom she was married on Christmas Day. 1928.' After making their home in Quebec' City Iur a few happy months both' husband and wife were stricken with.' ”Inns returning to New Hamburg. Alter thrm- months at home she sung!” the Fret-port Sanitarium; where for over a year she made a brave tight for lite which ended Monday cranium, Oct. 6th. Her hus-" band, Mr. Mills Foley. her parents." Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson. her' hrnther John Patterson, ot North' Easthupe and her sister Martha, at' hume, are left to mourn. The funeral' :‘tn‘iu‘ was held at the home of her parents an Wednesday. Her pastor.' 1ter. E G. Dale officiated. i Miss Lottie Goebel of Waterloo is spending a week's vacation at her home here. A mixed quartette rnmpoeed of Hives Bootlgor and E. Him: and Mosse. il. Krupl and H. Hoatetler sang appropriate numbers. Rev. A. E Plctth and Rev, Burn ted in prayer. The remains were laid to "wt in Riverside cemetery. New Hamburg. The palt bearers being mill school friends from North East- hupe: “New. Peter McGillawee. Alex. Chalmers, Fleming Chalmers. Lorne Ruppers, Alvin Roth and Lorne McMillan. The floral tributes were very beautiful and silently ex- pressed the sympathy so evident on every hand, Rev. and Mrs. H. R, Mmsig and two children and Mr. Clarence Buehlow. 21-111mm} last Saturday from a pleas- ant motor trip through the States of New York and Connecticut. For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. NO MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S OWN' TABLETS The funeral at Minute B. Helm. who died after a lingering lune-o " but home in Port Huron, mm. I“ held on Wednesday to Riverside Cemetery The demand was born m Atwood 37 years ago, the daugh- ter ot Adam Benet. and the late Mrs. Baler, She spent her glrlhood dlya new and moved with her parents to Port Huron some 15 years ago. She is survived by her used father. The remains were taken to Trinity Lutheran Church from where the funeral was held. The pastor, Rev. H. Musig had charge of the service. The pail bearers were Ezra Hammer, Edward Ran. Herbert Hamel. John Flitht‘r Lorne Ritz and Herbert Luft. Mn. Mme Foley. Raymond English. Huron are“, had several tib- fractured and was badly bruised and eat whoa tho By: dro pole on which he III at wort broke precipitating him to the gmund. it will be several weeks before Mr. English will be able to tesume his duties. Died At Port Huron. Sula“ Fran-rod Rib. und Cots. othor Nun "do. " IImL HYDRO LINRMAN INJURED WHEN POLE IS BROKEN To the People of Elmira Important ANNOUNCEMENT We Aim to Give Musicians, of Waterloo County Complete Service. . Mr. Brine will carry a complete stock of our goods at all times for the convenience of our Elmira customers so that they will be able to get anything in the line of music at the some prices as obtain in our Kitchener store. Mould the particular piece of music not be in stock " the time of your request " will be procured for you in the shortest time possible. Strahl‘s Musical Instruments and Sheet Music MR. C. E. BRINE OF BRINE‘S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE NEW HAMBURG has been appointed agent for I The auditorium: of the Baptist churt‘h was well filled on Monday jntgm when Miss Theresa M. Siegel. dramatic reader and entertainer of :Calgary presenteda popular program yonslstlng ot the following: "Try Smiling," "An Abandoned Kiope hienl." "Hudoo's Paradise." "Home." Chiruce, the story of a fine dog." "The Ball Game," A pleasant halt hour on the beach." "At the Photo- graphers." “Five cent; tar Luck." and "Keep Ageing.” lnterpemed throughout the program were sever- '31 selections by the Hostetler Octet. an organ solo by Mrs. Cookson and 'a piano eroio by Miss Margaret lGelger. This concert was sponsored under the auspices of the B.Y.P.U. IWomen‘l Innitute Meet. The pupils of the High and Public Tuesday with friends in Hampstead Schools spent Friday and Saturday. --re----------- afternnmm at Fountain Park in Minaul‘s Llnlment tor Chest Con athletic sports of all kinds which gestion. Miss M, Abraham and Miss G. Charters of Chatham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. G. H. Meyers. Jacob street. A meeting or the New Hamburg hockey enact-lion we: held In the Commercial Hotel. Monday, Oct "ttt for the new of reorganizing the Club for the season of 1930 and 1931. The seeretarr-trmusumsr's re- port tor the past year showed that the receipts were $419.08 and expen- diluree $319.92. leaving a balance in 'the bank of $99.16. In likelih00d an intermediate team will be entered in the 0.H.A. this season but this matter was left tor the executive committee to decide. The election of otncera resulted as lulluws: Hon. ornry presidents. Messrs. John Bitsgeman, Fred Debue. L. Hahn and Edward Merner; Honorary past president, George J, Hahn; Presi- dent. K. F. Scherer; Secretary'tmas» urer. W. H. Fewkes; Executive. H. Aiatzenmtitsr, H. Grundenherger. W. Cuibert (trainer). Dr TI B. Pelck 'ang Dr. W. R, Auden-mu; Auditor. it. Luckhariit. ‘Splendid Concert. Mm. O. H. Becker In spending sump time on a visit to hor parents, Dr, and Mrs. Browning at Exeter. Misur Alice Gotorth or the local primary school and Miss Pearl Maklns, teacher or Sr-hooi No. li, Wilmot, attended the Perth County Teacher-3' Convention In Strattord on Thursday and Friday. Their schools were therefore closed for the two days. The Waterloo County Tpar'hers' Cottverrtion will be held at Kitchener on Thumday and Friday ot this week which the other teachers of the local public school expect to attend Personals. i The October meeting or the New Hamburg branch of the Women's lnnslitute was held last Tuesday. In the absence ot the president, Mrs. L. Hahn. the lest vice-president. Mrs. Fl (‘ooksom presided. Mr. Hammond of London gave a very comprehen- sive talk on the work which ls car- ried on by the Canadian National Institute for the blind in Toronto.l The Convener of the Freeport Conn mittee. Mrs. L. Hosteller. then re- ported that the annual card party in aid or that instituliou is to be held in the Masonic Hall on Thurs-. day evening. Oct. 16th, lt was also ‘derided to hold the annual fruit shower tor Freeport on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 22nd. On motion of Miss Clara Graft and Mrs. K. Kalh- fleisch. Mrs. F'. Cookson was appoint- ed as delegate to attend the annual convention which is to convene in London on November 4. 5. and 6th.l A well prepared paper on "Current Events" was read by Miss Lily Bau- er after which Mrs, L. Hostetler gave a very instructive paper on "This History ot Oar Locality." Much interest was shown in "old time handiwork." some pieces ofI needlework exhibited were worked nearly a hundred years ago. I Teacher's Convention. ticiiiU In W, Harvey. hommn. at To ronto. who had a an»; ot homes in (mining hare tor tho m! moon. had the mluonnno to hmk his no; white drlrluz one ot In. houn- In I race " the Caledonia uh. There win; a lane tiqtd of and- and sev- erll1hories so! Into a many with the result that Mr. Haney In thrown trom his milky. He was rev moved to a Kitchener hospital Arhere he ts making satisfactory pro- arena," Hockey Chub. - Whoo' Hum Got tmto Iii-I. at "soc-lo-od to K. & W. “capital. HORSE” HARVEY SUFFERS BROKEN LEG AT CALEDONIA and Surrounding District l Mr, and Mrs. W. N. Allingham 6spettt Tuesday in Harriaton. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harkvu of Linwood spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Alllngham. VSevera] of the farmem of this ber" Hon spent Monday at the Elmira fair. Mrs. John Luge] and son Michael and daughter Luella spent Saturday with friends in Waterloo. Mr Robert AlUngham of mum-m spent Friday with relatives on the line. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. MacTavish spent Tuesday with friends in Hampstead Mewm. Jas, MacTavirsh and Wil- Ham Newton were huslneas visitors in Kitchener on Friday. ' Mr. Isaac Lighthart had the mis- tortaue while painting to talt from a ladder and fracture his leg. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Bowman m Guelph spent Sunday with the fur- mer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hum. man. Mr. “its moved Into Mr. Young's house on Jacob street. vacated hy Mr. Bruer. Mr. Orth and family moved lo Sebringville on Friday where ho has secured work. Messrs. Jas. Rat: and P, A. Lawn. “ere in London last Sunday, Miss Vera Nihrgang of Kildn-mr spent the week-end with her par- eats, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nahrgang Mrs. L H. McDonald of Wallace [own spent the week-end with lll'l mother. Mrs. V. Ratz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Small of Kit- chener with family spent Sunday with the latter's father and sister, Mr. S. D. Peacock and Grace. Silas Edna Wilheslm has gunv to Detroit to spend a week “ilk Mr and Mrs. Roy Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boettxtw of Munklon with tamlly spent Sutulay with their parents. Mr, and Mrs. Fur» lea and Mr. and Mrs. Boeturer, Miss Edith Heckendorn of lumxlm visited at the home ot Mrs. Ir, Becker. Dr. T, B. Felt-k and Miss Ruth Moore left on Thursday tor Kirkland Lake. where they will be the guests at Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong fur a week. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Maxwell aud daughter Margaret. Glenn and James Maxwell or Pigeon. Mich., Were vlsllurs with triends in New Ham- burg and vicinity. Mr, “new Schultz and Misses Mabel and Nettie Schultz accompanied them back to Pigeon tor a short visit. Mr. John Betthusd Mrs. Bull and family were Sunday visitors with Mm. Harold Appel. Mr. Wm. Grosser ut Kitchener was a visitor with Mr Enos. Chrkstner on Monday. ___ _ Mrs Norman ‘Krupf and Mie,s Sophia Betzner of Kitchener >prlll the week-end with their mother, Mtii. Catharine Betzner. who celebrated her "lath birthday Last Friday Mr. and In. J. Rachel And (anally 'ud III- A. sumo“ ot Bmttord upon! Sunday at the [some of Mr. and In. J. I. Reid. ' The Misses Emma and Sylvia (no! accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Cream and family return- ed home trom a two weeks visit by motor touring through five Southern lSIates. namely. Michigan. Indiana, Ohio, New York. and Pennsylvania. Mr Weston Krupp or Woodstock paid a visit to his father who 1.; can fined to bed through Illness on Sun- day. - Mr. and Mm. Victor Voss and two children and Mr. Clarence Hall left tor Detrolt after spending a week with their aunts, Mrts, J. Sahel and Mrs. Henry Elehler. not a” -4teeut?.tt" W. are plan.“ "t hour that B. B, Krupp who has been seriously ill tor several week: is unusual im- proved. Hin lnlny friends hope that he may soon be restored to complete health The new bulletin board recently Installed at St. George‘s Anglican Church, New Hamburg presents a handsome npumnce and In readily legible at a considerable distance. The cabinet work was a donation of Mr, Conrad L Forler ot Philimburtr. Mr. Goon. B. Kuhn-y not“ with " many to Station: on Tu- sh: than in - 'Starqrt ot the Hare. Clothing own. Tho Pout one. block and the [If 'l-dare" block have been re train-Cd in 49ch by the “In!“ ot th- woodwork. Mr. Danni 11rumitrest"srtttrr and In: Halon urundoatrerrqror attended the Inner-l ot the late Mr, Alfred Schmidt at Bebrtuvme on Monday -wuUuuri"a V" 'iirruidi tyln no at MLMnudL new In. In emu. DOHKINO rtdrtrmvc In lho morning Mn (Smut: Lotion " ":1"an wlth hor thunder Vir- lun non-nun II Elmira Mr and Mn Ronnie llamlllnn of Hanover spent tho wm-k-nnd with Mr and Mm W Howlalt A numhrr from hun- attended tho Rrtnivrtrriarv <nnhw at Zion and at Wlntortrournrr un Sundnr Thon- will tter Sundm' srhunl a? 930 a m m-Vl Sunday murninz. but nu rhunh corvimx lhorn hem: anni- vprmrv norvinm a! "hmmmzdaln at ll “In and 7510 pm Tho Roe A M Hamilton of tlnolph will (In! tho Mr and Mn Krain Mr4itr.or "I hvmmvilln “mm Sunday with Mr and Hum Myron 1.01:"va Mr and Mm PM, Ihvhhnrlhnm and family Hum! Sunday with Mr and Mrs " Luann Mr, Hobr,rt AM»): of Brentwood (ML-d nu Trio-nth: horn last weak. Mr John [hum of Watordown call- r-rl an {Honda hut wnnk. Mr and Mrs H, C, Woods called an Mrs David Burnt-N at tho Hun- pital on Sunday M r. and Mrs K. Humel of Kitchen, Pl' nnllml on ru-latlvw horn on Sun- rm) Sznlllu and Mise, ViNa Stimuli. Mrs 1.1mm» Salum- ond “in: Ed"). and Str. Hmlu " lln-m‘ of Waterloo. Mr, and Mrc Alvin lhmnu-ic-r at Lin- um- l, Mies Imuiw- and Goo. Huotrner u: Huwkiv,villra, Mr. and Mm, John Lips“. Mr' :an-l MN. Hmtry Hiernuy- mun» .uul mum. 1psuieq Gordon and “mam. autl Mr and Mrs ftwichert mu! Sun nl' Hamburg: and Mr and Mn |n>ul~4 Slim" and family ot “ml-Mun YI '. .Iuhn Kruz-um‘ and Eldon were nu n businws trip to Woodstock mm may ".\i.\ \vm-k. I‘Lill visit St h: ”a: Alu,. Ruhr». " former school unwary ot' Hun] Hvi-lullmrg school, l,ttt 'irrv. nu tlt" u-zwhim: and! ot the Kilwwutz‘ puhlic “drunk was a um-h-n-nd \‘I~‘ilur with the Misses Lam-41.: und Hannah HruPndle tlit, “2mm Maurer of Upper “mum. h sprmt " in“ days with her “I. Ila», Ur auit Mb A Krauter. YI' and Mr,, Wilton I'vppitu' and ‘Lnn‘lll'x “"1131 dt Waterloo, sppnl Sunday with Il r .uul Ut's John voll, ITII'X' :md l) ' 1%” H" Kov'nh \l l nu" HI.» “”1er Wain-rs and "ve, lane's “4|th um! “may of To. mult “mp “vein-ml numb:- ot' Mr. and “rs J. (mm. .\l' and Mrs Chas. Heipet and Ilrs, (mm of [Lulvu and Mrs Har- burr, Sunk-x m Kiti.uew and Mrs. Lnllim c4itttlrwte ot' \anvrloo hp?!“ Sunday “ill! Mrs. Mary Sauler, M _ Aulhuny \\'.-m-r and hum-L ”when and (‘hu'luu from ttear Neu- .I.ulx \Iu-m .1 Uay uilh ltr and \lrs vl-Jll KIIIIJPL M". and Mrs. anl'y Lurch Hi (inwnlhllmn and Mr and Mrs. "I'll"! Knlpv ot t'ut'tsville tipetlt Sunr'.uy with Mr. aml Mrs. Alonzo Hah:t " H Snvoroizn, prinrilml of In" puhlu- M-huul. apt-m lln- week-end at h 'i" h-mu- in Uildmay. IU and 1lr, Ed Koehler and Mr, and Mia Hd Imvrr “rpm Sunday II:'I:; run! .m-i Il Mn and ur, Will "cintpel aid sl.tu:hlt" Mari. and Mlss Kain llullupv| Mlt'mlml " farewell party. Len-MM] lo Mv. and Mrs. Henry Urn-mm "f Hutubtug Mr Uremm was ihts lu-el’ riu/ lmIA-lwr of that art- turn :ur tln. lust numln-r of 3mm and mtsmur, "whim: 'tti, home in Wa, teyl -u in the wry Tit"rtl' lulurv Wiener Roast. IP., :cnturday mummy the Tlis.se, Lau tHitt "nd llnmmh lime-Hulk: MI- 1ertoimul " numlwr ol' their friends' In " nil-134w min! at tlntir Itotue non-1.1 ot' the, villuvos, Rally Day. thuulrty Svlum! Rally “as Itebl in the Hunt-Mira) l'hun-l) an Sunday itts.yniuc_ Spu‘idl singing and eooakl inc .H-lv humrm or the program. Hun .~:.hu--|m- of Kitthvoter and III Ill-wow " Ru, sump-1k.- of Kim‘wnm‘ and Ru and 1lo, Srhulw. and small son of Ian-am»! wry-:- gawk; Sunday with lies. and Mrs li, J. Lamack. Thu Misris Lumiso and Emma Fries l i Mr-ai' Elmira sptuut the week-0nd with Hu-ir mmhvr Mti,, Caroline thts Hun and [m], TEN YEAR OLD GIRL 8300va AFTER OPERATION Fritsudtb and ascttoolmatat. wlll to (Ind to know that um. um Flot- euce Hahn and 10 years nun-0.10 her home on Wednesday [at Week after being tour weeks In (no K-W hospital ms a result or an operation (or appeudicitu, Amer bums there three necks Florence Ind to album to allulher uperutlon but we I: now well enough to be home. Her nurse. Mtss Arburkle, is still with he! Taking up potatmns and mangle: is the order uf the day The potato yield is good III this district, Mr, Jun: Krunxvr gal 1le wagoulualls {rum mm and " half acre on his (arm I’M-Ito Huh. Convdood-g Nicely Al Hot "o-.---'-'- Put). Surprise Party, 0.. Sax-saga” ewulug trieuds and neunuum m- nh, number of about an, surprsed Mr. Will Helulpel t his home an Ute “chum of fl"At'dllfl day The eVrnillS was spent in games and in a social way after whirl: tetrettttututt, were served Good Potato Yield. My. and Ur (Mu: hlvr “an llvlllllw| .ulm: Len! urn] lo , Urn-mm ur Hutu [hp beef Ii“: Fnrndu mum her a speedy and safe Record Sized Manoles. Ti" "tl lit. all”! ll r "I W EST MONTROOI d 1lr, Ed Koehler And Mr, Ed Ibwrr “rpm Sunday aitl, \lr .uul Mrs. Harry d ll r) Will " SI Jul-NIH v, ith Mm unusual. Srlnun-r and u an- Sunday Cat herine Mr and Mrs "roh Toman M Kit. rhnnnr spot" Sunday ttt the homo ot 1ho hula-fa panama. Mr and Mn hymn Rrtttotrte The, i-lm‘llon ul Jurors by the Tuwmlhlp ofrirtttlm wan prurnndod with tttst Prldny “mm In ConmMrrqo, on hum!” Ort Inn. to Mr and Mrs Prod Rtre. town“, A non Tho Milton Poil family. who have qurttmerrul at Ihnir panama In this “Hana have rmurnnd to (hair City home Hm; and Mrg A (lrunwalul ot To mum. worn nailing frinnda hora kart Friday Mr and Mrs. S U. "will and Mr and Mrs l‘lanznon Boan and daugh. lor worn visitors at thp home of Mr and Mtxa, Appel on Sunday Mr. and Mrs Clayton Mayor, Miss Royal and Mr hummer Waht visited at the home or Mr. and Mrs Andrew Wahl on Sunday Mr, and Mor, w H. Srhanor vim ml [Mu-nth at N. E Holm on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. c, w. Welker of ”shun-I visited will] Mr. and Mrs P FI Walker on Sunday. Raw and Mrs S H.-rimihtel "pe'ttt I l tew days at Zurirh la,,t week. . Mrs A. H. “Man-r i, replacing the pot'rlt trvr'r hs-r from door with a mm 'n larger mm. Mr I) J 5'1th ie: pnnhag " now luv->1 nu his sllbn- house, the old t-,rltorrl building Tlu, metr's adult hihlu c his! of lilo Kvamrvlica1 Chtttth are hnlding a hihln class rally to take place on Thursday evening of October tho zilrd In Caivary Church here, Adult rlassm; of liriduoport and Kitchener Zion Chum-luvs are Joining the local this»: In prm'idinz the magnum which will consist prlm'ipally ot music, im atrurtusntal, as wall as vuml. A rich minim! (ml is in 'ttore for all who will ant-ml Mr T S. 1hrpvlatul In». beo.n on thrs tii, k list tor a week or so. To Hold Rally. * Sunday F Mr. and 'trs Alvin Lirhtv draw m Cromarty on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Parsons, Mrs Parsons was Miss. Finkheiuer “In-n “hr taught school hora Mr and Mrs Henry Gilles and Mr, and Mrs Alf Girlos and daughter III-1: n, and Mrs J. l.. Weber visited I'rimuls All Stumbling un Now Dundee -n Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hum: nr Flush-y inn-duct- ml the Harvest Home service in the [mm-rm. ('hnrrh on Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs, Ralph liruhurlu-r 'trnl Mr tlllll Mr: I'.ll\in P.rulrat%os "nth-d 1-! Nu- hum" " “re Anson Hrulmrlwx' nu Sunday Sunday H>ilnrs ut lhu ltome ot Mr. and Mrs. Jar-H) Pantler were: M rs. J V Addie; " u I] dzluzhtpr Jessie Mr. and Mrs, Will Addie, and ,ot" Roy. ot Gulf. aml Mr, and Mrs, Itoy Pantlur and family. Stratford. Mac. Hetrtwig and daughter Margar- H. and Mr I-Iluulm- Itietrich and family. Kilchvm-r. Mr and Mrs, Nummn Hrubnvher and Family visited aith Mr. and Mrs, "avid Suudnr at Iuosuttirtgdale un Sunday F Mr. and Mr I'vrnl‘nss and Mr. null Mrs. “oh-how: ot' Hridgunnr: visited with Mr and Mrs, "en. Elly am Sunday Mr and MN. Lungm'rr of Spring Fit): Pa, are spending a week in tlt" virHnity visiting I‘rivud-z. Messis horn" tichlitt. Simeon Huwnuu and Norman Shoemzlkrr -;-.-ul Sunday al 1'ollingsvoott Mr Lincoln Lirhiy. Mr and Mn- Wm. Thalep and Ali‘s Clara Thoms visual] at Millhauk uu Sunday Ur um] blrr, Sm]: Erurl and child m "etroit rink-Al nivmls and jzclutinw new over tlte week-bud. Mr. Eli 1brmbacher radial at Ki- min on Sunday Mr. and Mrs A. Gies were at Kit- sinner and Galt an Sunday Mr and Mrs Wilfred Imyr wow Sunday “.414an mm \lr and ylrs, ”award Ulr: Mie,s t'liu‘a Inn-21m ku-r ul Kitchen- or “as a Klltwl at Iva “uh Mrs. Ate «m "rulraclurr. ' _ Mr Wm lhwl lnwkq-r visited ftuotir, m the {illum- an Sunday. Mr, Gtitr. Huefner and Miss flatt m-r ol' llzlwkmriih- twill-ll with MI' um! 311w. Wm. llvilvr on Sunday Mr and Mis. Chas. Hols]. Hun Al- fred and Mr Waltz-r Srhunvr In.» lured to Hamilton on Sunday. lie-ism llvrmau Lcitutski und John H. Tin-ms uttended the hand. will" in Flurudah- Mr and Mn Androw ("on end Mr C. J. TRAPP 11.399292; The chief euraeteriatic. of a bargain in V-luo. Choc-o the m that [in ttmth' dollar-for-doll-r value and you have “and a luau; bug-II. Bath. nun you ind. bro accurately. Where can you duplicate the potion-l. soul-hou- and” of Ian who on thrir own stores-Who buy in well tremsndouu quantities u to “lure the ht'"t,ex tree who deliver, and “and a» a personal guarantee behind every Add. sold. than have learned that by doing all their mopping u the Superior cum Stare. they Ire far ahead in the and Try us once and yuu‘ll agree that . We Sell the Best For Load DERBY LOAF CHEESE None Better. r. lb. loosen ll 23: lb. " lbs. or over at ttV Good Mild CANADIAN CHEESE Me per lb. CONIOTOOO . Eddy'n SILENT MATCHES Ida-I for - mulling In bulk, tV per It 6 FLY CATCHERS LI FEBUOY SOAP ST. JACOBS CORN PLAIN-IS CAUHTIC, SODA Nona Better. 3 boxdefor 25c In null. {or to. Tho Mould! Sun 3 cake. for Me , Qua-Lat for 2Sc THESE 15111633100610?! ONE wan Est What In a ea1PttttMtMmtttMmttttmnMtMmntttntmnnnitmttMtittMmttmnttntttttl Mr, Circus. " Stroll and daughter, Hr; Gen. Emellbarh, Messrs, Chas. and Geo, Herman. Mrs. Wm. Becker dcty :Jnl Erma and Corn All at Elmira mar.- "citor.s at the Struh hum» near [hr villazu on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heidlinger of Baden and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Con- rad of Elmira were Sunday visitom with rvlatirer, and friends in the village Mr and Mrs. Walter Sham: and w us Arthur and Murray were visit actt Mrs. Elm] Kuitscheusky or Mr ll. "chill-s of Kitchettar was HAIIulqu. “we Surniay guests at n Sunda) vlsitor at the home or Mr, rlse hum-I or Mr and Mrs Vat, Gian and Mrs Moore Hm Ur and Mrs Geo. Pinch of Kltrh- l' '."'. . _ . mum “vx'x- vislt'trig rvlattves here ott 1.3.1:"? Elfin)“ " _lt?ste "eeyi, Sunday Corner (‘uphoards _ , . . V _ SIS to 830 Welsh Sideboard. walnut. a handsome pieee_..,,.,..,.,.......,..,,, 75 60 Old Secretaries. well preserved. _ _ _ . . . _ . . l $30 and 340 The latter is inlaid. Heavy Ofnee Table. not" walnut. 2 drawers _ T F . 325 About 3y, by c, feet. Pollcl’ and Ipildlo bode and nun, other pin-u at reduced Frieo.. Alvnyo open during tho day end on Silurduy evening Vinita" welcome, The More In in eharge of Mr. A. Flederleln. bined. cherry . t . . V . $15 and $20 Walnut Sofa. small size ......‘.,,._. Walnut Sofa, medium sin u . , . . _ . _ . _ High Poster Bed. maple...-.,-., Bureaus. Cherry and walnut. $18 to $35 Spinning Wheels. small T _ $10 to 815 large . . _ $.Tto 88 Corner (‘uphoards . . _ . F . $15 to 830 Article Grandfather Clock. 150 years old. brass works made in Scotland. oak case 'Georgitotdesdittt..,-........,. Round five legged dining table, no leaves, diameter 5 feet, cherry; suitable for club or board room; seatsi0................,...... Walnut sideboard. beaded. plain lines. Table. oval, three leg. cherry . . . _ . _ _ . High Writing Desk and Book Case com. NEW DUNDEE SPAETZEL BLOCK l, Reduced Prices While They Last 5 Frcahly ground. II “I: per lb N o, No. tto. Very dressy -r----thn_ weight-At $100 per pair, No. s It will pay you to look over our stuck before buying elsewhere. with Mrs Srhium-in, tun-r Sun- Special " induct wide, at 20: per yard Telephone 2300 It7 KING ST. WEST - - Axminster Mats Plain and patterned mats in thv 27 and 36 inch sizvs. Very moderate in price, Sand. Taupe and Blue grbunds. with floral, medal- lion and oriental designs. Being seamless they will assure you of splendid wear and appearance. Seamless Axminster Rugs Soft and harm" ~~ Double bed lite -- "" per puir HEAY Y STONE CROCKS A GOOD SOFT FLEECY FLANNEU0TE Womdrrftn anu.‘ Size 4-6x T6 " Special Size 6.9x9 - Special Size 9x10-6 " Special Size 9x 12 " Special nil.- nu the Try ”our Bood RIO COFFEE nu $tHilltElTEllt8' Antiques MEN’S NICE STRIPED PANTS With Hard deeoratioo - Very duh-Cy. _ TV Fr _ _ __. N» 2 Cup. and Saucon for 25: CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS $3.73 to $6.50 FL) N N F'LE'h'E BLAN K1rrs HOUSE FURNISHINGS Special Showing of Some of the Bargains 81.00 Mil!!! W.O““.--"- Great souls have wills. feeble ones, wishes. Doro-duty. Jo ' of a...“ rum 1 we Heart. Fain“ Me-y. Prion” us but. tor " sdd by all drunk“. or mailed in phin tkr. on _rrer.eir1ea.cyte eeee.tiee Messrs. Myron A. Letson and Clifford Snider were on a bushes: trip to Oshawa over the weekend. ' fun cont Lunch“ for lot Ike. on rertitat a price. "hr gag-pun W ' e THE WOOD MEDICINE co. Tom-1o. on. LICORICE ALL SORTS V-lwo at 25: lb. Reversible Wool Mats So serviceable and sighlly for the bedroom and hall; new designs and colors. Priced as to size,- INFANTS DELIGHT SOAP 4 “in for Me WOOD’S PHOSPHODINE SALTED PEANUTS Fruit, ID: tb. CHEWING GUM Att new. $4.55. $5.35 to $14.00 Tee Great Kati-Ah Pun-n... Toes 4nd Invigmua the link nervous system. malt:- new In“ in old Vnm. Used [or Dig-cu Fiiiiti, EQaELZQZg." if" " Regular Rahal Price Priso $100 $13.50 $23.50 $36.50 KI'NHENER 30 25 25 " for 4L3 20 Mt TY 1 s 25

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