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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Dec 1929, p. 19

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' . . . Blue White beauties nrtistieally set in fascin- ating White Gold mount- Diamond Rings giver t Gift 8 JEWELRY. It. during charm and . . dainty oblong, square. octagon and round models in beautifully en- graved White Gold. Some encrusted with precious stones. LAVALLIERES A N D BAR PINS . . of the very latest design. An ex- quisite may. FRANKS LITTLE enough , man expects for Christmas, but what he does hope is that it will be USEFUL. Which means . . . JEW- ELRY is his idea of . real gift! Wrist Watches tlt-ith-ut-. Bttrtrtqhttaeh.mq $15.00 up $350!]? $1.00 up Three Tons of Christmas Cake for Twin City What is ettnaidemd . record tnl Christmas cake baking by any Amr in Ontario except than making a‘ “new” of this line, has just boon established by William Bendemn & Sous. Waterloo taken, who this won have had to make three too of Chriotmu fruit cake in order to supply the demands of their CMB- tomen in the Twin City. In police com on loud” bum Ruby, ot the Walnu- Houu in con- loncod to tour months after hem; round guilty of htserttirtq liquor tor. nle. Ruby's room In; raided by police and liquor seized. Chan. Hum. mel burtonder melded not guilty to 5011111; thuor. The chum - un- endod to one of harrirstr liquor and he DORNE RUBY GETS FOUR MONTHS’ JAIL SENTENCE TORONTO INTEREST MAY PURCHASE KITCHENER PLANT charge against Joseph aner of Inv- lng liquor tor Bale v" mainland. Kitchen-or 5-39.14!" Co. Plant is Reported Sold and "I, Go General manager Lloyd Modern ot the Kitchener Suspender Co., ro- fused to confirm report that thla' punt had been bought by a Tomato concern. It I: however learned on good authority that negotiations on practically moved to Toronto. Mr. Hesodorn it I: underatood will Inl- use the new plant. The new”! here manufacturers shirt. nnd lun- pendem. _ l, use the new plant. The [actor]! The impression is that the ma- here mnutacturers shirt. end lun- chine is going to revolutionize har- pendem. _ Heating. It does away with an en- -'-'-"----"--"". lormous amount of labor which in c. M. BOWMAN ON not only expensive. but which must ROYAL CoMMtsMoN be taken care of during harvest The Royal Commision is " time by the farmers' wives. For this present investigating the cash pay- reason, it has been astonishing to .ments by the Dominion govern- notice the interest that farm women meat to Alberta over the return of are taking in the machine, And the the natural rewurcea to the prov- eagerness with which they are per- present investigating the cash pny- reason, it has been astonishing to; Mr. “d MrB. Anton Yagtta Mr. and .ments by the Dominion govern- notice the interest that fern: women Mrs. Allen Yams and Mr. and MrB. ment to Alberta over the return of are taking in the machine, and the C. B. Yanu. doeatt Sunday with Mr. the natural resources to the prov- eagerness with which they are per- and Mrs. C IL Behyrartmtstrtrttar. inces. Mr. C. M. Roman, chair- sanding their men (on: to buy it. Meears. Hesasrr Baum, M. Strum. man of the Board of Directors of --.eH._r..er-_------- Gordon Rancher. In. Gideon Ha, the Mutual Life of Canada, u a now an BY CAR -liriGii; and mu Ruby run-char member of the Commission. Ernest Weller, Park Bt., aged 8 went BIN“!!! Ill Kitchener. He also served on the Commis- years, was badly cut and shaken up; Mr. WIT?” Econ attended the sion which fixed the amount to be when knocked down by a motor car! "outgtin 3-10. Mid near Brannon! paid to the province of Manitoba. while coming King St. The driver roedttttr. _ -...._----r----. of the car, Gordon Brandon, was gr.‘ Mr. and In. Otto Boshart visited BOY RESCUE!) AFTER rested and charged with criminal In New Eleanor; recently. JUN-PING FROM DICK negligence. He was remanded oni Mr. and urn. David Boahart spent A must-old Hexican boy. who hail of $1.000. . [Sunday with Mr. and In. Dan Stein- BOY RESCUE!) AFTER JUMPING FROM DICK A [Gwen-old Halal: boy. who had heard Inch glowing tales of life in New York that he risked MI life to spend Xm- hero with (Home. was nBhed from the icy were" of the Ndrroms Mondey morning It dawn, after making a desperate ct- fort to trrrt Into this country. Almost exhausted trom bulb. the tide after he had plunged hon: the deck ot the Ward Litter haunt" Armin. anchored a quantum. and hum Inn hut In! to no“. Rb cardo Pare: was pulled to aatotr by June: Banana. "with“ at tho ‘Qumllno union. "Whoever an: to Ian will ul- van find a teaqher." 'tttit 'h-uct-aria-rr ti'i-rir-qeranatkirt tihaotuMirvrChrui. tt--daluirr Na ,-trrtaiiiaia Micah” t,teeroe.oyhtthe a a... ttttWT I. 3003!. n07. gang a. mud-rand“ bun-minnow“ A: to Toronto. .1 'n. [Ewan L. F. DIZTRJCH. EAYOR. u_. v . Mr. Thom declared that the de.. mand tor the new Combine-Threah~ era is far ahead of what they will be able to supply this coming year. Inquiries have reached their branches in Western Canada not only from.hundreds of Canadian farmers, but from numerous tarm- It?. in United States. Although they .will have some machines ready to ship in February. they will not he [iii to supply onedenth of the de- mand next year. Dealers are urg- ently bidding for machine.’ and Harmer: have actually went in orders accompanied by deposit cheques to linsure delivery. " COMBINE 'r1llllllislBli2 B General Me: A. T. Thou otWeteHttr_r_Mfrca._RAt'mtt' There la great demand for the new combine tine-her, according to a statement made‘by A. T. Thom, general unnacer of the Waterloo Mamsfaeturirte Co., who recently returned from an extended bnineaa trip through the Canadian Went. In accordance with plans made with ‘the Sunshine Harvester Works of Ielhonme. Australia. the new con- ibine threaher will be manufactured jst the Waterloo plant. The machine ha created A -n-l'. nation in the egricnltunl implement industry, and It in expected that ill .I wilt so far towards changing an“, min economic aspect: of fuming. The company in now showing mov-' S ing pictures of the threaber in, operation in farming communitieu. Farmers are coming in from miles tg around to see them. I! STEAL w 1 Hold-up men ohm-mod over ”7 It ml: when they 901nm revolnn at Lee June. Tproprietor of the Domin- Ion Cafe at Tillmnburs shortly “car " o‘clock Sunny Mam. They nub-o- quontly eluded voile. and were hit - driving a not car may how the town on Highway No. l. . CURL!” AT TORONTO Wdtorloo m 1',,'r.1"l1,1 at as meant curling to“)!!! at ammo In t rink courting the I." known cud "tom curloro, Cm enl- dor, Dr. P. G. -. W. h Shop- mud and Wm. 43. lick-Jul. MWufemTrip. m. g. ' an. IN DEMAND :POMIIIIO . - , Mr. and In. Wilts: sum: spent Sunni” In Kitchener. 'uouu'nu-nmlu- “Ml-w.” “dulwma 'mt-a-tge.-.- "vanitmvh‘ “amt.“- until-Mich“ dumuAKqu-Iva “tab-Inn”... dem.auanIo-¢ WWNWOWQ Mr. And In. A. H. Snyder and son. Mr. menu-t. Snyder have I. ‘tnrnod from an extended mu to nomad... l lunch-w ' mm m'mumm "i-ta-troot-tar any of Ill-flick. Mtutaah, Clut- taraeMr.andMm.lolrtngA. (allowing a - m-. at - noun. The bulb: lanai. In ploy“ a the um and” Com In Waterloo. m I. A tr-ttee ot St. Inn‘s . c. church. 8h. In mind by in menu and two brother; w.ue-at the " trasritat, Doc. tt, to Mr. um In. John WM. a son. Way-M St. Ian'- hound. Doc. mm. to Mr. and In c. J. Wane: of Wallaby. n daughter. holiday - at Mr. and In. J. t Shin. SCHOOL BOARD The Vtclncy on the School In! tttttmed by the animation ot In" M. Bruckner I!“ filled on Hominy when the school bond named All“ Mary It. Johny of mutton at n salary ot $1300. Ilesnu. Eldon and Reuben Schwtr magnum» attended a wedding of a friend near Joseph-burg on Ttttme Mes-n. Jack and In. Schmidt called on Mr. Fred Schneider on Sunday. . Mr. Duld Yum in on th sick tut. His friends with him a speedy to covery. . Mr. and Mn. Dnvld Bosh“! open! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dun Stein- mn ot Mn. I PERSONALS Mr. Alex. Dietrich ot 1"“. Sash. I. “lulu with his uncle. bout B. Dietrich. Mr. - trmqhtirm attended the Guelph Winter Fair hut Wetland”. Mr. And In Clarence Roth Ind (unnat- Morena. won "all gut-u ot Mr. and In. M. Jacky. Public school my". will he (Ina Thur-d” dim at I do“ Friends will tto my to Inn an: In. Join mum had no alum-no to injure not in. which will con (In. her to tho been tor noun-o. The cum-n .2. main; foe the an“! Girl-ulna omen-In- -ttouuuintutoentetareh It. and In In" Noah m It. C. MON. lb “M“ m I Mr. and In. Geo, Mann-'- m It. and In and" PMeH, and faanttr, Il- Im thtaetHt, It. igtd In. 000. - and M jMn.JI-:IMI.II.M ‘M‘MImAlulm 1 In. “a In. A“ Dad. 'Ma.fmt&rtaAr.qt8t.the$Mee* {annual-manna. _..unn.wn-nnp.m. - Vail. Mn. Chaa. Boner of at. [out are A Kerry Clix-Inna to All! ”WW “Minn ENGAGE TEACHER OT. AGATHA PINE HiLL ImVllLI ”cutout! St! I. It. Yesterday morning tho Waterloo tire brigade wu called out to .. “th a his” in the tallorug chop ot R. Brannon. ' King, tu.. N. " marinated atovo otpo was tho an" ot the (in. Mr. Ct. t Puddieomho van on I Mair:- trip to than!!!” on Tue» day ' In Ll. J. Quinn spent I few days but week with her not. R. W. Gn- ham and - at Sanford. Mr. Nick Gazebo of Pigeon. Inch” - Palladium f Bobbin Garage & Electric Company gtra"i -eenaiemfatrtter.R'ettereherotutemrerr_t" "tchruunassr.o.trnhm-eeenah-tethe taartefrat-rnsdee-rereamrr-. Irremamanmr tr-tte-rt-ttttin-ar-dir-heme-nn' ”fa-able. We has! mm a full an“. dinner. In- ehtd-Ttrrh.randPhmtr'ti,at ”tank“. Batter. tni-r-here.'"-"-""-'-", "tdr-nl-h-tMlm-twrite. rnmxorrwuluns mall-luv. . . BM “submnvdWh-uuyb. NInyanmdmolWhh“? “in INCIPIENT BLAZE Ymeeagt'ttmra-trea"aeasomttbuewoethrserdtsl1nr-t"r"h" you pay! 1gtarreamneesiroerfomtagseeam'ruiratreaseri-omrere-tub-- in every point " motor car detsiratritiiy, it were you everything you mt at splice that makes It a value! HAVWILLI Christmas Morning and a New Car! Make the Christmas Dinner 316 KING ST. W. P' biggest-umyouulgive your wife (at fully) oaeCtrrirrtmaattohettrhtandaHrtfrttr-esrt utthtbeyourcihmdtonahitadoublyntb martian”... upon! I few days hot wool with Mr. and Ian. 10-. Brannon-n and sun- ttr. Mm. Dalton Canon amt. teat Timothy in Kitchens. muses Susie and have! Bett- lchen spent the weekend with their Billet. Mrs. Abe Vincent at Pro-Mn. Mr. ,nnd Mm. can. Bullock and mm mm: Samuel wont loudly afternoon In Hutu-Illa. Min D. r. Walker spent the week- end with mend: In Kitchener. . Mr. and Mn. Jog. Brannon“ and (anally spout Sandi, It Ben. Oink rlcb's. Sloan's Road. . Tho than.) Sunday ubool enter ulnment And Chum: (no will In OLDSMOBILE Jap, ‘hold in the thumb am on Ptb day evening. Dec. "th. The “not will be unwed for no and” school chlldm at C “a, a than new commonest: at 8 o'clock. loom. Communal. Boeat--4ht Walnut}. Dee. nth. to Mr. and In. Win. Gem-Slum. I _ GIVE YOUR " 'i') WIFE l L ATREAT - Candies Chad-ho In fancy hm I.“ what you“ I. Cadmium” , Mich?!“ m! Mu- 8|... Special Christmas Mixtures cow-nub. '.e.ert..

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